S&p Global Ratings has upgraded the rating of RCO "Payment Center" to "VV. Organization rnko "payment center" (LLC) Settlement non-banking credit organization payment center

RNKO Payment Center LLC is a subsidiary of the CFT Group (Center for Financial Technologies)*. Performs the function of the operator and settlement center of the Zolotaya Korona payment system, the interbank settlement center of the federal system City and the settlement center of the Transport Card system. In addition to making settlements with payment infrastructure service providers, RNCO performs settlement service legal entities, actively places liquidity on deposits with the Central Bank and foreign banks.

The credit institution was established in 1994 in Novosibirsk. Prior to the crisis of 2008-2009 in Russia, RNKO "Payment Center" conducted active trading operations for the purchase of bonds federal loan using temporarily free funds for this purpose. Since the end of 2008 operations in this market have been terminated and during 2009-2010 funds were gradually withdrawn to the main correspondent account. During 2011, RNKO returned to this activity again, increasing investments in securities. In December 2012, the Bank of Russia registered RNKO Payment Center LLC as an operator of the Zolotaya Korona payment system.

According to the IFRS financial statements for the first half of 2018, the sole participant of the RNCO is CFT-Service CJSC, which, in turn, is part of the CFT group of companies along with Center for Financial Technologies CJSC, Billing Center CJSC, Zolotaya Korona CJSC, PC Kartstandart CJSC, CFT Corporation, Inc., etc.

The main activity of the RNKO is to perform the functions of the operator and settlement center of the Zolotaya Korona payment system, the interbank settlement center of the federal City system and the settlement center of the Transport Card system. The NBCO is a member of the "Acceptance of transfers in favor of service providers" service. In these payment systems, RNKO provides settlement services to customers - legal entities, including banks of all federal districts for interbank settlements and individuals. Outside of payment systems, individual clients can also repay loans through RNKO.

The head office and one additional office of RNKO are located in Novosibirsk. The headcount of the organization at the beginning of 2016 was 150 people. The main clients of the credit institution are banks in Russia and neighboring countries. As of December 31, 2017, RNKO had 1,222 correspondent accounts in rubles and foreign currency for 329 Russian banks and 315 for non-resident banks. RNKO conducts money transfers of individuals to neighboring countries. The credit institution is also expanding its client base among settlement participants - non-residents of the Russian Federation. In 2014, RNKO carried out transactions with bank prepaid cards of the MasterCard and Visa systems, while ceasing the issuance of bank prepaid cards of the Zolotaya Korona system due to a change in the legal form of these transactions. In December 2015, RNKO joined the Mir national payment system.

In terms of net assets, the organization is in the top 200 largest credit institutions. Since the beginning of 2018, the volume of net assets of NPOs has decreased by almost 20.1% (or by 9.7 billion rubles) and as of October 1, 2018, amounted to 38.7 billion rubles. In the passive part, the main reason for the decrease in the balance sheet currency was the reduction in loro account balances (-37.6%, or 7.3 billion rubles). At the same time, there is an increase in own funds RNKO (+17.2%, or 1.6 billion rubles). In the active part of the balance sheet, there was a decrease in investments in highly liquid assets (-46.3%, or 6.8 billion rubles), as well as a decrease in the amount of liquidity placed on the interbank loan market, in particular, the amount of funds on deposit with the Bank of Russia decreased (-16.7%, or 4.6 billion rubles).

Approximately one third of RNCO liabilities as of October 1, 2018 is represented by balances on loro accounts. Approximately 17.3% of liabilities form balances on accounts of incomplete settlements on transactions made with the use of payment cards. Client funds in the form of balances on settlement accounts of enterprises and organizations account for 13.4% of liabilities, another 1.1% - funds raised in the interbank market. The rest of liabilities is formed by own capital and reserves.

Assets are dominated by issued interbank loans, which are largely represented by deposits with the Central Bank - 65.5%. Another 20.4% of assets are balances of highly liquid funds (mainly on nostro accounts). Loans to legal entities do not exceed 5.5% of net assets. All loans to legal entities were issued for terms of up to six months, there is no delay in the portfolio, while the level of provisioning for the portfolio is 75%. Investments in the securities portfolio form a share of about 7.3% and are fully represented by federal loan bonds. The share of fixed assets and other assets in total accounts for slightly more than 1.5% of the net assets of NBSCOs.

Significant amounts of funds are also placed in the form of deposits in foreign financial institutions - from 2 billion to 5 billion rubles a month.

At the end of 2017, RNKO made a profit in the amount of 2.6 billion rubles under RAS (the same indicator at the end of 2016 amounted to 2.56 billion rubles). In January-October 2018, the profit of the credit institution amounted to 1.5 billion rubles.

Board of Directors: Gabbas Kazhimuratov (Chairman), Alexander Pogudin, Petr Mazanov.

Governing body: Grigory Mats (chairman), Olga Ermolaeva, Nikolai Shcherbina.

* GC Center for Financial Technologies (CFT) is one of the largest Russian IT companies, operating on the market since 1991. In many respects, it is the leader of the domestic market for the development of software for the financial market. It is the first software company that has successfully implemented a series of projects to transfer the IT infrastructure of banks to complex outsourcing. The main CFT development center is located in Novosibirsk, the company is also represented by offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, has 12 development centers in the leading economic regions of the Russian Federation, foreign representative offices in Alma-Ata, Dushanbe and Chisinau. Among the clients of CFT Group there are more than 500 banks of the Russian Federation and the CIS, retail chains (Evroset, MTS, Ion, etc.), state-owned companies (Rosatom, Russian Post, DOM.RF), etc. Among the products offered by CFT are the Golden Crown payment services and the City System, the processing services Card Standard and Faktura.ru and many others.

Revenue of CFT Group at the end of 2017 amounted to 22.7 billion rubles (for 2016 - 20.6 billion rubles). The company does not disclose its owners, while, according to SPARK, 100% of the company's shares belong to individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation.

In this article we will tell you who issues the Corn card.

If you look at the back of the card, you will see the name of the issuer of the "Corn" card - RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC).

The issuer is the organization that issued and maintains the card.

It stands for Settlement Non-Banking Credit Organization "Payment Center" (Limited Liability Company).

And don't let the word "non-banking" fool you. By law, such organizations, along with banks, have the right to open and maintain bank accounts of legal entities, make transfers Money without opening bank accounts, including electronic money, issue and service bank cards, etc.

RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) operates on the basis of the license of the Bank of Russia No. 3166-K dated April 14, 2014. The work of RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC), as well as the work of banks, is controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

For you, this means that the "Corn" card is a full-fledged card of the MasterCard payment system, which allows you to pay for purchases around the world.

More information about RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) can be found on the website.

I wanted to reconnect the service "Interest on the balance" from the bank "Opening" to "Renesant credit" using the corn card.
First, I arrived at St. Petersburg, Novocherkassky prospekt, 33, bldg. 3. The consultant told me right away that such operations are not performed in their department. Then they nevertheless tried - for about half an hour the two consultants figured out how to reconnect this service to me, and in the end they said that everything was done, you would receive an SMS about the connection. But when I was already at home, I received an SMS that "The Interest on the balance service is not connected, contact the office with your passport." N - incompetence!

About a week later, I again went to connect this service to another branch at St. Petersburg, Brantovskaya road, 3, Okhta Mall shopping center. When I arrived, there were clients in front of me, the girl asked what my question was and after my answer she said, we’ll do everything, wait on the couch. When the customers left, I went to the counter, but the girls chatted among themselves and did not pay attention to me. There was only me in the hall. Then after 5 minutes one of them asked me if I was in a hurry? I replied that yes, I would like to have the operation as soon as possible. To which I was told that I needed to wait 10-15 minutes, I was offered: "Drink coffee and come, we will do everything." I figured it would be better to wait 10 minutes than drive home again and then come back another day...

I returned 10 minutes later. There was one client in the salon, which was dealt with by one girl, the second stood and glued some stickers (she did this when I came for the first time). When I approached, they told me that they would take care of me when they finished with the client, which puzzled me a little, why they sent me for a walk, while other people were being served, and again I had to wait? When the client finally left, there was again no one in the hall except me, but no one stubbornly invited me. Then an onlooker came into the salon and began to examine the phones, one of the girls immediately went to him with questions about what interests him and began to show him the phones.

My bewilderment grew, I asked this girl if they had forgotten about me? To which she said: “But I don’t have access to this program at all, only that girl has access,” and pointed to the girl who had been dealing with stickers all this time. I turned to the second girl with the words: "You promised to wait 10 minutes, but I've been waiting for 40"! Only after that she reluctantly looked up from her paperwork and asked for a passport and a map. Those. All this time she just ignored me! Just like that for unknown reasons with incomprehensible motives. Was she hoping that I would get tired of waiting and leave, or just wanted to make fun of me?!
In total, I sat in this department for more than an hour! The Okhta Mall shopping center has paid parking after the first 2 hours, and I also had to pay for waiting. But most of all, I feel sorry for neither this money, but the wasted time at the whim of an employee who decided to play the little boss and mock a stranger, just for fun. After all, I would have spent this time with great pleasure with my beloved family, and not in the salon, where they defiantly ignore me.

H - non-customer orientation!
X - rudeness, negligence!
I left a claim on this case to the hotline right in the salon: S11090
Today they called me back and said that during the proceedings no violations of the employees were revealed, allegedly the delay was due to the queue.
L - Lie!

Contact Information:

Company details:

TIN: 2225031594

Checkpoint: 540501001

OKPO: 53160873

OGRN: 1025400002968

OKFS: 16 - Private property

OKOGU: 1500010 - Central Bank of the Russian Federation

OKOPF: 12300 - Limited liability companies

OKTMO: 50701000001

OKATO:- Oktyabrsky, Novosibirsk, Cities of regional subordination of the Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk region




Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 064007074553

Date of registration: 05.07.2013

Name of the PFR body: State institution - Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk

State registration registration number of entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2135400000162


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 540131011154061

Date of registration: 04.07.2013

Name of the FSS authority: Branch No. 6 of the State Institution - Novosibirsk Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

State registration registration number of entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2135400000184

Date of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 26.07.2013

According to rkn.gov.ru dated March 20, 2020, according to the TIN, the company is included in the register of operators processing personal data:

Registration number:

Date of registration of the operator in the register: 30.08.2013

Grounds for entering the operator in the register (order number): 522

Operator location address: Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, st. Kirova, 86

Start date of personal data processing: 19.11.2001

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Novosibirsk region

Purpose of personal data processing: Implementation banking operations and other activities provided for by the Charter of RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) "Payment Center" (LLC), a license for banking operations, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and Bank of Russia regulations. Compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory authorities. Conclusion, execution of civil law contracts with individuals: citizens and individual entrepreneurs, legal entities. Registration and regulation of labor relations, organization of personnel records for employees of RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) "Payment Center" (LLC), fulfillment of obligations under employment contracts with employees of RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) "Payment Center" (LLC). Payroll. Calculation and payment of taxes, fees and contributions for compulsory social and pension insurance provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Submission of reporting established by law in respect of individuals, including personalized accounting information to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, income tax information to the Federal Tax Service of Russia, information to the FSS of the Russian Federation. Providing information to the bank for opening a bank account for an employee and processing bank card for the purpose of transferring wages and other payments stipulated by labor legislation to a bank account. Issuance of an additional health insurance policy for the employee. Providing tax deductions to employees. Assistance to employees in employment, training and promotion. Ensuring the personal safety of employees. Controlling the quantity and quality of work performed. Ensuring the safety of property. Ensuring access control at the facilities of the "Payment Center" (LLC). Ensuring security related to the physical access of personal data subjects to the territory, buildings and premises of RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC). Placement of information about employees on the internal information resources of RNCO "Payment Center" (LLC). Disclosure of information about officials RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) in accordance with the law. Changes in information about persons whose candidatures are approved by the Bank of Russia in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the Bank of Russia. Consideration of the possibility of concluding an employment agreement / contract with the subject of personal data. Coordination in the Bank of Russia of candidates for the positions of the sole executive body, his deputies, members of the collective executive body of a credit institution, chief accountant, deputy chief accountants, other persons, in order to fulfill regulatory requirements acts of the Bank of Russia. Selection and evaluation of candidates for vacant positions. Passage of practice (internship) by students educational institutions. Conclusion with an employee of the organization of a student agreement for education, assistance to his education. The conclusion of civil law contracts (except for student contracts), the subject of which is the performance of work / the provision of services by an individual. Consideration of the possibility of performing banking operations and/or transactions by RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) in accordance with the license of the Bank of Russia. Submission of reports to the Bank of Russia on affiliates of RNCO "Payment Center" (LLC). Disclosure by a credit institution of information about persons under whose control or significant influence RNCO "Payment Center" (LLC) is located. Conclusion and execution of contracts/agreements with clients/counterparties and/or implementation of joint projects, performance on behalf of RNCO "Payment Center" (LLC) of actions to fulfill contracts/agreements. Customer information service. Identification of individuals performing transactions with funds to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. Provision of information of a notification or marketing nature, including information about new banking products, services, ongoing promotions, events (for which there is a prior consent of the client to receive them). Conclusion and execution of contracts/agreements with the subject of personal data. Providing a response to an appeal to an individual. Regulation of applications, claims, messages from customers, including on issues of quality of service. Carrying out measures to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed. Documents have been issued that define the operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data, including establishing procedures aimed at preventing and detecting violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the processing of personal data, and eliminating the consequences of such violations. Legal, organizational and technical measures are taken to ensure the security of personal data aimed at fulfilling the requirements of Article 19 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, the requirements for the protection of personal data, local acts of the “Payment Center” (LLC) regarding the processing of personal data. processing of personal data and local acts regulating the processing of personal data. A model of threats to the security of personal data has been compiled. Personal data information systems are located in a secure internal network segment. Data is being backed up. Electronic system logs are maintained.

Categories of personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, state of health, Salary information, details of an identity document, TIN, date of registration with the tax authority, details of the certificate of registration with the tax authority, number and series of insurance certificate of state pension insurance, date of registration in the mandatory pension system insurance policy number, insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person, details of the bank account (bank card), information about social benefits, information about military duty, military registration, family composition, employment, details of the employment contract, information about previously held positions, places of work and work experience, postal and electronic addresses, contact information, phone numbers, e-mail, debt information, information about the presence of a criminal record, facts of disqualification, the presence (absence) of facts of committing an administrative offense, about the presence of other restrictions established by federal laws that prevent the appointment of a candidate for a position; information about persons who can provide information about the qualifications and business reputation of the candidate (last name, first name, patronymic, contact phone numbers); information contained in sick leave certificates. Information about vehicles, Information about the beneficiaries for whose benefit the client acts, information about the beneficiary owners of the client, information about the controlled organizations of an individual, information about the share of RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) of an individual, country and city of registration of the client (for non-residents), migration card data, data of a document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay in the Russian Federation (for example, a residence permit, temporary residence permit, visas a) information about the subject of personal data provided by the subject in the appeal, request, identification information about the device that was used to access the automated system, software.

Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: Individuals who are or have previously been in labor relations with RNKO Individuals who applied to RNKO for the purpose of employment or internship (internship) and provided their personal data Individuals who provided their personal data in connection with the conclusion of an apprenticeship agreement individuals who are members of the collegiate management body (Council, Board of Directors) in the case when such persons are not employees of the RNCO, individuals who are affiliated persons of the RNCO and/or managers, participants (shareholders) and/or employees of a legal entity that is affiliated with the RNCO, as well as individuals who are the beneficial owners of the RNCO and/or the beneficial owners of the legal entity that is the the beneficial owner of the RNKO (individuals under whose control or significant influence the RNKO is) individuals who are not employees of the RNKO but represent the interests of the RNKO before third parties on the basis of a power of attorney, representatives of legal entities representing the interests of the RNKO before third parties on the basis of a power of attorney individuals who have provided their personal data in connection with the conclusion of an agreement on comprehensive customer service individuals who have provided their personal data in connection with the conclusion of other contracts (agreements), in accordance with under which the RNKO provides services to an individual (with the exception of contracts for comprehensive customer service), as well as in connection with the conclusion of all other contracts (agreements) that are or may be concluded in the future between the RNKO and an individual, as well as in connection with the execution and submission to the RNKO of any applications, statements expressing the will of an individual to use the services provided by the RNKO, individuals and their representatives who applied to the RNKO with an application or request of any nature, and provided in connection with with this, personal data (of their own or other individuals) representatives, beneficiaries and beneficial owners of clients representatives, beneficiaries and beneficial owners of counterparties and other categories of persons individuals wishing to enter the territory, buildings and premises occupied by RNKO individuals - candidates for the positions of the sole executive body, his deputies, as well as persons who are supposed to be assigned the temporary duties of the head of a credit institution or certain duties of the head of a credit institution, providing the right to dispose of funds held on the accounts of a credit institution opened with the Bank of Russia individuals who are candidates for the positions of members of the collegial executive body of a credit institution, chief accountant, deputy chief accountant, other persons, individuals who are founders (members) of a credit institution, purchasers of shares (stakes) in a credit institution (owners of shares (stakes) in a credit institution), individuals who establish (exercise) control over shareholders (members) of a credit institution, individuals who are sole proprietors and executive bodies of legal entities - founders (members) of a credit institution, acquirers (owners) of shares (stakes) in a credit institution, legal entities establishing (exercising) control over shareholders (members) of a credit institution, individuals whose personal data processing is entrusted to RNKO by other persons.

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Charter of RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC). License for banking operations No. 3166-K dated 14.04. 2014. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Convention of the Council of Europe "On the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data" of January 28, 1981 (ratified by Federal Law No. 160-FZ of December 19, 2005). Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 395-1 “On banks and banking activities”. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 27-FZ “On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the System of Compulsory Pension Insurance” . Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 86-FZ “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 125-FZ "On Archiving in the Russian Federation". Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies". Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 115-FZ "On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism". Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 161-FZ "On the National Payment System". Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 173-FZ “On currency regulation And currency control". Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 176-FZ of July 17, 1999 “On Postal Communication”. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 208-FZ “On joint-stock companies". Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 61-FZ "On Defense". Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 "On military duty and military service." Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 31-FZ of February 26, 1997 “On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation”. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 63-FZ of April 11, 2001 "On Electronic Signature". Federal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995 “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation”. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood”. Government Decree No. 719 dated November 27, 2006 “On approval of the regulation on military registration”. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994 No. 101 “On the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation”. Decree of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment." Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 153-I "On opening and closing bank accounts, deposits (deposits), deposit accounts". Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 242-P On the Organization of Internal Control in Credit Institutions and Banking Groups compulsory insurance deposits of individuals in banks Russian Federation". Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 307-P "On the Procedure for Keeping Records and Providing Information on Affiliates of Credit Institutions". Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 499-P “On the identification by credit institutions of clients, client representatives, beneficiaries and beneficial owners in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”. Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 382-P dated 09.06.2012 “On the requirements for ensuring information security when making money transfers and on the procedure for the Bank of Russia to exercise control over compliance with the requirements for ensuring information security when making money transfers”. Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 382-P dated 09.06.2012 “On the requirements for ensuring information security when making money transfers and on the procedure for the Bank of Russia to exercise control over compliance with the requirements for ensuring information security when making money transfers”. Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 2332-U, dated November 12, 2009, “On the List, Forms and Procedure for Compiling and Submitting Reporting Forms of Credit Institutions to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” (Procedure for Compiling and Submitting Reports on Form 0409051 “List of Affiliates”, Procedure for Compiling and Submitting Reports on Form 0409052 “List of Affiliated Entities Belonging to a Group of Entities to Which a Credit Institution Belongs”) 38. Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 408-P "On the procedure for assessing compliance with qualification requirements and requirements for business reputation of persons specified in Article 11.1 federal law"On Banks and Banking Activities" and Article 60 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)". Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 135-I dated April 2, 2010 “On the procedure for the Bank of Russia to take a decision on the state registration of credit institutions and the issuance of licenses for banking operations”.

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On May 23, 2017, the international credit rating service S&P Global Ratings upgraded the long-term credit rating of RNKO Payment Center (LLC), which is the settlement center of the Zolotaya Korona payment system, for obligations in foreign and national currencies from BB- to BB. The outlook for the ratings change is “Stable”. The company's short-term rating has been affirmed at 'B'. S&P Global Ratings also upgraded the national scale rating of RNKO Payment Center from 'ruAA-' to 'ruAA'.

The rating reflects the status of RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) as a "key" subsidiary of the CFT Group, which is the "settlement center of the group for money transfers and payment systems." S&P Global Ratings experts note that the rating upgrade reflects the strong financial performance of CFT Group in two main segments - money transfers and in the segment of software development and sales, despite the unfavorable operating conditions in the CIS countries where the group operates.

The “Stable” outlook reflects the opinion of S&P Global Ratings analysts on the CFT Group's ability to maintain a competitive position and a stable financial risk profile in the next 12-18 months.

Due to the positive assessment of the CFT Group's conservative financial policy, which assumes a zero level of debt, weighted organic growth, and taking into account the strengthening of credit characteristics, the group's credit profile was upgraded by S&P Global Ratings experts from 'bb-' to 'bb'.

Settlement non-bank credit institution "Payment Center" (LLC), license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3166-K. RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) is the operator and settlement center of the Zolotaya Korona payment system, and also performs the functions of an interbank settlement center of the Federal System "Gorod". RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) in partnership with the Processing Center "CardStandard" offers sponsorship support for the entry and further participation of credit institutions in the Visa and MasterCard payment systems in the status of an associated / affiliated participant, respectively. Read more at