Do-it-yourself engine for a rubber boat. How to design a homemade outboard electric motor from a drill? Devices with anti-cavitation plate

In order to independently assemble the outboard motor, you need to understand its device. Additionally, it should be borne in mind that a tiller is required to control the model. In this case, it is more advisable to use parts from an old outboard motor. Trays for the engine are selected separately. You should also pay special attention to the fuel system. Some experts are able to fold the outboard motor from a chainsaw or trimmer.

Simple motor device

At the top of any outboard motor is the engine itself. Through the fuel pump, it is connected to the piston system. Additionally, it should be noted that the outboard motor has a special rocker arm. It is necessary in order to ensure the operation of the valves. In this case, much depends on the cubic capacity of the engine. A clamp is located on the pallet in the outboard motor. With its help, it is possible to fix the model on board.

Clamps above the pallet are not always used. In some cases, gearboxes are also installed. Today there are a wide variety of deadwoods. Directly below them is the crankshaft, which is connected to the central rod. Thus, the torque is transferred to the lower gear. Through a special head, the screws are rotated.

chainsaw model

You can make a chainsaw outboard motor, but you need parts from an outdated model. First of all, the engine of the device is removed. It is installed directly on the pallet. In this case, the fuel system for it, you can choose the most common. In this case, the limit frequency parameter will not exceed 1300 rpm. The rocker arms on these boats are suitable with three valves. However, special attention must be paid to the type of convector.

With this part, it will be possible to control the tiller. After fixing the top plate, it is possible to move on to the deadwood. in this case, it is better to choose a durable one. In this case, the central rod must be borrowed from the old outboard motor. At the end of the work, you only need to install the lower gear with screws. An additional pump is required to pump out water.

trimmer motor

Trimmer motors are quite easy to assemble. First of all, experts advise removing the handle. It needs to be replaced with a stock. Next, it is important to make a pallet for the engine. In this case, you can even use a cast-iron stove. The engine must be mounted on it very carefully. The fuel pump for the system can be used conventional. However, it is more expedient to select a durable camshaft, otherwise it will not withstand heavy loads. Deadwood in this case is attached only after fixing the upper gear.

If desired, a thermostat can be installed on outboard motors (homemade). The clamp is mounted after the deadwood is fixed. To prevent the engine gearbox from hanging out, many experts advise using a special rubber gasket. The screws of the model must be fixed on a vertical shaft.

Motoblock model

It is quite difficult to assemble home-made outboard motors from a walk-behind tractor, but it is possible. If we consider electrical modifications, then the starter is removed from the device first. In addition, the motor must be disconnected. If a four-stroke modification is used, then the most common fuel system will do. In this case, it is important to select a high-quality water pump. In turn, deadwood can be taken from an outdated outboard motor. To secure the fuel pump, many use various clamps. The easiest way is considered to be setting it over the carburetor. At the same time, it should not come into contact with the rocker arm.

The crankshaft for outboard motors (homemade) should be mounted above the top gear. At this stage, you need to check the strength of the clamp. The pallet, in turn, should not overlap it. The water pump in this case is installed under the deadwood. In order not to interfere with the operation of the lower rod, many experts advise using special springs. After fixing them, it remains only to fix the screws and the tiller.

Devices with a double-sided handwheel

Making a do-it-yourself outboard motor with a double-sided flywheel is not an easy task. The engine in this case is more appropriate to choose a two-stroke type. In this case, the rocker under it should be designed for three valves. Also, before installation, it is necessary to check the strength of the pushers. They must withstand a maximum pressure of at least 3 bar. In this case, it will be possible to hope for a stable operation of the engine. The pallet in this case must be mounted under the clamp. For convenience, it can be fastened with screws and then use a sealant. After fixing the tiller, the deadwood is connected. The outboard motor propeller protection is installed last.

Models with two-stroke engines

You can do it yourself with a two-stroke one only if you use a crankshaft with a diameter of at least 60 mm. Otherwise, it will not withstand the load. The flywheel in this case, you can pick up the usual. In this case, the fuel pump must withstand a maximum pressure of at least 3 bar. Rocker arms experts advise installing only three valves. The thermostat is mounted on boat motors (homemade) if desired.

Exhaust valves in the system are most often installed aluminum. Cooling devices are available in a variety of today. The simplest option is considered to be water modification. To do this, intakes should be provided in advance in the pallet. Pushers above the engine must be installed last. Deadwood for two-stroke modification is suitable with a 120 mm stem.

Devices with four-stroke engines

You can assemble a homemade outboard motor with a four-stroke engine, but you will have to use parts from another model. In particular, it is necessary to separately select the clamp for the device. You should also pay attention to the fact that the rocker will be required in this case for four valves. In this case, the tank is installed under the fuel system near the pallet.

Deadwoods for the engine are selected, as a rule, for two rods. In this case, the crankshaft must be selected separately. Connectors in such devices are installed quite often. The tiller must be attached directly to the flywheel. It is best to use steel clamps for this. In this case, it is quite difficult to do without welding.

Manual starter modifications

Homemade outboard motors (swamps) with manual starters are quite common. These components are installed near the camshaft. In order to secure them, you must use a rubber gasket. In this case, there must be at least four screws. If we consider four-stroke engines, then there, as a rule, starters are installed of an electronic type. However, for push-pull modifications, manual devices are ideal.

Model with protected gear

Outboard motors with a protected gearbox today are quite in demand. In order to assemble them yourself, you need to pick up an engine with a power of at least 3 kW. The starter in this case is suitable for manual type. First of all, a clamp for the engine is cut out. Only after that you can proceed with the installation of the fuel system. The thermostat, if desired, is installed on the rocker.

The next step is to attach the gearbox. To prevent the rocker from twitching during operation, a gasket can be placed under it. Pushers are installed on the pallet, and for this you will need to use a welding machine. In this case, it is important to fasten the upper stem under the clamp. To prevent pressure from deforming the pallet, many experts advise installing additional supports.

Devices with anti-cavitation plate

Outboard motors with the help of an anti-cavitation plate are controlled quite comfortably. In this case, it is necessary to start work on assembling the device by fixing the engine. Only after that the clamps are welded. Screws can be used to secure the fuel pump. In this case, it is not necessary to install a gasket. Special attention should be paid to the fuel system. It should be attached next to the water piston. The anti-cavitation plate is fixed near the connector. However, it should not come into contact with the pallet. As a result, it remains only to install the deadwood.

Motor with gearbox

Outboard motors with gearboxes are quite difficult to assemble. In this case, the connector must be selected high-quality. In turn, the engine can be used four-stroke. The pushers for the system are installed quite wide. The gearbox should be mounted at the upper flange. In order to avoid short circuits, all wiring must be carefully hidden. Additionally, you should take care of a good water pump. To block the upper rod from the carburetor, you can use a sealant.

Model with reverse lock

In order to assemble a motor with a reverse lock, it is first necessary to fix the motor as standard. After that, the tiller is connected to the plate. The fuel system can only be installed after the rocker arm. In order not to pinch the carburetor, many advise using gaskets.

The reverse lock should be attached directly under the clamp. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a welding machine. After that, it remains only to fix the deadwood. If the outboard motor is installed with a gearbox, then the latch can be located directly in it. However, this is quite difficult to do due to the fact that you have to cut the block body.

The presence of an engine on a boat makes life much easier for its owner. However, gasoline engines make a lot of noise and consume a lot of resources. An alternative to this type of driving force is electric motors. These are quiet units that run on cheap electricity and are slightly inferior to gasoline outboard engines in terms of travel efficiency. This version of the engine will be cheaper, especially since you can make an electric motor on a boat with your own hands.

In the name "electric motor" lies the essence of the device that it denotes. An electric motor for boats means a unit that sets in motion a swimming facility due to the movement of the blades. Its action is based on physical laws. A feature of electric motors is the resource that they consume to perform their functions.

Today, fuel-powered boat engines are common all over the world. An electric motor for a boat, unlike similar units, works by consuming electricity, not gasoline. There is a widespread opinion among some boat owners about the low efficiency of such devices. However, it is erroneous. When properly designed, the electric motor is capable of providing enough thrust to propel the craft through the water at normal speed.

In addition, a homemade engine has a number of advantages, for example:

  1. The final cost of creating such a device will be significantly lower than the market value of factory gasoline engines and electric motors.
  2. The legislation in force in the country that protects nature strictly regulates the use of electric motors for boats. These rules do not apply to homemade units.
  3. The device works without making any noise. This feature will be especially useful for fishermen, because any loud noises can frighten off a potential catch.
  4. Electricity is cheaper than fuel materials. In addition, devices equipped with internal combustion engines consume incomparably more resources than self-made electric motors.
  5. The owner of the boat has the opportunity to independently choose the power of the unit suitable for him. The basis of a homemade motor is a drill or other devices. The characteristics of the future engine depend on their power. Which device the master chooses, these will be the indicators of the electric motor.

Creating a homemade electric motor is quite simple. Just follow the instructions exactly. However, you will need certain materials and tools. There shouldn't be any problems accessing them. Most of the necessary tools are already in stock for any owner. All materials can be found in free sale at retail outlets. It is easy to find the drawings necessary for the work.

Materials and tools

When selecting equipment, you need to pay attention to two things: power and voltage. These parameters are fundamental, and the quality of the finished electric motor depends on them. The power depends on the selected drill (in this case, this tool is taken as the basis), so first of all you need to choose this equipment.

When choosing a drill, you need to focus on its power. This figure should exceed one hundred and fifty watts. It is not worth taking a tool with lesser characteristics. In this case, the finished device will not work effectively in moving water (that is, it will not work to swim with such a unit along the river). It is best to use a cordless hammer drill.

The puncher is equipped with a reverse, has several modes of operation. This circumstance is important for the motor that will move the craft, since it will allow in the future to control the speed of the electric motor.

The second important parameter is voltage. Eighteen volt batteries should not be used. They are hard to find and are expensive. The best choice would be a drill that runs on ten or twelve volts. Such a battery is relatively cheaper, and, most importantly, it is much easier to find it on sale.

After choosing the optimal equipment, you can collect materials. To create an engine, you must first acquire:

  1. An electric drill that will act as a motor.
  2. Clamps with which the drill will be attached.
  3. Reducer. You can use an element from a grinder if you plan to install the motor on the transom of the boat.
  4. Round tubes with a diameter of twenty millimeters.
  5. Profiled pipes (20 * 20 millimeters).
  6. Round metal rod. It will be used to create the motor shaft.
  7. The sheet metal from which the screws will be made.

You will also need some tools:

  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • self-tapping screws with a screwdriver, if wood is used to create the motor.

After all the elements have been assembled, you can begin to create a boat electric motor with your own hands. The whole procedure consists of several stages. Work should begin with the creation of a lifting mechanism for the impeller. In order for the future device to work properly, it is recommended that you carefully follow the instructions provided below.

Creation of an electric motor

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to start making an electric motor with your own hands from creating a lifting mechanism for the impeller. It will allow you to raise this element above the water. To create it, it is necessary to weld a metal tube to pre-prepared clamps.

On this tube, you must first attach the base (a frame that looks like a pyramid, directed by a smaller base in the direction of the water). A bed is attached to a large base, another tube is welded to the lower edge. A bearing is installed on the frame. Through it and the tube welded from below, it is necessary to pass the shaft.

A tube or wire can be used as a shaft. However, the first option is better:

  • firstly, it will be possible to attach bearings to the tube (at both ends), which will reduce the friction force;
  • secondly, it is desirable that this shaft be thin, but strong. In the case of wire, you will have to use a large diameter product.

After all the steps are completed, you can proceed to the next step. The next step is to install the gearbox and propellers.


Gearboxes are recommended to be attached to the sides of the shaft. It is advisable to first create them yourself, focusing on the parameters of the electric motor. However, this process can take a very long time. Therefore, you can buy a device or use gearboxes installed on a grinder.

Depending on the specific engine, one or two gearboxes may be needed. When choosing a device, it is necessary to focus on one basic rule - it is desirable that the transmitting number be small. It is optimal if the gearbox is able to lower the speed by 5 times. This will ensure the normal course of the watercraft.

The lower gearbox is required for horizontal mounting of the propeller. If a gearbox is used from a tool such as a grinder, it will be enough to clamp it in a drill chuck. As a propeller, you can also use elements of other devices. If there is none, you can make a homemade screw. For this you need:

  1. Cut out a square (the length of one side is thirty centimeters).
  2. Drill a hole in its center.
  3. Make slits diagonally (the distance between the slits must be at least five centimeters).
  4. The resulting blades must be given a rounded appearance. It is important that the size of the blades is the same, otherwise third-party vibrations may occur.

You can fix the propeller on the shaft with a bolt and nut. It was for this that a hole was made in the center of the metal sheet.

Latest improvements

Next, you need to connect the gearbox to the motor, that is, to the drill. This is easy to do - just clamp the gearbox in the drill chuck, as mentioned earlier. If the base does not match the size of the drill, an additional tube must be used.

The tube must be tightly put on the shaft. So that the latter does not rotate in it, a reliable fixation is needed. It can be provided by making a through hole in the tube and shaft. Next, both elements must be fixed with a hairpin. This fixation will prevent rotational movements of the shaft.

After the device is ready, the homemade outboard electric motor must be checked. It is enough to fill the bath with water and start the electric motor in it. If the pressure is felt by hand, the engine is running normally. You can attach it to the vessel and carry out the test in the pond.

Motor control and other design options for its creation

Although the electric motor is ready, it is not yet capable of making turns. In order not to turn with the help of oars, small improvements must be made to the design. It is enough to attach a bolt to the central part of the fastening, on which then put the pipe. This will make it possible to make turns by changing the position of the base and, accordingly, the electric motor.

Another handle can be welded to the base by bringing a regulator to it, which is responsible for supplying current to the motor. It would be advisable to use a rheostat. However, in this case, you will have to slightly change the drill itself by connecting the motor located in its case to a rheostat. This will create a more functional design.

Screwdriver as a motor

There are several ways to make an electric motor. A screwdriver can be used instead of a drill. By design, it almost does not differ from a device with a drill. A distinctive feature of the product is the lower cost of its maintenance. So, one twelve-volt battery will be enough for a six-hour operation of the device. However, you will have to sacrifice the speed of movement due to less power.

Large pitch propellers can be used to make the boat move faster. In addition, as in the previous case, a screwdriver-based electric motor can be equipped with handles that make it easier to control.

trimer electric motor

Perfect for this purpose and trimer. The process of creating a motor when using this device will be greatly facilitated. The only thing that the master will need to do is shorten the length of the device and attach a screw to it. There is no need to mount the gearbox.

There is also no need to modify the control and the system responsible for powering the motor. The only difficulty that may be encountered on the way is the problem of attaching the device to the boat. Especially for inflatables. But it is also resolvable.

As an electric motor, you can use units that operate windscreen washers, or a simple electric motor. In the latter case, power supply difficulties may arise, since standard motors operate at the expense of an alternating voltage of two hundred and twenty volts. The problem is solved by installing an inverter.

Thus, the owner of the boat can create an electric motor for the boat with his own hands. You don't need any special skills for this. It is only necessary to purchase the necessary materials and prepare some tools. It is recommended to use a drill with a power of more than one hundred and fifty watts as a motor. Such an indicator will allow you to move on a boat both with standing water and along the river.
In addition to a drill, you can use a trimmer or a conventional electric motor. Another option is an electric motor based on a screwdriver. Such a device is cheaper to maintain, however, there may be problems with the speed of movement of the floating craft.

At one time I was fond of fishing from a boat. And so I decided to make an outboard electric motor for trolling fish (from a moving watercraft equipped with a motor, usually spinning on a lure).

How to make a homemade boat electric motor

I bring to your attention the design that appeared as a result of this decision. It was based on the engine from the VAZ-2121 interior heater stove. Actually, a conventional 12 volt car battery is used to power the electric motor. The electric motor was placed inside a "cocoon" created from polyurethane foam, which is given the required streamlined shape by trimming the excess. Then the entire knot is pasted over with gauze on EDP epoxy glue in five or six layers. Only the power wires and the motor shaft are brought out.

To make the assembly detachable, for the possibility of replacing or repairing the engine, I considered it inappropriate, since the resource of the motor is quite large, and its operation is not so intensive. Therefore, I do not think that the replacement of the electric motor will ever be needed (at least it has not been required in five years). And in case of such a need, you can quickly make the entire assembly again.

The screw shaft was sealed as follows: the neck of a polyethylene bottle was cut off from Coca-Cola, a felt seal was glued into it, through which the screw shaft was passed. The neck is glued “tightly” into the motor housing, the felt is impregnated with a suitable lubricant (I used car engine oil) and clamped by twisting the cap from the same bottle, with a hole drilled in the center for the screw shaft.

The deadwood of the outboard motor is made of an aluminum tube, inside of which only the power wires pass. At the upper end of the pipe there is a power switch, a clamp for attaching the motor to the boat transom and a control handle (tiller). The power wires are attached to the battery with quick-release crocodile clips. The screw is self-made, four-bladed, made of ABS plastic. Its diameter is 220 mm. The propeller has been balanced according to the two-blade method (for more details, see the relevant literature). Balancing allows a rather large error, since the engine speed, as well as the mass of the propeller, are not large. Around the screw, I made an annular nozzle from a strip - to protect against the winding of aquatic vegetation and the ability to control the boat without a rudder.

During testing, the traction force of the electric motor was about 3 kg, which is quite enough to ensure the movement of a small boat for fishing. Subsequently, I plan to mount a variable resistor in the engine power circuit in order to control the speed of the propeller and, accordingly, the speed of movement.

At one time, when King Hammurami was still living, he argued that the time spent on fishing was not included in the total time of life. This is also confirmed by many citizens who like to spend part of their free time fishing.

As a rule, most anglers own a boat. Many boats, especially modern ones, are equipped with gasoline engines. Yes, and a boat without a motor, especially if you have to fish in the waters of a large lake, becomes a burden that requires huge costs, effort and energy to move. And here you definitely need a motor: gasoline or electric - it doesn’t matter.

And yet, special attention should be paid to the electric motor, because:

  • electric ones do not require either oil or gasoline for their work, which means that there are no exhaust gases, which does not harm nature;
  • electric motors are smaller, lighter and do not take up much space. This is especially true if you have to fish far away, and every kilogram of excess weight is always felt;
  • they are much more profitable than gasoline counterparts in economic terms;
  • modern designs are assembled on modern parts developed using modern technologies, therefore, with a minimum weight, they have maximum power.

But these statements take place if the owner of the boat already has an electric motor and has experienced such benefits to the fullest. But what to do if it is not there? So, you need to do it yourself.

Many enterprising boat owners use a drill or screwdriver that runs on batteries, since the industrial design of an electric motor is based on the same principle. The basic layout of such a unit is almost the same for all models and looks like this:

  • the battery is the power source;
  • the electric motor acts as a boat engine;
  • a propeller with a gearbox is a working tool that ensures the movement of the boat through the water;
  • control unit - consists of a handle for turning the direction of movement and changing the speed of rotation of the electric motor.

Almost all elements can be found in an electric drill or screwdriver. In this case, one should take into account the fact that industrial devices are hermetically sealed, which allows the main components to be in the water.

If you use an electric drill, it is desirable that it is located away from the water. This is the only problem, quite serious, that requires a technical solution. The slightest ingress of water on the control unit can disable it, which will lead to a stop of the boat.

The advantages of such a model

If you take an electric drill, you should always remember that its main value is the engine and the speed control unit (button). Choosing a drill or screwdriver comes with some advantages over buying an industrial outboard motor:

  • for the price, this acquisition will cost much less than buying a factory sample;
  • according to the legislation, it is necessary to adhere to the requirements related to the power of engines used in various water bodies;
  • the electric drill is powered by a battery or other power sources with suitable parameters;
  • the electric drill is easy to repair, due to the availability of a sufficient number of spare parts on the market.

When choosing a drill, one should take into account the fact that it is mainly designed to work in a cyclic mode. If the drill is installed on a boat, then you need to rely more on a continuous cycle of work. This means that a power reserve is needed, otherwise the drill will overheat.

In such cases, you should opt for a power of 150 W or more. The power reserve will allow you to work with a propeller with a diameter of 130-150 mm. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the total weight of the boat will correspond to 300 kg, no more. We can assume that this is the maximum weight.

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that drills and screwdrivers are produced for different operating voltages, such as 12 V, 14.5 V, 16 V, 18 V and 24 volts. Batteries are also produced for the same voltage. And yet, the capacity of standard batteries that serve the operation of an electric drill or screwdriver in classic working conditions is not enough to provide the necessary movement of the boat on the water. In this regard, it is better to pay attention to a car battery, which has a much larger capacity. And since the car battery produces 12 V under load, then the drill should be selected with an operating voltage of 12 V.

Naturally, you can make a battery of batteries from a set of manufactured batteries for power tools for any voltage, but this can be much more expensive.

Necessary tools and materials

For such a device, you will need the following parts:

  • electric drill for the motor;
  • clamps for fastening the motor (drill). Both ready-made factory and handicraft are suitable;
  • the gearbox from the grinder is suitable if the motor is installed on the transom of the boat;
  • round tubes with a diameter of 20 mm and profiled tubes 20x20 mm. A rod and a mount for the motor (drill) will be made of them;
  • a round metal rod from which the motor shaft will be made, as well as sheet metal for the propeller.

To work, you may need the following tools:

  • metal scissors;
  • welding machine, although you can do without it;
  • electric drill and a set of drills;
  • grinder with cutting and grinding wheels;
  • if the design provides for a tree, then nails or self-tapping screws (as well as a tree).

The presence of a lifting mechanism drastically simplifies the operation and maintenance of the entire system, especially since there are cases when it is urgent to raise the propeller. As a rule, such a mechanism controls the position of the electric motor in all planes (vertical and horizontal).

As an option, the following design of such a mechanism can be proposed: a motor is attached to the transom of the boat with the help of clamps, which are rigidly fixed to the plate. The clamps are equipped with rings through which the tube is threaded, and the motor shaft is threaded through the axis welded in the center of the tube. It turns out a very simple swivel, which can provide normal motor control.

As far as we know, the drill is designed for drilling holes and has a high final speed, which is not acceptable for running a propeller that operates at slower speeds. Therefore, in order to reduce the speed transmitted to the screw, the installation of a gearbox is required. Sometimes they need 2 pieces, depending on the design solutions. The upper gearbox should reduce the speed of the drill from 1500 to 200-300 rpm, which will ensure the normal running of the boat.

The lower gearbox is used for horizontal installation of the propeller. When using a gearbox from a grinder, it is simply clamped in the drill chuck.

The manufacture of the propeller propeller begins with marking it on a piece of steel sheet. As mentioned above, its diameter should be no more than 130-150 mm. You can take a square of metal, 200x200 mm in size and 2.5-3.0 mm thick. It is better if it is stainless steel, although it is much more difficult to process. As a last resort, you can use an impeller from an air exhaust fan or a car cooling system. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the impeller profile is designed to work with air mass. In this regard, you will have to deal with its manufacture yourself.

A hole for the landing screw is drilled in the center of the square. Slots are made along the diagonals so that the sheet remains intact up to 25-30 mm in the center. After that, proceed to the formation of the shape of the blades. As a rule, they have a rounded appearance. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the blades have the same size, otherwise there will be vibrations. After that, the blades are slightly turned to a certain angle. In this case, the direction of rotation of the blade must be taken into account.

Since the manufacture takes place at home and, as they say, not to break off in the water, tests should be carried out. For this, any container of water that will fit the propeller will do. Naturally, the larger the capacity, the better. As a last resort, if possible, it is recommended to go out into nature, to a river or pond and try it out in action without installing it on a boat.

When the engine is running, a directional jet of water should be observed and felt. In addition, serious vibrations should not be felt. If the propeller does not work at full power, you can modify it by increasing the angle of inclination of the blades.

The motor control system is being finalized depending on the wishes of the boat owner. The main thing is that it is convenient to manage. It is better to take out the engine speed control button in a convenient place.

The following components should be included in the calculations:

  • weight of the boat in full gear;
  • power consumption of the electric motor;
  • current and operating voltage.

During the assembly process, you should take an electrical measuring device and make sure that the engine power and load power match. The motor power must cover the load power. It is desirable that the engine power overlap the load power by at least 20%.

If the engine power matches the power consumed by the electric drill: if the power consumption calculated by the formula P \u003d 12V x Ipot corresponds to the declared engine power (electric drill), then we can say that everything is done correctly and the electric drill can be used as a motor for a boat. At the same time, one should not forget about 20% of the power reserve. It will be required in case of emergencies.

In the process of setting up, it is better to experiment with the impeller in order to find the correct configuration of the blades. As a rule, their shape significantly affects the economics of the engine.

Using the washer motor

Some owners who decide to make an electric motor for a boat on their own use various 12V motors that are used on board the car.

These motors are great for this kind of function, if only because they are designed to run on car batteries. Despite this, they require some refinement.

Boat owners are constantly experimenting and finding amazing solutions. Forcing them to do this is too high the cost of industrial designs. As a result, the idea of ​​installing a lawn mower engine on a boat was born. These are engines with a power of about 6 hp, which are designed for long-term operation under load in various conditions. Such an engine can be adapted to a boat if you use various spare parts designed to repair Soviet outboard motors.

Motor from the chainsaw "Ural -2"

Some craftsmen easily adapted motors from Soviet chainsaws as motors for boats. At one time, a huge number of chainsaws were produced, the quality of which must be discussed separately. Despite this, installed on boats, some motors serve to this day. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly.

Application of electric motor

This is a very interesting question. The use of conventional AC motors has been talked about for a long time. Such motors do not have a brush mechanism, so they are very easy to operate and operate.

But there are some factors that have to be taken into account. The first factor is the presence of an alternating voltage of 220 V. Alternatively, it is possible to install an inverter that can convert a direct voltage of 12 V to an alternating voltage of 220 V.

The second component is safety, because the voltage of 220 V is very dangerous for a person, especially on the water. This requires special measures. But if there is water all around, it is difficult even to imagine what exactly these measures should consist of.

There is an almost ready-made option - this is the use of a motor from a trimmer or from a lawn mower. Almost everything is ready here, it remains only to decide on the length of the device and install the propeller. There is no need for an upper gearbox and no need to modify the control system and the engine power system.

The main task is to properly fix such a device on the boat. This is especially true in the presence of an inflatable boat.


The manufacture of such structures is available only to those boat owners who are in constant creative search. On the other hand, most of the boats are owned by anglers who are constantly experimenting. Therefore, it will not be difficult for them to carry out their ideas.

Naturally, creative people or people who are not allowed by the family budget to purchase both a boat and an engine for it are engaged in independent production of various designs. Therefore, some anglers still use oars and do not regret it. They are only satisfied with the fact that they have a boat, as there is another category of anglers who do not have such a boat. They are happy to fish from the shore and envy those fishermen who have a boat, although without a motor.

Every fisherman thought about replacing a shop engine for a boat with an alternative engine. They learned to create it from lawn mowers, lawn mowers and even screwdrivers, since their cost is several times lower than the price of a ready-made sample. The most suitable option is a trimmer, since this device is equipped with all the necessary elements and mechanisms.

Benefits of using a trimmer

Using a trimmer to create a boat motor has several advantages:

  • much cheaper than a finished motor for a boat;
  • minimum fuel consumption;
  • light weight;
  • reliability;
  • tightness of the structure;
  • availability of ready-made elements for management;
  • built-in tank, etc.

Thanks to these qualities, the trimmer takes first place among other options for alteration.

Features of a homemade engine

When re-equipping the motor, it should be borne in mind that they were developed to perform different functions. The trimmer operates at high speeds and low torque, while the outboard motor should do the opposite. Therefore, reworking the device requires special tools and even a drawing.

It is more convenient and easier to build an engine from a trimmer, since it has a number of necessary component mechanisms:

  1. very economical engine;
  2. built-in unpainted fuel tank, allowing you to easily control the amount of fuel;
  3. the presence of a starter and gas in the device;
  4. rod equipped with a rigid shaft.

It remains only to buy the missing parts or make them yourself and you can start making an engine for the boat.

The trimmer operates at high speeds and low torque, and the outboard motor should do the opposite.

What can be done

There are several possible options for modifying the trimmer for a motor for a swimming facility.

Option number 1. A very simple method, but requires additional financial costs.

You will need to purchase the following items:

  1. Clamp for fastening the device to the transom of the boat.
  2. Propeller screw. You can purchase a ready-made set via the Internet, since such goods may not be available in stores. The package includes a special drive made of stainless steel, as well as universal adapters for the flexible trimmer shaft, which allows you not to bother with whether they will fit your lawn mower model or not.

Advice! Sometimes a clamp may be included in the package, so before buying it, check what is included in the kit.

The drawing of attachment to the trimmer is indicated in the instructions. Installation will take about half an hour.

Option number 2. For alteration, you will need an angle gearbox from a grinder, a screw that can be cut from a stainless steel sheet, as well as oil seals and bearings for fasteners. This method allows you to achieve maximum speed, despite the small pitch of the screw. In the field, the device requires additional adjustment, which is performed using pliers.

Option number 3. This method is performed as personally as possible. Let's consider it in more detail using the example of a lawn mower with a two-stroke engine with a volume of 25 cm 3. The device weighing 4.5 kg and with a power of 700 W is equipped with a bent leg. A trimmer with such power allows the boat to move at a speed of about 5-7 km / h.

For alteration, you will need an angle gearbox from a grinder, a screw that can be cut from a stainless steel sheet, as well as oil seals and bearings for fasteners

What will be required

For the manufacture will require materials, as well as tools:

  1. Trimmer.
  2. Duralumin with a thickness of 2 mm. It is required for the screw.
  3. Clamp or any other device for fastening the device to the boat.
  4. Apparatus for welding.
  5. Fasteners.
  6. Additional tools for work.

All the necessary elements can be bought or made independently. The drawing may be needed to develop a homemade screw, but not for a drive. The dimensions of the screw directly depend on the drive power, as well as on the weight of the craft. For example, a screw with dimensions of 10x3 cm is capable of moving vehicles weighing about 120 kg.

Manufacturing instructions

To make a boat engine from a conventional trimmer, you will need to perform the following steps:

To run in a homemade engine, you will need a tank of gasoline (0.5 liters) with oil in a ratio of 1:40. One tank of fuel allows you to overcome about 10 km of territory. The speed of a boat with such a motor is in the range of 5.6 - 7.9 km / h, depending on the load on the boat.

  1. It is much easier to convert a trimmer with a straight shaft. If the rod has a bent shape, it will need to be completely changed, since the steel cable will not be able to transmit the desired torque. To change the bent shaft, you will need to use a duralumin tube, press a bronze bushing into it and mount it in a suitably fitted holder.
  2. The screw should be created according to the drawing from duralumin. If necessary, its dimensions can always be adjusted.
  3. Screw installation should be carried out in place of the trimmer head. Be sure to make a ring nozzle to protect the cylinders.
  4. On the Internet, you can order ready-made kits and save time on creating elements yourself. The kit includes all the necessary adapters for the shaft and the drive, sometimes even a clamp is included in the kit.
  5. You can control the device using the starter handle, but very often it is inconvenient to use. It can be easily replaced with a conventional bicycle gear shifter.
  6. A clamp is used to mount the engine, and the fastener itself is made on the boat transom.