The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, insists on strict domestic standards. The new head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, is called a dark horse Anna Popova, health officer

The place of the charismatic Gennady Onishchenko was taken by the modest professional Anna Popova.

The new head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) is little known to the business environment. Perhaps such a personnel reshuffle was carried out in order to reform the federal body without conflict.

Two days ago, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets shocked many by announcing the resignation of the unsinkable Gennady Onishchenko from the post of head of Rospotrebnadzor. His place was taken by Anna Popova, one of the three deputies of the country's chief sanitary doctor. Like her boss, Anna Popova is an epidemiologist by profession.

Anna Popova began her path to the position of a federal official as a simple doctor, and then as the head of the epidemiological department of the Budennovskaya sanitary and epidemiological station. By the way, this institution is located on the other side of the road from the infamous Budennovskaya Central District Hospital, which became the epicenter of the drama with the hostage-taking by the terrorist Shamil Basayev in 1995.

True, by that time Anna Popova had already worked as a doctor at the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Serpukhov near Moscow, where she later rose to the post of head physician. Further, her career was connected with the apparatus of Rospotrebnadzor - in the position of deputy head, and then head of the personnel department of the department for the Moscow region. And in December 2011, Gennady Onishchenko invited her as his deputy.

Representatives of the structures where Anna Popova previously worked recommended that they contact the federal Rospotrebnadzor for comments.

Her career was made quite adequately to the merits that she has, the representative of Rospotrebnadzor emphasized, and immediately asked the correspondent of RBC daily: “Do you doubt the organizational qualities of the head of the federal service, who has always been able to select personnel?”

One of the market participants said that Anna Popova was able to build a fairly effective supervision of the market and the turnover of food products in a short period of time. She is a good doctor, an administrator, but at the same time "not a political figure at all," the interlocutor of RBC daily added.

However, the new head of the federal service is little known to most market participants, a survey conducted among representatives of companies and industry unions showed. Many of them simply did not encounter it at meetings or meetings. “We communicate quite often with all the deputies of Gennady Onishchenko, but we can say that Anna Popova is completely inactive,” said the manager of a large transnational company.

“She participated in some events and approached them quite formally: she delivered a prepared speech and that’s all,” added a representative of another company. “Since Mr. Onishchenko could not personally attend all the events, he sent his deputy Irina Bragina, who was called right hand heads of service and predicted as successors. If Bragina could not go, they sent Mrs. Popova. I got the impression that she was in the wings,” another interlocutor of RBC daily shares his impressions.

Market participants regard Ms. Popova as a temporary figure and express the popular opinion today that, most likely, Rospotrebnadzor will be disbanded. “If a new charismatic figure is put in place of Onishchenko, then the continuation of the struggle, which the former head literally lived, is guaranteed. Naturally, in order to avoid this, an inconspicuous figure was placed. I don't believe that new head Rospotrebnadzor will be able to keep the service just as strong as its predecessor, who, in addition to charisma, had an amazing capacity for work, ”said one of the industry experts.

"Time will tell. But I don’t think that the government will select a candidate who is not capable of protecting the interests of Rospotrebnadzor,” said State Duma deputy Nadezhda Shkolkina. It is clear that some directions will change. For example, I really hope that the new head of Rospotrebnadzor will pay more attention to the domestic market, the quality of the products supplied, maybe we will finally develop quality standards. It seems to me that if there is less politics, more work in the domestic market, then this will be a plus for all of us.”

The Russian government is considering the possibility of transferring certain functions of Rospotrebnadzor to the regional level, RIA Novosti reported with reference to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. “There have never been any ideas about the complete elimination of Rospotrebnadzor. It performs important federal functions and is absolutely essential. However, the possibility of delegating part of the functions of Rospotrebnadzor to the regional level, to executive authorities is being considered,” said Mr. Kozak.

Anna Yurievna Popova was born on October 18, 1960. Has a higher medical education majoring in preventive medicine. Anna Yuryevna is a doctor of medical sciences, as well as a professor in the specialty "hygiene". Anna Popova has experience as an epidemiologist and head of the epidemiological department of the Budennovskaya Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. Popova also worked as an epidemiologist, and later as the chief physician of the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the city of Serpukhov. In the period from 1994 to 2005, she served as head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Serpukhov District.

Anna Yuryevna worked as deputy head of the department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Moscow Region, as well as head of the personnel department, postgraduate education and hygienic education of the population of Rospotrebnadzor.

December 23, 2011 Anna Popova took over as deputy head of Rospotrebnadzor. Two years later, on October 23, 2013, Anna Yurievna was appointed to the position of acting head of Rospotrebnadzor.

Married. Has two children.

Publications with a mention on the site

MOSCOW, January 19, FederalPress. In Russia, the number of cases of influenza is increasing. The bulk is the so-called swine flu. “In the specific gravity of all ...

MOSCOW, January 19, RIA FederalPress. The number of scheduled and unscheduled inspections of entrepreneurs by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights and...

MOSCOW, January 20, RIA FederalPress. Rospotrebnadzor found out how Russian travel agencies circumvent the ban on the sale of tours to Turkey. It turned out that companies send ...

MOSCOW, January 20, FederalPress. In Russia, since the beginning of the epidemic season, 27 cases of death from influenza have been recorded. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia from ...

LIPETSK, January 20, RIA FederalPress. The number of cases of swine flu in Lipetsk has grown to 16 people. Seven children are among the sick. According to the regional...

PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, January 22, RIA FederalPress. 21 cases of H1N1 influenza (swine flu) have been registered in Kamchatka. Doctors are urging residents to...

SIMFEROPOL, January 22, FederalPress. Seven cases of swine flu were recorded in Crimea. The level of influenza in Crimea increased by 73% over the week. About it...

MOSCOW, January 26, RIA FederalPress. Epidemic thresholds for influenza and SARS as of the morning of January 26 were exceeded in 48 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This was announced by the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna ...

YEKATERINBURG, January 26, RIA FederalPress. Schools in Yekaterinburg are under the threat of being quarantined due to an increase in the incidence of SARS and influenza. Parents...

MOSCOW, February 2, RIA FederalPress. Almost 9,000 Russian schools and over 1,600 kindergartens have been quarantined in Russia due to influenza and SARS, the head of the...

EKATERINBURG, February 3, RIA FederalPress. Unscheduled holidays for Yekaterinburg schoolchildren may last another week. In connection with the SARS epidemic, the city administration ...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anna Yurievna Popova
Working meeting of D. Medvedev with the head of Rospotrebnadzor A. Popova April 10, 2014
Head of Rospotrebnadzor
Chief State Sanitary Doctor
Russian Federation
since April 10, 2014
(acting since October 23, 2013)
Predecessor: Gennady Grigorievich Onishchenko
Birth: October 18(1960-10-18 ) (58 years old)
Rostov-on-Don, Russian SFSR, USSR
Spouse: married
Children: two children
Academic degree: doctor of medical sciences, professor
Profession: sanitary doctor
Activity: statesman
Military service
Years of service: since 1984
Affiliation: Rospotrebnadzor
Acting State Councilor
RF 1st class

Anna Yurievna Popova(born October 18, Rostov-on-Don) - Russian statesman, chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, head of Rospotrebnadzor since October 23, 2013.


From 1994 to 2005 she headed the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Serpukhov District.

In 2006, she became the first deputy head of Rospotrebnadzor for the Moscow Region.

In 2008, she was appointed to the position of Head of the Department of Personnel, Postgraduate Education and Hygienic Education of the Population of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

Married. Has two children.

On the third attempt, she achieved the return of unscheduled inspections without prior warning to catering establishments and supermarkets.

Scientific and teaching activities

In 1997 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The influence of pollution environment chlorinated biphenyls for nonspecific resistance and post-vaccination immunity” at the Research Institute of Hygiene named after F. F. Erisman.

In 2000 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Hygienic safety of the population in conditions of environmental pollution with chlorinated biphenyls on the example of a model area."

In 2005 he was awarded the title of professor in the specialty "Hygiene".

Head of the Department of Social Hygiene and Organization of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the RMAPE.

He teaches the discipline "General Hygiene" at the Department of Hygiene of the First Moscow State Medical University.

Awards and titles

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An excerpt characterizing Popova, Anna Yurievna

One group of Frenchmen stood close by the road, and two soldiers - the face of one of them was covered with sores - were tearing a piece of raw meat with their hands. There was something terrible and animal in that cursory glance that they threw at the passers-by, and in that vicious expression with which the soldier with sores, glancing at Kutuzov, immediately turned away and continued his work.
Kutuzov looked at these two soldiers for a long time; Wrinkling even more, he narrowed his eyes and shook his head thoughtfully. In another place, he noticed a Russian soldier, who, laughing and patting the Frenchman on the shoulder, said something affectionately to him. Kutuzov again shook his head with the same expression.
- What are you saying? What? he asked the general, who continued to report and drew the attention of the commander-in-chief to the French taken banners that stood in front of the front of the Preobrazhensky regiment.
- Ah, banners! - said Kutuzov, apparently with difficulty breaking away from the subject that occupied his thoughts. He looked around absently. Thousands of eyes from all sides, waiting for his word, looked at him.
In front of the Preobrazhensky Regiment he stopped, sighed heavily and closed his eyes. Someone from the retinue waved for the soldiers holding the banners to come up and place them around the commander-in-chief with flagpoles. Kutuzov was silent for several seconds and, apparently reluctantly, obeying the necessity of his position, raised his head and began to speak. Crowds of officers surrounded him. He scanned the circle of officers with a keen eye, recognizing some of them.
– Thank you all! he said, addressing the soldiers and again to the officers. In the silence that reigned around him, his slowly spoken words were clearly audible. “Thank you all for your hard and faithful service. The victory is perfect, and Russia will not forget you. Glory to you forever! He paused, looking around.
“Bend down, bend down his head,” he said to the soldier who held the French eagle and accidentally lowered it in front of the banner of the Transfiguration. “Lower, lower, that’s it. Hooray! guys, - with a quick movement of your chin, turn to the soldiers, he said.
- Hooray ra ra! roared thousands of voices. While the soldiers were shouting, Kutuzov, bent over in his saddle, bowed his head, and his eye lit up with a meek, as if mocking, gleam.
“That’s what, brothers,” he said when the voices fell silent ...
And suddenly his voice and facial expression changed: the commander-in-chief stopped talking, and a simple, old man spoke up, obviously wanting to tell his comrades something very necessary now.
There was a movement in the crowd of officers and in the ranks of the soldiers in order to hear more clearly what he would say now.
“Here’s the thing, brethren. I know it's hard for you, but what can you do! Be patient; not long left. We'll send the guests out, then we'll have a rest. For your service, the king will not forget you. It is difficult for you, but you are still at home; and they - see what they have come to, ”he said, pointing to the prisoners. - Worse than the last beggars. While they were strong, we did not feel sorry for ourselves, but now you can feel sorry for them. They are also people. So guys?
He looked around him, and in the stubborn, respectfully perplexed glances fixed on him, he read sympathy for his words: his face became brighter and brighter from an senile meek smile, wrinkling in stars at the corners of his lips and eyes. He paused and lowered his head as if in bewilderment.
- And then say, who called them to us? Serves them right, m ​​... and ... in g .... he suddenly said, raising his head. And, waving his whip, he galloped, for the first time in the whole campaign, away from the joyfully laughing and roaring cheers, upsetting the ranks of the soldiers.
The words spoken by Kutuzov were hardly understood by the troops. No one would have been able to convey the contents of the first solemn and at the end of the ingenuously old man's speech of the field marshal; but the heartfelt meaning of this speech was not only understood, but that same, that same feeling of majestic triumph, combined with pity for the enemies and the consciousness of one’s rightness, expressed by this, precisely this old man’s, good-natured curse, is the very (feeling lay in the soul of every soldier and was expressed in a joyful, long-lasting cry.When after that one of the generals turned to him with the question of whether the commander-in-chief would order the carriage to arrive, Kutuzov, answering, suddenly sobbed, apparently being in great agitation.

November 8 is the last day of the Krasnensky battles; it was already getting dark when the troops arrived at the place of lodging for the night. The whole day was quiet, frosty, with light, rare snow falling; By evening it became clear. A black-purple starry sky was visible through the snowflakes, and the frost began to intensify.
The musketeer regiment, which had left Tarutino at the number of three thousand, now, at the number of nine hundred men, was one of the first to arrive at the appointed place of lodging for the night, in a village on the main road. The quartermasters, who met the regiment, announced that all the huts were occupied by sick and dead Frenchmen, cavalrymen and headquarters. There was only one hut for the regimental commander.
The regimental commander drove up to his hut. The regiment passed through the village and at the outermost huts on the road put the guns in the goats.
Like a huge, multi-membered animal, the regiment set to work arranging its lair and food. One part of the soldiers dispersed, knee-deep in snow, into the birch forest, which was to the right of the village, and immediately the sound of axes, cleavers, the crack of breaking branches and cheerful voices was heard in the forest; another part busied about the center of the regimental carts and horses, put in a pile, taking out boilers, crackers and giving food to the horses; the third part scattered in the village, arranging quarters for headquarters, picking out the dead bodies of the French that lay in the huts, and taking away boards, dry firewood and straw from the roofs for fires and wattle for protection.
About fifteen soldiers behind the huts, from the edge of the village, with a cheerful cry, were swinging the high wattle fence of the shed, from which the roof had already been removed.

Rospotrebnadzor has a new leader. The new Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation is Anna Popova, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Mother of two sons. Born in Rostov-on-Don. She graduated with honors from the sanitary-hygienic faculty of the Rostov Medical Institute.

Anna Yuryevna, is the position of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia not entirely a woman's business?

It just seems so. No on public service purely feminine and purely masculine. And for me, this is nothing new. Just look at my professional biography. She started as an ordinary epidemiologist in Budyonnovsk. Then I went through all the steps...

This means that you do not need much time to understand the essence of the problems, to adapt. So let's get down to business. And let's start with the WHO statement that the world is entering a time when antibiotics lose their power and become ineffective in many diseases. That's why?...

Therefore, humanity has no other choice but to develop areas of science and practice that prevent at least infectious diseases. With the help of immuno-biological preparations - already available and those that need to be created.

The world, including Russia, has considerable experience in the fight against infectious diseases. I will give just one example. In the last century, vaccination against measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough began. And here is the result. The incidence of measles has decreased in our country by 500 times, diphtheria by 200, tetanus by 50, whooping cough by 40 times.

If these successes are so significant, tangible, why, even today, even in the medical community, there are talks that there is only harm from vaccinations, that they should not be carried out? There are many cases when parents refuse to vaccinate their children.

Man is by nature incredulous. But by and large, talking about the dangers of vaccinations is arguing with the obvious. We live in a world of very different, including Internet information, sometimes completely unreliable, but absolutely accessible. And what's more, it's presented in an attractive way. It is very difficult to fight her.

This is not only a problem for Russia. The medical community pays the most attention to her. And I will refer to the example again. More recently, we have witnessed a marked increase in the incidence of measles in Western Europe. Moreover, both children and, which is especially dangerous, adults were sick. Cause? Insufficient level of immunization. Nearly 30,000 cases of measles were reported in the European Region last year. Most of all she was sick in Turkey, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Romania.

Stepping on the same rake

It turns out that even such egregious facts are not taught. And there is no guarantee that after some time we will not step on the same rake ...

And we have already arrived. Unfortunately. Since the end of 2011, the incidence of measles has been growing in Russia. And this measles is not "Russian", its virus is brought to us by other regions. And we will learn about it by the results of genetic typing, which is carried out by a specialized science Center Rospotrebnadzor. In the structure of the diseased, 8% are children under the age of one who were not vaccinated - it is not supposed to be at this age. 18% are children who have medical exemptions from vaccinations. 56% are adults who have not been vaccinated at one time.

Mostly migrants?

Yes. And all because in the CIS countries, mandatory immunization programs have been significantly curtailed. But not only them. Among the unvaccinated, there are many who, due to religious beliefs, refuse to vaccinate themselves and their children. Retribution is sometimes tragic.

Is it possible to reverse the situation? Recently I was a member of an international congress. There was a discussion about this topic. The spears broke with terrible force, but they did not come to a consensus: supporters and opponents remained with their convictions.

Today's generation of doctors can afford to engage in exclusively theoretical disputes. Doctors in the majority, who do not face the consequences of polio, with severe consequences of diphtheria, measles, congenital rubella, can afford the luxury of being anti-vaccine. And it's dangerous. Our task is to convince specialists, and most importantly, the population, that those who are in favor of vaccination are right.

Usually data from national vaccination calendars are given. That is, documents officially adopted in the country on the number of necessary vaccinations, which are carried out at the expense of the state. Are we looking bad here?

I wouldn't say so. We look good here. In the USA, in European countries, national calendars include from 11 to 14 diseases against which vaccinations are made at the expense of the state. We have 11 vaccinations on the calendar now. This year the calendar was replenished with vaccinations against pneumococcal infection. This will reduce the incidence of pneumonia, purulent otitis and meningitis.

What about the flu? Does it need a new vaccine every year? Or is it not necessary, despite the variability of the influenza virus?

The name of the flu vaccine does not change. But its composition is adapted every year in accordance with WHO recommendations. Last year, the maximum number of people in the history of influenza immunization was vaccinated in Russia - 37 million people. And it was a year when the epidemic level of the disease was not recorded in the country.

Influenza, of course, is a disaster, but not the worst, if, as last year showed, vaccination is carried out on time. What about HIV/AIDS? Against this deadly dangerous infection There is no vaccine anywhere in the world.

The problem of the spread of HIV infection has been one of the most serious threats to global socio-economic development for more than 30 years. So, at the 4th International Conference on HIV / AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, just held in Moscow, it was said that in order to solve it, it is necessary to unite the efforts of not only doctors, scientists, but also government, public organizations, patients, politicians . This is the only way to deal with this disaster. After all, almost 78,000 new cases of infection were detected in Russia last year! And although there is no vaccine against this infection, there are means of prevention, treatment, and medical and social support that allow people with HIV / AIDS to live a long and full life.

Are all vaccines "foreigners"?

Not everyone. Basically, the vaccinations that are included in the national calendar are provided with domestic vaccines. And now, on the recommendation of WHO, the development of multicomponent combined vaccines is underway. This will allow you to vaccinate against five or more infections at once, with one injection. And this is no longer a dream. It is important that the state purposefully supports the creation of such modern drugs and the development of domestic full-cycle production.

Protected by the Customs Union

This problem is not only medical, social. This is a state security issue. After we became members of the Customs Union, are we more protected from all sorts of harmful things?

I guess, yes. Because all the member states of the Customs Union live by the same standards and requirements for products: Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. But the creation of new standards took a lot of time and a lot of effort. Today, all requirements for products are spelled out in the technical regulations of the Customs Union. This document includes not only product safety indicators, but also requirements for its consumer properties. And supervision over the execution of most of them in Russia is carried out by our department - Rospotrebnadzor. Kazakhstan created a similar service following our example.

We are now not only members of the Customs Union, but also members of the WTO. What does it give me personally? For each of us personally?

It is possible that you did not notice the changes. But they do exist. And in order for them to bring only benefit, believe me, our service has to work hard, defending its own, more stringent, Russian standards.

Is it possible?

Yes. For example, we have managed to maintain strict Russian standards for the content of antibiotics in meat, nitrates in vegetables, and radionuclides in other food products. And the Russians are protected here.

It turns out that it is not for nothing that your department is sometimes called the department of prohibitions. And forbidden fruit is sweet.

Rather dangerous. As for prohibitions... It is always part of supervision. This is our job. Not to ban something that can harm a person, his health, infringe on his consumer rights - but this is simply a sin.

Leave and tick test

We are talking on the eve of the summer season - the season of holidays, children's organized recreation. Is your service ready for it?

Rest is not always a standard situation. And his well-being depends not only on our service. We, of course, comprehensively check the readiness of all health-improving children's institutions. But... there is also the so-called human factor. Most of all the troubles, first of all, are connected with negligence, low qualification, irresponsible indifference of those who work in these institutions. I want parents, when they are preparing for children's holidays, to be especially attentive to the state of health of the child, once again pay attention to whether all vaccinations have been made for him. Carefully you need to look at which institution they are going to send the child to. Does this institution have all the necessary documentation...

Anna Yuryevna, will your service check these institutions during the season?


Is an adult vacation less of a hassle for your service? Or is it just not customary to talk about it? However, medical institutions often face troubles, with which Russians sometimes return from different countries...

You should not think that adult rest does not interest us. Against. Now we are trying to convince those who travel to African countries South America, Eurasia, Oceania, before purchasing a tour, ask the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor about the situation in the country of the intended holiday. To timely make the necessary vaccinations or take a course of special drugs. And don't forget about general rules behavior. In particular, include in your diet only those foods that you know are safe. Drink only bottled water, do not use ice made from raw water. And please, bypass the products that are offered to you on the street, from the hands. And let's not even talk about hand washing. This must be done at home as well.

What about ticks? They won't be there this summer?

I did not say that. Ticks - this, unfortunately, is always true. And this year their invasion promises to be very serious. Recommendations for protection against them do not change from year to year. Both local authorities and units of our service are taking the necessary measures. But a lot depends on each of us. Please remember: ticks are dangerous. And you have to be very careful.

How does your service manage to keep under control all the sanitary and epidemiological problems of a huge and such a difficult country? After all, when you come to your office at seven in the morning, the working day in Kamchatka is close to completion. And you're on a conference call to see what's going on in different regions...

And not only sanitary and epidemiological problems. But also consumer protection issues. That is, our service today has two oversights. And its effectiveness is ensured by a well-formed vertical structure of the service, well-established legislation and qualified personnel. This is a "living structure" that requires constant optimization, a well-thought-out personnel policy... Yes, it's difficult. It is not simple. But it's our job...