Black conspiracy to attract money. Self-made spells for good luck and money

Many people believe that white magic is effective only if you turn to a professional sorcerer. We claim that conspiracies for good luck and getting money can be read at home. Apply the knowledge you receive from us, and money will flow into your home.

Money magic is aimed at getting rich quickly and eliminating factors that prevent you from making good money. Spells and prayers for money really work - and you will soon see this. Throughout January 2019, we collected rituals that help solve material problems - here is the result of our research.

There are many sources of financial success, so conspiracies and prayers for good luck and money are varied. Today, money magic uses items related to prosperity:

  • paper bills;
  • coins;
  • precious metals;
  • ornamental stones.

The use of these things makes money conspiracies more effective, while simultaneously increasing the speed of implementation of the plan. The performer’s manipulations play an important role in attracting wealth. The practitioner collects, sharpens, cleans or decorates magical artifacts - depending on the situation. These actions represent financial prosperity and are traditionally associated with quick or instant riches.

Is it possible to read money conspiracies at home?

What is a conspiracy to attract money to the house? This is a magical text that improves the energy of your home in order to attract wealth. Conspiracies and rituals are inextricably linked - the text of the spell is always combined with certain actions. You will achieve good results provided that you concentrate and strictly follow the instructions.

Let's face it - money conspiracies are read at home quite often. Most “witches” do not know what is needed to attract financial flows - they simply create a mysterious atmosphere. Turning to such people for help is a very stupid step.

Types of money conspiracies

Many people believe that it is better not to abuse conspiracies for good luck and money, the consequences of which are unpredictable. Spells that are associated with the occult belong to dark magic - we will not consider them. To ensure that money is always in your wallet, interact with the forces of light. Let's list the simplest solutions:

  • spells;
  • spell for luck and money;
  • amulets;
  • special prayers;
  • rituals to attract good luck;
  • amulets for money.

In money magic there is a classification of spells that you need to familiarize yourself with before starting the ritual. This classification depends on the type of witchcraft operations for money and luck. These are the varieties:

  1. Return of a large amount (if your friend does not want to repay his debt).
  2. Urgent extraction of money (it is necessary to obtain funds for an operation or loan repayment).
  3. Family enrichment (all household members work, but there is not a lot of money in their wallets).
  4. Whispers on wallets (these are the most strong conspiracies, they attract income from several sources).
  5. Conjuring Stepanova (so that finances are kept in the house, take advantage of the experience of the famous healer).

Rules for reading household hexes

Before you cast money for profit, think about the situation, because magic is not without consequences. You should not engage in magical operations “out of curiosity” - make sure that the situation is completely hopeless. To ensure that money flows into your home in a continuous stream, follow strict rules:

  • you need to speak objects without hesitation or mistakes;
  • luck comes more often to pregnant women (you can contact them with requests to cast spells);
  • some rituals are “tied” to specific days and times of day;
  • if you asked another person to read the slander, thank him;
  • fasting and the absence of scandals can strengthen the conspiracy to attract money;
  • Preparations for rituals must be kept secret from others.

The last point is especially important - you won’t see good luck and money if someone else’s energy comes into play. Also keep the results of your activities secret - this way you will avoid the envy of your neighbors, acquaintances and colleagues.

Powerful rituals for wealth

Buy a new wallet and place a couple of large banknotes inside (the denomination should be different). Add a handful of coins to your collection and start attracting wealth. You cannot close your wallet during a slander. The text is:

“As money is collected from coin to coin, so wealth and success are approaching me, gold and silver are flowing from everywhere. My wallet rings and rustles, and brings me a gold ring and expensive clothes. Now I have enough money for everything. Amen".

This is an ancient and powerful text, but it can also be strengthened by timing it to a specific date. Try to act on Christmas, waiting for the first star to rise. The lights in the apartment must be turned off, and prayers must be read by candlelight in complete solitude.

Key spell

Funds will be found if you cast a very powerful spell at the front door of your apartment. Wait until Monday and, waking up early in the morning, go to the door. Make sure the key is inserted into the keyhole. Read the prayer:

“A gray top wandered into a black forest to hunt for a white hare. I didn’t get anyone, but I saw a casket, covered with iron and gilded. The casket is locked and cannot be opened. The key is hidden in the water and cannot be found. As soon as I find that key, I will steal it from the stones and grass. That casket was destined for me by fate. I will open the casket, take away stones and gems, silver and gold. I’ll hide the key later and let everything come true as I said.”

This is the most powerful money spell, but you will have to carry the key with you. Healers recommend buying a new lock for the ritual with a previously unused key. This will help you attract money into your life without getting involved with other people's energy.

Legendary ritual from Vanga

The Bulgarian healer knew well how to attract good luck and money with the help of white magic. Having discovered this ritual on March 3, we immediately decided to include it in the article. Here's what to do:

  1. Fast for 2-3 hours before performing a magical action.
  2. Buy black bread and break off a small piece.
  3. At night, retire to your home - no one should disturb you.
  4. Place the bread in front of you and say the text of the money prayer.

Words must be pronounced clearly, without stammering or changing their places. The ritual is so powerful that it cannot be used twice - the effect occurs after the first reading. And here is the text itself:

“Lord, you have fed all the needy and hungry, so that they always feel full. Help me too, bring good luck. May a long path of joy, prosperity and happiness come to my home. I promise to spend every penny wisely and not leave those in need in trouble. Amen".

Enrichment and apples

Use 20 apples as artifacts - they must be fresh and picked yourself. If you don’t have an apple orchard, buy apples at the store - this will not weaken the slander. An important point: when purchasing a product in a store, it is prohibited to take change from the seller.

The first 14 apples are distributed to the poor on the day of the ceremony. The next day, three more apples are distributed. The remaining products are brought into the church and placed on the funeral table. The prayer is said:

“The Mother of God together with Jesus is my support. Angels flew across the sky, bags of gold were scattered, and money fell out. I pick up gold, I praise the angels. Amen".

Waxing moon and prosperous life

Having decided to take up conspiracies for luck and money, read them in right time- with the waxing moon. Collect the same number of metal coins and paper bills (the denomination does not matter). Read the following text above your property:

“Wise moon, may my wealth grow like you this night. Share the light with your servant, may this money multiply. They drink coins from the moonlit path and bring me joy. The power of the moon fills my home."

This is a real ritual that multiplies wealth, but remember: you cannot turn on the light in the room. The money must lie in the moonlight for some time, after which it is transferred to another room. You should stay in different rooms with the charmed money for two hours. Then proceed like this:

  1. Take the funds from the dark room.
  2. Place coins and bills in a wallet that you use daily.
  3. Mark the bills with a marker so you don't spend them for 30 days.
  4. After a month, feel free to spend moon-charged artifacts.

Large amount - easy and fast

Spells are cast on moss, moon, cream and other exotic attributes. If deadlines are running out and you need a large infusion, use five church candles. For great enrichment, use the following prayer:

“Jesus’s support, heavenly hope and support, let them bring bags of gold to me, untie them and dump everything out. I walked nearby, collected the money, brought it to me, and put out the candles. Burn, candles, burn, coins, fly into the house. Amen".

For a conspiracy to attract money to work, the candles cannot be extinguished - let them burn out on their own. Hide the resulting wax in your wallet - this talisman will attract large sums. In some cases, it is possible to replace five yellow candles with one green one. Then new touches will be added to the ritual:

  1. The candle is lubricated with sunflower oil.
  2. The required amount and your name are written on the candle.
  3. Dried basil is crushed into powder - you need to roll the candle in it.
  4. You need to read a spell over a burning candle (“Money comes and grows, it will certainly end up in my pocket”).

Luck and money are eternal companions

When whispering money conspiracies, few people think about the consequences. But in vain, because you can combine enrichment with success in any endeavor. To always have rubles in your wallet, take a broom, carefully sweep the apartment and say the magic formula. The text is: “My troubles and misfortunes will disappear with this broom.”


If you are looking real way how to quickly become a rich man with the help of magic and quickly get a lot of money, perform this magical ritual with reading a powerful spell to summon big money and wealth into your life. To carry out a ritual to attract money, you need a bowl made of natural clay, which should be placed on the floor near the door to your bedroom. From the moment the bowl is placed for six days, every day at five o’clock in the evening, place a yellow coin of the same value in the bowl while saying wealth conspiracy :

Money flows, gold shines,
Hurry to make me rich.
Money, money, my darling,
Do not leave me, do not abandon me in difficult times.

On the sixth day, when you put the last coin, at midnight on a linen towel laid out on the table, put the money out of the bowl in a circle and taking a 100 gram glass, pour fine salt into it, place it in the center of the circle of coins, and place a red lit candle on top of the glass . Now you need to read the conspiracy three times to attract big money to yourself, this is the conspiracy that will make you a really rich person:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is an iron stupa, on that iron stupa there is an iron chair,
An iron woman sits on that iron chair,
And her spinning wheel is iron and her spindles are iron;
She spins a piece of iron; and the teeth and eyes are iron, and she is all covered in iron.
And next to that iron mortar stands a golden mortar,
And on that golden mortar stands a golden chair, on a golden chair sits a golden maiden;
And her teeth are gold, and she is all covered in gold, and her spinning wheel is gold, and her spindles are gold;
She spins golden kuzel.
Spin some gold coins to me, golden maiden, and let them go uphill and grow.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

After that, go to bed, let the candle burn out without you. In the morning, get up before dawn, clean the table: put the coins back in the bowl, wrap the glass with salt and a candle in a towel and throw everything away in a knot. For another 7 days you need to add one coin to the bowl of coins, each time you cross the coin and you should pray yourself by reading “Our Father”. After finishing the money ritual to help you become rich, put the coins on which you read the money plot together into a roll and hide it somewhere away.

© Copyright: Magician

  • The money plot needs to be read on a tree with foliage, which you can easily completely hug. Prepare a linen bag in which put ten white coins, ten yellow coins and one any paper bill. Finish the edges of the linen bag with money yourself with red thread, so that evil spirits will not be tempted by your money and will not jinx your monetary wealth. Come close to the tree you noticed earlier and, closing your eyes and hugging the tree, say the money plot three times in a loud voice:

  • This powerful spell for wealth, read on an egg from a “ripple hen” - brown, will help you gain wealth and attract big money. egg with white spots. You will have to go around to buy such an egg, although the luckiest ones find such eggs very quickly and, after reading the plot, quickly become rich and self-sufficient people, living their whole lives in wealth and luxury. Having found an egg without haggling, buy the whole ten from the seller, leave the change to the seller. At home, choose an egg that is unevenly colored or has some inclusions on its shell and hard-boil it for 5 minutes. While the egg is hot, wrap it in a new handkerchief and take it left hand Read aloud the words of the wealth plot three times:

  • A conspiracy against poverty allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money in a very short time. In difficult times, when there is not enough money to buy the most necessary things, in the old days they read this good white conspiracy against poverty, which very quickly restored monetary wealth by attracting and luring money from a variety of sources (extra change in a store, finding money on the street, and so on). The conspiracy against lack of money should be read on a green scarf and grains of wheat (one glass). Calcine the wheat in a frying pan, reading the Lord's Prayer nine times while calcining. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the roasted wheat in it. At midnight on the full moon or new moon, light four yellow wax candles, placing them in the corners of the table, placing a green scarf in the center and pouring wheat grains onto it. First cross the scarf with grains three times, then tell yourself a spell against poverty that attracts money and relieves you from lack of money:

  • Vanga’s conspiracy which will be discussed will help you attract good luck in business and luck for life. A strong conspiracy capable of quickly becoming the luckiest person is done in a quiet, deserted place, sitting near standing water, a pond or lake. It is very important that the water on which the lucky magic spell is read is not running. If you already know where such a place is, early in the morning at sunrise, sit next to the water seven times and read the words of the spell for good luck:

  • On the night of baptism, you need to read a strong money plot for wealth so that the money in your wallet never runs out. The ritual of white money magic performed on the night of January 19, Epiphany, will very quickly relieve those in need from poverty and make even richer those people who live in abundance. In the old days, on the night of baptism, this conspiracy was read by all people who knew it - it lasts for exactly a year and therefore requires its constant repetition at each Baptism. With the help of this conspiracy, even the merchants' trade went better and brought more profit, and the peasants' harvest was richer and richer with each new year, increasing the wealth and well-being of the person charmed with more money and wealth. Anyone can independently perform a monetary ceremony on the night of baptism. At midnight on January 19, when all the water on earth is holy, you need to stand under the flowing water (you can warm it in the shower or pour yourself from a ladle or mug - whichever is convenient for you) and repeat the Epiphany money plot three times for money and wealth in the house, so that your wallet will always be full:

  • Special money spells are a very simple money ceremony. At 7 o'clock in the evening, take a coin with the number 5 and spin it on the table and say this money spell to attract wealth. The ritual with a coin to attract money, luck and wealth is considered completed after you sew the charmed coin into the lining of your wallet. After this conspiracy made before Easter, you will be lucky in everything and the money in the amount you need will always be in your wallet.

    Knowing the money plot that you need to read before Easter all year, you can live in wealth. Prepare a handful of small change, putting a few coins in a pile every day in preparation for a ritual that brings wealth and attracts money to the house. The conspiracy will make you a rich person, you will not know the need, living in complete prosperity and wealth. At the time of reading the plot for wealth, there should be no one in the house except you! Pour tap water into a basin and throw in all the change you have accumulated over the week. Now, you need to read the plot for wealth 33 times, bending on your knees in front of the basin and clasping your little fingers crosswise in front of you. The words of the money plot for wealth are:

  • A money conspiracy to attract money is the best way to attract wealth in order to live in abundance without knowing the need. You need to read a strong conspiracy for money yourself by taking a silver spoon; if there is no silver spoon in the house, any new tablespoon will do to attract money. Very soon after reading the conspiracy, your house and your wallet will begin to be attracted - big money will be attracted from a variety of sources, the existence of which you had not even realized before - this action of an old and very powerful conspiracy for money attracts wealth and prosperity to your home and now you have money will always be present and will not be transferred. Before reading the plot, wash the spell spoon in seven waters and wipe dry and, wrapping it in a red soft cloth, read the spell on the spoon out loud once to attract money to the house:

If there are problems in the material sphere, then you can improve the situation with the help of white magic. It is important to say that this method can only be used if there is faith in the effects of magic, otherwise any rituals will be useless. It is worth starting the rituals in a good mood. It is not recommended to tell other people about the use of magic.

How to attract money to a family using white magic?

You can make an amulet that will act like a magnet, attracting money to a person, but most often various ones are used to help achieve good results.

Ritual No. 1. This ritual of white magic for money and luck takes place in several stages, but the time spent will give a good result, since it is considered very effective. The ritual is performed on the eve of the full moon. Place your wallet on the windowsill so that it falls on Moonlight. He should stay there for three days, and the following conspiracy should be read every night:

“How many stars there are in the clear sky,

And how much water there is in all seas

So let there be a lot of money in my wallet

And always enough for me to live a comfortable life.

Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the allotted time has passed, you need to put some money in your wallet and leave it on the windowsill again for three days. Every night you should read a different white magic conspiracy for money:

“I stand under a completely new moon, servant of God (name), blessed, the moon will illuminate my path, doors from doors, gates from gates, the bright red sun will warm the morning dew, warm the whole earth. Just as no one dares to touch a magpie from the trunk, so no one dares to kill me, God’s servant (name), either with his word, or with his deed, or with his thought, and throughout my long life. Salt in the eyes of all my enemies and envious people, and gray ashes on the tongue. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

On the third day, you need to go and spend all the charmed money in your wallet.

Ritual No. 2. Speaking about how to attract money with white magic, it is worth mentioning this ritual from Vanga, which helps improve the situation. The ritual is performed at night and it is important not to eat anything for three hours. One more thing - you need to retire in the room and make sure that no one will distract you, since the conspiracy will not work. Take a small piece of black bread and place it in front of you to perform a white magic ritual to attract money. Read the following plot over the bread three times:

“God, as you fed all the hungry and needy during your lifetime, so help all members of my family so that they always feel full. Bring good luck to me and take away grief. May the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my home and never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny wisely and help everyone who needs it. Amen".

Immediately after this you need to eat the charmed bread.

Ritual No. 3. This Chinese white magic ritual can be performed at home every day if desired. It is important that there is good mood, and there were no negative thoughts. You need to place three lit candles on the table in front of you and take a scented stick, which should also be set on fire. Holding it in your hands, walk around the room, moving clockwise. During this you should say the following words:

“I opened the door and invited luck into my house,

To live with her, have a good life, happiness, make money.”

After this, the candles can be extinguished, but the stick should burn out on its own. It is believed that such a ritual will bring good luck into life and improve the situation.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about what opportunities it provides to an ordinary person white magic. People perform rituals and conspiracies for good luck and money. Then they just thank the one who recommended the miracle cure. What's really happening? Why and how does it work? How can a beginner avoid making a mistake when choosing a ritual? Let's discuss this. Let's get acquainted with what white magic recommends doing for money and luck.

A little theory

You know, they talk and write a lot about fortune telling. Many people are familiar with magic from films. All materials contain a lot of exaggerations or outright lies. A person gets the impression that no magic exists. In fact, everything is different. We are given white magic by nature. We can confidently cast a spell for good luck and money. After all, it lies not only in the volume of muscles and the piercingness of thought. There is something else. Superficially, this quality is defined as: But if you look deeper, magic will appear, and such that the writers of mysticism never dreamed of.


It consists in the unity of man with the forces of nature, in the ability to accept what happens with gratitude. There's still a lot more that can be said. The point is that magic is in the soul. You just need to believe it. The last condition is mandatory. Without observing it, nothing will come of it. White magic for good luck and money will not help you carry out the ritual. She, that magical authority that distributes people’s wishes, makes resolutions and sends them for implementation, will not hear. Faith is with the Universe. Without it, you’ll wave your hands like a deaf-mute, mutter a spell, and in response, as the song says, silence. And the results themselves fall on the heads of those who are able to believe in a miracle. Join these happy people.

White magic: attracting luck and money

The approach to magic should be gradual and natural. You know how children play. They do this not with their hands and feet, but with their whole being. This is how white magic teaches you to work miracles. For good luck and money, practice this simple ritual. A day suitable in terms of energy for divination is Wednesday on the waxing moon. Get up before dawn. Cover the table with a new tablecloth. It should be as white as snow. The ritual is even better when a round table is used. Place seven yellow coins in its center. However, check the date stamped on them. Do not use a leap year coin. How they formed a yellow circle on white, read these words: “Everlasting Mary, Holy Saint! The soul of the Lord's servant (name) passionately prays to you. I ask for help in an important matter. Which one, you and I won’t tell anyone. Cover the Lord's servant (name) with your will, give him a good share. Amen!". It is necessary to read the spell-prayer seven times without interruption. When you finish, collect the coins and put them at the threshold in a secret place. This ritual was often performed with gold in the old days. Old people recommended burying it right under the threshold. Keep in mind that white magic does not contain any rituals in the graveyard or with the mention of demons.

and money: simple rules

Magic is when a person constantly cares about harmony in his world. If he treats money carelessly and irresponsibly, then they run away. When he does not know how to live within his means, he vegetates in poverty. And harmony is built from little things. Look how the bills are folded in your wallet? Are they wrinkled and crumpled? This is not how you attract wealth to yourself. It is necessary to fold them according to ranking, that is, at face value, without bending them evenly. The egregor of money really likes respect. You don't know what it is? You see, our thoughts and emotions do not disappear anywhere once they are born. They unite and form an entity separate from the parents - an egregor.

Energy helpers

All people on earth think about money. It is their energy that supports the power of this essence. And she helps her “adherents” as best she can. If egregor likes you, you will always have money. But you shouldn't worship him. In the energy world they react very subtly to shades of feelings. You want money, but you despise beggars - this is a negative situation. Or, if you yourself want to get rich, but hate tycoons. With such emotions you will only provoke aggression towards yourself from this powerful entity. She will take away from you even the crumbs that you had so far. Therefore, you should respect money and everything connected with it, but not consider it God.

Full moon ritual

Let's get to practice. We are interested in white magic for money and good luck. On the full moon, the following ritual is performed. You need to buy a bulb of any domestic flower. Prepare another empty pot, soil, a glass of water and thirteen coins of different denominations. At night, as soon as the moon looks in the window, start divination. Place the coins on the windowsill. Let it be a little moonlight get nourished. Make up a thought form yourself, putting into it the intention of becoming rich. She is individual. That is, think about what you want to get from the ritual. But not in amounts and zeros bank card, but the pleasure you get from shopping, traveling, and so on. Then take a coin and place it at the bottom of the pot. For each one, say this: “I’ll bury the treasure on the full moon, a wondrous tree will grow, enrich it with gold, fill life with happiness!” Do this until everyone is in the pot. Pour some soil on top and plant your onion. But don't water right away. Leave everything on the windowsill until dawn. And in the morning, pour it from a glass soaked in moonlight. Say the formula again.

Consequences of the ritual

You must definitely look after your treasure flower. If he doesn’t want to ascend, then the wrong energy was put into divination. We need to start all over again on the next full moon. When the plant develops normally, it means everything was done correctly. It will attract money luck to you. But as soon as you notice that the flower has started to hurt or has dried up overnight, you need to cleanse the aura and the room of negativity. To know whether someone has jinxed or caused damage. Then throw away the magic flower with the pot and coins. They did their job. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony again.

Ritual for the waxing moon

Magicians, as a rule, recommend that beginners in their practice proceed from the cycle of the night queen. Our magical power is connected with the moon. As it increases, you should ask for any blessings to come. It begins to decrease - perform other rituals. What we are interested in today is receiving, that is, a conspiracy for good luck and money. White magic contains fairly clear recommendations on this matter. Perform rituals during the period of growth of the lunar disk. Their effectiveness increases at this time. You can, for example, show a coin to the new month. So you say: “The sickle has been born in the sky, the young king has appeared! He will grow in the sky, fill his chest with gold. As the moon fills up, so does my wallet fill up. Amen!". Put the coin in your wallet and don’t spend it until next time.

Candle spell

On your birthday, also turn it around. This is a wonderful period when angels are very close. Any wish will be heard and fulfilled. You just need to buy candles in the temple in advance. Take as many as you are old. In the evening, scribble your dreams on them. Just again, don’t write the amounts, but what you want to spend them on. And get up at dawn. Pray to your Guardian Angel. Light the magic candles. While they are glowing merrily, congratulating you on the holiday, say this: “On the day of the Holy Angel, I ask not for the kingdom of gold, not for the crown and power, but for the quenching of passion. The Lord gave the servant (name) three letters - sheets from Jesus Christ. Saint Nicholas wrote them. In every word they burn, give me the Lord's servant, they call for riches! Amen!". While the candles are burning, say this spell. Just don’t tell anyone what you were doing later, so they don’t jinx it! Good luck!

Spells for money and luck are a special type of white magic. They help reduce the influence of negative factors and increase the number of positive ones that affect certain transactions with money. Students, for example, often use spells for good luck in their studies. In the old days, people trusted everything that today relates to the field of magic to a greater extent than now. They clearly understood that any manipulation in a person’s life had to be accompanied by some kind of magical actions. After all, these actions served both as a talisman against evil forces and as a blessing for good deeds.

White magic spells have always been more revered and more widespread than black magic, because its main function is protective.

The magic of money in this context was not last place. After all, as you know, a person’s well-being largely depends on the level of well-being of his family. For example, people have been using it successfully for many years.

Magic rituals for attracting money have always been considered the most popular. Within the framework of money magic, even in our time there is almost the largest number of different techniques. Among them, the following magical practices are considered the most common:

  • Money conspiracies and spells
  • Special prayers for money
  • Amulets for good luck and money
  • Special rituals to attract money

The magic of money, conspiracies for money and good luck, rituals dedicated to attracting large sums of money are extremely popular in our time. They are popular both among trade workers and among ordinary citizens making large or not very monetary transactions.

Type of money rituals

Money conspiracies are usually classified depending on the transactions that are carried out with money. Most often, people resort to magic and witchcraft:

  • When you need to return a large amount of money, or for example, if someone took out a loan and long time does not return.
  • If you need to attract money to your home, or it happens that everyone in the house works, but there is still no money.
  • There is an urgent need to find or receive a certain amount of money, or, for example, when you need money for surgery or treatment.

However, in addition to these varieties, people actively use, for example, effective. This conspiracy is a special kind of whispering (slanders) made with the aim of magnetizing money to a wallet from a wide variety of sources.

For those who have been struggling for a long time with the question of how to attract money, a conspiracy to make money flow will be just right. The simplest of these rituals is as follows. In a store or market, when making a purchase and receiving money (no matter change or payment), say to yourself:

“In our wallet is your money, your treasury is my treasury. Amen!".

Such a conspiracy to attract money will constantly concentrate the consciousness of the speaker on the formation of a money egregor.

It will also have a positive effect not only on the flow of financial resources into the house, but also promote good luck in your affairs.

Another good conspiracy to make money flow is done on the new moon. On the first day of the new moon, at exactly midnight you need to go out onto the road with 12 coins. Then you need to put the coins under the light of the moon and say out loud seven times:

“Everything that grows and lives multiplies from sunlight, and money from moonlight. Grow money. Multiply your money. Add more money. Make me (your name) rich, come to me. Let it be so!".

After the ritual, the money should be held tightly in your fist. Then, upon entering the house, immediately put the money in the wallet that you use constantly. This conspiracy for money on the new moon, like others carried out during this period of the lunar cycle, is very effective and efficient.

Big money conspiracy

In the case when it is necessary to receive a large amount of money, use the following conspiracy for big money:

“Jesus Christ, hope and support, Ever-Virgin Mary, Jesus’ support, walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, the bags opened, the money fell out. I, the servant of God (your name), walked downstairs, collected money, took it home, lit candles, and distributed it to my friends. Candles, burn, money, come to the house! Forever and ever! Amen!".

The plot is read over five burning large church candles. After reading these words, you need to wait until the candles burn out, collect the wax and put it in your wallet as a talisman. The arrival of a large sum of money is guaranteed.

Green candle spell

There may be a situation when you just need to get a certain amount or find money.

The green candle spell works very well in these cases. To perform the ritual we will need a large green candle, vegetable oil and basil powder.

You can buy a candle in any online store of magical and esoteric goods. On the candle you need to write with something your name and the specific amount of money that is needed. After which the spark plug is first lubricated vegetable oil, then rolled in basil powder and set on fire with the words:

“Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket!”

Such conspiracies for money serve as a kind of invisible pointer to the funds where they need to go.

Conspiracies to get money back

It often happens that a person borrows money from someone, but it is not returned to him.

It is for such cases that a conspiracy was invented to return the money, or, to put it simply, . Its main goal is to return money to the person who needs it and to whom it rightfully belongs.

It can also influence the conscience of the one who borrowed this money and does not pay it back. This conspiracy is read to get the money back, over a broom, with which you mentally beat the debtor. Such a conspiracy to return money or an old debt may look like this:

“I am sending a charge against the servant of God (the name of the debtor): let this charge burn and bake, chase him around the corners, break bones, not eat, do not sleep, do not drink, and not give rest to (the name of the debtor) until that debt is repaid to me! "

Another effective conspiracy to return money is somewhat exotic, but no less effective. You need to get some freshly churned butter from the cow. It can be made in villages or bought at the market. You need to take as much of it as possible in your right hand and gently smear it on the aspen board, saying:

“The oil will turn bitter, and you, servant of God (name of the debtor), will grieve in your heart, and roar with your eyes, and ache in your soul, and suffer in your mind. About the fact that you need to give me (your name) your debt. Amen".

After which the board should ideally be thrown into the debtor’s house. Then his conscience will be restless, and he will constantly remember the unrepaid debt. This conspiracy to give away money is most effective if all its requirements are met.

Spells for money and luck

A special type of magical rituals associated with financial resources, such as spells for money and good luck, stands out.

There is already a catch in the name itself and one can feel an attempt to “kill two birds with one stone”, both luck and money. Nevertheless, this type of magic is still quite popular and very effective.

Today, very strong spells for money and good luck bring not only solid financial resources, but also success in business. They can also be used when concluding trade transactions or when carrying out financial transactions.

In such cases, the party that used the conspiracy not only receives money, but also remains a winner in all other respects. Such magical formulas, if applied correctly and in a timely manner, bring good luck in all financial transactions.

Three candles spell

One of the effective rituals for attracting money and good luck is the three-candle spell. In order to implement it, we will need three large candles of different colors:

  • green candle
  • white candle
  • brown candle

Each of these candles has a certain magical energy. Also, each of them has its own symbolic meaning:

Green candle means cash, with which the above object deals in its activities.
White candle directly denotes the person performing this ritual
Brown candle denotes an activity carried out by a given person

Candles are placed on the table, forming a triangle. It is desirable that it has equal sides and its elements are arranged as follows:

  • You should place a white candle in front of you,
  • a green candle - to the left of the white one,
  • brown candle - on the right.

Then the candles are lit in order, starting with the white one. At this point it says:

“Flame is like a soul, soul is like a flame!”

Setting fire to the brown one, they say:

“Things in business, ways in ways, everything is muddy!”

The green candle says the following:

“Profit in profit, money in money!”

Then it’s worth watching how they burn. After this, sharply, in a single movement, connect them into one, but so that they continue to burn. Then you need to put the resulting mixture in the center of the former triangle and continue the spell:

“In strength is power, in power is strength, I am with strength and with that power!”

These are perhaps the most powerful conspiracies for money and luck.

Please note! All candles must burn out completely!

Everything that remains of them must be carefully collected and stored. This will be a spoken talisman for money and good luck in monetary transactions.

Spells for money on the waxing moon

All monetary and financial magical actions, including spells for money, should be performed exclusively on the waxing moon. The “waxing moon” refers to the period of time beginning with the new moon and ending with the beginning of the full moon, when the moon is waxing.

Adherents of white magic claim that lunar cycles are closely related to the financial sphere. Therefore, any spells for money and luck on the moon should be done wisely and with an eye on its current cycle.

Experts warn that it is better to refrain from rituals related to money during the days of the full moon. Spells for money during the full moon may well have the opposite effect.

However, this does not mean that in specialized literature you will not find rituals dedicated to money and carried out during the full moon.

Wallet spell

Let's consider one such conspiracy for money on a full moon.

For three days you need to put an empty open wallet on the windowsill at night. It is better to do this on the full moon itself, on the day before it or on the day after it. The wallet should be the one in which you carry money during the day. Read this spell:

“Just as there are many stars in the sky, just as there is enough water in the sea, so should my wallet have a lot of money and always have enough.”

After this, on the day before the new moon and on the two days following it, you need to put a full wallet on the window. You need to pronounce the same words.

Home spells for money and luck

Choose carefully magic spells and spells for attracting, returning and preserving financial resources or material well-being. It’s better to first read what other people say about them.

Read reviews to see if these rituals are effective, when and how best to perform them. Before you carry out unknown money and luck conspiracies, prepare for the fact that they may not work. Therefore, try to take magical rites and rituals, as well as descriptions of them from trusted sources.