How to attract customers by throwing change. Prayer to attract clients to the hairdresser

Running your own business is a very popular activity these days. And practically any business is associated with the promotion of any goods and services on the market. Only now, not every businessman can boast of the successful course of his business, even if a lot of effort and financial resources have been invested in it. Sometimes both expensive advertising and attempts to improve production do not lead to the desired result - there were no customers, and there are no customers. What should a businessman do in this case?

No matter how bleak and unpromising the current situation may seem, you should not immediately give up and quit what you started. In any case, you can try to improve the situation by a not quite traditional method, namely, by turning to help magical powers and read a plot to attract customers. This type of witchcraft was popular even in ancient times - it was actively practiced by merchants, and quite successfully.

The ritual helps to attract buyers in a short time and thereby increases the profit of a businessman. Its special charm is that everyone can use it: both those who are just taking their first steps in the business world, and those who have already accumulated a solid experience and built a prosperous company. After all, a large number of buyers is one of the components of a profitable enterprise.

Like other magical rituals, conspiracies have certain requirements for fulfillment. Their mandatory observance by the performer is the key to the success and effectiveness of the applied rite. When using rituals, everything, even the most seemingly insignificant trifles, should receive careful attention.

They are especially strong if you hold them on a full moon. By this day, the moon accumulates the maximum amount of energy, which favorably affects the impact and outcome of the ritual. But this does not mean that all conspiracies should be pronounced at this particular time. The period suitable for performing a particular rite is usually always indicated in its instructions.

There are quite a few such rituals. Some of them are quite strong on their own and can lead to results after a single application, while others need to be regularly updated.

One of the most important conditions is absolute secrecy. The fact that your success in business was achieved with the help of magic, no one should know.

How to attract customers with a conspiracy?

Below are some of the most effective conspiracies that can increase your customer base. Many businessmen were convinced of their effectiveness, whose business is flourishing to this day.

The easy way

Suitable for beginners who have just started their own business. As soon as the first customers appear and the first revenue follows, the money received is spent on the rest of the goods, while reading:

“Your money is for us, our goods are for you.”

Money from the first proceeds is highly undesirable to spend or give as change to the next customers. It is best to store them in a safe place so that they continue to attract buyers.

We call on the moon

This conspiracy is read on some small object on the night when the moon is in its full phase. Further, the charmed object will serve as an amulet.

Exactly at midnight, any small object is placed on the windowsill. The moon should be clearly visible from the window, its light should fall on the future talisman. The performer should continuously look at the lunar face and read the plot at the same time (it is better to memorize it in advance):

"To you, Moonlight, I appeal to you, heavenly body, I appeal. You have been famous for your strength since ancient times. So put it on me three times. Send me accommodating clients and uncorrupted deeds. Deny failure in business, charge this object with the power of the amulet. As soon as I hide it from people, I will immediately attract customers. As a heavenly body shines, so a difficult matter is argued. So be it! Amen!"

Having spoken, the item must be hidden in a pocket or bag. Arriving at work, the talisman must be left there, in a place hidden from prying eyes. You can't tell anyone about it, you can't show it to anyone. The ritual requires periodic renewal so that the power of the full moon always helps you.

On a comb or a new comb

On a young moon, buy a new comb (comb) made of bone or wood. Speak with the following words:

“Scallop with frequent teeth, bring people with scars to me. As you stroke each of my hairs, so lead every client to the threshold. People will come and visit. He is lucky, and I am lucky. The client is good, and I am the profit in my wallet. Amen!"

A charmed comb should always be carried with you. If things suddenly start to get worse, they need to comb their hair. And if it so happened that you do not have hair on your head, it will be enough to run it several times over your bald spot. The flow of buyers after that will increase. The magical rite remains in effect for a month, then it will need to be updated.

Another effective ritual for a successful business, see the video:

Any kind of business, regardless of the product or service offered, is closely connected with customers. Good firms that sell inexpensive, high-quality goods and services often lack customers.

It happens that the head of the company invests serious money in an advertising company, but there are no clients. Of course, it is worth trying again and again to increase the advertising budget, improve production, use original solutions, but what happens if this is not enough?

There is more than one conspiracy to attract customers; most magical rituals show high efficiency. Thanks to them, you can quickly, effectively increase the level of sales, attracting a large number of customers. Magical rites can positively influence new business and on established for many years.

Any businessman will confirm that there are never too many clients. However, do not consider magic the only way to attract potential customers. To make a business profitable, combine magic with promotions, try to improve the quality of products and services.

Things to Remember

Magic rituals and conspiracies to attract new customers have some features that should be remembered.

To strong conspiracy worked, be sure to follow the requirements specified in the description of the ritual.

Pay attention to the little things that matter to your success. For example, if the instruction clearly indicates the day when to read the plot, the time of day, and other features, it is worth observing them strictly. An important factor is the focus on solving the problem, not on it. It is advisable to present in detail a typical client, what he looks like, why he came to the company.

During the ceremony, nothing should distract from work, otherwise you will go astray, and the effect will be just the opposite. Professional magicians advise not to spend the first proceeds received from clients. She is able to bring good luck in the future, even if the amount is ridiculous. It is not recommended to turn to higher powers for help too many times; reading one conspiracy is enough.

The best types of conspiracies

There are many conspiracies, after reading which businessmen were incredibly successful, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them. Buy the first bell you like, which is recommended to be hung near the workplace. Everyone should see it, including you, employees, customers.

The more attractive the bell, the better. The beautiful appearance of the bell will contribute to the penetration of positive energy into the minds of customers, you will bring this positive energy into the subject through a conspiracy. On the new moon, take it, ask for help, read the plot.

Conspiracy "To attract customers" on the bell

“The bell is ringing loudly, sonorously! Wakes up the bear in the den! The client will come to me! He frightens a squirrel in the forest - a penniless one runs away! The ringing is heard by the whole world - people are going to the idol! The ringing is flying around the planet - both adults and kids are coming! Let it be so!"
do not catch up
So I (name) would fly high,
And looked down on those below.
To my words the key and the holy castle,
So that no one will do me in the opposite direction.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

During stagnation at work, they are allowed to ring to remember the words of the conspiracy.

From ancient times, merchants who sought to sell their property as soon as possible used an alternative interesting conspiracy. Merchants believed that after the ritual, customers would flock to the goods, like flies to honey.

In the evening, when the moon hangs in the sky, show her honey, then say a conspiracy.

Conspiracy "To attract customers" on honey

“The moon is a sister! Silushka is swarming for you! Share with me beauty and double beauty! Let honey be filled with your brilliance! Shine, sparkle, dazzle the client, do not expect a factor!
wedding candle and bell ringing at the wedding hour. That command is still in effect today. To go to the souls of the Slave (name) and the Slave (name) to each other, in the eternal circle, forever and ever, in endless love. I crown with a strong word, I protect with a stucco deed. I fasten with all white magic. Amen!"

The next day honey is smeared on the door through which the client enters. It is not necessary to smear strongly thickly, the process is important.

Another rite was created to attract a large number of customers, creating success in business. According to ancient belief, they collect a handful of oats from 9 horse feeders, garbage from the doors of two large shops, restaurants, from one small shop. All components are mixed, turning into powder. Then a pinch is thrown into the corners of the company, on the threshold. The only catch is that nowadays it is difficult to find horse feeders, except perhaps in the stables. And there is no need to talk about how to manage to take a pinch of oats from each.

Expect business success

By strictly following the instructions of the conspiracy, you will achieve your goal - you will attract customers to the business, regardless of previous results and whether they went at all.

With a small scale of business, you should not count on multimillion-dollar profits, but there will be a tangible effect. The plot does not work for some reason. For example, if the rules specified by the instructions are not followed. There were cases when the lack of success in business is associated with the result of the work of dark forces, damage, in which case it is better to contact a specialist.

Businessmen and sellers, whose wages directly depend on the level of sales, can resort to magic. A conspiracy to attract buyers gives a positive result if you sincerely believe in its power and reinforce your desires with hard work.

A special conspiracy will help attract buyers

Hex to attract buyers

For this strong slander, you will need an essential oil. The ritual process is simple.

  1. Pour some essential oil into the lid. It is better to choose oils with a pleasant and pronounced aroma.
  2. Immerse the prepared coin into it.
  3. Move away from the counter and stand where customers constantly gather.
  4. Throw a coin on the floor with a swing to make it make a sound.
  5. After that, start reading the conspiracy to attract buyers.

“I want to attract customers to my store who will make good money for me. I need a high income that will provide not only for my employer, but for my entire family. I want to lure customers so that they buy all the products and give me a lot of money. The future of me and the whole store depends on it. I hope that today white magic is favorable to my words and will help me to fulfill my plan. Let the higher forces stand at the door and begin to attract the buyers we need so much. If nothing works, then the store will lose money and I, the servant of God (name), will be left without a job. My words yes to the Lord in ears. Amen".

The coin cannot be picked up. It should remain in the same place where you threw it. The maximum effect will be achieved if the buyer picks it up and buys something from you for it.

Order for the sale of a house

Some people turn to magic for help so that everyone wants to find conscientious buyers who would help to complete all the documents in a short time and not bring down the initial price.

To perform the ritual, take a nail from your home and place it under your door mat. After that, cross the threshold with one foot and start reading a strong conspiracy to sell a house:

“I, the servant of God (name), am looking for good buyers who would buy my house and give decent money for it. Many people came and tried to buy it for next to nothing, but the price I indicated is not too high anyway. And I need to sell the house urgently. I hope that the forces of white magic will help me to carry out my plan and very soon buyers will come to me and give money in exchange for housing. This nail will help me attract clients and sell homes quickly. I want to ask that the new tenants cherish and cherish my house and take care of its integrity. May my words be heard from above. Amen".

By the end of the week, buyers will come to you, who will be satisfied with both the cost and the quality of the house. This ritual helps to quickly and easily re-register all documents.

To sell a house, you need a nail taken from it

Hex to attract customers to the store

This method is suitable for those who want to prepare a glass of holy water and drop 1 tsp. food salt. On a glass of water they read a conspiracy to the buyer:

“I want to attract new customers to my store so that they increase my financial well-being. My main goal is for them to make a large purchase. By doing this, they will make me the happiest entrepreneur and raise my rating in the eyes of competitors. No one can take away my clients, whom I will attract with the help of magic. All my competitors will suffer losses while I increase my own wealth. My income directly depends on the number of buyers, so let them be a large number. My words must be heard by the Lord. They sound with pure intentions. Amen".

Get a little bit of water in your mouth and water the counter of your own store. Pour the last few sips of water on yourself. This will speed up the desired result.

Method with honey

First of all, go to the market and buy without additives. It will be expensive, but financial prosperity requires investment. When buying, it is forbidden to bargain or take change. Bring the jar to the store and 1 tbsp. l. pour at the front door. After that, start reading a strong conspiracy to attract buyers:

“Let customers be attracted to my store like flies to honey. None of the potential clients will be able to pass by my workplace. Every time they are nearby, they will be drawn to me with the force of a magnet. Only I can influence the well-being of my workplace. My future life and the quality of life of my relatives depend on it. I, a servant of God (name), must leave an inheritance to my children, but for this I need clients' money. Amen".

As long as honey is lying at the door, there will be no end to buyers. When the bee product gradually dries up or rubs off, renew it and read the cherished words again.

Honey must be natural and of high quality

Ritual for wealthy clients with the help of sugar

This ritual is a bit similar to the previous one, but it uses ordinary food sugar, which is easy to find in every home. While pouring it at the front door of the store, read the following words of prayer:

“My dream is to be rich. I want customers to come to me and buy only expensive goods. Budget products sell out immediately, but expensive products remain in place. This sugar will attract wealthy people who can afford quality products to the store. I hope that my dreams will come true soon, and I will experience a real feeling of pleasure from my work. Amen".

Rite with poppy seeds

Buy a package from your store. The ritual is carried out in the phase of the growing moon. Sprinkle some seeds near the counter and say the following prayer:

“My words fly high to heaven so that higher powers help me increase my wealth. No one can bankrupt me, not even with magic. I read this prayer in order not only to increase the number of sales, but also to protect myself from damage and the evil eye. Competitors will not break me, and the poppy will help me with this. Amen".

After that, go to the front door, sprinkle a pinch of poppy near it and read the words of the prayer again. By the end of the week, during the audit, you will notice that sales have gone for the better. The rite helps to improve so much financial condition a man that in a few months he is able to open a new store.

Rite on an anthill

Go to the forest during the day and look for an anthill there. Take a few leaves or sticks from it (everything should lie on the surface) and fold it into a handkerchief. Bring everything to your store and put it under the counter. The words of the following prayer are read:

“Ants always live in swarms. So let the number of my clients be equal to the number of individuals in the anthill. Amen".

Rite to attract customers for top managers

This plot is ideal for top managers. They don't have to spend anymore own funds to improve their skills or take courses to attract clients. It is enough to follow the following instructions:

  • when leaving the house, take some salt with you;
  • on the way home, pay attention to the fact that she does not wake up;
  • near the threshold of the workplace, throw 3 pinches over your left shoulder and start reading the plot.

“Let rich and wealthy clients come to my company, who will bring her big profits. I want the management to be proud of my merits and promote me. Now I work as a top manager, but I want to rise to the head of the department. My dream is feasible, but only with the help of magic. I believe in God and I beg him for help. Amen".

After you finish reading the slander, calmly go to the workplace. By the end of the month, there will be more customers, and you will become the best worker of the season. To do this, you must clearly follow the rules for the ritual and not make your own changes.

A simple conspiracy on buyers


Many businessmen are so deeply in debt and trying to increase their own financial well-being that they see the solution in magic. They think that performing a magical rite in a short time will help them achieve their desired goal and in a few years they will reap large sums of money. Magic helps those in need, contributes to the realization of the goal, but for this you must make attempts to attract customers yourself through advertising or small discounts. Relying entirely on magic will not achieve your desired goal.

Conspiracy to attract customers: the main steps to get results in the shortest possible time

To make your business flourish, you can use a method such as a conspiracy to attract customers. There are many options, but you should choose one and use it correctly. All the details can be found right now.

Conspiracy to attract customers: important points

The first thing to do is to seriously approach the solution of organizational issues, advertising, the quality of the service or product. After that, conspiracies are calmly carried out to attract customers to a clothing store, cosmetics, a hairdresser, a supermarket, and other enterprises.

Before and during the ritual, it is important:

  • check the absence of witnesses;
  • read conspiracies for the new moon;
  • pronounce magic words before sunset or immediately after dawn;
  • perform the ritual on Saturday, or in the middle of the week.

The origins of business magic

Modern rituals for the success of the event have come from the time of merchants, merchants, usurers. They turned to well-known sorcerers for gaining the desired profit and customers. In our time, ancient conspiracies have changed a bit - modern details have been introduced.

A simple plot to attract expected customers

The first condition for obtaining the expected result is the strong energy of the one who performs the ceremony. By activating the inner power, you can get a potential customer thanks to a special set of magic items:

  1. a little salt - a pinch;
  2. green candle;
  3. spring water or water consecrated in the church;
  4. coin (copper).

After sunset, a candle bought in the temple is lit. Salt and a yellow coin are thrown into the prepared vessel. From above, they pour spring or holy water, saying:

“As soft wax turns into hard wax, so my wealth is affirmed and multiplied. I appeal to you for money, come. Every day, every week, every month, every year. What is said will come true. Amen".

After the spell, salt water is simply poured onto the ground, and the coin, like an amulet, is carried in your wallet until the desired is fulfilled. While reading:

“Just as I speak money so that they come, so I say goodbye to a stingy buyer so that he leaves.”

In order for the conspiracy to attract customers to really bring results, a number of requirements must also be observed:

  • Before the ritual, a general cleaning is carried out.
  • To clean the energy field of the working room, they get rid of unnecessary objects and things.
  • A conspiracy to attract customers is spoken by heart.

A conspiracy to attract customers with nuts

One of the simplest rituals relevant for offices or large enterprises. So that there are many customers, the ritual is carried out after sunrise or before sunset. For this you need:
  1. Before the start of the ceremony, drill through 3 nutmegs;
  2. In an empty room (after a working day), thread a strong thread into the nuts, be sure to use wool.

A homemade amulet is spoken with the following words:

“As I tie these threads, I bind clients to me. I won't lose mine, I won't take someone else's. As soon as I hang my amulet over the door, I will have many buyers. I can’t escape a successful fate, you can’t interfere with me. You don't argue with me, you don't mind. Your debt belongs to you. About. I ask what I want. About what I need. About what I want. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

A self-made "necklace" is hung over the front door of the company.

Employees of the enterprise are required to monitor the nuts. If at least one of them disappears, they immediately make and speak a new amulet.

Effective conspiracies for expected customers and profits

It is advisable to spend where the company's money is stored. Magic quickly begins to act if you clearly follow the steps of the rite.

Comb conspiracy

You need to buy a new comb made of natural wood. Walk daily in the working room, combing their curls, whispering to yourself:

“There is a flat path to my threshold. Let the clients run, they will be helped here. Good for people, but for me (my name) - a bucket of money. As there are no tangles in my hair, so I have no problems and debts. Amen."

It is necessary to comb the hair from top to bottom at least 33 times. They keep their personal “tool of labor” with them at the workplace, they don’t give it to anyone. So far, there will be no release from buyers.

Rite for poppy seeds

Relevant for trade representatives. To start, the market buys 40 chicken eggs and poppy seeds elsewhere. Everything is mixed, knocked down, poured into a frying pan to get an omelet. Over the finished product they say three times:

“How true it is that life comes from an egg. It's so true that I'll get rich on my product. As poppy seeds are not counted, so is the buyer in my store. Amen".

The resulting omelette is carried to the first intersection and left. A kind of ransom for help in the magical business will soon “lead” the desired buyers to you, and those, in turn, two new ones each, and so on.

Conspiracy to attract buyers

Read aloud and always standing up. In extreme cases, sitting on a chair. A suitable time for the ceremony is the middle of the week or Saturday. To be effective, you need to believe in the effectiveness of magic.

Prepare a rag in advance, with which you will wipe the surfaces in the workplace daily. Struggling with dust, read the following text in a whisper:

“Get away from my goods and famously unsaleable and alien poverty from me! Away from my workplace along the river, along the land, through the forest. Lie under the woods, don't call me to you! With a rag I sweep away all failures, I send poverty away - through the forest, along the river, along the water and the earth! My goods do not lie, but are sold in an instant, because strength is in water, purity and language. I invite buyers, I offer goods. Amen!"

The plot is voiced three times in a row, and the rag is thrown into any nearby body of water or simply burned. If you speak clearly, the result will not be long in coming.

Ritual for money and attracting buyers

You can increase your income without leaving the counter or your work area in the office, where customers are most often. It is enough to take a yellow coin, dip into an essential oil with a pleasant aroma. Holding in right hand money, stand in the middle of the trading floor. It's time to read it three times:

“Trading roads lead customers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

Conspiracy to attract clients

Conspiracy to attract customers and a bell

Buy a beautiful bell and attach it closer to your workplace. The main condition is that everyone should see it: from employees to customers. But first, it needs to be filled with positive energy.

They speak the subject on the new moon with the following words:

“The bell is ringing loudly, sonorously! Wakes up the bear in the den! The client will come to me! He frightens a squirrel in the forest - the penniless flees! The ringing is heard by the whole world - people are going to the idol! The ringing is flying around the planet - both adults and kids are coming! Let it be so!
Don't catch up.
So I (name) would fly high,
And looked down on those below.
To my words the key and the holy castle,
So that no one will do me in the opposite direction.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen, Amen."

When there are no strangers in the office, the bells ring and the magic words are spoken again.

Drawing conclusions

All of the above conspiracies to attract customers are white magic. Therefore, you are not afraid Negative consequences after the ritual. If you follow all the rules of the ceremony, the company becomes popular in the market, profitable. Especially in tandem with promotions and the availability of quality services or goods.

I, the magician, will tell you about the black magic of money, and I will teach you how to independently perform rituals and conspiracies to attract regular customers, increase the flow of customers, and in general - for a successful business. Once again I draw your attention to one important point: there are no universal recommendations, magical rituals and spells. One rite is suitable for one, another for another. Check how the work will go, what result can be obtained. Diagnose on cards, runes. To do this, in fact, is not difficult, there are simple and truthful layouts.

You can be the owner of any small business -

  • photo studio,
  • salon,
  • beauty saloon,
  • studio,
  • a car repair shop where you sell services to customers,
  • or to have a store full of food or clothes,
  • or even an online store that sells remotely;

The bottom line is that traffic and satisfied customers shape your business. Witchcraft and independent free attraction of clients by magic to help you.

How to magically attract profitable customers to your store - read the conspiracy in the Sun

If you are a product owner, you know firsthand how difficult it is to promote your store. You need good traffic, and to provide it, you need advertising, which is very expensive. What can be done in this case? There are so many conspiracies and rituals in magic to attract new customers that you will find a suitable one for the goods sold in the store. And at least this one.

To improve business in trade, do a money ritual on Thursday on a growing moon. You will need the following ingredients:
  • a cup of thursday salt
  • a glass of clean water
  • silver spoon

Do it right at sunrise. Climb any hill, stand barefoot, turn your face to the rising sun. In the left hand, hold a cup with Thursday salt consecrated on Maundy Thursday, and in the right hand - a glass of water.

Read the strong conspiracy of this magical rite to attract customers:

“I am standing on a mountain, on a mountain-hill, I look at the Sun, the Sun is red. Get up, red sun, from the blue sea to the blue sky, rise up, carry handfuls of gold full. Full of your gold in my house (name), and in my garden, in my yard and in my oven. Full, full in the chest and in the underground, in the attic and in the hallway, on the table and in the crate and in the trade. Neither the wind will blow, nor the rain will flood, nor the snow will freeze, nor the heat will burn - your gold is a light around for a hundred miles. So be it, I say, I take water and salt as witnesses. So be it, I say, meeting your dawn. Amen".

Pour salt into a glass, stir with a silver spoon, and pour water in front of you on the ground. Then you need to immediately return home, but by a different road, and according to the rules of strong witchcraft - do not talk, do not turn around. Redemption in a magical ritual is not needed. But faith in the power of magic is necessary.

So, let's move on. Let's see what other effective independent rites of attracting potential customers through the power of magic. I remind you that the real work of a magician is work in a complex. Before doing effective rites on the growing moon, be sure to do magical cleansing on the waning moon.

A complex of purges before conspiracies to attract money and customers

The complex of magical cleansing also needs to be compiled correctly, depending on what exactly you are going to clean up, what to get rid of. There are a lot of magical cleansings of a person. Some expel the settled entities, others remove blocks, evil eye and self-damage. There are such ritual cleansings that burn out damage directed at something specific -

  • for money
  • for luck
  • to health
  • or for family well-being,
  • here we also include a strong love spell.

Ask me, magician, what does a love spell have to do with business? So, the most direct. The fact is that any destructive impact on the human field inevitably affects the sphere of money. There are general cleansings - salt, water, wax castings, etc., which raise the accumulated energy dirt, make even old, perennial, rooted damage manifest itself. And, of course, clean them.
However, each case has its own nuances. So, for example, wax castings can not only remove negativity, but also demolish magical protections, as well as weaken or nullify witchcraft for good, for example, rituals to attract the attention of customers in a trading business. So, when making a casting, it is imperative to specify what exactly you want to get rid of. But diagnostics reveals the presence and nature of the negative, plus your intuition.

Conspiracies to attract customers and buyers - for profitable trading

To make trading go faster, do a ritual for profit on the full moon at home. The time is just after sunset. Standing in the middle of the store, spread both hands to the sides and read the words of the conspiracy for cash profit 3 times:

“Be known, (name), by the power of heaven, a sheer rock, a thundercloud, rain water, right and left, front and back. from deceit and counterfeit money, from slander and evil people. Take my goods and pay me money. Power is on me, (name), the power of Water is in front of me, the power of Fire is behind me, the power of the Earth is under me, the power of Heaven is above me, I am rewarded for the goods, I am money and glory. Amen".

Cast the spell to attract the first customers three times, stomp 3 times with your left foot, and then 3 times with your right. I note that a proven conspiracy works specifically for the flow of customers and buyers. If independent conspiracy suits you, then things will certainly go uphill.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Here is another strong conspiracy for successful trading. This magic spell is read directly in the room where the goods are located. For a magical effect, you need to prepare:

  • a glass of clean, preferably spring water
  • a pinch of salt

Throw salt into the water and read the words of the conspiracy to attract new customers on a glass of water:

“As water is strong, useful, so is my word of iron. I am a red merchant, my crown is with me. As everyone drinks water, so they go to my goods. Everyone looks at the product, everyone wants to take it. Goods for you, money for me. Amen".

After that, you need to take the charmed water into your mouth and spray the room where the goods lie. Leave a little water for yourself, so that at the end of the witchcraft rite, sprinkle yourself with magic water. The rite, despite its outward simplicity, is very good, and if you succeed, perhaps it will be the best customer acquisition spell to the store.

Strong rituals to attract corporate clients - magic for business

You can sell both tangible goods and intangible goods, i.e. services. But whatever you sell, the success of your business is proportional to the number of people willing to buy your product. This seems to be understandable. And therefore, the question is relevant, which independent conspiracy will help attract customers?

Let's say you are the owner of a catering company with a wide range of dishes - you have a restaurant, or a little easier - a cafe. What strong conspiracy can be used to attract customers to a cafe? I think this one will fit. He is quite good. A money ritual from the arsenal of the Black Book, in addition, scientific magic is involved here.

Washing your face before work, wipe your face with a new handkerchief, tie its corners into knots, read the words of the conspiracy to attract potential customers for each knot:

“Just as people admire the stars and for a clear month, they would admire my goods, just as the groom loves his bride, so they would love my goods, they were all sold out. May it be so from now on and forever. Amen".

Carry a handkerchief with you, money magic will help attract and increase the flow of customers. This magical method is good not only for cafes and restaurants, it is great for attracting new customers to the hairdresser, and other companies and institutions that provide services.

Here is another good one ritual to attract customers in a restaurant. Washing your face before the start of the working day, whisper three times:

A simple ritual to attract new customers - conspiracies for the service sector

Which magic conspiracies can you do it yourself in the service industry? In fact, all witchcraft rituals related to sales. And in money magic there are many of them. To quickly attract customers to a new beauty salon, read conspiracies for good luck in trading. Try to practice such a magical rite. You need to read three times, you can light a green candle to facilitate concentration. Naturally, this is done on the growing moon.

“Around the city, around the garden, around the city wall, there is a fair, merchants make noise, every merchant offers his goods, every peddler opens his box. I will stand (name), in the middle of the trading city, in the middle of the fair, in the middle of the merchants, in the middle of the peddlers. I will bow to eight sides, to eight roads, to eight good luck, to eight profits, to the help of trading people. I will pray to the father's prayer, I will call from all sides, from eight roads, from eight crosses, from trading caravans, from eight ways, mother luck, mother fortune. Success and good luck in my business for every hour with me. Trade is growing, people are buying up my goods. Buys up in summer and winter, autumn and spring, in the evening and in the morning, every week. As every person eats bread from his labors, so my business flourishes, success and good luck go around me, they help me sell goods. I release twelve trade forces for twelve months, block, for twelve glorious days, for twelve hours of the day, for twelve hours of the night. My deed and my word are strong. Amen".

An effective plot is really not bad for good luck in attracting customers to your store. How well it will work for you, you can only find out by experience.

Trying to attract clients for a manicure, try reading a plot on a padlock. The witchcraft rite is simple, performed on the growing moon. And here's what you need for it:

  • small padlock and key
  • small crucifix (pectoral cross)
  • patch of black natural fabric

Home ritual to attract profitable customers can be done at any time of the day, but it is more logical to do it at sunrise. Lay out the fabric on the table. Open the lock, put the key under right heel, crucifix - under the left.