Theme of the project: making an apron. Creative project on the theme "apron" Homework on technology project apron

The sequence of the project: Justify the problem and need. Justify the problem and need. Choose a model. Write a description of the appearance of the model. Select the model. Write a description of the appearance of the model. Choose a fabric. Choose a fabric. Select the necessary tools, fixtures and equipment. Select the necessary tools, fixtures and equipment. Perform product design and simulation.Perform product design and simulation. Carry out the cutting of the product. Carry out the cutting of the product. Compose a technological sequence for manufacturing a product. Compose a technological sequence for manufacturing a product. Calculate the cost of the product. Calculate the cost of the product. Rate the work done. Rate the work done. Protect the project. Protect the project.

Model 4. Linen apron with one-piece bib and pockets in embossed seams. Appliqués are available as trim on the pockets and bib. The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons

Model 5. Printed cotton apron with soft pleats at the top, insert pockets in trim fabric. The upper section is processed with a stitched belt, the lower seam is folded with a closed section. The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons

Model selection. From the models of aprons I drew, I chose model 5. This apron has roomy pockets, it will be convenient to work in it during practical classes in technology. For the manufacture of an apron of this model, a minimum amount of fabric is required. Select a model. From the models of aprons I drew, I chose model 5. This apron has roomy pockets, it will be convenient to work in it during practical classes in technology. For the manufacture of an apron of this model, a minimum amount of fabric is required. Choice of fabric. To make an apron, I chose chintz cotton fabric: as the main one with a printed pattern, as a finishing one-colored. Choice of fabric. To make an apron, I chose chintz cotton fabric: as the main one with a printed pattern, as a finishing one-colored.


1 MOU Kolominogrivskaya secondary school Creative project based on Apron technology Designer Anastasia Gaag, 5th grade student of MOU Kolominogrivskaya secondary school Project leader Danchenko L.V. technology teacher II category 2010

2 Contents 1.Justification of the problem and need..3 2.Sequence of the project.4 3.Asterisk of reflection Historical background Bank of ideas and suggestions Fabric selection Modeling rules and color combinations Selection of equipment, tools and fixtures 12 9.Production technology Construction of an apron pattern Technological map Occupational safety Economic and environmental assessment Conclusion Brochure Literature

3 I. Justification of the problem and need In our house there is a room in which the whole family gathers every day - this is the kitchen. When my mother prepares breakfast, lunch or dinner, I try to help her. Helping her, I can stain the clothes. An apron is needed to keep clothes clean. Mom has an apron, but I don’t have one yet, so I decided to sew it myself. I want to sew an apron correctly and neatly, and in the future I want to learn how to sew other clothes. Knowledge of the subjects of the Russian language, mathematics, drawing, computer science, technology will help me to correctly fulfill my goal: to complete the Apron project. In the process, I will also use additional books on making an apron. In order to sew an apron, I will need: fabric, thread, needle and sewing machine. In the process of performing project work, I set myself the following goals and objectives: to assess my capabilities in the field of project activities; develop and implement a project; Explore: 1. What is an apron? 2. When did the first aprons appear? 3. what were they like before? explore fabrics for sewing an apron; describe the process of making an apron; sew an apron; evaluate the work done; protect the project

4 II. The sequence of the project: 1. Justify the problem and need. 2.Select a model. Write a description of the appearance of the model. 3. Choose a fabric. 4. Select the necessary tools, fixtures and equipment. 5. Perform the design and modeling of the product. 6. Perform cutting of the product. 7. Draw up a technological sequence for manufacturing a product. 8. Calculate the cost of the product. 9. Evaluate the work done. 10. Protect the project III. Asterisk of reflection Problem, need Protection of the project Economic and environmental assessment Historical background Apron Equipment, tools Bank of ideas and proposals Occupational safety Manufacturing technology - 4 -

5 IV. Historical reference An apron (or apron) is a widespread and almost unchanged part of clothing from ancient times to the present day. Its history begins with Ancient Egypt. Already in the early period of the existence of this country, men in the public service used primitive drapery. It was attached in front to a belt, which was a narrow strip of leather or connected (woven) reed stems. Over time, the apron has become a ubiquitous type of clothing. It was a piece of fabric, the middle part of which, gathered into folds, was applied to the body from the front, the rest was wrapped around the body and fastened with a free end tucked into the middle part. The apron was held with a belt. The middle part of it had a trapezoid, triangular or fan-shaped shape. This piece of clothing played a very important role in the ceremonial attire of the rulers, as evidenced by numerous monuments. The apron was also part of the clothing of other ancient Eastern peoples. So, for example, it was widespread in Western Asia. From the East, the apron "migrated" to Europe. In Crete and Mycenae in the Bronze Age (XIX-XVIII centuries BC), men wore a wide leather belt, with which an apron was attached around the hips. It was worn in such a way that it fell at an angle in front, and its vertical edge ran obliquely from the hip to the knee of the other leg. The fabric of the apron was decorated with a woven color pattern. And it is also known that in ancient Greece, men at first also wore an apron tied around their hips, and over it they put on horseradish (a large woolen scarf). Later, the apron was tied over the tunic. The apron was a characteristic accessory of men's clothing among the Etruscans. In appearance, it resembled Cretan, but it was worn over a blouse with sleeves. And among the Romans, the apron is known only as part of the clothing of the priests, soldiers of some auxiliary types of troops and gladiators. Since the Middle Ages, the apron has practically become an almost permanent accessory to work clothes. Casual dress during work should be covered with something. The apron was worn by blacksmiths, shoemakers, cooks. Workshop craftsmen considered the apron an integral part of their professional clothing. The women's apron eventually became the accessory of a married woman's toilet. In the XVI century. two aprons made up a skirt. He also adorned the wives of eminent citizens. In Germany, burgher wives wore aprons (white or colored), sometimes even double (front and back). The apron periodically comes into fashion among the upper strata of the population. French women during the reign of Louis XIV () at home and on a walk tied a small apron with rich trim around the edge. Sometimes, - 5 -

6 True, wanting to pay tribute to fashion, women did not at all think about how comical it looks. Following the example of the city nobility, peasant girls began to embroider and decorate their aprons in every possible way. Cunning for fiction, European fashion invented several types of aprons for different occasions. So, for example, a self-respecting European woman, when she went to the table, was obliged to cover her dress with a large napkin. So there was a special apron table (from the French word "table"). Another type of apron with a similar name is a tablion, but completely different in purpose. This is an apron for special occasions, sewn to the front and back of the cloak. It was borrowed from ceremonial Byzantine clothing and for the emperor was made of patterned silk brocade, and for the courtiers of smooth, one-color matter, but then got used to the new role of a fashion accessory. Over time, the apron became part of the festive folk costume. In some areas of Germany, a wide apron was worn only on especially solemn occasions. In Moldova, a distinctive feature of folk clothing was two aprons, covering the body in front and behind, not converging on the sides, with a rich color pattern. The traditional Russian apron was made of checkered homespun fabric with trimmed edges and red ties. In the North, the apron was embroidered and could have sleeves. An apron of the late 19th century is interesting. from the city of Kargopol, Olonets province. The intricate patterns embroidered on it are nothing but ancient agricultural calendars. Six petals and six sprouts of the circle designate 12 months, and the conditional icons outside are the most important milestones of the annual circle of field work. Similar calendars were also embroidered on the hem of shirts and towels. You can understand how they valued these things, carefully passing them from generation to generation by inheritance. It is characteristic that in some regions of Russia (for example, in Transbaikalia), the traditional apron was preserved as part of the festive attire until the middle of the last century. During the First World War, the apron proved to be an indispensable part of clothing. Many women had to do men's work: they became road workers, mechanics, and so on. At this time, the "maid's clothes" apron turns into women's work clothes. Perhaps, it was from that time that it ceased to exist as a purely decorative element and became an accessory for household clothing for work at home, as well as industrial clothing. However, nowadays the apron is gradually losing this function. To protect against harmful production factors, new special clothing is being developed - gowns and overalls. The apron also disappears from the wardrobe of housewives

7 From an apron to an apron The names of aprons have been recorded in writing since the 17th century; older evidence refers only to the word leader. Most of the names originated on Russian soil. The meaning "apron" is combined with the meanings "veil, curtain", "a kind of clothing; detail of clothing", "belt". From the common Slavic verb zapinati "to close, delay" the name zapon arose, which in the acts of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery since 1601 means a closed apron. Cufflinks were used in bakeries, fisheries, and forges. That is, they were working men's aprons. Fisherman's aprons were also called curtains: "It was ordered to send 7 veal skins for curtains to fishermen in Sokolov" is noted in the account books of Moscow orders for 1673. The curtain is also later used in a number of folk dialects. Sometimes a leather work apron was called a curtain. Other names: bib, leader and apron. The word peredovik was first noted in Belozersky writing and, judging by historical data, it was a local word. But the word apron was used only once in the text of 1675. Moreover, when describing the foreign dress of actors in the first Russian theater: “15 pairs of stockings of German rose-colored kindyak flowers, 10 rose aprons.” But already in the XVIII century. the word apron is gaining great popularity and crowding out the name zapon. Since 1626, a bib - a kitchen apron - has been noted in writing. This meaning of the word is preserved in the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod and Smolensk dialects to this day. All other names of aprons are of foreign origin. The apron has been mentioned in Russian texts since 1663, and has been known in Polish since 1498. Through Polish, this name came to us from the German language. Like all other names for aprons, an apron in the meaning of "veil" was occasionally used in Russian sources of the 16th century. The meaning of "apron" was noted initially in Western Russian texts. In Moscow, the word penetrates in the 80s of the XVII century. and is little used at first. Probably, the apron differed from the Russian zapon in its cut and was more often used in the clothes of foreigners. Since the 18th century the word apron is used everywhere, which indicates the spread of the subject itself. In Belozersk, since ancient times, fishermen had special leather aprons hamgla, hamla. The names are borrowed from Finnish. From the end of the 17th century in Voronezh places, the designation of the reserve apron, Polish in origin, was fixed. Reserves were also worn in Ukrainian and Belarusian villages. In clothing, aprons were of secondary importance, so historical information about them is scarce. Among Russians, the type of apron itself appears late: almost all the names known to us are recorded in writing from the 17th century.

8 V. Bank of ideas and suggestions Model 1. Apron with a bib made of linen fabric, rectangular shape with soft folds from the top cut, with a patch pocket. Finishing: ruffles, lace, appliqué. The model is recommended for receiving guests and serving to the table. Model2. Apron made of cotton multi-colored fabric, consists of a bib, expanding to the top, and the lower part of the apron of complex shape, with gathers from the top cut and a patch pocket. The lower part of the apron and the bib are trimmed with braid, which emphasizes their original shape. Finishing: lace, appliqué. The model is recommended for young housewives. Model3. Apron made of linen, plain fabric. It consists of the main part with patch pockets sewn on it. Finishing: appliqué, braid. The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons

9 Model4. Gift apron made of cotton fabric. Matryoshka silhouette, patch pockets at the bottom. Finishing: frill, braid, appliqué. The model is recommended for housework. Model 5. Apron in printed cotton fabric, consisting of bib and lower part with rounded edges. The bib and the lower part of the apron are connected by a stitched belt - a tie, the straps are attached to the bib. Trim: lace. The model is recommended for receiving guests and serving to the table. Model selection. Of all the models of the apron considered, I chose model 5, because I liked this apron more. And I liked it because it will be sewn from cotton fabric with a printed pattern, so after each wash it will look like new. The cuts of the lower part of the apron and bib are finished with lace, which means that you can set a festive table and meet guests in it. For the manufacture of an apron of this model, a minimum amount of fabric is required.

10 vi. Choice of fabric Aprons can be sewn from various fabrics: linen, silk, cotton. Linen fabrics have a smooth, shiny surface, are distinguished by high strength and low stretch. They easily absorb moisture, wash well. Their disadvantage is that they quickly wrinkle, but just as quickly and smoothed out. These fabrics are hard to the touch. Silk fabrics are soft and smooth to the touch, have a pleasant sheen, are hygroscopic and breathable, but they are highly stretched, crumbled, and have significant shrinkage. It is very difficult to sew from such fabrics without skills and experience. According to historians and archaeologists, cotton fabrics were produced in distant India as early as the 11th century BC. During the campaign of Alexander the Great, the Greeks were delighted with the art of the Hindus, who were able to obtain fabrics from "wool obtained from nuts" (as they called cotton). Until the end of the 13th century, only finished cotton products were imported into Europe. In 1772, the production of cotton fabric began in England. It was distinguished by its peculiar texture and color. The name "chintz" came to us in such a way that it is difficult to even immediately understand its source. The Bengali name for the colorful cotton fabric "chits" was changed by the Dutch to "sits", and in our country it began to be called chintz. Cotton fabrics have considerable strength and hygroscopicity, quickly get wet and dry. They are comfortable to wear, well tolerate washing and ironing. To make an apron, I chose cotton fabric, as it has considerable strength and hygroscopicity, it quickly gets wet and dries, it is comfortable to wear, it can be washed and ironed well

11VII. Modeling rules and color combinations Modeling is the process of modifying a pattern drawing in accordance with the selected model. When choosing fabric and separating, you must remember the following rules: If the apron is sewn from a colorful fabric, the trim should be made in one color, and it should match one of the colors of the fabric. The brighter and larger the pattern of the main fabric, the less finishing should be. Fabrics of bright colors are best combined with less bright or white, black, gray. Pale, colorless fabrics are good to enliven with a bright finish.

12 VIII. Choice of equipment, tools and fixtures 1. Sewing machine with manual drive. 2. Ironing board, iron, spray gun. 3. Cotton threads 50 - for machine work, 60 - for hand work. 4.Hand needle 3, pins, thimble. 5.Metric tape, chalk. 6. Textbook, workbook. Additional materials: pattern paper, fashion magazines

13IX. Manufacturing technology Designing is the construction of a drawing of a product pattern. Measurements serve as the initial data for constructing a drawing. Measurements are the main dimensions of a human figure obtained by measuring it. The measurements needed to build an apron drawing: St waist half circumference Sb hips half circumference Di product length Dn bib length Shn - bib width My measurements: C t \u003d 30 cm; C b = 34 cm; D n \u003d 18 cm; D lf = 36 cm. Construction of an apron pattern 1. We build () V 2. W = D n = 18 cm. 3. TT 1 = C b: = 34: 2 + 6 = 23 cm. 36 cm. 5. BB 1 = 7 cm; 6. TT 2 = 9 cm; 7. () B 1 and T 2 connect with a straight line;

14 8. TK = 7 cm; 9. QC 1 = 7 cm; 10. from () K 1 to the left and down, set aside 14 cm; 11. connect in. Belt Straps 12. Building () P; 15.Build () B; 13. PP 1 = 5 cm; 16. BB 1 = 5cm; 14. PP 2 \u003d C t + 25 \u003d 30 + 25 \u003d 55 cm. 17. BB 2 \u003d 50 cm. connect to connect to

15 X. Technological map Description of operations Graphic image Preparing fabric for cutting Equipment, tools, material Fabric, iron 2. Laying patterns on fabric and cutting Fabric, patterns, chalk, 3. Preparing cut details for processing Cutting details, threads, needle, 4 Processing the lower and side cuts with a hem seam with an open cut: - Process the sections of the apron on the overlog - Fold the sections of the apron by 1 cm and sweep. Cut details, threads, needle, Cut details, threads, sewing machine,

16 - Lay a line at a distance of 0.2 cm from the cut. - Sew on lace 5. Processing the straps with a seam: - Fold the strap detail in half, “face to face”, Sweep the strap along the longitudinal and one transverse cut at a distance of 0.9 cm from the cut. - Sew 1 cm from the cuts. Remove basting threads. - Cut the seam allowances in the corner obliquely, set 0.3 cm. - Turn the strap right side out, baste the seam. Iron. -Remove tassels. Iron the seams. Cutting details, threads, needle, sewing machine, lace, Cutting details, threads, needle, Cutting details, threads, sewing machine, Straps, Shoulder straps, peg, needle, iron Cutting details, threads, needle, sewing machine, iron

17 6. Processing of the bib: - Fold the two parts of the bib “face to face”, Sweep the side cuts along the marked lines. - Insert the processed straps between the details of the bib, sweep the upper cut of the bib along the marked lines. Cut details, threads, needle, Cut details, threads, needle, - Stitch the bib along the marked lines. Cut off the seam allowances in the corners by 0.3 cm. Remove the basting threads. - Turn the bib with straps on the front side with a peg, sweep the bib on three sides. - Baste and topstitch the lace - Iron the bib, Remove the basting threads. Cut details, threads, sewing machine Bib, lace, sewing machine, thread, needle, bib, iron

18 7. Processing the belt - Baste and stitch the two parts of the belt. Remove basting threads. Iron the seam allowances. - Fold the waist piece in half face to face. Sweep the ends of the belt to the control points, the distance between which is equal to the measure of Art. - Stitch the ends of the belt. Remove basting threads. Cut off the seam allowances at the corners at a distance of 0.2 cm from the stitching. - Turn the ends of the belt inside out and baste 0.2 from the seam. Iron the belt. 8. Connection of the belt and bib with the lower part of the apron - Sweep two folds symmetrically on the upper cut of the lower part of the apron. Iron the folds to the line of the middle of the bottom. - Baste the bib to the bottom of the apron by folding them with the wrong sides together, combining the middles. Details of the cut, threads, needle, sewing machine, iron Belt, threads, needle, Belt, sewing machine, Belt, threads, needle, peg, iron Lower part, threads , needle, bottom, bib, thread, needle,

19 details and equalizing cuts. - Baste the belt to the front side of the lower part of the apron, aligning the middle of the parts. Stitch from the side of the belt. Remove basting threads. - Bend the waistband and seam allowances up. Bend the second section of the belt inward and sweep, closing the stitching seam by 0.2 cm. - Sew the belt on the front side. Remove tucking threads and iron the belt. - Bend the bib up and sweep to the upper edge of the belt. Sew on the front side by 0.1-0.2 cm. Delete temporary stitches. Iron. bottom, bib, belt, thread, needle, sewing machine, apron, thread, needle, apron, thread, sewing machine, iron Apron, thread, needle, sewing machine, iron

20 9. Final processing of the apron - Carry out the wet thermal processing of the product. Apron, iron

21XI. Occupational safety Safety regulations for manual work. 1. Dangers at work: Injury to fingers with a needle or pin; hand injury with scissors; eye injury. 2. What needs to be done before starting work: Count the number of needles and pins in the needle bed; put tools and devices in the place provided for them. 3. What to do while working: Be attentive to work; put a thimble on the middle finger of the right hand so as not to prick it; stick needles and pins only into the needle bed; put on the right with closed blades directed away from you; pass only with closed blades and rings forward. 4. What needs to be done at the end of the work: Count the number of needles and pins in the needle bed. There should be as many of them as there were at the beginning of the work; remove the workplace. Safety regulations for the performance of machine work. 1. Hazards at work: Injury to the fingers from the needle; getting hair or clothing ends into rotating parts of the sewing machine; electric shock. 2. What you need to do before starting work: Button up the cuffs of the sleeves; check the health of the machine; check before connecting the parts if there is a hand needle or pin left in them. 3. What to do during operation: Install the bobbin case, thread the upper thread with the machine turned off; do not put other tools near the rotating parts of the machine; do not transfer the product or parts while the machine is on. 4. What to do at the end of work: Turn off the machine; remove the workplace. Safety precautions when performing wet-heat treatment of fabric. before starting work: 1. check the serviceability of the cord and plug, set the thermostat to the desired division; during operation: 1. turn on and off the iron with dry hands, hold the plug by the body; 2. put the iron on a stand, make sure that the cord does not touch the soleplate of the iron; 3. do not leave the included iron unattended;

22 after work: 1. put the iron aside on the stand and turn it off. Safety rules for working with a computer. During operation, the ray tube of the monitor (display) operates under high voltage. It is strictly forbidden to: 2. Touch the connectors of the connecting cables; 3. Touch power wires and grounding devices; 4. Touch the screen and the back of the monitor, keyboard; 5. Put foreign objects on the keyboard and monitor; 6. Work in a humid environment and with wet hands; 7. Wipe the computer with a damp cloth. Before starting work: 1. Make sure that there is no visible damage to the workplace; 2. Sit down so that the line of sight is in the center of the screen; 3. To use the keyboard without bending over and perceive the information transmitted on the monitor screen; 4. Observe the distance from the monitor to the eyes (60-70 cm); 5. Maintain a proper posture without slouching or stooping

23XII. Economic and environmental assessment Calculation of the cost of an apron Name of materials used Material consumption per product unit price (rub.) Cost of materials (rub.) 1. Cotton fabric 1 m Thread 1 spool Lace 5 m Total: 73.50 small - 73 rubles 50 kopecks, since I sewed the apron myself, and the money was spent only on materials. Sewing an apron is an almost waste-free production, because from the remnants of the fabric I can sew a napkin using the patchwork technique. Sewing an apron with your own hands is a profitable production! From an environmental point of view, the manufacturing process and the operation of my product will not entail changes in the environment, disturbances in human activity, since my apron is sewn from environmentally friendly materials, and I will not throw away the remnants of the fabric, but will sew a small napkin. The process of tailoring an apron is an environmentally friendly production!

24XIII. Conclusion It was not difficult for me to complete the project work - to sew an apron and write a project, since the knowledge that I received when sewing an apron in the classroom, the recommendations of a technology teacher and additional literature on this issue helped me in this. General view of the apron: apron with bib, lower part with rounded corners. The edges of the lower part of the apron and bib are finished with lace. I liked the finished apron. I believe that all the seams are done correctly and neatly. In the process of carrying out the project work, I completed the tasks set for myself: I studied what an apron is; found out when aprons appeared, and what they were like before; researched fabrics for sewing apron; described the process of making an apron, drawing up a flow chart, in which she made a sequence of manufacturing a product that was more convenient for me; sewed a neat and comfortable apron for receiving guests and culinary work. Now I also have an apron, and I can help my mother in the kitchen, because I am the future hostess! I liked sewing an apron because it is a very interesting activity. In the future, I really want to sew a more complex thing, but for this I will need to get the necessary skills and knowledge that I will acquire at school in technology lessons. I believe that my project will help many girls learn how to sew aprons too.

25 XIV. Brochure "Cinderella" - a studio for tailoring beautiful, comfortable and inexpensive aprons for receiving guests, culinary and other work. In our studio you can order any model. You will be pleasantly surprised by the excellent quality of tailoring and high culture of service. By our trademark you will always recognize our products. The table shows the calculation of the cost of the apron. XV. Literature 1 Illustrated explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. / V.I.Dal. M.: Eksmo, p.: ill. 2 Makhmutova Kh.I. We design, we model, we sew. Book for students. M .: Education, Technology: a textbook for students of grade 5. secondary school./ Ed. V.D. Simonenko.- M.: "Ventana-Count", 1998 - 256p. 4. Chernyakova V.N. Fabric processing technology: Proc. for 5 cells. general education institutions. - M .: Education, 1997 - 160s. Postal address of the author of the project: Tomsk region Chainsky district Kolominsky Grivy village Lenin street,

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Minchenko Anastasia Sergeevna

Development of an apron on the belt.



MBOU "Mishkovskaya secondary school"

By technology

On the topic of:

" Apron"

Completed by a 5th grade student

Minchenko A.S.

Checked by technology teacher:

Minchenko N.I.


Objective of the project

  1. Assess your capabilities in project activities.
  2. Develop and execute a project.
  3. Make an apron according to the project.
  4. Evaluate the work done.

Project Sequence

  1. Explain the problem and need.
  2. Select model. Describe her appearance.
  3. Choose fabric.
  4. Determine the necessary tools, fixtures and equipment.
  5. Perform product design and modeling.
  6. Carry out cutting of the product.
  7. Draw up a technological sequence for the manufacture of a product and manufacture it.
  8. Evaluate the work done.
  9. Protect the project.


At school, in a technology lesson, I have to sew an apron. I chose an apron made of cotton printed fabric with a pattern on a red background. Two pockets and the lower section of the apron are trimmed with red lace to match the apron.

Asterisk of deliberation

Figure measurement

Materials and tools: centimeter tape, textbook, workbook.

Work performance technology

  1. Choose an apron model (one is on the belt, the other is with a bib).
  2. Sketch the selected model of the apron in the workbook.
  3. Fill in the table in the workbook, writing down those measurements that will be useful to me when building the apron design.









Length of the product


Half waist



Semi circumference of the hips


Equipment selection,

Tools and fixtures

  1. Sewing machine.
  2. Ironing board, iron.
  3. Cotton threads40 - for sewing and manual work.
  4. Hand needle No. 3, pins, scissors, thimble.
  5. Measuring tape, ruler, crayon.
  6. Textbook, workbook.

Additional materials:paper for making patterns.

Work performance technology

Building an apron drawing on a belt

Name of segments



1. Determination of the waistline

Draw a right angle from point T

2. Definition of the bottom line

DI = 40 cm

From the point T down, set aside the value of the measurement Di and put the point H

3. Determining the width of the apron

Sat: 2 + 6 = 28 cm

From points T and H

live left received- and put points T1 and

H1. Connect the dots with a straight line. Build a square.

4.Pocket location


Set aside 6 cm from the T point down and put a K point. Set aside 14 cm from the K point down and put a K point 1 . From points K and K 1 set aside 10 cm to the left, draw straight lines and put points K 2 and K 3 .

Connect the dots with a line.

5. Determining the width of the belt

9 cm

From point P, set aside the width of the belt 9 cm. Put a point P 1 .

6. Determining the length of the belt

St * 2 + 20 = 33 * 2 + 20 = 86cm

From point P 1 set aside the length of the belt 86 cm to build a rectangle.

Model selection

Model description

I chose an apron made of cotton printed fabric with a pattern on a red background. Two pockets and the lower section of the apron are trimmed with red lace to match the apron.


I chose model number 4

Apron design

Materials, tools and fixtures:ruler, square, pencil, eraser, centimeter tape, pattern paper, textbook, workbook.

P P 1

T 1 T

KK K 2 K

K 3 K 1

H 1 H 2

P 2 P 3

Manufacturing technology

Apron on the belt

Preparing fabric for cutting

  1. Identify fabric defects with the help of a teacher.
  2. Determine the front and back sides of the fabric.
  3. Determine the direction of the lobar thread in the fabric.
  4. Iron the fabric.

« 2

Details of the cut of the apron on the belt:

1 - the lower part of the apron, one piece with a fold;

2 - belt, two parts;

The direction of the share thread.

Technological sequence of manufacturing an apron on a belt

1. I will prepare the details of the cut for sweeping.

2. I'll work on the patch pocket.

3 . I will connect the pocket with the main part of the apron.

4 . I will process the bottom and side sections of the apron.

5 . I will process the upper cut of the apron (assembly).

6. I'll work on the belt.

7 . I will process the upper cut of the apron with a stitched belt.


  1. Safety precautions at the labor lesson when working with hand tools
  • Scissors, needles and an awl must be stored in specially designed places and taken out only for use for their intended purpose;
  • Before work, it is necessary to check the absence of rusty needles and pins. It is forbidden to use them for tasks, as they do not pierce the fabric well and can break and injure the hand;
  • Used tools must be put back, do not leave open scissors. If they need to be transferred to someone, then they must be closed and directed with a handle to the recipient;
  • It is forbidden to hold the scissors with their sharp parts up, and also to use them if there is a weakened central fastening;
  • When using scissors, insert your thumb and middle finger into the rings, hold them from the underside with your index finger. The narrow blade should be at the bottom, and the point should be directed away from you. You can not cut on the go;
  • It is necessary to sew the fabric using a thimble;
  • To fasten the fabric, it is necessary to stick pins into it only with sharp ends away from you;
  • You can not bite the threads with your teeth or tear them, as well as stick loose pins into clothes or any objects not intended for this, you must use special pads;
  • When working with knitting needles, you need to keep them no closer than 35 centimeters from the eyes. Do not use bent and rusty knitting needles;
  • Broken needles and pins must be handed over to the teacher of labor.
  1. Safety rules at the labor lesson when working with a sewing machine
  • Tuck long hair under a cap or scarf, and fasten the cuffs of the sleeves;
  • It is necessary to make sure that the sewing machine is working, that there are no visible damages and that the ground is intact. Check the strength of the fastenings of the needle and foot, as well as the presence of a dielectric mat under your feet;
  • Before sewing, remove all foreign objects from the sewing machine platform;
  • Before grinding the product, make sure that there are no needles or pins left in it;
  • When sewing, do not lean close over the sewing machine, keep your posture correct, and do not keep your fingers dangerously close to the working needle. Stitch dense places using reduced speed;
  • At the end of the job, unplug the sewing machine from the power source.
  • When working with a sewing machine equipped with a manual drive, items relating to the power supply of the equipment are extracted from the safety instructions.
  1. Instructions for observing safety rules at a labor lesson when working with an electric iron
  • Tuck long hair under a cap or scarf;
  • Make sure that the cord and plug are in good condition, that there is a ground and a dielectric mat under your feet, as well as a heat-resistant stand under the iron.
  • Before starting work, if it is provided in the class, it is necessary to turn on the exhaust ventilation;
  • It is necessary to touch the electric cord, switch and twisted only with dry hands;
  • It is necessary to correctly select the thermal mode of ironing on the iron;
  • Do not leave a hot iron unattended and make sure that its sole does not touch wires and foreign objects;
  • When ironing, stand with your feet on a dielectric mat. Do not touch the hot surfaces of the iron with your hand and do not moisten the ironed fabric with plenty of water;
  • At the end of the task at the labor lesson, you must turn off the iron from the power supply and install it on a heat-resistant stand.
  • Each student is required to follow the safety rules in the labor lesson in order to avoid injury and fire. The teacher must monitor compliance with safety regulations at the labor lesson and promptly eliminate possible risks.

Calculation of the cost of an apron

red lace

Cotton red thread

10 (1 skein)

The cost of an apron is 30.4 rubles.

So that clothes do not get dirty,
And thinner to wash
I advise you in the kitchen
Wear an apron on top.
Keeps a neat look
Saves a lot of energy
Represents you as a hostess.
Just an apron. Really cute?

The firm "Clothes for Home" has released a NEW apron model!

Evaluation of the work done

To evaluate the work done, I answered the following questions for myself.

  1. How difficult was it for me to work, what hindered my work and what helped?
  2. Is the work done qualitatively, that is, is the apron processed correctly (are the machine stitches turned out straight and even along the entire length; are all temporary stitches removed; is the width of the pocket and belt the same along the entire length; is the product ironed well)?
  3. Did I enjoy doing a creative project and why?
  4. Do I want to design and sew a more complex product?

Project Protection

I will repeat all of the above at the defense of the project, I will present a creative project, pattern drawings and the finished product. The teacher and a jury of classmates will ask me questions about the design of the project and the manufacture of the apron, express their opinion on the appearance and quality of the product.


  • The purpose of the project………………………………………………………………………………….3
  • Rationale…………………………………………………………………………………….4
  • Asterisk of deliberation………………………………………………………………….4
  • Figure measurement…………………………………………………………………………..5
  • Selection of equipment, tools and fixtures………….5
  • Construction of an apron drawing on a belt………………………………………..6
  • Model selection………………………………………………………………………………….7
  • Modeling……………………………………………………………………………….8
  • Designing an apron……………………………………………………………….9
  • Manufacturing technology of an apron on a belt…………………………………..10
  • Occupational safety………………………………………………………………………….11-12
  • Calculation of the cost of an apron……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  • Brochure……………………………………………………………………….14
  • Evaluation of the work done………………………………………………………..15
  • Project Protection……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The sequence of the project: Justify the problem and need. Justify the problem and need. Choose a model. Write a description of the appearance of the model. Select the model. Write a description of the appearance of the model. Choose a fabric. Choose a fabric. Select the necessary tools, fixtures and equipment. Select the necessary tools, fixtures and equipment. Perform product design and simulation.Perform product design and simulation. Carry out the cutting of the product. Carry out the cutting of the product. Compose a technological sequence for manufacturing a product. Compose a technological sequence for manufacturing a product. Calculate the cost of the product. Calculate the cost of the product. Rate the work done. Rate the work done. Protect the project. Protect the project.

Model 4. Linen apron with one-piece bib and pockets in embossed seams. Appliqués are available as trim on the pockets and bib. The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons

Model 5. Printed cotton apron with soft pleats at the top, insert pockets in trim fabric. The upper section is processed with a stitched belt, the lower seam is folded with a closed section. The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons

Model selection. From the models of aprons I drew, I chose model 5. This apron has roomy pockets, it will be convenient to work in it during practical classes in technology. For the manufacture of an apron of this model, a minimum amount of fabric is required. Select a model. From the models of aprons I drew, I chose model 5. This apron has roomy pockets, it will be convenient to work in it during practical classes in technology. For the manufacture of an apron of this model, a minimum amount of fabric is required. Choice of fabric. To make an apron, I chose chintz cotton fabric: as the main one with a printed pattern, as a finishing one-colored. Choice of fabric. To make an apron, I chose chintz cotton fabric: as the main one with a printed pattern, as a finishing one-colored.