Favorable day for planting seedlings. When to plant seeds for seedlings: exact dates according to the lunar calendar

The growth rate and quality of the grown seedlings depends not only on the correct care of the plants, but also on the observance of the sowing dates. As a rule, a lunar calendar is used for this purpose, which indicates favorable days for sowing seedlings of various vegetable and flower crops.

In this article, we will look at the best days for planting seedlings for the current year, as well as the appropriate periods for caring for seedlings.

Favorable days for seedlings in 2018

When planning an independent cultivation of vegetable seedlings, you should buy or download a lunar calendar on the Internet in advance. It clearly states which days are suitable for sowing seeds of certain crops.

Guided by the tips from such a calendar, you can choose the right period for the work. It is noteworthy that in any lunar calendar there is a certain algorithm: after the new moon, plant seeds with above-ground fruits are planted, and after the full moon - with root fruits.

Note: On average, from 13 to 15 favorable days are allotted for sowing every month.

If we consider the cultivation of seedlings, it is worth noting that the sowing of seeds to obtain seedlings is carried out in February or March. Thanks to this, the plants have time to fully develop and get stronger before transplanting into open ground.

Sowing days in February

As mentioned above, when sowing seeds, they are guided by the phases of the moon. For example, the new moon is considered an unfavorable period for any horticultural work, since during this period all processes in the aerial parts of plants slow down. In addition, it is not advisable to disturb the plants 1-2 days before and after the onset of the new moon. At this time, you can carry out sanitary pruning or weeding.

When the growing moon comes, all the nutritious juices of plants rush up, so during this period pinching, pruning or pinching should not be carried out, as this can weaken the plant, but this period is considered favorable for grafting, transshipment and sowing seeds.

In addition to the phases of the moon, when sowing seeds, consider the type of crop you plan to grow (Figure 1).

Favorable days in February are:

  1. Cucumber seeds can be sown on the 6th, 7th, 20-22nd, 25th and 26th, and this applies not only to seedlings, but also to the cultivation of greenhouse cucumbers;
  2. It is better to sow eggplants on February 7, 20-22, 25 and 26;
  3. Sweet bell peppers and tomatoes are recommended to be planted on the 6th, 7th, 20-22nd, 25th and 26th;
  4. White cabbage seeds are sown on February 8-10, 20-22, 25 and 26.

Figure 1. Auspicious days in February

In February, green seeds can also be sown, and February 6-9, 11, 12, 25 and 26 are considered favorable for this. This month there are several unfavorable days on which it is not recommended to plant any crops. From February 15 to February 17, inclusive, any garden work will have to be excluded.

March planting calendar

In March, as in February, there are certain unfavorable and favorable days for crops. March 2, 13, 14, 17 and 21 are considered unfavorable. These days, the phases of the moon reduce fertility, so seedlings planted during this period may be weak (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Auspicious days in March

If you plan to sow seeds in March, you should be guided not only by the lunar calendar, but also by the type of crops grown. For example, seeds of flowers and herbs are best sown on March 6, 7, 20, 21 and 24-26. Seeds of crops with an edible aerial part are recommended to be sown on March 1, 18, 19, 22, 23 and 26-30. Sowing root crops is best done on the 3-5th, 8-12th, 15th and 16th of the month.

How many days do seedlings germinate

There are no clearly established dates for the appearance of the first shoots, since the growing season for crops is different and, accordingly, shoots appear at completely different times (Figure 3).

For example, shoots of cucumbers and cauliflower appear 3-8 days after sowing, squash, zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes - after 3-10 days. Peppers, leeks, celery and rhubarb sprout later than anything: for the first leaves of plants to appear, you will have to wait from 5 to 14 days.

Figure 3. Timing of emergence of seedlings of various crops

It also happens that shoots did not appear on time. In this case, it is necessary to objectively assess the factors that could provoke a delay and take appropriate measures. Perhaps the room where the seedling container is located is too cold. It is important to remember that the optimum temperature for germination is +21 degrees. Excessive soil moisture can also slow down the emergence of seedlings: waterlogged soil does not allow oxygen to pass through, and the seeds can simply suffocate in it.

It should also be borne in mind that the depth of sowing seeds also affects the rate of emergence of seedlings. This indicator is different for each crop, but in order not to remember the requirements for sowing depth for each plant, you can use a simple hint: the optimal seeding depth should correspond to three times the size of the seed.

Favorable days for picking seedlings in March

Care of seedlings without fail includes a pick. Its main goal is to allow the root system of plants to fully develop. When shoots with several leaves appeared on the bed, the seedlings are planted in a more spacious bed or in separate containers, in which the plants will have enough space for full growth and development of the root system.

Note: It is possible to determine that it is time to dive seedlings by its appearance. As a rule, this procedure is carried out when 3 to 5 true leaves are formed on each sprout.

In March, the 31st is considered the best time for picking. But, if you sowed the seeds later, picking can be done in April, from the 12th to the 16th. Late varieties of crops are best dived at the end of the month.

It should be borne in mind that the given picking dates are approximate, and before it is carried out, the degree of development of seedlings should be objectively assessed. In addition, it is not recommended to pick on the new moon, since during this period all plants are weakened, react poorly to any manipulations, and after picking during this period they may stop growing altogether.

The video shows how to properly pick seedlings.

To make it easier to determine favorable planting days, a Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners, gardeners and flower growers was compiled for May 2018.

Auspicious days in May 2018 for sowing

seeds, planting and transplanting seedlings, as well as for

planting seedlings, cuttings and grafting

Many farmers are interested planting seedlings in May 2018 according to the lunar calendar . However, not everyone is ready to put themselves in such a rigid framework in the distribution of agricultural work. Some do not recognize such a thing as " auspicious days ”, focusing only on the lunar phases. Whatever opinion you hold, remember that compliance with all the rules for planting and growing crops is of paramount importance. If the wrong choice of the planting date can be blocked by good care, then a gross violation of the rules for growing seedlings will not be covered by timely planting.

Table number 1. Auspicious days in May 2018

for sowing seeds, planting and transplanting seedlings

Culture / Type of work Auspicious days in May
1. Sowing seeds, planting, transplanting seedlings
Tomatoes (tomatoes), physalis 1-6, 9-11, 14, 20-24, 26-29
Sweet pepper, hot pepper, eggplant 4-6, 9-11, 18-20 20-24, 26-28
Pumpkin: cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, watermelon, melon 4-6, 9-11, 18-24, 26-28
Legumes: peas, beans, beans, etc. 11-13, 16-22, 24-26
Cabbage: white cabbage, broccoli, savoy cabbage, cauliflower, red cabbage, etc. 1-6, 9-14, 18-22, 24-26
Greens: onions for greens, artichoke, dill, lettuce, spinach, etc. 1-6, 9-14, 18-22, 24-26
Roots: beets, carrots, celery, parsley, radish, radish, swede, turnip, daikon, parsnip, etc.
Onion: turnip onions (bulb), spring and winter garlic, shallots, etc. 1-6, 11-14, 18-20, 22-24, 26-28
Potato 4-6, 9-11, 14
Seeds of annual flowers (perennials) 4-9, 16-22, 26-28
Seeds of biennial and perennial flowers 4-6, 14, 16-24, 26-28
Greenhouse and indoor flowers 4-6, 16-18, 22-24, 26-28
Bulbous flowers, tubers and corms of flowers 4-6, 20-24, 26-28
2. Unfavorable days for sowing seeds, planting and transplanting seedlings
May 15 (new moon), May 29 (full moon)
3. Gardening and gardening (agricultural practices)
Vegetative propagation of plants: cuttings, grafting, budding, rooting of whiskers and layering 4-6, 16-18, 22-24
Weeding, thinning, mustache trimming 12-18, 26-31
Pruning, pinching, shaping tomato bushes, etc. 14, 20-22, 30-31
Top dressing at the root 18-20, 22-24, 26-28
Foliar top dressing 9-11
Soil work: hilling, digging, plowing, cultivation, etc. 4-6, 9-11, 18-20, 22-24, 26-29
Sowing lawn grass 20-22
Haymaking (grass cutting) 9-13, 16-18
4. Vegetable processing, canning and homemade preparations
Sauerkraut, salting and soaking vegetables and fruits
Bookmark for long-term storage
Freezing vegetables and fruits
5. Unfavorable days for processing vegetables, homemade preparations and canning

Table number 2. Auspicious days in May 2018

for landingseedlings, cuttings and grafting

Attention! The table shows the most favorable days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that planting cannot be done on other days. You should not plant anything only on forbidden days.

  • The calendar was compiled taking into account the fact that during the passage of the Moon through various signs of the Zodiac, it does not have the same effect on plants.
  • On certain days it is better to plant, transplant, and on others it is preferable to water, weed or treat the garden from pests.

Even beginner gardeners have every chance of achieving results no worse than experienced gardeners. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings, having previously correctly selected planting material and prepared containers and soil.

Each garden crop has its own characteristics, so you need to know when to plant the seeds of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers or eggplants. Dahlias, petunias and geraniums, beloved by all, also have their own sowing dates, on which the timeliness and duration of their decorative period depend.

The phases of the moon and their influence on the timing of sowing seeds

Contrary to many opinions, you should start planting seeds for seedlings immediately after the New Year holidays. Since the planting season starts already in January, it is very important not to miss anything.

There are several criteria by which you can determine the exact timing of sowing seeds for seedlings. Such information will be especially useful when growing new flower crops or varieties of vegetables.

The favorable and negative influence of the moon on various cultures

The moon influences the development of all plants on the planet. Many processes occurring at the cellular level depend on this or that state. The most favorable phase for planting seedlings is the growing moon. During this period, plants begin to actively develop, metabolism and sap movement increase. In the growing phase of the moon, it's time to plant seeds for seedlings in order to get friendly shoots and healthy shoots.

It is not recommended to sow anything on the full moon and in the waning phase of the moon. During these periods, it is better to take care of already growing plants, hill them up and feed them. The most unfavorable period for all living things is the new moon, the day before it and the day after. In these three days, it is better not to touch the plants at all, so as not to deprive them of vitality and energy. Planting anything is also not recommended.

Thus, the most unfavorable phases of the moon for the beginning of the sowing season are the new moon and the full moon.

Planting seeds for seedlings according to the lunar calendar

  • January - 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 27, 28, 29;
  • February - 4, 10, 11, 12 and 24, 25, 26, 27;
  • March - 5, 11, 12, 13 and 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28;
  • April - 10, 11, 12, 19 and 20, 21, 25, 26.

When to start planting seedlings

Each variety and type of plant has its own planting and planting dates, which depend on the length of the growing season, and should be indicated on the seed package. If you are harvesting on your own, or a neighbor of last year's harvest shared with you the planting material, you will have to calculate the time for planting seedlings on your own.

The development from planting seeds to the first leaves in some crops takes 1.5-2 months, while in others it takes 5 or more. Plants with a long period of "black earth" begin to be planted in seedling boxes in January, and fast-growing plants - in March or even April.

  • the growing season of the plant;
  • landing time.

By adding the first value to the second value, you will get the approximate sowing time for seedlings. Further, after consulting the lunar calendar, you can start landing.

When to sow vegetable seeds for seedlings

In order to plant plants with a long germination period in time, it is necessary to start preparing seedlings in January. The start of work depends on the crops and their varieties.

What vegetables to plant in January

In January, it is necessary to choose late-ripening varieties of vegetables with the longest growing season. In the second half of the month, there comes a period when you can start planting pepper seeds for seedlings.

  • Lumina;
  • Ivanhoe;
  • Triton;
  • Bell;
  • Lisa.

Suitable varieties:

  • tomatoes - Cosmonaut, Date yellow, Cherry.
  • little blue ones - King of the North F1, Nutcracker F1, handsome black.

What seeds to sow in February for seedlings

  • tomatoes: De Barao, RIO GRAND, Supergiant F1;
  • eggplant: Quarte, Nancy, Lilac mist;
  • cucumbers: Secret, Brownie F1, Phoenix.

What seeds to sow in March for seedlings

In the first decade of March, namely on the 3rd or 7-8th day, you can start with early ripening tomatoes, the development period of seedlings of which, before planting in the soil, is 40-45 days.

The following varieties are suitable for this: Tangerine, Alpha F1, Superstar, Golden Brush, Cupid F1, Aphrodite. This seedling is only suitable for planting in a greenhouse. For open ground - landing after the twentieth numbers.

In the second half of March, a favorable phase of the moon sets in, when seeds of cauliflower and white cabbage for seedlings, sweet peppers, turnip onions and radishes should be planted. March 17, 22 and 30 are ideal for melons and legumes.

Many are accustomed to buying planting material already in the form of finished seedlings. For example, onions - small bulbs (onion sets), which are immediately planted in open soil. It is much more economical to germinate them yourself. Packing seeds will cost you much less than ready-made seedlings.

What vegetables to sow in April

In the first days of April (4.5 and 6), you can start growing early ripening cucumbers, which can be planted in a greenhouse in a month. These include the following varieties: April F1, Herman F1, Bush, Zozulya, Sphinx, Benefis F1, Orlik F1.

In early April, you can already store seedlings in boxes in the greenhouse itself. This will gradually prepare the young sprouts for new conditions. But you should carefully monitor the temperature at night, as the likelihood of frost is still high.

Flowers and berries: when to plant seeds for seedlings

Choose flower varieties that have an early and long flowering period. You should not buy many types, 4-6 crops will be enough, and in the summer your flower beds will be fragrant with aromas and delight with bright colors.

Sowing seeds for seedlings in January

In the first decade of January, namely the 7th, the period of sowing flowers begins. The longest growing season for such species: Begonia, Lobenia, Turkish carnation, Heliotrope. The germination period of these crops is from 2 to 4 weeks, and the first flowers will appear after 5.5-6 months.

January 21 and 25 are the best days according to the lunar calendar, when planting petunia seeds for seedlings is especially good. These flowers will decorate your garden throughout the summer.

Strawberries and strawberries are planted from berry crops in January. Early planting will allow you to grow strong seedlings, and spring bushes are usually weak and take longer to develop.

The second half of January is the most suitable period when strawberry seeds are sown. To get a good harvest of berries, you need to choose the best varieties of remontant strawberries: Desna, Bereginya, Gigantella, Maxi, Carpathian Beauty. Also in January, strawberry seeds should be planted.

The most favorable days: from 3-4, 10-11, January, as well as 30 and 31. The following varieties of remontant strawberries are very popular: Queen Elizabeth 2, Temptation, Albion, Moscow delicacy. If seedlings will be planted in a heated greenhouse, then sowing can be done at any time of the year, but be sure to take into account the lunar calendar for planting seeds for seedlings.

Planting dates for seedlings in February

Lavender, Viola and Salvia have a growing season of up to 5 months, so sowing should be done in mid-February. Then, in June-July, you can enjoy the beautiful view of your favorite flowers. To the question: when to sow the seeds of Geranium (Pelargonium), there is no exact answer. Depends on when you want to plant it in the ground. Auspicious days of the month: 3, 4 or 7 and 8 February.

When to sow seeds for seedlings in March

This month, an active summer season is already beginning in central Russia and the southern regions. Annual flowers with an insignificant growing season are sown in March or April, but it is not recommended to plant them in the soil before the 20th of May.

March 7-8 is the best time to plant Dahlia seeds. Around these days, seedlings of the following types of flowers begin to grow: Echinacea, Alyssum, Iberis, Coleus, Bluebells, Herbal Carnation, Violet, Phlox and Matthiola. Each of them has its own characteristics of sowing and timing.

Planting at the beginning of the month or at the end, for seedlings, matters. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the information on the packaging and observe the exact deadlines. Permissible deviations in the date of sowing can be no more than 10 days, then the sprout will not lag behind in development, and the period of its decorative effect will be maximum.

Planting seeds for seedlings video

Gardener's secrets about preparing and planting seeds

  • Preparing containers and soil for seeds for seedlings
  • How to choose and when to sow seedlings
  • When and what flowers to plant for seedlings according to the lunar calendar
  • How to grow seedlings of strawberries from seeds in peat tablets


Knowing the growing season of a particular crop or variety, you can independently calculate the estimated time for sowing seeds for seedlings, and the lunar calendar will tell you what dates to plant and which days to avoid.

Helpful Hints

You can read more about what awaits all the signs of the Zodiac in March 2017 in the article. .

Finally, March! Spring is coming, spring is coming! And along with spring, it's time to come out of hibernation and start growing. Although in some areas March is still the continuation of winter, gardeners have enough work: now is the time to care for the grown seedlings, as well as planting a new one.

In March, there is usually quite unpredictable weather, especially recently, during a period of global warming. Many works are highly dependent on the weather, but still, if possible, date them to the lunar calendar, then the result will be much better, and you will spend much less effort.

March works include water retention on the site, protection of trees and shrubs from March frosts, treatment of cracks and abrasions on trees, spring pruning of trees and shrubs, installation of pest protection and many others.

When to plant seedlings according to the lunar calendar?

The most important work in March- planting seedlings and caring for them. Here is a list of planting seedlings in March and the best days of them days, according to the lunar calendar:

Various greens (lettuces, dill, parsley, spinach, basil): 6 (after 16:00), March 7, 2017

Petunias, begonias, fuchsias, gloxinias, caladiums, primroses: 4 (after 13:00), 6 (from 10:00 to 11:00) March 2017

Fans of indoor plants should seriously prepare for spring this month. landings and transfers. Many flowers stretch out during the winter, or begin to wither in old pots. So now it's time to "upgrade" or transplant them. What days are best to do this, read in our lunar calendar for plants for March 2017.


♈ 1 MARCH, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:37.ARIES

In March, it is still quite snowy, but the snow can become wet, heavy due to the fact that temperatures are noticeably higher during the day. Therefore it is worth time to shake off the snow from trees and shrubs, so that under its weight the branches do not break. However, it is better not to remove all the snow from the site, as frosts may still return.

Houseplants : a bad day for difficult work with plants (pruning, shaping a bush, planting, transplanting, etc.). Watch out for lighting conditions. The sun begins to bake stronger in the spring, more light appears in the rooms, and daylight hours increase. Therefore, in March, additional lighting may no longer be needed. However, this does not apply to the northern windows, where it can still be quite dark.

♈♉ 2 MARCH Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:02.ARIES , CALF from 10:43

Moon without a course from 05:18 to 10:42

If the snow has not yet begun to melt, we recommend installing on the site feeders and birdhouses to attract birds if you haven't done so in winter. Birds are important helpers in pest control. They will live in your area when the insects wake up after winter and look for food. Houseplants : planting and transplanting indoor plants are allowed today (preferably after 11:00). It is also a good day for plant propagation: you can plant cuttings and leaves already prepared and rooted.

♉ 3 MARCH, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:28.CALF

Moon without a course from 18:20

Nice day for seed germination test for further plantings, if you have not had time to do it earlier, in February. The fact is that it is better to make a test in advance than to plant low-quality seeds. If the results of the test do not please you, it will not be too late to buy new good seeds. Today you can also do spring grafting of plums and cherries. Houseplants : It is still possible to continue transplanting plants, it is also possible to replace the top layers of the soil to renew it, if, for example, transplanting is not required now. Remember that after transplanting, plants should not be fed for about a month.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2017

♊ 4 MARCH, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:00.CALF , TWINS from 13:06

Moon without course until 13:05

If in the autumn you did not have time whitewash trees and shrubs, now it’s not too late to do this so that the spring sun does not leave burns on the trunks. The last year's whitewashing may also have already crumbled, so you should think about re-whitewashing. Trees can be whitewashed with lime milk or water-based emulsion. Houseplants : in the afternoon you can do planting petunias and begonias. Also planted at this time fuchsias, caladiums, gloxinias.

♊ 5 MARCH, Sunday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:37.TWINS

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 14:31

It is better to postpone any difficult work on this day, including planting, sowing seedlings, pruning. It is possible to remove the binding from the trees, which was used in the winter against rodents, and it is also not too late to whitewash the trees. Houseplants : unfavorable day for working with plants. It is not recommended to even water them.

♊♋ 6 MARCH, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:24.TWINS , CANCER from 15:54

Moon without a course from 11:22 to 15:53

In the first half of the month, you should think about water retention on the site and how to direct the melt water in the right direction. If the sun is hot enough already, the snow will melt very quickly. Melt water should be removed from the roots of trees, for example, using grooves. Also, do not allow the paths and aisles to be flooded. To do this, you need to clear them of snow, leaving it only on the beds.

10 am to 11 am it's a good time to visit seedlings of perennials and annuals for your flower garden. It is not necessary to meet this one hour. The main thing is to start work during this period of time.

Houseplants : from 10 am to 11 am- a good time for sowing and planting indoor plants. For example, it is good to plant primrose. After noon ( after 16:00) you can plant greens: spinach, dill, salads. Good time to water plants.

♋ 7 MARCH, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:19.CANCER

Near young trees, it is worth removing the layer of ice that formed after winter trampling. This will allow the roots to wake up in time.

Today you can plant bow on feather, and celery. Onions on a feather are planted in containers with water so that only part of the bulb is immersed in the liquid. Roots will grow back very quickly green arrow will grow in just a week. This is a great way to grow greens at home in the cold season, and, indeed, in any other.

Houseplants : a good day for planting greenery on the windowsill, as well as watering plants. You can arrange shower plants. This procedure is best done every 1-2 weeks depending on how dusty your room is. By regularly washing off the dust from the leaves, you allow the plants to feel better, as well as look better.

♋♌ MARCH 8, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:24.CANCER, A LIONfrom 19:46

Moon without a course from 17:59 to 19:45

Unfavorable day for landings. Today it is better to put aside any difficult work and rest. You can water the seedlings. This day is more suitable for relaxation than for work, so you can go to celebrate with a calm heart Women's holiday and put off all the important things for a better time. Houseplants : watering allowed. Do not plan complex work with plants on this day.

Lunar calendar for planting seedlings

♌ 9 MARCH, Thursday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:34.A LION

Great day for planting tomato, early varieties of peppers, and eggplant. You have already started planting some types of seedlings in the previous month, but now it is not too late to plant seedlings of these vegetables. Before planting seeds, they are worth check for consistency if, for example, you have seeds from previous years, and you are not sure that they are good.

Before sowing seeds for seedlings, it is worth soaking them. Also, different seedlings will need different soils. For example, for seedlings tomatoes equal parts of soddy and humus soils are required. After landing, follow lighting and watering modes.

Houseplants : a good time to plant indoor shrubs: lemons, tangerines, avocados etc. Today you can also go shopping for new plants, the necessary equipment for their cultivation, as well as any small decorations for your home garden.

♌ 10 MARCH, Friday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:48.A LION

Moon without a course from 20:05

Today, you can still plant vegetable seedlings. Also today you can plant and replant fruit and evergreen trees and shrubs. Landings should be done when low positive temperatures until the vegetation begins. You can also dive flower seedlings into separate pots. Dive (seating) of young shoots is an important work for the future garden, as plants planted too closely will interfere with each other, will be weak and small. Houseplants : this is also a good day for planting citrus from the stone, as well as for planting dwarf grenade on the windowsill.

♌♍ 11 MARCH, Saturday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:02.A LION , VIRGO from 01:07

Moon off course until 01:06

This day is suitable for sorting seeds, cleaning, repairing greenhouses and preparing them for future plantings. If necessary, you can disinfect greenhouses. After that, you can prepare the soil. Houseplants : Today you can plant ginger on the windowsill. To do this, you should find a good planting material, where there are already eyes - shoot buds. After planting, shoots may appear within a couple of weeks. Remember that ginger loves heat and moisture, do not let it dry out. But do not leave the plant in direct sunlight. You can also engage in planting, transplanting or transshipment of indoor plants.

♍ 12 MARCH, Sunday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:16.VIRGO

FULL MOON at 17:55

Today is a full moon - a bad day for planting and pruning. It is better to devote it to simple garden work. Can do a little cleaning Location on. Also, to warm the soil faster, you can cover the beds with black material. Such a measure will help retain moisture and heat, prepare the beds for future plantings. Warm up the soil is advised for planting carrots, broccoli, parsnips, shallots, beets, lettuce etc. Houseplants


♍♎ 13 MARCH, Monday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:28.VIRGO , SCALES from 08:28

Moon without course from 05:36 to 08:28

From this day on, the moon begins to decrease and in the coming 2 weeks you should think about top dressing. Some perennials already need top dressing. For example, roses can be fertilized with mixtures with a high content potassium. Top dressing will also require seedlings of flowers. Houseplants : it is better not to water or spray the plants on this day. In general, this day is also not the most suitable for any complex work, and it is also not suitable for shopping. If possible, it is better not to deal with plants today.

♎ 14 MARCH, Tuesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:39.SCALES

Watering on this day should not be done. You can go to the store for the goods that you will need to work in the garden and garden. Prepare everything you need now to save time on shopping trips in the midst of the season. Houseplants : It is better not to water the plants today. This is also a good day for shopping and for collecting any useful information.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

15 MARCH, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCALES , SCORPION from 18:11

Moon without a course from 13:05 to 18:10

A good time to fertilize leafy vegetables. It is better to water and feed the plants after 18:00. In the morning it is still good to buy seeds or equipment for future work. Houseplants : in the morning and afternoon it is better to refuse watering, but after 18:00- it is good to water, spray or wash the plants in the shower. Along with watering, fertilizing can be applied. Particularly good after 18:00 fertilize plants with beautiful decorative leaves.

♏ MARCH 16, Thursday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:55.SCORPION

Before the bushes start to bud currants or gooseberries you can water the plants hot water(almost boiling water). This will help get rid of pests that lurk near the plants in the soil. Today is a good day for kidney collection medicinal plants. For example, you can collect kidneys pines if the scales are tightly pressed. Decoctions from pine buds treat well colds, stomach ulcers and other diseases.

Houseplants : Plants can still be fertilized. Before fertilizing, the soil should be well moistened. Remember that plants should not be fed immediately after transplanting. Worth waiting at least a month.

♏ March 17, Friday, 19th lunar day.

You can apply fertilizer for leafy vegetables, greens, cabbage, combining them with watering. Today, refrain from cutting trees and shrubs so as not to harm them. Cutting down and uprooting old trees is also not worth it today. Fertilizing seedlings should begin when the cotyledon leaves have appeared. Then the plants are already ready to receive nutrients from fertilizers and have developed a small root system.

Houseplants : you can use a spray bottle to water the seedlings. Larger plants can already be watered with a large jet of water. Today it is also good to bathe the plants in the shower.

♐ 18 MARCH, Saturday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 06:00

Moon without course from 00:56 to 05:59

This day is for pruning and crown shaping bushes and trees. It is worth removing all branches that are dry and damaged during the winter, as well as branches that grow inside the crown and make it too dense. This event must be carried out in order for the tree or shrub to bear fruit well. In young trees, this procedure should be reduced to a minimum.

You can start sprout potatoes. This will allow you to harvest faster. The timing of planting after the start of germination varies 4 to 6 weeks. Before germinating, it is better to treat the tubers with solutions of trace elements ( potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, urea, boric acid etc.). After processing, the tubers must be dried and left in a bright room. Well, if the temperature in the room will keep about plus 20-22 degrees Celsius.

Houseplants : pest control of domestic plants on this day will be especially effective. To begin with, inspect the plants very carefully, perhaps some pests are hiding under the leaves or on the surface of the soil. Even if you do not find pests, we still recommend that you carry out preventive treatment of plants.

♐ 19 MARCH, Sunday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 01:03.SAGITTARIUS

Inspect the trees for frost and other damage. If the frost has already passed, you can treat the wounds with garden knife. To do this, it is worth cleaning cracks and wounds to healthy trunk tissue, and then disinfecting with a solution copper sulphate, after which the wound should be covered garden pitch.

Today is a good time to feed the berry bushes. Now it is good to apply mineral and organic fertilizers. This day is also suitable for collecting cones of medicinal plants and birch fungus.

Houseplants A: Still a good time for pest control. Also today you can harvest cuttings and leaves for plant propagation. Be careful: some plants are still weak after winter, so make sure that the plant will tolerate cuttings or leaves well. Today you can cut elongated shoots(half or third). This will allow the plant to sprout new, healthier shoots and promote good flowering.

♑ 20 MARCH, Monday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 02:01.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:31

Moon without a course from 13:37 to 18:30

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 18:57

Difficult work (planting, pruning) cannot be planned for this day. But you can do pest control. For example, you can put on stamps trapping belts, which will not allow wintering insects to climb the trunks up to the leaves. To make the snow melt faster at the foot of the trees, you can sprinkle it with peat or ash. This should be done already when severe frosts are already behind. After sunset, you can dig up the roots angelica. Decoctions from this root are used to treat problems with the digestive system, for example, to treat gastritis. Houseplants : it is better not to deal with plants today.

♑ 21 MARCH, Tuesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:54.CAPRICORN

Don't leave crusts over bulbous crops or strawberries intact. It is better to break it so that the plants under it do not start to rot. Today is a good time to get ready. greenhouses and soils for growing plants. You can also audit inventory, get rid of unnecessary things and various garbage.

Houseplants : today is a good time to work with soils: you can prepare soil mixtures for future plantings and transplants (already in late March - April). You can buy ready mixes. If you cook them yourself, we advise you to carry out a thorough disinfection.

Plant transplantation according to the lunar calendar

♑ 22 MARCH, Wednesday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:41.CAPRICORN

Moon without a course from 16:20

The first half of the day suitable for the treatment of plants against pests. Spraying trees is best done before bud break. It is possible to spray plants with pesticides if the plants survived the winter well and did not freeze. Today is also a good day to collect medicinal plant bark (oak, willow, black poplar, buckthorn). It is better to collect oak bark before the first leaves appear on the plants and only from young trees. Oak bark is used to treat various diseases, burns.

Houseplants : you can clean and revise all the plants in your home flower garden. Remove faded flower stalks, dry leaves and stems. You can replace the topsoil. It is better to do transplants a little later, when the moon begins to grow.

♑♒ 23 MARCH, Thursday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:21.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 05:29

Moon off course until 05:28

Today you can take care of the plants in your flower garden. For example, it’s time to start airing heat-loving perennial shrubs covered for the winter - roses, hydrangeas and others. If the root system of flowers propped up under cover, it is better to transplant the plants and mulch with peat. If there are still frosts in your area even at the end of the month and the beginning of the next, it is better protect perennials under a layer of snow.

Houseplants : today you can apply fertilizer for any beautifully flowering plants at this time. Remember that when forming buds and flowers, the plant loses a lot of strength, it needs more nutrients and good lighting.

♒ 24 MARCH, Friday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 04:55.AQUARIUS

Today it is good to fertilize for perennials and bulbous flowers. You can feed the plants from above directly on the layer of snow, if it has not yet had time to come off. Fertilizers must contain nitrogen, which will act as an excellent growth stimulant.

Houseplants : a good time to ventilate the premises. However, try not to leave the plants in the cold and draft for a long time. Drafts are the enemies of many indoor plants. If you keep them on cold windowsills and you notice that the plant is withering and its leaves are fading, it may be cold. If you do not have suitable conditions, choose the most unpretentious flowers.

♒♓ 25 MARCH, Saturday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 05:25.AQUARIUS , FISH from 13:07

Moon without course from 08:56 to 13:06

It is already possible to remove shelters from the beds strawberries. After removing the shelters, the plants should dry out a little, and then you can start processing: remove dry and diseased leaves. After 13:00- a good time to water any seedlings. Today, try to refrain from pruning fruit trees and shrubs. Houseplants : Watering the plants on this day is in the afternoon.

♓ 26 MARCH, Sunday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 05:51.FISH

Today you can apply fertilizer for seedlings, especially seedlings cabbage, leafy vegetables and greens. It is also a good day for collecting buds and earrings. birches. There are a lot in swollen kidneys medicinal substances. They are used to treat a wide variety of ailments, including kidney and urinary tract diseases. Infusions from birch buds are an excellent diuretic. Beyond the Kidneys birches, buds are harvested in March pines and aspens. Houseplants : watering day. Protect the plants on your south facing windows from direct sunlight. In late March the sun can already bake quite strongly, and this can leave unwanted burns on the plants. By the way, it is advised to spray and water the plants either in the early morning or in the evening.

♓♈ 27 MARCH, Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:15.FISH , ARIES from 17:11

Moon without a course from 13:19 to 17:10

Today is quite a stressful and busy day, so it is better to postpone any serious work with plants and seedlings. It is unfavorable to plant and cut plants. The first half of the day is suitable for watering. Houseplants : it is better not to deal with plants today, it is especially dangerous to transplant them. Landings can also be unsuccessful.

Planting plants according to the lunar calendar


♈ 28 MARCH, Tuesday, 29th, 1st lunar day from 05:57, 2nd lunar day from 06:39.ARIES

NEW MOON at 05:57

This day is not suitable for complex work, since at the very beginning of the lunar month there is still too little energy. If possible, do not engage in planting today, but you can plan things for the next month. Houseplants : Postpone work with plants.

♈♉ 29 MARCH, Wednesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:03.ARIES , CALF from 18:48

Moon without a course from 15:07 to 18:47

Today is another day to start sprouting potatoes. Also at this time, you can plant seedlings. cucumbers. It's better if you start all the work until 15:00 then the chances of success will be much higher. Houseplants : After 19:00- a good time for planting or transplanting houseplants.

♉ 30 MARCH, Thursday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:29.CALF

Today is a good time to prepare greenhouses and greenhouse soils. If you didn't have time to do it, do it earlier. Houseplants : various work with plants is acceptable. You can transplant old ones and plant new ones, you can simply replace the top layers of the soil. For example, if you see education white mold on the surface of the soil, it is worth removing the top layer in 1-2 cm and replace it with a new one. Be careful not to damage roots close to the surface.

♉♊ 31 MARCH, Friday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:59.CALF , TWINS from 19:41

Moon without a course from 02:12 to 19:40

Today, the Moon will be idling for almost the entire day, so this day is suitable for continuing the work begun in the past, but not for starting new ones. It is better not to water the plants in the evening. From 20:00 to 21:30 is a good time for shopping. If brick-and-mortar stores may be closed during this time, you can checkout at online stores. It is good, for example, to buy seeds or garden tools. Houseplants : You can continue any work that you started earlier.

Lunar calendar for sowing seeds for seedlings and other work in March 2017

Watering: especially recommended days: 6-8, 15-17, 25-27
Watering: non-recommended days: 4, 5, 13, 14, 23, 24
Buying seeds, seedlings and houseplants: 2, 3. 9, 14. 15, 29-31
Checking seeds for germination: 2, 3, 9, 10
Pest Control: 16-22
Weed control: 20-22
Fertilizers for seedlings of flowers and flowering indoor plants: 13-15, 23-25
Fertilizers for greenery and leaf system: 15-17, 25, 26
Fertilizers for vegetable seedlings: 18-20
Fertilizers for fruit trees: 18-20
Fertilizers for the root system and root crops: 20-22
Planting greens and leafy vegetables: 6, 7
Planting vegetable seedlings: 9-11, 29
Planting flower seedlings: 4, 6
Planting seedlings: 9, 10
Lawn seeding: 9, 10
Dive: 9, 10
Transplantation, transshipment of indoor plants: 2, 3, 11, 29, 30
Propagation of indoor plants by seeds (sowing): 4, 6, 11, 29, 30
Separation of cuttings, leaves of indoor plants: 18, 19
Planting cuttings, leaves of indoor plants: 2, 3, 11, 29, 30
Collection of buds and leaves of medicinal plants: 16, 17
Collection of cones of medicinal plants, birch fungus: 18-20
Collection of roots and bark of medicinal plants: 20-22
Whitewashing of trees and bushes: 4, 5
Cutting a hedge: 16, 17
Trimming houseplants: 18, 19
Pruning fruit trees and bushes: 18, 19
Trimming ornamental and flowering shrubs: 14
Spring grafting of trees: 2, 4, 9, 10
Tree treatment: 18, 19
Soil preparation: 2, 3, 11, 12, 20-22, 29-31
Soil heating: 11, 12
Cleaning and revision of inventory: 11, 12, 20-22
Unfortunate time for planting, transplanting and pruning: 5, 12, 13, 20, 27, 28