Recipe for making chak chak at home. Real chak-chak - homemade recipe

In order to try the famous oriental sweet, you don’t have to go to distant countries. After all, the recipe for chak-chak at home is not at all complicated and does not require the use of any unusual ingredients.

Try preparing the delicacy according to the basic recipe, and then start experimenting and creating your own, original versions of chak-chak.

Required Products:

  • 400 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • three eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1/3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 400 grams of flour;
  • 160 grams of honey.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the specified number of eggs into a container, add salt and mix with a fork.
  2. Gently add flour to this mixture, constantly stirring the contents so that small lumps form.
  3. After this, transfer the dough from the bowl and work with your hands, bringing it to homogeneity. Leave the workpiece for 30 minutes, covering it with film or a plate.
  4. We divide the dough into several parts, since it is inconvenient to work with one large piece. We roll out each piece into a thin layer, and then cut it into long strips. They, in turn, are crushed into bars 2 centimeters wide.
  5. All these “noodles” must be fried in a deep fryer or simply in a saucepan with plenty of oil until golden brown and dried on paper towels.
  6. When this is finished, place the crispy strips in a large container and fill with syrup. The latter is made from sugar and honey, which must be melted, but not brought to a boil.
  7. Distribute the filling evenly throughout the dish and form small portions.

Cool dessert at room temperature or in the refrigerator and serve.

Cooking in Tatar style

Tatar-style chak-chak is prepared in almost the same way as the classic version.

Required Products:

  • 0.4 kg flour;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two glasses of vegetable oil;
  • 200 grams of honey.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix eggs with salt and flour. You should get a tight lump. We remove it for 30 minutes to infuse.
  2. Divide the dough into pieces and roll them into layers no more than two millimeters thick. We cut them into thin strips, and then into smaller pieces.
  3. Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry all the chopped pieces until golden brown. After this, dry them on paper towels.
  4. Combine sugar and honey, heat until the grains are completely dissolved and pour this mixture into the fried dough. Mix.

We transfer the resulting sweet mass onto plates and form slides on them. Let the dessert cool completely and serve with hot tea.

Oriental dessert with honey

You can prepare chak chak with the addition of nuts and poppy seeds - the taste is even more rich.

Required Products:

  • poppy seeds, salt and nuts - to taste;
  • three eggs;
  • 130 grams of honey;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • oil for frying.

Cooking process:

  1. Make a dough from flour, salt and eggs and let it sit for about 30 minutes. After this, we roll out the workpiece into a layer, divide it into thin strips, and then into small pieces.
  2. Fry all the resulting preparations in oil until golden brown, making sure that it covers them completely.
  3. Dry the crispy sticks and transfer to a common container. We also send ground nuts and poppy seeds here.
  4. Melt sugar with honey and pour this syrup over the fried pieces.

We transfer the mass into plates and give it any shape.

Recipe for chuck-chuck that melts in your mouth

Required Products:

  • two eggs;
  • three glasses of flour;
  • 400 grams of honey;
  • 2 pinches of dry yeast;
  • 120 grams of sugar;
  • a little salt and vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the eggs into a bowl, add flour and a little very cold water. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Add yeast, salt and stir until smooth. We remove it to infuse for 40 minutes.
  3. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut into strips and then into shorter pieces.
  4. Fry the resulting small parts in oil until golden brown and dry on napkins.
  5. Fill them with syrup made from honey and sugar (the ingredients must first be melted on the stove).

Transfer the sweet mass into portioned plates and shape it with wet hands.

No added eggs

Dough for chak-chak without eggs is even easier to prepare, and the taste is no worse.

Required Products:

  • 50 grams of honey;
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • 120 grams of sugar;
  • approximately 2 cups flour;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 150 grams of nuts.

Cooking process:

  1. Make dough from the specified amount of flour and sour cream. Roll it out, cut it into noodles, and then into small pieces.
  2. Fry the pieces in vegetable oil until golden brown, first transfer them to paper towels and then into the container chosen for serving.
  3. Mix sugar with a small amount of water and heat on the stove. Cool the mixture slightly, add honey and ground nuts.

Pour this mixture over the browned pieces and form them into a cake. We wait for the dessert to cool down and serve.

An unusual option with vodka

This recipe is based on eggs and flour, and a little alcohol is added to the dough to achieve a pleasant crunchiness.

Required Products:

  • a pinch of salt;
  • 250 grams of honey;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • two eggs;
  • 0.4 kg flour;
  • 30 grams of vodka;
  • 70 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the chilled eggs into a container, add salt, pour in vodka and add flour. Knead the resulting mass until a tight lump forms and remove it to rest for 30 minutes.
  2. Now cut the dough into small thin pieces (no more than two centimeters long) and fry them in oil until golden brown.
  3. Mix honey with sugar, melt the resulting mixture on the stove and completely cover the fried dough with this mixture.

Shape the pieces into the desired shape, cool and serve.

With condensed milk

Required Products:

  • three spoons of vodka;
  • three eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • half a can of condensed milk;
  • 0.3 kg flour;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the eggs into a bowl, add salt to them and mix well. Pour in vodka, add flour and form the dough. Leave it for 30 minutes to infuse.
  2. Then grind the resulting mass into flat pieces (up to 2 centimeters long) and fry in a large amount of oil until golden brown. After this, dry them on paper towels.
  3. Pour condensed milk over the crispy preparations, mix, form a slide and wait for the dessert to cool.

Chuck-chuck made from corn sticks

Required Products:

  • three packages of corn sticks;
  • spoon of butter;
  • 4 spoons of condensed milk;
  • coke shavings to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine condensed milk with butter and heat over low heat.
  2. Place the sticks in a large container, mix with coconut flakes, pour in the resulting mixture and mix very quickly so that they do not have time to get wet.
  3. Place the sweet mass on a plate, form the cake and cool slightly.

I myself come from Bashkiria and there chuck-chuck a favorite delicacy and a desired dish on any table. Properly prepared chak-chak melts in your mouth! It is prepared according to all kinds of recipes. Choose to suit every taste.

Chuck-chuck Recipe 1

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/8 cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 cup honey
  • 1 tbsp vodka
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2-3 tbsp candied fruits
  • ghee or corn oil

Sift the flour. Make a well, pour in milk, add sugar, salt, eggs and vodka. Knead soft dough. Divide the dough into several parts. From each part we roll a thin flagellum, cut into small pieces, you can form balls. Heat the oil in a saucepan and add chak-chak, fry in small portions until golden yellow. Place in a deep pan on a paper towel to drain off any remaining oil.

Cook honey and sugar in a saucepan until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Place the fried pieces of dough in a large saucepan and pour syrup over them.

Place the chak-chak on a plate and shape it with wet hands. Decorate with candied fruits.

Recipe 2: CHAK-CHAK in Bashkir style

Beat the eggs together with salt, then add water, stir, add flour, knead the unleavened dough. Roll out the dough into a layer 5 mm thick. Cut into strips 1 cm wide and 5 mm long.

Or we do it differently: we form ropes of dough 1 cm thick and cut into small pieces.

Place the pieces of dough into a saucepan where the oil is already hot and fry until golden brown.

Place the fried chak-chak in a colander to get rid of excess oil, and then place it in a deep bowl. We prepare the syrup in the same way as in the previous recipe, pour it over the chak-chak, put it on a dish and give it a shape.

Recipe 3:CHAK-CHAKA with poppy seeds

  • 3 cups flour
  • 3 eggs
  • salt
  • vodka 30 gr
  • honey 0.5 cups
  • sugar 0.5 cups
  • poppy seed 2 tbsp
  • nuts for decoration
  • ghee (can be corn)

Pour flour, egg yolks, vodka into a deep bowl and mix everything well. After this, add 2 proteins. It turns out to be a tough dough. Cover the dough and let it rest for about 30 minutes. Then roll out the dough into a very thin layer. And leave for 15 minutes. After this, cut the dough into thin strips (for convenience, the dough can be folded in three layers. Fry the chak-chak in a large amount of oil and put it in a bowl (on a paper napkin or in a colander)

Make syrup: to do this, mix honey with sugar and heat, add poppy seeds. Pour chak-chak syrup, mix and transfer to a dish. Decorate with nuts.

Chuck-chuck Recipe 4

  1. for test
  • 500 g flour
  • 5 eggs
  • 4 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp vodka
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  1. for syrup:
  • 300 g honey
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 0.5 cup poppy seeds
  • 0.5 cups of nuts - any
  1. For deep frying - ghee or corn oil

Grind the yolks with sugar until white, add salt, add whipped whites, milk, mix everything.

Add half the flour, add vodka to the resulting dough, add the rest of the flour, knead into a stiff dough.

Next, wrap the dough in a damp cloth and let it rest for about 15 minutes, then roll it out into a layer 2-3 mm thick and cut it like noodles. Heat the oil well in a cauldron. Fry the resulting crushed dough in it, using a net to simultaneously remove the chak-chak and prevent the dough from frying more than until it turns light yellow.
Pour the fried chak-chak onto a sieve or large sieve and allow excess oil to drain.

Prepare poppy-nut mixture. Brew poppy seeds with boiling water for 3 minutes. Chop the nuts. Combine poppy seeds and nuts and let stand in a closed container.

Syrup: Melt honey in a small cauldron, add sugar, let it boil so that foam stands out, which we skim off. Then cook the cheese until the caramel becomes thick.

Pour our chak-chak syrup, add the poppy-nut mixture and quickly mix everything.

Transfer the hot one chuck-chuck into a greased baking sheet in a 2-3 cm layer and when it cools, cut into diamonds or squares.

Chuck-chuck Recipe 5

Knead the dough, cover, and let rise for 1 hour. Roll out and cut into thin strips. Deep fry.

We prepare the syrup according to the previous recipes. Lay out and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


1. When frying chak-chak, the main thing is to catch the moment of readiness so that the chak-chak does not deflate after removal.

2. If you use vegetable or corn oil for deep frying, you can add a little animal fat to it so that the oil is not too absorbed into the chak-chak.

3. How to determine the degree of readiness of heated oil: throw 1 of our small pieces of dough into the heated oil and wait until it begins to increase greatly, after which we catch it and put a portion of chak-chak.

Bon appetit!

I wonder what to feast on chuck-chuck Recommended for 2-3 days after preparation. And further chuck-chuck It has an unusually long shelf life, they say several months.

So today I told you how to cook chak-chak correctly, gave a few recipes. But I still have classic recipe chak-chak, the video recipe for this delicious dessert will be in a video version. Subscribe to blog updates and you will always be aware of new releases of HereTasty.

Check out more delicious desserts from HereTasty: children's, healthy, very tasty dessert ""

Thoughts, phrases

The belief that there is still a lot of time ahead is nothing more than an illusion. Your whole life passes in anticipation of a better future.

The well-known and beloved oriental sweet chak-chak is a delicacy made from deep-fried pieces of unleavened dough, which are then filled with honey syrup. Having tried it once, you are unlikely to refuse this treat again and again. But we will not buy this sweet and tasty dessert, but will prepare homemade chak-chak with our own hands!

Traditionally, the dough for chak-chak is made on the basis of wheat flour and chicken eggs (it turns out dense and elastic, like dough for homemade noodles). For crispier qualities, strong alcohol is also added to it (vodka can be replaced with diluted alcohol or cognac), so I advise you not to neglect this point.

Often this sweet dessert also includes nuts, dried fruits, and poppy seeds, but this is a matter of taste. I am sharing with you a classic chak-chak recipe. Try cooking it this way once, and then you can experiment. Chak-chak is completely ready after hardening. It can be stored in an airtight container for quite a long time.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

First, let's make the dough for this delicious dessert. To do this, take a suitable bowl and break three fresh medium-sized chicken eggs into it.

Add vodka and a pinch of salt, and then shake with a fork. Important: vodka is necessary in the dough, so it is thanks to it that the fried pieces turn out fluffy, airy and crispy!

Now we gradually begin to add sifted wheat flour. As when preparing homemade noodles, this recipe for chak-chak dough uses a 1:1 ratio, that is, for 1 cup of flour (130 grams on average) you need 1 chicken egg. In general, you need to look at the consistency of the dough - it should become dense and elastic.

At first, it is most convenient to mix the ingredients with a fork until they become large, wet lumps. Here I still have 2 cups of flour.

Kneading this dough is quite difficult, since it is very dense and tight, but that’s how it should be. Do not add liquid! It may seem that the dough is completely heterogeneous, consisting of separate large fragments - this is so. But everything will change radically when our ball of flour rests. We leave it for 30-40 minutes at room temperature, covering it with a bowl, covering it with film or putting it in a bag (to prevent it from airing).

After the required time, the dough is completely unrecognizable: knead it again. It is immediately transformed: it becomes smooth, completely homogeneous and very elastic. It’s not very convenient to work with the whole piece at once, so I advise you to cut off a small part from the bun (about 1/7 or 1/8), and again cover the rest from weathering.

Using a rolling pin, roll out a piece of dough into a thin (approximately 2 mm) flat cake. This dough does not need any additional dusting with flour - it is not sticky.

Now, using a sharp knife, cut the layer into thin strips. By the way, you can use a pizza cutter, but then you will have to do everything with a ruler.

All that remains is to cut these noodles into shorter pieces - about 2 centimeters in length. But again, there are no special rules here: some people even roll balls, some like straws, while others may be accustomed to the shape of cubes. Just don't put all the pieces in a pile, as they will stick together. Therefore, it is most convenient to cut the dough into portions while the next part is deep-fried.

In a small saucepan, heat refined vegetable oil, which is suitable for frying. Only I don’t use all the oil at once, but in 2 batches. The thing is that after 3-4 deep fryers it will become darker (I don’t think this is healthy) and the dough flour will burn in it, so I pour it out and pour a new batch. You see for yourself what is more convenient for you. Checking the oil for readiness to heat: when a characteristic light smoke appears above the surface, throw a piece of dough into the pan. It should instantly become covered with bubbles of boiling oil and increase in size. Place one part of the dough pieces into the boiling oil so that they float freely.

Then remove the dough pieces with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a paper towel. Throw another portion into the oil, and in the meantime roll out and cut the next part of the dough.

Now let's prepare the syrup for homemade chak-chak. To do this, combine granulated sugar and natural honey in a separate pan.

Chak-chak is a national Tatar-Bashkir dish. A deep-fried straw formed into a cake, combined with sugar and honey syrup, is our delicacy.

It captivates with its honey taste from the first bite. The sweet, previously prepared at home on major holidays, has become so popular that now you can easily buy it in stores.

Shops are shops, but homemade holiday dessert chuk-chak, which melts in your mouth, is worth a lot.

If you want to not only learn this recipe, but also try to reproduce it in your kitchen, reserve some free time in advance. I was lucky enough to spend only two full hours at the stove. Who knows, maybe you will be so captivated and drawn out by the process that you decide to treat everyone around you to your magical dessert.

Products for chaka-chak are taken from the list.

Chuck-chuck dough

The dough needs to be kneaded so that when frying it becomes airy and porous. An ideal leavening agent is a chilled chicken egg yolk.

Chicken eggs with chilled yolks should be placed in a bowl.

Beat well into foam.

Flour is added in several stages. Sift into a bowl with the egg mixture and knead into the dough. The dough should look like dumplings.

During the process, you need to add a little ice water and continue kneading.

A couple of pinches of instant yeast.

A pinch of salt.

When all the ingredients are combined into a homogeneous dough, knead the bun with your hands for at least 10 minutes. Flour is used for the “under dusting”. The dough for chak-chak ideally does not stick to your hands and has a fairly elastic structure. After kneading, the bun must be placed under film and in the refrigerator.

After 30-40 minutes the dough is ready to use. The bun is divided into several parts.

A thin layer is rolled out from each part. For rolling, flour is used, the excess of which must then be shaken off.

The layer is cut into thin strips.

The ribbons are cut into strips. It is very convenient to form chak-chak strips using a pizza cutter.

The straws are fried in small batches in a well-heated cast iron with oil. How to check the readiness of deep frying: you need to throw a piece of dough into hot oil. In well-heated oil, the dough immediately floats to the surface, and the oil begins to hiss and foam characteristically.

The airy straw of the dough is removed with a slotted spoon.

To avoid the already high calorie content, you need to remove excess fat by throwing the straw on a paper towel or napkin.

When all the dough is cut into strips, deep-fried and prepared to form the chak-chak itself, let's start preparing the honey syrup.

Preparing syrup for chak-chak with honey

Honey is heated in a saucepan.

Sugar is added.

Honey and sugar must be boiled with constant stirring until foam forms. Make sure that your syrup does not darken and turn into a mass for the “cockerels”.

All fried straws are seasoned with hot honey syrup.

Mix carefully immediately.

Hands are plunged into cold water. After which the honey chak-chak is laid out by hand on a separate serving dish in a mound or cake. As soon as the chak-chak begins to stick, your hands are wetted again with water.

The chuk-chak cake that melts in your mouth is ready! What remains is the walnut decoration.

The finished chak-chak is left for several hours at room temperature to “glue.”

Our incomparable dessert is also stored outside the refrigerator. Chak-chak prepared according to this recipe really melts in your mouth. The delicacy is served to the table whole. Before eating, easily divide into portions with a knife. Enjoy your tea!


Eastern sweetness chak-chak outwardly it looks like a pile of small golden nuts. But in fact, this very tasty dish of Tatar cuisine is prepared from flour, eggs and honey and deep-fried, which gives it a golden brown crust.

At home, you can prepare chak-chak according to our step-by-step recipe with photos in just 1.5 hours. Moreover, for this dish you will need a set of the simplest and most affordable products. Despite the lack of frills, we are sure that Tatar-style chak-chak will definitely not disappoint you, because this sweetness has a simply magical taste.

There really is nothing complicated in preparing chak-chak, and if you have any questions, step-by-step photos accompanying each stage of cooking will help you figure it out. So you won't have any difficulties. And very soon you will be able to appreciate the merits of Tatar chak-chak with honey in person.

It's time to start cooking!


  • (500 g)

  • (5 pieces.)

  • (1/3 tbsp.)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (1.5 tbsp.)

  • (700 ml for deep frying)

Cooking steps

    We put the ingredients for chuk-chak in Tatar style on the table.

    Break 5 chicken eggs into a bowl and beat them with a mixer.

    When the eggs turn into a homogeneous foam, pour in 1 large tbsp. l. cognac (or other strong alcoholic drink), which will make the chak-chak crispy and aromatic.

    Sift 500 g of wheat flour through a sieve, take about 2/3 of its volume and combine with the egg-cognac mixture.

    Knead into a homogeneous dough without lumps.

    Continuing to mix (you can do this with your hands, but it is better to use a dough mixer), gradually add the remaining flour to the dough (you may need a little less or more), achieving the consistency of thick, viscous, but non-sticky plasticine. We form it into a kind of ball.

    We cut small pieces from this ball and roll them into long thin “pasta”.

    Since the dough does not contain water, it is difficult to work with, but it is possible.

    When the “pasta” has rested for about 10 minutes, use a sharp knife sprinkled with flour to finely chop it. You should get “pimples” the size of a pine nut (during frying, their volume will triple or even more).

    Pour 700 ml of vegetable oil into a saucepan and place on maximum heat. When the oil is hot, throw in the first “pump”. If it hisses and swells, it means the required temperature has been reached and you can start frying..

    Reduce the heat slightly and deep-fry our dough lumps in portions.

    They should acquire a pure yellow color without a brownish tint, which will ruin the whole thing.

    Remove the yellow balls from the fryer with a slotted spoon.

    Dry them on a paper towel.

    It is best to place the deep-fried balls in a container lined with napkin paper: there they will drain and the towel will absorb excess fat.

    When all the balls are ready, take 1 ½ tbsp. honey, mix it with 1/3 tbsp. granulated sugar and place on the stove over low heat or in a steam bath. The honey should thicken slightly and caramelize so that it does not drip from the balls.

    Then, in small portions, dip the balls into the thickened honey and place them in a flat dish, forming a slide (to make it easier, wet your hands with water). In this form, we put the chak-chak in the cold so that it hardens, and then serve it with hot tea.

    Enjoy your tea!