Who he is by profession? But these three professions are unlikely to be useful “on the farm.”

So, how can you ask in English what a person’s job is?

There are several possible answers:

  • What's your job?
  • What do you do for a living?
  • What is your gainful employment?
  • What's your occupation?
  • What are you paid to do?

Work takes up a large part of our lives. For especially happy people- this is not only a way to earn money, but also to realize your potential!

To communicate on English language, you must have vocabulary on the topic of work.

How to inquire about the profession of your interlocutor in English:

What do you do? HowYouare you doing?

What is he? WhoHeByprofessions?

What’s her job/profession/occupation? What is her job/profession/position?

When talking about your profession or position, you must consider:

The name of the profession is preceded by an indefinite article.

I'm a lawyer. Iadvocate.

He is studying to be an accountant. He is studying to be an accountant.

A nurse helps a doctor. The nurse helps the doctor.

An article is often not placed before the job title.

Mr Smith was appointed General manager of the Platinum Hotel. Mr. Smith was appointed General Manager of the hotel.

The monthly salary for Senior Engineer is high.The chief engineer has a high monthly salary.

To describe work activity, you can use the words “work”, “job”, “employment”, “profession”, “occupation”, “position”, “post”, “trade”:

Work– of a broader meaning, denotes various work activities, in some cases – work of an intellectual nature.

Job– specific work, activity, position, duties that are paid.

Employment– a generalized and official concept of “work”: employment, service, occupation.

Profession– profession, certain knowledge and skills.

Occupation– a position held that requires certain knowledge and qualifications; occupation related to the profession.

Position, post– position in an organization, enterprise; these concepts are used in personnel search advertisements.

Trade- an occupation, craft related to production or trade.

A pleasant and long-awaited moment of any work is receiving wages (“ salary», « wages"). By the way, in America the question “How much do you earn?” (“What is your salary?”) is considered tactless and indecent. However, during the interview you may be asked:

What is your salary expectations? What are your salary expectations?

To this you can answer something like:

With my experience, I would like to receive something in the range of … to …

With my experience I would like to receive something in the range from... to....

Something in the range of … to … would be acceptable to me as a starting salary.

Anything in the range of... to... would be acceptable to me as a starting salary.

We talk with children.

In Russian:

What do you want to be when you grow up?

In English:

What do you want to be when you grow up?

It’s strange that when we ask about a person, we use “what” and not “who”.

To the question “who do you want to be when you grow up?” the answer will not be about profession, but about character. "I want to be a kind person".

We speak with the student.

In Russian:

Where do you study? Who are you studying? Who will you work? What is your specialty?

In English:

What do you study?

What do you want to do after college?

It’s strange that I haven’t heard any questions with the word “job”.

Talking to adults:

In Russian:

Where do you work? What is your job? What is your specialty?

In English:

What do you do for a living?

If your interlocutor is not working, it is better to ask

It’s strange that the questions “what is your occupation?” "what is your job?" are rarely used in live speech. But they are often found in questionnaires and questionnaires.

Your health is not yet a cause for concern, but who is bothered by routine examinations and preventive vaccinations? In addition, there are relatives who may need help. After all, you will have children someday! A family doctor is a valuable asset. Even if he cannot solve the problems himself (due to his narrow specialty, for example), he definitely has connections in medicine.


Do you know how much a good lawyer costs? And it is not at all necessary to find yourself under investigation: there are many everyday situations when the help of a lawyer is necessary. For example, they are trying to illegally fire you, or your neighbors are demanding that you pay them for repairs, even though they flooded you themselves.

mechanical engineer

By mentality, this is a person who is just looking for a reason to construct or improve something. Not only can he easily follow the instructions for assembling the cabinet, but he will also connect washing machine, ground the electric stove or repair the engine. True, don’t be alarmed if the closet starts saying hello to you, the stove starts telling you the weather forecast, and the car starts flying: the most talented engineers always strive to change the usual course of things.


Rare soul man - always ready to listen to you, to regret. If you are so drawn to a scandal, he will explain in no time that it is your inner child who does not find understanding, and the quarrel will resolve. But if you need specific advice, he is unlikely to give it - psychologists are taught that we can only solve our problems ourselves.


Glaze the balcony? Easily! Build a bathhouse at your dacha? No problem! And you can do repairs at least every year - prices for building materials and conversations with the crew are no longer your problem. Just don’t be surprised if he and his child, getting carried away, build a high-rise building in the yard instead of a sand tower.

But these three professions are unlikely to be useful "in the economy."

BUSINESSMAN. If you need money, it's for him. If you need a husband nearby, look for someone less busy.
CHEF. It spoils only its customers with gourmet dishes. Almost all chefs at home prefer to enjoy the culinary arts of their wives.
FITNESS TRAINER. Do you know how many diligent students in tight bodysuits are around him? And haven’t you heard for a long time that you need to pump up here, and tighten up here? However, real feelings will save any situation.



Listen, repeat and memorize.

Listen, repeat, memorize.


Where do you work?

Where do you work?

I work at the university.

I work at the university.

Where do you study?

Where are you studying?

I study at the institute.

I am studying at the institute.

(What is your position?)

What does he do?

(What is his position?)

What does she do?

(What is her position?)

What is your profession?

What is your occupation)?

What is his profession?

Who he is by profession)?

What is her profession?

Who is she (by profession)?





interpreter, translator










Are you a student?

Are you a student?

Yes, I am a student.

Yes, I'm a student.

No, I am not a student,

No, I'm not a student, I'm a doctor.

Grammar comment

Please note: in sentences that talk about a person’s profession or occupation, the indefinite article is used.

For example:

He is a businessman.

- He is a businessman.

She is a secretary.

- She's a secretary.

I am a student.

- I am a student.


Listen and read aloud the dialogues below.

Listen and read the dialogues below aloud.

- Hello!

- Good afternoon!

- Good afternoon!

– Let’s get acquainted, my name is Bill.

- Let's get acquainted. My name is Bill.

– Nice to meet you, I’m Irina.

– Very nice, and I’m Irina.

– Irina, what do you do for a living?

– Irina, what is your profession?

– I’m a journalist. And you?

- I am a journalist. And you?

– I’m a manager.

- I am a manager.

– I’d like you to meet Yulia. She is a teacher. She works at the school.

- Meet Yulia. She is a teacher. She works at school.

– Nice to meet you. My name is Pete. I am an interpreter. I work in a firm.

- Very nice. And my name is Pete. I am a translator. I work in a firm.

– Steve, are you a programmer?

- Steve, are you a programmer?

– No, I am not a programmer, I am a lawyer.

No, I'm not a programmer, I'm a lawyer.

– Where do you work?

- Where do you work?

– I work in a bank.

- I work in a Bank.

– My name is Ivan. I am a student.

- My name is Ivan. I am a student.

– Ivan, where do you study?

- Ivan, where do you study?

– I study at the academy. And you?

– I study at the academy. And you?

– I am also a student. I study at the university.

- I am also a student. I study at University.

– Sveta, I would like you to meet my friend. His name is Ed.

- Sveta, please introduce yourself, this is my friend. His name is Ed.

– Nice to meet you, Ed. What do you do for a living?

- Very nice. Ed, what is your profession?

– I am an engineer. I work at a factory. And you?

- I am an engineer. I work at a factory. And you?

– I am a secretary. I also work at a factory.

- I'm a secretary. I also work at a factory.

– Jim, do you work or study?

– Jim, are you working or studying?

- I am working.

– And where do you work?

-Where do you work?

– I am a driver. I work in a store.

- I'm a driver. I am working in a shop.

– And your friend Lena? Does she work or study?

– And your friend Lena? Does she work or study?

– She also works.

- She works too.

- Good afternoon!

- Good afternoon!

- Good afternoon!

- Good afternoon!

– I’d like you to meet our guide. Her name is Tanya.

– Please introduce yourself, this is our guide. Her name is Tanya.

– Nice to meet you. My name is Robert.

- Very nice. And my name is Robert.

– Robert, what is your profession?

– Robert, what is your profession?

– I’m a teacher.

- I'm a teacher.

– Do you work at school?

- You work at school?

– No, I work at a college.

- No, I work at a college.

– Tim, are these your friends?

- Tim, are these your friends?

– Yes, they are my friends.

- Yes, these are my friends.

– Do they work or study?

– Do they work or study?

– Tom works. He's a businessman. Bess also works. She is a saleswoman in a store. And Ben and Liz are students. They study at the university.

- Tom is working. He is a businessman. Bass works too. She is a saleswoman in a store. And Ben and Liz are students. They study at the university.



1) Make up sentences according to the following sample.

The doctor works in the hospital.

The economists...

The businessmen...

The interpreter...

The salesperson...

2) Complete the sentences.

My friend Steve studies.____________________.

My friend Liz works ____________________.

Does Sasha work or ____________________?

John works ____________________.

I ____________________.

We study ____________________.

My colleagues work. ____________________.

3) Instead of dots, insert the necessary words from Lesson 3.

Henry..., he works... Olya..., she works... I..., I study... My friends also..., they... at the university. Joe... in a bank, he... These are his..., they also... in a bank. She is not..., she is... He is not..., he is... Yes, this is... No, this is not..., this is...

4) Give positive or negative answers to the following questions.

– Are you a teacher?

– No, I am not. I am a journalist.

a) Is Jim a doctor?

Is Helene a secretary?

Is Robert a driver?

Are you a businessman?

b) – Is this a university?

– No, it is not a university, it is a school.

Is this a store?

Is this a plant?

Is this a post office?

5) Ask each other about your professions and where you work or study. (Ask each other what your profession is and where you work or study.)

1. Fill in the answers.

1) – Where does she work? _____________________________

2) – Where do they study? _____________________________

3) – What is your profession? _____________________________

4) – Are these your colleagues? _____________________________

5) – What does she do? _____________________________

6) – Is he a doctor? _____________________________

7) – Do you work? _____________________________

8) – Where do you study? _____________________________

9) – Where do your friends work? _____________________________

10) – Does he work at a factory? _____________________________

2. Fill in the questions.

1) ____________________ – Yes, they are students.

2) ____________________ – We work.

3) ____________________ – Yes, he studies at the university.

4) ____________________ – They work in a hospital.

5) ____________________ – No, he is not a student, he is a doctor.

6) ____________________ – Yes, he is an engineer.

7) ____________________ – She works in a firm.

8) ____________________ – My friends are doctors.

9) ____________________ – He is an economist.

10) __________________ – I study at the institute.

3. Make up dialogues using the material of Lesson 3.

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Are you single, looking for the right man for Serious relationships, and not for a short flirtation? Then you should know which men are not made for serious relationships. These include representatives of creative professions, strongmen and businessmen.

Creative personalities

These include actors, writers, artists, poets - they have a pronounced depressive mentality. Relationships with such a person can be stormy, full of unpredictable turns, creative people can do beautiful things, they can throw the whole world at your feet, but, alas, much of what they promise remains in dreams.

In real life, it is difficult to get along with a creative person. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to shoulder all the worries about the household, while your chosen one will be intently wandering around the room and coming up with the next line of his own novel or learning his role in a theatrical production/film/series. He is a creative person, do you really think that your man will go to the market for shopping?

Creative people need constant attention and care, and they are not known for their loyalty.. They need a muse first and foremost, not a wife, and if you stop being a muse, they can quickly fly away from you.

Law enforcement officers

Yes, your man is strong, strong, he will protect you from anyone. If he works in the police, in security, or, say, saving people, he will be constantly under stress, and he will only need you to relax. The first and almost the only important thing for such people is work.. They will stay overtime, go on duty in the middle of the night, and all you can do is sit at home and worry.


Many girls dream of starting a family with a successful businessman who doesn’t have a lot of money. Yes, he will provide you financially, but will you be truly happy in marriage? Businessmen too often stay at work almost until midnight, and even at home, they constantly think about work, about important transactions, and then talk on the phone with business partners, They don't have enough time for you and the kids..

Are you ready to build a relationship with a man whom the secretary has had her eye on for a long time, just like most of the girls in the area, including your friends and acquaintances? Well, it won't be easy, although is family life a cakewalk?

Your health is not yet a cause for concern, but who is bothered by routine examinations and preventive vaccinations? In addition, there are relatives who may need help. After all, you will have children someday! A family doctor is a valuable asset. Even if he cannot solve the problems himself (due to his narrow specialty, for example), he definitely has connections in medicine.


Do you know how much a good lawyer costs? And it is not at all necessary to find yourself under investigation: there are many everyday situations when the help of a lawyer is necessary. For example, they are trying to illegally fire you, or your neighbors are demanding that you pay them for repairs, even though they flooded you themselves.

mechanical engineer

By mentality, this is a person who is just looking for a reason to construct or improve something. He will not only easily cope with the instructions for assembling the cabinet, but will also connect the washing machine, ground the electric stove or repair the engine himself. True, don’t be alarmed if the closet starts saying hello to you, the stove starts telling you the weather forecast, and the car starts flying: the most talented engineers always strive to change the usual course of things.


A man with a rare soul is always ready to listen to you and feel sorry for you. If you are so drawn to a scandal, he will quickly explain that it is your inner child that does not find understanding, and the quarrel will resolve. But if you need specific advice, he is unlikely to give it - psychologists are taught that we can only solve our problems ourselves.


Glazing a balcony? Easily! Build a bath in the country? No problem! And you can do repairs at least every year - prices for building materials and conversations with the crew are no longer your problem. Just don’t be surprised if he and his child, getting carried away, build a high-rise building in the yard instead of a sand tower.

But these three professions are unlikely to be useful “on the farm.”

BUSINESSMAN. If you need money, go to him. If you need a husband nearby, look for someone less busy.
CHEF. Pampers only its clients with delicious dishes. Almost all chefs at home prefer to enjoy the culinary arts of their wives.
FITNESS TRAINER. Do you know how many diligent students in tight bodysuits are around him? And haven’t you heard for a long time that you need to pump up here, and tighten up here? However, real feelings will save any situation.