Disadvantages of fluorescent lamps presentation. Fluorescent lamps

Almost every one of us in choosing lighting for any purpose faced the difficulty of choosing one or another lighting device.

Now on the market in this area there are a great many options, each of which has its own positive qualities and, of course, some disadvantages.

However, there are also those production products that have been recognized by the consumer segment for a long time.

These products include fluorescent lamps, which are widely used almost everywhere. Their performance characteristics are noted at the highest level, and the shortcomings can be considered not too significant.

In a word, for the installation of a lighting system, this is a fairly optimal option, which is also distinguished by its economy.

A fluorescent lamp is a fairly common phenomenon in our life.

Surely each of us visited some public institutions and noticed the specifics of lighting in these buildings. However, few people know what exactly this product is.

Fluorescent lamps related to gas chargers, basing its work on the impact from the physical side of the electric discharge in gases.

Such a device contains mercury, which provides ultraviolet radiation, which is converted into light in the lamp itself.

This process occurs with the help of a very important element - a phosphor.

The phosphor can be a mixture of any chemical elements, for example, calcium halophosphate with something. Choosing a phosphor of any type, you can achieve the most interesting effects, for example, changing the color scheme of the lamp light.

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to one of the most important indicators - the overall color rendering index. It is denoted by a combination of the letters Ra, and the larger the value indicated in the accompanying documentation for the lamp, the better it will do its job.

Thanks to this lighting system the fluorescent lamp has become a clear leader in front of the same incandescent lamps.

And if you consider that its performance characteristics provide a much longer period of use, then you should not think about the correct choice in favor of a fluorescent lamp.

Advantages and disadvantages of fluorescent lamps

Like everything around us, fluorescent lamps have their pros and cons. Fortunately, the second is much less.

As mentioned earlier, fluorescent lamps are the clear leader among lighting products. The superiority over incandescent lamps is not difficult to notice even for the most inexperienced person in electrics.


The advantages of this element include the following:

  • it produces light output to a much greater extent, and the quality of light is somewhat higher than that of other lighting elements;
  • long service life, ensuring no interruptions in the work with lamps;
  • The efficiency of such a product is much higher;
  • Scattered light, which is less harmful to the condition of the retina, which means that when using this lamp, you can significantly reduce the risk of vision problems;
  • wide range in terms of color solutions of light.


Of course, the negative qualities of fluorescent lamps also have a place to be. This list includes the following items:

  • The mercury content of such products poses some chemical hazard and requires special disposal;
  • The tape spectrum is not evenly distributed, and this may cause some inconvenience in terms of the perception of the real color of objects that are illuminated by a fluorescent lamp; however, some reservation should be made here: there are specimens that represent an almost complete continuous spectrum, but the degree of light output in this case decreases;
  • The phosphor contained in these lamps, over time, does its job with less efficiency, this reduces the efficiency of the lamp and reduces the degree of light output;
  • In installing a fluorescent lamp, you must definitely buy an additional one, which will either cost the consumer a rather large amount, but will differ in optimal performance, or it will be somewhat cheaper in price, but it will provide a high noise level and unreliable operation;
  • Low power rating, therefore, this option is not very suitable for the mains. There are also less significant disadvantages, however, their influence does not play a very significant role in the use of fluorescent lamps.

Naturally, progress in the production of products such as fluorescent lamps does not stand still, and if earlier similar specimens with similar technical characteristics were used, today the consumer can choose the option that will be the most optimal and effective for him.

There are many signs by which these lamps can be classified, but nevertheless, the most basic of, nevertheless, will be a sign of pressure indicators.

At the moment, gas-charging mercury specimens of high and low pressure are on the market.

High pressure lamps have found their application mainly in outdoor lighting. Since such products have high power, inside the building their light will be quite unpleasant for the perception of his eye.

Also, high pressure lamps are great for assembling any lighting installations.

Low pressure lamps have a relatively lower power, which means they are suitable for use inside buildings.

The purpose of the premises can be absolutely anything: fluorescent lamps of this indicator are suitable for workshop and industrial buildings, and for residential premises.

In addition to the separation of lamps according to the principle of pressure, there is also classification according to the diameter of the tube or bulb of the lamp, as well as according to the ignition scheme.

For example, you can take the products of the most famous manufacturers, for example, Osram and Philips. If you look closely at the data on the package, you can see the letter and number next to it. This is the product type marking.

So, fluorescent lamps are classified into:

  • T5 - lamps with such an indicator are a rather rare phenomenon that has not found recognition among the consumer segment. Their cost is quite high, but the degree of light output shows excellent results - up to 110 lm / watt. It is worth noting that now manufacturers have significantly increased the production of fluorescent lamps with this indicator.
  • T8 is a new product that has a rather high price and is designed for a load of not more than 0.260 A.
  • T10 is an analogue of the T12 marking lamps, which is characterized by a rather low quality and level of efficiency.
  • T12 - market leader in fluorescent lamps. Includes a wide variety of subtypes, what to say, almost all standard models belong to this group. They include representatives of almost all manufacturers of fluorescent lamps.

The principle of classification mentioned above according to the ignition scheme has two types: requiring a starter and not requiring it.

Power is also a fairly significant characteristic of fluorescent lamps, respectively, this has also become a factor for highlighting a separate classification.

By indicators lamp power is divided into:

  • Standard - marked T12;
  • HO - high power lamps, however, have a relatively lower light output;
  • VHO - lamps capable of withstanding loads up to 1.5 A;
  • "Economy" - options for fluorescent lamps.

Among the criteria, by which you can distribute the lamps into groups, refer to the length.

This differentiation presents a great variety of options. As a rule, manufacturers must indicate this data in the instructions or on the packaging.

Classification by starter use

It is worth noting the fact that fluorescent lamps can be divided into types and according to the type of their connection.

However, in this case, it is rather difficult to single out any exact categories, since each type, distinguished, for example, by power or the need for the presence of a starter, requires compliance with its own nuances.

Where are fluorescent lamps used?

As mentioned earlier, fluorescent lamps are quite widely used almost everywhere.

Despite some negative aspects of the use of this product, its advantages are still quite difficult to overestimate.

Each of us went to school, visited health care facilities, administrative buildings, and so on.

So the lighting system in these rooms is just based on the use of fluorescent lamps.

As a rule, this tubes that are quite large in size, providing high-quality lighting in buildings with some architectural features.

But if public buildings differ in their dimensions, for example, high ceilings, large halls and rooms where lighting is required quite powerful and constant, then at home fluorescent lamps that will be optimally used there will not work.

Fortunately, the level of production skills has increased significantly, which means that fluorescent lamps adapted to home conditions have appeared.

They are much smaller in size, incorporate electronic ballasts that can be connected to cartridges used in home electronics.

And despite the freshness of this innovation, adapted lamps are already firmly conquering this market segment.

By the way, there is a rather interesting fact. already familiar to us Plasma TVs have fluorescent lamps in their mechanism!

Of course, this is also an option adapted in accordance with the specifics of the application, but, nevertheless, the principle of its operation lies in the same phenomenon. Liquid crystal screens, by the way, were previously made only with the use of fluorescent lamps, but later they were replaced by LEDs.

Although at the moment screens also compete with fluorescent lamps in the field of illuminated advertising.

Also, fluorescent lamps are widely used in the field of crop production for cultivation.

Generally speaking, highlighting the main idea of ​​​​using a fluorescent lamp, we can conclude: it makes sense to use them in cases where it is required to supply light to a room of large dimensional indicators.

Collaboration with digital lighting interface systems with the possibility of addressing allows you to provide high light output, and, at the same time, do not spend large sums on electricity bills, because compared to incandescent lamps fluorescent lamps can reduce energy consumption by more than half! Thus, being energy-saving.

In addition, lamps reduce costs and the duration of their use.


So, in this article, we reviewed the most basic information about such a blessing of modern technology as fluorescent lamps.

To carry out work on connecting this device, it is required to have not only a clear understanding of the basics of electronics and electrical engineering, but also be extremely careful when choosing one or another type of product.

Compliance with these minimum, but very important requirements, will ensure you completely trouble-free operation of the lamps and maximum utility from their use.

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It is a light source based on phosphors (they are responsible for the "transformation" of ultraviolet into visible light). As a rule, lamps of this type are used to create general lighting in the room.

Varieties of fluorescent lamps

Modern fluorescent lamps are produced in a wide variety of modifications, different sizes and socles. The main types of such lamps are the following:
- linear (or tubular);
- ring;
- U-shaped.

In addition, such lamps are divided into samples of high (for street lighting) and low pressure (for apartments or industrial facilities). Also, there is a classification of fluorescent light bulbs according to the "shade" of light that they emit:
- white light (LB marking) - cold (LHB) or warm (LTB);
- natural (LE);
- daytime (LD).

Advantages and disadvantages of fluorescent lamps

Luminescent "sources" of light have a lot of advantages, including:
- high reliability;
- excellent light output;
- long period of operation (about 5 years);
- sufficiently high efficiency;
- many areas of application;
- profitability;
- compact dimensions;
- there is no strong heating of the surface;
- a different spectrum of radiation (from cold light to close to daylight).

In addition to the undoubted advantages of using fluorescent lamps, there are also disadvantages characteristic of this method of lighting.

First, the need for special disposal. This is due to the fact that luminescent models contain a certain amount of mercury (about 3 mg). When used correctly, lamps do not pose any harm to human health.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the fact that fluorescent lamps emit ultraviolet radiation. But its content is so insignificant that it is not capable of negatively affecting the human body.

Also, the flickering of such light sources is often irritating to the eyes and can even distort shapes and colors (especially for visually impaired people).

Fields of application of fluorescent lamps

Lamps of this type are used for general lighting of various institutions. These are office premises and shops, medical centers and hospitals, production facilities and residential buildings. In addition, apply fluorescent lamps and for advertising purposes (including street advertising).

They are the second most popular light sources, second only to incandescent lamps. Such devices use mercury, which, when heated in vapor, creates an electrical discharge that generates ultraviolet radiation. Then a special substance (phosphor) absorbs this radiation, emitting light in the spectrum familiar to the human eye. The length and cross-section of the tube of a fluorescent lamp determine the operating voltage and ignition voltage, as well as the current. The thicker the product, the lower the resistance and, accordingly, the greater the power.

Today, fluorescent lamps are widely used in lighting commercial facilities, public buildings, shopping and office centers, film studios. They are no less popular for domestic use.

Positive aspects of fluorescent lamps

Among the key advantages of fluorescent lamps are:

  1. Profitability. Since the efficiency of these light sources is much higher than that of incandescent lamps, their energy consumption is lower (about 5 times). In terms of savings, only LEDs can compete with fluorescent lamps, but they have their own specifics.
  2. High luminous efficiency, which allows you to illuminate large areas.
  3. Long service life. The resource of operation of lighting sources operating with the use of a phosphor is several tens of thousands of hours, provided there are no frequent on-off switches. Unlike incandescent lamps, they do not fail as a result of the filament burning out.
  4. Minimum heating, which allows the use of fluorescent lamps for luminaires with a limited level of maximum allowable temperature.
  5. A large surface area, due to which the light in the room is distributed much more evenly.

The operational advantages of fluorescent lamps are accompanied by aesthetic advantages - a variety of lighting shades allows you to choose a solution for any interior. The same applies to the level of illumination, which can be very easily changed by replacing light sources with more powerful ones.

Disadvantages of fluorescent lamps

There are also certain disadvantages. The main one is the content of mercury, so there are increased requirements for their disposal. The line (non-natural) light spectrum of cheap fluorescent lamps with a multicomponent phosphor should also be noted. In addition, degradation of the substance is inevitable during long-term operation - it is manifested by a decrease in heat transfer and “spectral drift” (flickering, from which the eyes get tired). If the electrodes burn out, the entire lamp fails. To avoid negative aspects, it is recommended to buy only high-quality and certified products from trusted suppliers.

The right choice of fluorescent lamps will also be important. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the luminaire and the type of base, but also the color temperature of the generated light. Color, of course, should be selected for the interior.

Thus, fluorescent lamps will be an excellent source of lighting for large rooms, where the most pronounced economic effect will be observed. In addition, due to the long service life, they are ideal for installation in hard-to-reach places (they will very rarely have to be changed).

By choosing a high-quality fluorescent lamp, you will provide yourself with a reliable and durable light source that will literally please the eye!

Low-pressure gas-discharge lamps are called fluorescent. They produce ultraviolet radiation (absolutely invisible to the human eye) as a result of a gas discharge, which is converted into visible light by a phosphor coating. Fluorescent Lamp is a cylindrical tube with electrodes, where mercury vapor is pumped. When exposed to an electrical discharge, mercury vapor begins to emit ultraviolet rays, causing the phosphor deposited on the tube walls to emit visible light.

A fluorescent lamp can provide uniform soft light, which is rather difficult to control due to the large radiation surface. Fluorescent lamps can be linear, annular, U-shaped, as well as compact in shape. The diameter of the lamp tube is usually given in eighths of an inch (for example, T5 = 5/8"" = 15.87 millimeters). But in the catalog of lamps, the diameter is most often indicated in millimeters - for example, 16 millimeters for T5 lamps. Most of the fluorescent lamps meet the international standard.

To date, the industry produces more than 100 different sizes of lamps of this type for general use. The most common are lamps with a power of 15, 20, 30 W for a voltage of 127 V, as well as 40, 80 and 125 W for a voltage of 220 V. The average lamp life is about 10 thousand hours.

And also their physical characteristics directly depend on the level of ambient temperature, which is determined by the temperature regime of the pressure of mercury vapor in the lamp. If the temperature of the wall of the bulb is about +40 C, then the lamp reaches the highest light output.

The main advantages of fluorescent lamps are such as very high luminous efficacy, which can reach 75 lm / W, long service life, with standard lamps reaching up to 10 thousand hours. Many consumers choose this type of lamp because of the ability to have light sources of different spectral composition with the best color rendering. In some cases, the advantage is the relatively low brightness, which does not blind the eyes much.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the limited unit power of the lamp with large dimensions for such power, the relative complexity of connection, and the inability to power the lamp with direct current. The fluorescent lamp and its characteristics are quite dependent on the level of ambient temperature. So, for an ordinary fluorescent lamp, the most optimal ambient temperature is the range from +18 to +25 C. If there is a temperature deviation from the specified indicator, the optimal luminous flux, the luminous efficiency of the lamp is significantly reduced. Moreover, when the temperature in the room is below +10 C, the lighting of the lamp is not guaranteed at all. Therefore, fluorescent lamps are used only where their operation is justified and involves obtaining an effect that cannot be created using other types of lamps.

When marking a fluorescent lamp, the following characteristics are used: L - fluorescent, D - daylight, B - white, TB - warm white, HB - cold white light, A - amalgam, C - improved color rendering.

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In November 2009, the president signed the federal law (N 261-FZ) on energy conservation and energy efficiency. This law, in particular, introduces restrictions on the circulation of incandescent lamps, establishes requirements for labeling goods with regard to their energy efficiency. According to the document, it is planned to stop the production and sale in the Russian Federation of incandescent lamps with a power of 100 watts or more from 2011, from 2013 - with a power of 75 watts or more, and from 2014 - with a power of 25 watts. At the same time, the government is invited to adopt rules for the disposal of used energy-saving lamps.

Thus, whether we like it or not, we will soon have to switch to energy-saving lamps. The new is always scary and distrustful. But is it really that scary? Let's try to figure it out!

(Slide 1) Fluorescent lamps use in their work the principle of electric discharge in a gas-filled environment, like other gas-discharge lamps.

Back in 1856, Heinrich Geissler first conducted an electric current through a gas, breaking through it with the help of a solenoid included in the circuit. The process was accompanied by a blue glow from a glass tube filled with gas. Even then, a standard scheme for switching on a gas-discharge lamp was implemented - to obtain a voltage surge that breaks through the gas and excites the discharge, the prototype of a modern electromagnetic ballast was used - the inductive resistance of the solenoid.

Fluorescent lamps differ from ordinary gas-discharge lamps in that the light source in them is not the discharge itself, but the secondary radiation created by a special bulb coating - a phosphor. This substance emits visible light under the influence of ultraviolet radiation - radiation invisible to the eye. By changing the composition of the phosphor, you can change the shade of the resulting light. The phenomenon of luminescence has been known to man for a long time, since the eighteenth century. However, practical interest in it began to arise only from the end of the nineteenth century.

(Slide 3) It was not without the tireless and versatile inventor Thomas Edison, who, after issuing a "start in life" to an incandescent lamp, became interested in other principles of light emission and in 1893 presented an electric fluorescent lamp at the Chicago World's Fair.

In 1894 M.F. Moore created a lamp that used nitrogen and carbon dioxide to emit pink-white light. This lamp was a moderate success.

(Slide 4) In 1901, Peter Cooper Hewitt demonstrated a mercury lamp that emitted blue-green light and was thus unusable for practical purposes.

Unlike incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps were not widely used then - they were difficult to manufacture, expensive, bulky, gave uneven and not very pleasantly colored light. Gas-discharge lamps were the first to make their way, in which metal vapors (mercury and sodium) were added to the gases filling the flask (nitrogen and carbon dioxide) to produce visible light.

Fluorescent lamps have been used in practice only since 1926, when the development of chemical technologies made it possible to create a fluorescent powder that, when absorbing energy, emits even light with a spectrum close to daylight.

(Slide 5) Therefore, Edmund Germer, who developed the first such lamp for mass production, is considered the inventor of the fluorescent lamp.

In a gas-discharge lamp, he increased the pressure of gases, and covered the walls of the flask with powder from the inside. Germer's patent was acquired by the famous General Electric, and by 1938, under the leadership of George E. Inman, brought fluorescent lamps to wide commercial use. Owners of commercial firms and industrial enterprises considered it necessary to buy fluorescent lamps, since the lighting in the workplaces of clerks or machine operators turned out to be more natural and less tiring to the eyes.

So fluorescent lamps began their victorious march through public spaces. It turned out that fluorescent lamps are significantly more economical than incandescent lamps - they require several times less electricity to create the same illumination. And a longer service life many times pays for their relative high cost.

Connection features.

From the point of view of electrical engineering, a fluorescent lamp is a device with negative resistance (the more current passes through it, the more its resistance drops). Therefore, when directly connected to the electrical network, the lamp will fail very quickly due to the huge current passing through it. To prevent this, the lamps are connected through a special device (ballast).
(Slide 6) In the simplest case, this can be an ordinary resistor, but a significant amount of energy is lost in such a ballast. To avoid these losses, when supplying lamps from an AC mains, a reactance (capacitor or inductor) can be used as a ballast.
Currently, the most widespread are two types of ballasts - electromagnetic and electronic.

electromagnetic ballast.

(Slide 7) An electromagnetic ballast is an inductive reactance (choke) connected in series with a lamp. To start a lamp with this type of ballast, a starter is also required. The advantages of this type of ballast are its simplicity and low cost. Disadvantages - relatively long start-up (usually 1-3 sec, time increases as the lamp wears out), higher energy consumption compared to electronic ballast. The throttle may also emit a low frequency hum. At the enterprise, you somehow don’t pay much attention to the quiet hum that fluorescent lamps accompany their work. There is enough noise without it. But at home, in peace and quiet, the unpleasant hum of the core of the electromagnetic ballast can drive you crazy. At the same time, “with age”, fluorescent lamps begin to buzz more strongly, and their glow may cease to be uniform - when burned out, the phosphor loses its afterglow properties, and the lamp begins to “pulsate”. AC frequency irritates the human eye.

In addition to the above disadvantages, one more can be noted. When observing an object rotating or oscillating at a frequency equal to or a multiple of the flicker frequency of fluorescent lamps with electromagnetic ballast, such objects will appear to be stationary due to the strobing effect. For example, this effect can affect the spindle of a lathe or drill, a circular saw, a stirrer of a kitchen mixer, a knife block of a vibrating electric razor, etc.
In order to avoid injury at work, it is forbidden to use fluorescent lamps to illuminate the moving parts of machines and mechanisms without additional illumination with incandescent lamps.

So not everyone wanted to buy fluorescent lamps for the home until the mid-80s of the twentieth century. What has changed? Progress does not stand still. The development of electronics has made it possible to create electronic ballasts.

Electronic ballast.

(Slide 8) An electronic ballast is an electronic circuit that converts the mains voltage into high-frequency (20-60 kHz) alternating current, which feeds the lamp. The advantages of such a ballast are the absence of flicker and hum, more compact dimensions and lighter weight compared to electromagnetic ballast. When using an electronic ballast, it is possible to achieve an instant start of the lamp (cold start), however, this mode adversely affects the lamp life, therefore, a scheme with preliminary heating of the electrodes for 0.5-1 sec (soft start) is also used. The lamp will take a long time to light up, but this mode will extend the life of the lamp.

The miniaturization of electronic components has led to the fact that the electronic ballast began to fit into the volume of a matchbox. (Slide 9) In addition, as a result of the creation of highly stable narrow-band phosphors, it became possible to develop compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) for use in the home (for residential lighting).

It was possible to significantly reduce the diameter of the discharge tube. With regard to reducing the dimensions of the lamps in length, this problem was solved by dividing the tubes into several shorter sections arranged in parallel and interconnected either by curved sections of the tube or by welded glass pipes.

(Slide 10) Energy-saving lamps (ESL) are a type of low-pressure discharge lamps, namely compact fluorescent lamps. But energy-saving lamps have a significant difference from traditional CFLs, this is a built-in ballast.
Energy-saving lamps consist of several main parts.

plinth an energy-saving lamp can be made of metallized plastic, but most often it is made of copper and its alloys.

Flask.(Slide 11) The bulb of an energy-saving lamp is a tube sealed on both sides, filled with mercury and argon vapor. From the inside, the surface of the tube is covered with a layer of phosphor. Electrodes are located at two opposite ends of the tube.
The electrodes of an energy-saving lamp are a triple helix coated with an oxide layer. It is this layer that gives the electrodes their properties to create an electron flow (thermoelectrode emission).
Most often, three-band phosphors are used in energy-saving lamps - this creates an optimal ratio of good color rendering and good light output.

How does a flask work? When voltage is applied to the electrodes, a heating current begins to flow through them. This current heats up the electrodes before the onset of thermoelectrode emission. When a certain surface temperature is reached, the electrode begins to emit a stream of electrons. In this case, the electrode that emits electrons is called the cathode, and the electrode that receives the anode. Electrons colliding with mercury atoms cause ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation), which, falling on the phosphor, is converted into visible light. The process of collision of a stream of electrons with mercury atoms is called impact ionization. Electrons, colliding with mercury atoms, knock out the outermost electron from their orbit, turning the mercury molecule into a heavy ion. If the electrons move against the electric field, the vector of which is directed from the anode to the cathode, the ions move in the direction of the electric field vector. That. as soon as the electrode has switched to the cathode mode, heavy mercury ions begin to bombard it, destroying the oxide layer. Particles of the oxide layer react with the gas the flask is filled with, burn out, and settle on the flask near the electrode. That is why you cannot use a constant voltage to power the CFL, because. one electrode will always be the anode, and the other the cathode, which means that the latter will be destroyed twice as fast. The oxide layer significantly reduces the resistance of the electrode, which means that when it is destroyed, the resistance of the electrode increases. Visually, the final stage of the electrode destruction process looks like this. The energy-saving lamp starts up with a very noticeable flicker. The luminous flux is noticeably increased. Within a short time, the energy-saving lamp fails.
In principle, in the process of work in the flask there is a rather intense, chaotic movement of electrons and ions. Therefore, the phosphor layer is also subject to destruction and over time, the luminous flux of the lamp decreases. It is worth noting that mercury vapor is used in the flask, and mercury is a very toxic substance. But on the other hand, the flask contains very little mercury (no more than 3 mg, which is hundreds of times less than in a household thermometer).
The gas inside the bulb is under very low pressure, and a slight change in ambient temperature leads to a change in pressure inside the bulb and, as a result, to a decrease in the luminous flux. To reduce the degree of influence of ambient temperature, some manufacturers use amalgam instead of mercury (compound of mercury with metal), it makes the luminous flux more stable.

Ballast.(Slide 12) A ballast or ballast is a lighting product that is used to power gas-discharge lamps from an electrical network, providing the necessary modes of ignition, heating and operation of gas-discharge lamps. As mentioned above, modern energy-saving lamps use an electronic ballast.
The main functional elements of the ballast:
- fuse;
– rectifier;
– anti-jamming filter;
– RF generator;
- starting circuit;
– RTS;
– capacitive power supply filter.

The ballast is a fairly simple electronic device built on active elements.
The main element of the electronic ballast is an RF generator, or rather a blocking generator with transformer positive feedback. The main element of the generator are two transistors that perform the function of RF switches. The correct choice of transistors determines the reliability and service life of the generator. The main purpose of the generator is the conversion of direct voltage into alternating voltage 320V 50KHz (voltage and frequency values ​​​​depend on the manufacturer, lamp power and ballast design). This voltage reduces the wear of the electrodes and eliminates the pulsation of the light flux (stroboscopic effect).
DC voltage is supplied to the input of the generator from a full-wave rectifier, implemented on 4 diodes. After the rectifier, the DC voltage shape is far from ideal and has significant ripples. To reduce these ripples, a capacitive filter in the form of an electrolyte is used. Since the generator generates RF voltage (50 kHz), it is necessary to exclude the possibility of RF interference entering the supply network. For this, a noise filter is used. It consists of an inductor and a capacitor.
The voltage from the RF generator, through the starting circuit (PC) is supplied to the electrode terminals.
The PC is needed to generate the high voltage to start the lamp. But it is unacceptable to apply voltage to poorly heated electrodes, because. this accelerates the process of destruction of the electrodes. To ensure forced heating of the electrodes, a PTC posistor (thermistor with a positive temperature coefficient) is used. It provides a lamp start delay of 2-3s.
The process of starting an energy-saving lamp is as follows. When voltage is applied to the lamp, the RF generator starts. It starts generating RF voltage. From the RF generator, voltage is supplied to the PC. A heating current begins to flow through the electrodes and RTS. The starting choke stores energy. To create a trigger voltage (approximately 1000V), it is necessary that the circuit enter into resonance with the RF generator. A cold RTS shunts the starting circuit and prevents it from resonating. But since the heating current flows through the RTS, the temperature of the RTS begins to rise, and the resistance also increases accordingly. At some point, the resistance of the RTS becomes so high that it stops shunting the starting circuit. At this point, the electrodes have already warmed up enough. The PC enters into resonance with the RF generator and a jump in the starting voltage occurs, creating a discharge in the lamp bulb. The lamp starts up. As noted earlier, the use of RTS significantly reduces electrode wear and increases lamp life. The use of RTS is a personal choice of each manufacturer, but without RTS the lamp will not last more than 6000 hours.
It is worth noting another important element of the ballast - the fuse. Poor assembly or components may cause a short circuit (short circuit) or fire the energy-saving lamp. The fuse makes energy-saving lamps fireproof and protects the supply network from short circuit. The use of a fuse is an additional, but not a primary, security measure. The main safety measure is to ensure the high quality of installation and the use of quality components.

(Slide 13)Advantages of energy saving lamps.

Saving electricity. The efficiency of an energy-saving lamp is very high and the luminous efficiency is about 5 times greater than that of a traditional incandescent lamp. For example, a 20W energy-saving light bulb produces a luminous flux equal to that of a conventional 100W incandescent lamp. Thanks to this ratio, energy-saving lamps allow you to save up to 80% savings without losing the illumination of the room you are used to. Moreover, in the process of long-term operation from a conventional incandescent bulb, the luminous flux decreases over time due to the burnout of the tungsten filament, and it illuminates the room worse, while energy-saving lamps do not have such a drawback.

Long service life. Compared to traditional incandescent lamps, energy-saving lamps last several times longer. Conventional incandescent bulbs fail due to the burnout of the tungsten filament. Energy-saving lamps, having a different design and a fundamentally different principle of operation, last much longer than incandescent lamps, on average 5-15 times. This is approximately from 5 to 12 thousand hours of lamp operation (usually, the lamp life is determined by the manufacturer and indicated on the package). Due to the fact that energy-saving lamps last a long time and do not require frequent replacement, they are very convenient to use in places where the process of replacing light bulbs is difficult, for example, in rooms with high ceilings or in chandeliers with complex structures, where you have to disassemble the body of the chandelier to replace the light bulb .

Low heat dissipation. Due to the high efficiency of energy-saving lamps, all the consumed electricity is converted into a light flux, while energy-saving lamps emit very little heat. In some chandeliers and fixtures, it is dangerous to use ordinary incandescent bulbs, due to the fact that they, releasing a large amount of heat, can melt the plastic part of the cartridge, adjacent wires or the body itself, which in turn can lead to a fire. Therefore, energy-saving lamps simply must be used in lamps, chandeliers and sconces with a temperature limit.

Great light output. In an ordinary incandescent lamp, light comes only from a tungsten filament. The energy-saving lamp glows over its entire area. Thanks to this, the light from the energy-saving lamp is soft and uniform, more pleasing to the eye and better distributed throughout the room.

Choice of the desired color. Due to different shades of phosphor covering the bulb body, energy-saving lamps have different colors of light output, it can be soft white light, cool white light, daylight light, etc.

(Slide 14)Disadvantages of energy saving lamps.

The only and significant drawback of energy-saving lamps compared to traditional incandescent lamps is their high price. The price of an energy-saving light bulb is 10-20 times more than a conventional incandescent light bulb. But an energy-saving light bulb is called energy-saving for a reason. Given the savings on electricity when using these lamps and their service life, as a result, the use of energy-saving lamps will become more profitable.

There is another feature of the use of energy-saving lamps, which must be attributed to their disadvantage. An energy-saving lamp is filled with mercury vapor inside. Mercury is considered a dangerous poison. Therefore, it is very dangerous to break such lamps in an apartment and a room. You should be very careful when handling them. For the same reason, energy-saving lamps can be classified as environmentally harmful, and therefore they require special disposal, and throwing away such lamps is, in fact, prohibited. But for some reason, when selling energy-saving lamps in a store, the sellers do not explain where to put them later.

What should you pay attention to when buying energy-saving lamps.

(Slide 15)Power. Energy-saving lamps are made with different power. The power range varies from 3 to 90 watts. It should be borne in mind that the efficiency of an energy-saving lamp is very high and the light output is about 5 times greater than that of a traditional incandescent bulb. Therefore, when choosing an energy-saving lamp, one must adhere to the rule - divide the power of an ordinary incandescent lamp by five. If you used a conventional 100 W incandescent bulb in your chandelier or lamp, you will only need to purchase an energy-saving 20 W light bulb.

(Slide 16) Color of light. Energy-saving lamps are capable of shining in different colors. This characteristic is determined by the color temperature of the energy-saving lamp.

The most common compact fluorescent lamps with a color temperature of 2700K, 3300K, 4200K, 5100K, 6400K.

Typical color temperature ranges for maximum light output of modern multilayer phosphor fluorescent lamps:

  • 2700K warm white light.
  • 4200 K - daylight.
  • 6400 K - cold white light.

The lower the characteristic of the color temperature of an energy-saving lamp, the more the color spectrum shifts to red, the higher the color spectrum shifts to blue. In such a situation, it is better to experiment with the selection of the color you need before replacing all the light bulbs in the apartment with one color. Choose the color you need, based not only on the features of the interior of your apartment or office, but also on the features of your vision and the vision of the people around you. It's just that the color produced by an energy-saving light bulb is different from the usual light from an incandescent bulb, and many people cannot immediately get used to it if the color is chosen incorrectly. For houses and apartments, it is recommended to use warmer colors - soft white (warm glow).

(Slide 17) Colored and special lamps. In addition to lamps with shades of white, designed for general lighting, also available:

Lamps with colored phosphor (red, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple) - for lighting design, artistic lighting of buildings, signboards, shop windows.

The so-called "meat" lamps with a pink phosphor are used to illuminate showcases with meat products, which increases their external attractiveness.

UV lamps - for night illumination and disinfection in medical facilities, barracks, etc., as well as "black light" for lighting design in nightclubs, discos, etc.

(Slide 18) Variety and size. Energy-saving lamps are produced in two main forms: U-shaped and in the form of a spiral. There is no difference in the principle of operation of these types of lamps, the differences are only in size. U-shaped lamps are easy to manufacture, cheaper than spiral lamps, but slightly larger. When buying such lamps, you should determine in advance whether the chosen U-shaped energy-saving lamp will fit into your chandelier, wall lamp or lamp. Spiral lamps are more difficult to manufacture, slightly more expensive than U-shaped lamps, but have the traditional dimensions of incandescent bulbs, and as a result fit all fixtures where incandescent bulbs used to be.

Plinth type. Energy-saving lamps, like traditional incandescent bulbs, have a different type of base. Most of the lighting fixtures are designed for the E27 base. But there are also devices that have an E14 base. If a large incandescent bulb was screwed into your chandelier, then this is the E27 base. If you have a lamp with a small or medium incandescent bulb, then this is probably the E14 base.

(Slide 19) All these characteristics of energy-saving lamps, manufacturers write on the packaging. For example, the inscription ESS-02A 20W E27 6400K on the packaging of a DeLux light bulb means that the lamp has a power of 20 W, with a large base (E27), emits cold white light (6400K).