How to Roast Cashew Nuts. Fried cashew - a description of the nut; its benefits and harms; cashew calories; recommendations for use in treatment and cooking Do cashews fry

The homeland of this delicious nut is Brazil, and the Portuguese brought it to the countries of Europe and Asia. During its popularity, it has acquired many names - it is called the Indian nut, the exotic “akazhu”, the western cashew, and the literal translation of cashews sounds like “yellow fruit”. It is believed that the most delicious are nuts grown in India.

The Indian nut grows on a tree and consists of two unusual parts - a thick-skinned fruit and a soft cashew apple. But only nuts get to us, since the pulp of apples deteriorates very quickly and does not tolerate transportation. In warm countries where this exotic nut grows, about 25 thousand tons of orange cashew pulp are harvested per year. Delicious juices are produced from it, jams are brewed and even spirits are made.

The process of extracting cashews from a thick shell is a difficult and even dangerous task! The fact is that between the core and the outer shell of the fetus contains poisonous oil, which, if it gets on the surface of the skin, can cause a burn. Only experienced people know the rules for extracting cashews, and only they manually take out each nut. That is why cashew nuts are never sold in the shell and are consumed only after heat treatment.

However, poisonous oil has found application in the industrial sector. It is collected in special containers and lubricated with wood products. Such processing allows you to preserve the original appearance of the tree for a long time, protect it from decay and pests.

Composition of cashew

The Indian walnut tastes very oily, fatty, but it contains much less organic fat than walnuts or almonds. The benefits of cashews lie in their rich composition, as well as in an amazing combination of polyunsaturated fats and vitamins.

Cashew contains:

  • Fatty acids (groups Omega-3, 6 and 9)
  • Polyphenols
  • Vitamins B6, B2, B1, A, E, PP
  • Starch
  • A nicotinic acid
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Antioxidants
  • Ca, K, Na, Mg, P, Fe

Nutritional value of cashews

Exotic cashews are classified as high-calorie, nutritious foods - one hundred grams of nuts contain about 600 calories, including:

  • Proteins (12.3)
  • Carbohydrates (15.0)
  • Fats (72.7)

This nut has found wide application in cooking, especially as an ingredient for salads, vegetable dishes and baking. Beneficial features cashews are in their oiliness and fat content - from ripe fruits they produce amazing oil, which is used in the fields of cosmetology and medicine.


Cashew harm

The greatest danger can await consumers who dare to use the “akazhu” nut in its raw form. Under its dense shell contains a dangerous poison - cardol, which, when it hits the surface of the skin, causes severe pain, redness and burns. But if this poison gets inside our body, it will cause a severe allergic reaction, up to swelling of the larynx and suffocation. Therefore, before use, it is better to roast the nuts in order to completely eliminate the harm of cashews.

You should not use the exotic "I will tell" to people who are diagnosed with:

  • Stones in the urinary tract.
  • Allergy or intolerance to individual components of the nut.

Despite the obvious benefits, cashew nuts can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. In case of oversaturation of the body with this nut, symptoms of a banal food allergy may occur: rash, itching, swelling. In this case, it is better to stop using nuts and take special antihistamines.

The harm of cashews is not ruled out if it is introduced into the diet of children under 3 years old. Since the Indian nut is an allergen, its dosage should be strictly controlled and the reaction of the child's body to this product should be monitored.


cashew benefits

The popularity of this attractive-looking nut is growing rapidly in our country. Due to its exquisite taste and unique properties, it is used for cooking and consumed on its own. It has been proven that the benefits of cashews for the body are not at all exaggerated. Japanese scientists after a series of studies have found that this nut is able to fight gum disease and even resist the destruction of tooth enamel.

Surprisingly, in African countries, this nut is used as an intoxicant and is used during tattooing, and in South America cashews are considered a powerful aphrodisiac that can ignite passion and increase potency. Walnut oil is also used to neutralize snake bites, lubricate skin cracks and warts with it.

However, the enormous benefit of cashews for humans is the huge content of polyunsaturated acids. Regularly consuming the exotic “comma nut”, a person supplies the body with a portion of useful substances necessary for brain activity, reliably protects the cells of all organs from the effects of harmful factors and normalizes cholesterol levels.

Cashew nuts have a number of healing effects on the body, namely:

  • Reduce the likelihood of heart disease.
  • They saturate the joints, bones and blood vessels of the body with useful substances that contribute to their strength and elasticity.
  • Protect the body from harmful free radicals environment.
  • Help with anemia, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Strengthen the immune forces of the body.
  • They are an excellent therapeutic agent for ailments of the respiratory tract.
  • Recommended for diabetes, hypertension.
  • Strengthen the reproductive functions of the body and have a positive effect on libido.
  • Effectively fight against oncological neoplasms.
  • Regulate metabolism in the body.
  • Suitable as an additional source of energy when dieting.
  • They relieve skin problems (acne, psoriasis, eczema), nourish and rejuvenate the epidermis.
  • They have a positive effect on the work of the stomach, liver, normalize intestinal motility.
  • Relieve irritation, help get rid of depression, insomnia, stress

Only 50 grams of cashews provide the body with 37 of the daily requirement of copper and magnesium, and regular use of these nuts eliminates the occurrence of anemia. The presence of cashews in the diet reduces the risk of gallbladder ailments. Indian nuts are recommended in the postoperative period - they help the body to quickly recover, get stronger and gain strength.

Cashew during pregnancy

Indian walnut enriches a woman's body during pregnancy with a huge amount of organic acids and valuable vitamins that are not found in their natural form very often. The use of cashew nuts for a pregnant woman has no boundaries - it can be consumed in any trimester, and only the intolerance of the expectant mother to any nuts or their components can be a contraindication.

Useful properties of this "overseas" nut during pregnancy are as follows:

  • Cashews significantly strengthen the body's immune forces, which allows a pregnant woman to resist colds and seasonal viruses.
  • It contributes to the strength of the skeletal system, thanks to which the body of the expectant mother copes with the "double" load.
  • Stabilizes the activity of the heart, nervous system, relieves jumps blood pressure, which is very important for a woman in this difficult period.
  • Cashew enriches the body of a pregnant woman with iron, which reduces the risk of anemia.
  • A huge amount of vitamins of different groups that make up the Indian walnut allow a pregnant woman not to feel a deficiency of useful trace elements even during periods of beriberi.
  • Cashew normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach, relieves the pregnant woman from dysbacteriosis and digestive problems.

A woman "in position" should carefully approach the choice of this exotic nut. Crushed, over-dried, over-shriveled cashews should be avoided and shiny, whole fruits should be preferred. You can not buy nuts covered with mold - in this case, the harm to cashews will be significant, and the use of such a product will lead to poisoning!

cashew while breastfeeding

In the period of lactation, a young mother needs to eat well and avoid foods that can adversely affect her baby's well-being. The benefits of cashews during breastfeeding have been repeatedly discussed, but in the course of analyzes and studies it has been proven that these nuts can and should be consumed during lactation.

The body of a woman in the postpartum period lacks vitamins and needs a quick recuperation. Cashew contains a huge amount of valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on cell regeneration and give energy to the body.

Cashews in the diet of a nursing woman will only bring benefits - it very rarely causes allergies, and the child receives with milk a sufficient amount of vitamins and natural trace elements that he needs in the first months of life. Therefore, young mothers can safely introduce Indian walnuts into their diet and enjoy the taste of this wonderful fruit.

Fried cashews: benefits and harms

On the shelves of stores, ready-made, roasted cashew nuts are most often sold. But you can buy them raw and cook them to your liking. For those who do not care too much about the figure, such nuts will be a good option for a snack.

However, the benefits of cashews for the body are manifested precisely in their raw form, since very often unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality oils for frying and generously sprinkle nuts with salt and other spices. In this case, the harm of cashews will significantly exceed the benefits - after consuming such a product, heartburn and bloating may occur.

Roasted cashews, just like raw cashews, have a positive effect on the condition of the gums, strengthen the immune system, and have bactericidal, antimicrobial, tonic and antiseptic properties. Also, cashews are an excellent diuretic - it removes excess fluid from the body and prevents swelling.

Small, comma-shaped cashew nuts can be found in every store today. They have a pleasant sweetish taste and may appear oily. Unique in their composition, these nuts are often used as the main source of vitamins and minerals, replacing complex preparations. However, cashew is not a simple product, it can have both benefits and harms, has its own contraindications and features of use.

Useful properties of cashews

Speaking about the beneficial properties of cashews, you need to start with its nutritional value: the nut contains a large amount of nutrients and vitamins that a person needs in the daily diet. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and the cardiovascular system due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids. Regular consumption of cashews improves bowel function, blood composition, stimulates the brain, lowers cholesterol, improves eyesight and strengthens the immune system and forget about seasonal colds forever.

Walnut improves the condition of the gums and teeth due to its antiseptic properties. In some countries, cashew nuts are used as a medicine for diseases of the upper respiratory tract (asthma and bronchitis).

Depending on the type of processing, the calorie content of the product also fluctuates.

For women

Cashew is very useful for women and has many irreplaceable properties:

  • reduces the activity of proteins that provoke the development of breast cancer;
  • normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • reduces discomfort in premenstrual syndrome;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails and helps to look younger;
  • relieves anemia during pregnancy;
  • helps to prevent pathologies in the development of the bone and circulatory system in the fetus during pregnancy.

For men

For men, the use of cashews is no less important than for women. He helps:

  • restore the hormonal background of a man, eliminating gynecomastia;
  • improve the quality and quantity of sperm;
  • improve sexual activity;
  • stimulate the production of testosterone.

For kids

A few nuts in the absence of contraindications will be an excellent snack for the baby.

AT baby food cashews are used as a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal growth and development of the child. Walnut has the following effects on the children's body:

  • stimulates digestion and metabolism;
  • regulates the development and growth of the skeletal system.

Comparison table with hazelnuts: calories and nutrients

Content-in/100 gCashew nutsHazelnut
Calorie content, kcal592 678
Proteins, g18 15
Fats, g44 61
Carbohydrates, g33 17
Fiber, g3 10
Sugar, g6 4
Vit. C, mg0 3
Vit. B1, mg0,63 0,39
Vit. B2, mg0,26 0,21
B-carotene, mg0,06 0,03
K, mg552 636
Ca, mg31 226
P, mg373 333
Fe, mg2,8 3,8
Mg, mg267 156

A few words about the benefits of the video

Cashews in the daily diet

Cashew nuts are always sold in the processed form without the shell.

Which one to choose: raw or fried

This question usually arises among those who only intend to introduce this vitamin-rich nut into their daily diet. Raw cashews are not found on sale at all; heat treatment is necessary for the product to remove toxic substances. But the roasting methods - with sugar, salt, honey, hot pepper- there really is a lot. These nuts can be eaten as a snack, dessert or added to salads.

Daily allowance for adults

During early and late pregnancy

Do not forget that it is easy to gain weight from an overabundance of nuts, which is not recommended during pregnancy.

How much can you breastfeed

When breastfeeding, you should carefully introduce a new product into the diet, first using three to four kernels per day and carefully monitoring the baby's reaction. If there are no allergies and problems with the stool, then you can gradually increase the dose to 20-25 g per day.

In baby food: at what age to give

Babies under 2 years old are not recommended to offer nuts at all. If the child does not have a food allergy, then for the first time you can try one or two nut kernels. If there is no allergic reaction, then after two or three days you can give a little more nuts. The maximum daily dose is not more than 20 g of cashews.

Cashew and disease

Diabetes mellitus type I and II

Doctors recommend using cashews for diabetes: a large amount of vitamins and minerals maintain normal blood glucose levels. The glycemic index of the product is 15, which is a low indicator. At the same time, do not forget that you can easily get fat from abuse. The daily norm of cashews for diabetics is 30 g.

Gastritis and pancreatitis

In case of pancreatitis, use with caution and it is better to get a doctor's permission

Roasted cashews, especially with salt or pepper, can cause discomfort in gastritis and pancreatitis. However, some experts claim that the oil contained in the nut promotes the healing of ulcers. However, during an exacerbation of gastritis, it is necessary to refrain from eating cashews.

Oncological diseases

On the one hand, the latest research has shown that cashew nuts can stop the development of cancer due to the presence of a special element - proanthocyanidin, which belongs to the class of flavonoids. The substance stops the division of cancer cells and, accordingly, the growth of the tumor. On the other hand, there is evidence that this nut is harmful in oncology, which is confirmed by many scientific work and sources medical literature. In each case, you should consult with your doctor.

Diet food, do you get fat from a nut

Spanish scientists came to the conclusion that cashews during diet food will help not only to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, but also to maintain the results achieved. Three or four nut kernels satisfy hunger for several hours, so dieters who are losing weight can use cashews as a snack.

Products based on it: the nuances of consumption

Cashew oil has a dense, viscous structure and a specific nutty smell.

Cashew oil is a viscous liquid with a specific odor. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, as it has a nourishing, antiseptic and tonic property and is used for:

  • treatment of certain diseases, including respiratory organs, skin, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • pressure normalization;
  • improvement of the skin condition (treatment of cracked heels, nutrition of dry skin, improvement of complexion);
  • treatment and healing of wounds;
  • relief of toothache.

Sometimes cashew oil is also used in cooking, it has a high calorie content (700 kcal / 100 g), so it is recommended to consume no more than 50 g per day.

Cashew nut butter helps in the treatment of many diseases

Surprisingly tasty, sweet paste - cashew urbech - is used:

  • in the treatment of anemia, depression, asthma and bronchitis;
  • when restoring metabolism;
  • when strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • in the prevention of osteochondrosis and atherosclerosis.

The product also improves eyesight, attention and memory. calories nut butter is 643 kcal / 100 g, so the recommended daily intake is 50 g.

Cashew with honey

Nuts with honey are a healthy delicacy that helps to strengthen the immune system and get rid of colds

Crushed nuts mixed with honey are great for strengthening teeth and gums and getting rid of bleeding. Whole nuts roasted in honey are not only delicious treat but also a great way to strengthen the immune system and get rid of colds. An adult is recommended to consume 70-100 g of this delicacy per day.


The main contraindication when using cashews is an allergic reaction, which usually manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, itching, or other negative reactions. In addition, it is not recommended to use nuts for people suffering from diseases of the liver and excretory system. With caution, introduce a new product into the diet of nursing mothers and children, carefully monitoring the reaction of the body.

Peeling nuts is carried out by specially trained people manually or using simple equipment: the toxic substance contained in the shell of the kernel can severely burn hands and cause an allergic reaction

Since ancient times, cashews have been known not only for their medicinal properties, but also some features of the use and processing, ignoring which can lead to negative consequences. So, touching an unpeeled nut and even more so using it is extremely dangerous. Between the shell and the cashew kernel is a thin oily shell containing cardol. This substance causes severe burns and blistering on the skin, and if it enters the body, laryngeal edema and suffocation.

Cashew is a unique product containing a whole complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for human health. Healthy and tasty nuts diversify the daily diet, eliminating the need to additionally take vitamin complexes.

Cashew fried is the heat-treated (roasted) fruit of the cashew tree, which grows in Central and South America, as well as in Africa and Asia. More precisely, a part of the fruit, since cashews also have a tasty, juicy, fleshy apple, which can only be tasted in places where it is grown, since the fruit component of the fruit is not transportable.

Not everyone knows, but even what we call fresh cashews is not actually a raw nut, because in absolutely fresh form, cashews contain the phenolic resin cardol, which causes painful burns. And only after heating and evaporating the oil, the nut becomes safe for human health. So what is sold in stores as fresh cashews is already a thermally processed product. A roasted nut is subjected to additional roasting, due to which its taste becomes more interesting, and the aroma is brighter.

Fried cashews are a ready-made food product, tasty, satisfying, healthy, which can be eaten just like that, or added to a variety of dishes to improve their taste and increase nutritional value.

Beneficial features

Roasted cashews are very similar in composition to fresh cashews, and therefore largely repeats its beneficial properties.

Like a fresh fruit, it strengthens the immune system, normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, protects cells from the action of free radicals, rejuvenates the body and nourishes it with useful substances (vitamins E, B, A, PP; minerals magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron; amino acids tryptophan, glycine, lysine; polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids, etc.). However, we should not forget that the beneficial properties of fried foods are usually lower compared to fresh ones, but the taste is higher. This statement is completely justified for cashews. That's why in medicinal purposes it is better to use fresh nuts, and in culinary - fried.

In terms of calories, fried cashews are almost equal to fresh ones (about 600 kcal), but, if it was fried with salt or, moreover, with sugar, this increases its calorie content. Therefore, overweight people should not abuse fried cashews.

Use in cooking

Roasted cashews are most widely used in cooking, where they are added to a variety of dishes: appetizers, salads, soups, side dishes and, of course, baked goods and desserts.

Roasted cashews can serve:

Almost any dish with the addition of roasted cashew nuts becomes more appetizing, more aromatic, more satisfying and tastier!

The benefits of roasted cashews and treatment

Regular consumption of cashew nuts, both fresh and roasted, brings great benefits to the human body and helps in the treatment of diseases such as:

Harm of fried cashews and contraindications

Roasted cashews, oddly enough, can cause much less harm to human health than fresh nuts, especially raw ones. Therefore, there are practically no contraindications to its use.

The fact is that the biggest problem for the human body in this product is the presence of cardol toxin in it, which causes chemical burns of the skin and mucous membranes. But after heat treatment, the oil containing cardol is evaporated from the nut, and the cashew becomes absolutely safe. Therefore, when roasted, these nuts are harmless.

Besides among cashew nuts is considered the most hypoallergenic, which means that there are relatively few cases of its individual intolerance. Although it is impossible to completely exclude an allergy to some components of its composition, the risk is still low.

Roasted cashews, like fresh cashews, are relatively low in fat, and therefore suitable for people who want to lose weight. excess weight. In addition, cashews, even in small quantities, perfectly dull the feeling of hunger. However, roasting nuts with salt or sugar makes them significantly higher in calories. In this case cashews are not recommended for obese people. But for those who have reduced weight, this is just what you need.

But in any case, you should not abuse fried cashews. The recommended daily dose is 10 nuts. In such quantities, even with daily use of fried cashews, not only will not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will become your body's best friend, saturating it with useful substances, nourishing and toning.

Cashew fried is the heat-treated (roasted) fruit of the cashew tree, which grows in Central and South America, as well as in Africa and Asia. More precisely, a part of the fruit, since cashews also have a tasty, juicy, fleshy apple, which can only be tasted in places where it is grown, since the fruit component of the fruit is not transportable.

Fried cashews are a ready-made food product, tasty, satisfying, healthy, which can be eaten just like that, or added to a variety of dishes to improve their taste and increase nutritional value.

Beneficial features

Roasted cashews are very similar in composition to fresh cashews, and therefore largely repeats its beneficial properties.

Like a fresh fruit, it strengthens the immune system, normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, protects cells from the action of free radicals, rejuvenates the body and nourishes it with useful substances (vitamins E, B, A, PP; minerals magnesium, potassium , calcium, iron; amino acids tryptophan, glycine, lysine; polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids, etc.). However, we should not forget that the beneficial properties of fried foods are usually lower compared to fresh ones, but the taste is higher. This statement is completely justified for cashews. That's why for medicinal purposes it is better to use fresh nuts, and for culinary purposes - fried.

In terms of calories, fried cashews are almost equal to fresh ones (about 600 kcal), but, if it was fried with salt or, moreover, with sugar, this increases its calorie content. Therefore, overweight people should not abuse fried cashews.

Cashew - the names of evergreen heat-loving trees from the Sumach family and its fruits. Cashews are native to Brazil and other South American countries. But thanks to the excellent taste of its fruits, cashews have become widespread and are now grown in almost all countries of the world with a warm climate. The largest cashew exporters are Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Vietnam, Thailand, as well as the countries of Central and South America.

The cashew fruit consists of two parts: the fruit itself, the so-called cashew apple, and a hard-shelled nut attached to the top of the fruit.

A medium-sized, pear-shaped cashew apple with yellow, orange, or red skin. The flesh of the apple is juicy and fleshy with a characteristic sweet and sour taste.

Nuts are covered with a hard shell, under which there is a toxic oil, which, on contact with the skin, burns it. Therefore, the nuts are shelled and subjected to a special heat treatment to evaporate the oil, and only after that they become completely safe. By the way, it is for this reason that they are always sold peeled.

Cashew fruits are widely used in cooking and not only. Unfortunately, to evaluate the taste of the cashew apple is a perishable product, so we can only enjoy the nuts of this wonderful tree.

In India, up to 25 thousand tons of such apples are harvested annually. Juice, jams, jellies, compotes, alcoholic drinks are prepared from them. The popularity of cashew apple juice in Latin America is similar to that of orange juice in North America or Europe.

If ripe cashew fruits can be eaten fresh without fear, then with cashew nuts, not everything is so simple. Have you ever wondered why, unlike other nuts, cashews are never sold in their shells? And all because between the shell and the shell, behind which the nut is hidden, there is a very caustic substance called cardol, which, when in contact with the skin, causes serious dermatological problems (the skin is covered with extremely painful blister burns). Therefore, before going on sale, the nuts are very carefully removed from the shell and shell, after which, as a rule, they undergo a special heat treatment until the oil completely evaporates (even a small amount of oil can cause poisoning). This is such a responsible and, without exaggeration, dangerous process that even among experienced "separators" of nuts, there are frequent cases of burns with this substance, because the cutting of nuts is done only by hand. Never try to peel cashew nuts yourself if you suddenly have the opportunity somewhere in tropical countries!

Nuts are eaten raw and roasted, they are added to various salads, sauces, snacks and confectionery. Also, high-quality oil is obtained from cashews, similar in quality to peanut oil.

Cashew nuts are consumed both raw and roasted. Roasted cashews have an excellent sweet taste. It is usually fried with salt, although without salt it retains a wonderful natural flavor. Cashews are used in the preparation of various dishes and confectionery, as well as a thick and fragrant sauce is made from it. Not a single nut can be compared with this noble plant.

Many people try to avoid eating cashews because of the misconception that nuts are high in fat. In fact, they even have less fat than almonds, walnuts, peanuts, pecans.

You should buy whole nuts: they last longer. Discard shriveled, dried and moldy nuts. In a tightly closed container, they will last up to one month, and in the refrigerator - up to six months (in the freezer - up to a year). When kept warm for a long time, nuts become bitter due to their high oil content.

cashew calories

This is a high-calorie product with a high content of proteins and fats. In 100 g raw cashews contains 643 kcal. And in 100 g of fried cashews - 574 kcal. The product is not recommended for obese people.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of cashews

Cashew apples are rich in tannin and spoil very quickly. Therefore, in many countries preference is given to nuts. Compared to other nuts, cashew nuts cause significantly fewer cases of allergies.

Cashews are rich in proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins, B2, B1 and iron, contain zinc, phosphorus, calcium.

Cashews are used as an aid in the treatment of anemia, dystrophy, psoriasis, metabolic disorders, and toothache relief. Cashews normalize blood cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system, and ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Cashew has antibacterial, antiseptic, tonic properties.

The use of cashew products among different peoples is interesting. For example, in Africa, cashews are used as a means for tattooing. In Brazil, cashews are considered an aphrodisiac, a remedy for asthma, bronchitis, flu, indigestion, and diabetes. In Haiti - a remedy for toothache and warts. In Mexico, they bleach freckles, in Panama they are treated for hypertension, in Peru they are used as an antiseptic, in Venezuela they treat sore throats, etc.