"A shame that has grown like a purulent ulcer on the body of the city." The election of the head of the council of deputies of the Moscow region Filevsky Park ended in a fight




(As amended by the decisions of the Council of Deputies of the Filevsky Park municipal district in Moscow dated 03/04/2014 N 3/1, dated 04/22/2015 N 5/4)

Registered in the Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow on December 8, 2003 N 052

Municipal Assembly
Filevsky Park
dated December 2, 2003 N 15/1


Article 1

1. The status of a municipal formation - an intracity municipal formation - a municipal district in the city of Moscow.

2. The name of the municipal formation is the Filevsky Park municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the municipal district).

3. In official documents issued by authorities and officials local self-government of the municipal district, the names "intra-city municipality - the municipal district of Filevsky Park in the city of Moscow", "the municipal district of Filevsky Park in the city of Moscow" and "the municipal district of Filevsky Park" are equivalent.

4. The boundaries of the municipal district are established by the Law of the city of Moscow of October 15, 2003 N 59 "On the names and boundaries of intra-city municipalities in the city of Moscow".

Article 2. Official symbols of the municipal district

1. The official symbols of the municipal district (hereinafter - the official symbols) are the coat of arms and the flag of the municipal district, reflecting its historical, cultural, and other local traditions and features.

The municipal district, in addition to the indicated official symbols, has the right to have other official symbols established by decisions of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district.

2. Official symbols are developed in the manner prescribed by the decisions of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district and the laws of the city of Moscow.

Projects of official symbols are approved by decisions of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district and sent for examination to a specially authorized body under the Government of Moscow.

3. Official symbols are subject to state registration in accordance with federal legislation and registration in accordance with the laws of the city of Moscow.

4. Official symbols are approved by decisions of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district by a majority of votes from the established number of deputies of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district (hereinafter - deputies).

5. The procedure for the official use of these symbols is established by decisions of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district.

Article 3. Issues of local importance

1. The jurisdiction of the municipal district is the issues of local importance, established by the Law of the city of Moscow dated November 6, 2002 N 56 "On the organization of local self-government in the city of Moscow".

2. Issues of local significance of a municipal district include:

1) drawing up and reviewing the draft budget of the municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the local budget), approving and executing the local budget, exercising control over its execution, drawing up and approving a report on the execution of the local budget;

(subparagraph 1 as amended by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district Filevsky Park in Moscow dated April 22, 2015 N 5/4)

2) approval of the regulation on the budgetary process in the municipal district;

3) possession, use and disposal of property owned by municipalities;

4) establishing the procedure for possession, use and disposal of property owned by municipalities;

5) making decisions on allowing marriage to persons who have reached the age of sixteen years, in the manner prescribed by family law Russian Federation;

6) the establishment of local holidays and the organization of local festive and other entertainment events, the development of local traditions and rituals;

7) carrying out activities for the military-patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation residing on the territory of the municipal district;

9) registration of charters of territorial public self-government;

10) the establishment of insignia (honorary badges, certificates, diplomas) of the municipal district, as a form of recognition of merits and moral encouragement of individuals and organizations for activities for the benefit of the inhabitants of the municipal district (hereinafter referred to as residents);

11) informing residents about the activities of local self-government bodies of the municipal district (hereinafter referred to as local self-government bodies);

12) dissemination of environmental information received from state bodies;

13) preservation, use and promotion of objects cultural heritage(monuments of history and culture of local importance) owned by the municipal district;

14) development and approval, in agreement with the management body of the archival business of the city of Moscow, of normative and methodological documents that determine the work of archival, clerical services and archives of organizations subordinate to local governments;

15) consideration of consumer complaints, advising them on consumer protection issues;

16) interaction with public associations;

17) participation:

d) in organizing and holding city festive and other entertainment events;

e) in the organizational support for holding elections to state authorities of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power of the city of Moscow, a referendum of the Russian Federation, a referendum of the city of Moscow in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow;

f) in the promotion of knowledge in the field fire safety, prevention and protection of residents from emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, safety of people at water bodies, together with the management bodies of the Moscow City Territorial Subsystem of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations, and the executive authorities of the city of Moscow;

g) in holding public hearings on issues of urban planning;

h) in the prevention of terrorism and extremism, as well as in minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of manifestations of terrorism and extremism in the territory of the municipal district;

18) approval of the proposals submitted by the administration of the city of Moscow to the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow:

a) according to the layout of non-stationary objects of a small retail network;

b) on the issues of the special purpose of non-residential premises owned by the city of Moscow located in residential buildings;

19) assistance in the creation and operation of various forms of territorial public self-government, interaction with their bodies, as well as housing self-government bodies;

20) assistance in the implementation of state environmental monitoring, submission of proposals to the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow on the creation and placement of posts of state environmental monitoring, the implementation of voluntary environmental monitoring on the territory of the municipal district;

21) submission of proposals to the authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow:

a) to projects of city target programs;

b) on the establishment and abolition on the territory of the municipal district of specially protected natural territories, natural and green areas in the city of Moscow;

c) to create conditions for development on the territory of the municipal district physical education and mass sports;

d) organization and change of routes, mode of operation, stops of ground urban passenger transport;

e) to increase the effectiveness of the protection of public order on the territory of the municipal district;

f) for the improvement of the territory of the municipal district;

22) submission in accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2008 N 28 "Urban Planning Code of the City of Moscow" to the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized in the field of urban planning and architecture, or to the appropriate district commission on urban planning, land use and development The Government of Moscow offers proposals regarding the territory of the municipal district:

a) to projects, changes to the General Plan of the City of Moscow;

b) to draft rules for land use and development;

c) to draft territorial, sectoral schemes containing provisions on the development, reconstruction, reorganization of residential areas, specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, areas in the zones of protection of cultural heritage sites and historical zones;

d) to projects of territory planning;

e) to land surveying projects for residential areas not subject to reorganization, in the territories of which these projects have been developed;

f) to projects developed in the form of separate documents of urban planning plans for land plots intended for construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects in a residential area not subject to reorganization;

g) to draft decisions on granting permits for a conditionally permitted type of use of a land plot, capital construction facility or for deviation from the limiting parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of a capital construction facility;

23) submission to the Commission for Monumental Art of proposals for the erection of works of monumental and decorative art on the territory of the municipal district.


Article 4. Structure and names of local self-government bodies

1. The structure of local self-government bodies is:

1) a representative body of local self-government - the Council of Deputies of the Filevsky Park municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the Council of Deputies);

2) the head of the municipal formation - the head of the Filevsky Park municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the head of the municipal district);

3) the executive and administrative body of local self-government - the apparatus of the Council of Deputies of the Filevsky Park municipal district (abbreviated name - the apparatus of the SD MO Filevsky Park) (hereinafter referred to as the apparatus of the Council of Deputies).

2. The abbreviated name may be used during state registration as a legal entity, when registering with other state bodies, as well as when preparing financial documents.

1. The Council of Deputies consists of deputies elected in municipal elections by residents on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow.

2. The powers of the chairman of the Council of Deputies are performed by the head of the municipal district.

3. The Council of Deputies consists of 12 deputies.

4. The term of office of the Council of Deputies is 5 years.

5. The Council of Deputies may exercise its powers if at least two thirds of the established number of deputies are elected.

6. The Council of Deputies exercises its powers at meetings. Meetings of the Council of Deputies are held in accordance with the Regulations of the Council of Deputies, but at least once every three months.

The regulations of the Council of Deputies are adopted by a majority vote of the established number of deputies.

7. The newly elected Council of Deputies meets for the first meeting no later than 30 days from the date of election of the Council of Deputies in an eligible composition in the manner prescribed by the Regulations of the Council of Deputies.

8. A meeting of the Council of Deputies is competent if it is attended by at least 50 percent of the number of elected deputies.

9. The Council of Deputies may form standing commissions, working groups and other formations of the Council of Deputies in the manner prescribed by the Regulations of the Council of Deputies.

10. The powers of the Council of Deputies are terminated from the date of the beginning of the work of the Council of Deputies of a new convocation (its first meeting).

11. The powers of the Council of Deputies may be terminated early in the manner and on the grounds provided for by Article 73 of Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation". The powers of the Council of Deputies also terminate:

1) in the event that the Council of Deputies makes a decision on self-dissolution, in the manner prescribed by this Charter;

2) in the event of the entry into force of the decision of the Moscow City Court on the incompetence of this composition of deputies, including in connection with the resignation of deputies of their powers;

3) in case of transformation of the municipal district;

4) in the event of an increase in the number of voters in a municipal district by more than 25 percent, which occurred as a result of a change in the boundaries of the municipal district.

12. Early termination of the powers of the Council of Deputies entails early termination of the powers of deputies.

13. In case of early termination of the powers of the Council of Deputies early election deputies are held within the time limits established by federal law.

14. The Council of Deputies has a seal and letterheads depicting the coat of arms of the municipal district.

1. The exclusive competence of the Council of Deputies is:

1) adoption of the Charter of the municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the Charter) and introduction of amendments and additions to the Charter;

2) consideration of the draft local budget, approval of the local budget, control over its execution, approval of the report on the execution of the local budget;

(signature 2 as amended by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district Filevsky Park in Moscow dated April 22, 2015 N 5/4)

3) adoption of plans and programs for the development of the municipal district, approval of reports on their implementation;

4) determination of the procedure for managing and disposing of property that is in municipal ownership;

5) control over the execution by local self-government bodies and officials of local self-government of powers to resolve issues of local importance;

6) determination of the procedure for material, technical and organizational support for the activities of local governments;

7) exercising the right of legislative initiative in the Moscow City Duma in accordance with the procedure established by the law of the city of Moscow;

8) making a decision on holding a local referendum;

9) making a decision on the participation of the municipal district in organizations of intermunicipal cooperation;

10) formation of standing committees of the Council of Deputies;

11) submission to the authorized executive bodies of the city of Moscow, the Commission for Monumental Art of proposals on issues of local importance in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 3 of this Charter;

12) coordination of proposals on issues of local importance, established by subparagraph 18 of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of this Charter;

13) making proposals in accordance with subparagraph 22 of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of this Charter;

14) establishing the procedure for implementing the law-making initiative of citizens;

15) adoption of a decision on the removal of the head of the municipal district into resignation in the cases and in the manner established;

16) hearing the annual reports of the head of the municipal district on the results of his activities, the activities of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies, including the resolution of issues raised by the Council of Deputies.

2. The powers of the Council of Deputies to resolve issues of local importance include:

1) the establishment of local holidays and other entertainment events, the development of local traditions and rituals;

2) the establishment of insignia (badges, certificates, diplomas) of the municipal district, as a form of recognition of merits and moral encouragement of individuals and organizations for activities for the benefit of residents and the establishment of the procedure for their assignment, awarding;

3) participation in holding public hearings on issues of urban planning;

4) participation in organizing the work of public policing points and their councils;

5) decision-making on professional education and additional professional education of the head of the municipal district at the expense of the local budget;

6) other powers established by this Charter.

3. The Council of Deputies exercises other powers established by federal laws and laws of the city of Moscow.

1. Self-dissolution of the Council of Deputies - early termination of the exercise by the Council of Deputies of its powers (hereinafter referred to as self-dissolution).

2. A group of deputies consisting of at least 50 percent of the established number of deputies may come up with a motivated initiative to dissolve themselves by submitting a written application signed by the deputies of this group to the head of the municipal district.

3. A written application referred to in paragraph 2 of this article must be considered at a meeting of the Council of Deputies no later than 30 days from the date of its receipt by the head of the municipal district.

4. The decision of the Council of Deputies on self-dissolution is adopted by the Council of Deputies by a two-thirds majority of the votes of the established number of deputies.

5. The decision of the Council of Deputies on self-dissolution is subject to official publication no later than seven days from the date of its adoption.

6. The decision of the Council of Deputies on self-dissolution, no later than three days from the date of its adoption, must be brought to the attention of the election commission that held the elections on the territory of the municipal district.

Article 8. Deputy

1. The deputy in his activities is guided by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Charter of the city of Moscow, the laws of the city of Moscow, this Charter, municipal legal acts.

2. The term of office of a deputy is 5 years.

3. The powers of a deputy begin from the day of his election and terminate from the day the work of the Council of Deputies of a new convocation begins (its first meeting).

4. The term of office of a deputy specified in paragraph 2 of this article may not be changed during the current term of office of deputies, except for the cases specified in paragraph 7 of this article.

5. Deputies exercise their powers on a non-permanent basis.

6. The forms of activity of a deputy and the procedure for their implementation are established by the Regulations of the Council of a Deputy.

7. The powers of a deputy are terminated early in the event of:

1) death;

3) recognition by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;

4) recognition by the court as missing or declared dead;

5) the entry into force of a guilty verdict of a court against him;

6) travel outside the Russian Federation for permanent residence;

7) termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation, termination of citizenship of a foreign state - a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a foreign citizen has the right to be elected to local government bodies, acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state or receipt by him of a residence permit or other document confirming the right for permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of a foreign state that is not a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a citizen of the Russian Federation who has citizenship of a foreign state has the right to be elected to local government bodies;

8) recall by voters;

9) early termination of the powers of the Council of Deputies;

10) conscription for military service or assignment to an alternative civilian service that replaces it;

11) in other cases established by the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" and other federal laws.

8. The decision of the Council of Deputies on the early termination of the powers of a deputy shall be made no later than 30 days from the day the grounds for early termination of powers appear, and if this ground appeared between sessions of the Council of Deputies, no later than three months from the day such grounds appeared. .

Article 9. Guarantees for exercising the powers of a deputy

1. A deputy in connection with the exercise of his powers:

1) carry out law-making initiative;

2) enjoys the right to material and technical support for its activities;

3) enjoys the right to receive, as a matter of priority, officials of the territorial bodies of executive power of the city of Moscow, within the boundaries of the territories of which the municipal district is located, territorial structural divisions public authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, heads of organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, operating in the territory of the municipal district (hereinafter - organizations), and management bodies of public associations operating in the territory of the municipal district (hereinafter - public associations), according to issues of local importance or on issues of exercising by local government bodies of certain powers of the city of Moscow transferred to local government bodies by the laws of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the transferred powers);

4) enjoy the right to unhindered access to legal acts issued by bodies and officials of local self-government;

5) exercise the right to ensure conditions for receiving voters, holding meetings with voters and reporting to them;

6) have the right to apply in writing or orally to the state authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, organizations, public associations, to the relevant officials and managers on issues of local importance or on issues of exercising delegated powers by local governments;

7) have the right to send deputy inquiries to the state authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, their officials on issues of local importance or on issues of exercising delegated powers by local governments;

8) have the right to directly participate in the consideration of the issues raised by him in his appeal to officials;

9) have the right to receive and disseminate information;

10) have the right to speak on issues of local importance or on issues of exercising delegated powers by local governments in the media.

2. Guarantees of the rights of a deputy when bringing him to criminal and administrative responsibility are established by federal legislation.

3. Guarantees for the exercise by a deputy of his powers are provided in accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 25, 2009 N 9 "On guarantees for the exercise of the powers of persons holding municipal positions in the city of Moscow" and decisions of the Council of Deputies.

Article 10

1. The head of the municipal district is the highest official of the municipal district.

2. The head of the municipal district is elected by deputies from among its members by open voting for the term of office of the Council of Deputies by a two-thirds majority of the votes of the established number of deputies. The procedure for electing the head of a municipal district is established by the Regulations of the Council of Deputies.

The powers of the head of the municipal district begin on the day he takes office and terminate on the day the newly elected head of the municipal district takes office. The head of the municipal district takes office no later than 30 days from the date of his election.

3. The head of the municipal district is controlled and accountable to the population of the municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the population) and the Council of Deputies.

Every year, no later than March 1, the head of the municipal district submits to the Council of Deputies a report on the results of his activities, the activities of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies, including the resolution of issues raised by the Council of Deputies.

4. The head of the municipal district exercises his powers on a permanent basis.

5. The head of the municipal district has letterheads with the coat of arms of the municipal district.

Article 11. Powers of the head of the municipal district

1. Head of the municipal district:

1) represents the municipal district in relations with local self-government bodies of other municipalities, state authorities, citizens and organizations, acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the municipal district, the apparatus of the Council of Deputies;

2) signs and promulgates, in accordance with the procedure established by this Charter, normative and other legal acts adopted by the Council of Deputies;

3) issue legal acts within the scope of its authority;

4) organizes the activities of the Council of Deputies;

5) conduct meetings of the Council of Deputies;

6) has the right to demand the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Deputies;

7) exercise control over the implementation of normative legal acts of the Council of Deputies;

8) ensures the exercise by local self-government bodies of powers to resolve issues of local importance and exercise delegated powers;

9) has the right to submit draft decisions to the Council of Deputies;

10) promotes the creation and operation of various forms of territorial public self-government, interacts with their bodies;

11) ensures the coordinated functioning and interaction of local governments;

12) other powers established by this Charter and decisions of the Council of Deputies.

2. The powers of the head of the municipal district are terminated early in the event of:

1) death;

2) resignations of their own free will;

3) removal from office in accordance with Article 74.1;

4) removal from office in accordance with Article 74 of the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation";

5) recognition by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;

6) recognition by the court as missing or declared dead;

7) the entry into force of a guilty verdict of the court against him;

8) travel outside the Russian Federation for permanent residence;

9) termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation, termination of citizenship of a foreign state - a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a foreign citizen has the right to be elected to local self-government bodies, acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state or receipt by him of a residence permit or other document confirming the right for permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of a foreign state that is not a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a citizen of the Russian Federation who has citizenship of a foreign state has the right to be elected to local government bodies;

10) recall by voters;

11) persistent incapacity for health reasons established by a court to exercise the powers of the head of the municipal district;

12) transformation of the municipal district;

13) an increase in the number of voters of the municipal district by more than 25 percent, which occurred as a result of a change in the boundaries of the municipal district.

3. The head of the municipal district must comply with the restrictions and prohibitions and fulfill the duties established by Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 "On Combating Corruption" and other federal laws.

4. An application for resignation of his own free will is submitted by the head of the municipal district to the Council of Deputies.

5. In case of temporary absence or early termination of the powers of the head of the municipal district, his powers are temporarily performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Deputies.

6. Early termination of the powers of the head of the municipal district is documented by the decision of the Council of Deputies, which determines the date of termination of the powers of the head of the municipal district.

7. In case of early termination of the powers of the head of the municipal district new head of the municipal district is elected no later than 60 days from the date of termination of the powers of the head of the municipal district.

Article 12

1. The head of the municipal district in connection with the exercise of his powers:

1) enjoys the right to material and technical support for its activities;

2) enjoys the right to be received on a priority basis by officials of state authorities of the city of Moscow and local governments, heads of organizations and management bodies of public associations;

3) enjoy the right to unhindered access to legal acts issued by bodies and officials of local self-government;

4) exercise the right to ensure conditions for holding meetings with voters and reporting to them;

5) enjoys the right to send written appeals to the state authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, organizations, public associations, relevant officials or managers on issues of local importance or on issues of exercising delegated powers by local governments;

6) have the right to directly participate in the consideration of the issues raised by him in the appeal to officials or managers (the head of the municipal district is notified in advance of the day of consideration of the appeal);

7) enjoys the right to ensure citizens' access to information about its activities and the activities of local self-government bodies.

2. Guarantees of the rights of the head of a municipal district when he is brought to criminal and administrative responsibility shall be established by federal legislation.

3. Guarantees for the exercise by the head of a municipal district of his powers are provided in accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow "On Guarantees for the Exercise of the Powers of Persons Holding Municipal Positions in the City of Moscow" and decisions of the Council of Deputies.

Article 13

1. The head of the municipal district for the successful and conscientious performance of his powers may be encouraged.

2. In relation to the head of the municipal district, the types of incentives established for municipal employees are applied.

3. A proposal to encourage the head of a municipal district may be submitted by a deputy, a group of deputies.

4. The decision to encourage the head of the municipal district is made by the Council of Deputies by a majority of votes from the established number of deputies.

1. The Deputy Chairman of the Council of Deputies is elected by the deputies from among their composition for the term of office of the Council of Deputies by open voting by a majority vote of the established number of deputies.

The procedure for electing the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Deputies is established by the Regulations of the Council of Deputies.

2. Deputy Chairman of the Council of Deputies:

1) in the event of temporary absence or early termination of the powers of the head of the municipal district, temporarily exercises the powers of the head of the municipal district;

2) exercise control over the implementation of legal acts of the Council of Deputies;

3) exercise other powers in accordance with the instructions of the head of the municipal district and the Regulations of the Council of Deputies.

3. The Deputy Chairman of the Council of Deputies exercises his powers on a non-permanent basis.

4. The powers of the deputy chairman of the Council of Deputies are terminated early in the cases established by Article 8 of this Charter, as well as on the basis of a personal statement or a vote of no confidence expressed in him by a majority of the established number of deputies in the manner determined by the Regulations of the Council of Deputies.

1. The apparatus of the Council of Deputies is a local self-government body that carries out executive and administrative activities.

2. The apparatus of the Council of Deputies is headed by the head of the municipal district on the principles of unity of command.

3. Organizational, documentation, information support of the activities of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies is carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies, approved by the order of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies.

4. The structure of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies is approved by the decision of the Council of Deputies on the proposal of the head of the municipal district.

5. The apparatus of the Council of Deputies has the rights of a legal entity.

6. The apparatus of the Council of Deputies has a seal and forms with the emblem of the municipal district.

The powers of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies include:

1) drawing up a draft local budget, execution of the local budget and drawing up a report on the execution of the local budget;

(clause 1 as amended by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district Filevsky Park in Moscow dated April 22, 2015 N 5/4)

2) exercising the powers of the financial body of the municipal district in accordance with;

3) ensuring the activities of the head of the municipal district and the Council of Deputies;

4) possession, use and disposal of property owned by the municipality of the municipal district;

5) making a decision to allow marriage to persons who have reached the age of sixteen years, in the manner prescribed by the family legislation of the Russian Federation;

6) organization and holding of local festive and other entertainment events, development of local traditions and rituals;

7) organizing and holding events for the military-patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation living on the territory of the municipal district;

8) registration of employment contracts concluded by employers - individuals, who are not individual entrepreneurs, with employees, as well as registration of the fact of termination of the employment contract;

9) informing residents about the activities of local governments;

10) dissemination of environmental information received from state bodies;

11) preservation, use and popularization of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments of local importance) owned by the municipal district;

12) development and approval, in agreement with the management body of the archives of the city of Moscow, of regulatory and methodological documents that determine the work of archival, record keeping services and archives, organizations subordinate to local governments;

13) consideration of consumer complaints, advising them on consumer protection issues;

14) interaction with public associations;

15) participation:

a) in the implementation of the annual personal registration of children to be educated in educational organizations implementing general educational programs, in cooperation with sectoral, functional and territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow and educational organizations;

b) in organizing the work of public points for the protection of order and their councils;

c) in the work of the draft board in accordance with federal law;

d) in the organizational support for holding elections to state authorities of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power of the city of Moscow, a referendum of the Russian Federation, a referendum of the city of Moscow in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow;

e) in the promotion of knowledge in the field of fire safety, prevention and protection of residents from natural and man-made emergencies, the safety of people at water bodies, together with the management bodies of the Moscow City Territorial Subsystem of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies, and the executive authorities of the city of Moscow;

f) in organizing and holding city festive and other entertainment events;

g) in the prevention of terrorism and extremism, as well as in minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of manifestations of terrorism and extremism in the territory of the municipal district;

16) assistance in the implementation of state environmental monitoring, submission of proposals to the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow on the creation and placement of posts of state environmental monitoring, the implementation of voluntary environmental monitoring on the territory of the municipal district;

17) submission of proposals to the Council of Deputies:

a) to create conditions for the development of physical culture and mass sports on the territory of the municipal district;

b) organization and change of routes, mode of operation, stops of ground urban passenger transport;

c) to increase the effectiveness of the protection of public order on the territory of the municipal district;

18) procurement of goods, works, services to meet municipal needs;

19) organizational, informational and logistical support for the preparation and holding of municipal elections, a local referendum in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow, work to improve the legal culture of voters;

20) registration of charters of territorial public self-governments;

21) organization vocational education and additional professional education of the head of the municipal district and municipal employees;

22) other powers in accordance with federal laws, laws of the city of Moscow, this Charter.

Article 17. Municipal service

1. Municipal service - professional activity citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of foreign states - parties to international treaties of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which foreign citizens have the right to be in the municipal service (hereinafter in relation to this article - citizens), carried out on a permanent basis in positions of the municipal service, filled by concluding an employment contract (contract).

2. A municipal employee is a citizen who, in the manner prescribed by municipal legal acts in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow, performs the duties of a municipal service position in the apparatus of the Council of Deputies for a monetary allowance paid at the expense of the local budget.

3. A municipal employee is subject to labor legislation with the features provided for by the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation".

4. The procedure for remuneration of labor and the provision of guarantees to a municipal employee established by federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow are determined by decisions of the Council of Deputies.

5. Qualification requirements for filling positions in the municipal service to the level of professional education, length of service in the municipal service ( public service) or work experience in the specialty, to the professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance official duties municipal employees, taking into account the tasks and functions of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies, are established by decisions of the Council of Deputies in accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow of October 22, 2008 N 50 "On Municipal Service in the City of Moscow" and are included in job description municipal employee.

6. The procedure and cases for holding a competition for filling a position in the municipal service, the procedure for forming a personnel reserve for filling vacant positions in the municipal service are established by decisions of the Council of Deputies.

Article 18

1. Bodies and officials of local self-government are responsible to residents, the state, individuals and legal entities in accordance with federal laws.

2. The responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government to the state comes on the basis of a decision of the relevant court in case of violation by them of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Charter of the city of Moscow, the laws of the city of Moscow, this Charter, as well as in case of improper implementation by bodies and officials local government delegated powers.

3. The procedure and conditions for the onset of responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government are determined in accordance with federal legislation and the laws of the city of Moscow.

4. The deputy is responsible to the residents in accordance with federal laws.

5. A deputy, in cases stipulated by federal legislation, may be recalled by the population.

6. In the cases provided for by federal legislation, administrative responsibility may be imposed on local self-government bodies, and criminal, civil, administrative, disciplinary liability may be imposed on local self-government officials.


Article 19. System of municipal legal acts

1. The system of municipal legal acts includes:

1) this Charter;

2) legal acts adopted at a local referendum;

3) normative and other legal acts of the Council of Deputies;

4) legal acts of the head of the municipal district;

5) legal acts of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies.

2. This Statute and decisions made in the form of legal acts adopted at a local referendum are acts of the highest legal force in the system of municipal legal acts, have direct effect and apply throughout the territory of the municipal district.

3. The procedure for submitting drafts of municipal legal acts, the list and form of documents attached to them shall be established by the regulatory legal act of the local government body or local government official, for consideration of which the said drafts are submitted.

Article 20

1. The charter, in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow, regulates the organization of local self-government in a municipal district.

2. The Charter, the decision to introduce amendments and additions to the Charter shall be adopted by the Council of Deputies by a two-thirds majority of the votes of the established number of deputies.

3. The initiative to introduce amendments and additions to the Charter may be submitted to the Council of Deputies by:

1) a deputy, a group of deputies;

2) the head of the municipal district;

3) bodies of territorial public self-government;

4) initiative groups of citizens.

4. The initiative to introduce amendments and additions to the Charter is formalized in the form of a draft decision of the Council of Deputies on the introduction of amendments and additions to the Charter (hereinafter for this article - a draft decision on amendments to the Charter).

5. The draft decision on amendments to the Charter is considered at the next meeting of the Council of Deputies from the day it is received by the Council of Deputies.

6. The draft decision on introducing amendments to the Charter is adopted by a majority of votes from the established number of deputies. Amendments to the draft decision on amendments to the Charter are adopted by a majority vote of the established number of deputies.

7. The draft Charter, the draft decision on amendments to the Charter shall be subject to official publication no later than 30 days before the date of consideration of the issue at a meeting of the Council of Deputies on the adoption of the Charter, amendments and additions to the Charter with the simultaneous publication of the procedure established by the decision of the Council of Deputies for taking into account proposals for the draft Charter, the draft said decision, as well as the procedure for the participation of citizens in its discussion.

The procedure for taking into account proposals for a draft decision to amend the Charter, as well as the procedure for citizens to participate in its discussion, is not published if changes and additions are made in order to bring the Charter in line with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws.

8. The charter, the decision of the Council of Deputies on the introduction of amendments and additions to the Charter shall be subject to official publication after their state registration within seven days from the date of their receipt from the territorial body of the authorized federal executive body in the field of registration of the charters of municipalities, are applied and come into force in the procedure and terms established by the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation".

Article 21. Legal acts adopted at a local referendum

1. The solution of issues of local importance directly by residents is carried out by direct expression of will, expressed at a local referendum.

2. If the implementation of a decision adopted at a local referendum requires the adoption (issuance) of an additional municipal legal act, the local self-government body or local self-government official, whose competence includes the adoption (issuance) of the said act, must, within 15 days from the date of the entry into force of the decision adopted at the local referendum, determine the time period for the preparation and (or) adoption (publication) of the relevant act. This period may not exceed three months.

1. The Council of Deputies, on issues within its competence by federal legislation, the laws of the city of Moscow, this Charter, makes decisions establishing rules that are binding on the territory of the municipal district, on the removal of the head of the municipal district into resignation, as well as decisions on the organization of activities Council of Deputies and on other issues referred to its competence by federal laws, laws of the city of Moscow, this Charter.

2. Decisions of the Council of Deputies establishing rules that are binding on the territory of a municipal district are adopted by a majority of votes from the established number of deputies, unless otherwise established by the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation". Other decisions of the Council of Deputies are taken in accordance with the procedure established by the Regulations of the Council of Deputies.

3. A normative and other legal act adopted by the Council of Deputies is sent to the head of the municipal district for signing and promulgation within ten days from the date of its adoption.

The head of a municipal district has no right to reject a normative or other legal act adopted by the Council of Deputies.

4. The head of the municipal district signs a normative or other legal act adopted by the Council of Deputies within three days from the day it is received for signing.

Article 23. Legal acts issued by the head of the municipal district

Head of the municipal district:

1) within the limits of its powers established by this Charter and decisions of the Council of Deputies, issues resolutions and orders on the organization of the activities of the Council of Deputies;

2) issues resolutions and orders on other issues referred to its competence by this Charter;

3) within the limits of authority established by federal laws, laws of the city of Moscow, this Charter, decisions of the Council of Deputies, issues resolutions of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies on issues of local importance and issues related to the exercise of delegated powers, as well as orders of the apparatus of the Council of Deputies on the organization of the work of the apparatus Council of Deputies.

Article 24. Official publication and enforcement of municipal legal acts

1. Municipal regulatory legal acts, with the exception of municipal regulatory legal acts or their individual provisions, containing information whose dissemination is restricted by federal law, are subject to official publication no later than thirty days from the date of their adoption, unless other deadlines for their publication are established by federal laws.

The print media that carry out the official publication of municipal regulatory legal acts are determined by the decision of the Council of Deputies. The procedure for dissemination of the printed mass media should provide an opportunity to familiarize with the content of such acts to those persons whose rights and freedoms it affects.

3. A municipal normative legal act (with the exception of the Charter, the decision of the Council of Deputies on amendments and additions to the Charter) shall enter into force on the day of its official publication, unless otherwise specified in the act itself.

4. Municipal legal acts are not subject to mandatory publication, unless otherwise established by the act itself. If a decision is made to publish a municipal legal act, the provisions established by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article shall apply.

5. Municipal legal acts shall enter into force from the day of their adoption (issue), unless otherwise specified in the act itself.


Article 25. Local referendum

1. Local referendum - a form of direct expression of the will of the citizens of the Russian Federation on the most important issues of local importance, which is carried out by voting of citizens who have the right to participate in a referendum and live in the territory of the municipal district.

2. Guarantees of the rights of citizens to participate in a local referendum, as well as the procedure for preparing and holding a local referendum, are established by federal law and the laws of the city of Moscow adopted in accordance with it.

3. The adoption by a local self-government body of a decision on the merits of an issue that may be put to a referendum is not a circumstance that excludes the possibility of holding a local referendum on this issue.

4. The initiative to hold a local referendum belongs to:

1) citizens of the Russian Federation whose place of residence is located within the boundaries of a municipal district and who have the right to participate in a local referendum;

2) electoral associations, other public associations whose charters provide for participation in elections and (or) referendums and which are registered in the manner and within the time limits established by federal law;

3) jointly to the Council of Deputies and the head of the municipal district.

5. An initiative to hold a referendum put forward by citizens, electoral associations, other public associations specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 4 of this article shall be formalized in accordance with the procedure established by federal law and the law of the city of Moscow adopted in accordance with it.

6. An initiative to hold a referendum put forward jointly by the Council of Deputies and the head of the municipal district is documented by legal acts of the Council of Deputies and the head of the municipal district.

7. The Council of Deputies is obliged to call a local referendum within 30 days from the date of receipt by the Council of Deputies of the documents on the basis of which a local referendum is called.

8. A decision adopted at a local referendum is subject to mandatory execution on the territory of the municipal district and does not need to be approved by any state authorities, their officials or local self-government bodies.

9. Local self-government bodies ensure the implementation of the decision adopted at the local referendum in accordance with their powers established by this Charter.

10. A decision to hold a local referendum, as well as a decision adopted at a local referendum, may be appealed in court by citizens, local self-government bodies, a prosecutor, state authorities authorized by federal law.

12. Expenses related to the holding of a local referendum shall be covered from the funds allocated from the local budget.

Article 26. Municipal Elections

1. Municipal elections are held for the purpose of electing deputies on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot, while ensuring the electoral rights of citizens established by law.

2. The decision of the Council of Deputies on calling the elections of deputies of the Council of Deputies must be taken not earlier than 90 days and not later than 80 days before voting day. The decision to call elections shall be subject to official publication no later than five days from the date of its adoption.

3. Deputies of the Council of Deputies are elected from multi-mandate electoral districts.

4. Guarantees of the electoral rights of citizens during municipal elections, the procedure for appointing, preparing, holding, establishing the results and determining the results of municipal elections are established by the Federal Law of June 12, 2002 N 67-FZ "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens Russian Federation" and the Law of the city of Moscow dated July 6, 2005 N 38 "Electoral code of the city of Moscow".

5. The results of municipal elections are subject to official publication no later than 30 days from the day of voting.

Article 27

1. The grounds for the recall of a deputy are: violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, laws and regulations of the city of Moscow, this Charter, decisions of the Council of Deputies taken within its competence, as well as specific illegal decisions or actions (inaction), repeated omission without good reason meetings of the Council of Deputies and meetings of standing committees within one year - if they are confirmed in court.

2. Violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, laws and normative legal acts of the city of Moscow, this Charter, decisions of the Council of Deputies adopted within its competence, which are the basis for the recall of a deputy of the Council of Deputies, is understood to mean a single gross violation or a systematic violation by a deputy of the requirements of these acts.

3. The deputy is provided with an opportunity to give explanations to voters about the circumstances put forward as grounds for recall, including by publishing them in the print media.

5. A deputy is considered recalled if at least half of the voters registered in the constituency voted for the recall.

Article 28

1. An initiative group of citizens with the right to vote (hereinafter, in relation to this article - an initiative group) may come up with a law-making initiative in the manner prescribed by this article.

The minimum size of the initiative group is 3 percent of the number of residents with the right to vote.

2. The decision to prepare and send a draft municipal legal act (hereinafter, in relation to this article - a draft legal act) for consideration by the local government body or local government official whose powers include the adoption of the relevant act, is taken by the initiative group.

3. The initiative group must attach an explanatory note to the draft legal act on the need to adopt it and the financial and economic justification of the project, a list of the initiative group indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence and contact phone number of all its members.

4. A draft legal act must be considered by the local self-government body or local government official whose powers include the adoption of the relevant act, no later than 60 days from the date of its submission. If the draft legal act is received between sessions of the Council of Deputies (vacation of an official of local self-government), the specified period is calculated from the day of the end of such a break in work (vacation).

5. Representatives of the initiative group (no more than 5 citizens) may state their position when considering a draft legal act.

6. Information about the date, time and place of the consideration of the draft legal act must be communicated to the initiative group in advance, but no later than 14 days before the day of the said consideration.

7. If the adoption of a draft legal act falls within the competence of the Council of Deputies, the said draft is considered at an open meeting of the Council of Deputies.

8. A reasoned decision adopted as a result of consideration of a draft legal act is brought, officially in writing, to the attention of the initiative group no later than 14 days from the date of its consideration.

Article 29. Territorial public self-government

1. Territorial public self-government is understood as the self-organization of citizens at their place of residence on a part of the territory of a municipal district for the independent and under their own responsibility to implement their own initiatives on issues of local importance.

2. Territorial public self-government is carried out directly by residents through holding meetings and conferences of citizens, as well as through the creation of bodies of territorial public self-government. Bodies of territorial public self-government represent the interests of residents living in the respective territory.

3. Territorial public self-government is considered established from the moment of registration of the charter of territorial public self-government in the manner prescribed by the decision of the Council of Deputies.

4. The procedure for organizing and exercising territorial public self-government is established by a decision of the Council of Deputies.

Article 30. Public hearings

1. Public hearings are held with the participation of residents to discuss draft municipal legal acts on issues of local importance.

3. Public hearings are held at the initiative of the population, the Council of Deputies or the head of the municipal district.

4. Public hearings held at the initiative of the population or the Council of Deputies are appointed by the decision of the Council of Deputies, at the initiative of the head of the municipal district - by the order of the head of the municipal district.

5. The following shall be submitted for public hearings:

1) the draft Charter, the draft regulatory legal act of the Council of Deputies on the introduction of amendments and additions to the Charter, except when amendments to the Charter are made solely for the purpose of bringing the issues of local importance enshrined in this Charter and the authority to resolve them in accordance with the laws of the city of Moscow;

2) draft local budget and report on its implementation;

3) draft plans and programs for the development of the municipal district;

4) questions about the transformation of the municipal district.

6. The procedure for organizing and holding public hearings is determined by the decision of the Council of Deputies.

Article 31 Citizens' Conference (delegates' meeting)

1. In order to discuss issues of local importance, to inform residents about the activities of local self-government bodies and officials of local self-government, the exercise of territorial public self-government, meetings of citizens may be held on a part of the territory of a municipal district.

2. A meeting of citizens is held at the initiative of the population, the Council of Deputies, the head of the municipal district, as well as in cases provided for by the charter of territorial public self-government.

The procedure for appointing and holding a meeting of citizens for the purpose of exercising territorial public self-government is determined by the charter of territorial public self-government.

3. A meeting of citizens held at the initiative of the Council of Deputies, the head of the municipal district, is appointed accordingly by the Council of Deputies, the head of the municipal district.

4. A meeting of citizens held at the initiative of the population is appointed by the Council of Deputies in the manner prescribed by this article.

5. An initiative group of citizens with the right to vote (hereinafter in relation to this article - an initiative group), consisting of at least 10 people, may take the initiative to hold a meeting of citizens.

6. The initiative group submits to the Council of Deputies an initiative to hold a meeting of citizens at least thirty days before the expected date of holding a meeting of citizens.

7. The initiative to hold a meeting of citizens must contain:

1) issues submitted to the meeting of citizens and the rationale for the need to consider them at the meeting;

2) information about the territory within which it is planned to hold a meeting of citizens;

3) proposals on the date and place of the meeting of citizens;

4) a list of the initiative group indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence and contact telephone number of all its members.

8. The submitted initiative to hold a meeting of citizens is considered at the next meeting of the Council of Deputies.

If the initiative is received between sessions of the Council of Deputies, the initiative is considered at the next meeting after the end of such a break in work.

9. A reasoned decision adopted as a result of consideration of the initiative to hold a meeting of citizens is brought, officially in writing, to the attention of the initiative group no later than 14 days from the date of its consideration.

10. The procedure for holding a meeting of citizens, as well as the powers of a meeting of citizens, are determined by the decision of the Council of Deputies, the charter of territorial public self-government.

11. In cases stipulated by the decision of the Council of Deputies, the powers of the citizens' meeting may be exercised by the citizens' conference (meeting of delegates).

12. The procedure for appointing and holding a conference of citizens (meeting of delegates), election of delegates to the conference is determined by the decision of the Council of Deputies.

13. The results of a meeting of citizens, a conference of citizens (meeting of delegates) shall be subject to official publication no later than 20 days from the date of the meeting of citizens, a conference of citizens (meeting of delegates).

Article 32

1. A survey of citizens is conducted throughout the territory of the municipal district or in part of its territory in order to identify and take into account the opinion of the population in the preparation and adoption of decisions by local governments and local government officials, as well as public authorities of the city of Moscow.

2. Residents who have the right to vote have the right to participate in a poll of citizens.

3. The survey of citizens is carried out on the initiative of:

1) the Council of Deputies or the head of the municipal district - on issues of local importance;

2) public authorities of the city of Moscow - to take into account the opinion of citizens when making decisions on changing the designated purpose of land in the municipal district for objects of regional and interregional significance.

4. The decision to appoint a poll of citizens is taken by the Council of Deputies.

5. The procedure for appointing and conducting a survey of citizens is established by a decision of the Council of Deputies.

Article 33

1. Citizens have the right to individual and collective appeals to local self-government bodies.

2. Appeals of citizens are subject to consideration in the manner and terms established by the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation".

3. For violation of the procedure and terms for consideration of citizens' appeals, officials of local self-government bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 34

1. Residents have the right to participate in the implementation of local self-government in other forms that do not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Charter of the city of Moscow, the laws of the city of Moscow.

2. The direct exercise of local self-government by the population and the participation of the population in the implementation of local self-government shall be based on the principles of legality and voluntariness.


Article 35. Municipal property

1. A municipal district may own:

1) property intended for resolving issues of local importance provided for by this Charter in accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow "On the organization of local self-government in the city of Moscow";

2) property intended for the exercise of transferred powers, in cases established by the laws of the city of Moscow;

3) property intended to ensure the activities of local self-government bodies and officials of local self-government, municipal employees in accordance with decisions of the Council of Deputies.

2. The rights of the owner in relation to property owned by the municipality, on behalf of the municipal district, shall be exercised by the apparatus of the Council of Deputies in the manner established by the decision of the Council of Deputies.

3. The apparatus of the Council of Deputies has the right to transfer municipal property for temporary or permanent use to physical and legal entities, state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the city of Moscow, local authorities of other municipalities, alienate, make other transactions in accordance with federal law.

4. The procedure and conditions for the privatization of municipal property are determined by the decision of the Council of Deputies in accordance with federal legislation.

5. The apparatus of the Council of Deputies maintains a register of municipal property in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Income from the use and privatization of municipal property shall go to the local budget.

Article 36. Local budget

dated 22.04.2015 N 5/4)

1. A municipal district has a local budget.

2. Drawing up and reviewing a draft local budget, approving and executing the local budget, monitoring its execution, compiling and approving a report on the execution of the local budget are carried out by local governments independently in compliance with the requirements established by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the city of Moscow and adopted in accordance with them Regulations on the budgetary process in the municipal district.

Regulations on the budgetary process in the municipal district are approved by the decision of the Council of Deputies.

3. The Council of Deputies has the right to conclude an agreement with the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Moscow on the exercise of the powers of external municipal financial control in the municipal district, established by Part 2 of Article 9 of Federal Law No. bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities".

4. The draft local budget, the decision to approve the local budget, the annual report on its implementation, quarterly information on the progress of the implementation of the local budget and the number of municipal employees, indicating the actual costs of their financial maintenance, are subject to official publication.

Article 37

1. Revenues of the local budget are formed in accordance with the budgetary legislation, legislation on taxes, fees and other obligatory payments.

2. Sources of formation of local budget revenues and standards for deductions from federal, regional, local taxes and fees to the local budget are determined by the law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow and are not subject to change during the current financial year.

(As amended by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the Filevsky Park municipal district in Moscow dated April 22, 2015 N 5/4)

Article 38

(As amended by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the Filevsky Park municipal district in Moscow dated April 22, 2015 N 5/4)

1. The formation of local budget expenditures is carried out in accordance with the expenditure obligations of the municipal district, performed by local governments in accordance with the requirements.

The list and procedure for maintaining the register of expenditure obligations of the municipal district is established by the Government of Moscow.

2. The fulfillment of expenditure obligations of the municipal district is carried out at the expense of the local budget in accordance with the requirements of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation and the legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Article 39

1. The apparatus of the Council of Deputies has the right to additionally use its own material resources and financial resources of the municipal district for the implementation of delegated powers (hereinafter referred to as own funds for this article) in case they are freely available.

2. Suggestions for additional uses own funds are submitted by the head of the municipal district to the Council of Deputies simultaneously with the draft local budget or during the current financial year.

The proposed proposal must contain a calculation of the amount of financial resources, a list material resources and the rationale for their use.

3. When making a proposal on additional use of own funds simultaneously with the draft local budget, the Council of Deputies considers and makes a decision on this issue within the framework of the procedure for adopting the local budget.

4. When making a proposal on the additional use of own funds during the current financial year, the Council of Deputies considers and makes a decision on this issue.

If a decision is made on the additional use of own funds during the current financial year, appropriate changes and additions must be made to the local budget.

5. The use of own funds is targeted.


Article 40

1. The charter, decisions adopted by direct expression of the will of citizens, or other municipal legal acts that have entered into force, are binding on all organizations located on the territory of the municipal district, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, as well as bodies and officials of the local government and citizens.

2. Non-execution or improper execution of the Charter, decisions taken by direct expression of the will of citizens, or other municipal legal acts shall entail liability in accordance with federal laws and laws of the city of Moscow.

Article 41

Control over the implementation of the Charter is carried out by the head of the municipal district, the Council of Deputies.

On the evening of November 21, a regular meeting of the council of municipal deputies was to be held in the administration of the Moscow district of Filevsky Park. Several issues were put on the agenda, but according to the regulations, the deputies first of all had to elect the chairman of the council and his deputy. However, the acting head of the council, Tigran Mkrtchyan, tried to remove the issue of elections from the agenda by a single decision, deputy Vadim Korovin told Mediazona.

Mkrtchyan - the general director of the Gorbushka shopping center, who was nominated by United Russia; in the last convocation of the council of deputies, he served as deputy chairman, but was not elected to the new one; his parliamentary powers expired in September. In the elections on September 10, the majority in the council of Filevsky Park - six out of ten seats - were received by independent and opposition candidates, four seats remained for United Russia. The chairman of the council, Korovin explains, is elected by a qualified majority: he must get seven votes, which is problematic given the current alignment of forces; the deputy himself in the election of the head of the council did not have one vote. The procedure for electing a deputy is simpler: a simple majority is sufficient. However, last Tuesday, Mkrtchyan, the deputy says, was categorically against the vote: you can’t choose a deputy until the head of the council is elected, insisted after the acting. United Russia.

“Mkrtchyan was obliged to follow the agenda, he was obliged to comply with the charter and regulations, according to which all issues on the agenda should be considered,” Korovin explained. “If an issue is removed from the agenda, then it is removed by a vote of deputies.”

A skirmish ensued in the council, Mkrtchyan persisted, and independent deputies threatened to deprive him of his powers. “I took out a microphone because I was tired of shouting loudly and said that I propose to elect a chairman,” says Korovin. Six people supported his proposal, four United Russia members abstained. As a result, Korovin himself was elected to the post of deputy head of the council.

After that, Mkrtchyan and other deputies from United Russia decided to leave the meeting; in parting, United Russia tried to prevent Korovin from taking a seat at the table. In addition, deputy Dmitry Prokhorov took a knife out of his pocket and cut the microphone wire, Korovin claims.

“The video clearly shows how they cut the microphone wire, my personal one. In my opinion, it was a violent seizure and retention of power on his part, because he did not want us to elect a deputy chairman,” Korovin noted.

After the deputies of "United Russia" left the hall, taking with them the minutes of the meeting, the lights went out in the entire building of the council; according to Korovin, this did not prevent the remaining deputies from discussing all the issues on the agenda.

Deputy Denis Prokuronov appealed to the Investigative Committee with a request to check the actions of United Russia under Article 278 of the Criminal Code - the forcible seizure of power or the forcible retention of power. The statement was signed by six independent deputies. Korovin himself intends to go to the police with a complaint about damage

Recently elected municipal deputies of the Filevsky Park district spoke about attempts to put pressure on them before the election of the chairman of the council of municipal deputies. Local “United Russia” come to independent candidates and explain why they should vote for their candidate, and through third parties, deputies receive the same “explanations” in the form of threats and offers of bribery. Open Russia learned how the struggle of the deputies continues after the victory in the elections.
Carrot and stick
The elections of municipal deputies are traditionally followed by the election of the chairman of the council of deputies - he is elected by a majority of votes by the deputies of the district themselves. After opposition candidates won in several districts of Moscow, deputies from United Russia became less likely to be elected to these positions. To become chairmen of the councils, United Russia will need to get the support of not only party comrades-in-arms, but also the votes of independent deputies. Probably, in order to get the votes of their opponents, deputies will soon resort to a variety of methods, and often not always legal ones.

A similar struggle for the post of chairman of the council of municipal deputies is planned in the Filevsky Park area. United Russia MP Dmitry Prokhorov, who has been striving for the post of chairman of the municipal council for many years, is again trying to head the assembly of deputies. But the result of the Sunday elections does not promise him a confident victory - 10 mandates in the district were distributed among five Yabloko deputies, four United Russia members and one self-nominated candidate.
Independent deputies of the Filevsky district told Open Russia about how they have been “pushed” over the past four days to vote for a pro-government candidate.
Filevsky Park district deputy Denis Prokuronov said that they were trying to put pressure on him through third parties: “Through several of my acquaintances, I received a signal that Prokhorov should be supported. The main argument is that if we don't support it, then our district will stall, the political process will not start, and so on. And then went the classic methods of pressure in the style of "carrot and stick". In my case, the “stick” is problems with the university, they promise to arrange them for me if I do not vote in the right way. Up to expulsion and the army - I'm 21 years old, that is, I still fall under the draft. In the form of a “carrot”, they hint at receiving some material benefits and monetary rewards. There are no direct statements from representatives of United Russia, such information is transmitted through acquaintances. Today I met with the head of the district council Ruslan Osipenko - there were hints that Yabloko would be to blame for the fact that the process would not start. There is a specific processing, so that one of us still gives up. But they will break their teeth about us - we didn’t go to the polls to give up.”
“They also talk to others, sometimes harshly, but without advertising who is behind this,” says deputy Vadim Korovin. - It comes from somewhere from outside, they say, look, think, there may be a criminal case, but it still sounds like advice. In the situation with Prokuronov, we know for sure that the initiator was Andrei Mitin, the head of the electoral headquarters of United Russia in the region. And Ruslan Osipenko, the head of the council, walks with everyone and talks, he does not engage in open pressure.”

Dmitry Prokhorov
“It will be difficult to dig. But they dig"
The deputy of the Filevsky Park district, Irina Surikova, said that they are trying to influence her in a similar way: during personal meetings, representatives of United Russia recommend voting for Prokhorov, but direct threats come through other people. “Osipenko, the head of the council, suddenly came to my work personally,” says Surikova. - He talked with me for 50 minutes, trying to understand what I am, from which side you can put pressure on me. When I asked him: “Do you want me to vote for Prokhorov?”, he said yes. I said: “Listen, well, he has been sitting in this place for 15 years,” and Osipenko answered me: “Well, he is experienced, I want you to vote for him.” The next day, from one person (deputy Irina Surikova asked not to be named. - Open Russia) I find out that I am being “leaked”: I am the director of an LLC at Gorbushka, everything is open, everything is transparent and legal, everything has been paid, everything is clean, it will be difficult to dig. But they dig in. The second thing I find out is that there is already an agreement to “throw me out” from the “pink yard”, and that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they will send me a tax audit. It was also said that a criminal case would be opened against my daughter - because this is my most vulnerable point.
“We immediately said that they might not even try, because none of the independent deputies would vote for Prokhorov,” continues Prokuronov. - We are all united by such a point of view that "United Russia" should not be allowed to lead positions here. That is, United Russia will not chair here, as well as exercise control over the budget commission and manage all the key processes in the region. There are several serious projects here, in which funds have already been “charged” - this is the reconstruction of the embankment, Gorbushka, which may be demolished, the expansion of roads, in general, a lot of money and great interests for United Russia.
Dmitry Gudkov, whose project helped many independent candidates become deputies, says that such pressure is now taking place in all areas where United Russia has lost its majority. There are now 29 such districts: Academic, Airport, Gagarinsky, Zyuzino, Izmailovo, Konkovo, Krasnoselsky, Kuntsevo, Lomonosovsky, Ostankinsky, Presnensky, Sokol, Tverskoy, Troparevo-Nikulino, Khamovniki, Khoroshevsky, Yakimanka, Alekseevsky, Arbat, Basmanny, Bogorodskoye, Dorogomilovo , Maryina Grove, Meshchansky, Preobrazhenskoye, Ramenki, Timiryazevsky, Filevsky Park and Cheryomushki.
“This happens wherever United Russia lacks votes: they are invited to councils and try to either intimidate, or buy, or negotiate,” says Dmitry Gudkov. - We were ready for this, I personally call everyone, and so far ours are holding on. If one of them nevertheless agrees, I can only condemn and blame it. But this always happens to someone, there are a lot of temptations. We are trying to counteract this. It is impossible to avoid this one hundred percent, but we are doing everything to ensure that such cases do not happen. The chairman of the council of deputies is a permanent job, it is full employment, maximum involvement, much more than other deputies. The chairman works full time every day, and he gets paid - but it's not a fight for pay. This is, consider, an apparatus struggle: whoever has the apparatus controls the processes.

- Why did you decide to move? What motivated you?

- Until this spring, I lived in my cozy world, meeting with the state mainly at the tax office and at the border. The state came to me by itself, through the “renovation” program - I live in a brick five-story building, which appeared in the very first, preliminary lists.

So I met the head of our Council, municipal deputies and realized that it was a pipe. They do not listen to us and do not want to hear. There is no mechanism of interface between the authorities and citizens. At the same time, everyone seems to understand everything, but what can a municipal deputy do, whose main place of work is the Moscow City Duma? Whose interests are protected by deputies representing large regional businesses? Will the director of a budgetary institution object to the authorities?

And I also met wonderful, smart and very active neighbors in the area. Thanks to Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, in our area the very real civil society. And he needs his representatives.

- What are the key problems in your district that you are going to solve if you are elected?

- Our district is among the economically inefficient, but very comfortable for life. Eight kilometers to the Kremlin, many five-story brick houses with high ceilings, large yards, excellent transport accessibility, a huge park. At the same time, the city authorities seem to see one option for development - under the pretext of "renovation" to carefully squeeze out or condense residents and build up the area with elite housing.

My task is to come up with an alternative development strategy with the help of the residents of the district. It can be based on improving the urban environment through culture and sports. There are a million options - to revive the Fili stadium and the rugby team, to develop sports in the park (without building it up), to invite youth theaters, restaurants and cafes to the area. Then the district will "work", live and develop, but at the same time it will be preserved.

There are a lot of current problems - infill development, current and major overhaul, land registration, the introduction of paid parking and the creation of regional public transport routes. It is necessary to put in order the microdistrict around the Fili metro station - a mournful place. Protect architectural monuments - the territory of the park of the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin in Fili is planned to be built up with elite housing, and the Naryshkin estate is in a terrible state.

But the main thing is to involve its residents in the life of the district. Inform them about development and development plans. Hold real public hearings. Make sure that the authorities and citizens hear each other. be a bridge between them. Actually, this is the main task of the municipal deputy.

– Difficult, but try to formulate in one short answer how you feel about the My Street program and adopted law about renovation in Moscow?

– Experts speak very well on this topic, and they seem not to be invited to participate in the development of the main Moscow programs. On paper, everything is fine - we will make the streets beautiful and comfortable, we will demolish the Khrushchevs and move people to beautiful new houses. In practice, it’s different - the tiles and curbs are shifted a hundred times (oh, slippery! oh, shallow! oh, they forgot the storm water!), And with the “renovation” it turned out not at all good.

Not only does the law on "renovation" destroy the right to private property as a concept and deprive one and a half million Muscovites of the right to own land. Its first edition speaks of the catastrophically low quality of the authors' expertise. They simply forgot about the owners of non-residential premises, mortgage lenders, did not prescribe the mechanism for resettling communal apartments, did not think about how those who had already privatized an apartment would formalize the ownership right, whether personal income tax would be paid from a new apartment. A touching table hangs on the website of the mayor's office, showing the improvements adopted in the second reading. The city hall seems to be proud of them. I would like to ask what kind of pest wrote the first edition?

But the main claim to all the undertakings of the Moscow authorities recent years- in their picture of the world there are no Muscovites. It feels like the plans for the development of the city are made by people who do not know Moscow and do not like it. And asking Muscovites if we need this endless jam festival, or if there are other, more urgent tasks, it doesn’t even occur to them.

– The political process is undergoing changes due to new technologies and the fact that millennials have joined it. How does this affect the municipal agenda?

- It is hard to say. The municipal agenda is the bureaucratized and boring world of Zhilischnik, the Council, overhaul MKD, OSS, housing and communal services and the like. The information revolution has turned our perception of ourselves and the world upside down, but has changed little in essence - to get the result you still need to work hard. Very often - overcoming the resistance of the authorities and the inertia of citizens.

A modern resident of a metropolis, especially a young person, exists in two dimensions. It is convenient and simple in social networks, you are surrounded by like-minded people, beautiful pictures and interesting news, but if you look up from the screen, you find yourself in a different world, often in a different historical era.

Social networks interfere with solving real problems - many have developed a strong like-repost-endorphin reflex. Work at the municipal level does not imply immediate results. Yes, and the "turquoise" management style is broken on the very first attempt to organize general meeting homeowners in their home. Millennials will have to learn to live with this dichotomy.

– What are the two main problems of Russia in the 21st century?

- The main thing, in my opinion, is the unwillingness to solve their problems on their own. AT English language network is a wonderful word ownership, which is very poorly translated into Russian. We do not have this concept - to be the owner and be responsible for your property. If something goes wrong, we sit and wait for someone to come and fix it. And we get upset when no one comes.

This does not mean that you have to run to change a burned-out light bulb in the stairwell or build it with your own hands after work. Kindergarten. But a citizen can and should take part in public life. Write, call, complain if he does not like something, offer, do not be indifferent. It works. Those who have tried will confirm.

The second is the desire for recognition, not a result. As a country, we crave praise and approval. For this we are ready to sacrifice a lot. Even your own interests. It's not even a problem, it's a problem. And this needs to be changed.