Aquarius and Sagittarius love compatibility. Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility in Love and Marriage

Compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius in love and marriage is 80%. This union, as a rule, has a good chance of success. They will inspire each other, Aquarius has many original ideas, and Sagittarius is an optimist and dreamer by nature. They are both unpredictable, active and cheerful, have a rich imagination and are full of interesting fantasies.

They are distinguished by sociability and mobility. Both partners love to be in the center of everyone's attention, while not suffering from jealousy. Usually they are both interesting people. Each of the partners understands the need to give each other enough freedom. The compatibility of this couple may well create a harmonious relationship that will lead to a successful marriage.

Aquarius Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility

These two have so much in common that they can't help but like each other. Their love compatibility is one of the best in the Zodiac. When love arises between an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man, new horizons open up in life for everyone. They both value freedom, love adventure and hate boredom, both are sociable, can talk about almost any topic. Harmony in the intimate sphere depends mainly on how harmonious communication is.

Interesting and unusual personalities, they create a dynamic union in which there is always a place for creativity. Moreover, the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man can support each other's personal development. Common interests and similar views on love will make them a bright couple, the strength of which will be the ability of partners to support each other. Both the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man have an independent character and high goals in life. As a rule, they have a light disposition, they do not judge others. The Aquarius woman will admire the creative nature of her beloved and will give him many interesting ideas.

They can work well together and achieve great things if they want to. As a rule, the Sagittarius man in this pair is more passionate in love than the slightly emotional Aquarius woman. He can sometimes find his chosen one somewhat selfish, but his optimism allows you to eliminate any misunderstandings.

Sagittarius Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility

These partners have a lot in common in character. They can be brought together by an interest in communication, learning new things, and a love of adventure. The undoubted advantage of the love affair of the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man will be their carefree attitude to life and open character. Compatibility in love is further enhanced if they share each other's hobbies and hobbies.

There is one drawback that will affect the development of the relationship of this couple - they are both not very emotional. The love of an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman can be passionate and exciting, but there will be no truly deep spiritual intimacy between them. On the other hand, this disadvantage compensates for their ability to get along well with each other, so that it does not negatively affect the connection. Each in a pair understands the desire of the other for freedom. Both know that this is a necessary component of happiness, so it is unlikely that any of the partners will limit the other half. The Sagittarius woman will help the Aquarius man to freely express his creative nature, he, in turn, will give support to her ideas and plans.

They are also good at communicating, both among themselves and with other people. Exciting conversations on a variety of topics will support their interest in relationships, they will never be bored together. The Sagittarius woman is cheerful and optimistic, which the Aquarius man will appreciate. Aquarians may seem unusual and even strange to people of some zodiac signs, but not to Sagittarius. She will find magnificent qualities in a loved one and will be proud of him. They are easy to build strong love relationship in which everyone will feel comfortable. If they decide to marry, then there are good chances that it will be long and prosperous.

Sagittarius love compatibility with other zodiac signs

Aquarius love compatibility with other zodiac signs

The union of Sagittarius and Aquarius is considered one of the ideal combinations of zodiac signs. People born under these constellations are unusually similar in spirit, outlook and way of life. They have many common interests and hobbies. The open and friendly Sagittarius attracts the crazy and unpredictable Aquarius. These people are as similar to each other as they are radically different, like opposites. But, despite the differences in character and temperament, representatives of these signs easily find mutual understanding, they seem to complement each other.

The nature of Aquarius is multifaceted, his actions are absolutely unpredictable. He is characterized by a frequent change of mood, from infecting others with fun, sharply turning into melancholy and despondency. Representatives of this sign do not know how to clearly express their feelings, which sometimes makes it difficult to build strong relationships with members of the opposite sex. But with Sagittarius, Aquarius on a subconscious level feel and understand each other. They easily converge in decisions on any, even the most controversial issues, since the level of mutual understanding between them is unusually high.

A happy and long-lasting marriage is foreshadowed by astrologers to the union of these two signs. Although they warn that their compatibility in amorous affairs is not perfect, there are gaps in it that can destroy such a seemingly strong relationship.

Filling these gaps and learning how to solve emerging problems together is what this couple should strive for in the first place. Otherwise, this pair of charming adventurers, always ready to realize their wildest ideas together, will find mutual language. Representatives of both signs value independence very much, moreover, both their own and someone else's, which is another important factor bringing them together.

Aquarius and Sagittarius are great optimists, they are confident that a cloudless happy future awaits them, and they are trying to do everything possible to ensure that it is so.

Sagittarius Woman

Among the representatives of the signs of the zodiac, the Sagittarius woman is the most straightforward. She always says what she thinks to her face, and it does not matter to her how others will react to it. However, she does not always choose expressions to express her opinion. This lady does not tolerate deception, in any case, she will not calm down until she gets to the bottom of the truth.

So it's best to be as honest with her as possible. A woman born under the constellation Sagittarius is very friendly and sincere, she values ​​​​her independence and is always open to those people who behave towards her honestly and fairly. She has a light disposition, a cheerful and optimistic attitude makes her pleasant to talk to, it is always interesting and pleasant to be with her, because, thanks to her highly developed intellect, this woman is able to support any conversation.

Whatever the representative of this sign does, she does it from the bottom of her heart, and never seeks to harm others, offend a person for no reason or hurt his feelings.

The Sagittarius woman is a very self-confident young lady, she knows exactly what she wants from life, she always achieves her goal, and never doubts her abilities. She is extremely energetic, is in constant motion, tries to help everyone, even unfamiliar people. For this reason, she often has conflicts in the family, because because of her desire to help everyone and everyone, the household is left without sufficient attention from her. Often for this woman, social life, the path to self-realization and the achievement of any goals set before her have greater value than personal life and family relationships. Therefore, it often happens that a Sagittarius woman marries at a fairly mature age.

Due to her penchant for adventure and adventure, the representative of this sign simply cannot live without any travel, trips and distant wanderings. During her trip, she rejoices in the freedom that she loves and appreciates so much. These women need a frequent change of scenery, they do not like monotony and monotony.

The Sagittarius woman is very freedom-loving and independent, so a man who wants to connect his fate with her must understand this and not limit her, otherwise there will not be a strong and lasting union between them. She must see in her chosen one a partner equal in intelligence and character. It is precisely such an equal partner that the Aquarius man can become for her. Compatibility in love relationships, according to astrologers, in such a combination of zodiac signs is very prosperous.

A weak-willed and spineless man is unlikely to attract the attention of this young lady. It needs to be understood and accepted as it is. You should not try to remake a Sagittarius woman and impose your opinion on her, this will lead to inevitable resistance and. No matter how dear and close her man is, she will not allow anyone to control her. And in this regard, the Aquarius man will suit her best. Since he also loves and appreciates the freedom of both his own and loved ones. In a relationship with a beloved man, the representative of the constellation Sagittarius is light, natural and open. She is not prone to mannerisms and pretense.

Having married, this woman will be an excellent mistress in the house, she will create a cozy nest for her family and will be devoted to her chosen one. He should understand only that it is not worth encroaching on her personal space, forbidding her to do what she loves or limiting her relationship with friends. A man must learn to trust her completely, and if he allows himself unreasonable scenes of jealousy or interference in her work or pastime, then he risks losing her love once and for all.

The Sagittarius woman, gifted by nature with a bright appearance, outstanding mental abilities, a thirst to learn something new. She needs to be always on the move, in search of adventure and new sensations. Sitting at home by the fireplace with knitting is not about such ladies. It is restlessness, fortitude, courage and a thirst for adventure that attract the Aquarius man to the Sagittarius woman. He likes the openness, sincerity, lack of cunning and lies of the chosen one, who does not pretend to admire the intelligence of her partner and his intellectual abilities. She likes to comprehend the secrets of the soul of her man, she supports his propensity for adventurism and incites him to eccentric and unpredictable actions.

Aquarius Man

A man born under the constellation Aquarius is distinguished by his openness, ease and ease in communication. He is sociable, smart, independent and idealistic. He himself is honest and natural in relations with people, and therefore does not accept falsehood and secrecy in relation to himself. Aquarius is a very freedom-loving and independent person, he does not follow any generally accepted rules if he does not agree with their correctness. For him, the only correct opinion is his opinion, and it is extremely difficult to convince such a person of anything.

If a woman who has feelings for an Aquarius man wants to get him as a husband, then she must remember the main rule - do not encroach on his freedom. You should not limit this man in something, just believe him, because he is a very honest and fair person, you should not get him with suspicions, this will push him away from you. In this regard, he will feel very comfortable next to the Sagittarius woman, since this couple is very similar in temperament and life position.

Maximum freedom, and you will have a happy and harmonious relationship. In his soulmate, the Aquarius man is looking not so much for a lover as for a friend. A strong foundation for future family relations with him will be the presence of common interests, the ability of a woman to support and understand her husband in any life situation, the absence of greed and obsession with material goods.

In family life with a man born under the constellation of Aquarius, it will never be boring, he is easily carried away by any occupation and is able to carry his whole family with him. He is a great inventor and original. Therefore, it is quite normal for him to unexpectedly pack his bags and go on a trip. And the Sagittarius woman, an adventurer by nature, will fully support him in this regard.

Such alliances, as they say, are made in heaven. More successful compatibility is difficult to find among all the signs of the zodiac. This soul mates, and so much so that they understand each other at a glance. The rapidly developing romance of this unusually harmonious couple often ends in a wedding a few months after they met.

The Aquarius guy is a big romantic, he can often arrange romantic dates for his beloved, give her gifts, literally carry her in his arms. This couple will never be bored together. They are constantly in search of adventure and unforgettable experiences. They are united by mutual love of freedom, they do not limit each other, but, on the contrary, complement each other, their relationship is very harmonious and easy. Family relationships strong and joyful. Spiritual kinship and intellectual interest will akin this couple, since for both of them material well-being is not so important, so much happy moments from spending time together, the opportunity to give each other happy moments. Such is the compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman.

Aquarius Woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius has a rather complex character. She is calm, restrained in feelings, not jealous and not suspicious. She knows her worth and has a fairly highly developed self-esteem. But, despite the fact that she greatly appreciates her independence and freedom, in marriage such a woman becomes a faithful and devoted friend to her chosen one for many years. Ideal for a woman of this sign can be an alliance with a representative of the stronger sex, born under the constellation Sagittarius. They have a lot in common. They have similar goals in life and a vision to achieve them.

The representative of the constellation Aquarius usually has a developed intuition. It is very difficult to deceive such a lady. She is very inquisitive, she is attracted to everything unknown and new, everything is interesting to her. The man who became her husband will never miss his beloved wife. She will not pester him with jealousy, as she will marry only the man whom she will completely trust, and she will not limit his freedom, since she herself values ​​\u200b\u200bit. What is very important for the Sagittarius man, who greatly values ​​​​his freedom and does not tolerate encroachment in this regard.

The husband of an Aquarius woman will never be ashamed to appear with her in society, as she always looks perfect, has good manners, is sociable and erudite, so she can keep up the conversation and become the soul of the company. But also at home they will never be bored together, this young lady will always find something to do for spending time together with her family.

Sagittarius man

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius is a man of honor, he always acts according to his conscience and nobly. Cruelty in any of its manifestations is alien to him. This man needs variety and freedom in his life. He rarely obliges himself with promises, enters into a serious relationship with extreme caution. Sagittarians often marry at a fairly mature age.

A life partner is chosen carefully and deliberately. He closely studies all the positive and negative qualities of the partner. She must certainly be equal to him both in temperament and in terms of intelligence. She should be a balanced, sociable, humorous woman who loves to experiment, explore something new and interesting, travel. She should not try to re-educate her Sagittarius husband, this is a useless exercise. You either need to accept him for who he is, or, in general, not to enter into a relationship with him. The key to the heart of such a man is lightness and spontaneity. It is important for him in his chosen one, first of all, to see a good and devoted friend.

Compatibility in love relationships Sagittarius Aquarius is very high. This can be an ideal union, a couple living in peace and harmony equally interesting people. Their house is always warm, joyful, crowded and comfortable. Friends often come to visit them, and hospitable hosts will always be happy to receive them, treat them and entertain them.

This is a pair of like-minded people with similar interests and hobbies that bring together and make their union stronger. They are freedom-loving and appreciate the freedom of a partner. Without encroaching on his personal space. Both of them do not like any restrictions and conventions. They think in their own way and act according to their convictions, not succumbing to the influence of strangers.

The Sagittarius man happily takes part in the many adventures of the Aquarius woman. They are never bored and uninteresting together. They often get out into nature, love to travel, learn something new. In everyday life, the Aquarius woman is not an ideal hostess, tied to the kitchen and pots. She will certainly keep order in the house and fulfill her duties, but without much joy.

We examined the character traits of men and women of such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Sagittarius. We hope that you learned something new and interesting from this article. Now we know that Sagittarius Aquarius love compatibility is very high. Such a union promises to be strong and durable, but, of course, people are different and situations in life also differ. Therefore, a person, regardless of which star he was born under, can make mistakes or unintentional actions. We wish all our readers to be wise and prudent people in life, not to rely entirely on horoscopes, but also to make efforts themselves, improve themselves and never lose heart. After all, life is so beautiful.

Hello, thank you for answering my question so quickly (about why there is no description for self-rating 10 in the Pythagorean matrix).

I watched 11/28/1983, but this date of birth is not mine, but a person whom I know, but not close, he himself is just a military man, with such a decisive character (11111)!
I was born on 01/31/1990. I myself have the character 1111, but I'm more of a shadow leader, and only recently I felt it. So Aquarius! I perceive infringements on freedom very sharply, I even try to fight it. And also such a cute appearance that at first people think that she is a simpleton, and when they get to know closer ... they understand that not everything is so simple :)

I would say that I really feel that there is little energy (2), and also problems with confidence and courage. Therefore, she has not yet fully revealed herself, as she thought of herself in her career, in spirituality.

Sergeevna, now everything is clear. And I would like to rejoice for young man who definitely found himself in the military sphere.

Of course, I can imagine how much anger I cause when I answer twice to the same person, while there are already more than a thousand letters in the mail, but it seemed to me that the information you sent for the calculation would be useful for the resource as a whole.

So, first I would like to say about your Pythagorean square: 1111 2 3 4 6 8 999. Obviously, the strongest qualities are the will / character and mental abilities. From here follow strong derivative qualities from 1 and 9: “five” in purposefulness and also 7, like on 11/28/1983, along the spiritual diagonal.

And in this regard, Sergeevna, I would like to say that you are, for sure, extremely attractive to strong (111, 1111 and especially 11111) and smart men. For the reason that they see in you not only a cute appearance, but also a strength of character that matches their own, and besides this, a developed mind, which deserves separate male respect. Of course, such a man, as from your first letter, from 11111 will be more interested in a woman with 1111, other things being equal, than with a weak character. And this is logical. Just like a lion should be paired with a lioness, not a mouse :)

So we smoothly approach your pair from 11/28/1983. I propose to first look at this compatibility from the male side. Here we have the following data:
- he is Sagittarius, representative of Fire, who craves the sign of Air, for example, Aquarius, like you
- he has a character of 11111 and you have 1111
- he has an intelligence of 99 and you have 999
- he has a sense of purpose at 5 and you at 5
- he has a "spiritual vector, like Putin's" by 7 and you also have 7

It turns out that all the most strengths, which form the basis of the personality of this man, he sees in you. This is what for him is the first starting point in his interest in you.

And the following calculation of biorhythms/chakras is already a control one:

Two strong compatibility, one of which is at the maximum - and both are "male". What can I say: the purest attraction of a strong man to a woman worthy of him. Hmm, if in your place there was not a woman, but a man, while the man in question himself was the commander-in-chief of the army, then the man with your date of birth would make him an excellent team. Even, probably, would be truly his right hand in command.

However, we are not at war, and you are not a man either. Therefore, despite your possible interest in this strong military Sagittarius man and his attraction to you, I would, alas, not say that you, Sergeevna, will be fully happy with him in a relationship. No, I'm not trying to dissuade you, but it's just that this situation is, one might say, classic in terms of "male" attraction. And, perhaps, somewhere you will read about how Aquarius and Sagittarius coexist perfectly, or about how two strong characters are friends, where one is still a little stronger. Perhaps even now this man is ready to carry you in his arms and really appreciates all your strengths, thus getting a rather rare combination of love, understanding and respect. But all these things are not quite what, according to the methodology proposed on the site, should form the basis of a harmonious and happy relationship for a couple.

It's up to you, of course, to decide. Maybe this intellectual connection, commonality of aspirations and a strong leadership shoulder is just what you are looking for. But, if you now make it clear to this Sagittarius that he can try to “conquer” you, then keep in mind that then he will definitely not retreat, let alone give up. Never.

A little about you personally: I think life has so far given you few reasons to fully show your character 1111 and mind 999. Then you would not say that you lack something in terms of confidence or will. And you know, Sergeevna, there are two ways out: either you find yourself in some extraordinary situation, where you are forced to 100% show the qualities given to you, and only after that you will learn about their full strength and then successfully apply them all your life. Or you, for example, right tomorrow, from Monday, start using them, just believing in yourself. You said a very important thing that you manage to be a "shadow leader" now. Believe me, there is no difference between a “shadow” leader and a “non-shadow” one. If you manage to be the strongest "in the shadows", then you can do the same thing "in the light." I believe in you and wish you good luck!

Good afternoon. I am 12/18/1981 Irina, he is 02/18/1978 Nikolai. They met at the beginning of 2007, in 2008 they began to live together, in 2009 on September 23 they got married. On December 28, 2012, I left my husband, saying in advance that I was getting a divorce. Reasons - lack of sex, my husband did not want to, I was harassed; I didn’t work for a year and a half, I was looking for myself, I felt dislike for society, one might say a sociophobe, he allows units to approach me, and probably I always wanted to be that chosen one, and I became her for him, but this only increased the exactingness, apparently I should was to be an unshakable ideal; hence the constant criticism, nit-picking. April 16, 2013 received a divorce. Two days ago I found out that he had moved out of the apartment we rented together. And I was seized with panic, I realized that there was nothing left that had anything to do with our family. And I was plagued by doubts. Do I want to return it. Or I'm just lonely. Is there a chance. Is it even worth thinking about it. Our union was painful. But at the same time, I am still convinced that the connection between us is deep, which still needs to be looked for and may not be found anymore. And I'm very scared. Where was the mistake ... The fact that we generally connected once or that we divorced.

In-contri: Irina, you have, perhaps, one of the most confusing stories that have so far been. And yet the calculation shows that you wind yourself up more about how “deep” and special this relationship was. However, this happens very often after the separation of people, especially if one or both of them were complex personalities. Well, Irina, let's see what connected you. Your signs are from complementary elements - Fire and Water. At the same time, the relationship in which they are as a result of their location on the zodiac circle is called "Elder brother and younger brother." The first inconsistency is already here. "Big brother" - the sign of Aquarius - the sign of your ex-husband. Those. “younger brother” is you, Irina. But in Pythagoras, the opposite is true: you have a character of 6, and your husband has only 2. Thus, there was a problem with the distribution of roles and, it seems, the position of the husband as a “second number” greatly depressed his personality. Let's now look at the personality of the husband according to the individual calculation of the square of Pythagoras. And here we see a very rare square with almost all cells filled in, and in 5 cells out of 9 there are two digits at once, which indicates the natural development of those qualities for which the corresponding cell is responsible. Simply put, your husband is actually quite versatile and interesting person which literally everything is available in this life. Only now such a square often becomes not a good chance for the owner, but bad luck. A person does not know how to apply himself, he is not interested in developing, a sense of his own exclusivity prevents him from building relationships. The people around him seem flawed, any monotonous activities quickly get bored with him and he always feels that he "deserves more." This may be so, but one must be able to achieve “greater”, because it is not given just like that from above, as various qualities are given to such a person. But he, again, does not know how to achieve and is not used to. Few people get out of such a "closed" square. Just like what happened to your husband. Even the "male" creative chakra, which he crossed with yours by 62%, could not move him off the ground. In conclusion, Irina, I also suggest that you calculate the male and female levels in your couple in order to understand which of the two of you was more inclined towards a partner in this relationship. So, male levels: physical - 88% (quickly passing), intellectual - 63% and creative - 62%. In intelligence and creativity, your husband did not have much attraction with you. And now yours, women: emotions - 57%, heart - 82% (this is already palpable) and intuition in dissonance. And, just, you have the highest intuitive chakra, Irina, and suggests the right path: “Is it worth it to think about it at all?”, “Our union was painful”, “Where was the mistake ... The fact that we met at all.” I think that the mistake was that out of friendship, which first connected you through the heart chakras, you decided to build love. It didn't work out, Irina. It's worth recognizing it. And once again, I would like to remind all readers already that it is better to have a couple, but very strong levels of attraction, than a few, but half-hearted ones. Therefore, it is recommended to start with an emotional compatibility of 70% and add something from the higher chakras to this. Irina, good luck in your search for a new interesting and suitable partner for you.

Hello! I really like the site! A fresh and interesting idea.
I have a few questions. 1. Compatibility on an emotional level is important, as I understand it, for girls. And compatibility at an intellectual level for men. Doesn't this mean that with good emotional compatibility but no intellectual compatibility, there is a possibility that the MCH can defect to another one with whom he has good intellectual compatibility? And 2. It is not completely clear to me how compatibility manifests itself in the very last, highest chakra. My d.b. December 19, 1989, his - February 7, 1975. In general, the lack of compatibility in many chakras scares me. In your opinion, is there a prospect for this relationship? Or am I trying in vain. Thank you)

In-contri: Eugene, good questions, thanks. And it’s good, by the way, that you first come up with the elements: Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, Aquarius is a sign of Air.
- First question: very accurate remark! Although here it is rather from the category (on an example): it is accepted that mathematics and physics at school are better for boys, and Russian and literature for girls. Those. For most students, this division works. But haven't we seen girls who solve problems of any complexity, and boys who write essays the best? So it is with chakras: emotions are close to both women and men, but it seems like it’s not customary for men to show them too much, so the emotional chakra is conventionally classified as female. But, Evgenia, if good compatibility there is and in reality there is sympathy, then they will be equally mutual. But the fact that men "fall for" women with high intellectual compatibility - it works 90%.
- People come to compatibility in the higher chakra for years. This is already called a common destiny or striving for a common ideal in life. When all the stages of compatibility have been passed and the couple understands that they have already entered the stage of spiritual unity, then this is the highest compatibility. As in the example of a pair of spouses Gorbachev.
- Your couple, Evgenia: almost everything that is in the minimum recommendations of the author has been completed. Except for the huge difference in temperaments. But this can be smoothed out by the fact that your temperament, Evgenia, will only open up by the age of 30, and your partner, on the contrary, will fade with age. Now, of course, you are passionate about the physical side of relationships with each other, but over the years, thanks to the maximum in emotions and compatibility in the higher chakra, when it opens, you should be all right. Those. perspective, I think there is. Don't worry about incompatibilities. You just don't have effective interaction at these levels, that's all. The main thing is that there is a fundamental base, emotional intimacy and, in the long term, spiritual.

The relationship of the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man is the relationship of two free people, not limited by prejudices. Together they can talk for hours, embark on an unexpected journey, get carried away with something supernova and interesting. For a Sagittarius woman, it is important that her partner share her views and worldview; for an Aquarius man in a union, the main thing is his right to maintain his independence. Usually they succeed in both, so that the relationship lasts for a long time.

In sex, both of them are very inventive, especially the Aquarius man. I must say that neither the Sagittarius woman nor the Aquarius man consider sex to be the main thing on which their love and relationships are based, so they are unlikely to choose the time, place and method for a long time - most likely, they will do it spontaneously and irregularly. Perhaps they will not reach the heights in their sexual life, like representatives of other signs (earthly and watery), but a slight dissatisfaction in their sexual life will never become an obstacle for them to build strong relationships and even families. By the way, to increase mutual attraction, the stars advise this couple to try new places as often as possible, so travel, even within your own apartment.

Family and marriage

A marriage between a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man is very possible, since this couple will not have serious disagreements for a long time - so why not get married? They will be able to create a strong family in which everyone will be warm and comfortable - both physically and emotionally (but rather emotionally, since these two prefer not to bother too much about comfort). Their children will grow up in a pleasant environment, in addition, they will always have something to do, because mom and dad will definitely come up with something interesting (especially dad).

Aquarius is a sign of friendship. The Aquarius man strives to find exactly a deep friendship - it is much more valuable to him than a love one. The Sagittarius woman, like no other, suits him for the role of a faithful friend. By itself, the Sagittarius woman is responsive, courageous and straightforward. She is not prone to envy and possessiveness - what the Aquarius man hates most of all. Their friendly communication is easy and pleasant, it never bothers and does not oblige to anything. Being not indebted to each other, they give much more than those who are bound by some kind of formal relationship.

Work and business

They will be able to successfully work together, because both the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man are both energetic and love to start and develop various projects. The only thing they may lack is pragmatism. The Aquarius man is generally not one of those who want money for his ideas - he generates them just like that, one might say, gives them away right and left. The Sagittarius woman is also not concerned with profit when it comes to something that she considers a noble cause that benefits society. Both of them are idealists, and if they decide to go into business, they will certainly have to attract someone who has a sharp mind and a practical streak.

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius depends on how much each of the members of the alliance can listen to their partner. Working on yourself will be a great chance to create an ideal relationship and smooth out moments of crisis.

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General compatibility of zodiac signs

Misunderstandings among the couple will rarely happen: the rudeness of Sagittarius of the quiet Aquarius does not hurt at all.

The union of Sagittarius with Aquarius has a lot of similarities, they are perfectly compatible and completely fit each other. Both love joint trips, picnics, meetings with comrades. Both at the workplace and at the resort, they cannot be separated even in a noisy company.

The direct and tactless Sagittarius evokes sincere disposition in Aquarius with openness and inability to pretend. The impulsive representative is accustomed to eternal resentment from others for his harsh statements and constant criticism. Therefore, he will single out Aquarius as an extraordinary person and will definitely become interested in him. Any joint business of the fiery-air zodiac union has a chance of success.

Sagittarius character

Sagittarians have a wonderful sense of humor, a charge of optimism, a rich imagination and love of freedom.

In this case, the representative of the fire element:

  • hates moral pressure;
  • does not like unsolicited advice;
  • despise liars and hypocrites;
  • they just make friends, because their powerful energy attracts timid and uncommunicative people;
  • love to receive praise and approval of their words and deeds;
  • he does everything easily and with interest;
  • he does not understand any hints, the main thing for Sagittarius is directness and openness;
  • do not tolerate taking responsibility, avoid making a decision;
  • representatives of the sign have an excellent memory, but at the same time they are rather scattered.

Aquarius personality

Aquarius always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. They are excellent companions, faithful lovers and comrades. Aquarians do not like outside advice and prefer to solve problems on their own.

Aquarius Features:

  • representatives of the air sign - kind people and humanists;
  • he likes to help people, communicate, make new acquaintances;
  • he cannot stand the routine life and boredom, but sometimes apathy and indifference are also characteristic of him;
  • those born under the sign of Aquarius are rather timid and reserved;
  • he is unpredictable, impulsive and eccentric, and constantly changes his views;
  • hates flattery, imitation and two-faced people;
  • in bad mood can withdraw into himself or say harsh words;
  • loves experiments, risk and dreams of finding new things in all areas of life;
  • needs a constant change of impressions.

Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man

Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man easily find mutual understanding on any issues. Both are pleased to communicate, overcome life's difficulties and spend time together. What is given to others with difficulty, these zodiac constellations get without any extra effort.

They are similar in their vision of the world, so they will never argue over trifles. Both signs are generous, easy-going and unpretentious in everyday life. The Aquarius man likes the cheerful disposition of the Sagittarius woman, and she likes the original sense of humor of the air partner.

Interacting with each other, they grow spiritually, without experiencing the slightest rivalry. Two people are ready to accept the other with all the shortcomings and weaknesses. Lady Sagittarius will appreciate the good heart of the Aquarius man, and he will appreciate her disinterestedness towards other people. Both are ready for self-sacrifice and altruism, therefore, they will never have disagreements on the basis of material wealth.


In a love relationship, Sagittarius and. Most often, the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius who suits her do not waste time to interest each other.

Love between them will obey the following rules:

  1. Both partners treat each other with respect and with full understanding. The Aquarius man often gets into adventures and adventures, but the representative of the Sagittarius sign comes to the rescue and offers her partner to find the best solution.
  2. Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman need each other every minute of life. The union between this couple is not a painful addiction: the partners are really incredibly comfortable together. Both signs see only pluses in this love relationship.


Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman have excellent compatibility for the formation of a strong family. At any moment they will support each other without complaints, mutual criticism and quarrels. There are no disagreements between the husband and wife of these signs, since both hate lies.

A pair of Aquarius and Sagittarius is quite calm about adultery, which allows you to protect marriage from the unpleasant results of such adventures.

At the same time, their union will obey certain rules:

  1. Their life is left in the background. The Sagittarius woman prefers to spend time on hobbies, and the Aquarius man prefers to work. The couple does household chores exclusively together and as needed: everyone is happy and no one accuses anyone of being lazy.
  2. Marriage unions of Aquarius men and Sagittarius women practically do not break up. They will not meet more understanding partners for life.

Sexual Compatibility

Partners have excellent sexual compatibility:

  • husband Aquarius is an experimenter in sex;
  • Sagittarius wife is unpretentious and ready to fulfill the various wishes of her partner.

Even after years of married life, the ardor of this union does not fade away. The couple is unable to break away from each other, and therefore is ready even for the most unbridled sex in unexpected different places. If both agreed sexually, then the couple will splash out all their charge of energy through intimacy.


The friendship of the Sagittarius lady with the Aquarius guy has a chance to exist, but it will not work in the full sense of the word. They understand each other, love to be frank and talk on taboo topics, but the couple simply cannot be friends. The horoscope prepares a love relationship for the union, albeit based on the initial deep friendly sympathy.

Work and business

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman are careerists, but they will never compete with each other. The couple will support each other in all endeavors, help to cope with problems, worries and work chores. Aquarius and Sagittarius are excellent partners in business and a common cause: they can only succeed together.

They can start a risky business, but at the same time not miscalculate and get a significant benefit. If the work does not go according to plan, the couple will not shift the blame on each other, on the contrary: both will pull themselves together and solve problems together.

The video talks about the compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman. Shot by channel 1000 and 1 horoscope.

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman

The Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman are sympathetic to each other and are predisposed to excellent interaction. For the Sagittarius guy, the representative of the air element will be a true success. Next to this lady, he will get the opportunity to remain himself. At the same time, the Aquarius woman is not offended by the rude criticisms that are characteristic of her partner.

Sagittarius and Aquarius complement the partner favorably and change thanks to each other:

  • the Aquarius woman will become more serious and strict;
  • the Sagittarius man will learn to relate more directly and easily to life.

Both signs quickly find a common language and topics for conversation. Sagittarius is attracted by the airy character and the unusual appearance of the representative of the element of air, the girl may be interested in the rich imagination of the guy and his stories about childhood. Efforts to create a strong union for this couple will not be required.


The love relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man develops easily and simply. Young people are nice to each other: they communicate without interference, discuss common topics. The representative of the fire sign often likes to complicate his life. At the same time, the Aquarius girl will react with humor to the slight seriousness or eccentricity of the chosen one and help him solve the problem. She will not give unnecessary advice, instructions and put pressure on her partner. This is what Sagittarius appreciates in her, who likes to solve problems himself and not depend on anyone.

Their love relationship will be subject to the following principles:

  1. In love, the freedom-loving Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman do not let anyone into private territory and do not like any control. Both are aware that the partner may have little secrets. This is what brings the couple closer: they trust each other more.
  2. In relationships, the Sagittarius guy really appreciates the airy direct nature of the representative of the element of air. She respects his frankness, directness, determination and masculinity.
  3. A pair of Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman rarely breaks up. The feeling of comfort in love can only be given to this ideal union by their reciprocity. If a couple naturally decides to form a family, then none of them regret it after many years.


The marriage of representatives of the fiery and air elements based on spiritual intimacy and understanding.

There are many prerequisites for creating a strong marriage:

  • husband and wife are extremely honest with each other, they have no reason to play a double game and hide;
  • wife Aquarius calmly reacts to the aggression and impulsive attacks of her husband Sagittarius;
  • the spouse perceives the cries of the partner as an additional release of negative emotions and knows how quickly Sagittarius cools down;
  • the Aquarius woman will definitely listen to the reason for the anger of her husband Sagittarius, support and cheer him up in any way;
  • spouses Sagittarius and Aquarius love to spend time outdoors, and they perceive everyday life as a boring everyday life.

Both are happy to share household chores or simply do not pay enough attention to them. The Aquarius woman is not an ideal housewife, but the Sagittarius husband is also not the most excellent homeowner. At the same time, no one in the pair has any claims to the partner on both sides.

Fire-air families practically do not break up. In marriage, spouses learn to compromise and eventually realize that they cannot find a more congenial person.

Sexual Compatibility

Intimate relationships among partners at the highest level for a number of reasons:

  1. The intricate Aquarius girl in bed with her husband Sagittarius acts liberated and open. She fully satisfies all his sexual needs.
  2. For the Sagittarius man, the Aquarius lady is the ideal sexual partner. Girls of other zodiac symbols are afraid of criticism or comments from Sagittarius, and therefore do not sexually reveal themselves. With Aquarius, the situation is just the opposite, and her fiery lover likes it.


Sagittarius man and Aquarius girl can communicate for a long time in a comradely manner, share innermost secrets, experiences, emotions.

But even in this case, talking about friendship is inappropriate for a number of reasons:

  • both the girl and the guy are trying to derive personal benefit from this contact;
  • the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man are united by a huge mutual love sympathy;
  • even if one of them (or both) are already in a relationship, married and have children, they will communicate perfectly.

The horoscope does not exclude the possibility that friendship will develop into serious relationship- young people will eliminate all obstacles and become a happy couple.

Work and business

The bright working union of the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man is the most ideal of the entire zodiac for several reasons:

  • this business couple is promising and able to complete any undertaking;
  • such a business union is active and proactive in its zodiac nature.

A serious and responsible person will lead the work - the male Sagittarius. The Aquarius woman will become for him a source of original methods of work, interesting solutions and new business goals.