Parsley curly ban. Why is curly parsley banned in Russia and what should ordinary summer residents do? What should summer residents do and should they be afraid of the ban

Various herbs and spices are widely used in cooking. The leaves and stems of parsley are very fragrant, especially when chopped, and the root is especially good as an additive in soups and sauces. It is so popular that it is used in almost every dish, simply by cutting the stems and leaves and sprinkling on top of the dish.

Types and history of the appearance of the plant

On the territory of Russia, the most common, and therefore, especially interesting, is the subspecies of curly parsley. This type of spice has been known to mankind since the Middle Ages. It was discovered and used as a seasoning for food by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast around the 6th century. At that time, parsley attracted attention not for its excellent taste and abundance of vitamins, but for its original appearance and sharp, spicy smell. Many fashionistas in those centuries used parsley as an ornamental plant, decorating flower beds with it.

It was from the Mediterranean that curly parsley spread everywhere. At the moment, the area with bright lighting and good fertile soil is especially suitable for its growth. But in principle, parsley can grow anywhere, the main thing is that before sowing it, other root and umbrella spices, such as cilantro, carrots, cumin or dill, do not grow in the same place earlier. It grows best where cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplants grew before it. In the wild, curly parsley can still be found in places where there used to be residential buildings, or even in nature.


Currently, the services of Rospotrebnadzor have suggested that curly parsley can be used as a drug or poisonous substance. There is an opinion that it is harmful to the body and its use should be reduced or banned altogether. At this point, we should dwell in more detail. In fact, substances that are classified as narcotic are found only in parsley seeds. The effect of these substances is similar to that of marijuana or hashish.

In our country, no narcological dispensary contains people who use narcotic substances contained in parsley. There are no recorded cases of the use of this particular plant as a drug. Of course, with frequent use, the stems and leaves can cause a negative addictive effect. But to achieve it, you need to use the plant in large quantities.

However, it is known that the most powerful narcotic effect is given by the ingestion of parsley oil, and in very large quantities.

Symptoms of oil poisoning include:

  • euphoria;
  • aggression arising from scratch;
  • a deep sense of fear;
  • uncontrollable laughter.

It should be noted that the effect of the use of parsley oil lasts longer than from other herbal drugs, but you need to take it in much large quantities. Also, in the case of parsley oil, the effect of consumption may not occur. The oil itself is yellow-green in color, very light and quickly evaporates from surfaces. The production of this product in Russia is practically not carried out, since this is an expensive and extremely unprofitable process.


Curly parsley is already used as medicinal product from diseases such as sweating, kidney disease and atherosclerosis. Parsley is an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent. It can be used as a disinfectant medicine. One of the little-studied properties of parsley can be attributed to helping with neurological diseases. It can also be used to treat irritation from mosquito and other insect bites.

In fact, parsley, like no other plant, is rich in a full range of nutrients, such as retinol, riboflavin, and can surpass many citrus fruits in vitamin C content. Knowing this, many beauties use parsley juice in the composition of home cosmetics, for example, in masks for whitening and, in principle, improving the appearance of the skin. Chewing on a parsley stalk can freshen your breath.

Currently, for growing curly parsley at home, the most popular varieties are Mooskrause 2 and Kucheryavets. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

"Mooscrause 2"

This variety can be attributed to leaf varieties with early ripening. It was bred in Germany. From planting seeds to the first shoots and maturity, no more than 55-70 days pass. The plant itself looks quite large, its leaves are bright green, the edges of the plates are heavily carved, almost corrugated. The rosette of leaves is semi-spreading, and when grown, the plant needs enough space. The variety is productive, after cutting the bush quickly recovers, has a pleasant smell, if you rub the leaves between your fingers you can find an oily liquid.

The leaves of this variety begin to be used as a spice when the plant reaches a height of 10-12 centimeters.


Variety "Kucheryavets" is especially good when planted in winter or early spring. If planted before the winter season, it tolerates cold very well and emerges in early spring with virtually no loss. When planting this variety, full ripening occurs in 50-66 days. Its leaves are especially large, the edging of the sheet is especially strongly corrugated. The color of the plant is green. This variety is famous for the fact that after cutting, its leaves and stems retain their properties for quite a long time. It is also good to use in dried form, as it retains all the vitamins and minerals without losing its pleasant taste and aroma.

Growing from seed

In general, there are 2 ways to grow parsley - from the roots and from seeds.

When growing from seed, it is best to use early parsley varieties such as 'Mooskrause' and 'Mooskrause 2'. Before planting, parsley seeds are best wrapped in a clean cotton cloth and soaked in warm water. Optimum temperature water in this case will be + 30-40 ° С. Soaking time - 2 days.

It is better to change the water periodically. After soaking, the seeds must be disinfected by soaking them for a short time in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

There are several other ways to pretreat seeds.

  • Selected seeds are soaked in ordinary vodka. Among experienced gardeners, there is an opinion that this method protects against excess moisture and prevents the seeds from spoiling or simply becoming moldy. Vodka is poured into a flat container, plate or saucer, and seeds are placed in it, previously wrapped in gauze. No more than 25 minutes after soaking, the seeds are taken out, washed in clean water and dried. You shouldn’t keep them in the liquid anymore, otherwise they can burn out, and then you definitely won’t wait for the shoots. After drying, the seeds can be used for planting.
  • A few months, but better than weeks before planting, curly parsley seeds are poured into a small bag of natural fabrics, it is better if the fabric is cotton, and buried in the ground to a depth of about 20-30 cm. Shortly before planting in open ground seeds are washed and dried. This method allows you to get seedlings very quickly, about 5-7 days after sowing, and, accordingly, the harvest can be expected much faster than is usually the case.
  • Germination can be done using ash. In an ordinary glass jar with a small volume, about a liter, pour 2 large spoons of ash, fill it with warm water at a temperature of + 28-35 ° C no more. The resulting solution is left for two days, stirred occasionally. After the specified time, the seeds are soaked in the solution for 5 hours.

Seeds must be planted in the following order:

  • loosen the ground for planting and make holes with a depth of no more than 2-5 centimeters;
  • leave the distance between the holes not less than 4 and not more than 6 centimeters;
  • before laying the seeds in the hole, each must be watered, the soil for planting must be moist;
  • seeds are laid out in holes, several pieces in each and sprinkled with a layer of earth on top;
  • each well must be watered again, the plants must receive the right amount of moisture;
  • if necessary, and to avoid freezing of seedlings, cover the soil with planting with a film.

After sowing is carried out, you can wait for the first shoots. Keep in mind that parsley loves moisture. Water your seedlings 2-3 times a week. But with such a frequency of watering, after a while it will be necessary to abandon the shelter with a film so as not to create moisture stagnation. Otherwise, mold may occur.

Parsley can also be sown before winter, somewhere in October, then when the first cold weather sets in, the beds will need to be insulated with additional snow or peat in its absence.

Growing from root crops

For planting curly parsley, the strongest and healthiest roots are chosen from root crops. Root crops must meet certain standards: thickness from 2 to 5 cm, length from 6 to 8 cm. If the root is good in your opinion, but too long, then it can be cut off. The cut should then be disinfected. activated carbon. The roots themselves should be even and smooth. Also, they should be kept in the sand for some time, then they will take root better.

The best months for such a landing are from April to June. To do this, you must choose a site with sufficient sand content, excess moisture is harmful to seedlings. For the planting itself, you need to make holes that are narrow enough, make the distance between them 15-20 cm. Place the roots in the resulting holes at a slight angle, at a distance of at least 5-6 cm from each other, and when falling asleep with earth, make sure that the tip of the root is above the surface.

Watering when planting should be plentiful.


After germination, the greens that have appeared are best sprayed with water every few days. Weeds can prevent fragrant greens from growing normally. Weed the beds regularly. This will not only save your seedlings from unnecessary "neighbors", but also help to loosen the soil, which will increase the flow of fresh oxygen to the roots of the plant.

Watering green sprouts should be carried out depending on the purpose for which you grow parsley. If for drying, then watering can be done less frequently. Parsley greens will smell much stronger, but the stems will be rough. If for fresh food, then water more often.

How to grow parsley, see the following video.

Parsley is considered one of the most popular spices in cooking. However, more recently, the curly parsley variety has been included in the list of crops that contain potent narcotic components and poisons. Is the garden plant really a drug-containing plant, and is there any benefit from it - later in the article.

Description and chemical composition of parsley

Curly parsley is a biennial herbaceous culture of the Umbelliferae family, whose natural habitat is the Mediterranean coast. The plant in the first year of growth forms a rosette of curly, feathery leaves. Green colour with a shiny surface. In the second year of growth, a flowering stem appears, the height of which can reach 1 m. During the flowering period, small white-green flowers are formed on the culture, collected in umbrella inflorescences.

A variety of curly parsley has been known to mankind since the 6th century, when it was first discovered by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast and began to be used to improve the taste and aroma of various dishes. It is worth noting that at first the spicy grass was attracted not by its taste properties, but by its original appearance and specific smell. Due to such an unusual appearance, this parsley was successfully used to decorate flower beds, front gardens, parks, etc.

Did you know? 100 g of parsley contains 2 daily norms of vitamin A, which is responsible for the youth of the body and the prevention of premature aging.

Parsley is widely known not only as a fragrant spice, but also as treatment plant used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Her high healing properties due to their rich chemical composition.

The greens of this spicy herb contain:

  • vitamins - groups B, A, E, PP, ascorbic acid;
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectin components;
  • essential oils.

rich in unique essential oils, which include apiol, minsoli, carotene, retinol, apigenin. The composition of parsley seeds is represented by essential oils, flavonoids, fatty oils and glycosides.

Varieties of curly parsley

There are a dozen varieties of this type of greenery cultivated by domestic gardeners. Some of the most popular are the following varieties of curly parsley


"Kucheryavets" - a variety of curly parsley, which is characterized by excellent frost resistance, resistance to many ailments and pests. The plant belongs to crops with a medium early ripening period. The vegetative period is 50-60 days after sowing seeds.

The variety is distinguished by large, corrugated leaves of rich green color and voluminous bushes.. Its peculiarity is that the leaves and stems are able to retain valuable properties and a pleasant aroma for a long time. The same applies to the plant in the form of a dried seasoning - it does not lose its characteristic smell and pleasant taste for several months.

"Mooscrause 2"

"Mooscrause 2" belongs to the category of mid-season plants, with a growing season of 65-70 days. The variety was bred by breeders from Germany. The spicy grass is distinguished by its extremely beautiful appearance - with a fairly compact, slightly spreading rosette of corrugated leaves of a bright green color. The plant has a wonderful strong aroma and high decorative effect.

Important! It is recommended to eat the greens of the Mooskrause 2 variety when the height of the leaves is at least 10–12 cm.

One of the main advantages of the Mooskrause 2 variety is high drought resistance, the ability to tolerate low temperatures well, and resistance to many diseases. In the culinary field, this plant is highly valued as a fortified, fragrant, tasty and healthy seasoning.

Useful and harmful properties of curly parsley

Rich chemical composition curly grass defines a wide range of its useful properties that have a positive effect on the human body.

  • Regular consumption of these greens allows you to:
  • Normalize the work of the digestive tract. Due to the slight laxative effect, the spice makes it possible to eliminate constipation, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, strengthen metabolic processes.
  • Improve . The essential oils of the plant have diuretic properties, which allows it to be used for bladder disorders, kidney and liver ailments.
  • Bring the cardiovascular system back to normal. The use of fragrant greens significantly improves heart function, reduces congestion, and helps with cardiac edema.
  • Stimulate gastric secretion, reduce gas formation in the intestines, stimulate appetite.
  • Strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, improve blood composition, positively affect blood formation.
  • Improve vision, restore visual function.
  • Cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, alleviate the symptoms of intoxication.
  • Accelerate metabolic processes, thereby getting rid of a few extra pounds.

Did you know? Parsley in large quantities contains a unique amino acid - histidine, which is not produced by the human body.This substance promotes tissue growth and repair.. Histidine must be obtained from food, and it is greens that are considered the most valuable supplier of this amino acid.

This green, due to the high content of ascorbic acid, strengthens the immune system, increases the protective functions of the body, and helps to overcome viruses and bacteria. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, rejuvenating, choleretic, sedative effect. Parsley has a positive effect on sexual function, increases male strength, regulates the menstrual cycle, improves libido.

In addition, the plant is successfully used in folk cosmetology for moisturizing, rejuvenating, tightening, whitening and cleansing the skin, to get rid of inflammation and acne, regenerate and renew the skin.

Along with a wide range of useful qualities, in some cases, spicy greens can harm the human body.

  • With caution, the plant must be taken:
  • - it can provoke uterine contractions;
  • with nephritis and kidney disease in the acute stage;
  • in acute inflammation of the bladder - due to the diuretic effect, it increases the load on the organs of the system.
In other cases, with moderate consumption, this herb is not capable of harming.

Is parsley a drug-containing plant?

Recently, curly parsley has been included in the list of narcotic plants. However, it is noted that not all parsley was included in this list, but only its fruits - seeds, from which a special oil with narcotic properties is prepared. Of course, the plant itself is not a drug, but at the same time it serves as a raw material for the preparation of oil dangerous to human health.

Despite the fact that the seeds of spicy grass are recognized by Rospotrebnadzor as a narcotic substance, today the cultivation of the crop is not illegal. Therefore, any summer resident can sow curly sprouts in vegetable gardens.

Parsley is a very healthy, highly vitaminized herb, which is not only possible, but should be consumed regularly. It brings undeniable benefits to the human body and at the same time is easy to cultivate and care for.

Anyone can if they want. In this case, you can use not only the green mass, but also the root, stems, as well as the seeds of the plant. However, experts advise, if it is necessary to prepare a decoction or infusion based on seeds, to use the seed material of ordinary parsley, and not curly.

Important! Only the gardener who is engaged in the mass cultivation of spices in order to obtain large volume seeds.

So, curly parsley is an affordable and healing spicy herb that can become an indispensable assistant in the culinary, cosmetic and cosmetic fields. traditional medicine. The unique chemical composition of the plant, simple care for crops and ease of cultivation make this spice a welcome guest in the garden of every domestic summer resident.

Blooming spring and warm summer give us a unique opportunity to grow our own useful plants in your garden. The inclusion of organic herbs, vegetables and fruits in the daily diet will significantly improve the state of health and reduce the risk of beriberi. Curly beauty - parsley, has a healing effect, but it should be consumed in a reasonable amount. Today I will help you understand all the features of growing this plant, and also talk about the benefits and harms of parsley for our health.

Curly parsley: a brief description of varieties

Curly parsley (leaf or garden) - biennial herbaceous plant with bright green leaves and yellowish umbrella inflorescences. All parts of parsley have a specific spicy taste, which is due to the presence of essential oil in the stem. The plant also contains many other useful trace elements:

quercetin and kaempferol;
vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
mineral salts;
proteins and carbohydrates;

Dried or fresh leaves are used as an aromatic spice in cooking. Finely chopped parsley can decorate any dish on your table. The root of the plant finds its use in preservation and in cooking vegetable broths.

Curly parsley: growing

This plant is suitable for growing in household plots, gardens and orchards. On the windowsill and balcony, it will be much more difficult to achieve the desired result. Parsley is unpretentious and undemanding to the soil. But fertilized loose earth and good lighting will help to achieve a high yield and long-term growth.

Before sowing parsley, prepare the ground (it is advisable to start work in the fall - add compost and dig up). In the spring, clear the area of ​​weeds, fertilize, loosen the soil. Then you can safely proceed to sowing seeds. Remember that the best predecessors for this plant are zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes. It is not advised to sow parsley on beds where carrots or herbs with a pungent odor (cilantro, cumin) have previously sprouted. The best time to plant parsley is mid-April and early May.

Before sowing, soak the seeds in purified water for 30 minutes, then dry. Make grooves on the bed (depth 1 cm) and spill them with water from a watering can. After absorbing moisture, sow the seeds in the furrow and cover with earth.

The waiting period for seedlings is 15-20 days. To speed up growth, cover the bed with foil. Parsley seedlings are resistant to low temperatures: they easily tolerate frosts down to -9 degrees.

To improve growth or further feed the plant, it is recommended to safely stimulate growth with nitrogen (nitrate) or phosphorus fertilizers.

Useful tips for the gardener

Moderate watering. Excessive saturation of the soil with moisture will lead to rotting of the roots.
It is better to grow this plant on sod-podzolic soil (you can buy a universal filler in specialized stores);
Lighting is useful, but in moderation. Strong sunlight can cause the leaves to wilt.
Clear the area of ​​weeds in a timely manner.

Curly parsley - benefits and harms

Healing properties for the body

Since ancient times, parsley in Russia was considered a female plant. Its use helps to restore an irregular menstrual cycle, reduce pain during the premenstrual period, improve the general condition during menopause, and eliminate mental stress. For men, parsley acts as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Root Benefits:

has an anti-inflammatory effect;
has bactericidal and disinfecting properties;
has a slight diuretic effect;
normalizes sugar levels;
cleanses the walls of the stomach from accumulated toxins, and the blood from toxins;
relieves digestive problems;
favorably affects the general tone of the body.

Will curly parsley do any harm?

This plant has a number of contraindications for use. With inflammation of the bladder or urolithiasis, one should refrain from including parsley in the diet. It is also not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. If you experience failures in calcium metabolism, exclude curly parsley from food.

Excessive consumption of the plant and non-compliance with the dosage threatens with a headache, muscle cramps, and excessive excitation of the nervous system. Therefore, it is important to comply with the measure and not exceed the allowable volume.

So, curly parsley is a variety of common parsley. In some countries, this plant belongs to the narcotic due to the high content of essential oils in the seeds (umbrellas).

Therefore, for treatment and daily use, experts recommend using only the leaves or the root of the plant. Otherwise, this variety of parsley is identical with its usual relative.

What did Rospotrebnadzor find dangerous in curly parsley and cumin?

Russia, unlike many European countries, cannot boast of a variety of edible herbs. Our own reserves can be counted easily: parsley, dill, green onions, cilantro (and even then, not everywhere), basil. Perhaps - all.

Therefore, when on June 6 Rospotrebnadzor added curly parsley to the list of plants containing potent narcotic and poisonous substances (not all parsley is included in the list, but its fruits, from which, as it turned out, oil dangerous to human health can be prepared) - not only gardeners became thoughtful but also cooks.

Moreover, along with curly parsley, another 17 representatives of the flora, including Persian bunium, a popular spice, also known as zira, added to the list of dangerous plants. All parts of the plant are listed. And, as you know, Central Asian pilaf, for example, is unthinkable without zira.

The list of prohibited plants also included monetized quinoa, jointed barnyard, wrinkled polygrate, colocynth and two types of calamus: cereal and marsh. There are currently 352 plant species on this list. Changes were made to SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for safety and nutritional value food products in 2011."

The head of Gosnarkokontrol, Viktor Ivanov, said in an interview with RBC that parsley could disappear from store shelves after a government decree. He noted that prohibited plants are included in a special list, which is approved by the relevant decree, and as soon as the decree "includes the plant in the lists, it will not be able to be in civil circulation."

Let's see what dangerous was found in curly parsley.

The harmful substance in question is an essential oil derived from parsley seeds. It has long been used in official medicine. The oil has a diuretic property, so it is used for kidney and cardiovascular diseases, with urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis. Seeds are prescribed for certain menstrual irregularities, inflammation of the prostate gland and as a diaphoretic.

In the comments, generously scattered around the Runet, questions are asked, thunderous laughter is heard and there is not even a hint of answers:

Can the AIF.RU.Kitchen resource publish recipes containing curly parsley, cumin?

Can our readers add and use recipes with the new "drug"?

What punishment awaits us if we still continue to eat them, popularize and recommend


Where can I see the regulatory documents regarding curly parsley and other sufferers and their use without punishment?

Editorial AIF.RU.Kuhnya sent a letter to Control

Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for Moscow with a request to explain to us what awaits everyone who loves parsley and zira in the near culinary future. Then it took two days to get an answer on the phone ...

Finally, the head of the press center of the Federal Drug Control Service for Moscow Maria Lutsenko explained AIF.RU.Kitchen: “While there is no Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the inclusion of parsley, cumin and other plants in the list of narcotic substances, we action

we don't do it."

In general, dear readers, while we continue to enjoy Central Asian pilaf with cumin and salads with curly parsley - with pleasure and with impunity. Enjoy your meal!

About parsley and laws

Artur Basistov

Lawyer, partner of the Bar Association

First of all, neither Mr. Onishchenko himself, nor the department headed by him have the authority to determine the status of this or that substance or plant as a drug or psychotropic, actions with which lead to criminal liability. This, by virtue of law, falls within the competence of the federal government, with an eye to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 and UN INCB documents. In turn, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted and then repeatedly changed / supplemented Decree No. 681 dated 06/30/1998 "On Approval of the List of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors Subject to Control in the Russian Federation" . Here is what is contained in the list approved by the government, refers to substances whose circulation is restricted or prohibited and the handling of which requires increased caution. Parsley is not on the list, even in the last edition of this year's list. Not curly, not smooth, not bald, none. Therefore, regardless of the degree of curly, you can safely grow and buy it. There is also a link to normative act, the content of which some hotheads regarded as equalizing the status of curly parsley and cannabis. Search for a short time: here is this document. Therefore, changes in SanPin "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products." A simple analysis of the letters leads to the conclusion that section 1 of Appendix 5B to this SanPin, “Plants containing potent, narcotic or poisonous substances”, was supplemented, among other things, with position No. 352: Curly parsley ..... Petroselinum crispuma A.W. Hill ...... Fruits (essential oil). By the way, in this list of terrible narcotic plants there are, for example, quite unambiguous poisonous dope and hemlock, but there is also barberry and nutmeg. What does the appearance of this or that position in Appendix 5b with a terrible name mean? We read the SanPin and find out that the part of the plant mentioned in this appendix or the result of its processing (in our case, the essential oil obtained from the fruit) is not allowed for use in the manufacture of biologically active food supplements (see paragraph 3.30 SanPin). And that's all. There are no more restrictions regarding the content of Appendix 5b of SanPin That's about all. Parsley - in the law.

Curly parsley attracts attention with its decorative appearance and delicate aroma of spicy greens. The culture is grown as a delicious seasoning for soups and side dishes, and is used to decorate festive dishes. The services of Rospotrebnadzor prohibit curly parsley, although this applies only to the seeds of the plant, which contain a high concentration of toxic substances.

Garden spice as a biennial herbaceous crop has a basal rosette with carved corrugated foliage on petioles. The plant in the first year forms a spindle-shaped rhizome, which branches the next year. The bush throws out umbrellas in the second growing season, the fruit is a two-seeded green-brown color. Reflecting on why curly parsley is prohibited, it is worth knowing that the reason for this is the high content of substances with a narcotic effect in the seeds.

Pros and cons

The advantages of curly culture include the high decorativeness of the bush with an impressive design of leaf plates with a delicate aroma.

Plant benefits:

  • original appearance;
  • unpretentiousness in care.
  • compared to regular parsley, curly greens are tough and less fragrant;
  • during heat treatment, the characteristic spicy taste is lost;
  • Most varieties of curly parsley do not retain flavor when dried.

Thinking about how curly parsley is harmful to the body, one cannot ignore the danger of using seeds in large quantities, as well as oils based on them. This is fraught with intoxication with deplorable consequences for the body.

Areas of use

Curly parsley greens contain a huge supply of nutrients, such as vitamin C, riboflavin, retinol:

  • helps with sweating, relieves puffiness and rashes on the skin;
  • decoctions and tinctures are used as diuretics and choleretic agents;
  • with the help of masks and rubbing with leaf juice, you can eliminate freckles and successfully fight pigmentation.

Carved leaves with a pronounced spicy taste are widely used as a seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes, are used in the preparation of marinades and pickles. It is noteworthy that the cultivation of curly parsley is not prohibited, although the seeds of the plant are included in the list of toxic products with a pronounced narcotic effect.

Popular varieties of curly parsley and their characteristics

Gardeners cultivate various varieties of curly parsley. At the same time, samples with an early ripening period are of particular interest.

Curly-leaved Kelly

Culture with a lush rosette of bright green leaves on high petioles. It stands out for its pronounced aroma and delicate taste. Greens are cut for consumption in 3-4 weeks, technical ripeness occurs 50-70 days after germination.


A dense rosette with corrugated leaves on high, strong petioles ripens after 50-70 days from the moment the sprouts appear. Along with a delicate aroma and delicate taste, the variety is valued for its impressive appearance. Bushes are grown everywhere, including as decorative greenery for ennobling the country exterior.

Mooscrause 2

Semi-spreading spicy culture with large carved leaves of a light green color with a shiny surface. Cut off a month after the appearance of seedlings, fully ripens within 55-65 days. The vegetative mass grows intensively, the yield is 7-8 kg / m². Greens with a characteristic fragrance is considered a great addition to salads, soups and side dishes.


A dense rosette with many large curly-shaped leaf plates recovers quickly after cutting. The term of technical ripeness is 55-65 days. Herbal part with a pronounced spicy aroma, the root is not used for food. The yield of the variety is 5 kg / m².


Curly bush with dense carved foliage on long vertical petioles. Highly corrugated bright green mass has a delicate taste. Ripens within 65 days after germination.

Grandma's garden

A compact bush with a developed rosette up to 25 cm high with dark green large corrugated leaves on thick petioles. Ripening period - 65 70 days. Fragrant greens are used in the preparation of hot dishes and canning.


The height of the outlet with dense curly foliage of a bright green color is more than 20 cm. Maturity occurs 65-70 days after germination. The green mass with a delicate smell is cut off for consumption already at a height of 10-12 cm.


A powerful plant with dark green leaves with a carved edging in a dense rosette. The bush quickly builds up green mass after cutting. Ripens within 90-100 days. Curly foliage has a rich spicy taste. The yield of the variety is 2.3 kg / m², the culture is used for forcing on lettuce lines of agricultural companies.

royal velvet

Spreading bush with corrugated small leaves of bright green color. Technical maturity occurs 130 days after the emergence of sprouts. Spicy greens are distinguished by a high content of mineral salts. The variety is also suitable for winter sowing.

Growing and care rules

Spicy garden grass loves warmth and sunlight, grows well in light soil with a rich composition. A dense seed coat with essential oils is the reason for slow germination. To speed up the process, preliminary soaking of the seed for 2 days is practiced, followed by treatment in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Soil preparation

A plot for curly parsley has been prepared since autumn. You should not use beds after root crops and greens, it is better to grow the crop where tomatoes, cucumbers, and legumes were cultivated last season. The selected site in the fall should be cleared of vegetation and roots, treated for pests and diseases, dug up with the introduction of organic matter. In the spring, before sowing, a small dig is performed.

Sowing seeds

Spicy culture tolerates temperature changes well, so they start sowing in early spring:

  • the soil should be loosened and grooves 1-2 cm deep should be made;
  • the distance between rows is 20-25 cm;
  • before laying seeds, the soil is well moistened;
  • after soaking, the seed is dried to a state of flowability, mixed with dry sand and distributed over the prepared grooves, sprinkled with soil mixture on top.

For friendly shoots, the bed is covered with a film or spandbond. Care of seedlings consists in timely watering, weed control and loosening.

The nuances of growing from root crops

To grow fragrant herbs from rhizomes, healthy specimens 2-5 cm thick and 6-8 cm long are selected. If curly parsley root is too long, it can be shortened and treated with activated charcoal. Root crops are planted from April to June, given that they grow well in light sandy areas with high moisture and breathability properties. When planting, a distance of at least 20 cm is maintained between the holes. The roots are laid at a slight angle, covered with soil, leaving the upper segment on the surface.

Diseases and pests

Among the diseases of culture, the following are noted:

  • cercosporiosis. The leafy part is affected by yellow spots with a brown rim. The disease develops with excess moisture and dense plantings;
  • rust. Fungal disease, characterized by the formation of yellow-orange spots that darken over time;
  • powdery mildew. Foliage is affected by white bloom, the fungus spreads rapidly in high humidity.

For the prevention of ailments, it is important to observe the agricultural technology of culture and the rules of crop rotation.

Curly parsley pests:

  • stem nematode. The worm infects the stems and roots;
  • carrot fly. The adult leaves offspring, which destroys the foliage;
  • melon aphid. It feeds on the juice of a plant that stops developing and dies.

Harmful insects are also dangerous because they are carriers of fungal diseases, therefore, complex protection of plantings is required.


Curly parsley is cut for food at a height of 10-12 cm. In autumn, vitamin spices are harvested from it for future use, freezing chopped leaves in cubes with water. If drying is planned, the bundles are hung in a dry, ventilated place in the shade. The rhizome after harvesting can be stored underground in boxes with sand.