Brown algae - structure and reproduction, features and causes of occurrence. Brown algae: characteristics, types and applications Brown algae element

Seaweed, particularly kelp, is a natural food rich in nutrients needed by humans and animals. Minerals absorbed from water in large quantities are in an organic colloidal state and can be freely and quickly absorbed by the human body.

Beneficial properties of brown seaweed

Brown algae grows in the ocean, which has the botanical name Macrocystis Pyrifera. It is often considered a sea vegetable and used as a dietary supplement. It grows luxuriantly at a depth of six to ten fathoms (a fathom is equal to six feet, which is 182 cm) in places with a rocky bottom; it has no roots, it is attached to the rocks by means of rope-like strands (stems); the only nutrient medium for it is water.

This is one of the largest plants, reaching a length of 700 feet and growing 50 feet per year. Each plant consists of parts resembling a trunk or stem, flanked on either side by large, single lance-shaped leaves and roots called petiole, rhizoids and blades. The plates are arranged in alternating rows of six to eight or more; each plate is attached to the plant trunk using a buoy or float. The olive-brown plates are distinctly and asymmetrically wavy and bordered by one row of short, soft spines.

Seaweed, particularly kelp, is a natural food rich in nutrients needed by humans and animals. Minerals absorbed from water in large quantities are in an organic colloidal state and can be freely and quickly absorbed by the human body.

Previously, most people ate fish and crustaceans - representatives of the vast reserves of the sea. The populations of coastal countries such as Japan (the Japanese collect six or seven different types of seaweed, storing it for later consumption) and Ireland consumed large quantities of edible seaweed. It should be noted that against the background of such a diet, some deficiency diseases were extremely rare or completely absent among these peoples.

Brown algae(fucus bladder) and other marine plants (for example, red algae) are rich in iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland (which controls the body's metabolic processes). According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.5 billion people worldwide are at risk of thyroid disease, often due to iodine deficiency. Too much iodine is also harmful to health.

Fucus algae. What's the benefit?

Fucus is a marine brown algae. It is also called “sea grape”, “sea oak”, “king algae”. Especially great importance have three types of fucus - “fucus serrated”, “fucus bilateral” and “fucus vesicular”.

Fucus is a northern algae growing in the White Sea. This seaweed is more beneficial than tasty, so it is usually used as a supplement. Fucus contains the entire spectrum of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B12, C, D3, E, K, F, H), rare microelements (iodine, selenium, barium, zinc, magnesium, sulfur and 36 more elements) , folic and pantothenic acids, polysaccharides, amino acids, polyunsaturated acids of the Omega-3 type.

One of the main components of this algae is fucoidan. Fucoidan has antiviral (including against HIV infection), antitumor, and immunoregulatory effects.

Chemical composition of fucus

The chemical composition of fucus is considered unique, as it is almost identical to the composition of the tissues of the human body and blood plasma. This algae is a source of a complete and balanced set of micro- and macroelements (magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, bromine, iodine and others), vitamins (A, B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, E, K, PP, folic, pantothenic acids and others). The composition also contains alginic acid, its salts, fucosterol, fucoidan, caraginine.

Due to its composition, fucus surpasses many in its qualities. natural products! For example, 10 g of fucus (dry) contains the same amount of vitamin D as 10 kg of apricots, iodine - as much as 11 kg of cod, iron - as much as 1 kg of spinach, vitamin A - as 100 grams of carrots.

In addition, fucus algae is low in calories (the energy value of 100 grams of fucus is only 123 kcal).

Useful properties of fucus:

  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • promotes the removal of radionuclides and heavy metals from the body;
  • increases immunity;
  • has antiviral, antimicrobial effects;
  • normalizes different kinds metabolism (lipid and purine metabolism);
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • helps with rheumatism, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.
  • effectively fights fat deposits and reduces cholesterol levels.
  • removes unnecessary elements and toxins from the body.

Poor environment, unbalanced diet, stress, etc. negatively affect our health. The human body is literally working to the limit. To normalize proper metabolism and eliminate various wastes and toxins, people need additional support. Fucus in its easily digestible form perfectly helps the body to compensate for the deficiency of the elements it needs.

For a long time people have paid attention to special healing properties fucus algae. It is mined in environmentally friendly waters White Sea. One of the amazing properties of algae is its immunity to pollution from petrochemicals.


The most famous algae in Russia is kelp or seaweed. In Soviet times, pyramids of cheap canned seaweed salad towered in every store. Against the backdrop of a shortage of other products, citizens of the USSR developed both hostility and respect for an accessible but specific product. Perhaps everyone knew seaweed salad, but only a few loved it.

Canning significantly changes the taste of seaweed and reduces the content of vitamins and minerals, so you should pay attention to dried or fresh seaweed. For cooking, seaweed is usually boiled (this does not apply to ready-made or canned cabbage). Take 1 part seaweed to 5 parts water, add a little salt and boil for a few minutes.

The kelp algae family has about 30 species. On far east In Russia, sea kale grows in large quantities. In some countries (Japan, China and Korea), kelp is grown specifically. By the way, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is considered the best place in the world for the production of these algae. During the reign of Emperor Kann-Si in the Mukden province, goiter began to spread greatly among the population. Kann-Si, on the advice of Chinese scientists, issued an order obliging every resident of the Mukden province to systematically eat at least 5 pounds of dry kelp throughout the year.

Laminaria algae, or seaweed, has been widely used for both medicinal and food purposes in eastern countries since ancient times. In China, there are more than 300 types of dishes and food products prepared from seaweed or with its addition. In Japan, work is underway to cultivate kelp as a promising source of protein, mannitol, and alginic acid.

Due to the unique chemical composition and properties of individual components, seaweed has recently become the focus of scientific attention. It has been scientifically proven that systematic consumption of seaweed in small doses improves metabolism in the body and increases its tone. According to Japanese scientists, kelp algae contains special substances that strengthen the roots of human hair. Brown kelp algae contains a complex of biologically active substances: carbohydrates - 59%, proteins - 13%, fiber - 11%, fats - 2%, mineral salts - 3%, moisture - 12%.

Scientists have long been intrigued by the antitumor properties of algae. Interesting developments are being carried out by Japanese scientists from Kyoto University. They found that brown seaweed extract could prevent the growth of tumors. It is believed that the active component is a complex of polysaccharides, which has a stimulating effect on the immune system. In addition, kelp contains carbohydrates: mannitol - very useful in weakening intestinal motility; laminarin is a source of glucose; alginic acid (polymer of d-mannuric acid) and its salts (alginates).

The results of clinical trials of alginate-containing products have shown an undoubted therapeutic effect in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The use of alginates as components of food products is effective against intoxication of the body. It has been established that alginates are able to adsorb and remove heavy metals (lead, cadmium) and radionuclides from the body, accelerate wound healing, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. Kelp protein has high nutritional value, contains all the amino acids necessary for the human body. Fats include vitamins A and D, the effectiveness of which is very high.

In addition, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2 and C were found in kelp algae. One of the most important components of kelp is mineral salts, which mainly determine the nutritional and medicinal value of algae. Laminaria algae are capable of concentrating in their cells a significant amount of organically bound iodine, an element that ensures proper metabolism in the human body. In situations of intense anthropogenic pollution and environmental disasters, the need has been established for the systematic use of natural algae harvested in ecologically clean areas for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Professor Kavanaugh from Cornwall University presented experiments on feeding algae (as a feed additive) to White Leghorn hens, which resulted in significant improvements in their health and egg quality. He showed how hard and durable the eggshell was and how dense the yolk was, which remained intact when transferred from palm to palm. Professor Kavanaugh was particularly interested in the possibility of preventing the formation of brittle egg shells.

The professor also examined cases of poor healing of bones during fractures, which his fellow doctors told him about, and found out the cause of this phenomenon in connection with changes in the chemical composition of the body, in particular, bone tissue. In each case, he believed that patients should be given tablets of seaweed, which is an excellent source of mineral elements in organic form necessary for the human body. He later found out that after starting treatment with algae tablets, patients observed rapid fusion of bone tissue. Cavanaugh later studied the effects of daily consumption of seaweed on the healing of fractures and fissures. Blood tests for the content of calcium, potassium, iron and iodine in the blood of patients in connection with the rate of healing of bone tissue in fractures (cracks) showed that the healing period can be reduced by 20% by eating algae daily, which helps increase the calcium content in the blood .

The composition of the human body is equivalent to the composition of seven gallons sea ​​water. Therefore, the need for minerals can be fully satisfied through seafood products. We cover this need to some extent by consuming fish and other seafood. By eating seaweed daily, we will help better meet our mineral needs. This is a simple and effective means of eliminating the mineral deficiency that develops in the human body when consuming only food grown on the earth.

Use of dried kelp for medicinal purposes

If you buy and consume kelp once a week (two teaspoons of dried kelp is enough), you can provide yourself with a monthly dose of vitamins and microelements that our body needs. Dried kelp is processed seaweed. They are unique because they contain vitamins: A, C, E, which are very important for immunity and slow down the aging process in the body; D - with its help calcium and phosphorus are absorbed; B1, B2 - stimulate metabolic processes in the body; B6, PP - condition of hair, nails, skin. Micro- and macroelements that kelp algae supply us with: Na (sodium), K (potassium), Ca (calcium), Mg (magnesium), Cl (chlorine) and of course I (iodine), the lack of which is especially dangerous negative consequences. All this convincingly suggests that if you buy dried kelp seaweed, the benefits to your body will be enormous.

It has been scientifically proven that kelp effectively removes toxins from the body and prevents the appearance of malignant tumors. Thus, doctors explain the low percentage of breast cancer in Japanese women precisely by the presence of seaweed dishes in their diet.

Dried kelp is recommended to be taken regularly for atherosclerosis, as well as for prevention cardiovascular diseases and diseases associated with metabolic disorders. In addition, practice shows that seaweed successfully helps with joint diseases: rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis. In these cases, to relieve pain, you need to take a seaweed bath at night.

Dried kelp seaweed does not lose any of its beneficial properties; on the contrary, it is more convenient to use it in this form, and more pleasant for those who cannot stand its specific smell. Therefore, we recommend that everyone buy kelp and take it with food, replenishing the deficiency of nutrients in such a simple and accessible way.

Ecological group and living conditions

The department of brown algae (Phaeophyta) has about 1,500 species.

Brown algae live almost only in the seas(only a few species are found in fresh water bodies). Habitat depth is relatively shallow, for most species - 5-15 m, but some species are distributed to a depth of 40-100 m and even 200 m. Brown algae are included in ecological group of benthic(bottom) organisms.

The structure of brown algae

The precursors of brown algae chloroplasts are bacteria close to Heliobacterium chlorum. The main photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll a, auxiliary pigments are carotenoids, including brown fucoxanthin and yellow xanthophylls. Auxiliary pigments of brown algae expand the spectrum of light they absorb in the blue-green region.

Spare substance - soluble carbohydrate similar to starch kelp.

The thallus (thallus) is only multicellular. Large, sometimes multi-meter thalli of brown algae are kept afloat thanks to air bubbles located in the thallus. Many representatives of brown algae show tissue differentiation. Inside the thallus they pass vascular bundles, reminiscent of the phloem of higher plants. The appearance of the vascular system is associated with the need to transport nutrients through the multi-meter thallus - from the upper, photosynthetic, parts of the plant to the lower ones, where conditions for photosynthesis are worse.

Rice. The structure of brown algae


In brown algae, the forms of sexual reproduction are isogamy, heterogamy and oogamy. There is an alternation of generations, usually heteromorphic. Asexual reproduction - zoospores and pieces of thallus (vegetative reproduction).

The meaning of brown algae

Brown algae form entire “underwater forests” at relatively shallow depths, surrounding with a continuous wall the coasts of all seas and oceans of both hemispheres. These “underwater forests” provide food, shelter and breeding grounds for a huge number of marine life, including many commercial fish. After the algae die, they form detritus, which is food for planktonic organisms.

Brown algae are widespread, but the largest species are found in the seas of temperate and northern latitudes.

Rice. 1. Brown algae: a) macrocystis (Macrocystus); c) sargassum; c) fucus (Fucus); d) kelp (Laminaria)

Typical representatives of the department

Brown algae is widespread in the Far Eastern seas kelp (seaweed), The length of the thallus is 5-6 m. Sea kale is used as food by the peoples of Southeast Asia.

On the Pacific Coast South America giant brown algae found macrocystis. Its huge thallus reaches a length of 50-60 m. Interestingly, it grows in just one season.

In the littoral zone (the part of the bottom exposed at low tide) of the northern seas, extensive thickets are formed by fucus(thallus length up to 2 m).

The South Atlantic (Sargasso Sea) is characterized by huge accumulations of brown algae Sargassum.“Sargasso” means “grape” in Spanish, and indeed, the groups of air bubbles that keep the thallus of these algae afloat resemble bunches of grapes. The Sargassum species found in the Sargasso Sea are the only brown algae that float on the surface of the water rather than being attached to the bottom.

Economic importance

Brown algae cells are covered on top of a cellulose shell with a layer of a special carbohydrate - pectin, consisting of alginic acid or its salts (alginates). When mixed with water (in a ratio of 1:300), alginates form a viscous solution.

Alginates are used extremely widely:

  • in the food industry (when producing marmalades, juices, marshmallows, etc.);
  • in perfumery (production of creams, pastes, gels, etc.);
  • in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry (in the manufacture of ointments, pastes, soluble surgical threads);
  • in the chemical industry (in the production of varnishes, paints, adhesives that do not lose their qualities when freezing and thawing; plastics, plasticizers, synthetic fibers);
  • in book printing (to improve print quality);
  • alginates make natural fabrics non-fading and waterproof; they are used to improve the quality of molding soil in foundry, for the manufacture of electrodes (improving the quality of welds) and in many other sectors of the national economy.

Hexahydric alcohol is obtained from brown algae mannitol, used as a blood substitute, as a medicine in the treatment of diabetes, as well as in the light and chemical industries (in the production of paper, varnishes, paints, explosives and for leather dressing).

Brown algae kelp (sea kale) is consumed for food.

Brown algae is used and how medicine: as a mild laxative, in the treatment of vascular diseases, and also as a source of iodine and trace elements for diseases of the thyroid gland. Iodine was first obtained from brown algae, and in the past they were the main raw material for its production. Currently, the scale of this production has sharply decreased due to the emergence of more cost-effective sources of iodine.

Brown algae can be used as gold deposit indicators, since they are able to accumulate it in the cells of the thallus.

Brown algae is also used in agriculture - as fertilizers And for livestock feed.

The underwater world of the seas and oceans has always aroused interest among people. After all, it is very useful and interesting to know what types of plants and animals it is represented by? Therefore, for many decades, various scientists have been conducting thorough research in this area. A huge amount of diverse information has accumulated; man has learned to use almost all known species of marine plants and animals for his needs.

One of such useful and significant representatives in the economic activity of people is brown algae. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Systematic position of brown algae

The class Brown algae occupies a fairly large part of the entire flora of the seas. Today, there are about one and a half thousand species of representatives, united in 250 genera. All of them are multicellular, and most often quite impressive in size.

The general plan of the systematic position occupied by Brown seaweeds can be presented as follows:

  • Empire - Cellular.
  • Overkingdom - Eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom - Plants.
  • Subkingdom - Algae or Lower Plants.
  • Department - Ochrophyte algae.
  • Class - Brown algae.

Among brown algae there are plants of both small sizes and real giants. Let's consider what features they have in the structure of the body and who belongs to them.

General plan of the building

The structure of brown algae is not much different from that of the rest of their relatives. The body is represented by a thallus or thallus, is not differentiated into parts, and has no leaves or roots. The organs of attachment to the substrate are special outgrowths resembling small tentacle roots called rhizoids.

The vast majority of species spend most of their lives attached to the substrate. However, there are also representatives freely floating on the surface. A feature of the thallus can be called well-defined large leaf plates. Sometimes they have very strong dissections, which makes the structure of brown algae look like threads. Therefore, some representatives are often called filamentous.

IN chemical composition The cells of these plants contain special pigment substances contained in chloroplasts. This:

  • fucoxanthin;
  • chlorophyll;
  • xanthophyll.

They are designed to absorb individual spectra of solar radiation that are able to penetrate greater depth into the depths of the sea. Also, the pigments of these species give the corresponding brown color. It is thanks to this that these algae can live at a depth of up to 200 m, although they still prefer coastal zones and a depth of at least 15 m.

The cell walls contain a special acid - alginic acid, which is one of the reasons for the production of these algae by humans. Among brown algae there are plants on which special lumps filled with air are formed. This is necessary in order to stay afloat at the surface of the water, and also so that sex cells for reproduction can freely develop inside.

The process of leaving offspring itself is of three types:

  1. Asexual, using spores.
  2. Sexual, with the participation of gametes.
  3. Vegetative, body parts.

Another interesting substance found in the thallus of brown algae is fucoidan. It is a polysaccharide of a complex structure that has a wide range of therapeutic effects (antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunomodulatory). This is another reason why people harvest brown algae.

Places of distribution

Brown algae are species that prefer the sea. However, representatives of four genera prefer to live in fresh water bodies - Heribaudiella, Pleurocladia, Bodanella and Sphacelaria.

These plants are found everywhere in all seas of the globe, but their maximum concentration occurs in water bodies of temperate latitudes, as well as in the subpolar zones. Individual representatives form a significant part of the flora of salt marshes.

It should be noted that brown algae are giants that have chosen the Atlantic Ocean as their habitat. They formed a whole sea there, named Sargasso in their honor. This

That is, climatic conditions are not so important for the life of such plants, which is why their distribution is so wide and widespread.

Representatives of the class: macrocystis

Brown algae include macrostructures, the most striking example of which is Macrocystis. These are one of the largest and most massive representatives of these plants. The length of the thallus reaches 60 m, and the mass of the crop is equal to 150 kg.

They are distributed mainly in temperate waters. The structural features include wide leaf-shaped thalli and air balloons on them, serving as a float for holding at the surface. Rhizoids are also present on the thallus; these plants are attached to rocky and rocky substrates at a depth of about 25 m.

The composition of thallus cells includes many useful and important substances for humans, which they widely use when extracting macrocystis. What substances are these?

  1. Polysaccharides and amino acids - are used in the cosmetic industry to add to creams, tonics, lotions and so on.
  2. Iodine, silicon, phosphorus and other elements.
  3. - used in the chemical industry to produce artificial fibers and fabrics.

The alga itself systematically belongs to the genus Laminariaceae.

Analipus japonica

A plant that is part of the Chordarian brown algae family. Representatives of this taxon have a vertical thallus that is not too tall. Thus, Analipus reaches 30 cm in length. In this case, side branches extend from the main axis, but, as a rule, they do not branch further.

The rhizoids are hidden in the sole, with the help of which the plant is attached to the stones in the coastal zones of the Pacific Ocean and adjacent areas. A common species for Sakhalin, Kamchatka, the Sea of ​​Japan and the shores of the Kuril Islands.

The thallus of this algae is multilocular and develops throughout life. In habitats with strong surf, the algae takes the form of a plant pressed to the bottom, more like a crust.


Also important is the brown algae kelp, a member of the genus of the same name. It consists of numerous species, the main one of which is considered to be Japanese Laminaria or This plant is widespread in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and is of great value to humans.

The body structure is represented by a long, up to 12 m thallus, looking like a wide brown ribbon. Rhizoids at the bottom of the thallus serve for attachment to stony and rocky substrates.

How is kelp useful for people?

  1. Methionine is an amino acid, the content of which makes this plant a champion even among terrestrial vegetables.
  2. Minerals, iodine, trace elements are present in large quantities in kelp cells.
  3. Carbohydrates give this plant high nutritional value.

Thanks to this composition, kelp is used as animal feed, used as a valuable product for people, and is known for its properties in cosmetology and dietetics.


The following representatives are also very valuable medically - fucus (fucus). Their other name is that they received for the interesting structure of the thallus. It is very palmately dissected and resembles clusters of this fruit. These plants are a storehouse of all possible nutrients and important substances that brown algae generally contain. Representatives number about 19 taxa.

Externally, the thallus is short, olive-colored, quite massive and dense. Plant habitat: almost all seas and oceans, especially

Substances included and of value:

  • about 42 chemical elements;
  • amino acids and fatty acids;
  • vitamins from group A to PP;
  • fucoidan.


Brown algae also includes plants such as Sargassum. The thallus reaches a length of up to 10 m; its peculiarity is the ability to form air cones and bubbles at the tops. Thanks to this, plants form entire thickets at the surface of the water (in parts of the Atlantic Ocean they attach to the rocky surfaces of the bottom.

The main areas of application of these species are for human food (Asian countries), animal feed, and extraction of medicinal substances. Habitat: tropical zones.


Very interesting brown algae, the color of which is far from the name of the class. White mushrooms are more reminiscent of white mushrooms with their beautiful fan-shaped small thallus. This plant is very thermophilic, therefore it is common in tropical zones and off the coast of America. Used mainly in medicine and cosmetology.

Brown algae (Phaeophyta ) - a department of algae, a characteristic feature of which is the multicellular structure and lamellar shape of the thallus. This group of algae has a complex structure among other algae. The Brown Algae department has about 1.5 thousand species.

General signs. In terms of the number of cells, brown algae are exclusively multicellular organisms. And in size they range from several centimeters to tens of meters. The lamellar thallus of brown algae has a complex structure. In some species, groups of cells are arranged in several rows and acquire characteristics of differences from other cells, thereby becoming similar to tissue. Cell covers are represented by two-layer membranes. The outer layer is mucous because it consists of pectin substances and soluble salts - alginates, and the inner layer is made of cellulose. Brown algae have green, brown and yellow pigments, which in their combination determine their bright yellow or brown color. The main substances that these plants store are laminarin and oil, which are deposited outside the chloroplasts. Starch is rarely stored. All types of reproduction are found in the Brown Algae department:

vegetative - with parts of the thallus, asexual - with the help of zoospores and brood buds, and sexual - with the help of gametes that are formed in the gametangium organs. Brown algae are characterized by a clear alternation of generations that reproduce sexually and asexually.

Distribution and diversity. Brown algae are exclusively large marine plants; they can be found in all seas of the Earth. Adapted to life at medium depths - 20-30 m, where they absorb green and blue rays of light. But brown algae are more common on rocky coastal areas in the seas of temperate and cold regions of the globe. In these places, algae experience strong mechanical shocks during the surf, but waves do not damage them, because the cells of the thallus are covered with a protective layer of mucus. Near the top of many types of brown algae are air bubbles that keep them afloat. Thanks to the surf and currents in the places where they exist, there is a constant supply of nutrients, so they have a branched thallus, which often reaches large sizes. All brown algae, with the exception of some species of Sargasso algae, lead an attached lifestyle. Their organs of attachment are rhizoids or soles.

The most famous brown algae is kelp, fucus, macrocystis, sargassum, pelvetia, lesonia. Genus Kelp, or seaweed, unites perennial plants that are found in almost all seas of the Northern Hemisphere. The thallus of these algae can reach a length of up to 20 m and consists of a plate and rhizoid, which attach the algae to the underwater rocky bottom. The most industrially important are sugar kelp, northern kelp, Japanese kelp, etc.

Fucus- a genus of brown perennial algae. In the cold northern seas, the bottom, which is exposed during low tides, is often covered with a continuous carpet of these algae. Their Talom reaches 30-100 cm in height, has a disc-shaped sole and branched plates, expanding to the top. At the ends of these plates there are air bubbles, thanks to which the algae keeps its elongated body in a vertical position in the water. Sargassum- These are brown algae, the body of which is like bushes, dotted with air bubbles, allowing these organisms to float on the surface of the water.

The name Sargasso algae gives its name to the Sargasso Sea, located east of Florida and south of Bermuda, between 25° and 35° degrees north latitude and between 30° and 70° west longitude. This sea has no shores; their role is played by large ocean currents.

Meaning in nature. Brown algae creates organic matter in the coastal zone, it is used as food by animals of the seas of temperate and subpolar latitudes. There their number can reach tens of kilograms per 1 m2. Extinct brown algae form algal char. Brown algae form underwater thickets along the shores, which can be equal in extent and density to terrestrial forests. A large number of different marine animals (fish, mollusks, crustaceans) find both prey and hiding places in these places. Through the process of photosynthesis, brown algae enrich the water body with oxygen.

Meaning for a person. Brown algae is collected by humans for food in raw and cooked form. For example, kelp is a well-known edible algae, which is today grown in many countries on special marine farms. It contains many nutrients, vitamins and mineral compounds. Large quantities of brown seaweed are collected and used as potash fertilizer. In medicine, iodine, bromine, blood substitutes, and the like are extracted from brown algae. Brown algae are the main source of alginates - alginic acid compounds. They are used in the food industry to improve the quality of ice cream, fruit juices, and in the paper and pulp industry for sizing paper. In medicine, they are used to make soluble surgical threads, and in the chemical industry - dyes for color printing. IN textile industry Painting with such dyes makes natural fabrics waterproof and non-flammable. Brown algae are capable of accumulating mineral salts in their cells 500-1000 times more than their concentration in water. Modern scientists use a method that allows them to look for marine deposits of non-ferrous metals in places where brown algae accumulate. So, it turned out that algae that grow on gold-bearing rocks contain 6-7 times more precious metal than the rock itself.

So, the most common characteristics of brown algae are richoclitinity, brown coloration of the thallus, due to the presence of a large number of yellow and brown pigments, and a clear alternation of sexual and asexual generations.

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A 2012 meta-analysis concluded that people who drank moderate amounts of coffee had a lower rate of heart failure, with the biggest effect found for those who drank more than four cups a day.