Biological ponds for wastewater treatment. Creation of a biological pond for wastewater treatment

Biological ponds with natural and artificial (pneumatic or mechanical) aeration. Used for purification and post-treatment of municipal, industrial and surface wastewater containing organic pollutants.

At the same time, depending on the purpose of the structure, the wastewater supplied to it must meet the requirements presented in table. 13, and allowable expenses in table. 14.

Table 13

BOD value of total wastewater suppressed into biological ponds

Table 14

Allowable flow rates of wastewater supplied to biological ponds

Note. If the total BOD value of wastewater supplied to bioponds for treatment exceeds the values ​​indicated in Table 13, then preliminary treatment of these waters should be provided.

Bioponds should be installed on non-filtering or weakly filtering soils. In case of unfavorable soils in terms of filtration, anti-filtration measures should be carried out, i.e. waterproofing of structures. In relation to residential buildings, they are located on the leeward side of the prevailing wind direction in the warm season. The direction of water movement in them should be perpendicular to this direction of the wind.

The pits for biological ponds are constructed using, if possible, natural depressions in the terrain. The shape of the ponds in plan is taken depending on the type of aeration, namely: with natural, mechanical and pneumatic aeration - rectangular; when using self-propelled aerators - round. In rectangular structures, smooth rounding of the corners is recommended to prevent the formation of stagnant zones in them.

The radius of these roundings must be at least 5 m. In addition, in ponds with natural aeration, in order to ensure a hydraulic regime of water movement close to the conditions of complete displacement, the ratio of the length of the structure to its width must be at least 20, and for smaller values ​​of this ratio design of inlet and outlet devices should be provided to ensure the movement of water throughout the entire living cross-section of the pond, i.e. dispersed wastewater inlets and outlets (Fig. 10). With artificial aeration, the aspect ratio of the sections can be any, but the speed of water movement maintained by the aerators at any point in the pond must be at least 0.05 m/s.

Note. In biological ponds with artificial aeration of wastewater, the ratio of length to width in which is 1...3, a hydraulic mode of fluid movement should be adopted that corresponds to the conditions of ideal (complete) mixing.

Structurally, biological ponds consist of at least two parallel sections with 3...5 consecutive stages in each (for example, Fig. 11). In this case, it should be possible to disconnect any section for cleaning or preventative repairs without disrupting the operation of the others. Sections and stages of bioponds are separated by enclosing dams and dams made from soils that can retain their shape. Their minimum width at the top should be 2.5 m.

Note. For biological ponds with an area of ​​less than 0.5 hectares, the width of the enclosing dams and dams at the top can be reduced to 1.0...15 m.

If there is filtration through protective dams and dams, their “clothing” should be provided in the form of an anti-filtration screen made of clay (0.3 m thick) or polymer films. The steepness of the slopes is taken based on the characteristics of the soil (Table 15).

Table 15

The steepness of the slopes of dividing and protective dams and dams

Wastewater inlets into biological ponds, as well as liquid overflows between treatment stages, are carried out using wells equipped with devices that allow changing the filling level of the stages. The mark of the bypass (inlet) pipe tray should be 0.3...0.5 m above the bottom of the pond. In this case, water is injected into ponds with artificial pneumatic aeration through a horizontal pipeline, the outlet of which is located on a concrete pad and is directed upward at an angle of 90 0 and is located below the expected ice level, and with mechanical aeration - through the pipeline directly into the active mixing zone. In addition, at the exit point of the overflow pipe, in order to avoid erosion of the slope, its corresponding members are strengthened with stone or concrete slabs. To release wastewater from the structure (stage), a collection device is designed, located below the water level at 0.15...0.20 of the working depth of the pond (water depth).

In order to provide wave erosion of the internal slopes of the dams, as well as the development of higher aquatic vegetation, they are laid out with stone, slabs and covered with asphalt over crushed stone preparation with a strip 1.5 m wide (1 m below the water level and 0.5 m above). To prevent the slabs from sliding, a ledge is made to serve as a stop for them. The outer slope of dams should be seeded with slow-growing, low-stand grass that can prevent erosion, such as blue wheatgrass. The excess of the construction height of the dam above the design water level in the pond should be less than 0.7 m.

To increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment to BOD total = 3 mg/l, as well as to reduce the content of nutrients in them (primarily nitrogen and phosphorus), it is recommended to use higher aquatic vegetation (reeds, cattails, reeds, etc.) in ponds. This vegetation should be placed in the last stage of the pond. Moreover, the area occupied by higher aquatic vegetation can be determined by the load of 10,000 m 3 /day per 1 Ha with a planting density of 150...200 plants per 1 m 2.


BIOLOGICAL PONDS are artificial reservoirs used for treating wastewater from small settlements, industrial (mainly food) enterprises, etc.

Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. - Chisinau: Main editorial office of the Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Dedu. 1989.

BIOLOGICAL PONDS ponds used for biological wastewater treatment. They operate on the principle of self-purification of water by organisms living in it, as a result of which a sludge-like mass accumulates, which can be used in agriculture as fertilizer or as a raw material for its production.

Ecological dictionary, 2001


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    Artificial reservoirs for biological treatment of wastewater from organic substances due to the life activity of plankton, as well as the influence of natural physical factors... Large medical dictionary

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The most effective and reliable way to treat wastewater is the plant world. This is a natural ability of plants, because their growth and development require nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other substances. In addition, microorganisms accumulate in the root system of plants and oxidize organic substances.

What is wastewater pollution

The word “pollution” means a change in both the physical, chemical and biological components of water in ponds, reservoirs and other places where water accumulates. And this process occurs due to the discharge of toxic substances in liquid, solid and gaseous form. This is not just an inconvenience, but as a result it causes harm to agriculture and agronomy, and the threat to healthy living, life and human safety is obvious.

Today, the need for biological treatment has increased, because 70–75% of wastewater bodies especially require measures to improve the condition of the water. Therefore, before discharging industrial and domestic water, it is necessary to purify it.


The most acceptable depth of a pond for wastewater treatment is from 500 mm to 1 m, it all depends mainly on the plants that will live in it and thereby clean the pond. The most common ponds are rectangular in shape; they are elongated in the direction of water movement. If the biopond is with natural aeration, then the ratio of length to width should be 1:1.5, if the pond with artificial aeration is 1:3.


Biological cleaners are provided in two types:

  • Flow-through – this type of purifier involves the fact that already purified water enters surface water bodies.
  • Non-flowing - the water coming from this purifier, after cleaning, evaporates and is filtered through the soil. If the water was unpurified, there is nothing to worry about; it will not bring danger, since it will have to pass through the root system of the plants.


Functions performed by plants in flowing biological ponds:

  • Filtration.
  • Absorbing function (biogenic elements and certain organic substances are removed).
  • Cumulative (the ability to retain metals and organic elements that are difficult to decompose).
  • Oxidative (during the photosynthesis reaction, water is filled with oxygen).
  • Intoxication (toxic substances are transformed into non-toxic ones by transformation).

List of crops that are most suitable for natural filtration of ponds.

  • Regular reeds.
  • Cane.
  • Broadleaf cattail.
  • Cattail angustifolia.
  • Swamp calamus.
  • Telorez and other crops.

Cleaning methods

Biological methods can be divided into two types according to the type of microorganisms that are directly involved in purification:

  • Aerobic – the cleaning process is carried out with the help of microorganisms, the vital activity of which directly depends on oxygen.
  • Anaerobic - with the help of microorganisms that do not need oxygen to live. These are special reactors, which are tanks made of metal. The vital activity of anaerobic microorganisms is directly related to the release of methane particles into the air.

It is the use of flora for deep purification of wastewater from biological, organic and mineral contaminants in ponds that is not only the most effective, but also a profitable and uncomplicated purification system. Representatives of the supervisory commission provided data on the enormous advantages of using biological ponds, and also noted the highest degree of wastewater treatment. Energy savings increase by 100 or even 150 times, the systems are reliable and do not require special skills to maintain operation and maintenance.

And most importantly, ponds with a living habitat in it, with a peat substrate, function both in summer and winter, and also provide sufficiently deep cleaning for more than twenty years in a row.


Biological ponds ( Cleaning of drains )

Biological ponds with natural and artificial (pneumatic or mechanical) aeration. Used for purification and post-treatment of municipal, industrial and surface wastewater containing organic pollutants.

At the same time, depending on the purpose of the structure, the wastewater supplied to it must meet the requirements presented in table. 13, and allowable expenses in table. 14.

Table 13

BOD value of total wastewater suppressed into biological ponds

Aeration type

BOD total value of wastewater supplied to bioponds, mg/l, no more

Cleaning of drains

Wastewater tertiary treatment

Natural aeration

Artificial aeration

Table 14

Allowable flow rates of wastewater supplied to biological ponds

Aeration type

Allowable flow rates of wastewater supplied to bioponds, m 3 /day, no more.

Cleaning of drains

Wastewater tertiary treatment

Natural aeration


Artificial aeration



Note. If the total BOD value of wastewater supplied to bioponds for treatment exceeds the values ​​indicated in Table 13, then preliminary treatment of these waters should be provided.

Bioponds should be installed on non-filtering or weakly filtering soils. In case of unfavorable soils in terms of filtration, anti-filtration measures should be carried out, i.e. waterproofing of structures. In relation to residential buildings, they are located on the leeward side of the prevailing wind direction in the warm season. The direction of water movement in them should be perpendicular to this direction of the wind.

The pits for biological ponds are constructed using, if possible, natural depressions in the terrain. The shape of the ponds in plan is taken depending on the type of aeration, namely: with natural, mechanical and pneumatic aeration - rectangular; when using self-propelled aerators - round. In rectangular structures, smooth rounding of the corners is recommended to prevent the formation of stagnant zones in them.

The radius of these roundings must be at least 5 m. In addition, in ponds with natural aeration, in order to ensure a hydraulic regime of water movement close to the conditions of complete displacement, the ratio of the length of the structure to its width must be at least 20, and for smaller values ​​of this ratio design of inlet and outlet devices should be provided to ensure the movement of water throughout the entire living cross-section of the pond, i.e. dispersed wastewater inlets and outlets (Fig. 10). With artificial aeration, the aspect ratio of the sections can be any, but the speed of water movement maintained by the aerators at any point in the pond must be at least 0.05 m/s.

Note. In biological ponds with artificial aeration of wastewater, the ratio of length to width in which is 1...3, a hydraulic mode of fluid movement should be adopted that corresponds to the conditions of ideal (complete) mixing.

Structurally, biological ponds consist of at least two parallel sections with 3...5 consecutive stages in each (for example, Fig. 11). In this case, it should be possible to disconnect any section for cleaning or preventative repairs without disrupting the operation of the others. Sections and stages of bioponds are separated by enclosing dams and dams made from soils that can retain their shape. Their minimum width at the top should be 2.5 m.

Note. For biological ponds with an area of ​​less than 0.5 hectares, the width of the enclosing dams and dams at the top can be reduced to 1.0...15 m.

If there is filtration through protective dams and dams, their “clothing” should be provided in the form of an anti-filtration screen made of clay (0.3 m thick) or polymer films. The steepness of the slopes is taken based on the characteristics of the soil (Table 15).

Table 15

The steepness of the slopes of dividing and protective dams and dams

Type of soil

Slope steepness

Wet clay and loamy soils

Wet sandy and sandy loam soils

Dry clay and loamy soils


Dry sandy and sandy loam soils

Wastewater inlets into biological ponds, as well as liquid overflows between treatment stages, are carried out using wells equipped with devices that allow changing the filling level of the stages. The mark of the bypass (inlet) pipe tray should be 0.3...0.5 m above the bottom of the pond. In this case, water is injected into ponds with artificial pneumatic aeration through a horizontal pipeline, the outlet of which is located on a concrete pad and is directed upward at an angle of 90 0 and is located below the expected ice level, and with mechanical aeration - through the pipeline directly into the active mixing zone. In addition, at the exit point of the overflow pipe, in order to avoid erosion of the slope, its corresponding members are strengthened with stone or concrete slabs. To release wastewater from the structure (stage), a collection device is designed, located below the water level at 0.15...0.20 of the working depth of the pond (water depth).

In order to provide wave erosion of the internal slopes of the dams, as well as the development of higher aquatic vegetation, they are laid out with stone, slabs and covered with asphalt over crushed stone preparation with a strip 1.5 m wide (1 m below the water level and 0.5 m above). To prevent the slabs from sliding, a ledge is made to serve as a stop for them. The outer slope of dams should be seeded with slow-growing, low-stand grass that can prevent erosion, such as blue wheatgrass. The excess of the construction height of the dam above the design water level in the pond should be less than 0.7 m.

To increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment to BOD total = 3 mg/l, as well as to reduce the content of nutrients in them (primarily nitrogen and phosphorus), it is recommended to use higher aquatic vegetation (reeds, cattails, reeds, etc.) in ponds. This vegetation should be placed in the last stage of the pond. Moreover, the area occupied by higher aquatic vegetation can be determined by the load of 10,000 m 3 /day per 1 Ha with a planting density of 150...200 plants per 1 m 2.

Every year there is an increase in water consumption, which is associated with an increase in the number of inhabitants in most regions of the country, as well as the continuing growth of industry. This leads to the fact that environmental pollution from wastewater is also increasing, posing a difficult task for experts - how to cause the least possible harm to nature with the least loss for progress. There is a need to develop effective methods for wastewater treatment, the most effective of which include the creation of biological ponds. Let's get to know them better, find out the essence of this term, the varieties and specifics of arrangement and application.


Now they are not uncommon. Biological ponds are one of them, but they are distinguished from other varieties by their purpose - in such ponds conditions as close to natural as possible are created in which self-purification of wastewater will take place. You can also find other names of structures - lagoons, simple ponds, stabilization ponds, post-treatment ponds.

The main “residents” of such reservoirs are green algae, which actively produce oxygen during their life activity, and this chemical element, in turn, leads to an acceleration of the decomposition of organic matter. In addition, the decomposition process is influenced by the following groups of factors:

  • Temperature.
  • Aeration.
  • Water speed.
  • Vital activity of bacteria.

This is how water purification occurs - completely naturally and quite quickly. In just 5 days you can completely clean the reservoir. In addition, plants will accumulate heavy metals inside themselves, which in nature undergo decomposition over a long period of time.


Let's get acquainted with the main parameters of bioponds:

  • The optimal depth is small - from 0.5 to 1 meter.
  • Shape - rectangle.
  • The ratio of length and width depends on the method of aeration: if it is artificial, then the proportion is 1:3, if natural - 1:1.5.

It is under such conditions that the massive development of planktonic algae and other beneficial microorganisms occurs. In order for bioponds to perform their direct functions, the following plants are planted next to them: reed, calamus, reeds, broadleaf cattail, water hyacinth and some others.

The useful life of these structures is more than 20 years.


Biological water ponds can be of three main types; information about them is presented in table format for ease of perception.

In addition, you can find another classification - the division into flow and contact, while the former, in turn, can be multi- and single-stage.

Bioponds can also be divided into three groups depending on the biotic cycle: anaerobic, aerobic and facultative aerobic.

  • Anaerobic ones are most often used for partial water purification. The living organisms living in them need large amounts of oxygen. An important aspect of such reservoirs is the unpleasant odors of rotting.
  • Aerobic ones are the most powerful in terms of the degree of purification, since the living organisms living in them, primarily algae, take part in the oxidation of wastewater.
  • Facultative-aerobic - an intermediate option that combines the unpleasant smell of rot and more effective cleaning.

With multi-stage cleaning, fish can be bred in the ponds of the last stage, most often carp.


Research has proven that the simplest and most effective water purification system is the use of natural methods, in particular plant organisms. For algae, improving water quality is a natural function, since for normal life they need potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, and microorganisms responsible for the oxidation of organic matter are formed in the root system. The operation of artificial reservoirs is based on these factors.

Bioponds are used both for independent water purification and as part of an entire complex of similar structures, for example, preceding the use of agricultural irrigation fields or for post-treatment at aeration stations. For wastewater treatment, biological ponds are preferably used in those regions where the air temperature is at least +10 °C on average throughout the year and the climate is moderately humid.

Sanitary supervision

Treatment facilities, including bioponds, are under constant sanitary control, the task of which is carried out by sanitary and epidemiological stations. The following specialists are required to monitor the condition of such reservoirs:

For the purpose of control, various types of research are used, including bacteriological. Compliance with measures to prevent the discharge of wastewater that has not been subjected to preliminary treatment and disinfection into water bodies is also checked.


Biological purification of pond water, in addition to its simplicity and effectiveness, also turns out to be very useful to humans. First of all, ordinary natural processes are used, so there is no talk of artificial intervention in the life of the natural community. Such reservoirs can be used both for independent and for post-treatment. In addition, bioponds help in the following cases:

  • Destroy up to 99% of E. coli.
  • The content of helminth eggs is reduced to almost 100%.

However, it is important to note a significant disadvantage of such reservoirs - at low temperatures, the efficiency of their use decreases significantly, and when covered with ice, they can no longer perform their functions: oxygen does not penetrate into the water, so the process of oxidation of organic matter stops.

The use of bioponds - reservoirs in which living organisms live - is the simplest and most profitable system for biological pond treatment. This method helps to achieve significant savings in energy and resources, and the result will be of very high quality. In addition, no special conditions are required; maintenance of the structure is as simple as possible.