How to read tarot cards for love. Tarot spread for relationships and love

Tarot cards are the most famous and most mysterious of all known divination systems. It is still not known both the exact time and place of appearance of these cards. Here you will find several online fortune telling using the tarot method. With the help of the given layouts, you can become more familiar with this mysterious system of fortune telling and self-knowledge.

The classic tarot deck consists of 78 cards and is divided into 2 parts:

  • Major Arcana Tarot - 22 cards
  • Minor Arcana Tarot - 56 cards

The major or “great”, “major” arcana of the tarot are numbered from 0 to 21.
The minor or “minor” arcana of the tarot are divided into 4 suits, or “suites”:

  • Cups (bowls)
  • Pentacles (coins, discs, denarii)
  • Wands (staffs, scepters)

There are 14 cards in each suit of the tarot deck. These are numbered cards from Ace (1) to ten, as well as “suit cards”, or figures: jack (page), knight (horseman), queen (queen) and king. The figures are also called "courtyard".

When fortune telling with tarot cards, both upright and inverted positions of the cards are taken into account.

There are several assumptions and hypotheses that explain the appearance of tarot. The author of the most beautiful hypothesis about the appearance of tarot cards is P. Christian. In his "History of Magic" he explains the appearance of the tarot as follows. "According to legend, in Ancient Egypt there was a temple in which mysteries of occult initiation were held. The initiate found himself in a long gallery supported by caryatids in the form of twenty-four sphinxes - twelve on each side. On the wall, in the spaces between the sphinxes, there were frescoes depicting mystical figures and symbols. These twenty-two paintings were arranged in pairs, opposite each other. Passing by the twenty-two paintings of the gallery, the initiate received instructions from the priest. Each Arcana, which, thanks to the painting, became visible and tangible, represents a formula for the law of human activity in relation to spiritual and material forces, the combination of which produces all the phenomena of life."

According to another hypothesis about the appearance of the Tarot, the Dviv Kabbalistic Kopni is more clearly in the TAP, and the skeptical adherents of the Tarot’s depth of the Tarot’s depth of the 300th era are skeptical of the “Sepher Yicira”, the fundamental TPUD, in the Kabbale. Astrological symbolism is composed the Hebrew alphabet, which formed the basis of the tarot.

Legends about the creators of the tarot mention: ancient Egyptian priests, eastern sages, and abbot. There is a certain commonality between these characters - they all possess some knowledge that is inaccessible to others. In medieval Europe, such knowledge was possessed mainly by monks, therefore, most likely, the authorship of the tarot belongs to the clergy who made up the clan, within which the meaning of the Tarot symbols was known.

The monastic order most passionate about religious and philosophical issues is the Order of the Templars. After the Grand Master of the Templar Order, Jacques de Molay, cursed the royal dynasty that had ruined the order at the stake, his curse began to be fulfilled with terrifying accuracy. Maybe it was this ominous fact that prompted the use of tarot for fortune telling?

Let's take a closer look at the tarot cards themselves. Is there even a hint of the Templar heresy in the tarot pictures? It turns out there is.

  1. Despite the fact that tarot cards are a product of the Christian era, there is no image of Christ in the symbolism of the tarot, and the Templars were declared heretics precisely because they did not recognize His divinity.
  2. In tarot cards there is another image mentioned in the Templar manuscripts - the image of the Hanged Man (XII Major Arcana of the Tarot): “The Cross of Christ should not serve as an object of worship, since no one will worship the gallows on which his father, relative or friend was hanged.”
  3. The Templars were accused of worshiping the idol of Baphomet (Satan), and there is such an image in tarot cards - the XV Major Arcana of the Tarot.

So, we can suggest that tarot cards are nothing more than pages of the secret doctrine of the Templar Order. But this hypothesis of the appearance of tarot is as dubious as the others.

In light of all of the above, should a normal person resort to the help of tarot? Definitely worth it! After all, tarot cards, if we ignore their past, are an excellent tool for self-knowledge. Fortune telling with the tarot (and not only with the tarot) is nothing more than reflection with an element of self-programming, which can be quite positive if you approach this process without fear and bias. With the help of tarot, you can think through in advance, “rehearse” any situation, and reduce the percentage of failures in life.

Issues of feelings have interested people at all times, because human behavior is sometimes completely inconsistent with the emotions that rage in his inner world.

Tarot fortune telling for love helps you understand what is happening in the soul of the person you feel sympathy for, what he is thinking about, what plans he is making. If you want to know what awaits you in love matters and relationships, use the card layouts below.

Layout "Magic love"

This general love fortune telling using Tarot cards represents a forecast for the future in the field of relationships. It is suitable for those who have not yet found their soulmate, but want to find out whether this fateful meeting will take place soon.

To make a prediction, you need to relax, focus on internal sensations and mentally ask a question, then shuffle the deck and pull out seven cards, laying them out according to the pattern.

A full deck is used for fortune telling.

The meaning of the cards

  1. The first position answers the question of whether the fortuneteller will ever meet his true love.
  2. The second tells whether he will feel completely safe next to this person.
  3. The three will show whether the couple will legitimize their relationship and whether they will have an official marriage.
  4. The fourth card will show whether there will be any similarity between the fortuneteller's true soulmate and his previous love interests.
  5. The Five will tell you everything about the financial obligations that will or will not bind the partners together.
  6. The sixth card is closely related to the name of the layout - it answers the question of whether the magical feeling between the fortuneteller and his chosen one will remain for a long time.
  7. The number seven needs to be treated especially carefully: it gives a person advice on what he needs to do and how he should behave in order to quickly meet his soulmate and attract true love into his life.

“New Lover” layout

If you are not currently in a relationship, but want to read Tarot for love, try using this layout. He will tell you everything about the relationships that you will have in the near future, and will also reveal the personality traits of your future chosen one or chosen one.

Just free your mind from extraneous thoughts, relax, ask the cards a question that interests you and lay out the Tarot as in the picture. Despite the fact that only six cards are used in fortune telling, use a full deck - this way the details will be more accurate.

The meaning of the cards

  1. The unit will answer the fortuneteller’s question whether he should expect a new love relationship in the near future.
  2. The second card will tell you about the zodiac sign under which the person you meet was born. Some Tarot arcana have clear astrological correspondences, while others show only the elements of the zodiac signs, for example, water, air or earth. Different decks sometimes differ in astrological symbolism, so be sure to study these correspondences for the Tarot you are working on - this is important.
  3. A three will describe your compatibility with the person you meet.
  4. The number four will show the duration of the relationship that awaits you in this union.
  5. Five will answer the question whether the new chosen one or chosen one will be a person close to the fortuneteller in spirit or will turn out to be a completely different type.
  6. The sixth card is the result of this relationship, how it will end.

This love tarot spread is usually used when a person wants to know his future in love sphere. This fortune telling reveals the essence of the relationship in which the fortuneteller is already a member, and also helps to understand what strengthens this union and what, on the contrary, destroys it.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to choose a significator, and then shuffle the deck and lay out random 10 cards in the shape of a pyramid, as in the picture.

The meaning of the cards

  1. S is the significator of the fortuneteller or the person for whom the tarot reader is making the reading.
  2. The first card answers the question whether a new feeling awaits a person in the near future.
  3. The second predicts what awaits him in his current relationship.
  4. The troika answers the question whether there will soon be quarrels in the existing union.
  5. The four will reveal the secret: whether the fortuneteller or the one to whom the fortune is told has reasons for jealousy.
  6. Five is an important card in the reading. It shows whether a person expects a change in civil status. The fifth card can tell not only about marriage, but also about the impending divorce.
  7. The Six will tell you everything about gossip: whether there will be any, whether you should be afraid of them.
  8. The seventh position answers the question whether a person will find happiness in love. This is especially important for those who are currently going through a difficult period in their relationships.
  9. Cards 8, 9 and 10 will reveal the essence of the current relationship: the eight will show the stage at which they are, the nine will tell about what strengthens this union, and the ten will tell about what destroys it, what negative influences there are on the relationship.

Pay special attention to the Major Arcana that appear in these positions.

"Choice" layout

Among the many Tarot fortune telling, love readings are among the most popular, but general predictions most often prevail among them. Fortune telling “Choice” differs from the others in the very formulation of the question.

It is recommended for use by those who are already in a relationship, but suddenly met another person, and now face a serious choice: whether to leave the existing union for him or whether the game is not worth the candle.

Choose a significator, shuffle the deck, draw five cards from it and arrange them in the following sequence.

The meaning of the cards

  1. S is the significator of the person for whom the alignment is being carried out.
  2. The first card will tell the fortuneteller what is keeping him with his old partner.
  3. The second will answer the question of what attracts him to a new person.
  4. The troika will give advice on what the fortuneteller needs to do in this situation, what decision to make.
  5. The Four will describe exactly how to do this.
  6. The fifth card will show the result - what it will give to the person, what it will bring to him as a result.

The Major Arcana are of key importance in the layout, so pay special attention to the positions in which they appear.

If you want to tell fortunes on the Tarot for love, and you already have a chosen one or chosen one, try using the “Relationships” layout - it will tell you in detail about your union.

A full deck is used for fortune telling. First you need to choose two significators: one for you, and the second for your partner. Ten cards are then randomly drawn from the shuffled deck and divided into two piles (labeled A and B in the picture), each of which is then laid out in a row.

The layout should look like the picture below.

The meaning of the cards

  1. SA is your significator, SB is your partner’s significator.
  2. Cards with letters A refer to you. A one shows how you feel about the person with whom you are in a love affair, a two shows your attitude towards the outside world, a three describes your plans for your existing union. The fourth card shows how your family members treat your couple, the fifth gives advice on what you should do to improve your relationship with your loved one.
  3. Cards with letters B refer to your partner. One tells about his true attitude towards you, two - about his attitude towards the outside world, three - about plans for your union. A four will tell you what his family members think about your couple, and a five will tell you what your partner needs to change in himself so that your relationship becomes more harmonious.

It is interesting to carry out this alignment when both partners are present at the fortune-telling - this will help you think together about the current situation and find ways to solve complex issues.

This is very interesting big deal, which is worth using if you have been practicing Tarot cards for a long time. It will be difficult for beginners to navigate it. The layout reveals the stages of a person’s relationship with the opposite sex in principle, and also shows the ideal search path soul mate, with whom it will be possible to build a strong and harmonious alliance.

For fortune telling, a person’s significator is selected, after which twenty random cards are pulled from the shuffled deck and laid out in a complex pattern.

The meaning of the cards

  1. S is a person’s significator, chosen independently.
  2. The first and second cards describe how the fortuneteller perceives himself as a woman or a man.
  3. The third and fourth positions are interpreted depending on the gender of the person to whom the alignment is made. In fortune telling for a woman, these cards symbolize the male prototype associated with her father, for a man - the prototype of a woman associated with her mother. These are primordial subconscious attitudes that are formed in us from childhood, when we see before our eyes patterns of parental behavior.
  4. Numbers five through twelve refer to the fortuneteller's ideal partner. Five and six talk about the personal characteristics that this person must have in order to satisfy the needs of the fortuneteller, seven and eight talk about his emotional sphere, nine and ten – about the intellectual, and number 11 – about the material. Number 12 is a characteristic of the union with this person in general. If you are already in a relationship, think about how the cards you see characterize your current partner, because the closer they are to reality, the more likely it is that he is your soul mate.
  5. Cards 13-18 characterize the path that a person needs to go through in order for the search for a soul mate to be crowned with success. Positions 13 and 14 will tell about the influence of his first love on the life of the fortuneteller. Numbers 15 and 16 will reveal all the concerns and fears that a person needs to overcome to achieve harmony, and numbers 17 and 18 will tell about the behavior that should be avoided.
  6. Cards 19 and 20 symbolize the future in the love sphere. Position 19 will give advice on what a person should do so that his future or current union brings satisfaction to both partners, and number 20 will tell him what needs to be done so that the relationship develops harmoniously further.

When starting to work with cards, always remember that Tarot fortune telling for love should not be repeated several times in one session.

Even if you have chosen several layouts that answer different questions, use them in different days, and it is better to repeat the same layout no earlier than after 1-3 months.

3.1 Finding love

This alignment will allow you to take a look at the personality of the person who is destined to bring love into your life: what qualities he or she will have, in what area his or her professional interests will be concentrated, what impression this person will affect you at your first meeting with him and much more.

1 — general characteristics personality.

2 - What positive character traits will he/she have?

3 - What negative qualities will be inherent in his/her character.

4 - Type of his/her professional activity.

5 - His/her appearance.

6 - Under what circumstances will your meeting take place?

7 - What impression will he/she make on you when you first meet?

8 - What impression will you make on him/her when you first meet.

9 - Your feelings towards him/her.

10 - His feelings towards him/her.

11 — What obstacles may arise on the path to the harmonious development of your relationship.

12 - Will your relationship be long-term?

3.2 Possible divorce

1 - What are my reasons for expecting a divorce?

2 - Do I still love my wife (husband)?

3 - Is it true that one of us is deceiving the other?

4 - Isn't money our problem? Are we using money as a weapon against each other?

5 - Are we still sexually compatible?

6 - Why doesn't my spouse want to be more responsible?

7 — Does my husband (wife) have problems with alcohol or drugs?

8 - Do we try to control and manipulate each other?

9 - Can I change my negative attitude towards our marriage?

10 - How will it all end?

3.3 Magical love

1 - Will I ever find my true love?

2 - Will I feel safe with this person?

3 - Are we getting married?

4 - Will this love be like my previous hobbies?

5 - Will we be financially obligated?

6 — Will the magic remain in our relationship?

7 — What should I do to make this person a part of my life?

3.4 Mirror

This alignment is good in cases where the question asked by the Questioner relates to the sphere of personal life or relationships with another person.

The layout is interpreted in pairs, two opposite (as in a mirror image), cards.

1 - 4 - Body. Material needs. Proximal, immediate, concrete.

2 - 5 - Thoughts. Intellectual sphere.

3 - 6 - Heart. What we feel deep inside and what often guides us.

7 - The shadow we cast on others, refusing to accept it within ourselves.

8 - The shadow that others cast on us as a consequence of their refusal to accept it.

9 - The essence of relationships with material point vision. What comes out of it.

10 - The highest alchemy of these relationships.

In order to understand the shadow, you must first find its positive and stimulating sides. If we want to transform something, we must first accept this “something”. The quality that frightens us, which we currently project (casting a shadow) on others, can become a strength if we recognize it and then transform it.

3.5 Lemniscate

This layout is suitable both for analyzing relationships and for identifying and revealing internal contradictions between partners. If the Questioner is interested in his relationship with a partner, then the right circle denotes the Questioner, and the left circle the partner. If the Questioner is worried about internal contradictions, then the right circle symbolizes consciousness, and the left circle symbolizes the subconscious.

1 - 5 - What separates you, where you are furthest from each other, centrifugal force.

3 - 7 - Common ground, commonality, resonance, possible path to reconciliation.

2 - 6 - Intentions, desires, goal.

4 - 8 - Internal need, instinctive driving force.

How to interpret the alignment.

First, you need to look at the cards (3 - 7) to find the commonality. If diametrically opposed cards appear in these positions, then union and integrity are difficult to achieve - unless we are talking about the mutual attraction of two extremes.

Then cards (1 - 5) to find out what these extremes are.

3.6 Love choice

When a person appears in the Questioner’s life who claims to take the place of your current partner and the Questioner does not know which of them to stay and date in the future, then the “Love Choice” alignment will come to the rescue.

S - Significator.

1 - What keeps you going with your old partner.

2 — What attracts you in a new partner.

3 - Key, the card in this position tells you what needs to be done.

4 - A method, a hint on how to behave, how to do what you want to do.

5 - Result, outcome of the case, the result of your actions.

3.7 New lover

1 — Will I have a new connection in the near future?

2 - Who will this person be according to his zodiac sign?

3 - Will we be compatible?

4 - Will this relationship last?

5 - Will this person be close to me in spirit?

6 - What will be the outcome of my passion?

3.8 New alliance

This layout is used to find out whether a single person will find a suitable partner in the near future (in the next six months). Using the layout, you can get advice on what the Questioner should do to make this happen and how to behave so that this union will be successful.

S - Significator.

1 - What would I like?

2 - Will I meet a new partner?

3 - If so, will this satisfy me? If not, isn’t it better to be alone during this period of life?

4 - If so, what can I do that will benefit these partnerships? If not, what can I do to meet a new partner?

5 — Advice for future life in search of a partner or for living together with a new partner.

3.9 Current union

The layout is convenient in cases where the Questioner is worried about something in the partnership, when he is afraid for its future or feels that his partner does not treat him well enough. The layout will present a general picture of the relationship currently existing between the partners.

S - Significator.

1 - How do I see myself in this union?

2 - How do I see my partner in this union?

3 — What connected us in the past?

4 - What is keeping us in the union at this time?

5 — What awaits our union in the future?

3.10 Affiliate

This layout is perfect for analyzing a situation when the Questioner is unsure of his partner’s feelings or is concerned about his behavior.

In this layout, two cards will be significators: S1 - symbolizing the Questioner, and S2 - signifying his partner.

S2 - Significator of partner.

1 - What is the Questioner in this union?

2 - How the Questioner sees his partner.

3 — How does the Questioner see the union?

4 - That which strengthens the union.

5 - That which weakens the union.

6 — Hopes of the Questioner.

7 - Concerns of the Questioner, what worries.

8 - The task of the Questioner in this union.

9 - The task of the partner in this union.

10 - What will come of this in the end result.

3.11 A Guide for Lovers

1 — What kind of partner am I looking for?

2 - Will this person be gentle, caring and loving?

3 - Will we have communication problems?

4 - What does this person represent professionally?

5 - Will our connection be based on sexual, emotional or psychological attraction?

6 - Are we mature enough for a serious relationship?

7 — Will we be close in religious beliefs?

8 — What financial difficulties may arise?

9 - What can I do to bring this person into my life?

3.12 Alignment for marriage (marriage)

1 - Will I ever get married?

2 - Which partner is best for me?

3 - Will it be easy for us to be together?

4 - Do we want to legitimize our relationship?

5 - Will we have similar likes and dislikes?

6 - Will his (her) family accept me?

7 - How will we find each other?

8 - Will we share our funds?

9 — What should I (should) do while waiting for my other half?

10 - How will it all end?

3.13 Parting

The alignment is associated with a very specific problem: whether to remain in this union or break up with this partner. The layout allows you to take a broader look at the current situation in the analyzed union at the moment.

S1 - Significator of the Questioner.

S2 - Significator of partner.

1 — What does the situation in the union look like at the moment.

2 - What does the Questioner want?

3 - What speaks in favor of separation.

4 - What speaks for the preservation of the union.

5 - What needs to be done.

6 - Final result, prediction.

What is your role in this relationship? How does your chosen one treat you? What is happening between you now and where is everything most likely going?
This alignment will allow you to understand your relationship with your loved one, even if it is very confusing and difficult at the moment. Fortune telling will help you find answers to questions and understand in which direction you should move next, what to pay attention to in the near future.

Concentrate and mentally imagine your chosen one in front of you. Then click on the deck.

Tarot cards are laid out in the shape of a pyramid in four positions:
First card personifies you, speaks about your role in the relationship
Second card characterizes your chosen one, it explains his behavior and feelings towards you
Third card symbolizes your love relationship at present. It will indicate how much your expectations coincide with the real state of affairs.
Fourth card- this is the most likely future of your union.


I believe that one of the best Tarot layouts for relationships with men is the “Partnerships” layout. I wrote about it in an article called, there is also an example there. Since this layout is positional and is suitable both for beginners, they do not need to painfully correlate one card with another, and for professionals - within the framework of this layout, they can work on the subtlety of interpretation.


"Partnership" layout

Layout diagram:

  1. Significator of the questioner;
  2. Significator of the man she inquires about;
  3. The situation that is happening between them at the moment;
  4. Thoughts of the partner in relation to the questioner;
  5. The partner’s feelings towards the questioner;
  6. The partner’s actions in relation to the questioner;
  7. Actions of the questioner in relation to the partner;
  8. The questioner's feelings towards her partner;
  9. Questioning thoughts towards a partner.

What is important to pay attention to

When making a layout on Tarot cards for the man you are interested in, you should pay attention to the relationship of the cards in the left and right columns, namely, whose state is now more harmonious - you will understand this based on the meanings of the fallen arcana. Are there any negative cards and in what position are they located - from this you will see where the problem is that is affecting the relationship (if now is not the best period).

To complete the picture, it is advisable to add to this layout on the Tarot arcana a line that predicts the future of the relationship. It may consist of three cards, each of which will symbolize a period of time equal to approximately two months, starting from the current one. Or from six cards, for couples whose relationships have already stood the test of time.

Non-positional layouts

For more experienced practitioners, or for those who want to become one, there is a non-positional alignment. Its advantage is that it reflects all the versatility of the feelings and emotions experienced by the man for whom the alignment is being made. The downside is that you need to combine the values ​​of all the cards dropped in it.

Another advantage is that there is only one scheme, but there are many topics that can be considered using it.

Tarot spread for love and relationships Five

"Five" layout

Layout diagram:

1 - basis of the situation

2 and 3 - cards explaining the first position

4 - another addition to the lasso in the first position

5 - the so-called “highest meaning” - conclusion, and this card also tells what this or that situation leads to.

All cards of “Pyaterochka” look together with each other.

What topics can be considered using the Five?

  • What is happening in the relationship with a partner at the moment, analysis of the current situation. How partners treat each other
  • Your partner's current attitude towards you
  • The same arrangement can be made when there is a need to find out the forecast for the near future with your loved one (or your client). The time period can be set up to three months. You won't know exact dates, but you will understand the general trend in the development of relationships
  • Recommendations on what to do to improve relationships
  • What is the reason for failures in relationships between A and B?
  • How favorable and promising is it to enter into (continue) a relationship with this partner?
  • What kind of partner will suit this person and make him truly happy?
  • What do you need to do to meet such a person?
  • And so on

As you can see, the Five can cover a wide range of issues. It also opens up space for imagination. It is simply necessary to have it in your piggy bank if a client asks a question for which you cannot immediately find or remember the layout.

What to look for when guessing about relationships

  • The presence or absence of the Major Arcana - they reflect underlying reasons that lie beyond everyday situations and problems. And they also say that the position where this lasso lies (in a positional layout) is important and significant. In a non-positional scenario, this place requires closer attention.
  • On court cards, namely queens and kings, they usually reflect the personality traits or behavioral pattern of the questioner or the person about whom he is asking. It can also mean a figure that influences a particular situation.

I’ll give a simple example, which many people know, telling how the Empress differs from, say, the Queen of Swords in a reading on the topic “How does A treat me.” Both are cards that symbolize how a man treats a woman, but the Queen of Swords will reflect only the personality traits that a person notices in the questioner - intellectual, smart, freedom-loving, logical, consistent, educated.

In general, a woman, reasonable (provided that the card was in upright position). The Empress will reflect deep-seated things - for example, the fact that this woman is for a man the personification of an ideal woman (at the moment, of course), depending on the context, he may even see in her the mother of his future children.

The predominance of one suit or another. If in a relationship and love scenario you saw a predominance, for example, of the suit of swords, then this is not a very good situation for love scenarios. In Tarot fortune telling for a relationship with a man, a woman would rather see cards that are responsible for feelings, rather than logic. If these relationships are not built on calculation, of course.


As a rule, people come to a tarot reader in situations where there is no certainty and clarity; rarely does anyone come to a specialist when everything is fine in a relationship. Well, maybe you will be asked to make a Tarot card layout for the future of your relationship with one man or another, if both candidates are in love with the questioner, but she cannot choose, this is in rare cases.

Therefore, the specialist is required to have maximum correctness and clarity in his statements. If you do not see any prospects for the development of the relationship, you will have to clearly define your position. This is the most difficult thing. But you should do this only after you have looked through everything possible options to correct the situation. It’s rare, but it happens that even “bad” relationships have a good future.