The meaning of the four of pentacles in tarot layouts and combination with other cards. The meaning of the tarot four of pentacles in the layout of relationships 4 of pentacles tarot

Miser. Strong grip. Take care of what you have. Prosperity. hoarding. Inability to share. Preoccupation with material success. Excessive savings that are not realized. Stagnation of energy. Inability to move on. Fear of any change. Fear of open relationships. Coldness of feelings. Greed that leads to loneliness. Limited scope.

Act only for certain, do not expose yourself to any risk.

Do not “stick with your heart” to anyone or anything: if a disaster happens to you, it will be only because of this.

Map of the day
Today you are determined to win, so you remind yourself to be careful, when in fact you simply lack the strength and ability to win. You are too fixated on something that actually interferes with the implementation of your plans, so most likely you will end up with something exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Better remember that any initiative is punishable, because it violates the secret passage of space chips. And, just in case, check what exactly prompted you to intervene in the course of events - fear of your own future or is it still concern for higher things? Based on this, you need to build a plan for today.

flipped card
Quarrels over property, inheritance. Emergency need for money. Rejection of a loan or credit. Budget problems. Expenses that exceed income. Extravagance. Poverty.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners"

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The image of the Four of Pentacles speaks of preoccupation with material phenomena and the desire to hold on to what is already there.
You see that the man has pentacles all around, but he cannot cover his back - behind the man is a city that cannot be controlled.

This suggests that no matter how hard you try to protect yourself, there is always room for surprises in life.
The position of this man outside the city means that first of all he must take care of himself and only then - about others.

However, it is also possible that he is now strengthening his powers to help those who are less fortunate.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Four of Pentacles
  • What are you afraid of?
    What are you losing?
  • Is someone trying to deprive you of something or someone?
  • What is "enough" for you?
  • What do you need to feel safe in this changing world?
  • What are you guarding or protecting?
Key Ideas
Be (within reason!) generous with the people around you and with yourself.

You may be afraid of loss, but you have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Feel special, different from others.
If you appreciate and understand yourself, other people will also see the difference and respond to it.

As a result, your confidence and even your abilities will increase, because you will allow yourself more.

Direct map: You help friends overcome difficulties.
Don't forget about your own problems.

Reversed card: You are not very generous with your friends, and they notice it.

Direct map: You are focused on your studies, which is good, but do not forget to give yourself a break.

Reversed card: Exam cheating is not the way to become a leader.
Don't even think about it.

Direct map: When dating someone, don't smother your partner with jealousy.

They will want to escape from you - and they will be right.
Reversed card: Don't try to control everyone.
This will not bring people closer to you, on the contrary, it will push them away.

Direct map: Everything in your family is safe and secure.

There is no reason to be insecure.
Everything will be fine.
Reversed card: There is too little participation and compromise at home.
Everyone is busy with themselves, they do not listen to each other and do not make concessions.

Direct map: The fact that there is not enough money should not prevent you from enjoying life.

The best thing about it is still free.
Reversed card: You become too preoccupied with the material world.
Beware of this!

Health / Appearance
Direct map: You look like a million dollars!

Reversed card: If you don't feel well, you won't look good.
The cost of clothes and hairstyles does not play a role here.

Direct map: This is a card of King Midas, love of wealth and luxury.

You will have more than usual money, but it is better to save it for a rainy day.
Remember that money is not everything: yes, we all need financial security and security, but there are many things in life that are equivalent to this, and there are more important things.

Reversed card: Keep track of your spending - now it's easy to spend more than you earn.

Divination in half a minute
Madge was going to a party and painfully thought about how best to dress.

She turned to the Tarot and drew out the Four of Pentacles - it was a warning.
Cards prefer to be treated with respect.
It is better to consult with cards when making important decisions, and not to bother them with superficial, fleeting questions.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The pentacle held by a man means possession.
His calm expression can mask a dangerous smugness.
To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.
This card symbolizes the fear of risk and lack of self-confidence.

The solution of any issues, both material and emotional level, requires certain actions and the ability to take risks.
In the Tarot of Herbs, this card contains an image of a seated figure with three discs in front of her and one above her head.

She holds one of the Pentacles close to her and seems to be calm and confident, but at the same time devoid of any animation or inspiration.
The warning contained here is that while we may feel secure and secure when we have some material possessions, the pursuit of material stability can stifle our growth as individuals.

While being financially independent is great, the desire to hold on to what we already have can stifle our inner growth and block our creative energy, causing us to stop moving forward and instead confine ourselves to the situation we are familiar with.

When we give too much importance to the material realm, we can lose our vitality and inspiration.
Our overcautiousness becomes an obstacle to further change, and we develop an excessive sense of ownership.

We may even begin to suspect other people of unworthy motives.
This card suggests letting go of our fear of letting go of our wealth and realizing why we hold onto our possessions and our emotions so stubbornly.

The Four of Pentacles in a spread can mean that you feel mired in material worries.
She warns of the danger of being too stingy in material means or in expressing your feelings - you must share what you have, otherwise you will suffocate in the musty air of your limited life.

Your self-esteem may be too dependent on the possession of material things, and you will need to free yourself from certain views in order to properly re-evaluate your personality.
This card predicts strong and long-term financial well-being if you manage to become more flexible in relation to property issues.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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Value for divination
Love for material well-being.
Petty person.
Inability to share.
Reversed value
Investment failures.

Creating obstacles for further profit.
Delay and delay.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Four of Coins is a card of possession, a feeling that you need to protect your property.

inner meaning
It is a card of possession and preservation of what is yours.
The property is yours by right; you have earned or inherited it.

(Note that "inherited" possessions refer to skill and talent.) This card also suggests that the Inquirer feels the need to defend or protect his possessions.
Other cards in the spread will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not.

This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it gets in the way of moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.

Value in the layout
Direct, or positive: property, talent, gift.

Keeping what belongs to you.
Satisfaction with personal status In addition, the established situation in business or in personal life; lack of anxiety.
Good feeling about the future.

Reversed or Negative: Opposition, uncertainty, delays, obstacles.
Possible loss.
Possible quarrels, especially with people close to the Questioner (for example, quarrels over property or inheritance).

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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The constructive work of the Troika is consolidated in the Four, giving material wealth and power.
In modern decks, it is primarily associated with the control and protection of resources, with stabilization and the establishment of restrictions.

It can also mean that you are avoiding passion in your relationship.
While traditional interpretations emphasize kindness and generosity, more recent interpretations emphasize the aspect of selfishness and service to self alone.

Your energy is now focused on accumulating wealth, power, and wealth and making sure you can keep and protect it.
This may mean retiring and saving money, but on the other hand, the foundation of a new business or political empire.

In any case, safety is paramount.
This card is sometimes called "the miser": it brings to mind King Midas, who with one touch turned everything into gold - not excluding his own daughter.

The passion for hoarding can take possession of you and, alas, become your master.
Along with acquisitiveness and stockpiling comes the fear of loss, constipation begins, a person loses the ability to compassion.

Perhaps you have forgotten how to relax and let go of problems.
On the Waite-Smith deck card, the figure covers the heart area with a shield to protect itself from attacks.
This gesture means the presentation of their rights to the occupied territory.

On the other hand, you may miss the security, comfort, and value of this card.
It symbolizes stability, security and inner strength, the source of which is the solar plexus - the energy center of your body.

This deep rootedness may explain the traditional association of this card with root crops.
Traditional meanings: kindness, generosity, liberality.
Gift, mercy, gift.
Offer, offering.

Additional benefits.
Lunar medicine.
Pleasure, joy, fun.
Successful founding of a business or enterprise.
Fear of loss.

Reversed Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles reversed signifies liberation, risk, and change, which both Pentacles and Fours of Pentacles usually find difficult to accept.

In any case, your reaction will be quite extreme: either more fear, greed and aggressive protection, or a complete renunciation of power and property in the spirit of Siddhartha Gautama and other Indian ascetic saints.

Traditional interpretations involve limitations and external pressures that are not your fault, but which are nonetheless fraught with obstacles, delays, and regression.
You may literally have a clogged drain in your sink.

It may seem to you that you are surrounded on all sides and are not allowed to take a step.
At work, you could reach your ceiling and lose the prospect of further promotion.
On the other hand, you may be prone to waste, speculation, or gambling.

Goods can drop in price and payments can be revoked.
In terms of investment, this card is far from the most favorable sign: Impracticality and lack of control (or lack of "grounding") can hinder decision-making.

Regardless of the specific reasons, you are most likely not satisfied with your financial and material situation.
When projecting this card onto others, you may feel that they need to be controlled or that they cling desperately to what they have.

If other cards of the spread confirm this, relaxation and stress relief can be seen in the Four of Pentacles.
You can get rid of the funds and obligations that took all your attention, or remove the defense mechanisms so that you can finally begin to openly express your feelings.

You can resist or even try to subvert authority (although your actions are not particularly revolutionary) or violate anyone's monopoly.
Now is a good time to reconsider what needs to be protected in your life and where your personal center of power is located.

From a magical and shamanic point of view, the card means the possession of power through magical tools and talismans.
She can also speak of possession by a deity or spirit that requires the sacrifice of property, social position and power in exchange for healing.

Thanks to this obsession, a person whose rights are narrow, and whose ability to control is small, can achieve great success.
Traditional inverted meanings: limited space, perimeter, circumference.

Contamination, difficulty.
Secluded, secluded.
Fixed, prescribed.
Borders, milestones.
Interference, obstacles, delays in payments.
Financial losses.
Failure in exams.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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Key phrase
All mine belongs to me alone and will remain with me forever.
Description of the card and its inner meaning
A good illustration for the Four of Coins Arcana is a greedy child who does not want to share his toys.

There is some truth in this.
This card describes the property of the Questioner and everything that belongs to him by right.
Only his behavior will be caused not by greed, but by a sense of the need to protect his good.

Other cards in the spread will tell you how justified this premonition will be.
The questioner has achieved a lot: the fruits of the first success have been obtained, the first attempt to improve life has been implemented.
At this stage, a person knows the value of money and holds on to it tightly.

On the other hand, the Four of Coins pushes the Questioner to move forward, makes him not rest on his laurels, but prepare himself for the future.
After all, not all tasks have been completed yet, a high position has not yet been taken, everything possible has not yet been obtained, and there is clearly little available.

You can live a long time, being content with little, but the Questioner is afraid to go forward, he is afraid of the road to the unknown.
In this case, it is necessary to carefully study the layout in order to determine what the Questioner should do: either continue to hold the tit in his hands, or strive to catch the crane in the sky.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - G, number - 4, Ruled by the planet - Mars, signs of the zodiac - Taurus, Capricorn, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 45 hexagram ("Reunion"), Weather conditions - cloudy, wind, Corresponding color - blue, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to sephirah Chesed.
Card meaning
Direct position
The questioner has some property.
All this belongs to him by right.
However, wealth can be not only material values, but also abilities, innate talent.

The Four of Coins does not exclude the possibility of the Questioner receiving a certain share of the inheritance, speaks of an established situation in business and love, promises to receive material assistance and self-confidence.

Surrounded by unfavorable cards, this Arkan warns the Questioner of impending financial problems, calls to protect his property.

Reversed position
In this case, the Four of Coins confirms the Questioner's worst fears: he will have to endure severe trials, hardships, and even losses in the struggle for his wealth.

Often this card in an inverted position indicates the division of property, quarrels with relatives over inheritance.
This card can also be seen as advice to refrain from rash material spending.

Perhaps the Questioner is tired of feeling constrained and limited.
He feels an inner protest, which manifests itself in the desire to live "in a big way."
But such a love for freedom, a clear unwillingness to reckon with norms, should not, after all, cause frivolous extravagance.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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The Four of Pentacles is a card of a stable financial situation, full control over the situation.
Discipline and organization bring you financial wealth.
You follow the motto: "Money is power!" Often indicates a pronounced possessive instinct.

You have already achieved what you were striving for, and you no longer dream of new heights.
No matter what they tell you about the need for further growth, you just brush it off - they say, and this is enough for now.
You do not intend to make any efforts for the sake of obtaining even greater benefits.

Inverted - the exact opposite of the direct meaning.
Loss of control over the situation, loss of financial stability due to their own carelessness.
Money is flowing to no one knows where.
Feeling of complete powerlessness.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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IV. Four - a crowned person who has a pentacle above her head; she holds the other pentacle in her arms; two more pentacles under the man's feet.

Direct position: guarantee of material profit; remaining true to what he has, gifts, inheritance, inheritance.

Reverse position: anxious expectation, obstacle, confrontation.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning: Saturn in the second house as a symbol of concern for the future due to unfavorable circumstances.
FOUR DENARIES Four denarii means excessive concern for the future, manifested in greed, stinginess and a deeply rooted fear of any change.

Such a "setting" is essentially hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop the moment", to keep everything as it is, are not only futile, but also contradict the natural course of things.
Thus, this card usually indicates that we are one step away from stagnation (stagnation), and is often a harbinger of the Tower (16), meaning the rupture of the hardened crust.

If the Four Denarius finds itself in a position that requires such behavior from us, then this means that at the moment we need to concentrate, limit ourselves in something, retreat - or, having taken up the matter, no longer let it out of our hands.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Power The third decade of Capricorn from 10 to 19 January.
Astrological equivalents: Mercury, Mars, Uranus in Cancer, houses 2 and 4.
The third decade of Capricorn symbolizes the achievement of real material results, reliance on reliable foundations and a firm conviction in the correctness of one's path.

This decade is characterized by practicality, constructive use of opportunities and an objective understanding of one's own benefits.
This decade is ruled by the Sun, and it poses the problem of how to manage the material abundance that life provides.

Understanding the power of material values ​​either makes one accumulate wealth in fear of poverty, or renounce its self-sufficient power for the sake of one's freedom and lose everything completely.
Representatives of this decade show interest in the struggle for survival in extreme conditions, which makes it possible to reveal those potential possibilities of the individual, on the realization of which society imposes restrictions.

People of this decade have a natural taste: the imperfect does not satisfy them.
This decade symbolizes the acquisition by a person of all the material values ​​\u200b\u200bnecessary for his life and further activities.

Stubbornness, rigidity.
Direct position: AT upright position the card symbolizes a certain ecological niche occupied by a person in society.
The Four of Pentacles is reliable, there is no room for chance.

The success achieved here is natural and is the result of painstaking work.
The Four of Pentacles can symbolize a small, gray and boring home life.
These are security, reliability, order in the house, financial stability (a meager but regular pension), health (the norm is on the verge of pathology).

Strength, character, worldly needs, someone who knows what he wants, true to his point of view, possessing strong character.
Reliable partner.
A person who achieves success (but not much).
In the theme of the Four of Pentacles, the theme of Cancer and the planets significant in this sign - Jupiter and the Moon - clearly sound.

Gifts, patronage, social benefits, humanitarian aid can pass through Jupiter.
The moon accentuates the meaning of home, nepotism, reliability.
However, the Four of Pentacles can sometimes mean greed.

"I earned it with hard work and I'm not going to share it with anyone."
Ignobility, explained by unseemly pretexts ("I have a family and children").
Reversed position: In an inverted position, the Four of Pentacles indicates the negative manifestations associated with the sign of Cancer.

These are monetary losses, disorder in the outside world, especially at home; disorder in business, inability to assemble, organize, laxity, obstacle, cessation of a permanent income, limbo, extravagance.

Through this map there are such concepts as "my hut is on the edge", "my shirt is closer to the body."
The inverted Four of Pentacles is associated with the concept of the border and symbolizes the fence, enclosure, any kind of delimitation of sites.

This can apply to both land and work (each takes his share).

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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A rich man sits on a stool; the city is visible behind him.
A man holds one denarius in his hands, the other adorns his hat, the other two lie under his feet.
This card could be called "Zhadyuga" - however, rather in a moral sense than in a material one.

He is afraid or ashamed to show his feelings, every time he thinks for a long time: is it possible, is it necessary to show close person that he loves him?
Is it possible to be guided by the movement of the soul, isn't cold calculation better?

But, if the forces are not spent, they dry up: if you save feelings, they “peroxide” and can eventually turn into their opposite.
The person remains alone.
Feel free to feel, this card says; not everything in the world is verified by cold calculation.

In the Tarot of Aquarius, it shows a person who has already overcome this “greed” of his.
In the practice of divination, it can also have a direct meaning - for example, you will be denied a loan or credit.
In a direct position, the matter is still fixable: you can convince a person to share his feelings with others or apply for money at a different address.

Inverted: The case is practically hopeless: you can’t convince a person, and they won’t give a loan anywhere.

Vitaly Zaichenko. "Tarot Waite and more, wise instructions sent by cards."

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hold on tight

The ability to hold on tightly to material things leads to stinginess

Symbolic image:
The colors of the clothes the king is wearing convey power and wealth.
His posture speaks of stinginess and the desire for hoarding.

Astrological correspondence:
Planet: Saturn, Element: Earth

Traditional meaning:
Stability, security, reliability, structure, discipline, organization, stagnation, immobility, blocking, restrictions, fear of loss.
At best, this card serves as a warning to carefully guard your property and hold fast what you have earned or accumulated.

Meanwhile, the person on the map is a richly dressed citizen with a crown on his head, so how justified is such a warning? In the worst case, this card means stinginess, when a person is rich, but does not want to share anything.
However, it can also indicate fear - a person clings to material values, believing that this is the most important thing and can be lost.

Appearing, the card may indicate a great hidden anxiety.
Someone is so worried about some situation, financial or otherwise, that he just becomes stupefied.

A hopeless situation arises, all the energy of a person is spent on maintaining and maintaining the status quo.
This kind of blocking works in two ways - perhaps nothing leaves, but at the same time nothing can come.

As long as you stay in that "stop" nothing can change.
And no matter how difficult the situation is, you need to move forward, relieve tension, restore your energy resource or money flow.

What are we talking about?
On the protection of finances.
About borders.

About fear for existence and an exaggerated need for protection.
About panic and suspension.

What needs to be done?
Set healthy and realistic goals and accomplish them with confidence.
Bring about change and break free from clamps.

Communicating with others:
Show the breadth of your nature, do not be afraid to express what lies on your heart.
Try to be sympathetic to yourself.

In love, in matters of the heart:
Be number 1 in relationships.
Give confidence to your partner.

But, also, don't hold on to relationships that are overwhelming and only troubling.
Share your feelings.

AT professional activity:
Take on the task without fear new work.
Strive for novelty.

Be always ready for restructuring and unknown attacks from the authorities.

At a difficult moment in life:
First of all, achieve safety, but pay attention not to walk in a circle, wasting time, but to move forward step by step.

What should be avoided?
Material dependence, stinginess, narrow-mindedness, greed, fear of change, constant fear of incurring losses, rejection of change.

What surprises does the future hold?
There comes a period of reliability and security, as well as stagnation, if you are afraid to take risks.
The attitude towards money characterizes the emotional behavior of a person, and it is determined by the panic fear of losing everything.

A person does not open up, he is afraid to show his feelings, so as not to get mentally hurt.

If you don’t know what to do today, how to console yourself, Arkan whispers in a low whisper: Recalculate your budget.
View your bank account or deposits.

Bring clarity and order to your finances.
When meditating on this Arcana, ask yourself a question

Am I holding on too tightly to material things? What do I need to be careful about?

The following statements will inspire you, help you to tune in optimistically and easily walk along the road of life:
I free myself from everything that binds me.
I own what I should own.

Among the pentacles in the Tarot deck, the fourth minor arcan is considered a card of power and possession, obsession with personal property. First of all, the card symbolizes holding something or someone at any cost. She bears the imprint of greed and greed. This is a direct reluctance to let go, to part with personal financial resources or spiritual values. The card depicts a nobleman in expensive clothes, sitting on a makeshift throne. The background of the map is the city. On his head he has a crown with one pentacle, he holds another tightly in his hand, the rest lie under his feet. The meaning of the Tarot Four of Pentacles directly indicates the fear of loss of stability, unwillingness to share acquired property.


This card openly indicates a person who does not want to share his material wealth. Commercialism of this kind can lead to the blocking of ties of various kinds. In other words, because of stinginess and greed, a person is not able to build business and love relationship with other people.

Moreover, very often the card indicates that the fortuneteller, trying to get as much as possible, begins to forget about the people who helped him get what he has at the moment. This leads to a cooling of relationships and estrangement from relatives, friends and loved ones.

The total value in the layouts in the upright position

If in general layouts this card falls out in a straight position, then first of all it symbolizes the increased caution of a fortuneteller. He seeks to keep his values, save them only for himself, without giving away to anyone. This card directly speaks of the manifestation of greed. It should be borne in mind that such a state will not lead to good, because life is fleeting, everything is constantly changing, and no one will be able to stop the moment. In other words, such an internal state is contrary to the natural course of things, and more people will try to keep material values, the more he will lose in the end.

The Tarot value of the Four of Pentacles in the classical layout indicates stagnation or a very close approach to it. When this card appears in a spread in a place that speaks of behavior, this is interpreted as how the council will focus and begin to limit itself in something. This is a direct call to retreat from the plans or, on the contrary, having taken up some work, in no case retreat and bring the matter to the end. In this situation, the card advises a comprehensive approach to the issue, and to show maximum care in studying all aspects. Only a real look at the matter and a sound assessment of the prospects will help you correctly prioritize and get what you want.

The total value in the layouts in an inverted position

If the Four of Pentacles inverted (Tarot) fell out in the classical layout, its meaning is a symbol of disorganization, inability to distribute one’s strength and time, as a result of which a person is simply overwhelmed with business and does not know where to start. In addition, he set too rigid limits, limiting himself more than necessary. When the layout was made for the financial sector, then the minor lasso can have several opposite meanings at once. In some cases, he speaks of the stinginess and greed of the fortuneteller, in others - of excessive wastefulness.

In a word, the card indicates a person who rushes from one extreme to another, significantly shaking his financial situation. In this situation, it is better to stop, evaluate your behavior, stop acting automatically, and approach the assessment of your actions with intelligence and rationality. Otherwise, you can lose everything you have acquired and even get into debt. And it does not matter what it is about, about stinginess or wastefulness. That the first, that the second will lead to losses, because it is contrary to the natural course of things.

Direct position in the layout for work

For each layout for different questions, the meaning of Tarot cards can differ dramatically. Four of Pentacles in Divination business area means that the fortuneteller strongly holds on to his current job, or at least expects stability and profitability from it. The interpretation of this card, which fell out in a straight position, is quite positive.

Caught in such layouts, it indicates the solution of many problems in the near future. Things will soon be in order, and if there were any problems in work or business, then very soon things will go fine, everything will turn out as well as possible.

Reversed position in the layout of affairs

Wrong organization of affairs, a person overstrains, exhausts himself, works more than he has the strength - this is what Tarot Four of Pentacles matters. The interpretation of this card in a career scenario suggests that due to the inability to properly organize one's own work and the activities of subordinates, things in the company are not going very well.

As a result, stress and apathy, which will undoubtedly appear against the background of such tension, can lead to the complete collapse of the whole business. In some cases, the minor lasso, which fell out in an inverted position, indicates the presence of external factors that negatively affect the business. They are capable of, if not destroying, then quite significantly affecting the operation of the enterprise or the working condition of the person on whom the alignment is being made.

Alignment for health

In the upright position, the Tarot value of the Four of Pentacles is quite positive. The card speaks of the stability of the state of health, but warns that in order to fix this result, compliance with the regime is necessary. If the card fell out in an inverted position, then this is a warning that you need to save your strength and avoid overvoltage. Otherwise, this can greatly affect the state of the fortuneteller.

Direct position in the layout of the relationship

The Four of Pentacles of the Tarot, which drops out in a direct position, has an ambiguous meaning in relationships. It indicates the fear of openness, the naturalness of the connection between two people. A person tries to behave unnaturally, adhering to generally accepted patterns, he is insincere in the way he shows his character.

All his attempts to keep a person, to be close to him are based only on the fear of loneliness and loss. For him, it is not communication and interconnection that is more important, the main thing is not to be abandoned and rejected. In some cases, this card is interpreted as an indicator of dependence in a relationship. In other words, one of the partners is financially dependent on the other, or in their relationship there are very strict rules and even a totalitarian distribution of forces.

Reversed position in relationship

In an inverted position, the meaning of the Tarot Four of Pentacles in a relationship layout is as follows: the card indicates conflicts and disagreements in a relationship. Moreover, their main reason is life and financial instability. Sometimes the card indicates possible serious quarrels in the future, which will relate to the distribution of the family budget. In some cases, the minor Arcana indicates that one of the partners is interested in this relationship from the material side.

Personal assessment

If the alignment is done to assess the personality of a person, the Tarot value of the Four of Pentacles in a direct position indicates a pragmatic, law-abiding person. He respects private property and will not violate its limits. In an inverted position, the card indicates a conservative person who does not like to go beyond his world. He does not care about prospects or new acquaintances, it is more important that everything is familiar and understandable.

Map of the day

The meaning of the Tarot Four of Pentacles as a card of the day suggests that today the fortuneteller has a tendency to obsession. Most likely, this will prevent the implementation of the plans, moreover, the result of the work will be completely opposite to expectations. When making plans, it is worth paying attention to whether a person is haunted by fear of the future, and if so, then reject it. Then the day can develop more positively. The card advises not to miss the opportunity to learn from all the situations that happen to the fortuneteller, especially if they are negative.

Combination with other cards

If the minor lasso fell out together with the Jester, then this means that the ruin was due to stinginess. In combination with the Magician, the card means preparing and raising money to start opening your own business. If the Four fell out with the High Priestess, this means that important information is being hidden from the fortuneteller.

Together with the Empress - controlled work, which will certainly bring income. With the Emperor is interpreted as good savings for family and work. Together with the Hierophant, the card warns that you will soon have to show character and prove his strength and firmness.

The Four of Pentacles Tarot in a love layout will tell you about what problems may lie ahead, whether there are prospects for a relationship.

In combination with other cards, the total value will depend on the cards drawn and their position.

Characteristics of the lasso

The Four of Pentacles or Coins is one of the minor arcana.

Map Key Meanings:

  • stable financial position;
  • goal achievement;
  • making decisions with the help of the mind, not emotions;
  • health problems due to nervous strain;
  • thoughtless spending;
  • unexpected success.

The main meaning of the lasso is the awareness of the boundary between the desired and the possible. the person to whom this card fell out has a sober mind, pragmatism, in life he occupies a stable position.

But because of the stinginess of emotions, the person is perceived as arrogant and cold, which can be absolutely wrong.

The meaning of the card in relationships

The meaning of the 4 Pentacles Tarot card in personal relationships depends on its position.

Direct position

Arkan in a direct position reports that relationships are built on trust between partners. You can be sure that a person will give out the secrets of a fortuneteller.

Indirect position

The Four of Coins in an indirect position does not pose a clear threat to relationships, but is a warning of financial conflicts. To maintain a favorable atmosphere between partners, it is necessary to clearly identify the responsibilities of each and try to avoid quarrels over trifles.

The combination of the arcana with other cards

In combination with other cards, it is important in what position they fell out, as well as which group the second card belongs to.

With Major Arcana

When 4 Pentacles fall out with the major arcana, the Tarot endows them with its energy. This combination in most cases describes the situation from the financial side.

Major ArcanaFour uprightFour upside down
JesterGreed will lead to ruinUseless gift
Jester, invertedThe desire to possess what does not belong to the fortuneteller
MageCreditGetting a well-deserved award
Mage, invertedSolving debt problemsCelebration in honor of the winner
High PriestessAbility to keep secretstrust intuition
High Priestess, reversedCovering up a person acting illegallyAn original solution to old problems
empressThe need to control spendingUnexpected Perspectives
Empress reversedProper use of the family budgetHappy coincidence
EmperorAccumulating money throughout lifePraise from the leader
Emperor reversedQuarrel between relatives over inheritanceHelp a family member find a job
HierophantRefusal to help people in needGifts from a secret admirer
Hierophant, reversedstinginess
loversRelationship destroying jealousyRefusal to help a friend
Lovers invertedLack of trust between partnersGreed
ChariotUsing funds set aside for a rainy dayWork abroad
Chariot upside downTaking advantage of existing opportunitiesUnexpected turn of events
JusticeFailure to keep one's wordFear of change
Justice upside downWaste of money, data storagehopelessness
HermitCreative stagnationFear of the Unexplainable
Hermit reversedInsufficient project fundingnervous tension
Wheel of FortuneUnwillingness to listen to other people's opinionsMemory of traumatic events
Wheel of Fortune reversedNarrow thinkingRegrets for missed opportunities
ForceSharpening Your SkillsExtortion
Power invertedWaiting for the right moment
Hangedself-sacrificeInsulting a loved one
Hanged, upside downWork that does not bring profitDisdainful attitude from management
DeathDevastationEliminate problems on the way to the goal
Death upside downThe destruction of the family businessExit of the project to the international level
ModerationAbility to solve difficult problemsSuccess in self-realization
Temperance invertedIncreasing the level of knowledge
DevilReluctance to part with old thingsSerious disease
Devil, upside downPassion for hoardingCredit problem
TowerInvesting money in a losing projectWinning the lottery
Tower upside downVictim of financial fraudAn unexpected legacy
StarAcquiring what you wantThe ability to listen to people will benefit
star invertedDream come trueHelp a friend
MoonParticipation in a suspicious enterpriseGreat job offer
Moon invertedProblems with lawGift from a fan
The sunStable source of incomeNew project
sun invertedBank fraudReplenishment in the family
CourtAn old project that makes a profitAbility to do hard work
Judgment upside downAttention to details
WorldAccumulation of the required amount to start your own businessConclusion of a peace treaty
World upside downGood healthResponsibility for other people

With minor arcana

When combined with the minor arcana, the value of the 4 Pentacles of the Tarot dominates the second card, the general meaning will be precisely its energy.

In combination with her suit, she takes on the following meanings:

Combination with Swords:

  • Ace - minor troubles can develop into major problems;
  • King - painful perception of criticism;
  • Queen - an objective assessment of her actions;
  • Knight - unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others;
  • Page - trust will serve as the basis for a strong relationship;
  • 10 - dependence on someone else's opinion;
  • 9 - emotions will bring harm;
  • 8 - decisions should be made with prudence;
  • 7 - apathy, unwillingness to fight public opinion;
  • 6 - success in love;
  • 5 - achievement of the goal;
  • 4 - control over children;
  • 3 - logic will help to avoid mistakes;
  • 2 - bias does not allow you to perceive your essence objectively.

Combination with Wands:

  • Ace - the accumulation of money for education;
  • King - the ability to find a way out of any situation;
  • Queen - false testimony;
  • Knight - waste of inheritance;
  • Page - lack of ideas;
  • 10 - creative stagnation;
  • 9 - self-interest in marriage;
  • 8 - career advancement;
  • 7 - the desire to satisfy their requests in a dishonest way;
  • 6 - stinginess;
  • 5 - progress towards the goal without taking into account the needs of others;
  • 4 - strictness to oneself will help develop talents;
  • 3 - contribution of funds to a new project;
  • 2 - refusal to travel due to lack of finances.

Matching Cups:

  • Ace - the need for rest;
  • King - conflicts with parents;
  • Queen - an attempt to get out of the influence of another person;
  • Knight - inability to quickly navigate in a difficult situation;
  • Page - demotion;
  • 10 - the need for careful planning;
  • Conclusion

    When divining for love, the Four of Pentacles Tarot in direct form speaks of complete harmony between partners. An inverted sign is a warning of impending conflicts over material means.

    It is worth considering the position of the cards and what group of arcana they belong to.

The Four of Pentacles is a card that, when it appears in a reading, can tell a lot about a person's financial situation. She is a symbol of financial stability.

Take a look at the classic depiction of the four denarii on the Rader-Waite cards. You see a stern, detached man who convulsively clutches a coin in his hands. Another crown rises above his crown, and his legs rest on two pentacles. The associations are bright and well traced. Money is a symbol of power, but it enslaves a person, makes him dependent, greedy, miserable and cruel at the same time. What emotions does this card evoke? It symbolizes wealth, but the theme of greed is visible to the naked eye.

In this article

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

A person tries to control everything, to keep everything in his hands, but at the same time he loses best qualities. Obsessed with money, does not notice missed opportunities, lives for profit.

If 4 Pentacles surround positive cards, it encourages action, gives a chance for financial well-being and a favorable outcome. Negative cards signal that you should focus on one thing, and not scatter energy over trifles. Option: in pursuit of profit, you forget about spirituality.

Direct position

The main message is financial well-being, a passion for hoarding, collecting banknotes for the sake of owning them.

Common interpretations of the 4 Denarii that fell out in the scenario.

  • You are closed to communication, do not have warm feelings for family and friends.
  • Live only for the sake of work, not paying attention to the available pleasures.
  • You do not know how to spend money usefully and are greedy for little things.
  • The card speaks of stinginess, money-grubbing, hoarding in the worst sense of the word.
  • Scheduled to choose from life path can mean banking, financial institutions.
  • A positive value is the ability to save, a prudent approach to housekeeping, reasonable, thoughtful spending.

The interpretation of the symbolism of the card depends not only on the surrounding cards. Each fortuneteller puts her own thoughts, emotions and associations into the interpretation. Be prepared for the fact that the position of the questioner may not coincide with the opinion of the soothsayer. Therefore, some tarologists speak of the positive meaning of the four of Coins, while others speak negatively about the symbol.

If you look closely at the image, it becomes clear: the person in the picture is angry and causes negative emotions. Few people like misers and greedy people.

Reversed position

He says that the questioner is completely dependent on material wealth. For him, there is nothing but a thirst for profit. The negative qualities of the four Denarii are enhanced in the reverse state.

The symbol says that a person is unable to part even with a small amount. It seems to him that everyone around him is coveting the fortune accumulated over many years. He does not save, but denies himself simple pleasures.

  • Card issues Bad mood, suspicion bordering on insanity.
  • Diseases - because of the unwillingness to spend money on treatment.
  • It can mean a meager salary, a loss in business, a bad investment in banking, or a loss on the stock exchange.
  • Strained relationships in the family, pressure on neighbors, total financial control, the desire to have a complete account of spending.
  • Mental stinginess, emptiness, inability to empathize, lack of empathy, emotional deafness.

The appearance of the 4 of Pentacles in the reverse position is a signal, reconsider your outlook on life and be attentive to your health.

Value when divining for business and work

If the card appears in a job spread, consider how the effort is worth the cash reward. Perhaps you are underestimated in your former job. Alternatively, a person simply does not want to change anything, does not want to grow professionally, gain new experience and knowledge.

The card signals that it's time to change. This applies to both the place of work and the type of activity. Remember how long you were interested in additional information on your profession; When was the last time you upgraded your skills?

Most often, this card appears in the alignment of people engaged in routine, uninteresting work that brings neither joy nor profit.

But, probably, the person is satisfied with the established ritual of actions. Then he decides whether to look for a new place or not.

Take a look at the adjacent cards. If they point directly to the need for change, follow their advice. So, the Tower that appeared next to the 4 Pentacles suggests that it is time to break the usual way of life. Moreover, it will change regardless of the desire of the questioner. It's just time.

The meaning of fortune-telling for relationships

Based on the symbolism of the Four of Pentacles, it is easy to guess that when divining about relationships, it takes on a negative meaning. Keywords:

  1. Ownership instincts.
  2. Pettiness and suspicion.
  3. stinginess and stinginess of emotions.
  4. Painful jealousy.

A card dropped in a direct position indicates an unwillingness to share a partner with others. It's not about intimate relationships. Most likely, the person is jealous and not ready to accept the inner circle of his wife or husband. Such marriages are closed to outsiders: no friends, fun parties, joint trips and meetings.

Option - your relationship is at an impasse. One of the partners does not want to develop and move on. Stagnation in feelings and emotions. Routine devours relationships, they are on the verge of collapse.

In the layout for the prospects of marriage, the card literally means a union of convenience. In such a tandem, one buys the love and attention of another with the help of financial well-being and expensive gifts.

In the reverse position, the card signals the beginning of a new stage. A person dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs begins to rebel against the usual way of life. The partner will either have to change or step aside.

In a literal sense, the inverted 4 of Pentacles is quarrels and conflicts over money. The collapse of the family budget, disagreements over large and small purchases, inability to manage the household.

People and places

In layouts that involve determining a place, the 4 Denarius card indicates institutions related to finance. This is an exchange, a bank, an office. When divining by the type of human activity, the card of the four Coins most often falls out to middle-class bank clerks, petty officials and other people associated with cash flows.

May mean a government agency involved in the calculation of benefits, pensions, benefits.

Psychological state and personality portrait

Depending on the direct or reverse position of the significator, they speak of positive and negative qualities of a person.

In the classical position, the card falls to stingy and boring people. They do not know how to enjoy life, they see a catch in everything, they count pennies and demand a report on spending.

From the point of view of psychology, such people experience difficulties in communication, suffer from excessive suspicion.

If this significator card fell out to a potential partner, beware. Reproaches of extravagance, greed and pettiness - this is a portrait of a future husband or wife. Consider whether such a satellite is needed.

In an inverted position, 4 Coins with a head gives out a cheerful spender. With such a partner, money quickly flows through their fingers. With him, too, you will not build a stable future.

The key personality traits are extravagance, gambling addiction, thoughtless waste of funds.

Classic combination with Major Arcana

The Major Arcana affect the meaning of the Four of Pentacles, highlight the main character traits, and indicate fateful events.

  • Jester and 4 Coins - inability to manage the household, carelessness, recklessness. The meaning of the combination: money is despicable pieces of paper.
  • The magician and the four - fundraising for the project. Smart financial management. Calculating the situation a few steps ahead.
  • The High Priestess, who appeared next to the 4 of Pentacles, says that important information is being hidden from you.
  • The Empress urges to control spending and keep a diary of income and expenses. This way you will avoid losing money.
  • The emperor next to the four coins is good sign. The family income will be considerable.
  • The hierophant speaks of a callous nature that does not know how to empathize. Option: hard business.
  • Lovers next to the four Denariyev warn of the partner's possessive intentions.
  • The chariot portends big expenses.
  • Strength calls for the accumulation of potential for a decisive breakthrough in business.
  • The hermit, who appeared next to the Pentacles, indicates stagnation, lack of prospects, apathy, loneliness.
  • Wheel of Fortune and 4 Coins - luck is unpredictable. No one will give a guaranteed result.
  • Justice warns of the need to repay debts.
  • The Hanged Man speaks of unreasonable and wasteful spending that will not pay off over time.
  • Death and the four are reminiscent of the futility of efforts and instability. In a global sense - financial collapse, default, ruin.
  • The devil and the four are a symbol of stinginess, greed, money-grubbing and greed at any cost.
  • Tower and 4 of Pentacles - you are on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • The star says that there is no need to save up for pipe dreams. Set aside money for real projects.
  • The moon is illusions, inability to conduct financial affairs, excessive gullibility to partners. Don't let yourself be fooled.
  • The sun is a great sign if it appears next to the Denarii. Money luck is not far off. Feel free to invest even in risky business, they are worth it.
  • Court and 4 are good prospects.
  • Peace and Denarii mean that the family has a stable financial situation.

Classic combination with cards of the same suit

Own suit doubles the value of any card. But do not forget about the upright and inverted position.

Combination of 4 Pentacles with your suit.

  • Ace of Pentacles and Four - you will have to fight for a place under the sun in order to strengthen your current position.
  • Two and 4 - uncertainty, doubt.
  • Troika - protection of interests, intellectual property, projects and inventions.
  • Five - greed, rudeness, stinginess.
  • Six predicts the appearance of a patron or sponsor.
  • Seven warns that money must work. Don't keep them under your pillow.
  • Eight says that a person is not interested in his activities. He only goes to work for the money.
  • Nine and four denarii warn of a dangerous dependence on money. Option - marriage of convenience.
  • Ten and four - unwillingness to share.
  • The page betrays an inveterate snob, boasting of his financial position.
  • The Knight of Pentacles and the Four predict control over the situation.
  • The Queen of Pentacles appearing next to the 4 indicates wealth. It is possible to receive an inheritance from an unexpected source.
  • The king characterizes a person as an inept master who has a lot of money, but no mind.

The 4 of Pentacles is a card of stability. But do not make a cult out of money. Otherwise, they will enslave the owner.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Heaven and Earth - this can be said in a nutshell about the combination of Swords and Pentacles.

Combination of 4 Pentacles with the suit of Swords.

  • The Ace of Swords and the Four of Pentacles is a symbol of work on oneself and victory over shortcomings.
  • Two - you have to defend yourself, defend interests, protect what you have acquired.
  • Three - do not be upset because of someone else's greed. Don't judge people, have pity on them.
  • Four of Swords plus Four of Pentacles - in front of you is a real miser who counts every penny.
  • Five says that you may encounter an encroachment on personal interests and property. Guard the borders.
  • Six betrays a cowardly and timid person. Option: you have to give up positions because of cowardice.
  • Seven warns of cunning on the part of partners, impure thoughts. Option: you yourself are not without sin.
  • Eight - routine, boredom, apathy, lack of prospects at work.
  • Nine - you are a prisoner of illusions, break the vicious circle. Take a look at financial condition soberly. Option - unreasonable fears of losing what you have acquired.
  • Ten - major losses, collapse.
  • The page warns that it is impossible to lose vigilance. The enemies are up to something behind the back of the questioner.
  • The knight calls to act decisively, boldly, not to think about public opinion.
  • Queen - a smart, but prudent woman will appear in life. Option - a wise boss, mentor, boss.
  • The king is a man endowed with great powers. Greedy and cruel.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Water nourishes the Earth and gives her strength - the traditional combination of Pentacles and Cups.

Combination of 4 Pentacles with the suit of Cups.

  • Ace and four say that the questioner loves money very much. This in itself is not bad, but do not forget about the soul.
  • The Two of Cups advises to keep the family budget prudently. Beware of reckless spending. Option: a person who carefully controls expenses.
  • Three portends a holiday organized only for the initiated. Option: You will gain access to high society.
    The four betrays satiety with life, dissatisfaction.
  • Five says that you will have to part with part of what you have acquired, get ready for disappointments and losses.
  • The Six reminds us of the need to protect borders. Option: a person had to go through a lot before he reached his current well-being.
  • Seven is a sign of greed. Do not forget about the need to share, otherwise you will lose everything.
  • Eight - a difficult financial situation, temporary poverty, financial difficulties.
  • Nine - bright prospects, the fulfillment of a dream. Option: long-awaited major purchase.
  • Ten betrays the tight-fisted head of the family, who does not want to share income with loved ones.
  • Page and Four of Pentacles - before you is a boastful, empty person.
  • A knight is callousness, a lack of empathy. Be careful with such a partner.
  • The queen with four symbolizes a person who thinks only about his own benefit.
  • The king warns - be afraid of selfish friends and acquaintances. They give bad advice.

Classic combination with the suit of Staves

What does the combination of Earth and Fire predict?

Combination of 4 Pentacles with the suit of Staves.

  • In combination with Ace, the four means that a person should save money to fulfill an old dream.
  • Two symbolizes missed opportunities. Conscious rejection of benefits.
  • Three - increase capital, now is the right time for this.
  • The Four of Pentacles and the Four of Staves guarantee financial achievement.
  • Five warns of disagreements over money matters.
  • The Six says that you will have to deal with problems alone. Option: everything is in your hands.
  • Seven and four give out a desire to seize the initiative.
  • The appearance of a figure eight next to 4 Coins is an inheritance.
  • Nine - selfish plans of rivals.
  • Ten promises stagnation in business, financial difficulties.
  • Page - you are at an impasse. We need new ideas.
  • Knight - be careful with spending, there is a high probability of losing money.
  • Queen - self-interest, envy, suspicion.
  • The king indicates an enterprising and active partner. Option: you lack precisely these qualities in life.

Do not take the interpretation of each combination literally. Try to evoke your own associations in the subconscious. Draw parallels with reality, trust your intuition, use life experience.

The value of divination for health

When guessing for health, pay attention to the position of the Four of Pentacles and the combination with other Arcana.

In the upright position, 4 Pentacles says that a person treats health with care. He does not necessarily have reasons for this, most often it is banal suspiciousness and caution.

In the reverse position, the card indicates the presence of chronic diseases, a gloomy mood, and problems at the somatic level.

The Four of Pentacles cannot be interpreted unambiguously. A person himself must clearly see the line between reasonable frugality and pathological stinginess. Remember: the passion for hoarding deprives you of peace of mind, alienates you from people, makes you gloomy and withdrawn.

A little about the author:

Esoteric tarot reader for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and perspectives are hidden.

More than 20 years ago, I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then, I have been using them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersed in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

Brief description of the map
Waite gives a very sparse description of the 4 of Pentacles, describing only the location of the pentacles and pointing out that since the pentacles are in one way or another in contact with the figure of the character of the card, he allegedly holds them. If you follow this logic, then the character really controls three of the four pentacles. How firmly the pentacle is fixed on his crown is not obvious.
Pay attention to the following details of the picture:

  • The city is behind the character. Despite the fact that the picture shows tall towers, a quick glance at the map makes the city look much more like a modern metropolis studded with skyscrapers. The city is not surrounded by an obvious fortress wall, which is generally not typical for the Middle Ages.

  • The boots on the character's feet are not laced. That is, if he suddenly decides to jump up and run, there is a chance to lose his boot or even fall. Interestingly, the character sits on a stone plinth so large that he barely touches the ground with his toes.

Map keywords
  • Stability

  • Guarantees

  • Practicality

  • Stagnation

  • Limited space

  • business acumen

Key Ideas of the Map
  • Control of the surrounding space and ongoing events

  • Smart use of resources

  • Awareness of responsibility

  • Everything goes according to plan

The main meaning of the card 4 of Pentacles
In its meaning, this card is close to the King of Pentacles and through him to the Emperor. In fact, the 4 of Pentacles and the King of Pentacles are synonymous. We can assume that the map depicts the actual ruler of the city behind him. He has significant resources at his disposal, but he spends them not only and not so much on his own whims, but on the life support of the city. Rational, reasonable use of resources. Holidays are arranged out of necessity, not on a whim. Buying grain is more important than the king's new clothes. However, this unemotional style of government is not approved by everyone. Lovers of tinsel and fireworks are dissatisfied with the small amount of resources thrown into the wind.
The map speaks of the need for rational planning, strict control over the progress of the process and targeted spending of funds. The card describes a stable stable financial situation, prosperous at the moment.
Four of Pentacles in relationships
The card speaks of a situation in which a person who is passionate about his work is not too interested in a relationship. Moreover, he perceives them as a burden and an annoying hindrance. In his opinion, emotional factors negatively affect the rationality of decisions made.
The second side of this card is the problem of relationships with a person in a leading position. On the one hand, he is accustomed to flattery and servility, and does not take criticism well. On the other hand, he suspects those around him that they are interested in a relationship not so much with him as with his "crown". And incredulity in this card is much more common than the thirst for flattery.
Psychological state
A calm, adequate person who knows what he is doing, why and for what. The situation is under his control. For him, there is nothing secret, incomprehensible and inexplicable in the process. Confident master of his craft.

Wheel of Fortune: a stable, stable situation that does not carry any unexpected, unpleasant changes.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Hanged: reasonable savings will help you get through difficult times.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Moderation: Special attention should be paid to the balance of fluids in the body or process.
Four of Pentacles in health matters

On the one hand, the card indicates good health. And if we talk about the negative aspects of this card, then we can talk about the desire to keep everything inside. And it can be emotions, and literally constipation. Also, the card can talk about psychological stresses so familiar that a person stops noticing them. Sometimes the card indicates a lack of movement and physical activity. But at the moment the person does not suffer from it.

4 of Pentacles combined with a card 3 Staves: prepare a new expedition without haste. There are no trifles in preparing for a trip.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card 7 Staves: think slowly, act quickly.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card 10 Staves: physical fatigue reached dangerous limits. You should rest.
Financial Position of the Four of Pentacles

The financial position of the 4 of Pentacles does not cause any concern. This is a situation where money starts to go to money. The hard work on the formation of financial flows has been completed, and thin financial streams have merged into a full-flowing river. Now the problem is not “where to get?”, but “where to invest?”.
The situation is very stable. This is its plus and its minus. If abrupt changes suddenly begin, it will be very difficult to rebuild from a state of peace to a state of war.

4 of Pentacles combined with a card 7 Cups: You just think you're in control. In fact, the situation looks different.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card 10 Cups: perfect harmony between work and family.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card King of Cups: It's time to celebrate.
Card of the day Tip
When making a decision, exclude emotions.
Card of the day Caution
Anticipate force majeure and unexpected changes. Not everything has to follow your plan.

4 of Pentacles combined with a card 6 Swords: do not limit yourself to your city, make long journeys.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Lady of Swords: you make an unnecessarily strict impression on subordinates.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Page of Swords: in this situation, inaction and paranoia are better than active actions.

Character Four of Pentacles- a calm, serious, self-confident person. He is used to relying only on himself and knows how to cope with problems. Being strong, he does not take into account the weaknesses of other people, which can play a trick on him. He does a good job of leading a smooth process, but has difficulty when faced with an unusual situation.

4 of Pentacles combined with a card Queen of Pentacles: frugality can turn into stinginess.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Knight Pentacles: in this situation, profit is more important than friendship.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Page of Pentacles: learn the art of managing.
Questions to ask when drawing this card?

  1. What situation are you in control of? Why are you so sure of this?

  2. What resources do you have? How do you use them?

  3. In what area did you become proficient?

  4. What needs to be done to make the situation stable?