The core of personality recovery. "I" - the unchanging core of personality

A spiritual seeker may hesitate and be in doubt for a while, but sometimes there comes a moment when he gains self-confidence and it begins to seem to him that he knows what he wants and that at the moment he has achieved a lot. His self-esteem reaches the top mark and is fixed at this level for a long time. It may take a lot of upheaval and even suffering to bring it back to reality. The spiritual seeker feels his superiority not only over ordinary people, but also over other seekers. A kind of personality crystallization takes place in him, a hardening of character, which by no means always plays a positive role for his further evolution.

There are several reasons for this crystallization. First of all, it is an increased emotional conviction that one is right. A person suddenly realizes his own exclusivity. Conviction, multiplied by a sense of exclusivity, gives him inner comfort, protects him from problems. She brings up in him psychological immobility, unwillingness to change himself and evaluate at least some of his own traits and properties critically. The rigid, immovable core of the personality categorically does not want changes and removes all negative information about oneself in advance, no matter whether it comes from other people or is the result of one's own thoughts. "Stubbornness", multiplied by laziness, leads to very serious consequences: the spiritual seeker becomes dogmatic, incapable of development and renewal. Every day he lives like a carbon copy of the previous one, without making any internal discoveries and without trying to escape from the routine of routine and the swamp of everyday life. Quite often, he becomes a boring, annoying creature, completely uninteresting to other people, and yet willingly going to lectures and inclined to give advice that no one asks for. People get tired of such crystallized spiritual seekers and quickly become disillusioned with them.

But the most unfortunate thing in the life of a person who has become unnecessarily hardened in his approaches to life happens if he, in one form or another, is engaged in the practical development of his psychoenergetic potential. All its flaws are fed by the accumulated energy and freeze, like low-quality stones that have passed through the cut. If at the stage of a stubborn dogmatic neophyte who makes mistakes, his personality, which has stopped in development, still has a chance for transformation, then in the future, the awakened energy finally crystallizes the personality structure. Energy, like a liquid, rushes to a vessel that has a curved shape, fills it, and then freezes like ice, after which it is no longer subject to melting. Not only does the once active, energetic seeker of perfection become a narcissistic and self-satisfied fanatic who, instead of throwing the main energy into improving himself and rejecting negative traits, directs all his energy to nourishing a sense of self-importance and the moral and psychological destruction of those people who do not correspond to his ideals and ideas. Incorrectly accumulated energy intensifies inertia, laziness, a feeling of psychological heaviness and unwillingness to change at least something both in oneself and in life. Energy performs in this case at least two functions - the function of yeast, on which human flaws begin to rapidly grow and become fat, and the function of glue, leading to their strengthening and hardening. The aura of such a seeker becomes dense and opaque, which is perceived by other people as a manifestation of rigidity and closeness. And in fact, it becomes closed, and not only for people, but also for psychoenergetic exchange with the Cosmos and God. In particular, it is impenetrable to any negative information about the seeker himself, who loses feedback from the world. As a result, the living soul of an important and self-asserted seeker of perfection becomes dead and stops in development.

Find your purpose, discover your talents and realize your dreams together with Master of Cosmoenergetics Maxim Kopylov!

We present you the training from the Master of Cosmoenergy and Master of Reiki astrologer Maxim Kopylov. For more than 12 years, Maxim has been studying the art of the code of fate (or Bazi Xuanming) on ​​the basis of ancient Chinese metaphysics, which helps any person to comprehend what is destined for him and, realizing the questions facing him, direct cosmic energy to solve them.

To do this, Maxim Kopylov organized and maintains an Internet project, which was called the Academy "Code of Destiny". The Academy project "Code of Destiny" closely cooperates with the online project of Alexey Deryabin, in which Kopylov is a teacher.

From early childhood, the future Master of Cosmoenergetics Maxim Kopylov loved to read and carefully analyze what he read, as mental processes gave him great pleasure, because he felt like a natural thinker.

He was especially attracted by the ancient oriental teachings, the wisdom of which, even as a child, Maxim was amazed. He first started learning Taijiquan and then Qigong. At the same time, he attended classes in the Wushu section.

Already by the age of majority, Maxim Kopylov was very well versed in many ancient teachings of the East. But the real turning point in his life came after his initiation into the Reiki tradition in 1997. After the initiation, Maxim completely revised his former life, his environment and outlined his new life path.

After 1997, Kopylov began to seriously engage in cosmoenergy in theory and energy practices. He eagerly visits numerous Places of Power in various corners of the earth.

Since 2001, Maxim Kopylov began to seriously study Chinese metaphysics at the Moscow Academy of Imperial Feng Shui. Education at this Academy lasted two years. Here he thoroughly studied the ancient Chinese art of the code of fate Bazi Suanming and the art of Qi Men Dun Jia.

During these years, Kopylov studied with frenzy. It was then that he realized that he must carry his knowledge to people who, like him, wish to comprehend the secrets of esoteric teachings. To become a teacher and coach of the art of Qi Men, Dun Jia and Suanming were advised by his relatives, including his spiritual teachers.

And, Maxim began to carry his knowledge to people, realizing that this was his destiny. To work via the Internet, Kopylov organizes the online project Academy "Code of Destiny".

A little later, he meets a person close to him in spirit, Alexei Deryabin, who founded the online project. Deryabin invites Maxim Kopylov to become one of the teachers at his university.

Thanks to the popular University of the Evolution of Consciousness, which brought together thousands of people who want to develop spiritually with the help of esoteric teachings, the name of Maxim Kopylov became popular in these circles.

Therefore, if you are interested in these teachings and practices, then check out the teachings of Maxim Kopylov by downloading his free book first.

Free book by Master of Cosmoenergetics Maxim Kopylov “The Way. Secrets of Reality Modeling"

Learn how to learn to control your destiny!

Along with the book, you will receive additional materials on the modeling of reality and Chinese astrology Bazi Xuanming. You will also have access to materials that will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

The book "The Way. Secrets of Reality Modeling" is a step-by-step guide that Maxim Kopylov provides as a gift for people who want to access the highest possibilities of their destiny by moving into the state of the Creator of Reality.

The book is based on the secrets of Chinese metaphysics on the management of Fate.

By following the instructions in this book, you will not only learn to avoid the blows of Destiny, but also to model reality, making your life the life you aspire to.

By downloading the book you will immediately get access to the popular training of Maxim Kopylov "The Core of Personality. Gaining Strength" . And, if you pass this training, you will receive an offer to purchase a program author's seminar « Core Personality. Fast leveling Forces" .

Free video course by Maxim Kopyvalov on the basics of the ancient Chinese art of predicting the Fate of Bazi "Decipher your Fate Code"

Free video course by Maxim Kopyvalov "Create the relationship of your Dreams!"

Use the knowledge of the five elements and the Laws that govern your Destiny!

Overcome the barriers of the five elements that separate you from your loved one!

Attention! If you want to receive information about the training of Maxim Kopylov and about his upcoming online events, then subscribe to his free newsletter. To do this, just leave your email when downloading a book or any free video course.

If you want to find your destiny and realize your desires and dreams by revealing and developing your talents, then welcome to the Academy "Code of Destiny" by Master of Cosmoenergy Maxim Kopylov.

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How do you understand and feel the strength of your Personality Core on a scale from 0 to +10?
Where 0 is "I'm just going with the flow" and +10 is "I'm 100% creating my Reality!"

What is the practical value of the seminar?

1) You will calculate your Destiny Code and recognize the sign of the Core of your personality, by meditating on the image of which you will increase your understanding of yourself and strengthen your Personality Core

2) You will get a vivid image of your personality, which, when working with it, will give you a deep understanding of the ESSENCE of your Personality Core - and understanding yourself is the most important step on the way of modeling your Reality

3) You don't have to spend years of your life studying the art of BaZi Xuanming, taking a bunch of tests, or years of self-observation and introspection to determine your Strengths and Weaknesses.

4) In a few hours you will recognize your Strengths and Weaknesses of your Personality Core, which you can then begin to strengthen by changing your real life in all areas - creative, financial, career, social or resource.

5) You will gain an understanding of how to quickly and effectively strengthen your Personality Core - which will give you the opportunity to quickly pump up your self-confidence.

6) You will receive one individual technique for the rapid self-development of your Personality Core - this is for those who have been looking for practices for self-realization for a long time and could not choose the right one - now you will have it!

7) You will be able to use this information to understand people and create your environment that will empower you as you gain express knowledge of all 10 Personality Cores.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: More

What is directly inside the seminar?

It consists of the following 12 lessons:

Introduction: The concept of the energy-information matrix of a person and its main program - the core of a person's personality

Block 1: Calculation of your Destiny Code and determination of the Core of your Personality.

Block 2: 10 steps in the evolution of the core of personality

Unit 3: 10 Lessons describing each of the 10 Personality Cores

Conclusion: How to use information about your Personality Core as efficiently as possible to find your favorite business, build a career, improve relations with the outside world and improve your financial condition.

The most interesting, valuable, useful and practically applicable information is contained in Box 3. Its content consists of five aspects.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Structure of each lesson:

Each lesson consists of five important parts that describe certain features of each of the 10 Personality Cores.

Part 1. The image of the Personality Core and its deep essence - here I describe all 10 types of Personality and give images that you can work with at different levels.

Part 2. The fundamental programs laid down in the essence of the Personality Core for development and elaboration in the current incarnation are qualities, strengths and weaknesses, work with which gradually builds up your personality strength

Part 3. One of the three main pillars of personality strength - each personality has, in addition to different programs, also the main supporting programs. If you strengthen them, then the strength of the personality grows VERY quickly. And vice versa - if they are destroyed by circumstances or unkind people - then your personality can easily be weakened or destroyed. These are deep values ​​that must be protected at all costs.

Part 4. A way to quickly and effectively pump personality power - there are chips for accelerated pumping of personality power, based on the characteristics of one or another Personality Core - here I talk about one of these chips.

Part 5. One of the most effective techniques for self-improvement, taking into account a deep understanding of the Core of the personality - similarly, I give one technique for rapid self-improvement, based on the individual characteristics of the programs embedded in you


1) You will calculate your Destiny Code and recognize the sign of the Core of your personality, by meditating on the image of which, you will increase your understanding of yourself and strengthen your Personality Core

2) You will get a vivid image of your personality, which, when working with it, will give you a deep understanding of the ESSENCE of your Personality Core - and understanding yourself is the most important step towards modeling your Reality

3) You do not need to spend years of your life studying the art of Bazi Xuanming, for passing a bunch of tests or years of self-observation and introspection to determine their Strengths and Weaknesses.

4) In a few hours you will know your Strengths and Weaknesses of your Personality Core, which you can then begin to strengthen, changing your real life in all areas - creative, financial, career, social or resource.

5) You will gain an understanding of how to quickly and effectively strengthen your Personality Core- which will give you the opportunity to quickly pump up your self-confidence.

6) You will receive one individual technique for the rapid self-development of your Personality Core- this is for those who have been looking for practices for self-realization for a long time and could not choose the right one - now you will have it!

7) You will be able to use this information to understand people and create your environment, which will strengthen you, because you will receive express knowledge about all 10 Personality Cores.

What is directly inside the seminar?

It consists of the following 12 lessons:

Introduction: The concept of the energy-information matrix of a person and its main program - the core of a person's personality

Block 1: Calculation of your Destiny Code and determination of the Core of your Personality.

Block 2: 10 steps in the evolution of the core of personality

Unit 3: 10 Lessons describing each of the 10 Personality Cores

Conclusion: How to use information about your Personality Core as efficiently as possible to find your favorite business, build a career, improve relations with the outside world and improve your financial condition.

The most interesting, valuable, useful and practically applicable information is contained in Box 3. Its content consists of five aspects.

Let me tell you more about the structure of each lesson:

Each lesson consists of five important parts that describe certain features of each of the 10 Personality Cores.

Part 1. The image of the Core of personality and its deep essence- here I describe all 10 types of Personality and give images that you can work with at different levels.

Part 2- these are qualities, strengths and weaknesses, work with which gradually builds up your strength of personality

Part 3. One of the three main pillars of personality power- each person has, in addition to different programs, also the main supporting programs. If you strengthen them, then the strength of the personality grows VERY quickly. And vice versa - if they are destroyed by circumstances or unkind people - then your personality can easily be weakened or destroyed. These are deep values ​​that must be protected at all costs.

Part 4. A method for quickly and effectively pumping personality power- there are chips for the accelerated pumping of personality power, based on the characteristics of one or another Personality Core - here I'm talking about one of these chips.

Part 5. One of the most effective techniques for self-improvement, taking into account a deep understanding of the Core of personality- similarly, I give one technique for rapid self-improvement, based on the individual characteristics of the programs embedded in you.

You'll get:

  • seminar materials,
  • bonuses: seminar "Modeling the reality of the Buddha", checklist "20 main differences between the reality of the Victim and the Creator".
This is the first basic workshop to help you quickly start changing yourself and your Reality.

Spoiler: Information

Introduction: The concept of the energy-information matrix of a person and its main program - the core of a person's personality

Block 1: Calculation of your Code of Destiny and determination of the Core of your Personality.

Block 2: 10 stages of evolution of the core of personality.

Block 3: Description of each of the 10 Personality Cores:

  1. The image of the Personality Core and its deep essence - here I describe all 10 types of Personality and give images that you can work with at different levels.
  2. The fundamental programs laid down in the essence of the Core of Personality for development and elaboration in the current incarnation are qualities, strengths and weaknesses, work with which gradually increases your strength of personality.
  3. One of the three main pillars of personality strength - each personality has, in addition to different programs, also the main supporting programs. If you strengthen them, then the strength of the personality grows VERY quickly. Conversely, if they are destroyed by circumstances or unkind people, then your personality can easily be weakened or destroyed. These are deep values ​​that must be protected at all costs.
  4. A way to quickly and effectively pump personality power - there are chips for accelerated pumping of personality power, based on the characteristics of one or another Personality Core - here I am talking about one of these chips.
  5. One of the most effective techniques for self-improvement, taking into account a deep understanding of the Core of Personality - similarly, I give one technique for rapid self-improvement, based on the individual characteristics of the programs embedded in you.
Conclusion: How to use information about your Personality Core as efficiently as possible to find your favorite business, build a career, improve relations with the outside world and improve your financial condition.What will the seminar give you?
  • You will calculate your Destiny Code and recognize the sign of the Core of your personality, by meditating on the image of which you will increase your understanding of yourself and strengthen your Personality Core.
  • You will receive a vivid image of your personality, which, when working with it, will give you a deep understanding of the ESSENCE of your Personality Core, and understanding yourself is the most important step towards modeling your Reality.
  • You don't have to spend years of your life studying the art of BaZi Xuanming, taking tons of tests, or years of self-observation and introspection to determine your Strengths and Weaknesses.
  • Within a few hours you will recognize your Strengths and Weaknesses of your Personality Core, which you can then begin to strengthen by changing your real life in all areas - creative, financial, career, social or resource.
  • You will gain an understanding of how to quickly and effectively strengthen your Personality Core - which will give you the opportunity to quickly pump up your self-confidence.
  • You will receive one individual technique for the rapid self-development of your Personality Core - this is for those who have been looking for practices for self-realization for a long time and could not choose the right one - now you will have it!
  • You will be able to use this information to understand people and create your environment that will empower you, so you will gain rapid knowledge of all 10 Personality Cores.
Basic Reality Modeling Lesson: First Steps