Petersburg State University named after Herzen. Student Palace of Culture

In St. Petersburg, one of the famous is him. Herzen. This is the largest university in our country. Its structure includes more than 20 different faculties and 100 departments. The educational organization trains bachelors and masters in a wide range of areas of higher education and science. A huge number of students study here, among which there are more than 500 foreigners. This suggests that the university is famous not only in Russia, but also abroad.

History of the Pedagogical University

St. Petersburg (Russian) Pedagogical University has existed for over 200 years. The history of the university is rich in various events:

  1. The founding date of the educational organization is 1797. In those days, it was called the Orphanage, in which orphans received a profession.
  2. In 1837, the Orphan Institute appeared. He united the classes that existed in the Orphanage for the training of music teachers, mentors, governesses.
  3. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Petrograd Pedagogical Institute was founded on the basis of the Orphanage. A couple of years later he was given the name

Educational institution today

Currently, the university is called the Russian State Pedagogical University. This educational organization is known high quality education. In 2014, the university was included in the list of the best universities in the CIS countries. In 2015, the educational organization was included in the TOP-100 higher educational institutions of our country.

The high quality of education at St. Petersburg Pedagogical University is ensured by an excellent faculty. The educational organization has more than 1,700 employees involved in the preparation of students. Of these, about 260 people are doctors of science and about 850 people are candidates of science.

Faculties and institutes that are part of the university

Each higher education institution has faculties. This structural units which train students in one or more related areas, specialties. St. Petersburg Pedagogical University includes 12 faculties:

  • life safety;
  • chemistry;
  • biological;
  • geographical;
  • visual arts;
  • mathematical;
  • social sciences;
  • philosophy of man;
  • physics;
  • philological;
  • jurisprudence.

There are also institutes as part of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical University. They are joint faculties. The Russian Institute includes 16 institutes:

  • choreography, theater and music;
  • peoples of the North;
  • international relations;
  • psychology;
  • childhood, etc.

Branches of the university

Not only those people who study in St. Petersburg can get a diploma from a pedagogical university. Applicants from Vyborg, Makhachkala and Volkhov also have a chance:

  • in the branch of the city of Vyborg 2 undergraduate programs (“Psychological and Pedagogical Education” and “Pedagogical Education”) and 3 specialist programs (“Russian Language and Literature”, “Culturology” and “Foreign Language”);
  • in the branch of the city of Makhachkala 3 undergraduate programs (“Pedagogical education”, “Economics” and “Psychology”) and several specialist programs (“Economic security”, “ National economy”, “Methodology and Pedagogy of Primary Education”, “Psychology”);
  • in the branch of the city of Volkhov 3 undergraduate programs (“Management”, “Psychological and Pedagogical Education” and “Pedagogical Education”) and 4 specialist programs (“Russian Language and Literature”, “Mathematics”, “Foreign Language”, “Organization Management”) .

Addresses of the head university and branches

Structural divisions of the Pedagogical University are dispersed throughout St. Petersburg. The main territory of the university is located in the historical center of the city and is a palace and park complex of amazing beauty. Address - Moika River Embankment, 48.

Branches of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen are located at the following addresses:

  • Vyborg, st. Parkovaya, 2.
  • Makhachkala, st. Nasrutdinova, 80.
  • Volkhov, st. Oktyabrskaya embankment, 1a.

License and accreditation

License allowing RSPU im. A. I. Herzen to carry out educational activities, was issued in June 2016 for an indefinite period. The application of the university lists the branches of the higher educational institution, all existing specialties, areas of training.

In November of the same year, the educational organization received a certificate of state accreditation for the enlarged groups of professions indicated in it, areas of training, and specialties. Thanks to the document, students receive a deferment from military service, and at the end of their studies they will be issued a state-recognized diploma of higher education.

Admission to the university: submission of documents

A very convenient way to submit documents to an educational organization is to register on the official website of the university in a special system. It allows:

  • find out the faculties of the RSPU and the necessary information about the chosen areas of training;
  • submit an application to an educational organization by filling out a questionnaire and attaching photographs or scans of the required documents to it;
  • upload your personal photo;
  • make an appointment with the secretary and document specialists of the admission committee of the university.

Another option for submitting documents is a personal visit to the university. Selection committee RSPU issues forms to incoming applicants to fill out applications. Applicants provide:

  • passport or other document serving as proof of identity and citizenship;
  • certificate or diploma confirming the presence of higher or secondary specialized education;
  • documents demonstrating individual achievements (optional);
  • photo cards in the amount of 6 pieces;
  • medical certificate (it is required only for some areas of training and specialties).

Entrance tests

In RSPU SPb, in each direction of training, certain entrance examinations are established for 2 categories of applicants:

  • for persons entering after completing 11 years of schooling, the results of the USE in certain subjects are taken into account;
  • persons with or higher education take exams within the walls of the university.

What subjects are required for admission to St. Petersburg Pedagogical University. Herzen? The answer to this question should be known as early as possible in order to better prepare for the delivery of the necessary disciplines. In most areas, entrance examinations are exams in 3 general education subjects. One of them is Russian. It is taken by absolutely all applicants of the Pedagogical University, regardless of the chosen field of study. In some specialties, one of the entrance tests is the assignment of a professional (creative) orientation.

Features of conducting entrance examinations within the walls of the university

St. Petersburg Pedagogical University conducts entrance examinations in Russian. They can be implemented in various forms: written, oral or in the form of an interview with a teacher. As a rule, an exam in a particular subject is held on the same day for absolutely all applicants of an educational organization. In some cases, the test is conducted at different times for certain groups of applicants.

In one day, a person entering St. Petersburg Pedagogical University takes an exam in only one subject. However, it is possible to complete more than one challenge per day. It is provided to those applicants who inform the employees of the educational organization about their desire.

Applicants will find out the results of entrance examinations on the official website of the Pedagogical University or information stand:

  • during the interview, the results appear on the same day;
  • in the written, oral entrance test and in the test of professional (creative) orientation, the results are announced within 3 days.

Minimum points

Every year St. Petersburg Pedagogical University establishes for each entrance test a certain number of points. Those applicants who will enter an educational organization in 2017 should familiarize themselves with the table below.

RSPU: passing scores
Passing the exam or passing an entrance testResult
In RussianAt least 40
Mathematics (for areas such as "Applied Informatics and Mathematics", "I&VT", "Information Systems and Technologies")At least 30
Mathematics (for other areas of study)At least 27
In chemistryAt least 40
PhysicsAt least 40
Information and Communication Technologies and InformaticsAt least 40
By geographyAt least 40
By historyAt least 40
In biology (for the directions "Psychology" and "Biology")At least 45
Biology (for other areas)At least 40
On literatureAt least 35
Social studiesAt least 42
In a foreign language (for "Linguistics")At least 50
In a foreign language (for other areas of training)At least 30
Creative (professional task)At least 55

In conclusion, it should be noted that St. Petersburg Pedagogical University is one of the best educational institutions in our country. This university allows you to get a high-quality higher education, an interesting and popular specialty. Applicants who decide to enter here make the right choice.

Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen) is one of the leading pedagogical universities of the Russian Federation. Since January 1, 2015, the full official name is federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen". The only pedagogical university included in the "Top-100" universities in Russia according to the magazine "Expert" (45th place, 2015).

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    In the Orphanage, orphans were given not only food and shelter, but also a profession. Here the foundations of women's teacher education: classes have been created for the training of governesses, mentors, teachers of music, languages, callisthenia (physical education). In 1837, the classes were reorganized into the Orphan Institute, which received the name of Emperor Nicholas I in 1855. For girls from heterogeneous families, the Alexandrinsky Orphan Institute was created, which in 1905 became the first women's vocational school to train nannies, milliners, and teachers for primary heterogeneous schools.

    In 1903, on the basis of commercial pedagogical courses of the Orphanage, it was established (since 1912 - Imperial). He produced subject teachers for gymnasiums. This institute became the country's first state higher educational institution for women.

    Educational divisions


    • Institute of Physical Culture and Sports
    • Childhood Institute
    • Institute of Music, Theater and Choreography
    • Institute of economics and management
    • Institute foreign languages
    • Institute of Pedagogy
    • Institute of Psychology
    • Institute of Computer Science and Technology Education
    • Institute of Human Philosophy
    • Institute of Defectological Education and Rehabilitation (until September 1, 2016 - Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy)


    • Faculty of Life Safety
    • Faculty of Biology
    • Faculty of Fine Arts
    • Faculty of Mathematics
    • Faculty of Russian as a foreign language.
    • Faculty of History and Social Sciences
    • Faculty of Physics
    • Faculty of Philology
    • Faculty of Chemistry
    • Faculty of Law

    Non-training divisions

    Museum of the History of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen

    The museum stores letters, postcards, drawings, autographed photographs of famous scientists, writers, actors, composers, artists: V. M. Bekhterev, L. F. Lesgaft, I. I. Tolstoy, V. A. Dogel, P. F. Kaptereva, O. F. Bergholz, L. Dudin, E. A. Dolmatovsky, Yu. V. Tolubeeva, L. I. Egorova and many others.

    There are more than 16,500 photographic materials in the museum fund. Among them are unique works by well-known St. Petersburg photo artists K. K. Bulla, K. Stegeman, I. Otsup and others. Patriotic War: things, photo albums, diaries, military awards, books with autographs, etc. Profile sciences are presented in the expositions of the zoological and geological departments of the museum.

    Fundamental library named after Empress Maria Feodorovna

    The Fundamental Library of the University is the oldest and largest university library in Russia. The library during its existence has made a huge contribution to the research and teaching activities of the university.

    Architectural and landscape complex of the university

    The main territory of the university occupies most of the quarter, bounded by Nevsky Prospekt, Kazanskaya Street, Gorokhovaya Street. and the embankment of the Moika River (postal address - Embankment of the Moika River, 48).

    Currently, there are two entrances to the main territory - from Kazanskaya Street and from the Moika River Embankment at the intersection with Gorokhovaya Street. Entrance is by electronic passes.

    On the Moika, 48 buildings of different eras (baroque, early classicism, empire, late classicism) are among the most mature monuments of the corresponding periods in the history of architecture. The architectural complex has an original picturesque appearance due to the free, asymmetric arrangement of architectural structures, monuments, park compositions. The complex of buildings occupied by the Herzen University is included in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites under international protection.

    Separate faculties of the Herzen University are located in other parts of the city.

    Main building

    The main building of the university - the palace of K. G. Razumovsky - is located at 48 Moika Embankment (architects A. F. Kokorinov, Wallen-Delamot). Since 1797, the palace housed the St. Petersburg Educational House, since 1834 - the orphan's department (since 1837 - the Nikolaev Orphan's Institute), since 1918 - the Pedagogical Institute (now the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen).

    The entire second floor of the building is pierced by a corridor, the walls of which are decorated with paintings dedicated to the past of the orphanage (mainly landscapes). Corridor extensions form three halls - Custodial, Imperial and Rector's (from north to south). These halls contain portraits of people who played a significant role in the formation and development of the Orphanage, the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute, Herzen University.

    Today, the Razumovsky Palace, according to the internal university numbering, is the 5th building (it is also the “main building”). Now the building houses the administration of the university and some services. Scientific conferences, congresses, round tables are held in the main halls of the palace. The solemn presentation of red diplomas to the best graduates takes place here every year.

    Between the 5th building and Kazanskaya street is located "Mama's garden". Here, starting from late XVIII century, nannies-"mothers" walked with the young pets of the Orphanage. When, after the revolution, all the buildings on the Moika were occupied by a higher educational institution, here, in Mamka's Garden, in a small two-story outbuilding, a children's hearth (orphanage) functioned for several more years. Later, the children were transferred to another place, the wing was empty. At the beginning of the 21st century, the dilapidated building was demolished and a modern electrical substation was built in its place in the garden, replicating the appearance of the wing.

    From the side of Kazanskaya Street, the garden is limited by a lattice, designed by A. N. Voronikhin and which is part of the ensemble of Kazanskaya Square.

    Other buildings on the Moika

    The neighboring building (Moika embankment, 52) is also a building of the former Petersburg Educational house. Built at the beginning of the 19th century, purchased for the Orphanage in 1834. Rebuilt in -1943 according to the project of the architect P. S. Plavov. In 1868, a bust of Ivan Ivanovich Betsky was installed in front of the building - an enlarged copy made by the sculptor A.P. Lavretsky from the original by Ya. I. Zemelgak (1803).

    Other buildings in Saint Petersburg

    In the western and eastern parts of Vasilevsky Island, there are respectively the music (Kakhovsky lane near the Baltic Jung Square) and the philological faculties (1st line of V.O. near the Tuchkov bridge); the latter occupies a historic building also of the Russian Philological Academy, and the traditions of literature have not been interrupted within these walls since almost the beginning of the 19th century.

    The faculty, where teachers of labor (technology and entrepreneurship) are trained, is located on Voznesensky Prospekt. The Institute of the Peoples of the North and the Faculty of Life Safety are located in the Kirovsky District on Stachek Avenue, the Faculty of Physical Education is located on Ligovsky Avenue. The Institute of Childhood is located on Moskovsky Prospekt almost opposite the station. Metro Frunzenskaya. Primary school teachers and pre-school education workers are trained here.

    Monuments and other attractions
    • In 1868, a bronze bust of I. I. Betsky was unveiled in front of the current 1st building. The bust was copied (enlarged) by the sculptor N. A. Laveretsky from a marble bust by Ya. I. Zemelgak (1803).
    • In front of the main building on June 30, 1961, a monument to Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky was unveiled by sculptors V. V. Lishev and V. M. Yakovlev.
    • On the first floor of the main building there is a plaster bust of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen.
    • in the Fundamental Library. Empress Maria Feodorovna has a plaster bust of a philanthropist.
    • Behind the main building, in Mamka's Garden, is the foundation stone of the future monument to the pelican, which in the early 2000s promised to give them to the RSPU. A. I. Herzen FC Zenit.
    • In 2009, between building 20 and the building of the dispensary, a monument to Confucius was opened - a gift to the university from the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in St. Petersburg. The ceremony was attended by Consul General Erlong Tian and First Vice-Rector of Shanghai University of Foreign Studies Jinhua Tian. In building 20 on the 1st floor there is a Chinese cultural center.
    Agrobiological station

    Agrobiostation (ABS) RSPU im. A. I. Herzen is located in the village of Vyritsa, Gatchinsky District, Leningrad Region, and is the educational, methodological and scientific base of the Faculty of Biology. Here students of 1-3 courses pass educational practice and conduct experiments on the topics of final qualifying works.

    ABS RSPU has been functioning since 1937 as a subdivision of the Faculty of Biology for conducting field trainings in biological, geographical and agricultural disciplines. At the agrobiological station, the departments of field crops, vegetable growing, fruit and berry crops, animal husbandry (poultry, rabbits, bees), plant physiology, plant taxonomy, genetics, meteorology, local history, decorative floriculture and tree and shrub species have been organized and are being successfully implemented. Research is being carried out here on environmental monitoring of the Oredezh River, its tributaries and floodplain reservoirs.

    Geostation "Iron"

    Geostation "Zhelezo" is located in the town of Zhelezo Luzhsky district of the Leningrad region. Here, students of the Faculty of Geography practice in topography, meteorology, geomorphology, soil science, hydrology, landscape science, geobotany, zoogeography, etc. Students of the biology and physical culture faculties of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A. I. Herzen.

    Extracurricular activities

    Student Scientific Society (SSS)

    The goal of student scientific societies is to develop student scientific activity. Each faculty has its own student scientific society with an elected chairman-student and curator-teacher. In large faculties, in addition to the general faculty SSS, there are SSS of individual departments. At SSS meetings, reports can be made by both students themselves, graduate students, and invited recognized scientists; presentations of scientific monographs and discussions are held within the framework of SSS. A student's report often becomes part of his coursework, bachelor's or master's qualification work, submitted to the judgment of colleagues.

    Since 2013, at the Faculty of Social Sciences, ODRI (Society of Friends of Russian History - an association of graduates of the department of the same name with a degree) has been holding a competition for the best student report within the SSS of the Department of Russian History.

    Student Palace of Culture

    The Student Palace of Culture is the center of all creative and cultural activities of the university. KFOR functions to support and encourage student creativity; improving the quality of existing and developing new forms of leisure for students; teaching students methods and forms of cultural events, preparing for extracurricular pedagogical activities.

    KFOR offers university students a wide range of opportunities to unleash their creative potential, provides concert and rehearsal venues for this: a festive Column Hall, a concert hall located in building 20, a dance class in building 3.

    In addition, on the territory of the KFOR, the University Open Day, thematic exhibitions, job fairs, international seminars, lectures, conferences, anniversary concerts of faculties, intra-university KVN games and much more are held annually.

    Until September 2011, the Juventa Theatre, which held holidays on September 1, festivals "Freshman" and "Echo of Spring", was located on the basis of the KFOR. Also, the theater team organized the Days of the University and New Year trees for the university staff. The theater was engaged in staging performances and musicals, which were presented at international festivals and competitions. University students were trained in various areas: directing, acting, pop vocals, modern dance, film history. Director's examinations and tests were held annually in June, as well as open classes and master classes.

    Student media

    A number of newspapers and magazines are published at the Herzen University with the help of students.

    "Life is calling!"

    Wall newspaper of the Faculty of Mathematics. It has been published without interruption since the 1960s. For a long time it was issued twice a year - on New Year and 8 March. It has been published monthly since 2010. The newspaper publishes articles about the life of the faculty, school practices, interviews with teachers and students' poems.

    "Twentieth Corps"

    Wall newspaper of the Faculty of Social Sciences, additionally printed with a circulation of 10 copies. (distributed to the departments of the faculty; one copy goes to the university museum). Issued monthly since 2002.

    In 2007, a monographic study on the history of the newspaper "Twentieth Corps" was published.

    Since 2010, the results of the Golden Pen of the 20th Corps competition have been summed up annually in December. The jury, consisting of professional journalists - graduates of the Faculty of Social Sciences, determines the best materials (in several categories) from those published in the newspaper during the year.

    "Herzen Bell"

    Newspaper published by the Student Council of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen. Founded in 2005. It is published as a supplement to the official university newspaper Pedagogical News.

    "M" News

    Newspaper of the Institute of Music, Theater and Choreography. Much attention is paid to various aspects of creativity. The publication is published irregularly.

    Student sports


    Each faculty of Herzen University has a football team. All of them are united in the Herzen Futsal Union. Every year the university hosts a number of tournaments.

    There are several women's futsal teams.


    At the department Physical culture there is a chess section, which can be attended by students of any faculty.

    Regardless of this, at the Faculty of Information Technology (building 2, 2nd floor) in the corridor on the table is Chess board with figures - everyone can play here at any time without asking.

    Table tennis

    In RGPU them. A. I. Herzen on the basis of the university elite table tennis club and the Department of Physical Education in 2012, a team was formed that takes part in the interuniversity championship.


    A student of any faculty can sign up for orienteering. Every month on one of the Sundays, regardless of the weather conditions, students with a teacher go out of town and walk several kilometers along the picturesque hiking trails.

    Sports "What? Where? When?

    In 2008, at the Faculty of Social Sciences, on the initiative of students, a club of intellectual games "Golovomoyka (48)" was created. The idea was supported by teachers and students from other faculties. In the same 2008, for the first time, the Closed Championship of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, which later became traditional.

    Teams gather for training and participate in the city interuniversity championship on “What? Where? When?".

    Church of Sts. apostles Peter and Paul

    On the territory of RGPU them. A. I. Herzen has an active church - the temple of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. It is located in building 20, in the premises of the former house church at the Imperial School for the Deaf and Dumb. For 70 years Soviet power the premises were used in various ways, mainly as a student theater. The premises were handed over to the needs of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1999, although the first service after a 70-year break was held back in 1997. It is noteworthy that this church is one of the few places in St. Orthodox services with sign language translation. The church is located on the 3rd floor of the educational building, however, it has a special entrance and a separate staircase. In 2013, in the opening of a sealed window, on the wall behind the altar of the temple, the image of the Savior was installed by the church community. It is a copy of a fresco by Archimandrite Zenon (Theodore) from the Feodorovsky Cathedral.

    SPb. : Polytechnic-service, 2009. - S. 16-20. - 126 p. Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I.Herzen -13-9. // Portal-Credo.Ru. - 03/23/2006.

    Master's degree in all Russian universities. Master's degree at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen. Database of master's programs, directions.

    Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen or RSPU is one of the leading pedagogical universities in Russia. RSPU named after Herzen is the leader of national education, provides training in the main areas. The university was founded in 1979. Valeriy Pavlovich Solomin is the rector of Herzen State Pedagogical University.
    RGPU named after Herzen has 21 faculties, 89 directions for the preparation of doctoral students and graduate students, 3 branches in the cities of Vyborg, Volkhov and Dagestan. The magistracy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen trains masters in 250 programs. More than 24 thousand students from Russia and other countries study at RSPU.

    MSc RSPU

    The magistracy of the RSPU has been working for more than 15 years in the natural sciences and humanities. Russians, Belarusians, Kyrgyz, residents of Turkmenistan can enter the magistracy of the Russian State Pedagogical University on the budget, because the university has the relevant agreements. In 2012, 70% of RSPU bachelor's degree graduates were enrolled in the master's program, the rest were graduates of other universities.

    The Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University accepts students from Vietnam, India, and China for master's programs. A number of philological programs are focused on the study of the Russian language, as well as the Intercultural Communication programs supported by UNESCO. Many master's programs at the university they read in English and German. In the magistracy of the Russian State Pedagogical University, the directions "Conflictology", "Personnel Management", "Linguistics" are especially popular (there are 10 different programs in the spectrum of such areas).