Sale of wild boar in Yekaterinburg. Recipes for delicious wild boar dishes Can you eat wild boar

Application in cooking wild boar meat has its own specifics, allowing to give greater tenderness and preserve the high nutritional value of dishes.

The first thing to do with a piece is to clean the skin from the bristles. The traditional way to get rid of coarse hair is to singe or scald the skin with boiling water, after which the hairs are easily removed.

If the animal you are butchering was a hardened billhook during its lifetime, its meat may have a specific smell, which is removed only with the help of long soaking. Wild pig or young piglets are free from this disadvantage and can be used for cooking without prior preparation.

Any game, and wild boar is no exception, is best used in order to prepare main courses. The broth from such meat, although it turns out to be rich, has a specific aftertaste and may seem tasteless to an unusual person.

In addition to boiling and frying, roasting wild boar meat with spices and herbs is very popular among cooks. This simple recipe, which came to us from time immemorial, is still popular in the best restaurants in the world and can be successfully repeated at home, even by a hostess with little experience.

The benefits of wild boar meat:

The active lifestyle of wild animals makes their meat leaner compared to domestic pork. In addition, the high content of protein and minerals gives the product a high nutritional and energy value.

In the course of laboratory studies of wild boar meat, obtained on the territory of the hunting farm of the Pervomaisky district of the Yaroslavl region, on February 15, a diagnosis of trichinosis was established.
This disease is registered annually in the territory Russian Federation. The last major outbreak of this disease was registered in the 1st quarter of 2016, when in the territory of Tula and Kursk region 22 people fell ill. The above cases of the disease are associated with the consumption of pork and wild boar meat purchased in unauthorized markets.
Trichinosis is an anthropozoonotic disease, i.e. common to humans and animals, characteristic of omnivorous and carnivorous animals, occurring acutely or chronically, with pronounced allergic reactions. Of the slaughtered animals, pigs get sick. Trichinosis in humans is characterized by fever, muscle pain, swelling of the face, skin rashes, and in severe cases, intestinal disorders, the frequent development of complications leading to disability and sometimes death.
Meat affected by trichinella, outwardly no different from uninfected. The larvae can only be seen with a microscope. They are highly resistant, tolerate the effects of common salt used for conservation, are not afraid of relatively high temperature and its significant decrease, therefore they do not die during salting, smoking. The death of trichinella occurs when cooking pieces of meat no more than 8 cm thick for at least 2.5 hours. Salting kills trichinella only in the surface layers of meat, in the depth they remain viable for more than a year. Smoking is not enough to completely destroy them. At a temperature of -18°C, the larvae in pig carcasses die after 106 hours, at -23°C after 64 hours.
A person becomes infected by eating undercooked meat and meat products infected with Trichinella larvae. Trichinella meat, in addition to the presence in it of the causative agent of a serious human disease, is also a toxic product. Toxic substances are not destroyed during heat treatment of meat. In modern conditions, a person becomes infected mainly by eating the meat of a pig, wild boar, bear, dog, badger in various types: boiled, fried, barbecue, ham, bacon with layers of meat, sausage (raw smoked), steak with blood, raw minced meat, meatballs, dumplings, belyashi. Infection from wild animals is associated mainly with hunting and subsequent eating of meat.
A reliable method for diagnosing trichinosis is post-mortem trichinoscopy of meat during veterinary examination of carcasses of pigs and wild omnivorous and carnivorous animals used for food (wild boar, bear, etc.). If at least one trichinella is found, the carcass and offal with muscle tissue are sent for technical disposal, the press service of the Rosselkhoznadzor for the Yaroslavl region reports.

Measures to prevent trichinosis:
1. Exclude raw, undercooked or undercooked meat from food;
2. Avoid tasting raw minced meat;
3.Purchase meat and meat products in authorized outlets in the presence of documents certifying the conduct of veterinary and sanitary examination;
4.Before eating meat obtained by hunting and slaughtering in a personal farmstead, be sure to contact the laboratory to conduct a study of raw materials for the detection of Trichinella larvae

How much is boar meat ( average price for 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Wild boar hunting is a favorite pastime for many avid hunters. Moreover, the reason for this is both a certain sporting interest and the opportunity to get the most valuable wild boar meat, which in terms of taste is almost in no way inferior to pork.

Boar meat has been used as human food for hundreds of years. So, it is known for certain that our ancestors used wild boar long before pigs were domesticated. And today, wild boar meat, which has an even pinkish tint and a very rich taste, is dearly loved by many connoisseurs of game.

There is an opinion that wild boar meat has a rather specific pungent odor, but this is not entirely true. When properly prepared, this product exudes a fresh, rather pleasant aroma. The greatest value is inherent in the meat of young females and males, while adult or old male boars give a tougher meat, which requires a preliminary three-hour soak in vinegar solution.

It is clear that the main use of wild boar meat is the preparation of dishes based on it. The most delicious are the second courses, for which, before using the boar, it must be freed from bristles, if any. In field conditions, wild boar meat is fried on a fire, marinated for barbecue or smoked. As a side dish, fried potatoes or stewed vegetables are perfect for wild boar meat.

Often, when cooking wild boar meat, a variety of spices (pepper, mustard, lemon juice) and aromatic herbs (juniper, thyme or lingonberries) are added. Baked boar meat will turn out especially tasty if you rub it with garlic before cooking. For lovers of spicy food, roast boar meat is suitable, which is served to the table, accompanied by a spicy sauce.

The benefits of boar meat

The benefits of wild boar meat have been proven due to the content of phosphorus and antioxidants in its composition. As you know, phosphorus is able to have a beneficial effect on the condition of our teeth, bones and joints. In addition, this macronutrient is a component of many enzymes that our body needs, which contributes to a more complete absorption of vitamins. Antioxidants, in turn, lower blood sugar levels and counter negative effects. free radicals prolonging youth and maintaining our health.

In general, wild boar meat belongs to the category of dietary products, since it contains a very small amount of cholesterol. The calorie content of wild boar meat is only 122 kcal per 100 grams of fresh game.

In addition to the benefits of wild boar meat, other organs are also valued in the animal. For example, boar fat has long been used to treat chronic pneumonia and bronchitis. The animal's liver helps fight diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis.

July 22, 2018

Not everyone had to try wild boar meat. The benefits and harms of this large prey of hunters are often ignored, because we are used to equating a wild boar with a domestic one. But this is an erroneous opinion, since the meat of a wild animal has many distinctive properties, brings tangible benefits and harms the body much less than fatty, cholesterol-rich pork.

As a rule, people have heard about the dangers of pork. But the meat of a wild boar - the closest relative of a domestic pig, experts, on the contrary, consider it more useful than harmful. What is the secret of this "wonder of nature"?

The main reason for the differences is nutrition. It is customary to actively feed domestic pigs in order to build up more fat and meat, but the inhabitant of the forest jungle does not need excess weight and is even dangerous - you will not be “sporty”, you will not live long in the forest.

Boar meat is lean, sinewy and even somewhat dry, and its calorie content is only 122 Kcal (for comparison, pork meat “rewards” its connoisseurs from 259 to 375 Kcal per 100 g).

The main advantages of this game also include a low amount of cholesterol. Nutritionists say that thanks to such qualities of boar - best product as part of diets for people who want to lose weight or who, due to medical contraindications, should not eat fatty foods.

Proteins are necessary for the normal state of cells, and their main source is food of animal origin. Wild boars feed mainly on vegetation, and very diverse, because their meat contains a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals, without which it is impossible to maintain health.

Vitamins of beauty and tranquility

What vitamins are in boar meat? Most of the fair sex call these substances almost the main ones in their personal “vitamin hierarchy”. We are talking about vitamin E (tocopherol) and B vitamins. Facial skin and hair care must include cosmetical tools with the addition of vitamin E. In addition to beauty, tocopherol gives other "bonuses": it reduces the risk of developing hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, prevents the formation of tumors and early aging.

B group vitamins will take care of your nervous system, relieving neurosis, depression, insomnia, mobility disorders, and enhance the effect of vitamin E on skin, hair, and nails.

Boar meat is a source of antioxidants

If substances that neutralize oxidation processes enter the body, cells become more resilient, youth and life expectancy are prolonged. In the meat of wild boar, such compounds were found - antioxidants, which also regulate blood sugar levels, protecting against diabetes.

mineral complex

Pork-game has a strange reddish color. It is explained by an impressive proportion of iron, which everyone who does not want to suffer from anemia needs. Also in boar meat there are "deposits" of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper. But most of all in the product - zinc, selenium and phosphorus.

Thanks to these components, you will strengthen the skeletal system, joints and muscles, prevent tooth decay and wrinkles. The minerals contained in this game have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, improve metabolic processes and quickly eliminate the defects of the mucous membranes.

"Boars" medicines in folk medicine

Since ancient times, the wives of hunters have known that the first thing to do from the carcass of a wild boar is to isolate the fat and cut out the liver. Interest in these parts of the carcass was associated with their healing properties- colds and bronchitis were easily treated with boar fat, and sometimes with the help of such a medicine it was possible to defeat even pneumonia. Fat was used both for warming the chest and for oral administration.

Wild boar liver dishes helped cure liver diseases. Modern folk healers continue to practice the treatment of colds, anemia, hepatitis, cirrhosis with fat and the liver of a formidable forest dweller.

Stiffness and smell are not the reasons for the rejection of "wild" pork

If wild boar meat first appeared in your kitchen, the first thing that may cause a reluctance to cook this product is excessive meat rigidity and a specific smell. The meat of an old boar will smell stronger than a young one, convincing you more and more that you can’t cook anything tasty from a wild boar.

But it's not! Do not rush to conclusions, because any housewife has vinegar and favorite spices at hand. Make a weak solution of vinegar, add a little seasoning, and keep the meat in the marinade longer.

When for some reason you cannot make a marinade, simply soak the product in water or whey - this will also weaken the ambiguous flavor.

To make the fillet as soft as possible, you need to boil it well - in the end you will get a broth with a spicy flavor and healthy meat. What else to cook from a wild boar? It is best to bake such game in the oven, stew in sour cream, make chops and pastes from it. Bay leaves, black or red pepper, cinnamon, cloves, crushed nutmeg, thyme, lingonberries, liquid mustard, lemon juice go well with wild boar.

The meat of wild animals, otherwise game, has always been considered a delicacy that not many can afford. Now the situation has changed, and even if it is not always available in the store, you can always order venison, bear meat, and wild boar meat via the Internet - the most popular according to sellers.

Briefly about the product

Boar or wild boar meat is the muscle tissue of the wild ancestors of the domestic pig. This definition includes not only the flesh of well-known wild boars, common throughout Eurasia, but also:

  • Bush-eared pig.
  • Warthog.
  • Babirussy.

The first two types of animals are the inhabitants of Africa. The third exists only in Sulawesi, and although it is listed in the International Red Book, this does not prevent local residents from hunting for it.

Boar meat has darker color than pork, contains less fat, has a specific smell. With the correct cutting of the carcass, it is practically not felt.

The meat of young animals, obtained in August-September, is most valued.

What's the use?

Boar meat is a product, the use of which, with confirmed quality, can positively affect the state of health for many reasons.

  • Due to the living conditions of the animal, wild boar practically does not contain antibiotics and hormones that are harmful to humans, which are used to raise pigs on farms.
  • The calorie content of boar meat is on average 122 kcal per 100 g, which is two times lower than that of pork. It can be enabled in the menu as dietary product for those who care about nutrition.
  • The digestibility of the product is about 90%. It contains essential amino acids (isoleucine, lysine, methionine) necessary for: growth of bone and muscle tissue; renewal of the mucous membranes of organs; fast energy metabolism; maintaining immunity
  • Red meat contains about 1/10 of the daily requirement of iron (1 mg per 100 g), therefore it is recommended to use: teenage girls and women; pregnant women; people suffering from anemia; donors; those who have undergone surgery or trauma with large blood loss.
  • 100 g of wild boar contains 10% of the daily requirement of phosphorus, the lack of which leads to: malfunctions of the thyroid gland; hypercalcemia; increase the likelihood of arthritis; loss of strength and nervous exhaustion.
  • In the muscle tissue of pigs and boars, a lot of thiamine (vitamin B1) accumulates - up to 0.9 mg per 100 g with a daily requirement of 1.5 mg. Without it, normal lipid metabolism, as well as problems with the nervous system begin.
  • There is also a lot of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) in the product - about 1/5 (4 mg) of the required daily allowance per 100 g. It reduces the production of cholesterol by the liver and improves blood circulation in the capillaries.
  • Traditional medicine recommends melting fat from the fattest pieces of boar meat, and rubbing it on the chest and back to cure chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.


At high nutritional value this product is not always useful to the body, and its production is often associated with serious health risks.

The processing and serving of boar meat has its own characteristics, taking into account which will allow you to fully enjoy the cooked dishes.

  1. The flesh of bulls (adult males), especially old ones, has an unpleasant odor, especially if it is obtained during the rutting period - from late November to March. Get rid of it by soaking prey in water or vinegar solution for several hours.
  2. As in the case of pork, the hind legs, loin and brisket of wild boar are most often salted and smoked, the shoulder blade is stewed, and other parts of the carcass are boiled or fried.
  3. Wild boar goes well with sweet and sour berry sauces and fragrant forest herbs - thyme, sage, marjoram. A suitable drink for dishes from it will be dry red wine.

Boar meat is one of the most inexpensive, and therefore affordable, when it comes to game. If it is of high quality and a person does not have diseases that would prohibit consumption, this useful delicacy is definitely worth decorating the table from time to time.