The meaning of sleep is a man giving his jersey. “Why does Mike dream in a dream? If you see Mike in a dream, what does it mean? T-shirt according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Anchor points:

What was the shirt

You would like more from life, but well-being depends on people to whom you don’t want to bow at all if you saw an ordinary T-shirt in a dream. She was clearly white in a dream– your bad habits will cause health problems. A dark T-shirt, even a black one, can do a lot if you believe in yourself. A children's T-shirt can be a harbinger of rash purchases.

wear a tank top

Seeing yourself in a T-shirt that is clearly not in size- small - it’s not worth it without thinking to start something new, now is not the right time for this. Mike was worn by a man of athletic build, for a woman it is a sign of dissatisfaction with her sex life. put on shirt inside out- you are prone to impulsive actions, which often leads to a misinterpretation of the behavior of other people, and, as a result, to quarrels. Taking off this piece of clothing is a love adventure, but don't lose your head and keep safety in mind.

New or old

To dream about a leaky T-shirt - the desire for change will lead to unexpected actions. She was clearly stale, you clearly felt sweat, a dirty body - you will have to take on the challenge of competitors, be prepared to fight. new, with label or without - you are on the verge of discovery.


The dream in which you washed your T-shirt - pull yourself together, now you don’t need to think over a plan for further actions, deal with what you have, the decision will come by itself. Stroking her in a dream, in reality - you understood what you want from life, and this calmed you down, set you in the right mood. Sewing - don't wait nothing good from change.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is Mike dreaming?

See in a dream

T-shirt - Seeing a T-shirt in a dream - to chores around the house, putting it on - for a date with a loved one, taking it off - for love joys, wearing it - to gain the ability to rejoice and be cheerful for no particular reason.

What the shirt is dreaming of means that you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but freeing yourself from it, you risk losing a stable financial position.

Why dream about a T-shirt - If you see a dirty T-shirt on yourself, with traces of sweat - you will have to fight against enemies. For a business person, such a dream portends the emergence of strong competitors. The athlete is waiting for a competition with an opponent of equal strength. Wearing a T-shirt inside out in a dream means that you have to drastically change your opinion about one of your friends.

Why dream of a Torn T-shirt - dreams if you are dissatisfied with the state of your affairs and strive to change it.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin What does Mike dream about in a dream book:

Seeing a T-shirt - to household chores; put on - for a date with a person who interests you very much; why dream of taking off a T-shirt - to the joys of love; why dream of wearing a T-shirt - to feel the happiness of living (without specific reasons).

Mike's Dream Interpretation

Mike, Seen in a dream, will tell you a lot of interesting things about what is happening in your real life! This image is not deciphered by Dream Interpretations in the same way for women and for men. So, for the representatives of the weaker sex, a T-shirt in a dream indicates an intimate interest in relation to some person. Whereas for men, the dreamed T-shirt and its size directly testify to their own self-esteem.

I dreamed of a men's T-shirt (for women)- intimate interest in the person who was wearing a T-shirt; disappointment in love.

The appearance of a man's T-shirt in a woman's dream directly indicates a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Probably, you are now alone, or your partner does not give you the fullness of intimate sensations. However, the Forecast is relevant only for those women who dreamed of a beautiful T-shirt on an attractive male body. If you saw a holey T-shirt in a dream or the owner of the T-shirt did not attract you at all, the Dream predicts disappointment in a love relationship.

I dreamed of a new women's T-shirt (for women) It's time to rethink your wardrobe.

A woman tends to devote a lot of time to her wardrobe, therefore, the appearance of a T-shirt in a dream may indicate a desire to purchase a new thing or a need to take a closer look at your wardrobe.

To dream of a comfortable or new T-shirt (for men)- inner harmony, self-satisfaction.

I dreamed of an uncomfortable, torn or too tight T-shirt (for men)- dissatisfaction with their position; to deception.

Seeing a T-shirt that is too big in a dream, T-shirt is big in a dream (for men)- excessive ambition.

The appearance of the T-shirt and how you felt in it in a dream will help you understand how you feel in this period of life. If the T-shirt was on time, You did not experience discomfort, It means that in reality and in personal affairs, And in professional field everything is fine. A too narrow or torn T-shirt suggests that you have become cramped or uncomfortable in your current status - it's time to take active steps to realize your ambitions. But a shirt that is too spacious (a shirt from a "foreign" shoulder) makes it clear that you either have an overestimated opinion of yourself, Or you perceive your place in life far from adequately.

White T-shirt covered in blood

Dream Interpretation White T-shirt in the blood dreamed of why in a dream a White T-shirt in blood? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White T-shirt in the blood in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To chores around the house.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Dream Interpretation - Bed

Dreams about beds express our hopes for the best, our desire for a prosperous and dignified life, our desire for a good arrangement of our home. Sometimes such dreams predict changes in health or illness. Buying a bed or seeing how they bring it into the house is a sign of imminent marriage and acquiring their own household. If you dream that someone is offering you to buy a bed, then you will soon find out that you have a secret admirer who has decided to reveal his feelings to you. A large, solid, beautiful, richly furnished bed in a dream means a good arrangement, a prosperous and prosperous life, protection from troubles and the patronage of people in power.

A chic bed and a beautiful bedroom in a dream mean that a prosperous life awaits you, which you will be very pleased with. Feeling pleasant smells in the bedroom in a dream is a sign of a dubious love adventure. A broken bed in a dream predicts trouble, obstacles in business, failure of plans. An empty bed means that your life will be unsettled and lonely. A made bed, making a bed or seeing that it is being made for you, portends you a reciprocity of feelings, which can end in a big scandal. After such a dream, you should exercise maximum caution and prudence. A hospital bed with dried blood stains is a sign of great worries due to an illness that you have recently successfully endured. Such a dream warns you that your illness has traumatized your psyche and you should be more attentive to your health in the future. A soiled bed in a dream means illness. Lying in bed in a dream is a sign of a calm, arranged life; an empty bed (your) in a dream means loneliness, disorder of life; to see someone else's bed empty in a dream is a sign of the imminent death of its owner or separation from a loved one. If you dream that you are going to bed, then beware of illness. Lying in bed with a friend or a person of the same gender is a loss that could have been avoided; With a stranger the other sex - to the news; a strange bed in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent unusual, amazing turn in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Blood in a dream is a symbol of life, health, well-being, kinship, surprise. Seeing bleeding in a dream is a sign of loss and poor health. A dream in which you saw that blood is coming from your nose means the loss of funds or position in society. Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of a failed deal that will bring you a lot of trouble and loss.

Seeing blood on your hands is a sign of danger threatening you due to negligence.

Incest in a dream portends a disease or a painful pride that will cause you a lot of problems. Blood vessels with blood flowing through them portends well-being. Blood on the head means getting a fortune soon.

Spitting blood in a dream - to illness or humiliation. A dream in which you saw that blood is pouring out of you on the floor predicts a win in business or gaining benefits. The dark blood flowing from you portends liberation from sorrows and worries. Bleeding from the throat portends significant events in your life, strengthening the position in society, wealth and prosperity in the house. Especially if the blood is bright red and not caked. For the childless, such a dream predicts the imminent birth of children. Such a dream also promises you a meeting with a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time. It is bad to see in a dream that you are spitting blood on the bare ground. Such a dream predicts death loved one or relative. Choking on blood in a dream or swimming in it is a sign of danger or great misfortune that will happen to loved ones. Dark blood clots in a dream are a sign of a serious illness that is sneaking up on you. The brighter the blood that you see in a dream, the more dangerous and painful your illness will be. To see the flow of blood in a dream means a serious illness with a fatal outcome after a long time. Someone else's blood in a dream portends the illness of loved ones or acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

If in a dream you donate blood for analysis, it means that in reality you are not all right with your health, you should immediately consult a doctor and be examined in a clinic.

To see blood flowing from a cut - in reality you will spend fun hours in a friendly company. Blood that has frozen and covered the wound with a crust is a harbinger of the illness of one of the relatives. Blood flowing abundantly from a diseased wound portends trouble due to unreasonable haste. Blood pouring to the ground is a sign of happy events.

Donating blood as a donor is a big shock and worry. Get dirty in the blood - to an unfortunate set of circumstances. Blood flowing through the nose is a harbinger of an accident or a car accident. If blood goes down your throat, be ashamed of your shortcomings.

A severed or bloody head portends a breakdown in affairs and a series of minor griefs. Seeing in a dream an abscess or a boil oozing pus in half with an ichor means that troubles await you in the near future, of which dishonest behavior of friends will bring you more grief.

Blood on the hands - to a temporary alienation in relations between loved ones due to an unfair attitude towards you. Seeing butchers with bloody hands and clothes, slaughtering cattle and butchering carcasses - malicious slander will cast a shadow on your reputation.

To deal with the blood of animals in a dream - in reality you will overcome all difficulties and obstacles in business. Making blood sausage - have fun in the company of simple-minded, unpretentious and warm-hearted people. Cooking a steak with blood - your choice will be the only right one.

Washing yourself or washing blood from your clothes - you have a meeting with your relatives.

To see vampires drinking the blood of their victims - good hopes will come true, serious fears will dissipate. Slam a mosquito, a fly or another blood-sucking insect - in reality you will be accused of distrust by people whom you know about as swindlers and rogues.

To see something blood-red in a dream means the onset of some kind of global disaster or catastrophe from which there is no escape.

If in a dream you entered into an incestuous relationship - therefore, in reality, this fact of incest will affect the attitude of men towards you, who will stick to you like wasps for sweets for no reason.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

"to bleed" to suffer greatly.

"blood enemy", "blood brother". "You drank a lot of blood from me, drank it, sucked it out" caused a lot of suffering. "Bleed" treatment or damage.

"to shed blood", "to the last drop of blood", "blood feud" (enmity), "blood with milk" (health).

"sea of ​​blood" very strong emotions, experiences, disasters.

"hot blood" (heroism), "blue blood" (high origin), "blood runs cold" (horror), "heart bleeds" (strong experience).

"blood from the nose" try hard.

"to shed blood" to suffer, to fight, to accomplish a feat.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Bloody clothes seen in a dream warn of possible enemies who seek to interfere with your career. Beware of new pseudo-friendships.

Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of physical ill health, or impending anxiety, or failure in business.

If you see blood on your hands, expect uninvited guests.

This is how Nostradamus interpreted dreams about blood.

If in a dream you saw blood on yourself, then in the near future you will hear from your relatives.

The dream in which you bleed means temporary loneliness and sadness.

If you saw in a dream how you shed someone's blood - show carelessness when solving a problem that is very important for you. You should take the initiative in your own hands.

I dreamed of a loved one bleeding - because of your selfishness, your relationship with a loved one will deteriorate.

The dream in which you saw the earth covered in blood portends difficult trials.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that blood in a dream is associated with family ties, retribution, and conflicts. She interpreted the "bloody" dreams as follows.

A dream in which you are trying to stop the blood flowing from a wound symbolizes your longing for a deceased loved one.

If in a dream you saw blood on your clothes - a sign that the act of a loved one will jeopardize your reputation.

In a dream, you defended yourself and hit your enemy so hard that blood spattered from his wound on you - this dream predicts that any intervention in a quarrel between loved ones can end in serious consequences for you.

You dream that you are drinking cold and tasty water from the river. But suddenly the water in the river begins to darken and turns into thick blood before your eyes. You notice with horror that your hands, mouth and clothes are stained with this blood. This dream is a warning. There is a long-standing curse on your family, which will not be slow to destroy your life and the lives of loved ones. Evil fate will haunt you until you ask forgiveness from the Creator for the sins of which your ancestors are guilty.

D. Loff wrote: “This symbol in dreams is rarely positive, perhaps, with the exception of cases associated with the manifestation of anger towards someone. In this case, the enemy's blood is a sign of your complete victory. But most often, blood symbolizes exhaustion, decline, injury or death. Depletion can be both physical and emotional, financial, that is, suggest the loss of significant resources.

Blood has another direct meaning - it is the source of life. In this sense, it is seen as a symbol of unity with another person - an image inspired by the Indian cult of "blood brotherhood."

Stained white tank top

Dream Interpretation White T-shirt with a stain dreamed of why in a dream a White T-shirt is a stain? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White T-shirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Buying a fashionable sports-style T-shirt in a dream means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image, moving away from your current environment, making new business and acquaintances, as well as love affairs.

A light or white T-shirt portends illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark - your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help you realize your plan and good luck will not leave you in the future.

A dirty, old or torn T-shirt - to minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Wash a T-shirt in a dream - put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream a T-shirt that was drying on the street, among other things, was stolen from you, this portends sadness and disappointment in reality.

A simple men's T-shirt portends deceit and warns of caution in dealing with strangers. An elegant children's T-shirt calls for prudence, otherwise at random decision can lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until the next salary.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To be in a T-shirt - you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but freeing yourself from it, you risk losing a stable financial position;
to be in a dirty T-shirt, with traces of sweat - fighting enemies;
for a business person - the emergence of strong competitors;
for an athlete - a competition with an opponent of equal strength;
put on a T-shirt inside out - you have to drastically change your opinion about one of your friends;
torn T-shirt - you are unhappy with the state of your affairs and strive to change it.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To chores around the house.

Putting on a T-shirt - for a date with your loved one.

To take off a T-shirt - to love joys.

Wearing a T-shirt - to gain the ability to rejoice and be cheerful for no particular reason.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

The state of affairs leaves much to be desired.

Imagine that you wear over a T-shirt leather jacket(see Leather clothing).

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Seeing a T-shirt is a household chore.

To put on - for a date with a person who interests you very much.

Shoot - to the joys of love.

Wear - feel the happiness of living (without specific reasons).

Dream Interpretation - Spot

Coat in spots - means failure in business.

Jacket in spots - means failure in business.

Dress in spots - means failure in business.

Stains on linen - to fame.

Unsuccessfully removing stains means a bad reputation.

Dream Interpretation - Spot

Walking in clothes with stains - suffer from longing, experience remorse, enter into a dubious relationship with someone.

Spots on outerwear - failure in business.

On linen - fame.

You can’t wash off - to a bad reputation.

Spots on the body, on objects - a symbol of failure and discord, but spots can also mean new opportunities in something.

Successfully remove the stain - improve your affairs and relationships with people. And death.

Dream Interpretation - Spot

Seeing a large birthmark on your face in a dream - in reality you will become an heiress big fortune, small spots on the body - to the disease.

Rusty stains on linen - wait for guests, oil on clothes - success in love, bloody - an accident. Wash or remove stains - to deceit.

Dream Interpretation - Spot

As a rule, two types of spots are removed - on the body and on clothes.

This is a bad omen in both cases.

To overcome life's troubles, your efforts alone will not be enough, you will need outside help.

Traces left by some kind of ailment on your body mean that in the circle of your acquaintances there is someone who uses the means of black magic so that your health, business, interests are seriously affected.

To see such spots on the body of another person - a dream suggests that, wanting to reverse the created unpleasant situation, you will use unconventional methods.

Dreamed spots on clothes are harbingers of various kinds of troubles that will take you out of a state of peace of mind.

Resistance to life's problems will practically deprive you of time and energy.

If you scrubbed the stain, it betrays your diligent attempts to hide from people the feelings that you really have for them.

I must say that this is not entirely fair and correct in relation to loved ones who treat you with a soul, sincerely.

Dream Interpretation - Spots

Spots - On anything - a situation spoiled by someone's stupid or evil trick. Look at the stains. (For example, on the mirror in which you look - the impressions of a joyful event will be spoiled).

white jersey

Dream Interpretation White T-shirt had a dream about what the White T-shirt dreams about in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White T-shirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Buying a fashionable sports-style T-shirt in a dream means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image, moving away from your current environment, making new business and acquaintances, as well as love affairs.

A light or white T-shirt portends illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark - your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help you realize your plan and good luck will not leave you in the future.

A dirty, old or torn T-shirt - to minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Wash a T-shirt in a dream - put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream a T-shirt that was drying on the street, among other things, was stolen from you, this portends sadness and disappointment in reality.

A simple men's T-shirt portends deceit and warns of caution in dealing with strangers. An elegant children's T-shirt calls for prudence, otherwise a random decision can lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until the next salary.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To be in a T-shirt - you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but freeing yourself from it, you risk losing a stable financial position;
to be in a dirty T-shirt, with traces of sweat - fighting enemies;
for a business person - the emergence of strong competitors;
for an athlete - a competition with an opponent of equal strength;
put on a T-shirt inside out - you have to drastically change your opinion about one of your friends;
torn T-shirt - you are unhappy with the state of your affairs and strive to change it.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To chores around the house.

Putting on a T-shirt - for a date with your loved one.

To take off a T-shirt - to love joys.

Wearing a T-shirt - to gain the ability to rejoice and be cheerful for no particular reason.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

The state of affairs leaves much to be desired.

Imagine that you are wearing a leather jacket over a T-shirt (see Leather clothing).

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Seeing a T-shirt is a household chore.

To put on - for a date with a person who interests you very much.

Shoot - to the joys of love.

Wear - feel the happiness of living (without specific reasons).

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Seeing your underwear torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of shame, shame and need. Such a dream can also portend you losing your job or demotion, sometimes imprisonment or bankruptcy. Seeing in a dream your underwear or the underwear of a loved one dirty, greasy, burnt is a very bad omen that portends you a streak of great failures, losses, collapse, complete ruin, which will end in separation from a loved one or divorce. Putting on clean underwear in a dream - to receive good news.

The dream predicts that lovers after such a dream can count on each other's sincerity and support, as well as on the fact that their desire to marry is mutual. The rest of the dream predicts good luck in business and the fulfillment of desires. See interpretation: clothes.

A dream in which you see yourself dressed in underwear, surrounded by strangers, means that many trials, shame and hardships await you. However, if people surrounded you in a dream so that no one would see you naked, then only people who are directly related to the scandalous case will know about your shame. If in a dream you see that you are getting into an elevator in your underwear in the presence of a large number of people and the elevator suddenly starts moving up, then, contrary to your expectation, you will have great success, which, however, will be accompanied by scandals around your name, gossip and big chores. See interpretation: elevator.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by strangers, in whose presence you have to undress to your underwear, and everyone sees that you are wearing your lover's underwear, then you will have a lot of worries and troubles due to your frivolous behavior, which will become known to a certain circle, which will cause criticism and disapproval in your address. A dream in which you see that your lover is wearing lingerie that does not belong to you means that he is unfaithful to you. Such a dream warns you that you have given your feelings to an unworthy and vile person. However, if you see your underwear on your lover, then you will have a lot of worries because of your lover, who will have many problems and troubles in the family. Black underwear in such a dream means sadness and tears. The dream also predicts to you that soon all the troubles will end and peace and harmony will reign in your relationship. See interpretation: color.

Washing your underwear in a dream is a sign of reconciliation after a long quarrel. Buying new underwear in a dream means that you will make every effort to equip your home or build relationships with a loved one. Tearing your underwear is a sign of undeserved humiliation, insults and shame. Seeing dried blood stains on your linen is a harbinger of physical ailment, surgery and stress that will affect your entire future life. See interpretation: blood.

In a dream, a woman wearing beautiful underwear in front of a mirror is a sign of deceived hopes, grief and resentment. Such a dream also portends you separation from your loved one and the collapse of plans. If in a dream you see that your lover is wearing such underwear that he has never worn before, then many disappointments await you. Such a dream portends you the loss of a loved one, pretense of love, mistrust and betrayal. Marks on your underwear - to receive an inheritance and marry a very responsible and hardworking person. Beautiful and expensive underwear in a dream warns you that your frivolous behavior can cause other people a lot of grief and damage your reputation. Folding clothes in a dream is a harbinger of success in love.

Dream Interpretation - White

White color in general means positive changes in life. white grapes- a symbol of innocence, purity, and white wine suggests entertainment, a wild life. White bread - wealth and profit. White shirt - to the good news, wearing it - to experience pleasant sensations. To have white teeth is good health, hair is good luck. Seeing a white kitten is to avoid trouble, a cat is uncertainty, confusion, ruin. White rabbit - fidelity in love. White Swan - excellent prospects and pleasant experiences. White horse or horse - alternation of failures and successes with a predominance of the latter. White donkey - a prosperous life, full of prosperity and love.

To whitewash something - to participate in the celebration. To whiten yourself - to receive an unexpected gift. White to see or hold in your hands - to joy. Negative consequences can cause visions that are really fantastic, for example: a white bat as a sign of death or white ink on black paper, promising nothing but blues and illness. However, in any case, due diligence, presence of mind and the support of friends can help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dream Interpretation - Underwear

Be careful in your intimate relationships. Seeing lingerie - your distrust and jealousy will lead to a quarrel with your loved one. Seeing underwear hanging on a rope - your relationship with your loved one, put on display, will lead to separation from those who are dear to you. Wash underwear - your rash steps will make you feel shame that you want to hide from others. You are in underwear - to a disease of the genitourinary organs.

Imagine that you have covered your underwear with a blanket (see Blanket).

Dirty laundry - your career is in danger. Seeing dirty underwear - your rash behavior will lead to rumors and gossip. Wearing dirty linen - a dream warns of imminent danger of shame. You can get into an awkward situation because of your ambitions. Seeing another person in dirty linen - you have to learn about the unworthy deeds of the owner of dirty linen. To avoid publicity, the owner of the underwear will try in every possible way to denigrate you or drag you into a case that can compromise you. Buy dirty women's underwear - you will find yourself in the center of a scandal that will knock the ground out from under your feet.

Mentally prolong the dream and imagine how the owner of dirty laundry got under the shower and a large stream of water washes away all problems (see Shower).

Selling lingerie - you will cause quarrels and discord in the family of your relatives.

Try to refuse in the coming days from visiting your loved ones, no matter how they insist on your meeting.

Dream Interpretation - White Something

White monkey - portends the achievement of a higher position.

The white rat shows the way to the treasure - cooperation and support from someone.

White elephant - portends an appointment.

White dolphin - portends an appointment.

You cover yourself with a white veil - great luck and benefit.

Red and white clouds - happiness.

Dressed in white clothes yourself - someone is plotting something against you.

A wagon drawn by white horses is riding - great happiness, good luck.

Riding a white horse is a disease.

A wagon drawn by white horses is riding - portends great happiness, good luck.

A commoner in white clothes comes to you as a messenger and calls you - portends death.

You see yourself dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Linen - wash linen: clean - they don’t talk about you well; dirty and in dirty water - someone is judging. Wash clothes - to death. Buying linen is a disease; to do - cursing; hang to dry - profit. The underwear is torn - humiliation, trouble at work. Stand in underwear - learn about interesting news. Clean linen in the closet - well-being, dirty - family strife. Dirty linen is a lie, clean linen is a profit.

dirty jersey

Dream Interpretation Dirty T-shirt had a dream about why a dirty T-shirt is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dirty T-shirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Buying a fashionable sports-style T-shirt in a dream means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image, moving away from your current environment, making new business and acquaintances, as well as love affairs.

A light or white T-shirt portends illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark - your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help you realize your plan and good luck will not leave you in the future.

A dirty, old or torn T-shirt - to minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Wash a T-shirt in a dream - put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream a T-shirt that was drying on the street, among other things, was stolen from you, this portends sadness and disappointment in reality.

A simple men's T-shirt portends deceit and warns of caution in dealing with strangers. An elegant children's T-shirt calls for prudence, otherwise a random decision can lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until the next salary.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To be in a T-shirt - you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but freeing yourself from it, you risk losing a stable financial position;
to be in a dirty T-shirt, with traces of sweat - fighting enemies;
for a business person - the emergence of strong competitors;
for an athlete - a competition with an opponent of equal strength;
put on a T-shirt inside out - you have to drastically change your opinion about one of your friends;
torn T-shirt - you are unhappy with the state of your affairs and strive to change it.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To chores around the house.

Putting on a T-shirt - for a date with your loved one.

To take off a T-shirt - to love joys.

Wearing a T-shirt - to gain the ability to rejoice and be cheerful for no particular reason.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

The state of affairs leaves much to be desired.

Imagine that you are wearing a leather jacket over a T-shirt (see Leather clothing).

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Seeing a T-shirt is a household chore.

To put on - for a date with a person who interests you very much.

Shoot - to the joys of love.

Wear - feel the happiness of living (without specific reasons).

Dream Interpretation - Dirty

Soiled, dirty underwear - portends an unhappy birth.

You wash dirty clothes - a new employee, an official, will arrive.

Dream Interpretation - Dirty

be - evil talk
to dirty oneself - happiness

Dream Interpretation - Dirty

Dirty (dirty) oneself is happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Dirty Car

If in a dream you wash a very dirty car, this is a car accident.

Dream Interpretation - Dirty child (child)

A very dirty child in a dream - to insufficient care for your children.

White shirt

Dream Interpretation - White Snow

In my opinion, the dream reflected only your inability to make a decision. Parents - a subconscious attitude to stick to the previous state of affairs, do not change anything. Sick people - you need help in resolving the issue. Police - the desire to do the right thing, right, call yourself to discipline. Animals symbolize the opinions of strangers and your fears. So the mole is your inner (from under the ground) provocateur, which does not give everything a good think over (sit on a bench) .... As a result, your fear takes on gigantic proportions (bear). Oh Elena! White silence comes to the rescue: calm your mind (falling snow) and take the situation not very seriously (children on a sled), let go (rolling down a hill). Now this is more important than the decision to move. And wait for further dreams - if you trust them - what will they tell you ?!

Dream Interpretation - White Snow

good day, Elena! “I can’t make a decision.” - it’s sad, it’s better to make the wrong decision and execute it flawlessly than not to make any ... “We are coming to the house where I was going to move.” - your dreams affect. "I'm coming with my parents so that they look at the conditions in which I will live. They shake their heads, against." - all the same questions that you should have solved for a long time. This has already been said many times ... "There is vanity around, some people are sick, the police come, they are looking for something .... "- confusion and uncontrollability of your thoughts. "And I stand in silence, then I go out into the street and see that it snowed, there is a lot of it, everything is white and white around. It's so easy to breathe, children are sledding nearby." - Your soul. Apparently an indication that one must live by the soul, and not by one's own and those around them by transient thoughts. But you tend to succumb to external opinion and influence - "I sit on a bench, but either a mole digs it, or some other animal and it starts to stagger ... I get up and move away. A dog runs past and starts barking at me, I reassured her. "" The kittens were dreaming, I held them in my arms. I dreamed that I was running away with someone from a huge bear (as tall as a 16-storey building). "- both kittens and a bear are a positive sign, but you are like always run from your fate, not distinguishing between what is good for you and what is bad... Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - White Bed

Mother - wisdom, leadership of seniors Order in the garage - put in order your past, memory. Old house - memories, lifestyle from the past Beds - personal experiences, a sense of security, dreams, calmness With white bedspreads - perhaps getting rid of some difficult memories, an attempt to cleanse itself Flowers - feelings Funeral home - another attempt to get rid of some memories , feelings, experiences. Transport prevents a neighbor from calling in - a course of action, a direction in life brings discomfort to other people. Perhaps this is a dream about trying to "whitewash" your memory, bury the old and create a new one. However, this attempt somehow interferes with others (you get upset, the neighbor is outraged). The dream can be about you or specifically about your mother. Think if there are any moments in her life that she would like to "bury"? Perhaps she (or you) want to fix the past? Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - White Bed

A dream about the past, something is not decided and does not give rest. It is necessary to return and work out thoughts about ancestors, family ties, otherwise the meaning is lost and life will return all events in a vicious circle (you write: "... The housemate was indignant. That our transport prevents him from calling, and I was upset")

Dream Interpretation - White scarf

Hello, perhaps a dream about the need to become a more modest person or about the need to put your thoughts in order or hide them from others: hair - thoughts, a white scarf - cleanliness, order, neutrality (not bad and not good), calmness, Integrity. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - White scarf

You tend to decide to keep thoughts about .... Their relevance is obvious (dream on a new moon), you do not give thoughts food, an outlet. The readiness to fence off, to take a position of humility / so it should be present earlier (on the shoulders, next to a Muslim woman). The unexpressed will.

Dream Interpretation - White Dress

Embroidered pratye - to joy. White dress - for the wedding. Old dress - for extraordinary events, balls, presentations. Old-fashioned hairstyle - old love will return to you.

Dream Interpretation - White Dress

Interpretation according to the karmic dream book. You will be placed in such circumstances that you will be forced to show: artistic flair, creativity and a taste for entertainment (refers to making money).

Dream Interpretation - White Dress

A sign of the coming spiritual Enlightenment, time, at the same time, greatly slows down. Continue working with your own Consciousness.

Dream Interpretation - White Dress

AT Eventually it is your choice, your interest is self-knowledge and development (dress). As a result, he leads away from the usual, instilled by the family and society (it will not work, as you are used to), separates from the generally accepted (through the crowd).

pink jersey

Dream Interpretation Pink T-shirt had a dream about why the Pink T-shirt is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Pink T-shirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Buying a fashionable sports-style T-shirt in a dream means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image, moving away from your current environment, making new business and acquaintances, as well as love affairs.

A light or white T-shirt portends illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark - your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help you realize your plan and good luck will not leave you in the future.

A dirty, old or torn T-shirt - to minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Wash a T-shirt in a dream - put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream a T-shirt that was drying on the street, among other things, was stolen from you, this portends sadness and disappointment in reality.

A simple men's T-shirt portends deceit and warns of caution in dealing with strangers. An elegant children's T-shirt calls for prudence, otherwise a random decision can lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until the next salary.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To be in a T-shirt - you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but freeing yourself from it, you risk losing a stable financial position;
to be in a dirty T-shirt, with traces of sweat - fighting enemies;
for a business person - the emergence of strong competitors;
for an athlete - a competition with an opponent of equal strength;
put on a T-shirt inside out - you have to drastically change your opinion about one of your friends;
torn T-shirt - you are unhappy with the state of your affairs and strive to change it.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To chores around the house.

Putting on a T-shirt - for a date with your loved one.

To take off a T-shirt - to love joys.

Wearing a T-shirt - to gain the ability to rejoice and be cheerful for no particular reason.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

The state of affairs leaves much to be desired.

Imagine that you are wearing a leather jacket over a T-shirt (see Leather clothing).

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Seeing a T-shirt is a household chore.

To put on - for a date with a person who interests you very much.

Shoot - to the joys of love.

Wear - feel the happiness of living (without specific reasons).

Dream Interpretation - Pink

pink color - you see in a dream magical pink lighting, or pink objects, or fabulous pink glasses - a dream suggests that it is too early for you to think about old age; but, in order not to regret the lost youth many years later, do not miss some of its possibilities.

Dream Interpretation - Rose Bush

Happiness in marriage

Dream Interpretation - Rose Bouquet

Waiting for happiness

Dream Interpretation - Pink clothes

Your naivete is unforgivable.

Dream Interpretation - Pink clothes (clothes)

To hopes.

T-shirt worn inside out

Dream Interpretation Mike is dressed inside out had a dream about why in a dream Mike is dressed inside out? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Mike dressed inside out in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Buying a fashionable sports-style T-shirt in a dream means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image, moving away from your current environment, making new business and acquaintances, as well as love affairs.

A light or white T-shirt portends illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark - your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help you realize your plan and good luck will not leave you in the future.

A dirty, old or torn T-shirt - to minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Wash a T-shirt in a dream - put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream a T-shirt that was drying on the street, among other things, was stolen from you, this portends sadness and disappointment in reality.

A simple men's T-shirt portends deceit and warns of caution in dealing with strangers. An elegant children's T-shirt calls for prudence, otherwise a random decision can lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until the next salary.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To be in a T-shirt - you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but freeing yourself from it, you risk losing a stable financial position;
to be in a dirty T-shirt, with traces of sweat - fighting enemies;
for a business person - the emergence of strong competitors;
for an athlete - a competition with an opponent of equal strength;
put on a T-shirt inside out - you have to drastically change your opinion about one of your friends;
torn T-shirt - you are unhappy with the state of your affairs and strive to change it.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

To chores around the house.

Putting on a T-shirt - for a date with your loved one.

To take off a T-shirt - to love joys.

Wearing a T-shirt - to gain the ability to rejoice and be cheerful for no particular reason.

Dream Interpretation - Mike

The state of affairs leaves much to be desired.

Imagine that you are wearing a leather jacket over a T-shirt (see Leather clothing).

Dream Interpretation - Mike

Seeing a T-shirt is a household chore.

To put on - for a date with a person who interests you very much.

Shoot - to the joys of love.

Wear - feel the happiness of living (without specific reasons).

Dream Interpretation - Dressed

You see yourself dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

Dream Interpretation - Dressed in red clothes

A bad dream that does not bode well. You have blocked the subtle channels of the mind under the influence of tridoshas that have gone out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or the disease can be cured, thereby pulling you out of the clutches of death.

Dreams that occur in the first half of the night do not come true soon and not completely.

Dreams dreaming at dawn come true on the same day and with sufficient accuracy, unless the person fell asleep again (after having a dream) or told it (to a person who does not believe in prophetic dreams).

A bad dream can be neutralized by sacrifice, almsgiving, witchcraft.

Try to have a good and joyful dream after a bad dream, the last good dream will come true.

Dream Interpretation - Dressed to be in a long dress

Your reward awaits

Dream Interpretation - Lying dressed

Lying in a dream dressed in a wedding dress - lying in a coffin in white clothes.

Dream Interpretation - Sex in clothes - sex dressed

A dream that sexual acts are performed in clothes can mean obstacles to the implementation of any deeds or ideas, this is something significant and irresistible that stands in your way.

For men, dreaming about sex in clothes symbolizes the futility of trying to finish the work they have begun, the inability to achieve the desired results, the lack of profits in business, and all sorts of obstacles.

For women, a dream about sex in clothes can mean dissatisfaction with anything, such as work, hobbies, husband. Everything that she does does not bring her joy, and attempts to find an occupation that will bring satisfaction are in vain.

For young people, such a dream speaks of modesty and modesty, fear of entering adulthood, fear of looking "under the clothes" of harsh reality.

My white jersey

Dream Interpretation - White Rat

The dream tells you ... You should not help someone ... This business may turn out to be ungrateful for you ... You will suffer .... Then you yourself will need help ...

The platform for dreaming was chosen by the subconscious mind for a reason! Elements of prediction indicate that a dream predicts certain events! And now in more detail! The disputes of the projections of former employees speak of your internal contradictions and, most importantly, that they are aimed at assessing the situation - to stay at the same workplace, or change it! The second part of the dream provides answers to your questions! When deciding to change jobs - (white field - a blank sheet of paper, snow ...) you will face the problem of not matching reality and your inner perception of the world as a whole! This will lead you to the need for cleansing. That is, you will have to give up what you are so used to. What you consider the norm, but the world around you considers a disadvantage or even a vice! Two columns of crusaders directed towards you, as if at the top of a triangle, indicates that these events will happen soon enough! You must be ready for it! The emotional content of the dream, which you did not mention (fear, admiration, surprise) is the answer to the question will everything be fine, or is there something to be afraid of !?

Dream Interpretation - White flags with crosses

You are immersed in everyday problems. And apparently you have a very active internal dialogue of the mind. You are constantly thinking about something, pondering. All thoughts come to a person from outside, the mind is only a receiver. Therefore, it is not surprising that in a dream this is expressed in the disputes of these two people (related to work because the reflections are just everyday ones). You are only listening, because you are just an observer of thoughts coming from outside. And they depend on what forces, egregors, etc. you are tuned to in the Upper Department. White snow- this is your soul, which wants to escape from the captivity of everyday life. But I think that the Crusaders will help you. Chivalry is a positive moment (at least for my perception). I myself am a representative in Russia of one of the Sovereign Knightly Orders. And, basically, if you do not take purely Masonic organizations with such names as an example, then true chivalry has always been at the forefront of spiritual transformation on Earth. You are called to spiritual perfection. But it is not surprising that somewhere in the depths you understand this, it was not in vain that you were brought to this portal...

Dream Interpretation - White flags with crosses

I think the dream is about a fateful choice (crosses), a choice that decides the future of life (two people at the table, two columns), which is inevitably approaching (they are approaching you, approaching). And it really takes your mind (table) a lot right now and it really should be a sincere decision - you understand it (pure snow between you). You lean towards a positive answer (the younger one is more pleasant)

If we take the meaning of the owl symbol - "wisdom" - then we can assume that you are trying to cultivate this quality in yourself, nourish it, feed it with milk, take care of it. But someone wiser than you, older and more aggressive destroys this wisdom in you. Maybe it's about education. Do you have problems with teachers or those who are older than you? Or then, in adolescence? Perhaps you want to study, but circumstances or older relatives do not give you? Another thing is if the owlet personifies, for example, softness, tenderness, vulnerability of the soul. But here, too, one can see the conflict between a teenager and adults. Or even life circumstances. This big owl looks like something that destroys innocence. Do you have any associations with such a symbol? What could hurt you then? Sometimes certain events cause a splitting of consciousness. That is, a part of our consciousness remains in the past at the moment when it happened. If at this age something happened to you, then your consciousness through your subconscious (sleep) can return to this moment. So it can indicate to you the importance of some event. Have you witnessed any tragedy? Or saw injustice shown to someone? Have you yourself been a victim of injustice? Could this be happening to you now? Answer these questions for yourself and at the same time try to understand for yourself what this little white owl is associated with. To do this, there is this way: take paper and a pen and try to describe this owl in as much detail as possible, as if describing it to a person who has never seen these animals. This will help reveal your hidden associations with the symbol and understand the meaning of the message encrypted in a dream. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - White Owl with White Owl

It may happen that meeting with a person with whom you want to build a nest, to whom you will open your heart and thoughts, will bring you a lot of sadness (the image of an owl). But no less wisdom (the image of an owl). Grandmother in dreams is usually a positive symbol and take her words for granted.

Dream Interpretation - White Snow

Hello. I think it's a good dream. It promises profit... And perhaps a new, quiet life.

Dream Interpretation - White Snow

White snow can mean the end of something, also a memory, the past. Other meanings: mother, night, completion, difficult period in life, cooling of relationships, problems. Another meaning is the subconscious, the sensual side - the release of forgotten or hidden emotions. Take care of yourself.

Dream Interpretation - White Snow

The snow that has fallen on your shoulders will give you new experiences. How difficult it would not be for you Thank God that in this Crazy World brave guys are still born, capable of beautiful deeds. Bravo!

Dream Interpretation - White dove?

As in your previous two dreams, we are talking about the painful expectation of a loved one (a long table without food, a white dove turning black). But you realized (the fire flared up brightly) that this is your person and therefore endure for a whole month and are ready to endure further knowing that sooner or later the uncertainty will end (the white will grow back or the black will wash off). Patronize this person (on your knees, stroke).

Wet white tank top

Dream Interpretation - White flowers in the garden

They mean sadness.

You will be interested in some kind of expensive trip, perhaps even a trip in real life., everything will turn out as you want (on your terms)

Dream Interpretation - White boots with rabbit fur

You will need outside help in organizing a business, you can safely accept it. Maybe it will be travel related.

Hello. You will have a wonderful, affectionate, kind friend (a white dog in a white bed) in your life. The fact that the dog soiled the bed means that perhaps this friend will leave an important mark on your life. There will be changes. You may, under the influence of your friend, look at the world with a different look, your worldview will change. At first it will be unusual, it will cause some discomfort in the mind, which is quite understandable when views change. But you will understand that these changes are only for your good. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - White dog, white bed, dirty paws

I can assume that a dog can mean some kind of person to whom you will be happy and with whom you will be fine. But then there are unpleasant consequences. You will face a dilemma: on the one hand - joy, on the other - a soiled "bed". The bed, perhaps, can mean conscience, thoughts. Think about who can influence you badly or what can cause unpleasant consequences? It can be any hobby, not necessarily a person. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - White dog, white bed, dirty paws

Well, yes, a new friend / new best feelings for you / cordial. And the traces are unpleasant - so he walked (he lived as best he could, as he wanted, his right) until you appeared. But you will establish, harmonize relations (I will wash the bed, wash my paws). You are a woman!

Dream Interpretation - White dog, white bed, dirty paws

Try to understand what is happening. Most likely, you were destined to describe your dream in this format. I do not see any signs in him, most likely it was a meeting with someone who managed to turn into a dog in a dream. Good luck!!!

Dream Interpretation - The polar bear helped to get out

You will climb too high in some business, probably ... So high that there will be no one to help you - everywhere is cold and emptiness, and loneliness. You will most likely help yourself. And the polar bear is you, your character or knowledge and skills. They are lightweight, but this will be valuable to you ... The village is already better, at least there are people there ...

Dream Interpretation - Polar Bear and Jewelry

Perhaps you feel that expectations are placed on you (both by others and by yourself from yourself) to soon arrange your destiny with a permanent man and marry, according to the ideas of female destiny in your family. Perhaps you feel a hidden threat from men in general (if you are single) or from the man you are dating. threat emotional plan: fear that you will be manipulated, pressured, abused, fear of mistrust. Perhaps this is the reason that makes it difficult for you to realize the expectations described above.

Dream Interpretation - White Dove

For some reason, I remembered that happiness is often compared to a bird: if you squeeze it too hard, you will suffocate, if you unclench it, it will fly away ... Of course, our relationships with loved ones largely depend on ourselves, but there are things predetermined from above. When both partners respect each other's freedom, something more than ordinary human feelings and affections is born from their relationship, they acquire a "vertical component", what is called the "divine principle". The white dove in many religions serves as the personification of the Spirit, the bearer of Light. But he really "lives" above the human dimension, although sometimes he descends to people to remind us of his existence, to allow us to see our relationships in a different light.

Buying a fashionable sports-style T-shirt in a dream means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image, moving away from your current environment, making new business and acquaintances, as well as love affairs.

A light or white T-shirt portends illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark - your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help you realize your plan and good luck will not leave you in the future.

A dirty, old or torn T-shirt - to minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Wash a T-shirt in a dream - put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream a T-shirt that was drying on the street, among other things, was stolen from you, this portends sadness and disappointment in reality.

A simple men's T-shirt portends deceit and warns of caution in dealing with strangers. An elegant children's T-shirt calls for prudence, otherwise a random decision can lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until the next salary.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Most detailed description: "dream book to wear a T-shirt" - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

As for night visions, the dreamed outerwear will tell not only about taste preferences or adherence to fashion trends, but will also reveal the secrets of the future, and will allow you to deal with the accumulated thoughts. Finding out what the T-shirt is dreaming of, the right decision would be to look at the pages of the dream book.

For hardworking people whose workdays are spent in the office, the image of a T-shirt symbolizes fatigue, lethargy, boredom and other feelings caused by a long absence of rest.

If in a dream the thing worn gives confidence, then in reality it will be possible to carry out the planned plan without obstacles, the discomfort experienced will hint that in order to realize the dream, it is necessary to complete the affairs abandoned halfway, to break burdensome ties, the family interpreter will assure.

The long-awaited changes will please the dreamer when dreams about new T-shirts are dreamed, the interpreter of the medium Hasse assures. Will all the predictions of dream books turn out to be so positive?

Dreamed of new casual clothes

  • As the modern combined dream book says, a dirty T-shirt in dreams means bad thoughts, wicked deeds, a clean outfit, on the contrary, is associated with crystal honesty.
  • According to the interpreter N. Grishina, a daily wardrobe item will tell about the emotional state of a sleeping person. Wrinkled fabric is a sign of fatigue, physical and moral, an ironed T-shirt will hint at a comprehensively developed personality.
  • The changes of the person who put on his favorite T-shirt in a dream will not be hurt. Such an image hints at the protection of higher powers, - the interpreter Longo is convinced.
  • According to Freud's dream book, a dream speaks of a possible marriage, where, according to the plot, the girl dared to put on a tight T-shirt.

A wet cloth in the rain in dreams symbolizes failures, the occurrence of obstacles, a series of ridiculous accidents, hints at the existence of difficulties in communicating with dear people.

Each plot is unique in its own way and carries a certain meaning exclusively for the sleeping person. Associations with the image of a T-shirt can be completely different.

Dreaming of a very bright pattern on clothes

For people who miss carefree youth, dreaming clothes with bright patterns will mean a desire to get rid of the constancy, monotony of everyday life.

The sorceress Medea interprets the dream gift, represented by a new T-shirt, as upcoming career changes, promotion, salary increase.

Giving T-shirts yourself in a dream is a sign of failure with relatives, and all sorrows will occur through the fault of the dreamer if the clothes turn out to be white.

The dreamer's special attention deserves such a detail as the color of the T-shirt. Because the this outfit for almost every person it is everyday wear in reality, then when the T-shirt comes into contact with the body in dreams, the image will take over the internal energy, the feelings of the dreamer.

According to the esoteric predictor, black fabric will indicate the dreamer's anxiety, and white matter will tell you that a person is in harmony with his own inner world and those around him in reality.

  • According to the dream book, a yellow T-shirt represents wealth, prosperity, success.
  • The green shade is associated with health, fortitude, internal energy.
  • It will be possible to establish life without problems for a person who dreamed of a T-shirt or a blue jacket.
  • The color of passion, red, will hint that the dreamer will have to go through a storm of experiences.
  • A friendly meeting will take place on a cheerful note if you dreamed of outerwear in orange tones.

Choose clothes in the market in a dream

Delicate pastel colors will mean calmness, family comfort, and colorful T-shirts dream before getting new emotions, adrenaline rush, foreshadow an exciting journey.

According to the plot of the dream, did you have to look for a T-shirt on the market? There is a desire to step back from fulfilling obligations and go on vacation.

Family joys await a woman who in her dreams had a chance to choose T-shirts for her children or her husband.

Buying a T-shirt for yourself is a sign of the subconscious, hinting at the existing desire to change reality, get rid of bad habits.

It's time to make new acquaintances in reality, when I dreamed of buying outerwear a few sizes larger. Too small clothes in dreams will indicate circumstances that bind hands and feet.

Dreaming of clothes that don't fit

According to the lunar dream book, squeezing clothing is a sign that you are suppressing your loved ones with authority, demanding that they do the impossible.

You may dream of a T-shirt as a symbol of cardinal changes in the personal life of a sleeping person. Psychoanalyst Miller believes that this piece of clothing, hanging on the back of a chair in dreams, personifies love.

Having seen a similar plot, in reality women will meet an enviable gentleman; for men, a night dream predicts the temptation of a stranger, an affair at work.

The fan turns out to be not who he claims to be when, according to the plot of a dream, a young lady tries on a T-shirt inside out.

In the struggle for the attention of the object of adoration, the dreamer will use any methods - this is how Miller interprets the dream of wearing a T-shirt with a tag or price tag.

Dirty outerwear, whether it be a T-shirt, shirt, T-shirt, symbolizes the loss of respect, lack of support. What other interesting meanings will the interpreter provide?

  • As the Gypsy dream book insists, torn things in dreams are identified with the envy of enemies.
  • They will accuse the innocent in reality shortly after a daydream, where they had to wash stains from a T-shirt.
  • Provocations are not terrible for that person who dared to put on a soiled thing in dreams, says the idiomatic dream book.
  • If a woman needs to choose a T-shirt for a man according to the vision scenario, she is destined to find a person who will provide her with everything she needs.

The men's department of a store with T-shirts is a dream for those who care about their own reputation, trying to establish contacts with new acquaintances, and establish business relationships with potential customers.

Good afternoon! I dreamed of my lemon-colored T-shirt on the back with slits, as if I had lost it and could not find it, then I accidentally saw the same T-shirt the girl had, folded in her things, but not on her. I asked her to show it, but when she unfolded it, it was not her. The girl's T-shirt was a little worn and there were other cuts on the back, although the company was the same product. She offered to buy it for me for a thousand, but I refused. She said that only for a nominal fee, since she was not worth the money, and I liked mine more. Then the alarm rang

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the "Mike" symbol from 4 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

For a young woman, a dream in which she looks at a beautiful male torso covered with a T-shirt with pleasure means that she has problems in communicating with the opposite sex, although she hardly admits this to herself.

If you see that someone is wearing a holey T-shirt under decent clothes - be vigilant: your ill-wishers will try to mislead you.

Feeling how tight you are in a T-shirt is a sign that you will be offered to participate in some project. Think thrice, do you need it?

Seeing yourself in a T-shirt in a dream means that you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but freeing yourself from it, you risk losing a stable financial position.

If you see a dirty T-shirt on yourself, with traces of sweat, you will have to fight against enemies. For a business person, such a dream portends the emergence of strong competitors. The athlete is waiting for a competition with an opponent of equal strength.

Wearing a T-shirt inside out in a dream means that you will have to drastically change your opinion about one of your acquaintances.

Torn T-shirt - dreams if you are unhappy with the state of your affairs and strive to change it.

Seeing a T-shirt in a dream - to chores around the house, putting it on - for a date with a loved one, taking it off - for love joys, wearing it - to gain the ability to rejoice and be cheerful for no particular reason.

Buying a fashionable sports-style T-shirt in a dream means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image, moving away from your current environment, making new business and acquaintances, as well as love relationships.

A light or white T-shirt - portends an illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark - your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help to fulfill your plan and good luck will not leave you in the future.

A dirty, old or torn T-shirt - to minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Wash a T-shirt in a dream - put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream a T-shirt that was drying on the street, among other things, was stolen from you, this portends sadness and disappointment in reality.

Men's simple T-shirt - portends deceit and warns of caution in dealing with strangers.

Elegant children's T-shirt - calls for prudence, otherwise a random decision may lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until the next salary.

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Our experts will help you find out what Mike is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Hello! At first I dreamed that I was trying to get home at night, to my parents' house, but there was a barrier, a large ditch, in which there was ice and snow and a swamp, and I was terribly afraid of it. And down the descent there are seats like in a cinema. A plump woman was sitting there with a plump little boy, they saw that I was afraid and pressed me to them and it stopped being scary.
Then I dream about the birthday of one of my friends. There is one man there (for whom I do not have much sympathy), he teases me, tries to stick to me, and then pinches me on the floor and crawls under my T-shirt in order to photograph my breasts. I scream, but no one wants to approach me. I decide to leave, although I really don’t want to leave, I’m already leaving, but no one cares, no one is holding me, no one is coming up to me. And then I call the birthday girl, and ask me to cut off a piece of cake for me, she brings me 10 different kinds of them, I try to put it, and he melted and stuck to the box, does not want to go into any shoulder blade.

i dreamed that they give me one white t-shirt and one white t-shirt and they are boiling white and my size, why this dream? thanks in advance.

Good afternoon! I dreamed of my lemon-colored T-shirt on the back with slits, as if I had lost it and could not find it, then I accidentally saw the same T-shirt the girl had, folded in her things, but not on her. I asked her to show it, but when she unfolded it, it was not her. The girl's T-shirt was a little worn and there were other cuts on the back, although the company was the same product. She offered to buy it for me for a thousand, but I refused. She said that only for a nominal fee, since she was not worth the money, and I liked mine more. Then the alarm rang 🙁

i dreamed of my man in a holey blue T-shirt, while he became the godfather (I don’t remember a girl or a boy), but then he changed into decent clothes)))

I dreamed that I was either in some kind of store, or in the market and choosing a T-shirt for myself. I noticed one, it was brown with the sign of Superman. I said that she would suit me for physical education. At that moment, I had a strange feeling: I did not see myself completely, but only my hands. legs and body, but no face. What do you think this could mean?

I dreamed of a man who had recently died, he was a person very close to me. This is not the first time I have dreamed of him in the T-shirt of my little child. The first time he asked to wear it, he was naked, but I saw only his torso. I put a T-shirt on him, it was small for him, full of holes, terrible. But I understood that these were the clothes of my child. Now I dreamed of a beautiful one, in clothes. A T-shirt was visible from under the shirt, I unbuttoned his shirt, I saw that he was wearing my child’s T-shirt, but it was not small, but in size

for the wound, sorry for the mistakes, I saw a dream today in the afternoon I open the door there for some kind of room and my girlfriend slept then she woke up and some kind of clothes for a woman, yes, this woman measures different clothes here I see a blouse and put on I look at the mirrors and I say it doesn’t fit and I will squeeze out a little weight then a girlfriend tells us now a specialist I’ll call her, she’ll tell you how I got out of this target, then I look at my back, I’m grumbling with dirt, I’m taking off my bag and kabuta, this is my pillow, I’m throwing a bag and I’m wearing narrow whites of mud mike and I’m also taking it off and thinking about me it turned out

Hello, my name is Nazken. I am 28 years old and not married. I had a dream this morning. And in a dream I saw how I saw a white T-shirt (women's and sleeveless) in one boutique in the bazaar and was delighted. She was cheerful in the right corner in the middle and brightly rushed into my eyes! And I had the feeling that, here it is in May, what I was looking for for so long ... and then I woke up (in a dream I didn’t have time to buy this T-shirt or touch the T-shirt) in a good mood! What is it for.

I see that a 23-year-old guy in a black T-shirt is standing in front of the house, as I am very friendly, I asked him if he was sitting in social networks he says yes in VK and when he said the name I didn’t hear

I just wanted to take off my dirty T-shirt, but I was in a hurry to go somewhere, so I had to be in a dirty

why do I dream about how I wake up and my closet is open and there are two bright T-shirts there, I think I need to wear it, otherwise summer is ending and I have such a dream 3 times

I have a dream 2 times that I wake up and there is a closet in front of me and there are two T-shirts I want them about

I had a dream that I was choosing a men's T-shirt, but at first they gave me a small size, then they began to look for my size. The T-shirt was light brown in color closer to yellow. But as a result, I did not understand whether I bought it or not, the alarm rang

I was wearing a T-shirt with a hole on it. I don’t remember. What I did. I just stood and saw a hole. Well, that’s all in principle.

I found in the grass, a dirty white men's T-shirt.

down the street I started to put on a white T-shirt it was dirty I took it off I started to put on a black one too dirty I took it off too and at night I saw two people one friend and a shop

Hello. Mom had a dream about me, that I was in a white T-shirt. And my mother says, Marina, take it off, she is short. What does this mean?

my beloved woman dreamed in my white T-shirt on her naked body. what does this mean?

I saw that I was hanging, instead of a chandelier, hanging by a hook on a black T-shirt. I have black sweatpants on. I don't feel bad. The room is bright and beautiful. A man comes, I don’t remember his face, but I’m supposedly in love with him. He took me off, we sat on the sofa, this is his house, a woman older than us came, she began to flirt with him, then left. He said she didn't mean anything. Then the three of us went to my house on the hill, they bypassed the asphalt, and I took a short road, there were dirty areas, but the dirt did not stick. I came first, then this man came in, he was in something dark and with black hair, the woman was no longer with him, he took off my black T-shirt, I was left with a naked torso, we sat on the sofa, began to talk about something . The clothes on me and on him were originally new and it was beautiful in the house, the lighting was electric, since it was evening

I dreamed of a husband in a black T-shirt, damp with sweat, but the hair on his head was clean, combed, asked me to take a shower, said that he worked as a loader

A dream that the ex-fiance and his father gave me a white T-shirt, then exchanged it for 10 cm long and brought it, which I was indignant at

I dreamed that I was selling my T-shirt that I used to wear. Green colour. The man wanted to buy and the dream ended.

I dream that during the day I walk in one T-shirt, at times I pull it in front to close it, there is no feeling of shame

Dream interpretation t-shirt in a dream. A T-shirt in dreams is a symbol of simplicity in communication, openness. As well as an indication of a character trait - an ingenuous person, simple-hearted and straightforward.

To see clothes in a dream means to know about the state of a person. Depending on the type of clothing, this condition will characterize health. And the state of affairs in business area or personal life, financial situation, main occupation or activity at the time of the dream.

In the mental world, clothes are our “cover”, a protective layer, defense mechanisms, our status and image. It can also be used to judge the expression of the internal state, both physical and emotional.

New clothes may symbolize your new position or status. It can be both a new relationship, business, and a whole period of your life. By the appearance and quality of clothing, as well as your own perception, it will be possible to judge the changes that will soon come in life. It is clear that the more beautiful and richer things are, the better.

Children's clothes, if in a dream or in life it cannot have anything to do with you (the exception is clothes for your children), means the futility of efforts in business. This is a mismatch of opportunities and abilities with your desires or plans.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Why is a T-shirt dreaming - an esoteric dream book

If you dreamed of a T-shirt, then you have to pretty much run around on business.

A dream in which you are wearing a sweat-soaked T-shirt suggests that you should stop and think if you were running too much.

Dreaming of a clean white T-shirt, folded in a closet or neatly hung on a coat hanger, means that you will finally have the opportunity to relax.

Why do T-shirts dream - a modern dream book

Buying a T-shirt in a dream - for a busy period, if it was of a sports style, for playing sports.

If you bought a T-shirt of bright colors, in which you were going to go to the beach or walk, then you will be given a long-awaited vacation or just let you rest.

I dreamed of a dirty T-shirt - you will be engaged in hard and thankless work, back pain is possible.

We were looking for our favorite T-shirt in a closet in a dream - get ready for changes in the work team.

If you still haven’t found your favorite thing, you will in vain rely on the location of the leadership in reality, the upcoming changes will be disappointing for you.

If the T-shirt is still found, everything will turn out for you in reality in the best possible way.

Throwing away an old T-shirt or tearing it into rags is a favorable change, buying new things.

In the large modern online dream book of Fate, you will find comprehensive explanations of the meaning of white. However, it White color is a sign of awakening, purity, perfection, nobility, truth and knowledge. As you can see, the symbolism of white in a dream is very rich and varied.

  1. What white panties dreamed of - it can warn: be more careful, think before you do something, so as not to repent of what you have done.
  2. Seeing a friend in a white dress in a dream - for a girl, this image can appear as a messenger of entertainment and romantic acquaintance.
  3. If you dreamed that you were wearing a white dress, then, in reality, you can get to the wedding ceremony.
  4. White ring - rings in a dream indicate relationships; if you dreamed of a white ring, then you will hide your difficulties.
  5. What by big dream book it means a girl in a white dress - if the dream is disturbing, it can portend an illness.
  6. A white T-shirt is dreaming - your subconscious gives you a signal that it's time to take a break from monotonous work and monotonous everyday life.
  7. Decoding sleep white dress in the blood - blood in a dream is associated with family ties; white dress in blood - to conflicts with relatives.
  8. White scarf dream book of dreams Fate: good luck, luck and success in any business that you just undertake.
  9. Interpretation of sleep T-shirt white - promises poor health, or problems associated with alcohol addiction.
  10. What does it mean to dream of wearing white boots - if the boots are strangers, then in reality you will burden yourself with other people's worries and responsibilities.
  11. Deciphering the dream white curtains dreamed, which means that a deceiver will penetrate your circle.
  12. Free dream book white beads - this symbol means not fully realized affection; in young women, this predisposition to someone is usually erotic in nature.
  13. Why see a white jacket in a dream - most likely, you will receive an invitation to a gala meeting or an official event.

For young girls wearing white shoes in a dream, this can be a symbol of an imminent wedding. For mature dreamers, this symbol can also portend a new marriage, or a change of residence, which, undoubtedly, will only be for the better. And white shoes in a dream symbolize a successful career, says the online dream book of Fate.

If in a dream you saw a white drink or food, know that this image is always associated with the concept of moral purity and perfection. If the dreamed food, which is supposed to be white, has a dark tint, then the sleeping person needs to clear his thoughts, closely examine his own emotional life, the online dream book of Fate advises.

In Freud's online dream book, if you dreamed of white clothes or white flowers, this gives information and a warning about a mourning event, loss and grief. According to Miller's dream book, to see a white cat in a dream, to troubles that will turn out to be more serious than it might seem at first. For a woman, according to Miller's dream book, to see white stockings on her legs in a dream is not a very good sign, this is a warning dream: you may be bitterly disappointed in someone, or you will suffer from an illness. In the culture of the East, white is a symbol of loss, death and mourning. Therefore, according to Muslim interpretations of dreams, the white color in a dream portends troubles of any kind, and generally does not bode well. In addition, the white color is associated with the absence of blood, and symbolizes a lifeless body, a ghost, a phantom.

Why does Mike dream in a dream from a dream book?

For a young woman, a dream in which she looks with pleasure at a beautiful male torso covered with a T-shirt- means that she has problems in communicating with the opposite sex, although she hardly admits this to herself.

If you see that someone under decent clothes is wearing a holey T-shirt- be vigilant: your ill-wishers will try to mislead you.

Feel how tight you are in a T-shirt- a sign that you will be offered to participate in a certain project. Think thrice, do you need it?

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if Mike is dreaming?

See yourself in a dream in a T-shirt- means that you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but freeing yourself from it, you risk losing a stable financial position.

If you see a dirty T-shirt on yourself, with traces of sweat- You will fight with enemies. A business man has such a dream- portends the emergence of strong competitors. The athlete is waiting for a competition with an opponent of equal strength.

Wear a T-shirt inside out in a dream- means that you have to drastically change your opinion about one of your friends.

Torn T-shirt - dreams if you are unhappy with the state of your affairs and strive to change it.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did Mike dream about in a dream?

Seeing a T-shirt in a dream- to chores around the house, put on - for a date with a loved one, take off - for love joys, wear - to gain the ability to rejoice and be cheerful for no particular reason.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Mike in a dream?

Buy in a dream a fashionable T-shirt in a sporty style- means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image, moving away from your current environment, making new business and acquaintances, as well as love relationships.

Light or white shirt- portends illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark- your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help to realize your plans and luck will not leave you in the future.

Dirty, old or torn shirt- to minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Wash a T-shirt in a dream- Put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream a T-shirt that was drying on the street, among other linen, was stolen from you- this portends sadness and disappointment in reality.

Men's plain t-shirt- portends deceit and warns of caution in dealing with strangers.

Elegant children's T-shirt- calls for prudence, otherwise a random decision can lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until the next salary.

Video: Why is Mike dreaming