What is in the lipstick. The composition of lipstick

Lip makeup is a very important element that can both decorate and cross out any image. To avoid negative consequences It is possible only if high-quality cosmetics are selected. That is why it is very important to know the composition of lipstick and be able to understand its ingredients.

The expired lipstick is immediately noticeable - the amount of pigment decreases, durability deteriorates, moisturizing properties disappear altogether. What does it depend on?

  • preservatives

One of the most important components of the composition, which is directly responsible for the shelf life. It is difficult to argue that preservatives are dangerous - because without them, lip cosmetics would deteriorate extremely quickly. However, the amount of preservatives must be adjusted: if the shelf life is more than 2-3 years, it is worth considering what harm this product put on the skin.

  • Flavors

The smell of any lip product should be as gentle as possible, not harsh. It is best if the product does not smell at all.
If the aroma is strong enough and cosmetic, this means that the composition contains a large number of “harmful” elements, the smell of which had to be covered with flavors.

  • Pigment

A high-quality pigment is expensive - accordingly, you will have to pay more for a high-quality finished product. However, if the pigment is of poor quality, then soon the product will begin to lose its original properties, it will lay down in an uneven layer or wear off quickly. Therefore, a too short shelf life is also not very good.

The ideal shelf life of high quality lipstick is 1 or maximum 2 years after opening the package. Deviations of six months are allowed. If the expiration date is different, you need to refer to the composition and check if it contains low-quality elements and preservatives.

Basic composition of the product

The composition of lipstick can be logically divided into two parts - base , which is available in any product, and additional , which gives distinctive features. Consider the basis of the composition of high-quality lip cosmetics and the elements that must be included in it:

The main element of the composition, due to which its plasticity and strength are determined. Previously, natural beeswax was used for manufacturing, however, it was found that this is the strongest allergen. To date, high-quality lip products are created using wax. plant origin.

  • Dyes

It is this element that provides the shade of the product. The first dye was carmine - today there are many different dyes - natural and artificial.

  • Oils

Vegetable oils are added to the composition of lip cosmetics in order to produce a softening effect and care for delicate skin. Most often in the composition you can find such types of oils as castor, coconut or shea butter.

  • Perfume

A special element that is used to hide the unpleasant smell of raw materials. Due to it, a special cosmetic smell of the product is created.

In addition, vitamins and minerals, sunscreens, components to ensure the stability of the product when applied to the lips can be included in the composition.

Due to the large number of different ingredients included in lip cosmetics, the procedure for choosing the right product can take a long time. However, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time on the selection - you can quickly see a quality product if you are aware of its main characteristics. Which ones - we learn from the following video:

Hygienic cosmetics for lips

The composition for the most part should consist of caring and moisturizing elements - the same applies to various lip balms. The main task of these products is to care for the lips - therefore, the product can be used equally by women, men and children. As a rule, these products do not have shades (or mild shades), have a natural, natural smell. Therefore, during use, they do not harm delicate skin.

Consider the main elements of the composition and their features:

  1. Vitamin complex. Any lip hygiene product should be enriched with vitamins to soften, smooth wrinkles and activate protective properties. The main vitamins in the “hygienic” should be E, A or B12. The manufacturer adds others to expand the functional properties of the product.
  2. Herbal Ingredients. They heal and regenerate, help the skin breathe, provide firmness, elasticity and protection. Among the main plant ingredients are beeswax and honey (the content of which, as a rule, is always written on the packaging in the first place), calendula and chamomile, aloe vera and Icelandic moss.
  3. Vegetable oils. Aimed at activating the healing function of the skin, activating the protective properties, softening, moisturizing, protecting. Most often in the composition you can find components such as jojoba oil, cocoa, apricot or castor oil.
  4. UV filters. Most relevant in the hot summer period, when the skin needs special protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Almost everything that hygienic type lipstick is made of is created by nature. These are absolutely natural ingredients that practically do not harm the skin, take care and care for it, help get rid of cracks and prevent their appearance. However, products containing petroleum jelly or paraffin should be avoided: due to them, the breath of the skin of the lips is limited, which further leads to dryness or cracking.

The danger of poor quality products

Many people say that it is very important to know what lipstick is made of. However, how can a low-quality product be dangerous and how can it harm the body? A cheap product can simply be poisonous. In addition, its composition often includes salts of heavy metals, aggressive dyes and other components that contribute to irritation. What is harmful products of low quality and is it harmful at all?

  1. Cheap lip cosmetics, which have a glossy effect, often contain components that contribute to deforming in sunlight into a special substance - atomic oxygen. This substance significantly accelerates skin aging. Moreover, the longer the remedy is on the lips, the more dangerous its effect.
  2. Paraffin and wax in microcrystals. These elements are made from refined petroleum products. Once in the body, they settle in it, affecting the kidneys and lymph nodes. Accordingly, the frequency of use of products with their content increases the danger.
  3. The well-known humectant lanolin, when ingested (which is inevitable, albeit in small quantities), can cause intestinal pain or stomach irritation.
  4. Poor quality dyes contribute to severe allergic reactions, discomfort and burning.
  5. Vaseline, which moisturizes the skin well, actually produces only visual hydration. The fact is that it creates a moisturizing effect through a kind of film on the lips. In fact, products containing petroleum jelly dry out the skin of the lips. And the more often it is used, the skin dries harder and faster. Women, noticing this, begin to use the product more often in order to moisturize their lips, however, here the circle closes.

Almost all the fair sex at least once in their lives painted their lips with lipstick. Yes, and many of the men often use this product - a hygienic analogue, without coloring pigments. firmly entered the everyday life of modern man. But who invented it and when? What was lipstick made from in ancient times? Probably, the composition of this cosmetic product was very different from the modern one. Indeed, now synthetic substances are introduced into the lipstick, which allow fixing the color pigment, creating a film on the lips that protects against moisture loss, giving shine and shine. In this article, we will tell you how and from what lipstick is made in a factory way, and whether it is possible to repeat the technological process at home. We will also make a short historical digression into the world of perfumery in antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Cosmetic lipsticks of antiquity

The word itself comes from the Latin pomum, which means "apple". But long before the era of Ancient Rome, women used this cosmetic product. After all, you really want to have sponges like liquid apples. It is authentically known that residents used lipstick Ancient Assyria about five thousand years ago. Archaeologists find traces of lip paint in the Egyptian pyramids. What was lipstick made from? This product was based on animal fat, beeswax and a red mineral pigment - carmine. In ancient times, the Egyptians and the inhabitants of Babylon, because they were swarthy brunettes, preferred dark shades of lipstick. In the Hellenistic era, the remedy became known in Greece, and then in Rome. Brown-haired women and blondes began to independently look for new shades of lipsticks. The well-known physician Claudius Galen passionately warned them against such experiments on themselves. After all, women of the ancient world also believed that “beauty requires sacrifice,” and therefore, poisonous substances such as cinnabar and red lead were added to lipstick as color pigments.

In the Middle Ages, the Church (both Roman Catholic and Orthodox) reacted extremely negatively to any unauthorized change in the appearance of a woman, since, in her opinion, it contradicts divine creation. But despite the papal bulls and anathemas, women continued to paint their lips. Lipsticks until the end of the nineteenth century were produced in jars. It wasn't until 1883 that perfumers from France introduced a product in the form of a crayon wrapped in paper. And in 1915, ingenious Americans thought of hiding this “pencil” in a metal case with a piston mechanism. The composition of the product was almost the same as what lipstick is made from now. And in the thirties of the last century there was another revolutionary breakthrough. Haza Bishop invented permanent lip color. Firm "Guerlain" released the first lipstick in a tube. This made the product massive, as its price dropped and became affordable for any woman.


When we choose a lipstick, the first thing we focus on is finding the right shade. And at the same time, we completely lose sight of what lipstick is made of. Each company has its own composition of this tool. But there are three main components of each lipstick. These are wax, fats and color pigments. In hygienic lipstick, the last component is missing - because it is almost colorless. But, since this product is caring and even healing, herbal extract, vitamins and other substances useful for the skin of the lips are added to it. Despite the fact that this cosmetic product looks solid, it is eighty percent liquid. But they have a low freezing point. Since the fats that make up lipstick do not smell very pleasant, manufacturers use perfume. It interrupts the smell of raw materials and gives its aroma. In the struggle for a buyer, manufacturers began to add various useful substances to cosmetic lipsticks - moisturizers, vitamins, collagen, sunscreens, etc. Some products even contain food-grade polyethylene. This substance creates a film on the lips that does not allow the dye to either clog into cracks or spread to the edges of the mouth. But this polyethylene is absolutely harmless.

The first machines that produce a cosmetic product in its modern form- in a plastic or metal case - were designed in the USA in 1949. Now mother-of-pearl (for shine and optical enlargement of the lips) and oils are added to the three classic components of lipstick. Wax, like all bee products, can be an irritant for allergy sufferers. Therefore, it is not used in the factory production of lipstick. It is replaced by vegetable waxes - carnauba or candelilla, less often roses. Of the fats, lanolin is most often used - a substance secreted by sheep's wool. To turn a solid mineral color pigment into a creamy mass, it is dissolved in oils (usually castor). This mixture is crushed in special "shakers". The dimensions of the mineral pigment then do not exceed fifteen microns, providing an even color without grains. Mica is washed, finely crushed, sprayed with dye. This is how the "mother of pearl" is obtained. And then comes the turn of liquid fats (isopropyl palmitate, butyl stearate and isopropyl myristate), structure-forming substances (paraffin and ceresin), solvents and essential oils for fragrance. The mass cools down, it is cut into pencils, which are hidden in a case with a retractable piston.

Hygienic lipstick

There is no coloring pigment in this product. If there is a slightly pronounced color in it, then this is achieved solely through the use of oils (sea buckthorn, pink). This product does not belong to decorative, but to caring cosmetics. Therefore, her composition is more “gentle”. What is hygienic lipstick made of? Its basis is natural vegetable waxes, since the skin of our lips is devoid of sebaceous glands. Various oils are used for softening - first of all, useful castor, but also sea buckthorn, shea butter, avocado, jojoba, apricot. To give the agent an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, extracts of aloe vera, chamomile, and other herbs are added to it. Vitamins A, groups B, C and E, sunscreens are widely used.

Is it possible to make lipstick at home

Sometimes, when you read the composition of a cosmetic product, you involuntarily ask yourself the question: are all these polymers, isopropyl palmitates, ceresins and similar substances harmful to the body? We have already learned how lipstick is made at the factory. And now the question arises: can we repeat the process at home, and without these dubious substances? Of course! Indeed, before the establishment of factory production of lipsticks, our great-grandmothers prepared lip paint themselves. Of course, we will not use poisonous cinnabar or red lead as color pigments. We will use Because they are intended for use on the sensitive skin of the eyelids, this product is being tested for toxicity. And if we want to use exclusively natural dyes, we can limit ourselves to cinnamon, beet root powder, cocoa, turmeric. By mixing them, you can choose the desired shade.

Composition of homemade lipstick

We have already decided on the color pigment. It remains to supplement the composition of the product with fats, oils and, if desired, flavors. What is personalized lipstick made from? If you are not allergic to bee products, take one part of regular wax. It is easy to buy in stores that sell honey. In order for the lipstick to evenly lay on the lips, we take the second part - shea butter. This component is harder to get. But it can be replaced with colorless cocoa butter, almond, avocado or mango. And for shine and the desired texture, let's take one more component. This is coconut oil (it is allowed to replace it with olive or jojoba). If instead of a dye we add all sorts of healing, moisturizing and nourishing mixtures, we will get a healing

Factory process of making lipstick

It can be compared to cooking in a slow cooker. How is lipstick made in a cosmetics factory? First, the components are placed in the "bead mill". First, waxes with crushed color pigment, then oils, and lastly, volatile components - essential oils of fragrance. When the mass in this mixer becomes completely homogeneous, it is boiled at a temperature of eighty degrees for about six hours. Then the lipstick is allowed to cool slightly. But still semi-solid, it is sent to the packaging workshop, where a large briquette is distributed by special presses into tubes or cases. Then the lipstick is quickly cooled.

We make lipstick at home. Stage one

We make color. We have already said that only natural dyes can be used, such as dried beetroot powder, cocoa, turmeric. The disadvantage of these funds is the difficulty in choosing the right shade. Therefore, you can use shadows for eye makeup. Also among this cosmetic product you rarely see shades of red. Therefore, the best alternative is… children's wax-based drawing crayons. As a rule, they are tested for food suitability (kids often put everything in their mouths), and therefore they will be absolutely harmless for lipstick. Grind the crayons on a grater into powder. Mixing different colors, we achieve the desired shade.

Second phase. We prepare the basis

We already know what lipstick is made of at the factory. Similarly, we will cook it at home. Prepare two containers for a water bath. In a smaller bowl, we need to heat the wax and oils. This must be done with extreme caution. If even a drop of water gets into a bowl of oils, a mini-explosion will occur, since the boiling point of a liquid and oils is different. You also need to constantly mix wax and fats. And in no case do not bring them to a boil. We achieve only a liquid and homogeneous mass.

The final stage

Remove the bowl from the water bath. We quickly add crushed color pigment and other things from which lipstick is made from to hot wax and fats: perfume, additional healing and caring substances. Vanilla is a safe flavor. Without fragrance, lipstick will give off a candle. At this stage, it is important for us to mix the coloring pigment with fats until the mass has hardened. We add the color component gradually, achieving the desired shade. Then we transfer the mass to the prepared jar and leave to cool. Lipstick is ready.

Eye shadow, mascara, powder, foundation - all this is certainly good, but not a single women's cosmetic bag can do without it, the queen of the entire cosmetic industry - lipstick.

And if you "use" this item not only to leave it on the mirror, but for its intended purpose, then you probably want to know what is lipstick made of.

Secrets of the lipstick mafia, or 9 main components of what lipstick is made of

    Waxes (from 2% to 14% of the total composition).

    Without these substances, there is no way to bind the other components into a single whole, and the lipstick will simply fall apart.

    Expensive brands have a high content of natural waxes - beeswax, palm wax, rose wax, cactus wax and other "natural" waxes.

    Synthetic “brothers” of natural waxes are shoved into budget lipsticks, and this is already a completely “wrong coat”.

    What is lipstick made of, but what do you not want to know about? Lanolin!

    It is also made from sheep's wool.

    This component also helps to gather other components of lipstick into a pile, sticks them together. And it is because of lanolin that the expired product smells of old rancid fat.

    Uh, well, in principle, it is difficult to meet a sheep that smells like a May rose even on the most picturesque alpine meadow.


    It is they who make lipstick a means.

    Wild red? Or innocent pink? The choice is yours.

    And if earlier natural ingredients (beets, carrots, turmeric, etc.) were used in the production of women's things, now science does not stand still and suggests using special chemical dyes for cosmetics.

    The more of them - the more intense the color of the "gadget" for the lips. For example, 5% of dyes - and your lips beckon with pastels, 20-25% - and you have real burgundy madness on your lips.

    Natural and synthetic oils- an important component of what lipstick is made of (about 30% of the composition).

    They dissolve dyes and prevent them from precipitating. And yet, thanks to them, the product is soft and can be applied with a "light movement of the hand."

    In order for the young ladies to enjoy not only the marvelous color of the lips, but also a pleasant aroma, aromatic oils (lavender, peach, bergamot, chamomile, etc.) are often added to cosmetics.

    Mother-of-pearl components provide shine to your lips.

    Ordinary mica or quartz can act as mother of pearl on your lips.

    Yes, yes, the same ones that were shown to you in chemistry and physics classes in your glorious school years.

    pine rosin(approximately 4% in the composition of the product) - what lipstick is made for your lips to give it a hardness and a dense coating in the form of a film.

    And it has nothing to do with the fragrance in a pine forest.

    Mineral pigments with the terrible names "titanium dioxide" and "iron oxide" make it possible to obtain pink color and evenly lay down on the skin of the lips.

    And you thought the fairy at the cosmetics factory conjured the delicate shade of your lipstick?

  1. Boric acid is a component from which mother-of-pearl lipsticks are made: it provides that same iridescence on the lips that you seduce the barista at your favorite coffee shop and the elderly professor at the university.
  2. Antioxidants (0.8%) do not allow the natural components of lipstick to deteriorate quickly.

    Most often, in the role of such a preservative enters Chemical substance propyl gallate.

    And everything would be fine, but sometimes, in order to make their products practically immortal, like Duncan Macleod, unscrupulous manufacturers overdo it with antioxidants, which is fraught with allergic reactions, headaches and other troubles.

What lipstick is made of also depends on its type: for example, more wax and fats are “swollen” into the nutritious one, dyes into super-duper resistant ones, and mother-of-pearl components into those with a shimmering effect.

The 3 Most Dangerous Ingredients That Make Lipstick: Tube Away!

Irresponsible like yours ex-husband, manufacturers do not really “steam” with what they make lipstick for lips and add dangerous components to it:

    dyes based on coal tar.

    If you often tint your lips with such lipstick, then you will stuff your body with resin compounds that cause nausea and headaches.

    The prospect is, frankly, bleak;

    synthetic fragrances that give lipstick that delicate scent of roses or cherries can cause dizziness, high blood pressure, and other health problems.

    Therefore, if a cosmetic product smells like the production of Triple cologne, put it back on the counter.

Ask us what to do with all this disgrace?

“And don’t expect to buy quality lipstick for 100 rubles on the market. There are no miracles in such cases!
If you don’t want to guess what lipstick is made of with a mouth swollen from allergies, buy tubes from well-known manufacturers in specialized cosmetic stores.
Well, if you also ask the seller to show a certificate of quality, you are a super cool buyer. Keep it up!”, says cosmetologist Nila from St. Petersburg.

6 amazing facts: what lipstick is made of is not the most interesting!

If information about what lipstick is made of can easily put an interlocutor to sleep at a social event, then these 5 interesting facts he certainly will not remain indifferent:

    in those distant times, when boiled sausage was delicious, and television was black and white, special filters were installed in the cameras that “ate” the red color.

    In order not to look like pale ghosts, actors and announcers were forced to paint their lips with green lipstick.

    Directly not television shooting, but some kind of Halloween party!

    so that the lips of ladies in ancient times shimmered like a moonlit path, crushed fish scales were added to lipsticks.

    Now manufacturers delicately refer to this component as “pearl extract”. Marketing is everything!

    at official receptions, according to international diplomatic etiquette, the wives of presidents are allowed one single shade of lipstick - pale pink.

    And God forbid they put on bright red makeup - a serious international scandal could break out!

    in European royal courts, they “bothered” with the question of what lipstick is made of exclusively by men, who thus distinguished their mouth against the background of a beard and mustache.

    So we imagine how one bearded courtier whispers to another: “Be a man! Touch up your lips, now the king will come!

    in order to seriously poison yourself with this cosmetic, you need to eat at least three tubes.

    And only then, lying in the hospital under a dropper, you can think about what it is made of and how to live with it;

    Marilyn Monroe, the seductress of all times and peoples, was painted with lipstick, applying it in five layers.

When you don’t need to bathe, what lipstick is made of: 15 best cosmetic products in 2017-2018

Site experts http://www.expertcen.ru we carefully checked what famous manufacturers make lipstick from and, to the delight of the young ladies, made a rating of the best lipsticks in 2017:
CategoryPlaceNameRatingPrice, Russian rubles

The best lipstick with a caring effect

1 Sisley Phyto Lip Shine10 / 10 2 300
2 Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy9.9 / 10 2 700

The best lipstick with the effect of wet lips and / or increasing their volume

1 Maybelline Hydra Extreme
9.8 / 10 160
2 Vivienne Sabo Gloire D'amour 9.0 / 10 210

Best Matte Lipstick

1 Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupte9.9 / 10 2 700
2 Maybelline Color Sensational "Matte Temptation"9.9 / 10 485
3 Seventeen Matte Lasting Lipstick
8.8 / 10 320

Best All-Purpose Lipstick

1 ArtDeco Lip Passion9.8 / 10 700
2 Givenchy Rouge Interdit Shine
9.5 / 10 1 800

The best liquid lipstick

1 Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet lipstick
10 / 10 640

Best Red Lipstick

1 Christian Dior Rouge Dior 99910 / 10 2 000
2 Relouis Sapphire (in shade #947 fiery)9.9 / 10 272
3 Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick9.1 / 10 550

The best nude lipstick

1 Clarins Rouge Eclat (in shade #01 Nude Rose)9.8 / 10 2 250

Best Long Lasting Lipstick

1 Clinique Long Last Lipstick9.7 / 10 1 500

Want to know exactly how lipstick is made?

In this video you will see the whole process with your own eyes!

Now that you know for sure what is lipstick made of, you can not only please your old chemistry teacher with knowledge, but also “with feeling, sense, arrangement”, choose the coveted tube in the store.

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What lipstick is made of - the composition of lipstick and hygienic lipstick. The main and auxiliary components, their purpose, benefits and harms.

Very often, we are guided by a single desire - to find the right color, and forget to ask what it is made of. But in vain, because in order to buy high-quality lipstick, you need to carefully study its composition. Unobtrusive aroma, lasting color, pleasant feeling on the lips - all this is also very important. The substances from which lipstick is made must be absolutely safe. Then our skin will be beautiful, healthy and well-groomed.

What is lipstick made from?

Each cosmetic company has its own recipe, but there are ingredients that you cannot do without.

The basis of the composition of any lipstick is a "set" of wax, oils and fats. Pigments, fragrances, preservatives, plant extracts, antioxidants and vitamins are added to the waxy fat mass. The proportions of these ingredients determine the properties of lipstick. And everyone has their own role.

1. Wax

It gives the lipstick the desired shape and protects the lips from drying out.

The main ingredient in most lipsticks is beeswax. It perfectly softens the skin, improves its elasticity, protects against inflammation and dehydration, but in some people it can cause allergies.

For sensitive skin, lipstick with hypoallergenic Brazilian (carnauba) palm wax is more suitable; it perfectly interacts with other waxes and fats, improving their properties, in particular, it regulates the consistency of lipstick, preventing it from spreading even in the hottest weather.

"Spermaceti" - a substance that is obtained by freezing whale oil - has a healing effect and amazing restorative ability. Rose wax has a bactericidal effect. And candelilla wax, which is extracted from Mexican cacti, is responsible for maintaining the color and shine of lipstick.

2. Oils

They are added to lipstick for several reasons. First, oils soften and nourish the skin. Secondly, they create an invisible film on the lips, protecting the skin from moisture loss. Thirdly, they give lipstick tenderness. And finally, they help dissolve the pigment, which is responsible for the color of the lipstick.

Different oils are used to make lipstick: olive, castor, coconut, cocoa butter, petroleum jelly, lanolin.

The most popular is castor oil. Its healing and nutritional properties have been tested for centuries. Castor oil is resistant to oxidation, moisturizes lips well and gives them shine. Avocado oil is also appreciated. It saturates the cells with useful substances, and the skin becomes tender, like a baby's.

3. Lanolin

This is the fat from sheep's wool, which prevents lipstick from breaking and fogging. True, in recent years, manufacturers have refused lanolin. This substance needs to be thoroughly cleaned, as it contains harmful components in its original state, and also has an unpleasant taste and aroma.

It is better not to buy lipstick that contains mineral oils, hard paraffins, microcrystalline paraffin and petroleum jelly: the latter, although considered safe and has been used to soften the skin for many years, dries out the skin with regular use.

4. Pigments

To give lipstick the desired shade, dyes are added to it. The most popular are red pigments No. 21, No. 27 and No. 34, bromic acid, orange pigment No. 17. And titanium dioxide, when mixed with red pigments, produces various shades of pink.

5. Other Healthy Supplements

No less important are other components that are indispensable for high-quality lipsticks. These are moisturizers, sunscreens, amino acids, vitamins, aloe vera and collagen.

Vitamin A has a softening effect, heals cracked lips and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. Vitamin E protects lips from solar radiation and prevents skin aging.

Aloe vera extract has a very beneficial effect on the skin: it softens it, protects against inflammation, and accelerates cell renewal processes.

No lipstick is complete without preservatives to preserve its properties and antioxidants to prevent its oxidation. And perfume fragrances are needed in order to hide the smell of raw materials that are used to make lipstick.

What is hygienic lipstick made of?

Hygienic lipstick, in addition to moisturizing, protects the thin and delicate skin of the lips, devoid of sebaceous glands, from viral infections, cold weather and bright sun. Its regular use helps prevent peeling, chapping and aging of the skin, protects it from cracking and moisture loss.

The basis of hygienic lipstick, like regular lipstick, is natural wax. An important role in its composition is played by vitamins - A, E, C, group B; they heal wounds, smooth wrinkles, relieve inflammation, soften and nourish the skin of the lips.

High-quality hygienic lipstick contains sunscreens, herbal extracts and medicinal plants, natural oils that carefully care for the skin. Jojoba, avocado and shea butter are often used, as well as castor, sea buckthorn, apricot oils. Peppermint oil has a refreshing effect, chamomile, calendula and aloe vera extracts are anti-inflammatory.

As a rule, in hygienic lipstick there are no fragrances and pigments, it is colorless. In summer, you need to use moisturizing hygienic lipstick, in winter - nutritious.

Note! Hygienic lipsticks sometimes contain components that should not be there: silicone oil, salicylic acid, menthol, phenol, camphor. It is undesirable to use such lipsticks for a long time, but it is better not to buy them at all. Carefully read the composition of the lipstick and what it is made of.

Now we know that only high-quality lipstick, which consists of natural ingredients, will make our skin healthy and beautiful, and everyone will take care of it. And we deserve it, don't we?

Often, when choosing a lipstick for ourselves, we are guided only by the choice of a color palette, but what lipstick is made of, its composition, its quality, fades into the background. All substances from which lipstick is made must be absolutely safe. Then our skin will be beautiful, healthy and well-groomed.

Composition of decorative lipstick

What is lipstick made from? It contains more than a hundred different chemical components, their main composition in most cases is natural, especially those that are in direct contact with the lips. Five ingredients are used that form the basis of any decorative lipstick:

  • wax (candelilla, bees, rose and carnauba) or fat (lanolin, paraffin or mink product);
  • dyes, both natural and artificial;
  • oils (castor, perfume and olive);
  • pigments;
  • preservatives, parabens, various additives and fragrances.

Lipstick is obtained by mixing these products and then heating them to give them shape. After cooling, it is fired so that the cosmetic product acquires shine and becomes transparent. Then the workpiece is placed in a tube.

Wax and fats

These substances are needed so that the lipstick is in a solid state and keeps well on the lips. Their total number is usually about 30%. Beeswax - produced by striped workers. It improves the formation of the lip, is well perceived by the skin, as it is similar in composition to sebum.

However, with one application, the lipstick turns out to be not bright, besides, it can melt right on the lips, so that this does not happen, carnauba and candelilla wax are added to the bee product. wax and fats for lipstick The first wax substance is obtained from palm leaves.

It is used to adjust the consistency of the lipstick. Carnauba wax binds the liquid component and raises the temperature of the product. Candelilla wax is made from certain varieties of cacti that grow in the United States and Mexico. It is responsible for the durability of the color of the cosmetic product and its shine.

Rose wax is obtained as a by-product from the production of rose oil. It has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, has a pleasant aroma. These natural substances are very expensive, so manufacturers often replace them with synthetic counterparts:

  • isopropyl palmitate - consists of two ingredients: isopropyl alcohol and palmitic acid ester;
  • butyl stearate - a two-component mixture of palm and stearic acids;
  • isopropyl myristate - contributes to the production of emulsions, the consistency of which has a low viscosity and is easily absorbed into the skin, without feeling greasy and sticky.

All wax components bind together the rest of the lipstick ingredients. They make its composition homogeneous, plastic and solid. Thanks to them, a thin film is formed on the lips, which does not allow the product to spread. Waxes heat melting, which reaches 60 degrees.


Due to them, red and pink colors are obtained, as well as their shades. The most popular is the D&S dye No. 5 and No. 22, they have orange and red colors. They contain bromine, one has two of its atoms, and the other has four. These dyes are made from fluorescein, which has a yellow color.

After various combinations of its atoms, different shades of red are obtained. lipstick dyes All dyes are obtained from coal tar and oil. But there are natural substances that are obtained from the carmine found in cochineal mealybugs. These insects are first boiled in sodium carbonate and then cooked in potassium alum to produce red crystals known as E 120.

Dyes dissolve in the fat and oil base of the lipstick, but they do not give saturated shades, they serve only as a transparent base for the future color, besides, it is very sensitive to light and can fade, so adding them without pigments that “show” color will not give lipstick the right tone.

Oils for lipstick

This product is needed to dissolve dyes and prevent them from precipitating. Oil components evenly distribute the labial over the entire surface of the lips and prevent it from rolling. They leave 65 percent of the total volume. In the lips are used:

  • natural oils - castor, olive oil or cocoa;
  • their mineral counterparts, which are produced at chemical plants.

They are odorless and colorless, safe for humans. Most often they are called liquid paraffins.


Their natural varieties are obtained from quartz, mica, and even the scales of some species of fish. The latter type of pigment is used only in expensive cosmetics, because its extraction is very laborious and requires large material costs.

Artificial pigments are made from titanium and iron oxides. They help to show the color of the lipstick. Iron oxide is responsible for the red hues, and if titanium oxide is added to it, the color will change and become pink.

The pigments also give the lipstick a pearly sheen.

Preservatives and other additives

All cosmetics contain these ingredients, even natural ones. Their percentage in lipstick plays an important role. They are necessary for a long shelf life of a cosmetic product. They are selected for their safety. Until recently, boric acid and formalin were used in this capacity, and then it was replaced by a small amount of salts of benzoic acid.

Fragrances are needed to eliminate the smell of fats. For example, lanolin has a very unpleasant odor and has recently been used not with it, but with its oxyethylated form, odorless. As additional substances, softening, flavoring, moisturizing and protecting lips vitamins, oils and UV filters are used.

The composition of lipstick is constantly changing, chemists are developing new substances that improve the brightness colors and prolong the durability of shades.

The composition of hygienic lipstick

This product is mainly designed to protect lips from wind, sun and frost. It is universal and can be used both for adults of both sexes and for children. This lipstick contains fatty and moisturizing ingredients, it also necessarily contains vitamins and UV filters. Some products contain extracts of medicinal plants.

The main components of lipstick are:

  • vitamin A - necessary to soften the skin;
  • beeswax creates a protective film, retains moisture inside the lips, makes the skin supple and elastic;
  • squalene serves as a conductor for vitamin entry into the skin, has an antioxidant effect;
  • auselen is a good moisturizer, it is hypoallergenic and can eliminate irritation from the skin;
  • honey - prevents drying of the lips, refreshes them;
  • vitamins C and B12 - they have a healing effect, relieve inflammation;
  • jojoba oil differs from the rest by its high protein content, it copes well with inflammation and redness of the skin, acts on it in a rejuvenating way;
  • UV - filters protect the skin from the sun;
  • Icelandic moss, which has a wound-healing effect. It contains many useful vitamins;
  • chamomile and calendula protect the skin from harmful effects environment they feed them;
  • vitamin E - rejuvenates the skin and smoothes wrinkles around the mouth;
  • aloe vera has many properties, its softening, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action is very useful for the skin;
  • Lanolin forms a protective film and retains moisture, protects lips from dehydration.

Depending on the layout of the main ingredients, hygienic lip products are: nourishing, sun-protective, anti-herpetic and moisturizing.

Note! Hygienic lipsticks sometimes contain components that should not be there: silicone oil, salicylic acid, menthol, phenol, camphor. It is undesirable to use such lipsticks for a long time, but it is better not to buy them at all.

Now that you understand what lipstick usually consists of, you can compare the safety of the ingredients of various cosmetic companies. Consider their various compositions on one of the selected products.

From Oriflame natural series with the name "Aloe and Arnica"

It softens and protects lips from overdrying. Contains the following components:

  • beeswax;
  • arnica extract has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • octyldodecanol - protects the skin from moisture loss and forms a thin film on its surface;
  • caprylyl glycol - it is made from coconut, similar in content to sebum, used in the lip as a preservative;
  • aloe extract has a softening effect, prevents the aggressive effect on the skin of other components;
  • palm oil contributes to the easy application of the lip, fills in all the cracks on the surface of the skin;
  • vitamin E is an antioxidant;
  • mica - a silicone additive that provides shine;
  • lecithin. It is found in legumes, eggs and sunflowers and penetrates deep into the skin cell.

Hygienic lip from Nivea "Pink Velvet"

Usually such cosmetics come without color, but this one has a pleasant pink tint that gives the hoods a barely noticeable color. The lipstick contains:

  • almond oil contains a high percentage of vitamin E, therefore it has a rejuvenating and healing effect;
  • polyisobutene - a substitute for mineral oil, safe for the skin;
  • castor oil, softening the skin;
  • candelilla cera is a natural wax made from cacti. It has a moisture-retaining effect;
  • shea butter is obtained from trees growing in the Savannah, it softens the skin and replenishes moisture loss;
  • tocopherol - softens and makes the skin elastic;
  • citrus juice provides additional skin nutrition with vitamins;
  • sopropyl palmitate - a synthetically derived component from fat that protects the epidermis from moisture loss, forming a protective coating;
  • rose extract - smoothes the skin, improves its elasticity.

MAC Matte Lipstick

This decorative cosmetics provides even coloring, has high durability and does not have shine, it contains:

  • vanillin - aromatic additive;
  • octyldodecanol - an oil component that is absorbed into the skin, moisturizing it, does not leave a greasy film;
  • isononyl isononanoate - silicone stabilizer, which is responsible for the adhesion of all components of the decorative agent, ensuring their uniformity;
  • tin oxide is used to give a haze;
  • Castor oil;
  • yeast extract is a natural ingredient that eliminates dry skin and stops moisture loss.

What is the technology for evaluating the quality of lipstick?

The main criteria when buying a lip should be:

  • color, it is chosen according to taste.
  • shine, some ladies do not like mother-of-pearl shimmer, preferring matte lipstick, so this indicator is not important for them.
  • smell. The cosmetic should be moderately flavored. Its aroma should appear when applied to the lips and give a subtle smell.
  • temperature drop drop. From this indicator will depend on how lipstick will behave on the lips. If its value is large, then the product will be poorly applied due to hardness, and if it is small, it will spread over the face.
  • durability. This criterion will show how long you can wear the lip during the day, whether it is washed off while eating.
  • the ability to evenly fall on the lips, while the lipstick should not roll during the day.

Harmful ingredients in lipstick

Cosmetic dyes in high concentrations, which are added to create color, are dangerous. And dyes based on coconut resin cause inflammatory skin lesions, allergic reactions, and in some cases, vomiting. In the case of constant use, a woman feels tired, her mood jumps and her head constantly hurts.

The presence of a large amount of lead in lipstick is also extremely dangerous for health: caries develops, immunity decreases, diseases of the system of organs of support and movements appear.

This metal interferes with reproductive function in women. And the daily use of lipstick with petroleum jelly in the composition threatens at least overdrying of the skin of the lips, and at the maximum, dangerous diseases.

Note! Hygienic lipsticks sometimes contain components that should not be there: silicone oil, salicylic acid, menthol, phenol, camphor. It is undesirable to use such lipsticks for a long time, but it is better not to buy them at all. Carefully read the composition of the lipstick and what it is made of.

The level of lead in the composition depends on the resistance indicator, the longer this effect, the more this dangerous metal is in the lipstick. You should not buy lipsticks with an intense aroma, as with the help of fragrances they block the unpleasant smell of chemical components. Natural lipsticks do not smell at all or have a barely perceptible aroma.

Preservatives in the composition of lipstick can lead to dysfunction of the digestive organs (stomach, liver). The fragrance that flavors lipstick can cause headaches, increased pressure, and nausea. The strong smell of lipstick indicates an “overdose” of this chemical component.

The safe components of lipsticks include all natural ingredients. Not only harmless, but also beneficial to human health are beeswax, high-quality natural and essential oils, supplements in the form of vitamins or natural extracts.

Why do you need lipstick

Lipstick is needed to moisturize the lips and give them the right shade, depending on the type of appearance of a woman or her outfit. The protection of the lips is very important, because due to bad weather, they are often weathered, which immediately makes the appearance not so attractive. With the help of lipstick, women make their lips bright and inviting, which cannot but attract men.

Therefore, bright lipstick can be considered one of the tricks of seducing the opposite sex. Thanks to lipstick, we can always make our appearance brighter if there is no time for eye makeup or a beautiful hairstyle. But do not rush to get a bright lipstick if you do not have the perfect complexion! The scarlet shade of lipstick will emphasize even small reddenings on your skin.

The taste and smell of lipstick

In the production of lipstick, it is important to add perfumes to its composition that will not crystallize on the surface. Sweet lipsticks usually contain vanillin and sugar.

The lipstick smells good due to the correctly formulated perfume composition. Usually lipstick manufacturers focus on fruit and berry notes: cherries, strawberries, raspberries. Also often used are fragrances such as bergamot, jasmine, lavender.

Lip gloss

Lip gloss is considered safer than lipstick. It lacks strong pigments, so you won't get the vibrant effect you get from using lipstick. The gloss is not as long lasting as lipstick and needs to be reapplied frequently throughout the day.

However, lip gloss has its advantages: it is easier to apply, looks more natural on the lips, smells stronger than lipstick, and tastes better. There is an opinion that it is better to use gloss in the summer, because in winter it can freeze on the lips due to the high water content.

How to choose the right lipstick

Any lipstick you buy should be carefully inspected before purchase. The surface of the lipstick should be smooth, without droplets and smudges, as well as a uniform color. Run the tip of the lipstick along the back of your hand - the mark should remain without lumps, be smooth and even.

Look carefully at the color of the lipstick when applied to the skin, and then rub the drawn line with your hand to see how quickly the lipstick wears off. Pay attention to the expiration date, over time, lipstick deteriorates and fades. The smell of lipstick should be pleasant, as the first sign that lipstick has gone bad is that it starts to smell bad.

Now you know what lipstick is made of, its composition, and you can not be afraid to paint your lips and kiss your man. But if you still do not trust the composition of lipstick, then especially for you, some companies produce lipsticks made exclusively from natural ingredients. The disadvantages of such lipsticks are their high price, as well as the fact that they are less resistant.

Video: what lipstick is made of (composition)