What does it mean if you see a war in a dream. Why dream of war: interpretation from various dream books

Seeing a war in a dream is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, as well as disorder and contention in the house.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war, this means that she will hear something unpleasant about his character.

To dream that your country was defeated in a war is a sign that there will be suffering for the people from the revolution, from major changes in business and political life.

If you dream of victory, then in reality a revival of business activity will follow, in family relationships harmony will come.

War according to Freud's dream book

War, as an act of violence, symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If you participate in a war, you are attracted to the joys of group sex, and with elements of both sadism and masochism.

Pictures of an abstract war, or a war involving your friends or relatives, symbolize your hidden sexual fantasies, which you would not only not want to talk to anyone about, but are also afraid to admit to yourself in reality.

War according to Vanga's dream book

War is a very bad omen that promises pestilence and famine, hard times for adults and children, and especially for young people - they have to fight and die.

If you are participating in a war, such a dream means that troubles will affect you or your loved ones, and if you do not have time to hide, you are destined to experience your own and common grief.

War according to Hasse's dream book

War is labor and tension of nerves.

War according to the Family Dream Book

War - dreams of an unimportant state of affairs, as well as disorder and contention in the house.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war, she will hear something unpleasant about his character.

If you dream of victory, your affairs will go smoothly, and peace and harmony will reign in the family.

War according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

War in a dream is a reflection of your nervous tension.

If in peacetime you dreamed of a war, such a dream warns you of possible strife and conflicts with others.

At the same time, if in a dream you take part in hostilities, this means that you will have a period of hard and difficult work that will require determination and dedication from you.

Losing a war in a dream is a sign of mental decline. After such a dream, it is better for you to postpone any big things for a while and avoid conflicts if possible.

War according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov

The onset of war is a disease associated with high temperature body.

If you are a participant in the war - usually such a dream visits the patient during a crisis, followed by recovery; observer of the war - you will be subjected to physical and mental violence.

Defeat in the war - to a grandiose scandal in which you will be the instigator.

Victory in the war - healing without outside help.

War according to the Spring dream book

War - to collapse in work, difficulty in business.

War according to the Summer dream book

If young people see a warrior in a dream, this is a conflict with friends.

But for the elderly - to the loss of relatives.

War according to the Autumn dream book

Seeing battle scenes in a dream - to some kind of trouble in your life.

Dream book war from A to Z

A war seen in a dream - to the deterioration of affairs, unrest and chaos at home and in relations with relatives. For a young girl to see that her chosen one is going to war means that she will hear unflattering reviews about his character.

To imagine that you are going on the attack in a war means that in reality you can turn up a very profitable and feasible job. Find yourself in a war and watch the course of hostilities - in reality, beware of insidious friends.

Hear on the radio or watch on TV everything related to the war - in reality you will suffer from major events that will somehow affect you personally.

If you dream of victory in the war and general rejoicing about it, then in reality there should be a revival of the dead business, and harmony and complete mutual understanding will reign at home.

Losing in a war means persecution, natural disasters, humiliation and insults. Seeing troops leaving for the front, general excitement, confusion and chaos - to worries, troubles, sadness, and for the sick or the elderly - new sores.

War according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

War - work and nervousness, trouble, difficulties in business

War according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

War in a dream is a sign of the difficult state of your affairs and strife in your home.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war, this means that she will learn something unpleasant about his temper.

If you dreamed that you found yourself in a war, the enterprise that you recently started will not bring you benefits.

To dream that your country has lost the war is a sign of future social and political upheaval. But they will not affect your personal interests.

If you dreamed of a victory, it means that harmony will come in your family relationships, and in business life - a streak of exceptional success.

War according to the Esoteric dream book

Kill or take prisoner in the war - lose.

Run away, hide - everything will calm down, but only for a while.

Win, kill, come out victorious.

War according to the dream book of a modern woman

War in a dream is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, disorder and contention in the family.

Victory in the war - promises a revival of business activities, harmony in family relationships.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war, this means that she will face the unpleasant sides of his nature.

War according to Azar's dream book

War - experiences, a scandal in the family, work and tension of nerves.

War according to the dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov

War is a quarrel.

War according to the Modern Dream Book

A dream about war - predicts an unsuccessful state of affairs, discord and quarrels in the family.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war, such a dream predicts some unpleasant discoveries in her lover's character.

Seeing your country as a loser in the war - to global changes in the economy and politics. In both cases, your personal interests will suffer.

Dream of victory - predicts a revival of business activity and family well-being.

If your prophetic dreams have already come true once - a dream in which you see some kind of hostilities or a big war, unfortunately, can also turn out to be prophetic.

If your dreams have not come true before, such a dream can be a harbinger of a severe mental shock.

War according to the Eastern dream book

I had a similar dream - expect trouble in the service, which will annoy and burden, but which is unlikely to be avoided.

War according to the dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

trouble, rivalry and difficulty in business.

War according to the Noble Dream Book of N. Grishina

War, see the battle - recovery, happiness in love.

War according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

Disorder and strife in the house, a major quarrel with a spouse, trouble with children. Imagine that the war is not real, just a movie is being shot in this area. The actors take off their military uniforms and leave smiling. Everything is calm again.

War according to Islamic dream book

Holy war of jihad - whoever sees that he is going to war will achieve dignity, advantage and high degree in the afterlife.

Holy War - It is also said that one who sees himself in a dream fighting disbelief on the path of Allah Almighty and fighting the infidels, he diligently solves the pressing problems of his family.

The Holy War is dreaming - And whoever sees himself killed in the path of Allah will gain joy, bliss, a pleasant life and good earnings.

War according to the Modern Dream Book

War - Trouble, rivalry, difficulty in business

War according to the dream book of A. Mindella

You dream of war - stagnation and decline are expected in your affairs, chaos and quarrels are expected in the house. The girl dreams that her lover is leaving for the war - this girl still does not know her friend well; perhaps she saw him only from the best side, but soon she will see from the worst. The war seems to be lost - expect political upheavals that will certainly affect your well-being. You won the war - the reforms that are being carried out in your industry will have a positive effect on your personal well-being.

War according to the Psychoanalytic dream book

1. In dreams, war portends a conflict, and deeper than that which involves a one-on-one fight. The effect that our actions will have on other people will be greater. And this conflict will arise not, but deliberately. 2. War is also a way to deal with disorder. As a result, order will be established, although sometimes it can only come after some time. The dream of war therefore means that this natural process is taking place on an inner level. 3. War is a symbol of spiritual decay. It is worth understanding what caused it.

War according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

War - Reflects the dreamer's confrontation with someone, the warlike aspects of his character. To participate in war is to resist danger. Hide, run away from the war - become the object of someone's attacks and ridicule.

War according to the Russian dream book

War is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, disorder and strife in the house.

War according to the Women's dream book

War - Seeing a war in a dream is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, disorder and strife in the family. Victory in the war promises a revival of business activities, harmony in family relationships. If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war, this means that she will face the unpleasant sides of his nature, as War interprets the dream book.

War according to the dream book of a housewife

War - conflicts, internal and external. See off to war - parting, separation; argument; celebrate victory - reconciliation; overcoming internal contradictions; to fail is to fail to understand the situation in time and miss your chance for reconciliation.

You dreamed of War - Hear a message about the beginning of the war On Monday night - a warning: you are ready to show excessive gullibility; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to losses and bad luck; on Saturday night, go Sunday - to unexpected changes.

War according to Cleopatra's dream book

If in a dream you are participating in hostilities or seeing the devastating consequences of a battle around you, this is a symbol of the discovery of new negative traits in the character of your partner, which are still skillfully hidden. This will cause you pain and disappointment. If you win the battle, then you can love him for who he is, which will make your relationship harmonious and mutual.

War according to the Psychotherapeutic dream book

Seeing a war in a dream is an internal conflict. The struggle between good and evil. The battlefield is the reality of life. Reducing chaos to order, this is how the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

War according to the Mayan dream book

Good value You saw a battle in a dream - it means that many significant events are happening in your life now, the time has come when you can change your life for the better. For everything to be exactly the way you want, put a gold earring in your ear and don't cut your nails for a week.

Bad value You saw the battlefield in a dream - it means that the time when you could change something for the better has passed. All that is left for you is to rest and recuperate. To prevent the situation from getting worse, feed wild animals every day for a week.

War according to the dream book of catchphrases

WAR - “get on the warpath”, “I declare war on you” - major quarrels, conflicts”; "war of the worlds, ideas."

War according to the Italian dream book Meneghetti

Means a consequence of erroneous decisions karmically directed against the subject, and shows the current aggressiveness environment which a person considers positive.

War according to the Old Russian dream book

War according to the Muslim dream book

If anyone sees that the inhabitants of the city are at war with strangers, it means that food will be expensive in that city.

And if he sees that they are waging war with the king, this is to the tranquility of the state and an abundance of earthly blessings.

To flee in a dream from a battle or from a battlefield is fortunately.

War according to the dream book of the future

War is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, speaks of disorder and contention in the house.

War according to the Idiomatic dream book

“Stand on the warpath”, “I declare war on you” - major quarrels, conflicts; "War of the worlds, ideas" - difficulties with understanding.

War according to online dream book

According to the dream book, war is a symbol that your usual way of life will be disturbed by some unpleasant incident.

I dreamed that you were leaving the battlefield - fate would be favorable to you.

The dream in which you are preparing or heard about the outbreak of war portends a very serious event or conversation with a high-ranking person.

If in a dream you were defeated in a battle, it portends shame, your authority will be thoroughly undermined.

If you dreamed that you fell on the battlefield, something threatens you in real life.

If a man in uniform saw battles in a dream - a trip to a "hot spot" is not excluded, a representative of a peaceful profession - his affairs will go uphill.

If you dreamed World War- big misfortunes await you.

Atomic confrontation is dreaming - as a warning that your atrocities will be revealed.

War according to the Universal Dream Book

Seeing a war in a dream is a sign that "diplomacy" has been canceled, and the only way to sort things out is to meet on the battlefield. Where is the war taking place in your dream, who is involved in it?

If in real life the country in which you live is at war, the dream portends the development of events. Perhaps the dream suggests that the battle is unfolding in your personal life.

Who else did you see in your dream? - in real life you are in a state of conflict with this person? Perhaps the dream symbolizes the struggle that is going on inside you. Are you unable to determine your opinion on any issue?

War also - symbolizes the lack of communication and the rupture of "diplomatic" ties. Why can't you talk about the problem? Why does it have to be decided by force?

War also symbolizes a tough situation that does not allow compromises. Do you feel like you are in a similar situation in real life? Who expects concessions from you? Or is something in your life driving you crazy? What are you fighting so passionately for?

Seeing a war in a dream is also a sign that you should think about the consequences of your actions, since victory in some battles comes at too high a price.

War according to the American dream book

War is conflict and internal aggression.

War according to the dream book of Solomon

War is trouble.

War according to the Old English dream book

A dreamed war - most often portends a bad turn in your destiny. Some event will disturb the peace and tranquility of your home. In your affairs, you will face the intrigues of envious people or rivals. Your health will deteriorate, confidence in your financial independence will be shaken.

If a dream about a war is dreamed of by a woman, in reality her meeting with a military man is possible, which will affect her life. If a woman is expecting a child, then most likely she will have a lovely boy.

War according to the dream book of lovers

A young woman who dreams that her beloved has gone to war - in real life she learns something unpleasant about his character. It is possible that she will be disappointed in him.

If you won the war, this promises the establishment of warm and trusting relationships in the family.

War according to the Moon dream book

To see a war is a quarrel.

War according to Daniel's Medieval Dream Book

To see a war portends strife in your own home.

War according to the Russian dream book

War - trouble, deceit; military - to a possible campaign; civilian - to an improvement in life.

War according to the Chinese dream book of Zhou-gun

Fight. - He speaks of empty glory, exaggerated fame.

War horses enter the city. - portends wealth and a good career, career success.

At the head of a multitude of people, you smash the rebels, the enemies. - Get what you're looking for.

You are at the positions of the army. - portends great happiness, good luck.

The officer and soldiers follow each other. - portends a joyful event.

You see warriors who have just gone on a campaign. Your business will not be successful.

The army is returning from a campaign. - portends a disease.

You see the soldiers who were defeated. - portends misfortune.

You are shooting at a person. - portends a long journey.

Another person shoots at you. - Traveler's arrival.

You hold a bow and arrows in your hands. - portends great happiness.

The string of a bow breaks when you draw it. - portends misfortune, trouble.

A person gives a bow or crossbow. - portends help from the outside.

The string of a crossbow is very difficult to pull. - portends the separation of the brothers.

Sounds of shots from bows and crossbows are heard. - portends a quarrel.

You see the gleam of rays on pikes and halberds. - Get an appointment.

You dress in armor and arm yourself with a sword. - portends a high appointment to an important position.

The War of the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Seeing war in a dream portends persecution, and sometimes a fire.

War according to the Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

War is an internal conflict. The struggle between good and evil.

The battlefield is the reality of life. Reduction of chaos to order.

War according to the French dream book

War - dreams of a peaceful life, peace and contentment.

Dream book war for a bitch

War - troubles and difficulties in business.

Escort to war loved one You will be surprised to find that your loved one is far from ideal.

Victory in the war - peace and mutual understanding in family life, improvement in the business sphere.

War according to the dream book of the XXI century

The war you dreamed about could be a harbinger of a quarrel.

Expect a declaration of war in a dream - for an upcoming important meeting or a serious conversation.

Hearing in a dream about a declaration of war - for the upcoming conversation with the boss or director.

World War - may dream of some kind of upheaval or great financial difficulties.

An atomic war in a dream is a sign that you did something wrong with your conscience or committed evil, which will soon become known.

Participate in the war - to material difficulties.

The military maneuvers you dreamed about may indicate upcoming changes in the family, a change of job or place of residence.

Seeing a fight in a dream is a warning that you will probably have to make a lot of efforts in order to maintain your position in society.

To participate in a fight in a dream yourself means that you need to take care of your health.

War according to the Slavic dream book

War - to persecution or insult.

War according to a short dream book by Denise Lynn

Conflict and internal aggression.

War according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream book

War is a vivid symbol of internal conflict or aggression. Spend some time introspection, identify unresolved internal problems.

War according to the dream book Veles

War - lead, well, recovery / war, fight, big snowstorm, fire, pestilence, trouble, quarrel, hard work, obstacles, dangerous business; to die in a war is a danger, sadness.

War according to Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

If in a dream you take part in hostilities or see the devastating consequences of a battle around you, this is a symbol of the discovery of new negative traits in the character of your partner, which are still skillfully hidden. This will cause you pain and disappointment.

If you won the battle, then you can love him for who he is, which will make your relationship harmonious and mutual.

War according to the Ukrainian dream book

War is a quarrel; stress, hard work; news.

War according to the Gypsy dream book

She dreams that there is a war - a strong scandal will break out in which you will play a prominent role.

War on the ABC of dream interpretation

War - reflects the dreamer's confrontation with someone, the warlike aspects of his character.

To participate in war is to resist danger.

Hide, run away from the war - become the object of someone's attacks and ridicule.

War is always associated with pain, suffering and death, so such a dream awakens fear and anxiety in us. We are afraid that in real life some kind of threat awaits us, which we must confront. For the interpretation of sleep to be correct, pay attention to your emotions and what is currently happening in your life. This will greatly facilitate your interpretation, even if at first glance the meaning seems crazy to you.

As a rule, a dream about war does not bode well, but the exact interpretation depends on many different details. It is important whether you saw the war in a dream while participating in it, or whether you were an observer. Perhaps you watched the battle go, or saw the end of the war.

Why does a man dream of war?

Seeing a war in a dream:

  1. To a quarrel
  2. To intrigues from ill-wishers
  3. Difficulties at work that cannot be avoided
  4. Troublesome deeds
  5. Health problems

Remembering the details of sleep, you can predict the outcome of the case. For example:

  • If a man was slain in a war, he will fail in business.
  • If he dreamed that he hid or hid, the difficulties in life would subside, but only temporarily.
  • If he emerged from the battle as a winner, the troubles will soon go away, life will get better.
A man dreams of war - to quarrels at home, at work

If you have ever been in combat, then it is likely that dreams are a kind of regression of experienced stress. Soldiers often have dreams about the war. All your subconscious experiences and descriptions that you have no time to think about in everyday life are brought here. This is also due to the fact that men force themselves to stand firm, not to show it when they are scared, but our fears do not just disappear if they are suppressed. They find their way out in a dream.

If you have never taken part in hostilities and have not served in the army, then most likely we are talking about situations that you perceive as vital. For example, you are afraid to make a serious business decision or you are ready to start a divorce.

The war seen in a dream - to the deterioration of affairs, unrest and chaos at home and in relations with relatives.

For a young girl to see that her chosen one is going to war means that she will hear unflattering reviews about his character.

To imagine that you are going on the attack in a war means that in reality you can turn up a very profitable and feasible job.

To be in a war and watch the course of hostilities - in reality, beware of insidious friends.

Hear on the radio or watch on TV everything related to the war - in reality you will suffer from major events that will somehow affect you personally.

If you dream of victory in the war and general rejoicing about this, then in reality there should be a revival of the dead business, and harmony and complete mutual understanding will reign at home.

Losing a war means persecution, natural disasters, humiliation and insults.

Seeing troops leaving for the front, general excitement, confusion and chaos - to worries, troubles, sadness, and for the sick or the elderly - new sores.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Let's find out why a war is dreaming in a dream for a man with his participation, and also what such a dream means for a woman, especially if with the Germans. We will also find out what it means if a girl has such a dream (with my participation).

The war seen in a dream causes mainly fear and anxiety. The meaning of dreams about war is different and depends on the context. For example, the war is lost, or you dream about victory, you can run from the war or from the bombing - these are the most common dream topics. What exactly do they mean?

A dream about war is usually one of those dreams that we would like to forget about as soon as possible. But should we always be afraid of him?

War is always associated with pain, suffering and death, so such a dream awakens fear and anxiety in us. We are afraid that in real life some kind of threat awaits us, which we must confront. For the interpretation of sleep to be correct, pay attention to your emotions and what is currently happening in your life. This will greatly facilitate your interpretation, even if at first glance the meaning seems crazy to you.

As a rule, a dream about war does not bode well, but the exact interpretation depends on many different details. It is important whether you saw the war in a dream while participating in it, or whether you were an observer. Perhaps you watched the battle go, or saw the end of the war.

🌼 War in a man's dream

If you have ever been in combat, then it is likely that dreams are a kind of regression of experienced stress. Soldiers often have dreams about the war. All your subconscious experiences and descriptions that you have no time to think about in everyday life are brought here. This is also due to the fact that men force themselves to stand firm, not to show it when they are scared, but our fears do not just disappear if they are suppressed. They find their way out in a dream.

If you have never taken part in hostilities and have not served in the army, then most likely we are talking about situations that you perceive as vital. For example, you are afraid to make a serious business decision or you are ready to start a divorce.

Preparing for war is good sign. This suggests that you put a lot of effort into the work done and now you can expect a decent reward.

🌼 War in the dreams of girls and women

War for a woman is a long-term stress. Perhaps you are already very exhausted at work, or you have been swallowed up by household chores, and you just can’t relax. It is possible that we are talking about something more serious - about a discord in personal life.

The details of sleep are very important here. If you yourself took part in the war and everything ended well, then an important matter will be resolved. If you dream of a bombing, then you can meet with married man, which means that the relationship will not be so smooth.

🌼 If you are an observer

If you dreamed that you saw a war, but did not take part in it, you can expect small difficult moments in your life. Upcoming events will be a source of concern for you. Problems can concern not only you, but also someone from your loved ones. The most important thing in this situation is to find the strength and courage to resist what fate has prepared and not give up, despite possible setbacks.

🌼 If you participate

In the case when you dream that you are going to war or are already taking part in it, especially with the Germans, this means that you spend a lot of time on current affairs, although they are not worth it. It is possible that your efforts will go down the drain, and the plans that you have just outlined for yourself will fail.

A dream may be an indication that at this moment in your life you refrain from making important decisions, or, for example, do not invest all your savings in a dubious enterprise, although it seems very profitable to you.

🌼 If the dream war is won

If you had a dream that you won the war, you can count on well-being both in the personal and professional spheres. A number of great successes await you, which will bring joy, satisfaction, as well as recognition among your surroundings. Your work will be appreciated. Perhaps you are waiting for a promotion or a big hike.

Such a dream may indicate a favorable time in material affairs. It is possible that it is time to direct your energy to increasing your wealth and business development. You just need to make sure that in the pursuit of money you do not lose other important values, for example, taking care of your own health or relationships with loved ones.

🌼 If the war is lost

None of us likes to lose, so when this happens in a dream, we feel disappointed and apprehensive. In the case when you see in a dream how you are losing a war, expect small and temporary troubles. They may relate to various aspects of your life. The dream book often interprets such a dream as a harbinger of bad news that could affect someone close to you.

A lost war in a dream is a symbol of defeat and material loss. Sometimes such a dream can be attributed to the mental or emotional area. In this case, this can be interpreted as a feeling of inner emptiness, burnout and dissatisfaction with one's life. Such a dream can be something of a signal to add a little variety to your everyday life. It could be a job change, a new hobby, or a long journey—anything that will help you spread your wings and enjoy life again.

🌼 If you are fleeing the war

An escape dream appears in our lives when we feel some kind of discomfort or fear. Escape in this case for us is a chance to free ourselves from what we most fear. It is possible that unpleasant events have appeared in your life, conflicts that you want to forget about as soon as possible, and the subconscious mind is working out suppressed anxiety in this way.

Think about what has been bothering you lately. Has something happened that negatively affected our lives and from which you would like to get away as soon as possible? These can be, for example, crises at work, relationship problems or serious health problems. It is also possible that you are afraid to make some important decision and are trying at all costs to postpone it for a while.

Now you know what the war is about in a dream for a man (with his participation) and for a woman and a girl - with the Germans or in any other hostilities. What dream did you have?

Seeing military operations in a dream is always unpleasant. Such a plot is associated with destruction, pain and grief. But figuring out what the war is dreaming of, it will be possible to find positive interpretations of the dream under discussion.

If a war is dreamed of by a man or a woman, Miller is sure that such a plot promises unfavorable changes to a person. Some events will disrupt the harmony in the real life of the sleeper and all of a sudden everything will go downhill.

A similar plot in Vanga's work symbolizes troubles. Any dream associated with the war promises a person of any gender trouble. If it was not possible to hide from hostilities, it is worth waiting for a massive catastrophe.

Freud explains that getting a sleeper into a military captivity portends him a waking battle, which he will not be able to win. If you managed to escape from the attackers, then you will be able to hide from troubles.

In Loff's dream book, military operations symbolize nervous tension the sleeper himself. If the battle takes place in peacetime, then in reality it is worth waiting for a major quarrel with others.

Participate in hostilities

According to most modern dream books, military operations in which the sleeper had to take part on his own, portend him a waking scandal. The person will be very worried about what happened. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to avoid an unpleasant event. The instigator of the scandal will be one of the dreamer's acquaintances.

If a man or woman in his dream goes to war with a weapon in his hands, then in reality you can expect the onset of a difficult life period. It will last more than one month, exhaust the sleeper not only morally, but also physically.

Had to kill other people during the war in a dream? Such a plot should be considered a harbinger of material problems or even a real financial collapse in reality.

War in another or in your country

It happens that military operations in a dream take place in another country. This is a clear sign that a man or woman needs to be wary of the envy of colleagues at work. They envy the dreamer's success and high salary. These feelings will push employees to various intrigues that they will build for the sleeping person, without realizing it.

If a person very often dreams of a war in his country, most likely he is not satisfied own life and wants change. It will really be possible to change the situation, but at the same time, the sleeper will have to face the discontent of others.

Dreamed of military equipment - what does it mean?

It happens that in a dream a man or woman simply watches military equipment. Such stories have special interpretations. For example, a large number of various military equipment in a dream is a sign that the sleeping person will soon threaten someone. It is possible that he will even have to use physical force against the ill-wisher.

Did you have to fly a military plane in a dream? This is a good sign that suggests that in reality alone it will be easy to solve all the problems that have piled up. Planes dropping bombs in a dream suggest that in reality the sleeper suffers greatly from his own fears.

Win or lose

In general, a dream where the dreamer and his allies are victorious in the war is one of the few such plots with a positive interpretation.

If you managed to destroy the enemy in night dreams, then you can easily deal with enemies in real life.

Did the dreamer's family members turn out to be participants in the war? In this case, the night victory suggests that relatives will be able to improve relations and find mutual understanding. Family members will finally begin to look for compromises in communicating with each other.

If the sleeper fights alone in a war, then victory for him can symbolize getting rid of the disease. Recovery will come very quickly. Losing in a single battle in this case has a radically opposite meaning - it will be very difficult to defeat the disease.

A military defeat promises major quarrels and strife in the family. The cause of conflicts will be some unexpected news or events. To reconcile relatives, the sleeper will have to make a lot of efforts.

Preparation, the beginning of the war

Often in a dream a person sees an army that is going to war. This means that in reality, changes await him in various areas of life. It is difficult to say in advance whether they will be positive or negative.

Did the sleeper just hear about the preparations for war? It is worth preparing for a serious conversation with the authorities, which will be unpleasant. Most likely, the leader decided to express the accumulated dissatisfaction with the dreamer's work.

If a person simply watches from the sidelines someone else's preparations for war, this is a bad sign for him. Most likely, the sleeper will be subjected to physical or psychological abuse.

The dream in which the war began suggests that the dreamer's enemies have become more active. Soon they will begin to put sticks in the wheels of the sleeper and prevent him from achieving his goals.

Dream about nuclear war

Nuclear war in a dream is a very negative sign. It can portend a person the following events:

  • death of close friends or relatives;
  • large-scale events that will have a negative impact on the economy of the entire country where the sleeper lives;
  • serious, dead-end problems, the way out of which will not be easy to find.

If only the beginning of the war is dreamed, then the dreamer has the opportunity to prevent Negative consequences planned actions. For example, he may ask relatives and friends to be more careful and closely monitor their health.

It happens that a person dreams of a nuclear catastrophe shortly after he has committed a vile act. This means that everyone around will find out about the act of the sleeper and a large-scale scandal will break out, which will greatly ruin the reputation of a man or woman.

Hide, run away from hostilities

Did you manage to hide from hostilities in a dream and stay alive? It will turn out to run away from problems and in reality. If a person is hiding, and explosions are constantly heard around and he experiences a strong sense of fear, then the lull will be temporary. Later, the troubles will resume with renewed vigor, and they still have to be solved.

Had to run away from the war in a dream? Such a plot portends that the dreamer will become the object of ridicule of those around him in reality. If a person does not run away, but simply retreats before the enemy, in real life he should expect a stab in the back from loved ones. The same plot can promise a man or woman unpleasant news that will cause great distress.

The meaning of sleep from the dreamer's gender

When interpreting dreams with military operations, the gender of the sleeper must also be taken into account.

  • If a woman in night dreams accompanies her lover to the front, it means that she will soon learn something new about him. Perhaps the news will make the fair sex disappointed in the second half.
  • The war, which ended in victory, tells the girl that they will be able to overcome all misunderstandings with her husband together. The main thing is not to hush up the problems, but to discuss them frankly.
  • If a man was defeated in a war in a dream, then he will fail in business in reality.
  • Did the sleeper manage to destroy the enemy? His real life will improve. Finally, a man will find a job that brings him not only money, but also moral satisfaction.