How to make your own hammock stand. Frame for a hammock: types and order of construction

This hammock is a symbiosis of a chair and a swing. It can be hung in the house on a hook screwed into the ceiling, and on the street - on a crossbar or a fairly strong tree branch. To make the hammock itself durable and reliable, choose the appropriate fabric (thick cotton, tarpaulin), thread, cord and carabiners.

You will need:

Wooden plank (optimally - oak),

durable cord,

About 2 sq. meters of durable fabric,

Durable carabiner (2 pcs.),

Sewing machine and strong threads,

Iron and ironing board.

1. Fold the fabric in half and cut as shown in photo 1. Tuck the parallel sides of the part and sew on the machine (photo 2).

2. Now, on the two raw sides of the part, you need to make drawstrings into which the cord will be threaded. When measuring the width of the drawstring, be guided by the thickness of your cord. Fold and stitch the fabric as shown in photos 3, 4 and 5.

3. Drill two holes at both ends of the board, as shown in photo 6.

4. Pass the cord through the drawstrings and into the holes of the plank as shown in the photo. Don't forget to tie knots tightly.

5. It remains to arrange a place for attaching a hammock and hang it.

2. Wicker macrame hammock: master class

Macrame is the art of knotted weaving from cords or thick threads. To make such a wicker hammock, you need to master a couple of the simplest macrame knots - it's not difficult.

You will need:

Durable thick cord of one or more colors,



Two dies for the edges of the hammock (in this case, the dies were taken from the old hammock, but you can drill holes in strong planks of the length you need).

1. First, one of the hammock dies will serve as the basis for weaving. Secure it in a position that is comfortable for you to work with (this uses eaves mounts, but you can think of anything else).

2. Cut 21 pieces from the cord, each about 730 cm long. Fold each piece in half and fasten to the die as shown in the photo.

3. When all pieces of cord are secured, start tying knots. Step back from the die a few centimeters and act as shown in the photo.

4. Continue to weave knots. You should get something like this:

5. After weaving the first row of knots, step back some distance from it and start a second row of the same knots in a checkerboard pattern. Continue in the same spirit until you get a network as in the photo.

6. Now remove the loops from the plate. Trim the lower ends of the work and tie so that loops are obtained. Thread the ropes into the upper and lower loops and fasten the edges of the hammock to the dies. Tie the ropes from above and below in a knot, making a loop for which the hammock will be attached.

3. Hammock on leather loops: a master class

Another version of the classic hammock is on hinges made of durable leather. If your machine "does not take" thick leather, replace it with a fairly thick and wide braid made of cotton or synthetics.

You will need:

Hammock fabric (thick cotton, tarpaulin, other durable fabric),

Fabric to strengthen the edges of the hammock,

Machine and strong threads,

Leather for loops (option - braid for loops),

Twine or strong rope

Scissors, pins.

1. Decide on the length and width of the hammock you need and cut out the part from the fabric of the appropriate size. Tuck the long sides of the part and stitch on the machine.

2. Process the sides of the hammock to which the loops will be attached by making the hem wider and reinforcing it with an additional strip of fabric folded in half on each side.

3. Cut the skin into pieces for loops. Focus on the thickness of your hammock cord.

4. At an equal distance from each other, mark the places for fastening the loops.

5. Attach the loops as shown in the photo.

6. Thread the rope through the loops. Tie the ends of it in a knot on each side, making a loop (see photo). Wrap both loops with rope for strength.

4. A simple hammock in 10 minutes: a master class

This hammock option is one of the easiest to make. In addition, it turns out to be very light (due to the low weight of the fabric) and mobile, since it does not have heavy and rigid parts. It is convenient to take such a hammock with you to the forest or to the park for a walk.

You will need:

Lining fabric (3x150 cm),

Pair of carbines

About 6 meters of strong rope.

Follow the instructions shown in the video.

More hammock ideas:

1. Such a hammock can be made from a rug or bedspread.

2,3. Two versions of hammock chairs - in different colors look completely different.


  1. Types of hammock.
  2. Material and schemes for making a hammock with your own hands.
  3. Which type of hammock is best for you? We decide.

What is summer without relaxing on a hammock?! Do you know that we owe such a priceless gift to the South African tribes?

Then it was an ordinary sleeping place, which was not difficult to transport, wandering from place to place. "Hamak", namely this name was then this wonderful couch, saved from the dampness of the night soil and annoying midges.

The hammock sailed to Europe with Columbus, this famous navigator took a couple of amazing hanging beds on his ship, along with coffee, tobacco, a ball and potatoes.

The hammock came to us in a slightly modified version, but the state of comfort, comfortable relaxation for the back and relaxing swaying remained unchanged. Only the functions have expanded the boundaries a bit. Now it is also an element of interior decor.

And modern scientists have already unequivocally proved that a two-hour sleep in a hammock has a beneficial effect on muscle tone, relieving tension and restoring the body, which corresponds to a full night's rest.

Modern retail offers many options for this wonderful lounger. But it is much more pleasant when you can make a hammock with your own hands.

Making will not take you much time and effort and will require only banal sewing skills or the basics of knitting using the macrame technique.

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Types of hammock

We all remember hammocks from childhood - white, coarse threads intertwined in brutal knitting and reminiscent of a fishing net. The rib of weaving did not stick very nicely into the body, but, nevertheless, it was impossible to drive anyone off this sunbed.

This is the classic view - suspended. The simplest, so to speak. Today it can be bought or made from a wide variety of improvised materials. It is enough to make a mount, slats, or you can do without them (then you get the simplest hammock, but not very convenient), as well as choose a variant of the main bed: thick fabric, braided rope patterns or something else that you like or have available at hand. Some craftsmen, in a good sense of the word, even use wooden pallets to make a hammock, which makes the hanging cradle especially comfortable and luxurious.

You can attach such hammocks to trees, the beams of a summer terrace, special posts or ceiling hooks, and other creatives manage to make a full-fledged sleeping place in city apartments out of a classic hammock.

The second option is the frame. Such hammocks are characterized by the presence of a frame (often it is a prefabricated structure, but it can also be cast), on which the canvas is stretched. The advantage of this option is that there are no questions about where and how to mount.

And another option is a hammock chair. A real mainstream of recent years and a favorite of many architects-designers working in eco-style or loft style.

Material and schemes for making a hammock with your own hands

In order to decide on the material for the hammock, you must first choose a model. In the case when you decide to make a classic fabric version, you will need:

  • Approximately two and a half meters of durable fabric or tarpaulin.
  • Approximately twenty eyelets (haberdashery, metal rivets designed for fastenings)
  • Two wooden or metal bars if you want a stretched version of the hammock. The length should correspond to the width, but the cross section should be at least thirty by fifty millimeters.
  • Two large metal rings.
  • Approximately thirty-five meters of cotton, extra strong rope, with a diameter of at least six millimeters.
  • Well, and, accordingly, a sewing machine and a drill.

When choosing a fabric, you need to give preference to the most dense, having a width of more than three meters - this is the minimum. If you take a one and a half meter width, then your hammock will either be too narrow or unreliable at the seam.

When making a hanging hammock with your own hands, you can replace the eyelets with drawstrings from the main material that you use for sewing.

How to sew a hammock with your own hands?

There is nothing difficult in this. In the video of the master class below, you can see in detail all the nuances.

We smooth the uneven edges of the fabric by cutting off the excess fabric. On both sides, in places where eyelets will be mounted or drawstrings will be sewn, we make markings. An approximate step is eighteen centimeters. When making cuts for the eyelets, make sure that they are exactly along the shared thread - this must be paid attention to avoid tearing the fabric in these places when using a ready-made hammock.

We sew the edges of the fabric of the future hammock with a fold of ten centimeters. In places of fastenings, it is better to make additional zigzag stitches - for reliability and strengthening.

We pass the rope through the eyelets or drawstrings, leaving a margin of about one hundred and eighty centimeters, and in each hole - one meter. With the help of a sea knot, for example, a “bayonet with two swords”, we tie a knot, pulling out three or four loops.

Set aside the fabric and take on the bars. Better, of course, wooden. It is easier to make through holes in them with a drill, which should match the eyelets or drawstrings. Before starting work, do not forget to cover them with a special protective solution, and, if desired, decorative.

Make wooden spacers. These spacers are bars with holes through which the ropes are pulled. Spacers are needed so that the hammock does not fold under your weight.

In principle, the first version of a do-it-yourself hanging hammock is ready. It remains only to stretch the ropes through the holes of the bars ... and ... woo a la - enjoy.

But, as we already know, there are different types of hammocks, and we have considered only one. Therefore, it is too early to disperse, but it is worth getting acquainted with others.

And now we will consider in detail the scheme of how to weave a hammock with our own hands.

So, what do we need for this option? Also, as in the first case, nothing supernatural:

  • Two wooden or metal beams. The length should correspond to the width, but the cross section should be at least thirty by fifty millimeters.
  • The amount of rope or cable depends on the size of the hammock you want to weave. On average, you need to count two hundred meters of rope for a cradle size of two and a half meters. Width - nine millimeters.

It’s worth making a reservation right away that weaving a hammock with your own hands is a little harder than sewing a hammock out of linen. And that's why. A hanging hammock consists of many knots and branches, and in order to achieve their tension, you will have to try sooo hard. A poorly stretched suspension will not give you the desired rest without worries, on the contrary, it can lead to numbness of the shoulder joints or back.

But in this section it is worth clarifying the difference between a rope and a cable. For amateurs, it is not entirely clear, and this will significantly affect operation. A rope is a rope that has a transverse or other twist of threads with transverse transitions, thanks to which your hammock will be able to withstand heavy loads. The rope has a spiral, twisted structure and loses its elasticity faster.

For the reliability of a wicker hammock, it is better to make four slings. This will prevent a sudden domino break.

And the actual diagrams and drawings so that you can weave a hammock with your own hands:

If your dream is a frame hammock, then, first of all, you need to get the frame itself. It can be made independently from wooden or metal panels and pipes of any configuration you like. And then to the frame to attach a canvas of fabric or rope according to the principle described above.

But our story will not be completely complete if we do not touch on a detailed description: how to make a hammock chair.

This is not difficult to do if you, at least remotely, own the basics of macrame technique. If not, then just watch the video and understand the weaving algorithm.

For our needlework, we need two metal hoops. You can easily buy them at any sporting goods store. It is better to take different diameters - smaller for the back and larger for the seat, respectively. In addition to hoops:

  • Twelve lines.
  • Rope not less than three meters.
  • Scissors and tape measure.

Which type of hammock is best for you? Deciding

Sewing or weaving a hammock with your own hands is not such a difficult job and, in principle, everyone can do it. But before starting work, let's decide which type of hammock suits you perfectly.

Well, for starters, let's define the functionality of the hammock. If you plan to use it in the pool seating area or on the terrace, then frame hammocks or a hammock chair are ideal. But keep in mind that when choosing a bed with a metal base, you need to pay attention to the material from which the frame is made. Wood or rattan does not cause any special questions and problems, but metal has its own nuances. It must be stainless steel or anodized aluminium.

For a mobile lifestyle with trips to nature - definitely hanging, lightweight and compact version of the rope. It can be hung anywhere and won't take up much space in the trunk. We advise you to pay attention to tarpaulin options with a ready-made mosquito net so that your vacation is not overshadowed by anything.

For giving and adjoining territories - the choice is not limited at all. You can choose any to your taste and color, focusing only on the material from which the frame is made, if such a model suits you and on the material of the bed itself. It is better to choose models from tarpaulin or canvas with a water-repellent coating. Cotton can deteriorate very quickly and lose its aesthetic appearance due to moisture and dirt.

Who supports the balcony culture and lifestyle - a hammock chair is the perfect solution. The same applies to apartments, if you decide to mess around in the interior and space allows you, then you can make a hanging version, decorated with a variety of pillows.

Do-it-yourself drawings and diagrams of a hammock. Video.

A hammock on a metal frame is simple, convenient and durable. The main thing is to make a reliable design, it can be collapsible or welded tightly - as they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color.

And to make it easier for you to decide, we will consider different options for how you can make a metal hammock stand with your own hands.

Yes, if you don’t have a hammock yet, don’t rush to buy it, maybe you decide to make it yourself - take a look at our article: “how to make a hammock with your own hands”.

DIY metal hammock stand

Let's start our selection with simpler options.

In general, in most cases, round and square metal pipes will be involved, we will discuss different options for connecting them to each other (which is especially important for those who do not have welding).

So, the first hammock stand made of round metal pipes without welding. In the photo below, on the left in a disassembled state, on the right - assembled, ready to be hung on a hammock (by the way, two at once). How was it made? See photo for instructions below.

The author made three racks (for two hammocks), if you need to hang only one hammock, you will accordingly make two “tripods”. Each tripod consists of four pieces of pipes. Three are the legs, and the fourth will go to the crossbar, on which the hammock will be hung in the future. The crossbar is assembled from two halves, a half with a reduced pipe diameter at the end is tied to one tripod, so that it fits snugly into the pipe tied to the other stand.

Here you may need welding: weld a piece of pipe of a smaller diameter to the edge of one pipe to ensure a tight connection; and you can get off with little blood, for example, buy threaded pipes for the crossbar and use fittings to connect metal pipes.

A few words about the design. All that is needed to connect the three pipes is shown in the photo under No. 1.


  • Plugs for pipes (on the bottom so that the legs do not sink into the ground);
  • Anchor bolts with rings and nuts for them (nuts should not freely enter the pipe);
  • Anchor bracket with a threaded pin (for connecting together three rings from anchor bolts).

Actually, everything is quite simple: you need to drive one nut into three pipes with a hammer, screw the anchor bolts into them. Which then connect together with an anchor bracket. Next, tie the “crossbar” pipes to the cord. And so do two tripods.

Those. on an iron stand for a hammock (one) you will need: 6 cuts of steel pipe 180 cm each, two 150 cm each; 6 plugs; 6 anchor bolts with rings and nuts for them; 2 anchor brackets. You can change the dimensions of the pipes (length and diameter) at your discretion.

In addition, according to this principle, you can make a stand on the contrary for four hammocks at once. What can come in handy when hiking, hunting or fishing. Yes, and in the country for relaxing with friends will be very useful.

An alternative option for such a stand: drill holes in the pipes and connect them with bolts and nuts.

Please note: for greater stability, the legs were additionally connected with a cord almost in the middle.

And another upgrade, but welding was already used here. And notice the pipes, at the junctions with bolts, flattened. And as a crossbar board.

By the way, it is more convenient and easier to work with a tree - you may like our selection more: "".

In addition, stabilization was made in the middle with the help of pipes and clamps.

In general, it turned out to be a good metal hammock stand.

Those who have welding can make the following iron hammock stand (which, by the way, can also be disassembled and reassembled at any time). This design has 4 legs. I will not paint a lot, everything can be seen in the photo, you can experiment with sizes.

Here's what the stand looks like assembled.

For greater clarity, the notes are marked in different colors.

We have already mentioned threaded pipes and fittings for connecting metal pipes, with their help you can assemble a very reliable stand for a hammock.

To begin with, I offer you a visual diagram of such a hammock stand made of metal pipes.

And a couple of live examples.

And modernization.

You can find a lot of useful things in the hardware store. Give free rein to your imagination!

Metal hammock stand blueprint

I present to your attention a simple drawing of a stand for a hammock. To create a stand based on his motives, you will need welding to one degree or another. There are several different ideas under the cut.

The first option with a minimum of welding. Namely: sections of 15-20 centimeters were welded to the support pipes (on which a hammock is hung) from below. They were then bolted between two pipes at the base to create a solid structure (which can be dismantled for easy transport or storage).

In the same stand, all parts are welded, and reinforcing bars are added on the outer sides to stabilize the structure.

In this hammock stand, the bottom was “strengthened” by the additional addition of iron corners on both sides along the entire length of the lower beam (upper right corner).

A video with an example of assembling a factory stand, in principle, by analogy (if you have the necessary materials and skill), you can make such a stand with your own hands.

In the first two videos, a profile was used: 60 * 40 and 40 * 40, thickness 2 mm, thrust bearings - a strip of 80 * 5 mm.

By the way, you can use old pipes, if any. Paint the finished metal hammock stand in your favorite color, and the result will exceed all expectations.

And the following photo example shows the right thing: the rack extension system. This is a great way to increase the distance between the hooks on the supports. After all, the hammock can stretch out or you just want to hang a new hammock that is longer than the old one.

Factory model: on it, pay attention to the holes drilled on the supports themselves (under the hooks), i.e. you can adjust the height of the hammock hanging - another useful bonus.

The only thing I want to pay special attention to: in the options presented above, the location of the iron support in the middle from the bottom may not be safe. Especially if you have small children! Or make it as low to the ground as possible and not too large. Or pay attention to the stand below with a rectangular base.

And finally, a photo example from the “author burns” series. To connect the structure, special metal corners were used (in photo No. 1), but not a beam was inserted into them (which is much more appropriate), but metal pipes with a large diameter. It is difficult to imagine the weight of such a stand, but one person obviously cannot move it. In general, experiment, but without fanaticism!

Original do-it-yourself metal hammock frame

At the finish line, I offer you a hammock on a metal frame in the form of a boat, well, or who has any associations. True, to create such a miracle of technology, in addition to welding, you will need a special machine with which the profile is rounded.

Such a round frame for a hammock can be made from a single pipe with legs or assembled from several parts.

I hope we answered your question: how to make a metal hammock stand with your own hands. And that's all for me. I wish you inspiration and creative success!

We all know what a hammock is, but few of us know the story of where and how it came from. For the first time in Europe, a hammock appeared after the visit of Christopher Columbus to the Bahamas. It was he who brought this miracle device from the Bahamas. The inhabitants of the islands slept in woven nets. They hung them between trees.

Taking this idea from the islands, sailors began to use suspended cocoons, which were similar to hammocks, while sailing. This helped them to rest with great comfort - earlier they also slept on a hard floor made of boards.

Hammock in the modern world.

Today, the design of a hammock is quite common among lovers of outdoor recreation in their summer cottage. The advantages of this device include a relaxing holiday, thanks to the design, you can completely relax and get rid of stress.

The hammock looks like a cocoon and, thanks to its pattern, it is comfortable for a person of any age - from a baby to the elderly. Surely at least once in our lives, each of us wondered how to make a hammock with our own hands.

A hammock is a great way to relax, the history of which goes back to the distant past. It is used both at home and outdoors. Rest in it comfortably and pleasantly. It is very easy to make a hammock with your own hands using different materials for this.

general information

The history of the emergence of a hammock in Europe is associated with the name of the famous discoverer Christopher Columbus. It was he who brought this exotic device from the Bahamas and showed it to the Europeans. The inhabitants of the Bahamas used these woven nets for sleeping, hanging such "cradles" between the trees.

This use of hammocks was to the liking of the sailors, who during the voyage went to sleep in them instead of hard shelves and floors.

Currently, hammocks can be found on the backyards of country houses and in comfortable apartments. The variety of these products allows you to choose the one that will meet all the requirements of a summer resident or owner of urban housing.

On a hammock you can:

  • relax, relieve stress;
  • sleep in the fresh air, and a small child too;
  • read books, have pleasant conversations with friends or family.

Adults using a hammock for relaxation may unknowingly make some mistakes. Do not lie down in it, taking a position along the length of the entire structure. In this case, the hammock cloth will not give you the opportunity to breathe freely and enjoy the beauties of the surrounding nature, as it will completely envelop you. The ideal position in a hammock is diagonally, in this position you can fully experience all the positive aspects of relaxing in a hammock.

Types of hammocks

These products can be classified according to different parameters.

The size of hammocks are:

  • family (width from 180 cm). A hammock can become a place where all family members will gather, share news, discuss future plans;
  • for two (width from 160 cm). In such a hammock, you can be alone with your loved one, have heart-to-heart conversations with girlfriends, or talk like a man to father and son;
  • for one (from 140 cm wide). Sitting comfortably in a hammock alone, you can enjoy the peace and tranquility, read a book you've put aside for a long time, think about your pain, or simply get some sleep.

Depending on the form:

  • in the form of cocoons;
  • round;
  • hanging chairs.

Cocoons are the simplest design of this device. They are light weight, easy to carry and take with you on trips and hikes. It is almost impossible to fall out of such a hammock, as they “envelop” the body and help to completely relax. But to change the position you need to make a lot of effort, the climbing process will also require special skill.

Round hammocks and hanging chairs are more suitable for sitting. Often such forms are used for the construction of swing hammocks. Having made such a model of large sizes, you can have a good time with your friends.

By belonging to their historical homeland, hammocks are distinguished:

  1. Colombian. They are made from local raw materials - vines or specially processed agave bark, hamak. The secret of weaving is not revealed. All devices are painted in bright colors using only natural dyes.
  2. Brazilian. Such leisure items are woven from cotton or from raw materials obtained from the splitting of the woody part of the Brazil nut. These hammocks are highly durable. An indicator of the prosperity of such hanging devices is a beautiful hand-made fringe.
  3. Mexican - fabric hammocks made of synthetic fabric. They can last a very long time without losing their functionality and bright colors.

Separately, it is worth noting the Soviet hammocks. They were made by weaving from ropes. In appearance, they practically did not differ from volleyball nets.

Modern hammocks most often have a stand. They meet all the requirements of reliability and comfort, look stylish and fit perfectly into the interior of the XXI century.

All kinds of hammocks can be bought, but people with skillful hands have the opportunity to make such a chair-bed on their own. The product can be made in different techniques: sewing, knitting, weaving macrame. In this case, you can use both fabrics and strong threads, ropes, old strong things (jeans, coats).

For the construction of suspended structures, it is allowed to choose materials that are not so familiar to hammocks, for example, wooden pallets or an awning.

How to choose material for a home hammock

The choice of the appearance of a homemade hammock depends on your skills. If you know how to sew - stop at a fabric product, like to knit unusual things - on knitted, you know the basics of weaving macrame - from ropes.

If for you there is no big difference in the manufacturing method, then you need to weigh the pros and cons of using this or that material.

fabric product

The advantages of a fabric hammock are that a solid canvas does not have any gaps, it is not blown through, you can put any small object on it without fear that it will fall and break or be lost (for example, a watch, tablet, cell phone).

Hammock from threads, cord

A hammock, knitted or woven from threads, can become not only a cozy place to relax, but also a wonderful decoration for an interior or landscape design. All guests who see such a creative structure will be delighted and will remember it for a long time.

Naturally, materials for knitting and weaving must be especially durable. It is desirable that the yarn or ropes be cotton, since lying or sitting in a hammock made of synthetic material is not so comfortable.

When choosing other materials for a hammock, you must definitely take into account:

  • strength;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • the absence of negative sensations upon contact.

In order for the product to serve for a long time, it is necessary to sew it from durable fabric. - tarpaulin, canvas, mattress teak, coarse calico, camouflage fabric, denim. When using synthetic materials, you are at great risk of becoming covered in sticky sweat during the heat, because they do not allow air to pass through. A great option is to use canvas raincoats, jeans. For wicker hammocks, you can use various cords, jute ropes, twine.

If the hammock is supposed to be covered or covered with something, then the threads may be unnatural. The same applies to the choice of material for knitting.

The number of threads used in macrame depends on the selected knots. All craftswomen who own such types of needlework as knitting and macrame can easily calculate the required amount of yarn by making a preliminary sample of a fragment of a small hammock.

The materials used to mount the hammock on site must be reliable and strong, so the choice of ropes and cords for fastening is no less important. Eyelets, special devices (anchor hooks, wooden planks) may be needed to fasten a fabric product.

Preparatory work

The preparatory stages for the manufacture of a suspended structure include the selection, calculation of the quantity and purchase of material, the preparation of the necessary tools, the creation of a weaving pattern, and patterns of the future product.

Product drawing, sizing an outdoor hammock without a frame

It is not difficult to make a fabric hammock scheme. A rectangle is drawn with sides of 230 cm and 150 cm (you must leave 4–6 cm on each side for hem). Based on this, we choose the amount of fabric.

The length of the hammock should be 60 cm longer than the height of the tallest person in your family.

If you are making a macrame hammock, then it is advisable to find a suitable weaving pattern. The drawing can be dense or mesh, it all depends on your imagination and skills.

You can knit a hammock both with knitting needles and crochet. It is best to purchase thick, strong threads and take knitting needles and a hook of the appropriate thickness. You can experiment and try to knit a product from ropes or a strong cord.

Each craftswoman can choose a drawing at her discretion. You can tie the hammock itself very simply (with double crochet or garter stitch), and make beautiful openwork ruffles or fringe on the sides.

The amount of fabric is calculated taking into account the dimensions of the intended design. It is better if you do not save and take matter with a margin. You can buy fabric, or you can use old things, braces. The main thing is that the product is not dilapidated.

What tools and fixtures are needed

The tool that you need to create a hammock with your own hands depends on the design chosen.

For a sewn product you will need:

  • sewing machine;
  • shovel or hand drill (for installing support posts);
  • special device for installing eyelets.

To weave a hammock using the macrame method:

  • scissors;
  • tape measure;
  • sewing needle;
  • drill (for attaching to supports);
  • shovel or hand drill;
  • hammer (for attaching the wicker base to the frame).

For knitting a hammock:

  • hook or knitting needles;
  • scissors;
  • sewing needle;
  • drill;
  • shovel or hand drill.

All tools used must be in good working order. When working with them, you must follow the safety rules.

Step-by-step instructions for making a homemade hanging fabric hammock

You will need:

  • 2.5 m (or 20–30 cm more, depending on the height of the person) of dense tissue;
  • 20 eyelets;
  • 2 wooden bars (according to the width of the hammock);
  • 2 large metal rings (for pulling slings);
  • 2 metal hooks (for hanging);
  • 20 m thick cord.

All work consists of several steps:

  1. A pattern is created, the fabric is cut.
  2. The edges of the fabric are tucked up to a width of 5–6 cm and sewn on a sewing machine around the entire perimeter of the future hammock. If the material "does not crumble", then the bend can be made only from the sides of the structure's fastening.
  3. Marking is made on the short sides for eyelets (10 each).
  4. Holes for eyelets are cut. You can use a utility knife or small scissors for this.
  5. Eyelets are installed. In this case, you should try not to confuse and place the front side of these metal structures on the corresponding side of the hammock.
  6. On the prepared bars, holes are drilled in the same places where the eyelets are placed. A cord runs through them. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the tension by passing the cord sequentially through all the eyelets and the ring.
  7. Hooks are driven into the supports. The hammock can be hung.

Video: how to weave a sitting hammock with your own hands

How to make a mesh or canvas hammock the most beautiful

The product will look complete if you add some decorative elements or functional attributes.

Hemming a synthetic winterizer or putting it between two layers of fabric, you will add comfort and coziness. You will be pleased to be in such a hammock, it will be quite soft. Blanket, pillows will also help to achieve complete relaxation.

The functional qualities of the hammock will be enhanced if pockets are sewn to this device (for storing books, glasses, bottles of cool water). For a knitted product, removable or sewn openwork borders can be provided, and a beautiful strip along the entire hammock can be knitted or crocheted.

For a hammock woven using the macrame technique, fringe and tassels will be appropriate. The main condition is that they must be made of the same material as the product itself.

Bright, colored ribbons woven or sewn into the product will make it a noticeable and unique element of the interior. Large wooden beads can be used as decorative elements, a canvas stretched over this device will be an excellent addition to the finished hammock, which can be a good protection from direct sunlight and drizzling rain.

How to fix a hammock in the country on a finished base

It is very important not only to make the product for relaxation correctly, but also to hang it correctly.. The optimal parameters for strengthening a hammock are:

  • height 1.5 m;
  • width between supports 3 m.

The distance between the support posts is calculated depending on the length of the hammock, the size of the binding. 30 cm must be added to the obtained value. For example, if the length of the hammock with fasteners is 2.5 m, then the supports are strengthened at a distance of 2.8 m.

You can hang a hammock:

  • between two trees;
  • between the walls of buildings;
  • under the ceiling (if the hammock is indoors);
  • with specially designed structures.

If it is not possible to make racks, and you have to use the existing supports (tree trunks, fence posts), then the hammock is suspended in this way:

  • if it sags a lot, then higher;
  • if very tight, then lower.

How to hang a product on a tree or pole

Do not attach a hammock to thin trees. It is better to use wooden trunks for this with a volume of 20-30 cm. In order not to harm the tree, when attaching the ropes around the trunk, you can put plastic or dense fabric under the cords.

You can use metal hooks that are mounted on the walls of suitable buildings, but you should not use this type of fastener for supports.

The ideal position of the hammock after hanging is the shape of a banana, it is this sagging that is considered optimal. As a support mount, special frames can be used, which are purchased in stores or made independently.

Caring for a product made from improvised materials

Any product that is constantly used needs care. The hammock can be washed in the machine (if there are no wooden planks) or by hand. The water temperature should not exceed 60°C, especially synthetic products are used.

Items made of wool or very dense fabrics can be vacuumed.

To make the hammock last longer, try to remove it from the street for storage in winter.

You can easily and quickly make a hammock yourself. The main thing is to understand the principles of the device, execution and fastening of this device for recreation.