The fantastically beautiful wives of Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt's wife personal life, biography, women How many wives Brad Pitt had

shocked: " What can you expect even if THEY are getting divorced?". It's time to remember how many women the actor tried to connect life with. Aniston and Paltrow are far from the only women of Brad Pitt caught in his web.

Robin Givens

In 1986-1987, the young blonde was lucky enough to be the lover of a real celebrity, the star of the TV series Master Class and the Playboy model Robin Givens. Another important detail - their relationship originated at the moment when Robin was officially married to a boxer.

Sinitta Malone

From 1988 to 1989, Brad met with American singer Sinitta Malone, who had already released two albums by the time they met. The girl was divorced from Simon Cowell, the founder of TV shows like American Idol.

After a year of relationship, Sinitta agreed with ex-husband, but as a business partner for Cowell's X-Factor project.

Christina Applegate

The star of the series "Married ... with Children" (in the Russian version - "Happy Together") Christina Applegate in 1989 became one of the few Pitt women who abandoned the growing actor. The couple had been hanging out in the same company for a long time and once decided to "cross the line", and the 18-year-old girl attached less importance to the incident than the guy.

Brad was left with nothing when the windy Applegate left with another from the party on the occasion of the MTV awards.

Jill Sholen

Another actress who left Pitt in 1989. "Queen of Terror" Jill Scholene is known for her high-pitched screaming, shown in many low-budget films.

It is known that the couple was even engaged, but the relationship did not progress beyond the status of the relationship - while filming in Budapest, Jill announced on the phone that a further union was impossible.

Geena Davis

In 1990-1991, Pitt was to play a role in the feminist thriller Thelma & Louise. The young man flashed in an erotic scene with partner Geena Davis, who was not embarrassed to undress in front of the cameras and, on her own initiative, replaced the understudy.

According to Gina, in Brad " there is more than sex". The novel turned out to be short-lived, but allowed the young actor to acquire the necessary connections.

Juliette Lewis

Lewis and Pitt met on the set of Too Young to Die. The 17-year-old (!) girl began her conquest of Hollywood with the tape "My stepmother is an alien" and the rising star Brad.

Their relationship lasted 4 years (1991-1993), during which each reached career heights. Juliette barely survived the breakup, ending up in a clinic with a nervous breakdown. Now she recalls the connection with nostalgia, but refuses to discuss it in every possible way.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Refined and "uncouth" Pitt appeared at social events together from 1994 to 1997. They met on the set of the film "Seven", where they played a married couple. And not in vain - pictorial images have gone far beyond the boundaries of cinema.

Three years of marriage and engagement dissolved in a second - without dirt and public scenes. According to media rumors, the reason for the breakup was Paltrow's affair with John Hannah, a partner in the film "Beware the doors are closing."

Claire Forlani

It seems that the Hollywood handsome man has not spent a single day without charming girls. He met actress Claire Forlani while working on the film Meet Joe Black, finding solace in the arms of the actress.

The 1998 romance was stormy but short-lived.

Jennifer Aniston

With, his first wife and, Brad Pitt met in 1998 on a blind date. A relationship began, and two years later a luxurious wedding took place in Malibu. A $1 million celebration made the whole world jealous of them, but only for 5 years. In 2005, the marriage was officially annulled.

There are two main versions of the gap: an affair with the future wife Angelina Jolie and Jennifer's unwillingness to have children because of her career.

Angelina Jolie

The second legal wife and sex symbol of the 2000s is Angelina Jolie. The future spouses got to know each other closely on the set of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", talentedly getting used to the role of a married couple. On January 11, 2006, the couple made the relationship public, saying that Jolie was expecting a child from Pitt.

In 2014, they, but even so much beautiful union reeled. The reasons for the breakup are still unknown, but one thing is clear - the Hollywood handsome man can become free again and continue to charm the ladies.

Brad Pitt is one of the most famous and popular actors in Hollywood. In addition, he successfully combines acting with producing. He has been working in the field of cinema for more than a year, with his participation exceptionally successful films are released.

Numerous awards confirm this: the winner of the Golden Globe Award, four-time Oscar nominee, has repeatedly won in less significant events. He is familiar to viewers from the following films: "Fight Club", "Snatch", "Seven", "Ocean's Eleven", "Interview with a Vampire" and many others.

Brad Pitt has always been the subject of secret desires of women around the world. And this is not surprising, because the man is incredibly attractive, and also always keeps himself in good shape. And the actor himself is not so simple, because he always preferred girls from high society. There was no such thing that he met with an ordinary girl from the people.

In addition, he believed that he should conquer impregnable and luxurious women. He is no longer so young, but fans continue to follow his work and life to this day. And personal life is the most important topic of discussion. Moreover, this is an incredible topic for discussion, because the actor's personal life is really entertaining.

The first wife of Brad Pitt was a very popular and beautiful actress named Jennifer Aniston. Young people met in an unusual way, but which is quite common - on a blind date. The meeting was organized by agents of both stars. It should be immediately noted that at that moment both were free from any relationship. Jennifer has already forgotten Tate Donovan, and Brad Pitt ended his relationship with Gwyneth Patrow. Nothing prevented young people from building new relationships.

We can safely say that a spark ran between the two popular actors. They seemed to each other cute not only in terms of appearance, but also in character. The guys talked for a long time and realized that they like each other. After they began to meet and were not going to leave. And after some time, or rather, after two years of relationship, they decided to get married.

Thus, Brad and Jennifer staged one of the global events in 2000. About 200 guests attended the wedding. This number included not only friends and close relatives, but also some colleagues from both sides. The ceremony ended up being not only large-scale, but also luxurious. The newlyweds looked very happy.

A good start to the relationship and a magnificent wedding ceremony for many have become proof that this couple is waiting for a long and happy family life. They are talented, successful and attractive. Many thought it was the perfect union. But everything did not go according to plan, after a few years problems began in the family. At first, these were small troubles that grew like a snowball and flew from the slope of family life. Naturally, the tabloids found out about this. Therefore, various magazines immediately began to attack them.

They demanded to disclose the details of family life and the causes of disputes and conflicts. Journalists could create a huge conflict out of a small problem. It may have been detrimental to the relationship. As a result, Jennifer Aniston herself went to court and filed for divorce.

It happened in 2005. The reasons were named very different: perhaps Brad was cheating on Jennifer with Jolie at that time, or his wife did not want to build a family, because then she put all her strength into developing her own career.

The divorce was very difficult for both parties. But the ex-wife of Brad Pitt suffered the most. She was not only under extreme stress, but also began to use the services of a psychologist. This state of affairs continued for several years. She even claimed that she was no longer going to marry and would never be able to love anyone. It is surprising that the actress for a long time did not have a romantic relationship, even short novels.

The ex-husband did not suffer and suffer for a long time. Almost immediately after the divorce, he began dating Angelina Jolie. Many at the time of the divorce claimed that it led to a break in the young family. Apparently, this is what caused the breakup. Young people met on the set when they starred together in the popular film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

Interesting Notes:

Then many viewers were surprised that the actors play the feelings of love and passion so professionally. But it turned out that real feelings really flared up between them during the filming. At that time, young people were extremely happy that they could spend time together. They built a happy relationship, but were not going to marry. And after a while they told the whole world that they were expecting a baby.

After that, their lives literally turned around. They began to realize their goals of having many children. Fortunately, they have always been in demand in the cinema, because the money was enough in full. Jolie gave birth to her husband three children, and they adopted four more. They love all children equally. In 2014, Brad Pitt proposed to his wife, in general, they had lived together for about nine years out of wedlock. The wedding ceremony took place at the family estate in France. Everything looked great and luxurious.

But family happiness did not last long. After some time, the divorce proceedings began. It went very hard. The artists almost mixed each other with dirt. Angelina accused her husband of being very rude and cruel in the methods of raising children. Brad said that his wife was just sick in the head. They quarreled for a long time and yet got divorced.

A year later, information was leaked to the media that the former spouses had reconciled. They claim that they managed to change and are ready to solve problems together in order to raise children further.

During the breakup, the actor managed to change several girls. There were even rumors that he had returned to Jennifer. But these rumors were not confirmed. The actress was not seen with other men. Either she did not seek to look for anyone, or she hid the relationship well.

This bright couple, who went through tangible difficulties and withstood all ill-wishers in spite, is considered truly ideal. From time to time, the press explodes with reports of their next separation, but each such news turns out to be a newspaper duck, attracting readers who are greedy for sensations to the publication. This star couple really had serious problems, but a recent interview with one of the most desirable men in the world dotted all i. Not every person is capable of such tenderness and frankness in front of an audience of millions.


“My wife was constantly nervous about problems and lost 15 kilograms. She cried, slept badly, her beauty was gone, and our relationship was almost on the verge. But after all, I got the most attractive woman in the whole world, and only I hug her. I began to shower her with compliments and flowers, I lived for her. And a miracle happened - she blossomed before our eyes and fell in love with me even more. And then I realized: if you love a woman to the point of madness, she becomes a reflection of a man.

The well-known Hollywood actor, who considers himself happy in marriage, spoke so penetratingly about his wife, who was officially registered a year ago.

Family life

The current wife of Brad Pitt - Angelina Jolie, repeatedly recognized as a sex symbol of our time - thinks more about her large family than about her career. Six children changed not only the life of the recognized beauty and talented actress, but also Pitt, who previously considered family a risky undertaking. Stepping over his fiftieth birthday 2 years ago, Brad admitted that he feels his age and wonders how a successful family life and a successful career came to him in time.

Who as an actor began in the 90s, appreciates every day spent with his family. Today he prefers to shoot not as often as before, but he is sure that these will be pictures of excellent quality. "I have a big family. When I leave her, I must be sure that it is worth it, because the lack of communication with dear people is irreparable. The courageous Pitt, who met his other half ten years ago on the set of a film about a couple of hired killers, does not hide the fact that he and his wife write touching letters to each other. And he declares that only such - real, not electronic - messages give a feeling of genuine intimacy.

A joint project

At the end of this year, the drama "By the Sea" will be released on the wide screen, where Brad Pitt and Jolie play the main roles, and Angelina also acts as the director of the picture. Some have suggested that this is the last tape in which the beauty appears as an actress: too often she talks about her desire to concentrate on directing. “We have long wanted to work together, in a family way,” explains Brad Pitt. His biography says that the actor's creative piggy bank now has two joint films with his wife, and all fans hope that the talented couple will not stop there.

Film experiment

Journalists who found out that this is a story about a falling apart marriage, which the heroes are struggling to save, spread rumors that the tape was supposedly autobiographical. Hurt by dirty gossip, Brad Pitt's wife gives an interview, saying that this movie is not at all about their relationship with her husband.

She seems to justify herself: “We are doing great. We would never make our family problems public." There are many passions and emotions in the film, Jolie pays attention to imperceptible details, sounds, shades, working like a real impressionist in art. This is a deliberately non-commercial movie, a kind of experiment that was disapprovingly perceived by those who considered the tape boring criticism.

Jennifer Aniston

The only one who believes in the tape's autobiography is Brad Pitt's previous wife. Jennifer Aniston, who has been officially married to the actor for 5 years, agrees that the story that appeared on the screen is not about star spouses - this drama shows the collapse of her relationship with her ex-husband. And claims that supposedly Angelina reveals their real relationship and failed attempt save the union when they hid from the world in the Caribbean.

By the way, although the former spouses do not publicly show hostile relations, they still try to avoid possible meetings. And only in January of this year, they unexpectedly collided at the film awards ceremony in Los Angeles, and this episode became the most juicy detail of the event. Rumor has it that Pitt did not accompany his beloved precisely because of the possibility of a chance meeting with Aniston, about the life with which he does not like to remember, considering the years spent with her boring and lost. Now Brada Pitt is enjoying family life: after a series of unsuccessful novels, she recently got married and feels happy.

Secret wedding

Happened a year ago significant event, which haunted the fans of the star couple and all the journalists of the world, who repeatedly wrote that the ceremony was unlikely to take place. The secret wedding of Brad Pitt took place in the south of France, only a close family circle was present at the event.

The father of the newlywed missed a significant event due to a difficult relationship with his daughter, and the eldest sons led the beautiful bride in an exclusive dress to the altar. The newlyweds admitted that it has always been important for them that their children share this happiness with them. And, I must admit, they succeeded.

The rules of family life from the star couple

Loving spouses, hiding nothing, share secrets that allow them to gain spiritual intimacy. Despite the difficult moments that have befallen them, Brad and Angelina hold on tightly to each other. So:

  • Always look for compromises, they are necessary.
  • Be grateful to your soul mate for everything, it supports any relationship.
  • Don't try to be perfect, figure out what you're especially good at.
  • Support your spouse.
  • Remember that family always comes first.

A real man

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of the beautiful Angie, the name of Brad Pitt's wife, loyal fans, who frankly said that she had spent many years looking for her ideal couple. “Of course, in youth, everyone is looking for a handsome prince. But when you meet a beautiful picture, there is an indispensable disappointment. And at forty, you know for sure that you need a real man.

Brad Pitt (William Bradley Pitt), known, without exaggeration, to the whole world, is an actor, producer, philanthropist, a recognized sex symbol of Hollywood, remembered for his roles in more than 50 films, including such recognized masterpieces as “Fight Club”, “ Big Jackpot", "Ocean's 11", "Seven", "12 Monkeys", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", "Inglourious Basterds". Oscar winner as Best Supporting Actor for his role as stuntman Cliff Booth in Quentin Tarantino's film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


American actor and producer William Bradley Pitt was born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, USA. The future celebrity was brought up in an exemplary American family: decent and religious. Brad's father, William Pitt, worked as a manager in a trucking company, and his mother, Jane Etta Hillhouse, was a simple school teacher. In addition to Brad, the family brought up two more children: brother Doug and sister Julia.

They all grew up in Springfield, Missouri, where the Pitt family moved almost immediately after the birth of Bradley.

Being members of the Baptist Church, Brad Pitt's parents raised their children in strictness. Every Sunday the family went to church, a joint dinner was always preceded by a prayer, and all the children of the Pitts sang in the church choir.

As a child, Brad was the most an ordinary child: was phlegmatic in the classroom, active and extremely curious outside of school, played a little sports, music, took part in school self-government and even belonged to the debate club. After graduating from school, the young man began to study journalism and advertising at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Not having worked a day in his specialty, he went away from the strict parental eye, towards his cherished dreams - to Hollywood.

First roles

First of all, Bradley shortened his name to a short "Brad" and removed the first name that irritated him. But coming up with a memorable pseudonym was only half the battle. On the way to the door that opened the entrance to the film industry at least from the back door, he had to try many professions. He was both a driver and a furniture mover, and even a barker in the El Pollo Loco restaurant chain. His last job required him to walk down the street dressed as a giant chicken and invite guests to eat fried chicken.

However, a certified journalist all this time cherished his dream of becoming an actor and spent all the money he earned not only on renting housing, but also on acting classes.

Soon luck smiled at him - in 1987 he starred in the wildly popular TV series Dallas in those years. The aspiring actor briefly appeared on screen as a character named Randy, the boyfriend of the daughter of one of the main characters.

The first role of Brad Pitt ("Dallas", 1987)

After that, he received several other offers for filming in the series. He appeared in episodes of the series Underworld, Growth Problems, Class President, Tales from the Crypt, and also appeared in the notorious 21 Jump Street, where young Johnny Depp began his career.

Among the first works of Brad Pitt, there is also an advertisement for Pringles chips, broadcast on TV in 1989. Who knew that this tanned handsome blond in the future would become a legend of cinema?

The title role in the American-Yugoslav drama The Dark Side of the Sun was Pitt's first feature film work. He played a young man who suffers from a fatal allergy to the sun and is forced to spend his life within four walls. The film received very good reviews, although it hit the screens only 10 years later - until 1998, part of the footage was considered lost during civil war in Yugoslavia, where the shooting took place.

And for the next film, the comedy school horror "Cutting Out the Classroom", Brad Pitt received his first serious fee - 12 thousand dollars. The guy got the role of Dwight Ingalls: a wild high school basketball player, the star of the school. Comparing the young Pitt with other actors of the film, the audience involuntarily noted the high realism of his game.

Over the next few years, Brad Pitt performed in a variety of roles: he was a pimp and drug addict Billy in the drama "Die Young", the thieving boy JD in "Thelma and Louise", a carefree musician in the biopic "Johnny Suede" ...

In 1992, he appeared in the experimental semi-drawn film Parallel World as Detective Frank Harris, meeting Kim Basinger on set.

And in the drama Where the River Flows, Pitt and Craig Sheffer played very different brothers. Brad got the role of the youngest, Paul, a gambler and drinker, who has only one thing in common with his older brother - a passion for fishing. While working on the tape, Brad had to learn how to fish, and not on a hook, but on a fly, as the director of the tape did not want to injure the fish.

The heyday of an acting career

The year 1994 turned out to be fateful for the young actor, when the film adaptation of Anne Rice's novel Interview with the Vampire by Neil Jordan premiered. Pitt's character, a young aristocrat, unfortunately turned into a vampire, captivated the hearts of the spectators, pushing aside even Tom cruise with his tragic image, who brilliantly played the "main vampire" Lestat.

The Interview was followed by David Fincher's thriller Seven, which introduced the world to the brilliant duet of Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. The writers of the tape distinguished themselves not only by the frightening scenes of murders for the 7 deadly sins, but also by the fact that they made Pitt say the word "fuck" 74 times in the course of the film.

In the same year, the actor was included in the top 25 sexiest stars in the history of cinema according to Empire magazine. Subsequently, he was recognized as "the most sexy man living” by People magazine – twice. Brad Pitt became the first (and so far the only) person to receive this honor twice.

In 1995, Brad Pitt received his first Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor in Terry Gilliam's The Twelve Monkeys opposite Bruce Willis. He got the role of Jeffrey, the son of a virologist, an animal rights activist who came up with an alternative plan to "save" humanity. Pitt managed to convey the neurotic character of his hero very believably - his speech was confused and sometimes slurred, and twitchy gestures introduced the character of Willis into confusion.

In 1997, the film "Seven Years in Tibet" was released. The film tells about the Chinese invasion of Tibet. After that, Pitt, as, indeed, and his colleague in the film David Thewlis, forever closed the border to the People's Republic of China.

Brad Pitt and Ivan Urgant

At the same time, the mystical drama Meet Joe Black was released - this time Brad Pitt got to play Death herself, who appeared in our world in the guise of a charming young man.

Best roles: "Fight Club" and other films

In 1999, the actor played in one of the most legendary films in his filmography - David Fincher's film Fight Club, based on the explosive novel by Chuck Palahniuk. Brad Pitt appeared in a completely new role for himself - an uncompromising radical and psychopath. Pitt's hero, Tyler Durden, was quite insanely companyed by Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter.

Since then, the participation of Brad Pitt in the film has become one of the undoubted indicators of its quality. He starred in Guy Ritchie's Snatch, which immediately became one of the highest-grossing films of 2000 - a thin, tattooed gypsy fighter in Pitt's sparkling performance became the central figure of the tape.

Brad Pitt in the movie Snatch. Fist fight scene

The melodrama "The Mexican" with Julia Roberts, "Spy Games" with Hollywood veteran Robert Redford, and, finally, the cult picture "Ocean's Eleven", where Pitt became a member of a team of brilliant robbers, masterfully played with George Clooney and Matt Damon - this list diverse pictures with the participation of Pitt can be continued for a long time.

In 2000, the actor appeared on Friends (season 8, episode 9) as a guest celebrity. He played a former classmate of Monica and Rachel, who, like Monica, was fat at school, for which Rachel scoffed at him in every possible way. Having matured, he pulled himself together and lost weight, but hatred for the offender remained in his heart for the rest of his life.

Brad Pitt in "Friends"

The commercial success of the film Troy, which collected a record half a billion dollars at the box office, provided a new round for Brad Pitt's career. The series of masterpieces with his participation continued - the picture "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" also got there, on the set of which Pitt began an affair with Angelina Jolie.

Brad Pitt played one of the most high-profile roles in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which became the actor's third collaboration with director David Fincher. Reincarnating as a person who is born old, lives his life "in reverse" and dies as a baby was not easy, and Pitt again received an Oscar nomination.

The audience was also impressed by the images of the fool Chad Feldheimer in the comedy Burn After Reading by Joel and Ethan Coen, as well as the merciless Nazi hunter Aldo Apache, nicknamed Apache in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds.

In 2002, Brad Pitt founded his own production company called Plan B Entertainment, a joint venture with Jennifer Aniston and Brad Gray, head of the Hollywood film studio Paramount Pictures. In 2005, it was Pitt's company that produced the popular film "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" with Johnny Depp in the title role, and a few years later, not without Pitt's efforts, such films as "A Strong Heart" with Angelina Jolie and "How Cowardly" were published. Robert Ford killed Jesse James." Brad Pitt produced Robert Schwentke's The Time Traveler's Wife and Matthew Vaughn's Kick-Ass. Moreover, Plan B Entertainment participated in the creation of the film "The Departed", which received an Oscar.

Brad Pitt often appears not only on wide screens. The actor has repeatedly become the protagonist of commercials. In 2005, he took part in the filming for the American market for Heineken, and on far east a Hollywood celebrity was seen in an advertisement for Honda Acura.

Surprisingly, Brad Pitt received the long-awaited Oscar award only in 2014. The statuette was awarded to him as one of the producers of the historical drama "12 Years a Slave", recognized by the US Film Academy as the best film of the year. He also played there a Canadian worker who despises slavery.

Personal life of Brad Pitt

The Hollywood hunk is very picky about his connections. Brad Pitt's personal life is built on "four pillars". The names of these girls are known, perhaps, to everyone: Juliet Lewis, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie.

However, if we talk about the very first love of Brad Pitt, then, according to the actor himself, it was tragic. While still at school, he fell in love with a classmate and, in the struggle for her heart, wrote in yellow on the snow (it was winter) under her windows her name. The girl did not like such a romantic gesture: “I thought you were just a bore, but now it turned out that you are just stupid!”.

Juliet Lewis was his co-star in Die Young. Work on one project, as expected, ended in a stormy romance, which, alas, did not stand the test of popularity. Juliet remained a "budding actress", while Brad moved up a level. The handsome man was tired of the constant scenes of jealousy, and he left Lewis after three years of marriage, having an affair with Gwyneth Paltrow. Juliet took the gap too close to her heart and tried to commit suicide, but failed.

Brad Pitt met Gwyneth Paltrow on the set of the thriller Seven. At the first meeting, the actor fell in love with no memory. In 1996, the press trumpeted with might and main about the upcoming wedding, but the couple stunned everyone with the news of their breakup. It turned out that the reason lay in Gwyneth's mother, who disliked Pitt at first sight. Because of his not very beautiful manners, rude vocabulary and constantly wrinkled clothes, she considered him a redneck and put pressure on her daughter. She, in turn, came to grips with changing the image of her lover, but overdid it - Brad thought about it and realized that there was nothing in common between them, and if so, then you should not endure all attempts to change his nature.

With his first legal wife, the star of the series "Friends" Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt met on the set of the series. He was captivated by a carefree, laughing girl who seemed to be made for him. Unlike his ex, she did not try to change him but accepted him the way he was: in pajamas or a business suit, cheerful or sullen.

The couple got married in the summer of 2000. “Jen is the woman of my life!” Pitt proudly declared in every interview. It was under her wing that he acquired the already familiar "secular gloss" and played his most commercially successful roles. Together they bought and furnished a luxurious home in Beverly Hills and planned to have a baby as soon as Friends came to an end.

But the plans were not destined to come true. In 2005, Angelina Jolie involuntarily stood between Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. Feelings between young people, who were later dubbed the "royal couple of Hollywood", originated on the set of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Jennifer felt that something was wrong in their relationship, but even to a direct question, Pitt said that he had no other woman. Therefore, the photo taken by the paparazzi in Africa shocked Aniston: Brad and Angelina were sitting on the beach, playing with Maddock, the adopted son of the actress. The atmosphere was clearly not just friendly, but rather reminiscent of a romantic date.

Since then, the couple, although they did not publicly admit their feelings, were no longer hiding from the public, and in January 2006, when Jolie was already expecting a child from Pitt, they finally officially admitted their relationship.

In May 2006, the couple had a daughter, who was named Shiloh Nouvel, and two years later, twins were born - a girl, Vivienne Marcheline, and a boy, Knox Leon. By the way, all the biological children of the couple were born by caesarean section. In total, the Jolie-Pitt family brought up six children, including three adopted children: Maddox Shivan, Pax Tien and Zahara Marley.

The star couple decided to legalize their relationship only in 2014. Pitt and Jolie's wedding did little to match their status as Hollywood's highest paid celebrities. The bride wore a dress with a copy of the drawings of her children, among which was a portrait of Jennifer Aniston with the caption: "Rachel is almost my mother." Among the invited guests there were only 22 people. The entire amount received for the sale of photographs from the celebration went to charity, as did the money from the sale of the first photographs of their common children.

Alas, two years later, Jolie filed for divorce from Brad. What was actually hidden under the standard wording "irresolvable contradictions", we are unlikely to ever know, but the rumors multiplied at the speed of light. It was assumed that Pitt was simply tired of his wife, who had recently lost weight to the limit and plunged into the deepest depression, and hit on the Frenchwoman Marion Cotillard, whom he met on the set of the film "Allies". Later, information appeared in the press that Pitt beat the children (later refuted) and applied to the bottle (the actor himself agreed with this).

In the fall of 2017, information appeared about Pitt's romance with 21-year-old actress Ella Purnell, the star of the fantasy film Mrs. Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Together they will work on a film based on the novel "Sweetbitter".

Brad Pitt now

Although Brad Pitt has already changed his sixties, he still remains the recognized sex symbol of Hollywood and one of the most sought-after actors. In 2016, he was busy filming the aforementioned movie Allies. The picture told about the love of a US intelligence agent and a Nazi spy.

In 2017, the continuation of the fantasy action movie World War Z was released, and in 2018, Pitt played the Invisible Man in the blockbuster Deadpool 2 with Ryan Reynolds. The character's face was shown only once in the film - when he was electrocuted.

In August 2019, Quentin Tarantino presented a new film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, based on real events - the story of the murder of Sharon Thane, the wife of Roman Polanski, by Charlie Manson's "family". Pitt plays a stuntman named Cliff Booth. His partner on the set was Leonardo DiCaprio in the role of the losing actor Rick Dalton. For this role, Brad Pitt received his first Oscar - as the best supporting actor.

Brad Pitt is a lover of upper class girls. He paid no attention to ordinary people and conquered large fortresses. Probably all the girls on the planet are following such a handsome man. The actor's personal life always remains a hot topic for fans. Therefore, everyone knows who Brad Pitt's wife is.

Brad Pitt's wife - photo

The first wife of the actor

Brad Pitt's first wife was a girl named Jennifer Aniston. Acquaintance happened in a very famous way - blindly. This meeting was built by agents of popularity. At that moment, the actor and actress were as free as the wind in the desert. Tate Donovan was Jennifer's past, and Brad Pitt's relationship with Gwyneth Paltra came to an end. Nothing got in the way of building happiness.

At first glance, a spark ran between Brad and Jennifer, both seemed pretty to each other. The lovers met for two years, then got married. And so, in the summer of 2000, the largest celebration took place, to which guests were invited, as many as 200 people. They included relatives and friends, in general, all the closest people from both sides. A photo of Brad Pitt's first wife is presented below.

The large-scale ceremony seemed the happiest for starting a family structure. Everyone was just sure that such beautiful Brad Pitt and his wife would live together for a long time. However, this did not happen. A few years later, family problems of all kinds began. The disagreements between Brad Pitt and his wife have been leaked to the press.

A couple of stars were in the public eye through journalists who make elephants out of flies. In 2005, Jennifer Aniston herself personally filed for divorce. Many reasons were given. Either Brad was already dating Angelina Jolly at that time, or Pitt's ex-wife was not enthusiastic about family life - she wanted to build a career, not have children. Brad Pitt's divorce from his wife turned out to be very difficult, and the spreading rumors only made it even more complicated.

The ex-wife of the actor even used the services of a psychologist, it was so hard for her. For several years, Jennifer Aniston came to her senses and claimed that she would never marry again. Apparently things weren't going well for the family. Jennifer even has a romantic relationship after that long time did not have.

Actor's second wife

Shortly after the divorce proceedings, Brad Pitt began dating Angelina Jolie. Some fans and journalists were right about this, that the divorce was the fault of the actor. The future spouses were also brought together by joint activities. Brad Pitt and his future wife starred in a cool movie called "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Feelings flared up on the set. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were as happy as ever. After some time, the star couple told the world that they were expecting a baby. Their lives were turned upside down.

Brad Pitt and his wife began to have children. There are three relatives, and the couple adopted four more. For about nine years, Brad and Angelina lived in a civil marriage. And in 2014, namely in August, Pitt made a long-awaited proposal to the actress to become his wife. The celebration took place in France, where the couple has their own estate.

Angelina was wearing a very sophisticated wedding dress, it was simple but incredibly cool and beautiful. And their children also worked with the veil. She was the real highlight of the image of the bride. A veil was prepared to order, on which the drawings of all the children were depicted. Brad Pitt and his wife were happily married for a short time.

In 2016, news appeared that this seemingly strongest union on Earth was also breaking up. In December of the same year, the divorce proceedings took place. For a long time, the issue of custody of children was being resolved. And after the breakup, Brad Pitt did not provide financial support to his ex-wife, because of which Angelina got into multimillion-dollar debts. However, her husband claims that this is not true.

Until now, between the former spouses there are disassemblies and disputes. But this does not prevent Brad Pitt from building new relationships. Recently, the actor has been spotted with various girls, including architect Neri Oxman and jewelry designer Seth Hari.