Craft sports equipment. We create simulators for the home with our own hands according to simple drawings

Find out how at home with minimal cash costs you can design the perfect simulator for the development of all the muscles of the body.

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Many people would like to go in for sports, but for various reasons they cannot start going to the gym. It could be lack of free time or shyness. We will not talk now about the reasons that may prevent you from starting to train, since there can be many of them. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to make a simulator with your own hands.

Of course, it is very difficult to make many simulators, although it is theoretically possible. Take for example a treadmill, which you can also do yourself, but this will require serious financial and time costs. Perhaps, if you want to have this cardio machine, it's easier to buy it. But some types of sports equipment and shells can be made independently. After reading this article, you will learn how to make a simulator with your own hands.

Creating simulators for your own gym

In order for you to be able to effectively engage in bodybuilding at home, you will need not the most sophisticated equipment and several sports equipment. They can be made independently if desired. If you go into the gym and pay attention to the people training in it, then beginners often occupy the simulators, and more experienced athletes actively work with barbells and dumbbells.

To effectively pump all muscle groups, these two sports equipment is quite enough for you. But at the same time, you should remember about the need for progression of the load. An incline bench is also of great importance for achieving the desired result.

If we talk about dumbbells, it is much easier to make a couple of collapsible shells on your own and in this case you do not need welding. Benches, on the contrary, are easier to make two - horizontal and at an angle of 70 degrees. You should also remember about the barbell rack, and here you can make one with the ability to change its height or two. In the second case, the height racks should be designed for bench press and deadlift.

It is also desirable to make a horizontal bar and bars. Of all the necessary equipment for your gym, they are the easiest to manufacture. And the last product to think about is a weight belt. At some point, it will no longer be enough for you to work only with your own body weight on the horizontal bar and you will need an additional load. In this situation, the best solution is a belt.

So, let's sum it up and see what we need to create our own home gym:

  • Vulture.
  • A pair of dumbbells.
  • Universal pancakes d with the same mounting hole for the barbell and dumbbells, although you can make them separately for each of the shells.
  • Horizontal bar, preferably wall-mounted or outdoors.
  • Bars are wall.
  • Rack for a rod with a possibility of regulation of height or two fixed.
  • Punching bag optional.
  • Rope.

How to make a simulator with your own hands?

You can quickly find drawings of the necessary equipment on the Internet. However, you should visit a sporting goods store and look at some machines to get an idea of ​​their design. Now we will look at the most simple equipment and find out how to make these simulators with your own hands or where you can get them.

Bars and horizontal bar

It is quite difficult and quite expensive to make a strong and safe horizontal bar on your own and install it in a room. Thus, it can be recommended to purchase bars with a horizontal bar in the online store. Installing a horizontal bar on the street is also not the best solution, since you will not use it in the winter, but training is necessary. They will cost you between $60 and $70.

As we have already said, it is better to give preference to a wall horizontal bar, rather than installing it in a doorway. In this case, you can safely use a wide grip. Bars are also worth taking wall-mounted in order to save space. However, there is also the option of a horizontal bar and bars, so to speak, 2 in 1. You can even take a Swedish wall, which has its advantages, but this equipment will cost more.

Barbell and dumbbells

For the manufacture of dumbbells, barbells and racks, you will need materials, and this is the main problem. Sometimes on the net you can find recommendations on the possibility of using Concrete for the manufacture of disks. However, this material is significantly inferior to steel and cast iron, so it is still not advisable to use it. However, steel pipes are not cheap and this should also be remembered. Here are some tips on how you can get this material as cheaply as possible:
  • Place ads in the newspaper of your city about the purchase of old dumbbells, barbells and weights. There is a high probability that these sports equipment is in someone's basement and is not used.
  • Go to the scrap metal collection point.
  • Ask for help from relatives or friends who work at the enterprise.

By the way, you most likely still have to turn to someone working at the enterprise. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to make pancakes and vultures at home. The enterprises have special machines and the process of making pancakes or vultures will be noticeably simplified.

Punching bag

Compared to other necessary equipment, making a punching bag is the easiest. As a material, you can use ordinary shopping bags (at least three pieces). After that, insert them into each other, and you just have to fill them with filler.

However, it is best to make a pear bag from a dense material, and fabric is much easier and cheaper to find compared to iron. The length of the punching bag should be about 1.3 meters, well, you probably know its shape. You can fill the pear with sand or small sawdust. You can mount the pear to the wall, but for this you need to make a special bracket. The best option seems to be its attachment to the horizontal bar.

Other sports equipment

With a jump rope, everything is extremely simple and you should buy it, and not do it yourself. It should also be said that in many power movements you can use an expander instead of a barbell. This sports equipment is inexpensive and can be purchased at any specialized store. But you need to make dumbbells, because without them, training will not be as effective.

You can see for yourself that making a simulator with your own hands is not very difficult, and the main problem is finding the necessary materials. If you have access to various materials and machines, you can create a great gym yourself.

Today we talked about how to make simple simulators with your own hands. But if you wish, you can make more complex ones. And for this, in many cases, you can even get by with wood, although metal structures are much more reliable. On the Internet you can find a large number of drawings of various types of simulators, and it's all about the availability of free time and materials with machines.

How to make your own Strongman simulator using welding, see this video:

Not only learns to adapt to the social environment, but also to treat their health correctly. For harmonious development, children need physical education. In the playrooms, special corners are created in which the baby can show his skills. Do-it-yourself sports equipment for kindergarten is made quite simply. Initially, it is necessary to determine what functions it will perform.

The main advantages of the sports corner

Firstly, the equipment serves as an excellent start for the further sports development of the child. Secondly, it helps to improve physical and psychological health. Thirdly, with the help of sports equipment, the activity of children is stimulated, the body is hardened.

Types of sports equipment

There are several types of such equipment. It can be pre-made or custom made. You can also make sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands. This is for any parent.

So, the equipment can be standard: treadmills with massagers, wall bars, mats and special climbing devices. It is purchased in stores.

Note. Simulators must comply with the standards established by the Ministry of Health.

Non-standard sports equipment for kindergarten, which is easy and simple to make with your own hands, you can often find in the gym. It is represented by the following types of simulators:

  • "paths of health";
  • simulators from plastic bottles;
  • game "Twister";
  • expanders;
  • ring throwers;
  • cereal bags;
  • flags, scarves, ribbons and much more.

The arrangement of a sports corner directly depends on the aspirations of parents and educators to develop physical fitness skills in children.

"Health Paths"

To make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • threads.

The fabric needs to be thick. You can use textiles on a rubberized basis. The size of the rug must be at least 100x100 cm. Its edges are edged with satin ribbons on a sewing machine. On the front side of the fabric, marks are made of the places where buttons of different sizes will be sewn. The distance between them should not be less than 5 cm. Buttons are sewn with a needle and thread. The rug is ready. It helps to stabilize blood circulation.

Agility trainers

Trainers of this type are quite simple to manufacture. They practically do not require any material costs. "Bilbock" is the most common respiratory gymnastics simulator. To make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • plastic bottle;
  • strong thread or satin ribbon;
  • container from Kinder Surprise (you can use a small ball).

Cut off the top of a plastic bottle with scissors. Its length should be about 7-10 cm. The lid is not removed. A hole is made in it with an awl. A thread is threaded through it and fixed on the outside of the lid with a knot. A ball or container is attached to the remaining edge of the thread.

This sports equipment for kindergarten (it's easy to make it with your own hands from bottles) helps to develop dexterity, attentiveness, quick reaction. The game is as follows: the child takes a bottle turned upside down with a cut edge, and, holding it in his hand, tosses the ball. He needs to be caught. Who coped with such a task, well done!

Breathing exercises with sports equipment

To make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands (a master class will help with this), you will also need simple plastic bottles.

"Funny glove" develops proper breathing.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • plastic bottle (1-1.5 l);
  • rubber glove;
  • plastic tube for cocktails;
  • small plastic clamp.

A hole is cut in a plastic bottle, the size of which corresponds to the diameter of the tube. It must be processed so that there are no sharp edges and uneven cuts. A tube is inserted into it and fixed with adhesive tape or glue. You also need to make a hole in the lid, only of a larger diameter. They put a glove on it and fix it with a collar.

Tip: to add color to the design of such a simulator, the bottle is decorated with a cloth, and eyes, nose and lips are drawn on the glove.

The essence of the game: the child blows into the tube and tries to fill the glove with air. Whoever did it faster, he won.

Let's make a Twister

This game is designed to develop all the muscles as well as the flexibility of the child. It can be made using thick fabric and acrylic paints.

The canvas should have dimensions of at least 150x170 cm. On its surface, circles with a diameter of 15 cm are drawn with acrylic paints. The distance between them can be 10-12 cm. The scoreboard for choosing a task is made of a square sheet of cardboard. An arrow is attached to it, which should rotate. Buildings for arms and legs are written on the sides of the sheet. For example, "left foot on the red circle" and the like.

We develop motor skills

This do-it-yourself sports equipment for kindergarten (photo can be seen in the article) is made quite simply. It can be bags, various massage gloves, pigtails and much more.


For the manufacture of such inventory you will need fabric. Often soft burlap with dense weaving is used. A rectangular bag is sewn from it. Cereals are poured into it: buckwheat or rice. Buttons are sewn on the surface of such a bag. The child kneads such a bag and stimulates blood circulation in the hands.

massage gloves

How to make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands step by step?

You will need the following:

  • soft gloves;
  • flat buttons of different sizes;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.

Buttons are sewn to the inside of each glove. They can be placed randomly. Most importantly, the entire surface of the fabric must be filled. With the help of such a glove, a child can massage any part of the body to himself or other children.

Massage Mat

The equipment well stimulates blood circulation. For its manufacture, you will need a rubber base, plastic bottle caps, nylon thread. The rug may be small. The child's legs must fit completely on it.

Work process:

  • plastic covers of different sizes are inserted into the rubber base (pressed into the structure);
  • in order to securely fix the structure, they are pre-coated with glue;
  • the lids are fastened together with a thread (each lid is rewound).

The equipment can be used immediately after production.

Sports equipment for outdoor play

Physical education takes place outdoors in the summer. The playground also needs to be equipped with a sports corner. For this, wood is often used.

It is not necessary to create massive structures. You can make sports equipment for physical education for kindergarten with your own hands in the form of simple stairs, labyrinths, props, logs and much more.

In children, hemp, which is dug into the ground, is especially popular. The child walks through them like a maze. Whoever fails to complete the task, loses.

Making a simulator for children that develops the vestibular apparatus will also not be difficult. For this, logs of various thicknesses are perfect.

Manufacturing process:

  • supports are dug into the ground at a certain distance from each other (hemp, remains of logs, metal pipes);
  • logs 1.5-2 m long are mounted on them with the help of special fasteners;
  • after that, the design is painted in bright colors.

To make it safe for children to walk, additional wooden planks are attached to the props. Thick ropes are tied to their sides. They will be used as railings.

Another, no less interesting, is the cobweb simulator. It has the following structure:

  • a metal pipe 2 m high (dug into the ground and concreted);
  • around it (at a distance of 1.5-2 m) pipes are dug in, the height of which is 50 cm.
  • special metal hooks are made on the surface of such structures;
  • ropes are tied to them, and a kind of web is woven from them.

The child must get to its top. It is necessary to be careful, since the simulator is traumatic if the exercises are done inaccurately. Therefore, under such a "web" on the surface of the earth, special rubber mats are installed.

Often, those who have already faced the problem of excess weight know how difficult it is to get rid of extra pounds. The first thing that comes to mind is strict diets and grueling workouts. But few people are willing to spend their time, health and money, because the same trips to the gym are not cheap. Is there really no hope for ideal forms at all? Eat! In healthy weight loss, without leaving your home, the Lose Weight simulator will help you. With your own hands, you can independently make such a simulator at home.

What is a trainer

The idea of ​​​​inventing the sensational simulator belongs to Nikolai Dolinov. This resourceful man has built a structure that can easily replace both the treadmill and jogging, and even compete with going to the pool. It is interesting that the simulator not only replaces these types of loads, but also combines them together, while leveling the negative aspects associated with such physical loads. This approach helped the aforementioned inventor lose twenty kilograms in just two months. And this despite the fact that the initial weight of Nikolai Dolinov was about ninety kilograms. Agree, the result is very impressive! The most important thing is that Dolinov's "Lose Weight" simulator is easy to do with your own hands, even for those who have little idea of ​​​​this process.

The Dolinov simulator itself looks like this - these are two ropes, which have a loop at each end. Attaches to a wall or doorway using the included hook. That, in fact, is all. Such a light and compact design, and the result from training is amazing.

Most likely, everyone who became interested in the invention was visited by the question: “How can you do it yourself?”. It's not as hard as it might seem at first glance. Of course, the home analogue will be somewhat different from its patented version, but it is quite suitable for effective home workouts.

How to make a Dolinov simulator yourself

To begin with, you can purchase everything you need for the simulator at the most ordinary building materials store. The purchase is quite budgetary, and you can easily make the Dolinov's "Lose Weight" simulator with your own hands.

You'll need:

  • Rope. When choosing a rope for a future simulator, give preference to cables with high strength. Required length - 8 m.
  • The belt is synthetic. The length of the belt should be 3 m, and its width should be about 35 mm.
  • Dowel. Suitable plastic dowels - 3 pcs.
  • Hooks. The hook should be 8 mm in cross section, with the ends in the form of a half ring.
  • Blocks. The section of the block should be 3 cm. We need 2 blocks.
  • PP pipe. Pipe length - 50 cm, internal section - 20 mm.
  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • Electric drill.
  • Drill 8 mm wide.

That's all you need to make Dolinov's "Lose Weight" simulator with your own hands. Let's start manufacturing. Take the rope and cut it into two equal parts. It is better to singe the ends with matches or a lighter. Next, insert the ends of the rope into blocks.

The next step: you need to put the pipe on the rope. Secure the pipe with a rope, twisting it into a loop. In order for the resulting design to be durable and look more or less aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to fasten the loop by sewing it with a dense thread. It is better to do this with a sewing machine, but since not every household machine is able to sew such a strong cable, you will most likely have to work with your hands.

In principle, the simulator is ready. It remains only to drill a hole for a screw with a half ring in a suitable place and fix the simulator on it.

It is much easier to understand the essence of the process when there is a clear example of how to make the Lose Weight simulator with your own hands. The drawings, however, are not so important, because the design is simple.

How to use the simulator

Now you can start training. Before starting, you need to do a light warm-up. Several times you will be able to train on the floor in a prone position. To do this, lie on the floor, insert your arms and legs into the loops. You need to move like you are riding a bike.

Advantages of training on the Dolinov simulator

First, the short term. For classes you will need from 5 to 10 minutes. Secondly, compactness. The simulator occupies a minimum of space, it is easy to remove it if necessary. And despite the fact that you can make the "Lose Weight" simulator with your own hands.

As you can see, in order to lose weight and stay in shape, you do not need to exhaust yourself with ineffective diets and purchase expensive equipment. You can simply make the "Lose Weight" simulator with your own hands quickly and without leaving your home.

This equipment is made of plastic bottles with corks based on drape fabric.

It is intended for bare walking, correction and prevention of flat feet, hardening. It is used for physical exercises, during wake-up exercises, joint sports events with parents.

This equipment is made from pieces of linoleum.

It is used for outdoor activities and entertainment, to reinforce the concepts: "right leg", "left leg", "right arm", "left arm". Promotes the development of coordination of movement, memory, dexterity, strengthening the muscles of the legs and arms, attention.

This manual is made of a plastic bottle, colored paper, straws for a cocktail.

Used for breathing exercises. Develops the respiratory organs.

Made of sticks and colored ribbons, ribbons.

Designed to perform general developmental exercises, breathing exercises, organizing outdoor games, competition games. Contribute to the development of the respiratory organs, the muscles of the body.

Made from plastic bottles, fishing line, Kinder Surprise capsules, for decoration: colored adhesive paper.

Designed to hit the target. Develops an eye, attention, speed of reaction, manual dexterity.

Made of plastic cubes, paper with silhouettes of a person performing various exercises.

It is intended for use in independent play activities, organized educational activities, for work at home with parents. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the body, the development of general developmental exercises, attention, coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Made from a ball, a mat glued to a wooden base, a spring, a mouse toy.

Designed to hit the target for playing individually, in pairs, as a team. Develops an eye, attention, speed of reaction, manual dexterity.

It is made of five-liter plastic canisters and linen gum.

Designed to develop strength.

Made from plastic bottles, colored tape and sand (or other filling material).

Designed to develop strength.

Made from small plastic bottles, filled with colored rain, candy wrappers, etc.

Designed to perform general developmental exercises, the main types of movements, massage and self-massage, the prevention of flat feet, the development of fine motor skills, and is used as substitute items for role-playing games.

Made of aluminum hoop and dense fabric.

Designed for crawling. It is used in outdoor games, when performing the main types of movement, in role-playing games.

Made from wooden blocks that are painted and clothesline.

Designed to perform the main types of movement, to develop coordination of movement, for independent gaming activities.

Made of dense fabric and filled with beans, you can use another filler (small pebbles, beads, peas, etc.)

Designed to perform general developmental exercises, basic types of movements, massage and self-massage, prevention of flat feet.

If you want to develop muscles, but there is no opportunity to go to the gym or purchase expensive equipment, you can make a simulator with your own hands. The process requires a minimum amount of time and money, and the result will not be inferior to purchased sports equipment in terms of training efficiency. We will talk about how to make your own gym with a set of homemade simulators below.

After all, the weight of the Olympic and bumper pancakes can be the same as that of an ordinary homemade barbell with concrete pancakes. But a person is led to miracle simulators, bright colors and good advertising.

It is worth noting that nothing will work for free. You will have to spend an adequate amount of money to craft shells and trainers.

So why do it yourself if you still have to spend money? The answer is simple, you will save 10 times the amount you would spend on expensive equipment on the production of simulators.

Essential home gym equipment

It is worth giving preference to free weights. If your goals are to build a harmoniously developed strong body, then, undoubtedly, your choice should fall on the queen of strength sports.


  • Barbell. The bar can be made from a variety of materials, we will come to this issue later. For, you will need pancakes for the bar, it is advisable to have in pairs, at least 150 kilograms. Also for the barbell set, a W-shaped bar is required. This type of neck is necessary for pumping the hands and relieving stress from the joints.
  • , it is desirable that they be collapsible, as they will take up less space.
  • bench press preferably with an adjustable back. Such a bench is necessary for performing bench presses at different angles, wiring, pullovers and other exercises.
  • , one of the most easily accessible simulators. Differ in ease of manufacture and availability of materials. The range of exercises is wide, so this simulator will perfectly complement the gym.
  • power frame, will ensure your safety while doing squats, pulls and presses. A universal simulator, which is distinguished by its simplicity of design and stands out for its increased safety.
  • roller trainer, to perform various thrusts. With the help of such a simulator, you can develop the broadest and triceps well.
  • For need punching bag and.

Here is the list of the most necessary kit for bodybuilding and fitness support in general.

What sports equipment can be made with your own hands

If you wish, you can also make a fitness room of the latest generation, but we will make only the most necessary equipment.

The bar is a fairly simple simulator to manufacture. For it, you can use pipes and metal, and for pancakes, stumps, self-made concrete pancakes, metal blanks, car flywheels and everything that can sit on our neck.

For dumbbells, you can make blanks from fittings and metal pipes, pancakes from plastic bottles and concrete blanks. The main condition is to make the dumbbell collapsible.

The bench is easy to make. You can make one universal, with an adjustable angle of inclination, and the other at an angle of 45, 70, 90 degrees.

It is an affordable and not expensive product, but you will have to work with a pear. The simulator will cost a certain amount, but will last a long time.

What is needed to make

First, let's break everything down into items and inventory.


For the manufacture of the neck, we need a metal pipe with a diameter of 30mm, thickness 6mm. The length of the neck should be from 1.6 m to 2 m.

Separators, which will separate the work surface for the grip and the place for pancakes. For separators, we need 2 strong bolts or cut out 2 pieces of a metal plate with a diameter of 50 mm. We drill the center of the plates by 30mm, and we have ready-made separators, it remains only to weld onto the pipe.

Neck locks. They are useful for firmly fixing pancakes on the bar. You can purchase 2 spring locks or take 2 pieces of pipe with a diameter of 31 mm and drill a hole in them and fix it with a bolt.

Pancakes. To make pancakes, we need to make a mold from boards and metal. For filling, we will use high-grade concrete, and reinforce with wire.

In order to make the construction of pancakes more durable and more beautiful, it will be necessary to cover the pancakes with concrete enamel, this will provide protection from moisture, and concrete dust will not fall from them.


For the manufacture of dumbbells, we need: 2 pieces of pipe, molds for pancakes, locks. Manufacturing technology is the same as that of the rod. It is advisable to make everything at once.

For the bench we need: a metal square, dimensions 50x50x4. The length is only about 8.3 meters. Board dimensions 1.3 by 0.3m. It will be required for the base.

metal plate, for making petals. They are mounted on the racks of the bench and serve as holders for the barbell.
For the manufacture of a functional station in which there will be a horizontal bar and bars, we need metal for the base, pipes for the crossbars. Concrete for pouring the structure. Provided that the station will be installed on the street. It is also worth adding a crossbar at a height for attaching gymnastic rings and a punching bag.

power frame, the design is complex, requires the use of accurate drawings and a large amount of materials. So she should be treated separately.

Punching bag

For the manufacture of a punching bag, you will need either ordinary bags for storing cereals, or tarpaulin or tarpaulin. Dimensions for manufacturing - a height of at least 1 meter, weight must be taken into account from 40 to 60 kg. 2 metal rings that will shape the boxing bag, 4 carabiners, a chain meter and the stuffing itself. As stuffing, you can use rags, old things and sawdust.

Also, in addition to everything, you should have a welding machine and all accessories for it, cement, sand, crushed stone and a thinking head that will be responsible for the manufacturing process

Description of the manufacturing process, step by step instructions


  • For the manufacture of the rod, initially we make blanks for pancakes, cut out and knock together a shape in the form of a circle from the boards. We measure the middle and put a piece of pipe with a diameter of 32mm. We get a centered base. We trim the edges with tin and connect it with self-tapping screws. The form is ready. We make forms according to the same principle for dumbbells. You can adjust the size of the mold yourself, keep in mind that the larger the pancake, the heavier it will be.
  • Now we need to make a frame that will firmly hold our concrete. Such a frame is knitted from wire and placed on the bottom of the mold.
  • To prepare high-grade durable concrete, we must mix 1 bag of high-grade cement, 2 bags of crushed stone and one and a half bags of sand. All this is diluted with water until a uniform mass is obtained and placed in molds. Align with a spatula all the irregularities and lay another layer of wire. Be sure to crush and tamp the concrete base in order to avoid the formation of cavities in the pancakes. Leave the molds until the solution is completely dry. On average it will take 3 days.
  • After the concrete mortar has dried, carefully remove the pancakes from the molds, this must be done very carefully, if they do not come out, carefully beat the edges of the molds with a hammer and the pancakes can be taken out. Cover the finished pancakes with paint for concrete and leave to dry.
  • Let's start making vultures. We will make 2 of them, one is a classic bench press, the second will be W-shaped. For a classic neck, we take our workpiece, grind it so that it is even and comfortable. After grinding, using a welding machine, we weld the holders at a distance of 40 cm from the edges. We will use bolts as locks. Then we drill 4 holes on these 40 cm for installing locks.
  • For the manufacture of a W-shaped neck, we take a blank pipe, we clamp it in a vice and evenly bend the middle to a W shape. For a place for pancakes, we retreat 20 cm and weld the holders.


The design of the dumbbell bar is made according to the same principle as the classic bar.

bench press

Here the bench for the bench will be a more complex design.

We take our raw materials, in the form of a square metal pipe, and make blanks out of it. We should consider the design and dimensions. Our segment is completely enough for manufacturing, and the drawing itself can be found on the Internet.

Punching bag

For the punching bag, we need to choose a material. Tarpaulin remains the best choice. If there is no opportunity and skills to sew the bag yourself, then it is better to give it to the atelier. It should be warned that the upper ring is not completely sewn, but put 4 gaps 1 cm long. Carabiners will be put on these gaps.

After the bag is ready, you need to start stuffing it. Density is determined individually for each person, but if you are new to the sport, then you should not stuff the bag tightly in order to avoid injury and let the brushes get used to it.


At the end of all the work, we get a set for developing strength, namely a barbell, a W-shaped neck, a pair of dumbbells, a bench and a pear.

According to the period of use, pancakes will last for at least 2 years, a pear with proper care and avoid exposure to a humid environment will last about 5 years. The bars and the bench are eternal.

Comparison of the cost of the material spent and the cost of buying a new simulator

As a result, we spent about 10 thousand rubles on all the material, provided that we use only high-quality materials.

And now we give the average prices for new inventory:

  • Barbell Olympic with a set of pancakes for 120 kg. In rubber protection, it will cost you about 50 thousand rubles.
  • The price for a pair of dumbbells of 20 kg is 15,000 rubles.
  • The average price of a bench for a bench press is from 5 thousand rubles.
  • Punching bag from 3.5 thousand. As a result, we save more than 70 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing complexity

The complexity of manufacturing such simulators depends on your abilities and imagination. With a significant lack of skills, you can use the services of professionals. According to calculations, this may cost approximately another 10 thousand rubles, when compared with the amount for branded equipment, you can still save in the end. But if you still decide to do everything yourself, you will get a set of useful skills that will be useful in the future to expand the gym.

Safety of use

It is worth noting that even the most modern simulators can be injured. It is worth remembering the golden rule of bodybuilding “There must be moderation in everything”, which means, carefully work on the technique, and the weight of the weight will gradually increase by itself. Therefore, the likelihood of injury depends primarily on you.