Mei specialty and passing score. National Research University Moscow Energy Institute

Student of this university: I'm in my second year here. The university has both advantages and disadvantages.
In order:
1. Admission.
The first thing I encountered upon admission was a large queue of applicants. There were two lines - from those who registered in advance (it went a little faster) and those who did not. It was hot and stuffy.
The registration itself was quick and standard - you give the documents, you get a piece of paper stating that they were accepted.
It's pretty easy to get going. In 2016, 200-220 points were enough. I was very pleased that with a certain number of points, an increased scholarship is awarded.
The situation with admission is easily tracked on the site. You can see who is taller than you and what are your chances. Comfortable.
2. Organization.
At the very beginning, a student-curator is assigned to each group, who explains what and how at the university. At the beginning of September, the group is taken to receive textbooks, guided through the buildings and told about physical education groups.
In addition, there is a non-student curator. Our group, unfortunately, was not lucky with him. I heard the phrase "not my problems" from him several times, in addition, he allowed himself unflattering remarks about some students. Fortunately, I had to meet with him a couple of times a semester.
Each faculty has its own Trade Union Bureau. There are parties, various events (for example, console games or board games). Outside of school, it's also fun.
Scholarship cards (from this year it is also a pass to the university) are also issued at the university. But there are often problems with this - huge queues for Sberbank employees, sometimes you have to stand in vain - it turns out that the card is not yet ready.
The schedule is quite convenient. For a break between couples of 15 minutes, it is easy to get to any building. Between the second and third couple of hours lunch. The official schedule is 6 days, but Saturday is always listed as "self-study day".
3. Hostel.
MPEI has several dormitories and all are located within walking distance from the university. The minimum distance is 10 minutes of walking at a slow pace, the maximum is half an hour. Settled depending on the faculty.
Dormitories are mostly of the corridor type, but there are also block ones. Conditions in block are slightly better.
On the downside: they are very densely populated, denser than before. Three people live in a room designed for two people, four people live in three. There are cockroaches in the hostel.
Check-in to the hostel takes place at the end of August. You need to register on the site and come at the appointed time. Then everything is easy - there is an instruction at the entrance and members of the student council help.
4. The learning process and teachers.
The teachers are different. Someone teaches very well, someone - very mediocre. The programming is disappointing. On the direction of "computer science and computer technology" lectures on programming are completely useless.
On the other hand, pretty good math and physics.
Physical education is divided into several groups - swimming, Athletics, aerobics, etc., in addition, there is a special medical group for those with health problems. Groups study separately and each has its own teacher.
There is a lot to learn. Enough homework. But you still manage to be lazy.
In the first year, colloquia are held - a kind of trial version of the session.
There are also control weeks during which test papers and grades for the semester. These grades do not affect anything, but if you get more than three twos, there is a high probability that you will be called to the dean's office. With two unclosed weeks (a large number of deuces), you can get a reprimand. Three reprimands lead to expulsion.
5. Condition of cabinets.
The buildings are in a fairly good condition, they often make repairs. Laboratories are in good condition. Other audiences are different. There are excellent ones, there are with old disgusting desks covered with writing by students.
There are a couple of interesting places - a slide instead of stairs in building E, as well as a non-working paternoster (continuous elevator).
When looking for reviews about the university, I came across completely different ones - from praise and adoration to angry criticism in the spirit of "the university was stuck in the USSR."
In my opinion, the university is above average. There are drawbacks, as in any other place, but the university is worth it. I do not regret that I entered MPEI.

Constant transformations and changes for the better in the system of Soviet higher education can be studied on the example of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, faculties and specialties in which changed along with discoveries in such scientific fields as electronics, telemechanics, radio engineering and many others. Throughout its activities MPEI was considered prestigious university which is difficult to enter. In this sense, little has changed in the history of the institute, except that new faculties have appeared that meet the requirements of recent times.

History of MPEI

Not every university in the country can boast of such a number of transformations that have fallen to the lot of the Moscow Technical University). The great need for engineers in the electrical and thermal field, caused by the large-scale electrification of the country, became the reason for the merger in 1930 of two metropolitan universities - MVTU. Bauman and INH them. Plekhanov at MPEI. Since that time, the Moscow Power Engineering Institute has been constantly expanding, following the country's needs for new specialists.

For comparison:

  • 1932 - 6 faculties: electrical engineering, thermal engineering, electrical engineering, electrical transport, telecommunications and engineering and economics.
  • In 1933 a department of physics and energy was opened.
  • In 1950 - the launch of its own combined heat and power plant, which is a training ground at the present time.
  • 1953 - the department of industrial thermal power engineering appears.
  • 1958 - 2 new directions in science opened departments: "automation and computer science and electronics.
  • Since 1967, the university has been granted the right to teach students according to its own curriculum, which brought the entire educational process at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute.
  • Faculties and specialties in it are constantly updated. So by 1975 there were 16 faculties in 44 specialties.

Years the status of the Institute changes again. Since it becomes a leading university with training programs in the field of electronics, energy and IT technologies, it is awarded the title of National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

At present, MPEI unites 9 institutes with a total of 70 faculties, more than 170 scientific laboratories, its own thermal power plant and television center, a stadium, a library and a cultural center.

The main direction of study at MPEI

Every year, this institute recruits for undergraduate, specialist and graduate departments. In order for an applicant to enter the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, the passing score must meet the criteria established by the faculties. For example, here are some of them:

  • At the department of "Power engineering" are taken into account: the minimum score in mathematics - 40; in physics - 40; in Russian - 50.
  • Department of Engineering and Economics: in mathematics, the minimum score is 35; in physics - 40; in Russian - 40.
  • Humanities and Applied Department:
    • Faculty of Design: drawing - 40 points, portfolio - 40, Russian language - 40, literature - 35.
    • Faculty of Linguistics: in Russian - 40 points, in a foreign language - 25, in history - 40.

Thus, at all 9 stationary departments, 5 evening and 5 part-time departments for each specialty, the subjects required for admission and the minimum scores based on the results of passing the USE are indicated.

Applicants are notified through the bulletins of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Passing scores for 2017 could also be found at the annual open day.

Engineering and Economic Department (Institute)

Back in the 1930s, the Faculty of Engineering and Economics was opened at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, and since then it has never been disbanded. Currently, it is training in the following specialties:

  • Future specialists in applied informatics in economics are trained at full-time and evening departments. In a four or five-year (full-time / part-time) educational program: training of automation developers production processes and information systems.
  • Department of "Information Security" for 4-5 years (inpatient / in absentia) prepares specialists who create, configure and install information security programs.

  • The Faculty of Quality Management for 4-5 years (full-time / evening) trains specialists who are in demand in the industry. It is they who research production processes, control and develop new ways to track the quality of products with minimal financial costs.
  • The economic department trains analysts working in the field of anti-crisis economics. It is the graduates of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, specializing in economics, who develop programs that bring production and entire industries out of crisis situations. The collection of information, its analysis and a way to find a solution in the most difficult times of the global crisis, this is what is taught for 5 years in absentia and 4 years in person at this department.
  • To become a financial manager, you should enter the MPEI in the department of "Management". The main field of activity: entrepreneurship, municipal and city government.
  • The faculty of "Business Informatics" provides training in such popular new specialties as business process optimizers, information systems designers.

For 80 years, the MPEI Institute of Engineering and Economics has been preparing specialists who are in demand in the main areas of production and business.

Distance additional education

Not all applicants can study at the hospital due to personal reasons. The following faculties and specialties are open for them at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute:

  • Informatics and computer technology.
  • Power industry.
  • Technical systems management.
  • Economics.
  • Management.
  • Business Informatics.

Provides students with access to all training materials and control. Interaction between them and teachers is carried out in the form of webinars. This training method is also used:

  • For professional retraining specialists - from six months to 2.5 years.
  • Advanced training - from two days to six months.

In the world of information technology distance learning becomes the most advanced form of knowledge acquisition.

Humanitarian and applied disciplines

This faculty trains specialists in such fields as:

  • Advertising and public relations. This type of activity is very important, since it is these specialists who not only create and manage communication processes, but also form public opinion on one issue or another.
  • The department of "Linguistics" trains translators who carry out both translation activities and the preparation and holding of negotiations, conferences and other events at foreign languages, conduct tours and deal with business documentation.
  • The “Design” department has long ceased to be associated only with the interior, as such professions as landscape and graphic design have appeared. You can become specialists in this direction by enrolling in MPEI.

The applied disciplines of the institute allow creative talented youth to express themselves in society and make a career in their chosen specialty, since the diploma of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute is highly valued by employers.

Radio engineering and electronics

For more than a dozen years, MPEI graduates have been conducting research activities in such industries as radio apparatus engineering, electronics and nanoelectronics. You can get a quality education in this area at the faculties:

  • Radio engineering.
  • Radioelectronic systems.
  • Nanoelectronics.
  • Biotechnical systems.

Specialists of this profile are always in demand where they produce equipment and systems that work with electromagnetic and other types of waves, the task of which is to obtain and process information about the external environment.

Automation and computer technology

In the world modern technologies specialists who develop computer technology and compose programs for computer networks are in high demand. You can learn mathematical modeling and computer software at the MPEI at the Faculty of Automation.

Educational programs of the department:

  • Teaching applied mathematics and informatics.
  • Computing and measuring systems.
  • Instrumentation.
  • Control and automation of technical systems.

Today, most of the industrial and commercial equipment is equipped with computer program control. Many specialists of this faculty carry out their design, adjustment and repair.

Institutes of Electrical Engineering and Energy

Specialists in the field of service and maintenance of electrical engineering and equipment are no less in demand on the labor market. Graduates of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, faculty and specialty "Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering", work at power plants and objects of electric power systems.

It is they who check, maintain and repair equipment at power supply enterprises of cities, towns, enterprises and transport systems. Education at the faculty lasts 4 years at the stationary department and 5 years at the correspondence department.

Thermal and nuclear energy

Light and warmth are brought to all corners of the country by former MPEI graduates. Training at the Faculty of Thermal and Atomic Energy of specialists in the field of development of thermonuclear, robotic, electronic, mechatronic and other types of systems is a guarantee of continuous improvement in the reliability and safety of thermal and nuclear power plants.

Graduates of this faculty also work as researchers in the field of conversion of nuclear and other types of energy into heat.

What MPEI gives to youth

Getting a high-quality higher education is the key to a successful career. The teaching staff of the institute and the academic council develop educational programs with in-depth study of subjects, while obtaining practical skills in laboratories. Moscow Power Engineering Institute and its students participate in scientific programs and international activities.

A campus for 3,000 people, recreational and sports events, youth musical groups and a rock band, our own newspaper, radio and television center - all this is aimed at making student life at MPEI interesting and full of positive impressions.

National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (NRU MPEI) includes twelve institutes, almost two hundred laboratories, a television center, a thermal power plant, a palace of culture, a large stadium and a large library. For students, the university provides hostels, cafes, canteens and even a dispensary. From the walls of NRU MPEI come specialists of a wide profile in the field of electronics, energy, computer science. The university is chosen not only by Russian students, but also by representatives of more than 60 countries. The technological equipment of the university is beyond praise.

general information

federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "National Research University "MPEI"


No. 01702 is valid Indefinitely from 10/14/2015


No. 01769 is valid from 03/23/2016 to 03/23/2022

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MPEI

Index14 year15 year16 year17 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 5 6 5
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education67.67 62.30 65.22 67.74
Average USE score credited to the budget70.28 64.63 67.88 68.53
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis59.89 55.49 57.10 61.01
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department42.47 41.75 42.90 50.88
Number of students11590 12270 12761 12874
full-time department10003 9868 10275 10005
Part-time department1587 2153 1917 1915
Extramural0 249 569 954
Full report


About the university

National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute is one of the largest technical universities Russia, where students can receive higher education in the field of computer science, electrical engineering, energy and electronics. In accordance with the Charter adopted by the university, NRU MPEI students can receive a bachelor's, engineer's, master's, as well as a candidate and doctoral degree in technical and physical and mathematical sciences.

Getting an education at NRU MPEI

At the university, students can receive quality education at the institutes:

  • power engineering and mechanics in the following areas: technological machines and equipment, applied mechanics and power engineering. Graduates of the institute are employed after graduation in the best organizations and enterprises in Russia: Central Design Bureau Glavenergoremont, Moscow Thermal Power Plant, RAO Gazprom, Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics, and can also count on employment abroad in representative offices of the German companies Festo Didaktik and Grundfos »;
  • thermal and nuclear energy where highly qualified specialists are trained who will be able to work at thermal and nuclear power plants and solve all the problems that may arise there;
  • problems of energy efficiency, where students not only study at the departments of heat and mass transfer processes and installations, industrial economics and enterprise organization, industrial heat and power systems and high-temperature energy technology, but also can participate in various scientific studies, many of which are carried out jointly with foreign universities and organizations in Germany , USA, Belgium, France, Italy and England;
  • electrical engineering, where students first receive knowledge from the best teaching and professorial staff, and then put them into practice in the educational and consulting center "K-electro", thanks to which they better understand the essence of the studied disciplines;
  • electric power industry, which trains specialists who will be able to successfully work and introduce various innovations in the field of relay protection and automation of electric power systems, power supply, high-voltage power industry and electrical engineering and non-traditional renewable energy sources;
  • automation and computer technology, where they train specialists who, in an age where information rules everything, will be able to successfully collect, carefully analyze, store, and then disseminate important information;
  • radio engineering and electronics, where students first receive theoretical knowledge in lectures and seminars, and then put them into practice in laboratories equipped with the latest technology for better assimilation in laboratory classes;
  • technologies, economics and entrepreneurship, which train managers, technologists and economists who will be able to solve any issues that arise in the production process and, thereby, minimize costs and increase profits.

Information for schoolchildren and applicants

At NRU MPEI there is a faculty of pre-university training. This includes the educational complex "School-University", thanks to which some schools become sponsored by various departments of the university, and some classes are taught there by MPEI teachers. The center of the educational complex is the Moscow Lyceum No. 1502. Lyceum students study the school curriculum more deeply and thereby pass the exam more easily and successfully and receive some advantages when entering a university.

On weekends, schoolchildren in grades 9-11 can attend preparatory weekend courses at NRU MPEI. The courses include an in-depth study of physics, computer science, mathematics and the Russian language. Training program the courses go parallel to the school one, therefore, by doing so, the students of the courses improve their school knowledge and more successfully pass all the tests, and also prepare for school olympiads and the exam.

But the main subdivision of pre-university training at the university is the MPEI preparatory courses. Students of the courses can be 11th grade students, as well as students of the last courses of colleges and technical schools who want to enter a university for higher education. At these courses, physics, mathematics and the Russian language are studied in more depth, so that the guys can successfully pass the exam, and then enter the MPEI, having passed all the entrance exams.

Arrangement of NRU MPEI

The university has several educational buildings with lecture halls and regular student classes. There are also buildings at NRU MPEI, where laboratories for scientific research and computer classes with Internet access are equipped according to educational and scientific standards. Also, the university has its own factory, where experiments are carried out on scientific research conducted at the university, as well as an educational and scientific heat station, which employs senior students of the university.

In addition, the university has:

  • a library that contains more than 2 million different scientific literature, helping students to better understand the disciplines they study;
  • hostel for non-resident students for 5100 places;
  • an outpatient clinic, where students and teachers undergo an annual medical examination, and where, in case of a sudden illness, they can turn to a good specialist;
  • sports complex "Energia", which includes a stadium, a swimming pool, a gym, gyms and a tennis court;
  • 2 sports camps - in Alushta on the Black Sea coast and in the Moscow region;
  • House of Culture, where students can be creative in various mugs and sections;
  • student cafes, as with the national Russian cuisine, and with Vietnamese, Arabic and Turkish for international students.


Institute of Humanities and Applied

Educational programs:

Design (54.03.01 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Graphic design; Interior Design; Design of the object-spatial environment

  • No budget places
  • 230,000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Picture; Portfolio

Passing exam: 75 (Rus., Liter)

Linguistics (45.03.02 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Translation and translation studies

  • No budget places
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 100 (Russian language, Historian, In. language)

  • No budget places
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 110 (Russian language, Society, In. language)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Institute of Engineering and Economics

Educational programs:

Business Informatics (38.03.05 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Information and business process software

  • No budget places
  • 160 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 120 (Russian language, Matem, Society)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Information Security

Profile: Information protection in automated information systems

  • Budget places: 20
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Profile "Organization and technology of information protection"

Passing exam: 248 (Russian language, Matem, Inform)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Information Security (10.03.01 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Computer security

  • Budget places: 20
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Profile "Security of computer systems"

Passing exam: 225 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Management (38.03.02 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Management of organizations; Financial management

  • No budget places
  • 160 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 120 (Russian language, Matem, Society)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Applied Informatics (09.03.03 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Applied Informatics in Economics

  • Budget places: 15
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 249 (Rus., Matem, Inform)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Economy (38.03.01 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Business Intelligence; Accounting, analysis and audit; Finance and credit; Economics of commercial organizations; Economics of enterprises and organizations; economic security

  • No budget places
  • 160 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 120 (Russian language, Matem, Society)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Institute of Automation and Computer Engineering

Educational programs:

Informatics and Computer Engineering (09.03.01 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Automated information processing and control systems; Computers, systems, complexes and networks; Systems of computer-aided design of technological processes and productions

  • Budget places: 145
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 216 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Instrumentation (12.03.01 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Devices and methods of quality control and diagnostics

  • Budget places: 30
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 178 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (01.03.02 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Mathematical modeling; Applied Information Technology and Management

  • Budget places: 95
  • 160 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Profiles "Mathematical and software of computers and computer networks"; "Math modeling"

Passing exam: 223 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Control in technical systems (27.03.04 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Systems and technical means of automation and control; Control and informatics in technical systems

  • Budget places: 65
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 207 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Institute for Energy Efficiency Problems

Educational programs:

Profile: Autonomous energy systems; Industrial heat power engineering; Economics and management at the heat power plant; Energy of heat technologies; Energy supply of enterprises

  • Budget places: 240
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 191 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics. V.A. Kotelnikova

Educational programs:

Biotechnical systems and technologies (12.03.04 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Biotechnical and medical devices and systems

  • Budget places: 26
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 222 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Radio engineering (03/11/01 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Radio engineering means of transmission, reception and processing of signals

  • Budget places: 100
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 180 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Radio-electronic systems and complexes (11.05.01 - full-time, specialist, accredited)

Profile: Radio navigation systems and complexes

  • Budget places: 37
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 5 years, possible abbreviated

Passing exam: 187 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Electronics and nanoelectronics (11.03.04 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

Profile: Quantum and Optical Electronics; Microelectronics and solid state electronics; Industrial electronics; Light engineering and light sources; Electronic appliances and devices

  • Budget places: 150
  • 170 000 rubles per year
  • 4 years, pos. abbreviated

Passing exam: 190 (Russian language, Matem, Physics)

Information updated on 12/14/2017

Institute of Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering

Educational programs:

Thermal power engineering and heat engineering (13.03.01 - full-time, undergraduate, accredited)

MPEI— Moscow Power Engineering Institute. In the field of energy, electrical engineering, electronics, information technology, the university is one of the largest in the world.

AT MPEI highly qualified "aerobatics" specialists are trained, so the competition here has always been great.

The university has a faculty of pre-university training. It includes the following subdivisions: MPEI preparatory college, educational complex "school-university", preparatory department, distance pre-university education center, evening and correspondence preparatory courses.

Passing score:

Passing score at MPEI in 2013:

Competitive group Number of seats* Passing score** Provision of a hostel
Number of seats Passing score
EnMI 178 159 (48) 95 159
ITAE 281 164 (60) 137 201
IPEEf / thermal power engineering 179 155 (56) 55 212
IPEEf / economics 6 230 (70) 0
IET 302 170 (49)
170 (48) - semi-through
100 212
IEE 234 194 (72) 48 246
AVTI 275 173 (60) 50 216
IRE / undergraduate 224 163(44) 90 168
IRE / specialist 32 183 (63) 10 185
IMEEP / Applied Informatics 10 197 (56) 2 200
UPS CPU / information security 10 229 (72) 3 229

* - Number of state. budget places.

** - The minimum passing score for three subjects of entrance examinations.


Information about the hostel at MPEI:

campus MPEI is one of the most numerous among the rest of Moscow universities. Number of seats 5100 . About 10-20 minutes walk from the educational buildings. The hostel is provided to students who live outside of Moscow and outside the borders of the near Moscow region. Allocated under the budget 580 places in 2012. Distribution admission to the university takes into account benefits and a competition for a passing score.

In campus dormitories there is the Internet, as well as local area networks.

Threshold score and distribution of places in the hostel.

Name of specialty / area of ​​trainingMin score of the recipient of the hostel *Seats allocated
Institute of Power Engineering and Mechanics (EnMI)132 100
Institute of Thermal and Atomic Energy (ITAE)139 150
Institute for Energy Efficiency Problems (IPEEF)135 54
*Economy (IPEEF)223 6
Institute of Electrical Engineering (IET)149 100
Institute of Electric Power Industry (IEE)192 70
Institute of Automation and Computer Engineering (AVTI)all places in the hostel are provided only to applicants for the target set
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IRE)133 90
*Radioelectronic systems and complexes (IRE)180 10
Institute of Management and Economics in Energy and Industry (IMEEP)Out-of-competition enrollment6
Training Center "Institute for Business Security" (CP IBB)215 1

Additional Information:

Additional information about the university, Interesting Facts about MPEI:

AT MPEI laboratories of leading world companies have been created: Samsung, Motorola, Texas Instrument, ABB, etc.

Schoolchildren have the opportunity to take part in the Olympiads MPEI.

The buildings of the university are located in the Lefortovo district in Moscow.

AT MPEI students from 66 countries of the world study.

Students actively participate in competitions of student works held by leading energy companies - RAO UES of Russia, OAO Mosenergo.

AT MPEI there is an educational and experimental thermal power plant, there are only two of them in the world.