Chicken thigh baked calories per 100 grams. Calories in chicken thighs

Chicken calories: 160 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the part of the carcass and the method of preparation

From chicken, you can cook many delicious dishes that are nutritious and good for the body. Meat is classified as dietary, the main thing is to choose the right part of it and the method of heat treatment.

How many calories in chicken

The most dietary part of a poultry carcass is fillet with a calorie content of about 110 kcal. It has no carbohydrates, minimal fat content and a lot of protein. Fillet is allowed to be included in the diet for various diets, including the most strict ones. You can learn more about and its benefits for weight loss from the article.

In terms of energy value, chicken can be compared with seafood or freshwater fish.

Due to the low fat content, the body is quickly saturated with this meat, there are no problems and discomfort when digesting the product. Not all parts of the carcass have the same nutritional value. The calorie content of chicken thighs and wings exceeds that of the breast - 185 and 186 kcal, respectively. It is not recommended to abuse chicken skin during a diet. Despite the great taste that this part acquires during baking, its calorie content exceeds 212 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken fried, boiled, baked

When preparing meals, one should take into account differences in cholesterol and fat levels in different parts birds. The choice of the method of processing the product must also be approached responsibly. Without fear for the figure, you can eat boiled tender meat, the calorie content of chicken in this case does not exceed 140 kcal when using low-fat parts. Otherwise, the indicator will increase to 200 kcal.

If you are on a healthy diet or trying to lose weight, you can bake or stew chicken fillet(up to 100 kcal).

Interestingly, the calorie content of grilled chicken without skin is only 126 kcal. This is due to the rendering of most of the fat on fire. The calorie content of fried chicken is about 210 kcal, which is quite low compared to other types of meat, such as pork. It is worth noting that when the skin is removed, the value index decreases. You can compare the nutritional composition (BJU) of raw, boiled and fried chicken breast.

Calorie content of chicken by-products

The benefits of offal for the body after an illness, reduced immunity, or with intensive weight loss are significant. With regular use of chicken stomachs, with a calorie content of about 130 kcal, the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized, protective functions are strengthened, the condition of hair and skin is improved.

Low-fat foods - navels (115 kcal) and chicken hearts (160 kcal).

You can cook all kinds of dishes from minced meat (140 kcal), cook soups based on chicken broth. If it is made from lean white meat, then the value per 100 g equates to only 20 kcal. It is best to use secondary broth.

Chicken calorie table per 100 grams

Determine as precisely as possible what the nutritional value in different parts of the carcass, and how it changes depending on the method of cooking meat, a 100 g calorie table will help.

Among most types of meat, chicken stands out for its dietary properties and high in protein and other useful elements. Nutritionists advise athletes, children and those who are losing weight to use this product daily.

Chicken meat is considered one of the key products of any diet menu. It is such a versatile product that it can be used in a variety of roles: as a self-sufficient dish that requires only a light side dish, as a source of protein in soup or as a hearty salad ingredient.

The calorie content of chicken will vary greatly from different cooking methods. Also, the nutritional value depends on whether you choose chicken hearts for lunch or prefer a leg or other part of the body. Let's break it all down in the article.

Nutritional value of chicken per 100 grams

When compiling a diet, it is important to know: how to choose the right chicken for further cooking?

  • For example, fresh has an ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and it will make the most healthy dish.
  • But the frozen one will not be so useful, since it contains preservatives and useful substances leave.

Let's take a closer look at all the important points that you need to know in order to use chicken for weight loss.

The calorie content of chicken depends on three main factors:

  1. part of the chicken carcass selected for cooking;
  2. cooking method;
  3. the use of spices and sauces.

The average calorie content of raw chicken is about 110 kcal per hundred grams. If we consider variations, then the numbers will vary greatly. For example, in a domestic chicken there are about two hundred calories per hundred grams, in a broiler carcass - 220 kcal, but a chicken will drag on 201 kcal.

How many calories are in boiled chicken?

If you cook the carcass completely, then the calorie content will reach 205 kcal per 100 grams.

But if you take only boiled chicken fillet, then the indicator drops sharply and reaches only 115 kcal per 100 grams. It is this product that athletes prefer to eat, since the fillet is invaluable in terms of its protein content at an extremely low calorie content. From him it is simply impossible to gain extra pounds.

White poultry meat helps to build muscle mass and charges athletes with the necessary energy.

Fried, stewed and grilled

However, most people choose to roast poultry without thinking about how many calories are in fried chicken.

  1. The calorie content of fried chicken is 250 kcal per 100 grams (twice as much as boiled!). Of course, it is very tasty, but it is contraindicated in diets, as well as for those people who have high cholesterol or being overweight.
  2. Slightly fewer calories in stewed chicken - 235 kcal per 100 grams. Compared to frying, this cooking method is also more preferable, since stewing does not produce carcinogens released during heat treatment in a pan, and cholesterol is also reduced.
  3. Grilled chicken has an even lower calorie content - only 210 kcal per 100 grams. But in this case there are some nuances. It is best to cook it on the grill yourself and be sure that the chicken will not only be low in energy (without extra sauces and spices), but also fresh. It is also important that the meat is well cooked to avoid the risk of salmonellosis.

Chicken in the oven

Chicken baked in the oven also has a high calorie content. One hundred grams ready meal accounts for 250 kcal.

But in smoked poultry, it is lower - 185 kcal. Steamed chicken, as well as chicken skewers, will give the lowest rate. In the first case, the figure will be 140 kcal per 100 grams, and in a barbecue - only 115 kcal.

Chicken parts and offal

Individual parts of chicken and offal have different calorie content.

Popular boiled chicken legs have 160 kcal per 100 grams. If you fry them, then the figure will jump by 100 kcal and reach 250–260 kcal.

Nutritionists categorically do not advise this part of the chicken to be eaten by people who are watching their figure. If it is impossible to resist the temptation, then as a side dish for fried legs, you need to take a large amount of fresh vegetables.

A chicken thigh in one hundred grams contains 180 kcal, and a drumstick - 210 kcal. They are most often used for barbecues. The wing draws in 186 kcal.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
healthy eating incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness, depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Check out the latest weight loss techniques.

The most high-calorie is the back of the chicken - 305 kcal per 100 grams. It is most often used in soups for broth, as it contains a lot of fat.

If we talk about offal, then their calorie content is more acceptable:

  • chicken hearts - 160 kcal;
  • chicken stomachs - 130 kcal;
  • chicken liver- 143 kcal;
  • calorie minced chicken - 140 kcal.

If you cook steamed cutlets from minced meat, then the energy value will not increase. However, when frying in oil, the nutritional value increases significantly.

The benefits of diet chicken

Nutritionists highly value chicken meat not only for its low calorie content, but also for a number of useful properties.

  1. It contains vitamins of groups A, B, C and PP. In addition, it contains such an organic compound as choline, which is responsible for the normalization of the work of the adrenal glands and kidneys. It also helps cleanse the liver of fat.
  2. The high content of the amino acid "tryptophan" is especially useful for a person when dieting, as it increases the level of serotonin in the brain, which reduces stress and improves mood.
  3. Chicken also contains trace elements such as iron, copper, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese. Phosphorus normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, kidneys and liver, and also improves the condition of bones and teeth. Selenium stimulates an increase in the metabolic rate.
  4. The abundance of B vitamins improves vision and skin condition, and is also a prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis.
  5. Moreover, the regular consumption of lean chicken in the diet is indicated for people suffering from a number of ailments, such as diabetes, peptic ulcers, polyarthritis, hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, gout. In this sense, the use of white chicken breast meat is especially useful, as it can normalize blood pressure and relieve swelling.
  6. In addition, at colds many medical specialists recommend that patients eat chicken broth.

It is not surprising that against the background of so many useful properties that have a beneficial effect on human health, chicken meat is recommended for use when losing weight.

But in order for chicken dishes to become really dietary, you need to follow a few simple rules their preparation.

  • For those who watch their diet, it is recommended to eat boiled chicken fillet, as it has the lowest calorie content.
  • If the boiled breast is tired, then it is permissible to bake it in the oven in a special baking sleeve or foil and serve with fresh vegetables and herbs.
  • Just avoid using batter in recipes, as it will significantly increase the overall calorie content of the dish.

If you are planning on making flavorful chicken broth, then do it right as well. It is better to cook it from a whole bird or back, as it will not work from dietary white meat of the breast. tasty soup.

  1. First of all, thoroughly rinse the chicken, remove the skin from it and separate all the fat.
  2. After that, fill the meat with water, put the pan with it on the fire and bring to a boil. In order not to waste a lot of time, you can put a second container on the fire in parallel. When choosing the size of the pots, count on the fact that the finished broth will be in the second one.
  3. When the chicken has boiled for five minutes, drain the water from it and transfer it to a second pot. If you decide to cook everything in one container, then wash it from the remaining foam, fill the meat with fresh water and put it on the fire again to continue cooking. This simple method serves two purposes at once. Firstly, it will reduce the calorie content of chicken broth to the minimum required for diets. And secondly, it will allow you to clean the carcass of antibiotics and hormones that were fed to the live chicken at the poultry farm so that it grows faster.
  4. After the water with the meat boils again, salt it and continue to cook until tender.

To make chicken meat dietary, remove the skin from it and carefully remove all fat from the meat. For comparison: if there are 205 kcal per 100 grams in a boiled bird with skin, then when the skin and fat are separated from the carcass, the calorie content will drop to 170 kcal.

Delicious low calorie meals

Cooking diet chicken dishes does not take much time, it is convenient and budget. Several low-calorie recipes should be in the arsenal of any housewife. Cooking deliciously and beautifully serving a dietary dish is a skill worth its weight in gold.

Soup with chicken and noodles

As a first dish, you can cook soup with chicken and noodles. The energy value of such a soup does not exceed 80 kcal per hundred grams. According to the recipe, for its preparation you will need following products:

  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • noodles - 200 g;
  • egg- 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, herbs, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  • Put a pot of water on the fire and dip the chopped onion, carrot and chicken fillet into it.
  • After the water boils, reduce the heat and add the diced potatoes to the pan, and also lower the bay leaf.
  • Cover and cook for twenty minutes.
  • Then add noodles and spices. Break a couple of eggs directly into the soup and mix thoroughly with a spoon.
  • Cook until the noodles and potatoes are soft. If desired, put fresh herbs in the finished soup.

Chicken pilaf - 155 kcal per 100 grams

For the second, you can make a delicious pilaf, the calorie content of which will not exceed 155 kcal per 100 grams.

Ingredients for chicken pilaf:

How to cook?

  1. Cut the fillet into medium-sized cubes, finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour into the brazier vegetable oil to completely cover its bottom, and put it on fire. When the brazier is hot, put the onions and carrots in the oil and sauté them.
  3. Then put the chicken in the same place and, stirring, keep it on fire until the meat turns white on all sides.
  4. After that, pour four cups of clean water into the brazier. Add salt and pepper. Then pour rice into it, reduce the heat and watch until all the water has completely evaporated.
  5. Next, cover the brazier with a lid and turn off the heat. It is necessary to give the dish time to brew so that the rice is completely swollen.

One of the main advantages of chicken, which makes it popular in many families, is its availability due to its relatively low price. Housewives also love her because this meat cooks quickly and becomes tender in taste. And any other product can envy the number of various dishes with chicken.

The bird is used to present their menu as boring as possible. On its basis, various soups and broths are prepared, meatballs and meatballs are made, they are added to stews and pilaf, they cook a traditional dish of Russian cuisine - jelly.

Any of the dishes can be made dietary. To do this, you just need to carefully process the chicken meat, degreasing it as much as possible, and do not add sauces and seasonings. If you follow these simple recommendations, then the calorie content of chicken will remain at a low level, and its benefits to the body will be invaluable.

Compared to animal meat, chicken is less caloric, so it is included in many diets. Poultry meat is heterogeneous - for example, a dry, fibrous breast has fewer calories than a juicy thigh. But it is he who is considered by many to be the most delicious part of the bird. The thigh is an enlarged part of the leg, located above the lower leg. The meat adheres to a small bone and is relatively dark in color.


Calories in 100 g raw chicken thigh is 185-211 kcal (depending on the fat content of the bird). To reduce this figure, the skin and fat should be removed from the product.

Poultry cooked in different ways has an unequal calorie content per 100 g of product:

  • raw thigh with skin - 185-211 kcal;
  • raw thigh without skin - 150-170 kcal;
  • boiled - 160 kcal;
  • baked in the oven - 165 kcal;
  • fried - 240-250 kcal;
  • stew - 185 kcal.

Composition and useful properties

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of chicken thigh are balanced and acceptable for diet food. Per 100 grams of weight - 21.5 g of protein, 11 g of fat and complete absence carbohydrates. In addition, the product contains trace elements necessary for our body: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and vitamins: A, E, PP, group B.

A large amount of protein ensures the growth of muscle mass and rapid satiety of the body. Therefore, both athletes and lovers of various diets can include chicken meat in their diet.

The sodium found in the thighs is necessary to keep the nutrients in a liquid state, which allows the blood to carry them to our organs. Impossible without sodium metabolic processes in cells, it is also necessary for muscle building. Potassium is the most important element for our heart, it strengthens the heart muscle, makes blood vessels strong and elastic. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the nervous and skeletal systems.

Phosphorus is involved in the construction of cells, in the transfer of genetic information, it improves the functioning of the heart and kidneys, and strengthens the muscular system. Zinc is necessary for the reproduction of offspring, it affects the reproductive functions of both men and women. Those who want to have children should include foods rich in zinc in their diet. Chicken thighs are just one of those.

Zinc strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on hair growth, skin, slows down the aging process. Iron saturates the blood with oxygen, participates in the transfer of nutrients to our organs, improves immunity and mental activity.

Vitamin A is quite a lot in the thighs of the bird. It has a positive effect on vision, the condition of teeth, bones, and skin. This vitamin is involved in almost all vital processes of the body. Vitamin E stabilizes processes in cells. It is necessary for the functioning of the heart and gonads. Vitamins PP produce energy obtained in the process of nutrition. Their deficiency can adversely affect the functioning of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin C is perhaps the most important for the vital activity of all organs. It stabilizes the immune system, preventing diseases from attacking the body.

B vitamins are a group of nitrogenous compounds necessary for the formation of red blood cells and metabolic processes.


Before you cook chicken thighs, you need to choose them correctly:

  • you should press the product with your finger - if the resulting dent quickly takes on its original form, then the bird is fresh;
  • the skin should not have yellow spots and incomprehensible deformations;
  • Any extraneous odors can alert, except for the fresh smell of meat (if the bird is frozen, then it will be difficult to determine its freshness in this way).

Cooking chicken thighs

Chicken is a versatile product, you can make diet cutlets steamed, or you can cook a chic fried thigh with a golden crust (chicken "steak"). Poultry meat is included in the daily diet and in holiday menu. Guests will certainly like grilled chicken thighs, smoked or baked with a ruddy skin. Here are some recipes.

Thighs baked with vegetables

Salt, pepper the chicken thighs, add your favorite spices. Separately, peel and cut the potatoes into slices, salt. Grease a baking sheet with fat or vegetable oil, put potatoes on it, thighs on top, sprinkle with onion, chopped into strips. Preheat the oven well and bake thighs with vegetables at a temperature of 200 degrees. 7 minutes before readiness, take out the baking sheet and cover all the contents with grated cheese, then bake a little more in the oven. The calorie content of thighs baked with potatoes and cheese will be 165-190 kcal (depending on the fat content of the product).

Boiled thigh

To reduce calories, it is better to cook the product without skin. Boil a small amount of water, salt, add an onion (1 pc), carrots, bay leaves, hot peppercorns and other spices that the family loves. Dip the thighs in boiling water so that they are completely covered with water. Boil over low heat for half an hour. Such a dish per 100 g will have only 150 kcal, but due to the high protein content, it will provide a long saturation.

Boneless fried thighs

Cut the thigh into two pieces, remove the bone from it. Salt, pepper and leave to marinate for half an hour. Heat the pan well, add vegetable oil. Dip each piece of fillet in a raw egg, then in breadcrumbs and put in a pan. Cook over low heat, as the crackers can burn. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Such a dish will contain 250 kcal per 100 g, but the juiciness and aroma of the flesh of the thigh, fried in a crisp, is worth it.

The recipe for a delicious and low-calorie dish with chicken thighs, see the video below.

In ordinary poultry, breasts have always been more attractive than chicken thighs, whose calorie content is much higher. However, the fillet disgusts many with its dryness - yet the majority prefers more juicy meat. When fatty meats like pork and lamb are under their own prohibitions, I would like to at least get more pleasure from the bird! And here it is quite possible to afford sometimes a chicken thigh - its calorie content can be reduced by removing the skin and cooking methods. Naturally, the most dietary was and remains boiled meat.

We cook delicious

For many, boiled meat is boring. However, it can also be prepared in such a way that later the dish will become your favorite. The main thing here is to remember that in order to get soft, but not falling apart thighs, you need to put them in boiling water, and not in cold water, along with onions and a small carrot. When the water fills again with a key, half an hour is detected (per kilogram of spare parts purchased). Ten minutes before hour X, salt and seasonings are poured; it is very elegant to add fresh herbs such as tarragon, parsley or dill. And here in front of you - ready, fragrant and tasty chicken thigh. The calorie content of such a dish is the lowest and is only 160 kcal per hundred grams of the dish - if, of course, you stepped on the throat of your culinary song and removed the harmful skin from the limb. Together with her, the indicator will rise to 177.

Stew with pears

If you are already completely tired of boiled foods, allow yourself to occasionally go the other way. stews, of course, are somewhat more high-calorie: every 100 grams of them will add 185 kcal to your body, but this is not such a bust. But you will remember for a long time. First, the onion is chopped into squares and a small ginger root is rubbed. The onion is sautéed (preferably in olive oil), then ginger is added, a couple of small cinnamon sticks, a little salt and pepper. After mixing, four thighs are placed in such a sauce, if necessary, a quarter of a glass of water is added, the container is closed and left alone for 40 minutes. Three fairly hard sweet and sour pears are cut into slices and placed in melted butter mixed with a couple of spoons of honey. When the fruits are caramelized, they are transferred to the chicken and stewed together for a quarter of an hour. You can enjoy!

Bake in Madeira

Cooked calorie content is higher - as much as 216 kcal, so dieters rarely allow themselves. However, they also have holidays, and for such a case - our recipe. A kilogram of thighs, washed, with cut fat, is folded into a greased form, sprinkled with salt with your favorite seasonings and “massaged” for better distribution. Lay out skin side up. Then a glass of Madeira is poured (dry wine is also possible, but the taste will not be the same), the form is wrapped in foil and placed in the oven, where it will spend half an hour at 210 Celsius. Next, the foil is removed, and the thighs are brought to a crust without it.

By the way, if you remove the skin, then the calorie content of the dish will drop to 195 kcal.

fry thighs

This, of course, is the most harmful way of cooking: fried ones will be tightened by as much as 245 kcal. But in the most solemn occasion, you can treat yourself to such a delicacy. Pieces of six washed thighs are rubbed with pepper and salt, wrapped in a bag and left overnight to marinate. You can skip this step, but pickled ones will be much tastier. In a frying pan with a thick bottom, sunflower oil, odorless, is heated to bubbles, chicken parts of the body are placed and fried for five minutes, then turned over - and the procedure is repeated. With such turns, the process takes a total of about a third of an hour. When the juice begins to stand out clean, without blood, the thighs are smeared with grated garlic, the pan is covered for ten minutes (for rest and flavoring), and delicious meat is served for dinner.

Poultry meat, especially chicken, is a very healthy product, indicated for use even by people suffering from certain diseases. The chicken thigh is higher than the drumstick, it contains few bones, and a decent amount of meat, which is distinguished by a darker shade. This area of ​​​​the carcass is considered the most delicious, but it has a higher calorie content than the breast - the most dietary part of the bird.


Chicken thigh contains beneficial substances such as minerals and vitamins. Among the minerals, iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus are the most abundant. The vitamins contained in the femoral part are group B, A, C, PP, E. In addition, the composition also contains amino acids and protein, beta-carotene, choline.

With the constant use of this type of meat for food, a person improves digestion and intestinal activity, accelerates metabolism. In addition, chicken thigh has a positive effect on the condition of the bones. Protein is quickly absorbed by the body and provides the energy necessary for normal functioning. In addition, protein contributes to the strengthening and growth of muscles. The product also has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels - when it is included in the daily diet, blood pressure gradually normalizes. Eating thighs will also be beneficial for people with diabetes, as they contain substances that help lower blood sugar levels. Another positive property can be called an improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, nails when it is used.

It is worth noting that if you cook such meat correctly and remove the skin from it, then the dish has no contraindications.

The nutritional value

Very often, people are interested in the calorie content of a product, especially for those who want to have an ideal physique. Refusing to eat meat for weight loss is a wrong action, because the body needs the nutrients that it contains. It is only important to know how to properly prepare a dish so that the product retains its properties, and the food brings pleasure and is very satisfying.

When it comes to the calorie content of boiled meat, for example, chicken thigh, it is considered dietary only without the skin. It has been proven that 100 grams of such a dish contains only 160 kilocalories. Therefore, you can safely eat without fear for your weight, the main thing is to observe portions in everything.

100 g of boiled chicken thigh without skin contains:

  • calories - 160 kcal
  • proteins - 21.2 g
  • carbohydrates - 0.1 g
  • fats - 10.7 g

Nutritionists advise eating in small quantities at least 4 times a day, while eliminating all harmful products nutrition. In this case, there will be no problems with excess weight, a constant feeling of hunger and overeating as a result. With chicken meat, namely the thigh, when the skin is removed and the product is provided boiled, you can create any masterpiece in the form of a salad or a hot appetizer. It is worth making a weighty emphasis on the fact that it is forbidden to add various seasonings and salt to the meat.

Of course, chicken breast is the healthier part, but the thigh, if properly cooked, cooked for at least an hour, and finally stripped of skin, is even slightly lower in calories.

For those who are losing weight

Those who are losing weight can include this product in their diet, but be aware that it has a higher calorie content compared to the most dietary parts. To further reduce the number of calories, it is necessary not only to remove all the skin, but also to remove the existing layer of fat. Also, when cooking, you should lay the meat in cold water - most of the remaining fat, thus, will go into the broth.

Despite the fact that the number of calories in this part of the chicken is higher than in the breast, it will be useful for everyone to eat it without exception.