The magic of tarot cards. Tarot magic - three types of modeling layouts

Summer is the time when the magical energy associated with the forces of the Sun is at its peak. This is a great season for divination and all forms of magic. Especially for love spells, magic to lift the mood, attract the forces of success and prosperity. Here are a few tarot magic rituals to help you make the most of your summer.

Tarot in the magic of love

Who doesn't love summer romance? Try these simple spells based on the principles of sympathetic magic and see what happens! Sympathetic magic can be done in a variety of ways. One is the combination of the power you want to attract into your life and your own energy. You simply weave them together through visualization, through willpower and various symbolic actions. For tarot magic based on this principle, you must choose several cards: one that represents you, for your ideal lover, and for the feelings you want to evoke. Place the "Sun" lasso above them to enhance the influence of this luminary, so powerful in this period. Visualize the energies symbolized by these cards coming together. Look at the pictures and "overlay" them on top of each other. At this time, you can say an affirmation, a spell, or just a statement that will secure the intention, for example: "From now on, the forces are intertwined, they are all one in love."
Another way to work with magic is to project into the universe the energy you want to have in your life. This method is based on the "law of threefold retribution", which is widely used among practitioners of the Craft. It lies in the fact that all the energy that you send out is returned in a triple amount. Therefore, choose a tarot card that represents pure love (or what you want to attract) such as the Ace of Cups, evoke this feeling in yourself, meditate on the symbolism of the chosen arcana to heighten your feelings, and then let go of these energy into the world to bring you what you are looking for.

Tarot Magic for Happiness

I present to you a wonderful spell that will attract happiness into your life. One of the rules of magic invoked to uplift the mood and attract happiness is based on the principles of negation and absorption. You simply “pull out” and neutralize negative feelings, and then fill the vacant space with the energy you wish to attract. To do this, select a card through which negative energy will be released. Suitable cards symbolizing neutralized negativity, or balance cards, in particular: "Moderation" ("Art"). Think about your sorrows and anxieties, and then, touching the chosen lasso, visualize how all the negativity “flows” into it. Then, hit the card hard or shake it in the air while thinking "Neutralize". You can add more gray to your visualization if you want to more effectively dispel and neutralize all negative energies. Now look at the table and choose the lasso that represents what you want to replace the banished negative with. "Sun", "Magician", "High Priestess" are well suited for this purpose. Look at them, meditate on the images, feel the forces symbolized by them. Then, hold the chosen card high above your head, holding it "upside down", sending these forces to yourself, and allowing the feeling of joy within to grow.
Another way to work to lift your spirits is to cast a defensive spell. To do this, build a shield around yourself, which consists of the energy that you wish to be surrounded by. The shield will help you "immerse yourself" in these forces in everyday life, protecting, at the same time, from the penetration of unwanted forces and emotions. To create it, choose an arcanum that represents positive energies, such as the Sun, Strength, or Ace of Cups. Turn the card so that the image is facing you and rotate around your axis, visualizing a shield of summoned energy that forms around you, like a magic circle during a ritual.

Tarot magic to attract success

Summer is the season when the golden sunlight carries an enormous amount of power. This is the time of dreams and we can use the magical energy of the Tarot to realize them. One way to work with success magic is to combine the principles of sympathetic magic and attract the right energy to yourself. It lies in the fact that you weave your own and the power of success into one. To do this, choose a card that represents the success you are looking for. The Sun, Ace of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles, or Ace of Cups are great for this. Put these cards together and visualize your power intertwined with the energies of success. Imagine that this power "wraps" you and makes you shine. Now stand up, confident and proud, as if you were extremely successful. You can carry these cards with you as a charm if you like, or leave them in a safe place. Place them under a citrine crystal or any other stone that attracts success to enhance the spell.
Another way to attract success through magic is to project outwards the energy that will attract what you are looking for. To do this, choose a card that symbolizes leadership qualities, your abilities, readiness to achieve a goal or desire. "Mage" is a great choice, but keep in mind that the cards need to have a special meaning to you. Show exactly what you want in abundance when you are successful. Take this card and imagine yourself successful, imagine what you desire. Feel a powerful wave of energy running through you. Now focus on the qualities that are already there. Understand that you are worthy of the desired success, think about your strength, energy, wisdom, talents, vision, determination and creativity. Write your full name on a piece of paper and place your chosen card above the written one. Amplify the feeling of success to the extent that you can, while wanting this force to grow even more and increase its radiance within you. Now, project all of this energy on the map and your name on the paper. Feel the powerful flow of magic flowing from your fingers. If you like, say an affirmation, such as: “I am ready for success! Opportunities and necessary tools come to me and I use them effectively.”

summer magic

Summer is a great time to try something new and discover new horizons. So why not try some tarot spells while soaking up the sun and feeling the power of this season? Take the deck on your travels for "emergency" witchcraft, spells to attract summer romance, or simply lie back and relax with magic designed to relieve any tension. And while summer is not endless, the magic of the Tarot is the key to the door behind which unlimited possibilities await you.

Why do Tarots work not only as a mantic (“divinatively”), but also magically (that is, changing reality)? Just because each alignment in itself affects the situation, it is already magic. When making an alignment, we direct our energy to what is being considered, and it is transformed according to our common intention (first of all, it clears up, accelerates and intensifies / fades away depending on the goal).
About how "the observer changes the observed" - read.

If we want to additionally change something to taste, then we model it “for ourselves”. There are many options and techniques, and here I will talk about the main three.

1. Adjustment.
First, we make a mantic, that is, the usual, “fortune-telling” layout for the situation, then we add cards to it that express what we want to correct or bring. If there are unpleasant, inappropriate cards in the initial layout that you want to work with, then we consciously choose an “antidote” from the deck for them: something that will help fix it. We put them on top (I like to cross, and not completely close, it's more honest :))
For example, here I wanted to quickly end the period of the Hanged Man with a decisive and firm Ace of Swords.

Please note that here it is more efficient to choose the most accurate cards in terms of meaning, and not the most “positive” ones. It is also possible to block the Hanged Man, but what exactly do we want to do with it?

2. Full modeling layout.
We simply lay out those cards that we want to “include” in our situation. Each can answer a specific question, as in the usual scenario.
In this example, a small layout models the onset and harmonious development of a period of creativity (for example, for an artist or craftsman). He gets an interesting job (3 of Pentacles), has a real creative resource for its implementation (Empress) and creates in harmony with the World and the situation (World).

3. Request from the deck: half-magic, half-mantic.
Here we kind of ask the deck to pick up cards for us that will improve the situation. For example, let's do the following:

And then honesty: 9 Swords caught - we get this energy and figure out why we needed it.

What to do with the finished magic layout? Yes, basically nothing. From the moment it appears in front of you, it is already working. But it would be a good idea to examine it in detail again, realize it, maybe even leave it on the table for a day or take a picture and put a screen saver on your phone ... In general, leave it in your memory. They say magic doesn't work without us. It's not really true, but it's always great to help her?

Man, since ancient times, wanted to know his future and predict what the next day was preparing for him. And for this purpose, there are many divination systems. But tarot magic, perhaps the most attractive of them. After all, the Tarot has much more possibilities than many of us realize.

22 cards of the Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana are a look into the future and a spiritual path, forecast and advice. The peculiarity of Tarot cards is that it is a fairly universal system that reflects the structure of a person and the whole world. is inherently archetypal, and the energy of the cards allows you to touch the faith, love and hope of a person. The cards of the Major Arcana reflect the path of the hero - the Jester. A jester is nothing in its way, a blank sheet of paper. And this is how we are born, we come into this world. And all our further life path- this is the joy of knowing the harmony of oneself in the world and the world in us, this is the achievement of integrity and the realization of our potential.

In the key personality in esoteric teachings - Crowley, this life path is directly correlated with the process of creating gold, that is, gold in alchemy is the soul of a person. As a result, in addition to the obvious connection of Tarot cards with astrology, the direct connection of Tarot with psychology is also clearly visible. After all, the key issues in the symbolism of Tarot magic are knowledge of oneself and one's problems, self-realization. To better understand, it is often necessary to look as closely as possible. Visualization of images also helps to do this. The energy of Tarot allows you to gain strength and get rid of blocks and fear.

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And her arcana reflect the most relevant at the moment of life, the dominant archetype. It is often not possible to realize these dominants on one's own. Tarot meditation, game techniques help to trace the balance of forces in the inner world of us and at the same time find a foothold for the maximum realization of the human personality.

There is another important aspect of Tarot cards as an occult and divinatory system - astrological and kabbalistic attributes. At the same time, one should not believe in the arguments that fortune-telling on the Tarot in some way programs a person and his fate. After all, a prediction is just the most probable development of events based on a specific moment. In the next moment, everything can change completely.

Speaking conditionally, fate is the basic probabilities, and each person has their own. And which probability you choose from them is up to you. And if you yourself want to change the starting point, then the course of events will also change. And the Tarot can only tell you the most correct path.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards helps to find out how the beginnings are distributed in our personality. For example, the Major Arcana show the divine forms of manifestation and the world in which we live. The minor Arcana symbolize the material world and our manifestation in it. And if you are interested in Tarot magic, you can download both textbooks for learning it and a training video

The negative attitude towards the Tarot on the part of the church is rather due to the fact that the church refuses to expand our consciousness. And the ability to rise above the stereotypes of thinking is a step towards the knowledge of harmony in the world.

The material presented below is taken from Irina Trizna's book "Tarot as a system of analysis and influence" (2nd part of the book).



Magic has two vectors of application, they can be considered as two stages of human interaction with reality.

  • The first is the perception of information from the outside world and its analysis,
  • the second is the impact on events in order to change them in accordance with their interests.

The Tarot system is a tool of Magic that has both perceiving and influencing qualities, that is, with the help of Tarot, you can not only analyze, but also change reality.

To use any tool correctly, you need to know the mechanism of its action, so now we will consider the principle of the Tarot.

First, let's remember that each Arcana (Major or Minor) has its own state, unique in no other Arcana. It is made up of the mood of the main and secondary figures depicted on the Arcana, from the general atmosphere of their environment or landscape, from the symbolism that permeates all the depicted objects. All the details of the Arcana have one single purpose - to convey the state of the Arcana to a person who has come into contact with him, that is, simply speaking, who has concentrated his attention on the Arcana.

The roots of the perception of the Arcana do not lie in the subconscious, as is commonly claimed, but in the deep layers of our consciousness. After all, it is quite clear that our distant primitive ancestors, who lived in caves, hunted mammoths and had not yet invented wheels, would hardly have been able to realize the very meaning of the concepts of the Wheel of Fortune or the Chariot of Hermes. The priestess would also be very difficult for them to understand before the advent of writing (remember the scroll of papyrus with writing that she presses to her chest). That is, this is not the original knowledge that is laid in the subconscious of a person from the moment of conception in the form of reflexes and instincts, they are acquired in the process of upbringing and education. Nevertheless, they become our "I", and any sane person will feel an unpleasant attitude towards the Arcana Death or the Devil and feel the warmth from the Arcana Sun.

How are events in our lives different from each other? They influence our feelings, emotions, the physical body by various factors of influence. Any event affects our state. From some we experience joy and satisfaction, others drive us to despair, others force us to draw certain conclusions, but do not directly affect us. Events cause certain states in us. The image on the Arcana also causes a certain state in us.

Our state - this is the frequency of vibration to which our energy body is tuned at a given moment in time. The frequency range is quite large - from great mood, joy, happiness, to complete despondency, despair, fear, desire to commit suicide.


A distinctive feature of Magic is that it combines methods that allow you to track causal relationships and select the most effective means achieving certain goals.

If we assume that not only an event can affect our state, but also a certain state intentionally caused by a person in himself (suitable for influencing a particular event) can affect ongoing events, then we have the opportunity to change the reality around us, forcing it to correspond our states.

Using any Arcanum that has its own specific state, you can cause this state in yourself or in another person to whom your influence is directed. In this case, there is a change in the frequency of vibrations of your or his energy field. And, as you know, “like attracts like. That is, events that have their own frequency, different from the vibrations of a person, cease to come into contact with him, but those events that have a frequency of the same level and can cause exactly the intended state are attracted, come into resonance with the vibrations of the human energy body.

For example, many people know the saying that "trouble does not come alone." Why, you ask?

Imagine that a person has a misfortune or even a small nuisance. His natural reaction to an event is a deterioration in mood, anger, annoyance, chagrin. This means that the event entailed a change in the person's state.

Further - worse. The person continues to be in such a gloomy mood, in a state corresponding to an unpleasant incident. Thus, he creates a “zone of trouble” around him, his energy body changes, and the frequency of his vibrations begins to correspond to troubles and troubles. And they will not keep you waiting, because the state, in turn, will affect the next event in his fate, which, of course, will also be negative.


The fact that our thoughts are material no one doubts. By directing our thoughts in the right direction, we can do a lot of useful things for ourselves without infringing on the interests of those around us. Working with the Arcana is exactly the case when our thoughts can solve many of our problems.

Before you get down to magical work with the Arcana, you must acquire some skills in handling such tools of influence, without which all your attempts to activate the Arcana (as well as any other magical tool) will be initially doomed to failure. It's great if you have innate abilities for magical work. It's great if you already have some training - this will save your time and effort. But this does not mean at all that you can skip all the preliminary practice and go straight to working with the Arcana. It does not matter at all whether your grandmother was a hereditary fortune teller or a witch and whether she managed to pass on her talents to you by inheritance. The main thing is your desire to achieve your goal and consistency in work.

Most likely, you are familiar with such a situation when a person falls into the hands of a manual on magic or predictions, which contains personal practices and exercises that contribute to the achievement of any goal (opening astral vision, developing chakras, developing personal strength, etc.). Some exercises seemed uninteresting or boring to him, and he skipped them. But at the end of the book, he found exactly what he was interested in or really needed. He did these exercises, but...they were of absolutely no use.

Result: He told you with disdain about his bad experience and assured you that magic is complete nonsense. But in fact, it was not the authors of this guide who were wrong and not Magic is to blame here, but simply this person is too self-confident and impatient. If he had not tried to step over ten steps at once, he would have climbed the stairs to the very top.

The exercises below will help you consistently train your abilities to such an extent that working directly with the Arcana does not cause you any difficulties or questions. First you need to work on your perception of information from the outside world, that is, pay attention to your usual physical senses, which perceive it every moment of your life.

With the help of exercises, you should improve the quality of perception, make available to you that information that usually eludes your perception and awareness.

Then you will work on creating thought forms and transforming them. After all, your impact always begins with the fact that you mentally change the existing situation to the desired one. At the same time, you need to accustom yourself to concentrate on the created thought-form for as long as necessary to make an impact. And only after that you can safely take on the Tarot Arcana - working with them will bring you a lot of positive emotions, interesting discoveries and, best of all, significant real benefits in your business and personal relationships.

Attention! Each exercise should be performed until you feel the result. The result can be considered any received feeling or feeling of satisfaction from the work done. When everything works out for you, you yourself feel an emotional lift, which is a signal for the correct implementation of a particular technique (this rule works in any area of ​​Magical practice). It is advisable to refrain from doing exercises at those moments when you are tired, want to sleep, when your mind is busy with some serious problem. In this case, the concentration on the actions performed may not be sufficient to obtain any result. In addition, never force yourself to practice under pressure, because you will not get any positive emotions from your work and, accordingly, no result. This is not the case to train your will. Do each exercise until you are sure that you can easily cope with it. After that, fix it with two or three more repetitions and move on to the next one. The number of repetitions and execution time depends only on your individual abilities.

We receive most of the information from the outside world through vision. The color, shape, size of the objects around us are of great importance for their evaluation by our consciousness. We can determine so many qualities of an object just by looking at it. This is the perceiving function of our vision. But in addition, the eyes have *feedback* properties, because with the help of a glance we can express everything that we think without resorting to speech or gestures.

In Magick, images (or thought forms), created according to certain rules, are able to influence the human consciousness and the formation of situations. Therefore, in order to use your vision with maximum benefit, you need to learn not only to look, but also to see, to improve both the perceiving and influencing qualities of your vision.


And the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is 78. It is interesting to note that 78 stages of the Great Cause are also described in alchemy.

Initiation into the occult mysteries is also based on the so-called "lasso" or secrets. The lasso can be expressed, described in ordinary language, or symbolized. The ancient initiatory centers chose the third kind of transmission of arcana - they wrote them down symbolically. Based on this, the Tarot can be considered a scheme of the metaphysical worldview of the ancient initiates.

Each nation has its own scheme of worldview - this is the language of this people. If, moreover, the people have a written language, then the elements of the language are represented by its alphabet. The ancients considered the letter, or rather, the alphabet, to be the "gift of the gods." Thus, it is, as it were, an initiatory alphabet, the signs of which are assigned certain numerical values.

Tarot is the teaching of truth, embodied in symbols. It was passed down from generation to generation and has survived to this day in the form of an amazing monument of human genius - a deck of 78 cards, the origin of which is lost in the mists of time. Tarot is also called the "Sacred Book of Thoth" in honor of the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, the patron of knowledge, magic and medicine.

The "Sacred Book of Thoth" states that life is built on the number 3:

  1. Providence (Divine Providence).
  2. Fate (our given earthly incarnation).
  3. Conscious human will (conscious action).

Providence gives a person destiny - something like a map of the path that determines the main direction in his life. A person is free to choose one way or another, but this choice has a limit. At the subconscious level, only wisdom can help a person. This is the meaning of the astrological saying: "The stars incline, but do not oblige."

French occultist Eliphas Levi wrote about the Tarot: “All religions have preserved memories of a primitive book written by the sages of the first centuries through images. Jewish tradition considers the author of this book to be Enoch, the seventh teacher of the world after Adam, the Egyptians attributed its authorship to Hermes Trismegistus, and the Greeks to Cadmus, the founder of the holy city. This book was a symbolic abbreviation of a primitive tradition, later called Kabbalah, the Hebrew word for tradition. Subsequently, its symbols, simplified and introduced into general use, provided the letters of writing, the word - its distinguishing features, and occult philosophy - its mysterious signs and pantacles.

He also notes that this book can be found everywhere, but “it turns out to be the most secret and the most unknown of all, since it contains the key to all others. Everyone knows her, and she is unknown to anyone, it never occurs to anyone to look for her where she is. This book, perhaps much older than the book of Enoch, has never been translated. It is written in primitive characters on separate pages, like the tablets of the ancients. It is monumental, simple and strong, like the architecture of the pyramids, the book sums up all the sciences. This is a book whose endless combinations can solve all problems, she says, making you think. This book is the inspirer of all kinds of concepts, perhaps the masterpiece of the human spirit, and undoubtedly one of the most beautiful things left to us by antiquity - a comprehensive key.

Tarot is indeed a book, but the book is silent: it speaks only to those who are really ready to hear its message.

The Sacred Book of the Tarot consists of 78 Arcana, which have come down to us in the form of 78 in the highest degree symbolic and deeply philosophical images. In turn, the 78 Arcana Tarot are divided into the Major Arcana (22 trump cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards: 40 digital and 16 curly cards).

The symbol of the sacred Tarot Book is a triangle enclosed in a square. The square is the material world, and the triangle inscribed in it is the Spirit. This is a sign of the relationship between the Almighty, man and the universe.

The Tarot deck can be divided into three parts:

  1. 21 Major Arcana;
  2. 56 cards, i.e. four suits of 14 cards;
  3. one card with number 0 (or 300) - Jester.

Tarot generalizes the symbolic system of Hermeticism.

Each card of the 22 Major Arcana corresponds to a number, a letter of the Hebrew (sometimes also Sanskrit) alphabet, a sign of a planet, a zodiac constellation, a symbol of matter. Tarot, in addition to its own symbolism, uses the terms of astrology, numerology (more correctly, gematria - replacing Hebrew letters with their numerical values) and Kabbalah.

Each Arcana has its correspondences in the most various fields knowledge. The images of the Major Arcana are allegorical and deeply symbolic. AT ordinary life symbols are used to express complex concepts concisely. Symbols are used in religion, in painting and sculpture, in legends and folklore and tell us about higher and more comprehensive truths than words.

A. Waite wrote: “The true Tarot is symbolic. He speaks the universal language and presents all-encompassing images. Spiritually, it is the key to the ancient mysteries."

The symbolism of the Tarot opens up a world of new ideas for us. When we learn to read their cryptography, a vast realm of ancient wisdom will open to us. We can find these symbols in ancient and modern art, in myths, in witchcraft rites, in history. They will revive for us the brilliant mystical traditions of the ancient world and open the way to the heights of spiritual and occult wisdom.

Tarot is a system of esoteric knowledge based on Egyptian initiatory mysteries, medieval European Hermeticism, Jewish Kabbalah and Christian ideas. The figures depicted on the Major Arcana cards point up with one hand and down with the other, stand with one foot on land and the other in water, sit between black and white columns, or are on the road between two towers. Among these figures are pagan gods and Christian angels, the Devil and the Pope. The cards themselves stubbornly say that the Tarot system is multifunctional and comprehensive, and this is its uniqueness. With the help of Tarot cards, you can not only predict fate, but also, using meditation techniques, try to learn the secrets of the creation of the Universe, as well as try on the role of a magician and try to change the world at will.

M. P. Hall wrote: “Tarot cards can be considered as (1) separate and complete hieroglyphs in themselves, each of which represents a separate principle, law, force or element of Nature, (2) mutually related to each other, as the effect of one agent on another, (3 ) as vowels and consonants of the philosophical alphabet. The laws governing all phenomena are represented by the symbols on the Tarot cards, whose numerical value is equal to the numerical equivalent of the phenomenon. Like any structure consisting of elements, Tarot cards are components of a philosophical structure. Regardless of the particular science or philosophy that the researcher is engaged in or adheres to, the Tarot cards can be identified with essential parts of the subject of his study, and in addition, each card is related to a specific part of the study, according to mathematical and philosophical laws.

tarot is a deck of cards. In Latvian mythology, Karta is the goddess of fate. In folk songs, her name is associated with the Latvian word kart- “to hang”, in the sense of “to predestinate”. Therefore, it is not surprising that Tarot cards can be used to predict fate.

Divination- the occupation is quite ancient, and there is no such people on earth who would not know it. According to the stoic Posidonius(about 135-51 BC), a contemporary of Cicero, the world is permeated with the divine spirit, which creates a "sympathy" for all things, thanks to which oracles, fortune-telling, prophetic dreams and other prediction methods. World processes proceed in strict accordance with predestination, fate, and the sage freely submits to fate.

B. Olya in his book "Gods of Tropical Africa" writes: “Throughout his life on earth, a person who adheres to traditional thinking tries to adapt to the laws of the higher world, on which he fatally depends, and wants to be informed about the desires and mood changes of invisible beings. To do this, he needs to interpret dreams and phenomena that, in his opinion, carry “messages from there,” and follow their instructions. Divination, elevated to the rank of a real profession, seems to be the surest means for a mere mortal.

Mythological consciousness considered divination an integral part of the cult. The Latin word divination (fortune-telling) meant a request addressed to the gods.

Our twentieth century is not only a century of the atom and rockets, but also a century in which humanity has comprehended itself as a bearer of the Higher Reason. Breaking away from the vulgar materialistic approach to the human being as an evolved monkey, a person comprehends the spiritual world. Therefore, in our time, such a thing as a personal oracle should be perceived as an everyday philosophical tool. A person needs it in order to better understand who he is, what to strive for and what he should count on in life. Tarot cards are an important handy tool that will help you live your life more correctly, more consciously, in accordance with higher rhythms.

The vast majority of people do not know what to do with their lives and what they need to be happy. However, for some reason they are sure that whatever it is, they do not have it. The insatiable appetite for material things is encouraged by the consumer system, implicitly and explicitly accustoming us to buy, buy and buy, maintaining the desire to buy more. These people are missing out on dozens and hundreds of great opportunities because they don't want to think about what's happening to them. And here comes old age. And death is birth and life, but not new, but the same, if the person himself does not make it new. Man creates his own reality. Divination is one of the important tools to help him in this.

Tarot cards
throw a bridge between the earthly and spiritual worlds. The Tarot deck in various combinations of the symbolic meanings of the cards is an attempt to present a complete psychological and eventual picture of a person's life. This is the basis of its use for divination.

tarot- not just fortune-telling cards, there is a whole philosophy behind them.

Tarot is often compared to the I Ching. For the European magical tradition, the Tarot is the same as the I-Ching for the Far East, that is, a powerful tool for divination and operational magic based on the deepest metaphysical knowledge. Both the Tarot and the I Ching are closely related to astrology, alchemy, numerology, and other magical arts.

There are, of course, significant differences between them. And the point is not only that there are 64 divinatory figures of the I-Ching (hexagrams), and there are 78 divinatory figures of the Tarot (and taking into account the inverted forms - 156). More importantly, hexagrams are, in essence, fragments of information written in binary code, and Tarot cards are pictures, visual images. (Although the images of the Arcana are also easily subject to alphabetic-numerological codification, and for the hexagrams of the I-Ching, pictures have long been drawn up that are very reminiscent of the Major Arcana of the Tarot - they can be found in Zhou Zonghua's book "Tao of the I-Ching").

But the main thing is that the canonical text is attached to the Chinese hexagrams, which is called "Zhou Yi" or "I-Ching". The authors of the most ancient sections (the so-called "layers") of this text, according to legend, are revered on Far East sages, including Confucius himself. And the Tarot, although it is called the "Book of Thoth", is not a book as such. The only texts that appear on the cards are their names. If there was any book in Ancient Egypt, it has not reached us.

Therefore, the efforts of all European occultists who studied the Tarot were aimed at recreating "Books of Thoth" as text similar to text "Zhou Yi".