The Four of Wands in Tarot - the characteristics and meaning of the card. Four of the Tarot Wands Card - Meaning, Interpretation and Features Combination of the Power of 4 Tarot Wands


Four of Wands combined with other Tarot cards

With the card "Jester" - quit school; can't wait for the holidays.
With the "Mage" card - become a specialist.
With the card "Empress" - a holiday on the occasion of a birthday, graduation educational institution.
With the "Emperor" card - corporate party; holiday in the family.
With the card "Hierophant" - the restoration of unity.
With the card "Lovers" - the enjoyment of relationships.
With the card "Chariot" - wash the purchase of a car.
With the card "Strength" - temptation.
With the card "The Hermit" - the enjoyment of loneliness.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - a feast.
With the card "Justice" - mark the deal.
With the Hanged Man card - drop dignity.
With the card "Death" - commemoration.
With the card "Moderation" - go on a diet; limit your gluttony.
With the card "Devil" - revelry; alcohol abuse.
With the Tower card - poisoning.
With the Star card - a holiday on the occasion of the increase.
With the card "Moon" - the illusion that everything is fine.
With the "Sun" card - take solar procedures; relax by the sea.
With the "Court" card - a worthy reward.
With the card "Mir" - anniversary.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - the beginning of studies; holiday to celebrate the start of a new project.
With the card "Two of Wands" - finding yourself after graduation.
With the card "Three of Wands" - the signing of the contract and the first results.
With the Five of Wands card - property disputes.
With the card "Six of Wands" - the successful passing of the exam.
With the "Seven of Wands" card - disputable property.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - news about a joyful event.
With the Nine of Wands card, an agreement or contract promising a bitter experience.
With the Ten of Wands card - overwhelming obligations.
With the Page of Wands card - a brilliant education.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - a contract in which there is no serious basis.
With the card "Queen of Wands" - a successful project; become the mistress of the house.
With the "King of Wands" card - a major contract.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Four of Wands (staves) upright position with Major Arcana

Magician pr and lane - Rest in the bosom of nature
Priestess - Good Sign
Empress - Stable successes, farming. Floriculture. vegetable growing
Emperor - Sponsorship
Priest - Family Reunion
The Lovers - Safety and Peace
Chariot - Change environment
Justice - Entering into an agreement legally
Hermit pr and lane - Loneliness in joy
Wheel of Fortune - Period of torpor, sleep
Strength - Mutual responsibility, vicious relationships
The Hanged Man - Law Enforcement Squad Assault
Death - Moving to the countryside
Moderation - Moderate your appetites, ardor
Devil - Purchase of land, real estate
The Tower - Vacation Trouble
Star - Restored harmony
Moon - Loss of attention, absent-mindedness, unwillingness to work, study
Sun - Rest by the sea
Judgment - Fulfillment of desires
Peace - The joy of communication with peers
Jester - Carelessness, lightness

Four of Wands (Staffs) upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Swords - Reconciliation
10 Cups (per) - "A Scandal in a Noble Family"
Ace of Pentacles (lane) - Receiving an inheritance or profitable place
Ace of Pentacles - A valuable find

Four of Wands (staves) reversed with Major Arcana

The Hanged Man (lane) - Showdown, attack

Four of Staves - Minor Arcana

In terms of astrology, the Four of Staves corresponds to the third decade of Aries. It symbolizes joy, fun, games, love, as this decade is traditionally ruled by Venus.

This is the time of the materialization of the idea, which previously received a powerful impetus. If the previous two decades, and, consequently, the Arcana corresponding to them, spoke only about actions driven by the impulse laid down by Ace, then this decade speaks of achievement, of a material result.

This decade is traditionally marked by socially useful work, which is the fact of the realization of internal aspirations. It indicates harmony, contentment and development.

Other names for the Four of Staffs: Four of Wands, Four of Sceptres, Four of Spears, Lord of Finished Works.

Brief description of the Arcana: Perfect work, Harvest festival, Harvest, Profit, Result, Home, Successful problem solving, Family.

Description of the Four of Staves

The classic Arkan is an image of a happy family that has harvested a generous harvest from their land. They have worked hard and now they have time for themselves. Behind you can see a luxurious house, and the backyard is in perfect order. A bright sun shines over the couple, and the wands are a kind of triumphal arch.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, the Arcana depicts a peaceful young woman who sits at the window of her secure home. The frame of the window is symbolically represented by wands. Under the window she has a chic flower garden, which symbolizes a generous harvest. She is free from worries and can afford to enjoy the view from the window and inhale the fragrance of her luxurious flowers.

The sacred meaning of the Four of Staves

At a deep level, the Four of Wands denotes a period of transition to a completely different level of development, when a person has to leave his past without regret and come to life's freedom.

The card is marked by the energy of incarnation, but at the same time it carries the limitations of creativity, because at the moment it does not make sense: everything has already been achieved and it's time to harvest.

To understand the meaning of this card, you need to go from the Ace, which gives a strong creative impulse, bypassing the Two of Staffs with its choice of the right path, then the Three - by direct action, and then stop at the Four - the completed result, the materialization of the idea laid down at the beginning. However, this is not only a material completion, but the spiritual passage of a certain stage.

This is a map of recreation, but active recreation - an analysis of the experience gained, which can be correlated with the harvest. If the rest is passive, it will open back side cards - stagnation, a stop in development, when the harvest cannot be useful, because it will not be harvested. Do not forget that we are talking about the Wands, which denote action, therefore, even rest should be effective.

In the classic deck, the Arcana depicts a family, which symbolizes a gathering of like-minded people. In addition, it denotes a fair distribution of the harvest among all participants.

Mythological Correspondence of the Four of Staves

To reveal the meaning of the map, the narrations about Alexander's pastime after his victorious conquest of Babylon will help. He achieved the primary result, and he has time to enjoy the victory and rest on his laurels. This is a rest before moving on.

The meaning of the direct Four of Staves in the layout

The Four of Staves upright is a uniquely lucky card. It shows prosperity, a benevolent environment, well-deserved success and unconditional recognition of achievements. This is a card of peace and relaxation, which cannot be overshadowed by any troubles.

Arkan shows inner and outer harmony, enjoyment of the results of their actions, self-confidence and in the future. Behind all the difficulties, it's time to relax and fully enjoy life. This state can be described in one phrase "Life is beautiful!".

In the layout, the card can give a direct indication of a holiday, vacation or some kind of party. This is not a holiday of one person, it is a holiday of like-minded people - a family celebration, banquets on the occasion of the meeting of graduates, corporate parties.

Rest with such a card is not an idle pastime, but rather, doing what you love, time spent on a hobby or family. During this period, a person can easily relieve himself of responsibility and enjoy complete freedom.

Any issue that the Four of Wands describes will be resolved favorably for the individual. The card carries the most powerful positive energy, and you can safely say “lucky” about the people to whom it falls. The card can also predict unexpected luck, luck, but most often it is precisely the successful completion of the work begun. Such completion can be graduation, engagement, writing a dissertation, successful implementation of a long-term project. It points to the crown of that, to which much effort has been made.

Arkan also talks about the successful completion of the trip, returning home, meeting and reuniting with loved ones.

The meaning of the inverted Four of Staves in the layout

The inverted Four of Staves means that the matter has not been brought to its logical end due to the fact that there are some obstacles. A person cannot enjoy victory, although he had high hopes that the matter would work out.

The card also indicates a loss of trust in like-minded people, friends, family members, which also makes him anxious. At the moment, he needs to find peace of mind, and for this he needs to postpone the implementation of plans for a while.

The Four of Staffs upside down can also mean a family holiday, a long-awaited meeting or a party. But here it will not bring joy, but most likely, it will be overshadowed by negative memories floating from the past, as if someone will tear off the masks. Sometimes tarologists under this card mean an unconventional wedding.

In an inverted form, Arkan indicates that the situation in what is happening in a person’s life is precarious and he does not have to rely on a successful combination of circumstances. His ideas and projects need serious improvement, and sometimes even at the final stage. We have to correct some errors urgently.

This is a card of instability, fussiness, inability to mobilize oneself, including due to idleness and laziness. Sometimes a person with such a card loses faith in himself, his capabilities.

If Death (XIII Arcana) falls next to the inverted Four of Staves, then this will mean that the person acted thoughtlessly and made a number of mistakes, due to which now he will have to start all over again. When next to the Jester (XXII Arcana), we can talk about the wrong distribution of efforts.


In the layouts for labor activity, the Four Staffs will talk about a noisy holiday about the successful completion of some business, project, deal. It also denotes a fair distribution of the results obtained. This may be a bonus, encouragement from superiors, promotion.

Although the alignment is done for work, the Four of Staves speaks just about rest, and not the main activity as such. Moreover, this is a long-awaited rest, voluntary and well-deserved. One stage is over and there is time to forget about your direct duties before the new stage.

If the alignment is done for the team, then the Four of Staves speaks of an idle pastime, but this is not shirking from work, but a sanctioned holiday time. For greater clarity, we can give an example of the atmosphere in the team before the New Year, when people think not about work, but about the upcoming corporate party. In general, team spirit reigns in the team, people work without a hitch, everyone enjoys the work. Relations in the team are harmonious, because it is a team of like-minded people. Professional problems are successfully solved, and with the help of all members of the team.

Also, Arkan for people of pre-retirement age indicates a well-deserved retirement. With honors and a lot of thanks and encouragement from the authorities.

In addition, one cannot discount such importance as stability, successful implementation of tasks, and career success. This is the conclusion of promising contracts, meetings and cooperation with the right people, building personal connections, receiving patronage from a significant person.

This card would be ideal for people involved in construction or interior design, since its direct meaning is “Home”.

The card can also talk about the successful investment of finances, successful investment in other people's projects and receiving sponsorship for yourself. It means receiving high incomes, expected profits, a financially prosperous offer.

An inverted Arkan in the position of work will indicate the absence of visible and long-awaited results of work. The efforts that were made to obtain the result are not enough, therefore, it will not be possible to complete the project on time or cope with the task.

In the team there is inconsistency of actions, there is no clear organization, orderliness and harmony. In this state of affairs, it is very difficult to count on a resounding success. The conceived business will be completed, but will not bring joy, but rather, a feeling of exhaustion will come with it.

Direction of self-development

The Four of Wands says that a person has the opportunity to stop for a while in order to evaluate his past achievements, to rest before starting a new stage in the path of self-development.

In no case should one surrender to laziness during this period, since it will not allow you to pass the lesson of this Arcana - the ability to correctly and adequately assess your achievements and enjoy them. So a person will enjoy not results, but inaction, lack of responsibility, while this is rather a reward for the work done, and it must be properly evaluated.

It is very important to understand that although the Fours of all stripes of the Minor Arcana demonstrate introversion, in the case of the Staves, this is more an exception. Here it is very important to interact correctly and harmoniously with other people, to express favor towards them and cordiality. To truly appreciate the newfound peace in the soul, a person needs to open his soul to people.

The card gives an understanding of self-satisfaction, one's well-deserved place in life, peace and tranquility.

The inverted Four of Staves indicates that it is too early for a person to rest on their laurels. He is not ready to accept the rest due to him, because he has not yet completed the process of working on himself. He has yet to realize his mistakes and correct them in order to receive a lesson in true enjoyment of what has been achieved.

With this card, there is a great temptation to slide into laziness, which entails a stop in development, albeit for some time. This is not degradation and not a rollback, but not forward movement, and hence the lack of results.

Personal relationships

The Four of Staffs is a clear confirmation of the law of attraction for people, according to which we attract to ourselves just such a person who fully corresponds to our vibrations. As a rule, such people complement and make us complete. This is precisely the union characterized by the Four of Staves.

Relations in such an alliance can be called happy. Here reigns mutual understanding, stability, prosperity, sexual compatibility, harmony. But this card is not only love relationship, but also relations with people in general, and they can be called cordial and warm.

For people in an alliance, a community of interests, a game on the same field, becomes in the foreground. People show initiative in the development of relations, are always ready to make compromise decisions, are open and complacent. Partners do everything for the house and enjoy it.

For a lonely person, the card means that the time has come to get out of their seclusion and start communicating. This Arcana is very favorable for those who are looking for a serious long-term relationship, and perhaps even longing for a family. The Four of Staves promises such people promising meetings.

The card also speaks of the end of the period of courtship and the transition to the stage of marriage. It directly indicates the family, as well as a holiday, celebration, wedding or engagement. This card symbolizes the institution of marriage, as the ordering and legitimization of love relationships.

In addition, Arkan promises a return to his native harbor, and this can be either the arrival of one of the wandering household members, or family reunification after a break in relations and even a divorce.

You should carefully consider the environment of the Four of Staves, since negative cards may indicate that the relationship is ostentatious. Usually such options are available to public figures, but also ordinary people they often play the same game.

Inverted, the Four of Staves says that in an alliance people cannot find mutual understanding, each of the partners pulls the blanket over themselves, not at all trying to find a middle ground. They are divided by interests and everyone in such an alliance feels lonely and abandoned.

In addition, the card will say that the upcoming wedding may be postponed indefinitely due to some reasons beyond the control of the person. Sometimes she shows a partner who is afraid to talk about his feelings, cannot fully open up.

If the Moon (XVIII Arcana) lay next to it in the layout, then the inverted Four of the Staves will indicate jealousy, distrust and fears experienced by one of the partners.

The card can also indicate a fictitious marriage, from which people expect practical benefits.

Personality characteristic

The card describes a person who is full of optimism, loves life in all its manifestations, is open to communication with other people and receives tremendous pleasure from this.

Such a person is confident in himself, because he has taken place as a person. He has a huge creative potential, strive to realize it. In the social environment, he is quite in demand, he is surrounded by benevolent people who are happy to build relationships with him. Such a person is able to trust people himself, as well as inspire confidence in them.

These are carefree people who quite deservedly consider themselves happy minions of fate. Harmony and order reign around him, and he himself fits perfectly into this atmosphere.

The inverted Four of Staves speaks of a person who has temporarily closed in on himself. He is not satisfied with his achievements, but does nothing to correct the situation, since laziness prevails to a greater extent in him. He can be eloquent, but he does not care about other people at all, and he considers it superfluous to waste his eloquence.

These are people who try to escape from society, and if they have to be in it, they feel discomfort. Even at a noisy party, they will try to become invisible and watch what is happening from the side. First of all, he is hindered by a feeling of insecurity and unarmedness in front of society.


When it comes to health, the Four of Wands speaks of a successful recovery or good physical shape. For girls, this card can show pregnancy or childbirth, an addition to the family.

In an inverted position, the card will indicate the loss of energy and strength, the impact on the health of a riotous lifestyle. One of its meanings is fading beauty, which is expressed in the aging process. For women, the map may show menopause.

Situation breakdown

For situational spreads, this card is a real gift. She says that the situation is developing in the best way and soon there will be a real reason to arrange a feast for the whole world on the occasion of its completion. The Four of Staves indicates the success for which all participants in the situation worked.

If the situation with real estate is considered, then we can talk about buying a house, arranging housing, cultivating a plot. This is a very favorable card for all real estate transactions. In financial matters at the household level - stability, income growth, prosperity and well-being.

This card shows that any situation can be resolved the way a person needs, but for this he needs the help of friends, relatives and, possibly, influential people. This card is a union of like-minded people, and it is in such a union that the strength of a person lies.

In an inverted form, Arkan does not have a pronounced negative character. Rather, he says that the final resolution of the situation is somewhat delayed due to various reasons. In addition, the inverted Four of Wands shows that the person had too high hopes for something, but the events turned out a little differently than he expected, therefore, he will not receive full satisfaction from the outcome of the situation.

Quite often, the inverted Arkan recommends that you take a closer look at your plans, obviously, you will have to make adjustments to them, and than earlier man does, the more likely it is that he won't have to start from scratch.

In matters of real estate, Arkan has a pronounced negativism. The card usually indicates the need to sell the house or some unpleasant moments associated with housing.

Map of the day

The Four of Wands says it's time for a well-deserved rest. This is the time of harvest, when you can devote the day to idle pleasures, without fear that someone will reproach for idleness. A great day to take a day off and spend it to your advantage.

Perhaps on this day there will be an interesting meeting or an unexpected party.

The inverted Four of Staves says that something went wrong and today you won’t be able to fully enjoy the results of your work. If there is a party ahead, then it can get bored very quickly or harbor unpleasant moments.

Card of the year

A wonderful year that promises a lot of entertainment and even successful trips. This is the year of the implementation of the plan and loud victories. There will be no shortage of noisy companies, the main thing is not to lie on the couch, buried in the TV - you can miss a lot of interesting things.

It would be nice to spend this year under the banner of the family, it will give a lot of reasons for joy and help you gain strength.

The inverted Arkan warns that it is best to carefully consider your affairs so that you do not have to be disappointed at the most inopportune moment. Achieving success can be overshadowed by minor troubles.

Arcana Council

The card recommends acting and enjoying every victory. You can even relax a little, but do not fall into laziness. Wands do not tolerate inactivity. Everything will work out if you believe in yourself and your surroundings.

Four of Wands or Staves - what does its symbolism mean? How to decipher the hidden meaning embedded in the picture? Read about this in the article dedicated to the Minor Numerical Arcana of Wands.

In this article

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

Let's study the image of the Four of Wands card using the classic example of the Waite deck. We see four festively decorated wands. In the distance - a fortress, against its background are two people with bouquets.

Flowers symbolize joy, wealth, prosperity. A fortress is a place where people feel comfort, coziness, and safety. They are protected from everyday storms and hardships in the literal and figurative sense.

According to the general symbolism of the map, it is easy to guess that we have before us folk festivals, a joyful event. The people depicted in the picture celebrate the completion of some important business, celebrate the victory, have fun.

A card from the Waite deck. The classic depiction of the Four of Staves

Therefore, it is safe to say that the Arcana 4 Staffs is auspicious. He points out that the time has come to reap the fruits of labor, to enjoy the victory.

Map keywords:

  • completion of a difficult life stage;
  • well-deserved reward for work;
  • prosperity, harmony, prosperity, joy;
  • security, comfort, stability;
  • a strong rear, a reliable foundation on which the future is built.

Before reading Tarot reference books, get familiar with the deck. Peer into the Arkan, listen to the sensations that the card evokes, what emotions and associations the picture gives rise to. Only using intuition and imagination can one become an advanced tarot reader.

Video for beginners. This information will allow you to quickly understand the symbolism of the card and begin to fully work with the Tarot:

The value of the card in the upright position

In a direct position, the card says that cheerful, joyful days await the questioner. The work is completed successfully, rest, relax, enjoy a pleasant company. When divining about the financial situation or promotion, the card means stability, prosperity, a well-deserved reward for labor.

Reversed card meaning

In the reverse position, the Four of Wands warns the fortuneteller that the person has only one fun in his mind, and he does not want to work. Instead of purposefully moving forward, he indulges in inappropriate festivities and spends the day in laziness. Here are some of the main meanings of the Arcana in this position:

  • the time for rest has not yet come;
  • joy has bypassed you, but this is temporary;
  • unfinished business needs completion;
  • the holiday will not take place or will be spoiled.

An inverted card warns that fun should be in place and on time. Otherwise, a life “upside down” awaits a person.

Card from the Tarot deck 93

The fortress stands on the roof, not on the foundation - this means that at any moment your world will collapse, and it will be difficult to get out from under the rubble.

Seeing this position of the card in the layout, ask yourself the question - am I doing the right thing now, is there haste in my actions? Do I rejoice in this or that event in time, have I completed all the work?

Experienced tarologists determine the final value of the card by the Arcana that fell nearby. Before choosing one of the items on the list, draw up a general picture of the layout.

Value when divining for business and work

When divining about the financial situation and career prospects, the 4 of Wands in a direct position symbolizes the successful completion of the project, prosperity, stability, and the addition of money.

The card indicates that the finances invested in a promising business will multiply, the salary will increase, and a friendly atmosphere will reign in the team.

Tarot 78 Doors

In the opposite position, the meaning of the four Sceptres is different. Arkan advises to focus on business and not to think about rest. The time for the holidays has not come, work, try to complete the assigned tasks on time and with high quality. Otherwise, troubles await you, the anger of your superiors and collapsed plans for a brighter future.

Another interpretation is laziness, unwillingness to move, unrealized projects.

The meaning of fortune-telling for relationships

Love spreads are one of the most popular queries in the work of a tarot reader. People want to know how their relationship with the chosen one will develop, what to expect from the second half, and whether there is a prospect in the relationship.

In the upright position 4 Staves brings only good news:

  • stable marriage;
  • strong relationships based on trust and respect;
  • mutual support;
  • desire to be close to a loved one;
  • harmony, stability, no lies.

With the corresponding neighboring cards, 4 Staves guarantees a quick marriage and a marriage proposal. She announces that people have reached a new level, realized that they need each other and are ready to strengthen the union.

Pagan Tarot

In the reverse position, the four Staffs lose their positive values. But most often, she says that in the life of spouses or lovers, new stage, it's time for them to decide to leave or disperse for a while.

The value of the card in the reverse position:

  • parting, parting, separation;
  • misunderstanding in the family, unstable marriage, inability to find mutual language and compromise;
  • feeling insecure in a partner;
  • relationships built on lies;
  • life "for show", and not at the behest of the heart;
  • thwarted plans, delayed celebration.

By neighboring cards, you can easily determine which of these values ​​\u200b\u200bis appropriate in a particular situation. But, be careful, present information to the questioner without undue tragedy. Do not program a person for this or that act. Give them time to think about what they heard and make their own decisions.

The video is dedicated to the suit of the Wand and its meaning in love layouts:

People and places

The places that the map implies are easy to determine based on its symbols and pictures:

  • banquet halls, restaurants;
  • public places where celebrations, meetings, presentations take place;
  • entertainment and entertainment facilities designed for a pleasant pastime.

When the 4 of Wands is taken as a significator, we see that we have a person in front of us who clearly knows what he wants from life. He is hardworking, knows how to plan the day, knows when to relax and when to work until midnight. Active, intelligent, charismatic, with a subtle sense of humor, hospitable.

In the reverse state, the card says that we have a lazy, absent-minded and unbalanced person in front of us. The questioner does not know how to focus on one thing, grabs onto several things at once. As a result, plans are thwarted, projects are burning, he is horrified. Such people often fall into the trap of bad companies, make dubious friends, which they sincerely regret later. The desire for a holiday instead of working is their usual state.

Psychological state

The following will tell about the psychological plan of the fortuneteller. In the upright position - this is spiritual harmony, balance, the absence of fears, complexes, tightness.


In an inverted position, the card loses its positive qualities. Before us is a twitchy, nervous person. He does not know how and does not like monotonous and painstaking work that requires perseverance. There is no harmony in the soul. He always makes some plans, but they are not destined to come true, because of the constantly changing mood.

Such people are prone to depression, easily become discouraged. Solace, as a rule, is sought in alcohol or other dubious entertainment.

Classic combination with Major Arcana

With Major Arcana

The Major Arcana can affect the value of the 4 of Wands. Consider the combinations that are found in the layouts most often.

  • The jester speaks of frivolity, frustrated plans, unwillingness to work. Abandoned halfway through the case, the inability to bring what has been started to its logical conclusion.
  • The magician advises to improve skills. The appearance of this card next to the four of Scepters indicates that the questioner is professionally fulfilling his duties, but he should take a new height.
  • The High Priestess symbolizes pleasant surprises, joyful chores, good news.
  • The Empress, combined with the Four of Wands, means a holiday on the occasion of the completion of an important business or a serious project.
  • Emperor - family feast, corporate party, friendly gatherings.
  • The Hierophant says that a period of stability is coming in life. But do not flatter yourself, in the absence of aspirations, it can turn into a stagnation zone.
  • Lovers promise harmonious relationships, equality of partners.
  • The chariot advises to hold the reins of government more firmly in the hands. You must manage the situation, do not let things take their course.
  • Strength speaks of the need to resist the urge to put pressure on someone. Option - be more flexible, smarter. Do not give in to provocations.
  • The hermit is a holiday to be spent alone. Option - a person enjoys peace, he feels good when no one touches or bothers.
  • The Wheel of Fortune heralds the beginning of a favorable period of life.
  • Fairness guarantees successful transactions, good profits. You can start celebrating the victory.
  • The Hanged Man is a delicate situation.
  • Death - mournful gatherings, trizna.
  • Moderation advises not to get involved in alcohol, not to overeat.
  • The devil seduces and whispers to lead a vicious lifestyle. Cards recommend not to succumb to his provocations. Breakdowns are possible after a long abstinence from alcohol, the return of bad habits, inclinations leading to trouble.
  • Tower - problems that you will not be able to resist. Flee, advises this combination of cards. Option - be careful at banquets and celebrations. There is a risk of serious poisoning.
  • The star guarantees that the cherished desire will come true.
  • The moon symbolizes illusions, delusions, false goals and foggy prospects. The time for joyful meetings and friendly hugs has not yet come.
  • The sun advises to relax, go to the sea, forget about problems at least for a while. When you return, they will seem insignificant and small.
  • The court promises that labor will be rewarded.
  • Peace - good news, a feast, a friendly meeting, prosperity and peace.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

With cups

Cups and Staves: how to decipher the messages encrypted in the alignment? Let's look at simple examples.

  • The Ace and Four of Staves are interpreted as an addition to the family or the birth of a child. But do not take the meaning of this combination too literally. In some cases, the cards that fell nearby mean good news.
  • The deuce indicates that the couple will soon enter into an official marriage. In an allegorical sense, this is a partnership.
  • Troika - fun, banquet.
  • Four of Cups and Four of Staves - sad prospects, bad mood.
  • Five speaks of problems in the family, misunderstanding, disagreements. Close people move away from the questioner. Perhaps the reason is bad habits.
  • Six - an unexpected meeting with long-forgotten people.
  • Seven - alcohol, drugs, depression.
  • Eight says it's time to break with the usual way of life. You must take a desperate step. In the literal sense - go where your eyes look.
  • Nine - joy, feast.
  • Ten is a modest celebration in the circle of close people. Family holiday.
  • The page proposes to celebrate a joyful event.
  • Knight - a quick wedding.
  • The Queen and the Four of Wands for men predict a quick marriage.
  • King of Cups for women - find a worthy person, get married.

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

With Pentacles

Pentacles and Four of Staves, can these combinations be called successful?

  • Ace promises an early inheritance.
  • Two - financial problems in the family.
  • Troika recommends investing in real estate.
  • Four - following traditions, love for home.
  • Five coins and four Staves - beware of real estate fraud, there is a risk of being left without a home.
  • Six advises to take a loan to buy an apartment.
  • Seven - investments in real estate: repair, relocation, purchase of housing.
  • Eight symbolizes household chores.
  • Nine - stable income, accumulation of funds.
  • Ten is a family hearth.
  • Page - the next stage in life is completed, you can celebrate the victory.
  • Knight - successful resolution of disputes with real estate.
  • Queen - wait for the arrival of distant relatives.
  • The king is a strong business executive, a reliable partner.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Severe Swords are under the auspices of the element of Air. How they affect the four, read below.

  • The Ace of Swords and 4 Scepters say that you are under reliable protection.
  • The deuce symbolizes the reconciliation of the parties.
  • Troika - property litigation, serious disagreements.
  • The four warns that it is time for the questioner to take up his mind, not be lazy and start working.
  • Five warns of quarrels, a disrupted holiday, a bad mood.
  • Six predicts a quick change of residence. How far you have to go from home, the neighboring maps will show.
  • The seven hints that a dishonest person is nearby. Beware of thieves.
  • Eight - tightness in the literal and figurative sense. The desire to break free.
  • Nine - beware of property problems.
  • Ten - material problems, loss of real estate.
  • Page - disputes with relatives, a cold welcome at a party.
  • Knight - disagreements in the material sphere. Swearing because of housing.
  • Queen - problems related to inheritance.
  • The king recommends defending your rights.

Classic combination with the suit of Wands

With Wands

The combination of Wands, what does it promise the questioner?

  • Ace and Four of Staves predict the beginning of a new and positive stage in fate.
  • Two - the search for the meaning of life. In a narrow sense - vocational guidance.
  • Troika is a profitable contract.
  • Five warns of conflicts over property, real estate, land.
  • Six - passed exams, successful interview.
  • Seven - controversial issues.
  • Eight guarantees great news, an invitation to a celebration.
  • Nine does not recommend concluding an agreement or signing a contract at this time.
  • Ten is an unbearable burden, unfulfilled obligations.
  • Page - you need to get additional education.
  • Knight - a profitable offer, a monetary contract.
  • The Queen is a hospitable hostess.
  • The king is a fateful decision.

Significance in matters of health

A direct card indicates that the fortuneteller has no health problems. He is energetic, full of energy, actively makes plans and successfully implements them.

If a person is sick, the appearance of the card says that he is on the mend thanks to the right treatment and the care of loved ones.

In the reverse position, the card warns of the need to lead a correct lifestyle. Do not overeat, do not abuse alcohol. Otherwise, mental problems await you, excess weight, frequent mood swings, depression, depression are likely.


The appearance of the 4 of Wands in the alignment of tarologists is interpreted as a positive sign. She speaks of stability, good prospects. In the upright position, it has only positive values. The card teaches us to be active, to plan things wisely, combining them with rest. Four is a symbol of balance. The square is the most stable figure. She speaks of the firmness of intentions, the inviolability of the rules.

Feel the positive vibration of the Arcana by choosing it as your card of the day. It will help to complete the work begun, to focus on the main problems.

The card warns of the need to alternate rest and work. Don't quit what you started halfway through, but bring it to its logical conclusion.

A little about the author:

Esoteric tarot reader for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and perspectives are hidden.

More than 20 years ago, I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then, I have been using them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersed in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

The construction of the garden lattice, otherwise called the "pergola", depicted on the card of 5 Staves is completed, and now we are witnessing a wonderful holiday. Perhaps it should be recalled that Waite did not consider the cards in ascending order, from Ace to Ten, but in descending order, from Ten to Ace.

Drawing and base value and the interpretation of the Tarot card 4 (Four) Staves (Wands) almost completely coincide. The map depicts an idyll. According to Markus Katz and Tali Goodwin, "the map is an idealized depiction of life in Smallheath and Winchelsea".

In the background is the Magritte Bridge, the same one we see on. Some authors believe that the bridge of 5 Cups indicates a break and termination of relations, and 4 Staves - their beginning. I would like to know how they managed to determine this.


  • Relaxation
  • Harmony
  • Rest on our laurels
  • Rest outside the city
  • Countryside
  • The joy of life

Key Ideas

  • "We've done a great job and we'll have a great time"
  • The joy of life
  • Prosperity
  • Happy home, happy life

Basic meaning

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As Waite writes, the basic meaning of the Four of Wands Tarot is practically on the surface. Indeed, there are no discrepancies between the drawing and the meaning of the card. Waite attributes the following meanings to the 4 Staffs: place of residence, quiet refuge, rest, concord, harmony, and prosperity. The same values ​​are preserved for the reversed card. Happiness, beauty, growth.

Modern meanings are not very different from Waite's. 4 Staves speaks of a holiday, abundance, well-fed and happy life. It emphasizes the comfortable and non-conflict nature of relations between people. But it does not exclude that the relationship can be superficial and shallow.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - 4 Staves

Meaning in relationships

And now consider the meaning of the Tarot card 4 (Four) Staffs of Wands in relationships and love.

Open-closed card

Of course, this is an open card. Maybe even too much. The doors are wide open, guests come and go. Anyone who comes is welcomed, and after a short time feels at home at the party.

Relationship Intensity

The card indicates the state of the holiday, euphoria. However, it is light, there are no strong, serious experiences in it. Pleasant, non-binding atmosphere, light flirting without serious intentions, friendly communication about nothing.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

In all kinds of relationships, the card plays out the same scenario: a cozy family nest. Usually, a certain closed structure is associated with a cozy nest, which does not imply the presence of strangers and strangers. However, the trick is that those who come are perceived as almost relatives, and not as strangers and strangers. The presence of guests in the house does not violate the harmony of relations between the owners. In fact, we are talking about the same closed system, but more than just husband and wife. However, the expansion of the number of participants is not unlimited, and at some point the admission of new members stops.

  • in combination with the card: Religious holiday, possibly Easter.
  • combined with the card: Avoid gluttony.
  • in combination with the card : An excellent combination for relaxation.

Psychological state

The Four of Staffs is a holiday. The more people are connected with each other, the closer and dearer they are to each other, the easier and longer it is possible to maintain the state of the holiday. The holiday cannot be eternal, but it can be long enough.

The Four of Staves is a very stable card. Nothing can break the holiday atmosphere. This ambiguous statement can be deciphered as follows: on the one hand, nothing bad will happen on our holiday. On the other hand, no matter what happens, it will not spoil our mood and will not be perceived as a problem.

  • combined with: Do not invite anyone to your holiday.
  • in combination with: "Demyanova's ear".
  • combined with: Reconciliation after conflict.

Significance in matters of health

The card speaks of excellent health and emotional state.

But there is one BUT, you need to monitor your diet, there is a risk and a tendency to gluttony and obesity. But, this problem can be avoided. Enough to follow proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

  • 4 of Wands in combination with the card: A wonderful holiday.
  • 4 of Wands combined with a card: Great fun can end in big tears.
  • 4 of Wands in combination with a card: Great celebration; all those invited may not fit in the country house.

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

The meaning of the Tarot Four of Wands in matters of work is a very stable card, the situations described by it are easy to control and manage.

Moreover, this is stability at the level of “good and excellent”.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

Indications of ways to increase income can be quite specific - the food business is one of them. This includes agriculture, food production and marketing, and much more. Another profitable area is the organization of holidays, catering, repair of cottages and country houses.

But usually the cards, trying to get away from the specifics, give a metaphorical answer, and in this case there is an indication of the opportunity, financial in the first place, to show their generosity, breadth of soul, scope. This will be the key to increasing income in your chosen business area.

General state of finances and trends

The general state of finances is excellent. Primary accumulation of capital, primary harvesting - above all expectations. The tables are bursting with dishes, the ideal atmosphere of the holiday, the weather is sunny, there is not a single cloud in the sky. And what is most remarkable - the forecast for the near future leaves everything as it is, without changes for the worse. But there is a danger of euphoria from the certainty that this “celebration of life” will last forever, so there is a great risk of mediocre squandering all funds for unnecessary luxury or simply eating away.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The map as a whole is very positive, indicating today's abundance. And if you properly dispose of the harvest, then you can provide a material base for the implementation of new projects. Or, finally, solve the housing problem.

However, the inability to distribute income leads to the opposite consequences: abundant, but one-time financial impact does not guarantee a new harvest. Excessive generosity, the desire to boast of one's wealth can also be attributed to negative factors. "Cat house".

Business time, fun hour, and not vice versa.

  • in combination with a card: You should not spare resources for the holiday.
  • in combination with a card: The celebration should be home.
  • in combination with the card: Children's holiday.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • “And I thought, - and with whom will I drink tomorrow from those with whom I drink now?” V. Vysotsky« Smotriny»
  • What and with whom are you going to celebrate?
  • How harmonious is your life?
  • What role do feelings of satiety and abundance play in your life?

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