Composition Getting a university degree in English with translation. Topic "My University"

My University

I think everybody knows that education is necessary to be successful in our life. I would like to work in the field of physical culture and sports in the future and to become a professional sportsman and a basketball coach. To get my profession I need a university graduation. So after finishing school I passed the entrance exams and entered Chuvash State Pedagogical University, the faculty of physical education. It will be a long course – five years of hard and constant studies: lectures, seminars, practical classes and test periods. The academic year lasts for 10 months and there are vacations twice a year: in winter and summer. I feel proud of my faculty as among its graduates are the winners of many Olympic games and the world champions.

The University is very old, it was founded in 1930 in the center of the capital of the Chuvash Republic – Cheboksary city. It was named for the talented Chuvash teacher Ivan Yakovlev. The establishment has developed rapidly since then, now it has become one of the largest universities of Russia. Today it gives students an opportunity to choose higher and post-graduate educational programs for 42 professions. The education is provided by qualified specialists, professors and doctors. There are 12 full-time faculties at the University which enroll more than 6000 students. There are the faculties of Music and Art, Foreign languages, Psychology, Science, History and Philology, Pre-school education and many others. The University includes 6 academic buildings with spacious classrooms, a modern library, a reading-room, well-equipped laboratories and workshops, computer rooms, gymnasiums and dining-rooms.

I’m sure that studying at Chuvash State Pedagogical University will give me much knowledge, in theory and practice, and prepare me for effective and interesting work.

I think everyone knows that education is necessary in order to be successful in life. I would like to work in the field of physical education and sports in the future and become a professional athlete and basketball coach. To get a profession, I need to graduate from the university. Therefore, after graduating from school, I passed the entrance exams and entered the Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Physical Education. It will be a long course - five years of diligent and constant study: lectures, seminars, practical exercises and credit sessions. The academic year lasts 10 months, and there are holidays twice a year: in winter and in summer. I feel proud of my faculty, as among its graduates there are winners of many Olympic Games and world champions.

The university is very old, it was founded in 1930 in the center of the capital of the Chuvash Republic - the city of Cheboksary. It was named after the talented Chuvash teacher Ivan Yakovlev. The institution has developed rapidly since then, now it has become one of the largest universities in Russia. Today it provides students with the opportunity to choose higher and postgraduate educational programs in 42 professions. Education is provided by qualified specialists, professors and doctors. The university has 12 full-time faculties with an enrollment of over 6,000 students. There are faculties of music and art, foreign languages, psychology, science, history and philology, preschool education and many others. The university consists of 6 academic buildings with spacious classrooms, a modern library, a reading room, equipped laboratories and workshops, computer rooms, gyms and canteens.

Here you will find detailed description the process of independent admission to British universities.

Did you know that in all universities in the UK, there are employees who receive a salary for answering questions from Russian-speaking students? Therefore, in order to get comprehensive information from the universities you are interested in, ask questions to their representatives on the pages of universities in Britain.

The sequence of steps for admission to a British university

STEP 1: Choose the right universities

Need help - order the service of individual selection of the university and program.

STEP 2: Choose a specialization

If you know exactly what profession you will study, great! See the UK university program finder to select the programs you are interested in.

Not sure which specialization to choose - see the list of subjects taught in British universities, and the video below about professions that will be in demand in the world and in Russia in the next 5-20 years

STEP 5: Prepare documents for the application for admission

For programs with a low competition, the applicant will need a minimum of effort to prepare an application. And if a top university is chosen, get ready to work on the application in earnest. Regardless of the competition, most universities in Britain will require you to provide a letter of motivation, a recommendation and a document on previous education.

The following documents are required for admission to universities in Britain:

Motivation letter

An essay in which the applicant tells what profession and why he chooses and how the program he is going to will help him in this choice. A very important document for admission to most British universities. Materials for preparing a motivation letter will independently tell you where to start, how to plan an essay and give examples of successful motivation letters.

Need help writing a motivation letter? Our editors who have studied at the University of Oxford and the LSE will be happy to assist in the preparation of a motivation letter.

A recommendation or characterization to a student given by his teacher or employer is a required document for admission to all bachelor's and master's programs and most of the preparation programs at the IFP university. Frequently requesting this document from the recommender at home, the student may receive a counter request "write something, and I will sign it." Materials for a letter of recommendation to a foreign university will help both recommended and recommenders.

Need help writing a motivation letter? Order the recommendation preparation service.


Upon admission to foreign university Master's and some Bachelor's programs will require a resume or CV. CV - an opportunity to talk about the merits and achievements of the applicant, not shown in other documents of the application for admission.

Try to fit your CV on one A4 page and write about what you have achieved, not just what you did.

Need help writing a resume? Order a CV compilation service.

Document confirming previous education

The main document on the basis of which the university makes a decision on the enrollment of an applicant is a document confirming the previous education. Most often, an applicant applies to a British university without yet having a document on previous education.

And be patient. There are universities that will give you an answer within a week, while others may make you wait more than two months for a decision. If you need to get a decision faster, write a request to representatives of British universities from their pages, do not forget to indicate your student number.

Good luck! Break a leg!

- (from lat. universitas set). At present, the concept of U. is connected with the idea of ​​​​a higher educational institution, which, with the goal of free teaching and development of all branches of science (universitas litterarum), regardless of their ... ...

Kharkiv University- belongs to those few institutions of higher education in Russia that were created by the initiative of the local society itself. The idea of ​​establishing the University came from V. N. Karazin (see the corresponding article), at that time the manager of affairs in the school ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Kazan University- founded on November 5, 1804. From 1805 to 1814, it was, in fact, a department of the Kazan gymnasium, from the pupils of which the trustee Rumovsky chose 33 people who received the title of students and listened to lectures from specially invited ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI"

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When we learn something new, we live. Agreed? So with education, it is not preparation for life, but life itself. Some are sure that it is simply necessary for thoughts to find their way into your head. This does not mean that uneducated people do not have them. It's just that higher education often shows a person how little other people know. But nobody really cares about that these days, does it? Nobody wants a good education. Everyone wants a good degree. What do you think about getting a university degree?

Essay on Getting a university degree

Having a university degree or not is considered one of the most controversial and questionable issues for young people nowadays. It goes without saying, that everybody has its own thoughts about it. Everybody could agree that having a university degree has some pros and cons.
Speaking about advantages, people with a university degree have more benefits. For instance, they have much more chances to find a good job. It’s a fact that employers prefer job seekers with a degree to humans who don’t. It means that you will get a possibility to have a high salary as well, including various gratifications and bonuses. Also, graduates with a high level of skills are considered more influential, because they’re a unique source of economic development and innovations. Moreover, if you "re aiming at doing well in this busy world, the best way to do it is to go to college or university.
Nevertheless, there are some disadvantages too. That's of vital importance to emphasize that having a university degree is a long process and takes a lot of time, money and patience. In some cases, it can cause depression, permanent fatigue or nervous breakdowns, especially before examinations. Furthermore, spending too much time in front of your laptop and sitting in a library in order to prepare homework can lead to illnesses such as scoliosis and sight deterioration. In addition, sometimes people don't work in their degree field because they simply can't get a profitable job or aren't interested in this sphere anymore.
In conclusion, taking all arguments, presented above, into consideration, I would like to say that despite all the drawbacks of having a university degree is utterly urgent for modern humans. I guess, to have a paper showing that you specialize in a certain sphere is better than nothing. Moreover, it proves you can do something better than the rest of the world. That's it.

Composition on the topic Do I need a higher education

Whether to get higher education or not is considered one of the most controversial and controversial issues for young people today. Of course, everyone has their own thoughts on this. Everyone could agree that higher education has several pros and cons.
Speaking of benefits, people with a degree have more of them. For example, they are much more likely to find a good job. It is a fact that employers prefer applicants with higher education to people who do not have it. This means that you will also have the opportunity to receive a high salary, including various rewards and bonuses. In addition, graduates with high skills are considered more influential because they are a unique resource for economic development and innovation. Moreover, if you are determined to succeed in this busy world, the best way to do this is to go to college or university.
However, there are also some disadvantages. It is extremely important to emphasize that obtaining a higher education is a long process that requires a lot of time, financial costs and patience. In some cases, it can even lead to depression, permanent fatigue or nervous breakdowns, especially before exams. In addition, spending a lot of time on a laptop and sitting in the library to prepare homework, you can get such ailments as: scoliosis and visual impairment. Among other things, sometimes people don't work in their field because they simply can't find a job that pays well, or they simply aren't interested in the field anymore.
In conclusion, taking into account all the above arguments, I would like to say that, despite all the shortcomings, getting a higher education is very important for modern people. I think that a document confirming that you specialize in a certain area is better than nothing. Moreover, it proves that there is something you can do better than anyone else in this world. That's it.

Related writings

You can study at a university in English not only in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia - most European countries also offer English-language programs. recognized leader in terms of the number of programs in English among the non-English-speaking countries of Europe, the Netherlands is. There are also many programs in Germany. Asian countries - China, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan - do not lag behind.

Conditions for admission to universities are different not only in each country, but also vary from university to university within the same country. We will talk about the most important points that are important to pay attention to if you plan to enter foreign universities.

How long does it take to enter a university abroad

Preparation for admission to a foreign university should be started in advance - a year and a half before the expected start of training. During this time, you will choose a university and a program, pass the required tests and wait for their results, prepare a package of documents for an application for admission, and have time to correctly fill out and submit it to the university. You will also need time to apply for a visa, settle issues with tuition fees, book accommodation and arrange relocation.

University entrance requirements

Future students need to study in detail the entrance requirements on the websites of selected universities, paying special attention to the following points:

    Do universities have the right to accept students immediately after school? In some countries, for example, in Britain, a school graduate cannot enter a university without an additional year of preparation. Preparation for a university is most often carried out on three types of programs - A-Levels, Foundation, International Baccalaureate. At the same time, there are much more options for pre-university training - for example, you can unlearn a year at a Russian university recognized in Britain. In the Netherlands, graduates of Russian schools can immediately enter the universities of applied sciences, but, with a high degree of probability, they will need a year of preparation to enter research university. Apply to US universities graduates of Russian schools will be able to without additional training - provided that they have successfully passed the required SAT or ACT tests.

    What tests need to be passed? To study in an English-language program, you will always need a certificate of knowledge of the English language (the most famous, but not the only recognized ones are IELTS, TOEFL). In a number of countries, for admission to a university for the first higher education, you will need to pass general education tests and tests in subjects. So, most US universities require test results - SAT or ACT. These tests are paid.

    What are the requirements of the university for GPA- grade point average? There are several ways to calculate the GPA - especially for countries whose education systems work on the basis of credit hours (USA, all European countries). IN Russian education there is no concept of a credit hour, so it will be enough for the applicant to indicate the arithmetic average of the points of his diploma.

    Motivational essays (1-3), in which the student talks about his goals and how studying will help achieve them, about extracurricular activities and achievements in this area.

    For creative professions a portfolio is usually required.

    Additional requirements- these can be exams or an interview conducted in person or online (this practice is common for admission to universities in Holland and USA), additional essays or questionnaires.

Entry requirements on the websites of universities are published in the section “International students”. Here you can also find information about the cost of education - as a rule, it is much higher for foreigners than for local residents.

Applying for admission and deadlines

In many countries, universities independently determine the procedure and deadlines for accepting applications for admission from applicants. That is why it is important to find out in what terms the university accepts applications and in what order they consider them.

Most universities finish accepting applications from October to May for the fall semester of next year and from mid-summer to October for the winter semester. However, not all universities work on a semester system - there is a division of the academic year into trimesters and quarters. Depending on this, universities set deadlines. This practice is especially common in the US.

Some educational establishments have floating deadlines. They accept applications throughout the year and complete the enrollment for the program as it fills up. This means that an applicant may simply not be in time for the program of interest to him if he submits documents too late.

If the university has a strictly limited number of places per program (as, for example, the numerus fixus programs in Holland), and the applications of prospective students are equally strong, those applicants who apply earlier will also have an advantage.

In many countries, there are centralized systems for accepting applications to universities, which is very convenient - just fill out the questionnaire once and upload all the necessary documents to the system, after which the application can be sent to selected universities. Examples of such centralized systems are UCAS in the UK, CA and UCA in the US, Studielink in the Netherlands. However, in many cases, applications will still have to be filled out manually - on the university's website.

Most universities consider applications for admission on a fee basis.

After receiving a letter from the university about admission to the program, you need to send a confirmation that you accept the offer of the university within the specified time.

The material was prepared by the portal about higher education abroad Educationindex.