Nikolai is the husband of lamb. Barashkova, Anastasia Vladimirovna

TV presenter, actress, singer and just beautiful girl Nastya Barashkova is not shy about talking about the most intimate: her favorite sex toys and parting with her husband. Read only in S.-I.!

Anastasia Barashkova (1990) was born in Moscow. A lawyer by first education, now studying at GITIS. She works as a TV presenter on the Fashion TV Russia channel. She starred in the television series "Institute noble maidens”, “Happy together”, “Wedding ring”. She writes songs, tries herself in Hollywood - she received an offer from the Dream Works Pictures film company. Options: 87-58-89.
- At the age of twenty, you already hosted the Sexual Revolution program. Was such an experienced girl?
- By the age of twenty I had something to tell - in detail and in detail. But this does not mean that I changed men like gloves. It's not about quantity, it's about quality! By the way, this project helped many people to rethink their attitude towards sex and marriage. Sometimes couples live to a respectable age without the slightest idea how everything is arranged and conceived by nature and what can be done to develop and maintain harmonious intimate relationships. This is especially true for sex toys. I think if the relationship is more than three years old, it's time to use such things in bed. Don't be shy, try it! Moreover, a woman should take the initiative, because men are embarrassed to talk about it and are looking for a more relaxed partner on the side.
- You've been married for over three years. Are you and your husband doing everything as you advise others?
- Certainly! This adds spice, provokes relationships. You won’t surprise anyone with beautiful underwear now, except at the initial stages. A man needs to be saturated with something more piquant. In the depths, we are wild and often think about something vulgar and dirty. Our relationship was renewed in its time.
- Is your favorite sex toy...?
- Sex machine! In skillful male hands, she can give a woman great pleasure. Just a vibrator - it's so ordinary. Every girl has it with her in her purse. And here is a real sex machine, which is used together. Highly recommend - especially to couples who have been together for several years.
- It turns out that your marriage has stood the test of time and intimate things?
- Until recently, I considered my marriage a happy exception, because my husband was like “two in one” for me: both a friend and a lover. But he stopped noticing my needs in terms of self-realization. He is jealous of my popularity, wants to lock me in a golden cage so that I can be his home hen. This is not in my plans. Because of this, our marriage cracked. While we parted, we decided to live separately. And what will happen next - time will tell. Well-groomed and pleasant whores of Krasnoyarsk will invite a wealthy man to a piquant meeting! As a woman, I am very active, I just cannot sit at home and cook borscht. I crave movement and a splash of emotions!

After publications about the “serial swindlers” of the Yakut land, the editorial office of “” receives a lot of information related to this topic.

“The editors of the online newspaper have raised, perhaps, a body that is not particularly noticed in land scandals - the Branch of the Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr in Yakutia.

Land scandals in last years accompany each mayor. But, at the same time, the Cadastral Chamber has always been bypassed.

The recent visit to Yakutsk by Andrei Pridankin, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, was connected precisely with scandals in the media about corruption in the Yakut branch of Rosreestr. Although, officially the visit of the deputy head of the federal service was filed as "familiarization with the transfer of functions of Rosreestr to the MFC." We do not know exactly with what thoughts and documents the deputy head of Rosreestr left for Moscow, but we really hope that with objective ones.

I would like to remind you that the Registration Chamber and the Cadastral Chamber previously worked separately, each of the chambers had its own database. The Cadastral Chamber dealt with the issues of the physical location of the site (area, geographical location, belonging to the subject of the Russian Federation, site plan), and the Registration Chamber dealt with property issues (who and when bought, registered, who is registered, etc.). In 2012, the two chambers were merged into "one window" - Rosreestr.

Until 2000, the Cadastral Chamber was headed by Galina PORUBLEVA. After her, Alexander MAKHAROV was appointed to this position.

Alexander Makharov.

Makharov to this day holds this position. Agree, rarely anyone manages to hold the same position for 17 years.

Galina Ivanovna PORUBLEVA is a well-known woman in the city. It has been brewing in the sphere of land and property relations since the reign of Spartak Borisov. If we are not mistaken, PORUBLEV is currently working in the team of Igor NIKIFOROV, Deputy Chairman of the Sakha government. Colleagues in DP-1 characterize her as “a quiet, inconspicuous and neat woman.” Interestingly, we did not find a photo of a “neat” woman in open sources.

Nevertheless, the “quiet, neat” woman PORUBLEV, as it turns out, is involved in one of the high-profile land scandals. What is its role in the land fraud? Now we will find out.

In 2006, a certain citizen Sannikov L.P. on the basis of a power of attorney on behalf of Burmistrov Ivan Vyacheslavovich, he tried to register the ownership of 9 acres of land located on Chepalova Street.

Sannikov submitted to the Cadastral Chamber a cadastral document for this land, and copy certificate of ownership of possession and permanent use of land in the name of Ivan Vyacheslavovich Burmistrov, issued already in 1996.

According to a copy of the document, it turned out that on August 24, 1996, the Yakutsk City Committee for Land Reform and Land Resources issued a certificate of ownership, possession and permanent use of land for the construction of a residential building to Burmistrov Ivan Vyacheslavovich at the address: Yakutsk, st. Chepalov. The size of the land was indicated as - 0.09 ha. The certificate was allegedly issued on the basis of decision No. 24r of the Yakutsk city administration dated July 4, 1996.

The certificate bears the signature of the chairman of the above-mentioned committee Khudogizov K.A. The fact that the copy of the document was correct was certified by Galina PORUBLEVA with her signature, while reporting that the original was stored in the Yakutsk department of the Rosnedvizhimost Administration for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Employees of the Cadastral Chamber were not too lazy to check the documents and open the archive of office work of the administration of Yakutsk and found that the city administration NEVER made a decision to allocate a land plot to Ivan Vyacheslavovich Burmistrov on Chepalova Street.

Decision No. 24r, on the basis of which a certificate of ownership was allegedly issued, turned out to be a fake document. No, decision No. 24 existed in nature, but there was no question of Burmistrov or the allocation of land to anyone. But PORUBLEVA assured with her signature that the copy of the certificate was correct and the original document was kept in the Department of Rosnedvizhimost in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Forgery of documents is a criminal offense, but Themis is selective.

Having found out that Sannikov was trying to privatize 9 acres on Chepalov Street using forged documents, where, by the way, the construction of a multi-storey residential building was already planned, the Cadastral Chamber decided to cancel the cadastral file and refuse to register real estate.

But! After some time, suddenly the cadastral file was restored and the land was registered as a property. Apparently, PORUBLEVA's visa was magical.

And as happens in such cases, the plot was soon resold to a certain Egorov, and Egorov sold Agamalyev, and Agamalyev to citizen Nikolai Nikolaevich BARASHKOV. Some are inclined to believe that the land scam was originally invented by BARASHKOV, and Burmistrov, Sannikov, Egorov, Agamalyev were dummy players. Perhaps they are right.

In 2014, however, the fact of forgery of documents surfaced. But the reaction of law enforcement agencies and local authorities was surprisingly strange. Knowing full well that the land was registered in ownership on the basis of forged documents, none of the parties took any measures for a year and a half. They stirred when the residents of Chepalova Street turned to the Public Reception Office of the President of Russia. “The territory where the construction of the playground was planned was seized!”

Finally, a criminal case was opened on the fact of the theft of state property. So, in April 2016, the city prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit in the interests of the City District "City of Yakutsk" and an indefinite circle of persons with a claim for the recovery of a land plot and the cancellation of a record of registration of rights.

The judge refused to accept the statement of claim, indicating that the plaintiff was inappropriate. The owner must apply to the court, i.e. administration of the city of Yakutsk.

Three months later, the District Administration finally filed a lawsuit in court. But then the Yakutsk City Court took an incomprehensible position. When considering the statement of claim, the judge for some reason did not pay attention to the fact that there were no representatives of the Cadastral Chamber in the court session. Although they were the main culprits for the restoration of the canceled land plot.

Also, the judge did not bother to investigate the history of the origin of this land. Could she do it? Yes, and not only could, but was obliged to establish all the circumstances of the case! But she did not want, just as she did not want to oblige representatives of the Cadastral Chamber to appear in court.

As a result, the District Administration of the GO “Yakutsk” could not (didn't want to?) prove in court that the land belongs to the city.

... There are many incomprehensible things in this case. It seems as if there was and is something supernatural that prevents even the Public Reception Office of the President of Russia from restoring justice. All the efforts of the chief federal inspector in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Viktor Khokhrin also came to naught.

The ONF also knelt before this case, when residents of Chepalova Street turned to it with a statement, concerned that instead of a playground, a fence with a house appeared on the territory.

But, according to the rules of land use and development of the city of Yakutsk, approved by the regulatory legal act Yakut City Duma dated December 25, 2013. No. 169-NPA, this land plot is located in the territorial zone "Zh-6.2" - in the development zone of multi-storey apartment buildings.

According to the PPT of the 55th quarter, a playground was to be set up in the contested area. Consequently, no one had the right to erect any construction there, except for a playground.

The Yakut people remember what hysteria they raised when Feroyan wanted to build on his site what his soul desired. Or let's take Sahakyan, Petrosyan. Then the whole city stood up to protect the interests of "ordinary" citizens. And then, on the contrary, everyone fell to their knees. Even, the Department of Urban Planning Policy issued an address certificate, legalizing an illegally built residential building.

Why was everyone and everything ignored in the decision of this case? Then, who is this “omnipotent” Nikolay Nikolaevich BARASHKOV, that even with fake documents he was able to snatch land in the city center, bringing the Cadastral Chamber, Rosreestr, ONF, courts and even the Public Reception of Putin himself to his knees? It's still nothing. According to the latest data, BARASHKOV is now selling the land he “grabbed” for 35 million rubles. This is how people make money out of thin air. In this case, on forged documents?

Rumor has it that BARASHKOV has a close friendship with the family of Il Darkhan, that Yegor Borisov's son-in-law Philip Pestryakov is his close friend. If you “google” Nikolai Nikolaevich BARASHKOV, a lot of interesting information comes out on the Internet.

Previously, BARASHKOV was the entrepreneur (if this is him, the full name is the same): “IP Barashkov Nikolai Nikolaevich was registered on May 30, 2001 by the registrar Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 5 for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). IP was assigned TIN 143500661468 and OGRNIP 304143506400102. IP Barashkov Nikolai Nikolaevich was liquidated on March 30, 2009. Reason: An individual entrepreneur ceased activities in connection with the adoption of an appropriate decision by him.

There is one more interesting information that leads directly to the personal website of the chief in the republic. For example, on one of the pages of the site, there is a publication called “My uncle Nikolai Barashkov” ( So, is Nikolai BARASHKOV the “grabber” of the playground really a relative of Il Darkhan? Or is it just a coincidence?”


for ""

On the eve of the Rossiya TV channel, there was a program “Live” with Boris Korchevnikov, in which Ksenia Sobchak’s recent loud statement about tourists in Monaco was discussed.

Anastasia Barashkova defended the rights of the rich

Recall that in one of his posts in Instagram Ksenia Sobchak wrote that the entry of ordinary mortal tourists into the Principality of Monaco due to the fact that they prevent the rich from relaxing during the golden season. Such undisguised snobbery of the TV presenter caused an uproar from users.

Speak up on this topic in the show "Live" invited another glamorous TV presenter, this time from the World Fashion Channel, Anastasia Barashkova. “A Muscovite in the fifth generation,” who “has a Wikipedia page,” seriously infuriated the public.

The wife of a capital businessman agreed with the statement Ksenia Sobchak, stating that she is disgusted by the reaction of ordinary tourists who watch with big eyes how she eats dishes in Monegasque restaurants. Then the conversation turned to the fact that ordinary tourists "shit and steal."

Almost the entire studio entered into a dispute with the girl, but the singer became her main opponent Maria Dashivets, leading also a very comfortable life. Maria predicted a gloomy future for Anastasia: a secular party girl would lose her beauty, her husband would lose his wealth, and "these rogues would pour a bowl of soup for her." Anastasia was so indignant at the predictions of her opponent that she even preferred to close her ears.

Users commented on what they heard and saw*:

“They stole money from us and insult us. It is unrealistic to earn such money in an honest way.

“This is what happens when you cross rednecks with money. A vivid confirmation that money cannot buy culture. A pathetic chicken that craves attention. After all, you must certainly get out on television in order to tell everyone how they "drain" money. And all the same, the usual cheap stuff comes out like that. ”

“Barashkova yells like a fool. What kind of education is there? What culture? How is her husband not ashamed of her behavior?

“Get these snickering rich guys away from us! Gather everyone and send them to hell."

“For some reason, I listened to this Barashkova for 10 minutes and a video appeared before my eyes where Keanu Reeves gives way to a woman on the subway. What an abyss, a man with a huge fortune and millions of dollars in bank accounts, a man with a huge soul, talented, known all over the world and such a soul and simplicity in everything. And this cuckoo sits ... Muskvich ... I think most will not give her a glass of water when her hubby kicks her out of Rublyovka.

Many are interested in the life of celebrities. The life of beautiful popular girls is especially interesting, especially if this girl is also married to a businessman.

Such beautiful celebrity is Anastasia Barashkova, which will be discussed today.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia was born in an ordinary Moscow family of a military and pop actress. In her school years, like all her peers, she attended various creative circles, where she showed her versatile talents, which, of course, her parents liked to tell their friends about. After graduating from school, on the instructions of her father, she entered the Lyceum at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Law, which she successfully graduated from.

After that, she graduated from the Higher National School of Television and Radio. And successfully gets the profession of a TV presenter. But even on this our heroine does not stop and enters Russian University theatrical art to the acting department and masters the profession of a variety artist.

All these professions that I mastered in educational institutions, the girl develops in practice, which will be discussed below.

The beginning of creativity

From the age of fifteen, Anastasia has been immersed in the world of show business. After all, it was from this age that she became a model and starred for various fashion magazines, and also participated in various shows. In this profession, she showed herself from the best side, as evidenced by her developing career in subsequent years.

From the age of twenty-one she became an employee of the TV channel "Ladies' Club", and a year later he tests his strength as a television presenter on trials. The beauty was noticed and offered to become the host "Gossip Chronicle" on a famous TV channel that tells and shows everything about fashion and beauty.

When our heroine was twenty-three years old, she became a model at the tenth anniversary of the exhibition Collector's Premiere in Moscow.

Anastasia does not forget about her acting profession and develops in this direction. She has already managed to show her talents in episodic roles in six series. Let the roles be small, but the main thing is that the girl is moving in this direction and is already collaborating with one of Hollywood film companies. Details about the signed contact were not disclosed.

In the same twenty-three years, the girl received the title Miss February from the famous magazine "Radius of the Year". She also received the position of TV presenter of the WFC TV channel, which offered to host an author's TV program.

Watching this program, you can see from the charming TV presenter how to dress stylishly in order to always look fashionable and introduces its viewers to fashionable personalities who talk about the secrets of how they manage to look so good.

Personal life

Today girl twenty eight years old has been married for ten years to a fairly wealthy entrepreneur. A husband is able to groom a beautiful wife, but in their relationship, not everything is so easy. Over the years of marriage, they had to go through a lot, but together they overcome all the problems and troubles that fall to them.

As the film actress, model and TV presenter herself says: “Excellent sexual relations are a guarantee of a prosperous family life and harmony in relationships with your soul mate.

Mutual trust is considered to be no less significant condition that has a great impact on the well-being of home life - only by fully believing the other half is it possible to remain completely convinced in the future of the family, ”the girl admits.


To date, a rather famous girl who has shown her abilities in three professions, hosts TV shows and poses for glossy tabloids.

The girl loves good things and in particular personal Bentley, which is an indicator of financial well-being.

It's no secret that the young girl lived in London for a short period, but soon returned. The TV presenter often makes flights not only for the purpose of entertainment, but also for work.

Like any society lady, the girl visits various nightclubs for selected visitors, as well as various private parties.

The girl lives with her husband in a luxurious three-story mansion. If necessary, the couple can relax on their yacht. The girl moves on the already mentioned premium car, as well as on a Mercedes of the same class.

The girl also participates in charity events. For example, she participates in a charity lottery, where participants can meet her, and all the funds raised are transferred to children with various serious illnesses.

Judging by the photos in the social. networks, which the girl posts quite regularly, she loves beautiful stylish things, likes to be photographed against the backdrop of beautiful buildings and picturesque landscapes, likes to relax abroad and in general likes not to deny herself anything.

    I have watched shows with her many times. She boasts so much of her wealth, well, really, like a poor man who seized on money. Wow, how ugly. You still need to keep your face. And rich people are already well aware that happiness is not in money, oh, not in money.

    Biography, the life of Anastasia Barashkova is of interest to many. This is not surprising, because the girl is young, beautiful and talented. She is a Russian TV presenter, fashion model, theater and film actress. She was born in 1990 on April 29, in Moscow. Anastasia's father is a military man and her mother is a pop artist.

    Anastasia has been in the world of show business since she was 15 years old. She started out as a model for Modus Vivendi. She also worked on the Ladies' Club TV channel. In addition, in 2013, the actress is going to conquer Hollywood, she was cast to host the program Best Look with Anastasia Barashkova.

    Anastasia is married in 2009 to a businessman. Films where she participates:

    Anastasia Vladimirovna Barashkova is a Russian model, TV presenter and film actress.

    Nastya was born in Moscow on April 29, 1990. Barashkova's father was a military man, and his mother was a pop artist, in whose footsteps the girl actually followed. The girl is only twenty-six years old, and she has been married for eight years. The couple has no children yet.

    Anastasia Barashkova is a Moscow artist (in the arsenal of 6 roles) and TV presenter. The audience remembered Anastasia Barashkova for the films Happy Together and The Wedding Ring. She is attractive. He loves money and everything, which indicates a high material level. In a way, she's a snob. In the past, Nastya tried herself as a model. She got married at eighteen. She is now twenty-six. There are no children yet.

    Husband is a businessman Nikolai. He can afford to spoil beautiful wife but their relationship is not so simple.

    Russian film actress, model and TV presenter Anastasia Vladimirovna Barashkova is currently twenty six years old. On April 29, 1990, she was born in one of the city's maternity hospitals. Moscow. Her father is a military man, and her mother is a pop artist. The filmography of Anastasia Barashkova includes only six motion pictures, in which she starred mainly in episodic roles. Anastasia married in two thousand and nine, but carefully hides information about her husband. Here is a quote that proves that not everything is so safe and smooth in non-family life:

    Anastasia Barashkova has her own pages in in social networks Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, where you can get acquainted with her biography, personal life and see her photos.

    Anastasia is currently twenty-six years old. She will celebrate the next anniversary in 2017, namely on the twenty-ninth of April.

    Anastasia is a lawyer by education, TV presenter and pop artist. At the same time, Anastasia also worked as a model. Now Anastasia prefers to act in films and in programs as a presenter.

    Anastasia has been married to an oligarch for about seven years. Unfortunately, the source of her husband's income is not disclosed anywhere.

    Anastasia's Instagram page can be found here.

    It is known that for some time Anastasia lived in London, but soon returned. Most likely, Anastasia often makes flights not only for the purpose of recreation, but also for work.

    Anastasia Barashkova, at the age of 26, managed to make a career as a TV presenter, actress and model - she is a very talented girl and also very beautiful. She got married very early at the age of 17 and has been married for 8 years to her husband Nikolai, who is engaged in business: Anastasia does not specify what kind of business, exactly.

    Anastasia graduated from the School of Television and the University of Theater Arts and the knowledge gained at these institutions helped her realize herself as an actress - she starred in several TV series. In addition, Anastasia successfully works as the host of the Gossip column on television. Despite her busyness, Anastasia devotes a lot of time to her husband, and therefore she was able to establish mutual understanding and maintain trusting relationships in their family.

    Anastasia Vladimirovna Barashkova is an actress, model and TV presenter. It is known that she was born on April 29, 1990. It is known that her father's name is Barashkov Vladimir Nikolaevich, and he is a military man, and her mother's name is Barashkova Marina Yurievna, she is an artist. Anastasia currently graduated from the following higher institutions:

    At the moment, Anastasia Barashkova starred in the following films and TV shows:

    It is known that Anastasia is currently married. It is known that her husband's name is Nikolai (