Candle conspiracy. DIY magic candles made of honeycomb and wax

Mutual love is rare. In the case when you did what you could to win the heart of a man, but he is still indifferent to you, you can try to bewitch him. But what to do if you are afraid to carry out the ceremony through blood, and you simply don’t have a photo of your loved one? Use a spell on candles. It can be easily carried out at home, and the effect, believe me, will pleasantly surprise you.

Before getting acquainted with the rituals, be aware that not all candles are suitable for love spells. Even if you have a souvenir in the form of a red or white candle, you cannot use it, because you cannot be sure that magical traditions were followed in the manufacture.

Not all candles are suitable for love spells

Candle and its magic

If you decide to make a love spell on candles, take only new ones. Those that were lit at least once, or served as an element of decor for a long time, are not suitable. They absorb the energy of surrounding events, and are considered "dirty". For love spells, you need special candles made according to all the canons of magic. They may differ from the usual ones in shape, color and material from which they are made. When choosing a candle, rely on intuition, pay attention to the color. Color carries energy and affects the ritual in different ways.

Candle color and meaning.

  • In red, health, energy and strength. It is used to arouse passion, increase sexual attraction, fall in love with a man and marry him. It has a positive effect on masculinity, willpower. It can help you get pregnant and have a baby. Improves physical condition.
  • Orange is an indicator of energy and good luck.
  • Pink - romantic love, friendship.
  • Violet - removal of damage, business success, professional achievements, luck, strengthening magical abilities.
  • Yellow - enhances the effect of a love spell, gives magical power during rituals. Used for predictions. Enhances attractiveness, improves memory and learning ability.
  • Blue - consent, calmness, patience. Helps with meditation.
  • Green - youth, beauty, success in work and finances.
  • White - purity, sincerity, protection. Maybe, if there is such a need, replace the candle of any other color.

Making your own candle

Love candles can be made at home. To do this, you need cotton threads and wax, which is easy to get from beekeepers. You will need aromatic oils and dyes. Thin candles can be made using a tube of cream, paste or glue. Attach the wick to the lid and lower it into the tube. Put the tube in a jar and fill it with slightly chilled wax, after which, leave it to harden. For a thick candle, pour melted, well-chilled wax into a container of water. Wait for the wax to harden, take it out, put the wick on the left side and twist it so that it is in the middle of the candle. In a day, it will completely harden and be ready for the ritual.

Before you make candles, you must perform certain actions.

  1. Clean the apartment, make the bed.
  2. Take a shower.
  3. Think positive.
  4. You can turn on relaxing music.

Now you can start the ritual.

Love spell on a white candle

This love spell will be effective, regardless of whether you want to find a new love or rekindle old feelings. It is very easy to perform, so it is well suited for those who are dealing with magic for the first time.

  1. Take a wide candle so that you can make an inscription, but not high so that you do not have to wait long until it burns out completely
  2. Place the candle on a table or altar if you have one.
  3. Surround the candle with things that are dear to you and your chosen one. It can be shells if you both love the sea, joint photos or, in extreme cases, paper with written words that are important to both of you.
  4. If you have a white rose, take its thorn and write a spell on the candle: "my love come to me" 3 times. If there is no spike, you can make an inscription with a knife or a needle.
  5. Light a candle, peering into the flame, imagine your beloved man, think about how happy you will be together. Keep these images in your mind until the candle burns to the end.
  6. Wrap the rest of the wax and things lying near the candle in a white cloth and hide in a secret place.

Love spell on a white candle - very simple to perform

With this ritual, you will force a man to give you all the love that his heart is capable of. But it may happen that you get tired of the relationship and want to cancel the love spell. To do this, simply take out the hidden package and burn it. You can tear a joint photo into small pieces and throw it into a pond (where there is a current).

Love spell with a pink candle

This rite refers to white magic. He can not only bewitch a particular person, but also make love and happiness find you themselves. Choose a place where no one will disturb you. Take a few minutes to meditate, try to free your thoughts from everyday worries and tune in a positive way. It's good if you have a photo of your loved one. If you mentally send love to him during the week, the effect of the love spell will increase.

  • On the night of Thursday to Friday, light a pink candle.
  • Draw a circle on a white sheet of paper, and write the name and surname of the desired man in it. If you do not have a chosen one yet, make a schematic drawing of two little men.
  • Close your eyes. Imagine yourself walking next to your loved one. Whisper the spell three times:

    “Let our love burn brightly like the flame of this candle. May it be so!"

  • In no case do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out. Keep a sheet of paper and the rest of the wax under your pillow for 3 days. You can also add photos to them.

Here another way to bewitch a person with a pink candle: cut a heart on a candle, light it and put it on the window so that the light of the growing moon falls on it. Place a bottle of your favorite perfume in front of the candle. And say:

“Venus help me, tie my beloved. Let the aroma attract him, let him pull me like a magnet.

Let the candle burn out. Use these spirits every time you appear among people. You can spray them on the photo. It's yours in a month.

Spells with a red candle

If you want to arouse sexual desire in a man, you will need a red candle. Scribble your name and the name of your loved one on it. Light it on the night when the moon is in scorpio. For a few minutes, look at the photo of the chosen one (if you have one). Close your eyes, imagine how you are having sex with the one you want to bewitch. Immerse yourself in your erotic fantasies. After a while, when you have vaginal discharge, grease a burning candle with them and read the spell:

“The candle is red, the candle is bright, (the name of the man) kindle a desire, lure him to me. May it be so!"

Extinguish the candle. If you do not have a discharge, the ritual will not work.

This spell is very strong. But be careful what you wish for. Make sure this person doesn't get bored and you don't have to avoid them.

Love spell on a red candle is very strong

When making a love spell on candles, be sure to follow the measures fire safety. Do not leave a candle unattended. We want to burn in the fire of love, and we don’t need a real fire at all.

Spell with glass ball and candle

To bewitch your loved one, light a red candle and, holding a ball in your hands, mentally visualize your desires. Then recite the incantation:

“Higher powers come, make my dreams come true. Love will only bring joy, so let the whirlpool of feelings, spin you and me faster. The door to the world of happiness will open for us.

Then take your photos and stack them so that the faces are opposite each other. Put the photo in the bottom of your underwear drawer. The man will soon call or make an appointment.

Conspiracy of two candles

This spell is easy to do at home. Take candles and try to fill them with your positive energy. Do not draw in your mind the image of a particular man. Just imagine how love fills you. Place the candles on the table as follows: red on the left side, white on the right. Place a moonstone in the middle, if you have one. Pour cinnamon around the candles so that you get a figure eight and say:

“Goddess of light, bring me happiness, true and bright. May a new love find me as soon as possible. May it be so".

Extinguish the candles or let them burn out.

Before making a love spell on candles, let's look at its positive and negative sides.

  • it is not necessary to have a photo of a loved one;
  • easy to carry out at home;
  • no need to use blood.
  • there is a risk of buying unsuitable candles, you will have to make them at home;
  • the ritual takes a long time, as often you have to wait until the candle burns out.

Do a love spell on candles, in a photo, or choose another way - decide for yourself. The main thing is to try to do it right, because magic does not forgive mistakes.

The article provides information that may be useful for all women who dream of a quick solution to unpleasant situations that have arisen that everyone can have.

The conspiracy of the Siberian healer to find out the truth in a dream on candles

In order to find out the whole truth in a dream, according to the recommendations Siberian healer, it is necessary to conduct a special ritual with a candle. To do this, on the full moon, twist two candles that are the same size and set them on fire from both sides. After that, you should read the words of the conspiracy:

“Theotokos, I pray to your son, may my desire be fulfilled. May the grace of God visit me through my clairvoyance in a dream. May the angel of sleep tell me what awaits me: today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Immediately after the prayer is read, the candles must be extinguished and go to bed. Such a ritual should not be performed more than once a month.

Conspiracy if you urgently need money for a candle wick

To carry out such a conspiracy, you need to purchase a new candle and pull the wick out of it. During the growing moon, take the wick in the middle and light it from both sides, preferably at the same time. As soon as the wick lights up, you need to quickly read the spell: “Eternal fire, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things. Amen". After the words have been spoken, the wick should immediately be put out and put in the wallet so that it is always there.

Candle spell for love

To make a conspiracy to love, you need to take two church wax candles and twist them together. At the time when they are twisted, you need to say the words: "As these candles are together, so we will be together with the slave (name)."

After that, you will need to light the candles and say the words of the conspiracy again: “I don’t light a candle, but I light the heart and soul of the servant of God (name) for me, the servant (name), forever.” At the end of reading the plot, you should leave the candles to burn out to the very end. This ritual must be carried out for 9 days, without interrupting even once.

How to get rid of an opponent with the help of conspiracy candles

To commit a conspiracy against a rival, you must take into left hand candle and light it. Letting it burn a little, so that the wax is in the water, extinguish it by dipping it in water.

In this case, the following words of the conspiracy should be spoken:
“How fire avoids water, how fire avoids water,
So the servant of God (name) avoids the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name) avoids,
Let them quarrel and swear like fish on land, they don’t get along.”

After that, you need to get the candle and drain the wick. As soon as it dries, it must be re-ignited and held above the water again. As soon as a couple of drops of wax are in the water, you need to put the candle back into the water and say these words:

“How water is afraid of fire, how water runs away from fire,
So the servant of God (name) the servant of God (name) is afraid,
Runs away from the servant of God (name),
He doesn't want to see him, he can't hear him.
I close the conspiracy from the rival to the wax seal,
I will bury her love for her beloved in the ground.
The word is strong to the rival of the servant of God (name) is molded "

At the end of the ritual, the wax that has formed in the water must be taken and buried under a birch, linden or alder tree.

For reconciliation for 12 candles, a conspiracy

To carry out such a conspiracy, it is necessary to put 12 church thick candles on the table, and next to them are the nominal icons of the couple. The words of the conspiracy must be read for 12 days, 12 times in the morning and in the evening. At the end of the reading, each time the candles need to be gently fluffed with your fingers. For 12 times, the remains of the candles should be folded into a white handkerchief and placed behind the icon of the Mother of God, so much so that no one knows or sees this. The words of the conspiracy are:

“God bless.
From the throne to the temple, to the very royal gates
There was an angel.
The Mother of God stands at the gate
And Michael the Archangel.
The Mother of God holds a sword and a saber.
Sword kills anger
Saber cuts a quarrel.
Put, Lord, the world in its place
In the hearts of God's servants (names).
Strengthen peace, tranquility,
Close the gate tight
And the key, Lord, throw it into the swamp.
Ae, Esm, Azhe, An, Abu, Ali!
Mother of God, bless.
Lord Jesus Christ,
Order, led in the world to live and the world to be.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Candle cleaning and candle annealing

Cleaning with a candle, which is also popularly called annealing, is an effective and really powerful way to cleanse a person’s chakras and his energy field from the evil eye, damage and all other negativity. To carry out such a ritual, it is necessary to wrap the candle in foil, making an impromptu “skirt” so that the wax does not drip and hurt the hand during the procedure. Such a candle is needed at a distance of about 10 centimeters, starting from right side to the left and from the very bottom up, drive in front and behind the person who needs to clear the aura. At the same time, during the annealing, the following words of the conspiracy should be pronounced:

“I burn you (name) with holy fire, I burn out all the evil from you (name). Go away, evil, with smoke, soot, tears of a candle, and do not return to you (name). May it be so!"

You need to read so many times until the candle begins to burn evenly without hissing. In places where the fire of a candle is very active, it is necessary to carry out several times and carefully, stubbornly reading the conspiracy.

Candle conspiracies consequences

The consequences of such conspiracies using candles have consequences. However, the extent of the effect depends on what kind of ritual is performed. If the candle is removed and the spoilage, the evil eye is expelled, or the body is cleansed of diseases, then the person who carries out the cleaning mainly suffers from such rituals. If he does not put a block, then all the troubles and misfortunes can go to him.

In the case when love spells are made with the help of a candle, conspiracies for longing and insomnia, drying for a person, or a lapel from a loved one and a divorce in the family, then the consequences of such conspiracies will definitely be. A person who performs this kind of ritual is obliged to pay off the higher powers so that everything goes smoothly and easily.

Otherwise, the person on whom such conspiracies are made may become crazy, not sleep at night, suffer alcohol addiction, to show strong aggression towards other people. However, a person who makes such conspiracies can also be subject to the negative influence of higher powers.

There is another kind of conspiracies using a candle, which have dire consequences if they are carried out by people inexperienced in magic, or without fulfilling all necessary conditions. These are rituals to induce damage different types gravity. Such conspiracies are very powerful, and therefore require in return the powerful energy of the person who commits them. Otherwise, such magic will take away health and worsen the moral and psychological state. It can even be fatal for someone who tries to conduct such rituals.

Conspiracy call to candles and remove the negative

In order to make a conspiracy to challenge, you need to prepare a church candle, a saucer and a needle. On the candle with a needle, you need to write the name of your lover and stick it into the candle parallel to the wick. After that, you need to light a candle, open the window and shout the words seven times:

“I didn’t pierce a candle today with a needle, I pierced my heart (name) with a needle.
Now I won't be bored alone.
He will come to me and stay with me.”

At the end of the ritual, when the candle burns out, it will need to be taken to the crossroads and left there. To remove the negative with a candle, it is necessary to wash yourself with clean water before the ritual. Next, you need to retire in a room, put a mirror and stand completely naked in front of it. Light a candle and drive in smooth circular motions clockwise around the head, neck, chest, abdomen and legs with the words:

“This Child is cleansed from the pain of the ailment, from the suffering of the womb, from damage and the evil eye, from all leprosy, from this day and forever and ever! To the glory of the Gods and our Ancestors! Amen". Near each chakra, you should pronounce the words of the conspiracy 4 times, then put out the candle and throw it away in any body of water with a fast current.

Conspiracy on a candle how to remove excess weight and fat from the abdomen

Candle conspiracy to remove excess weight and fat from the abdomen, is carried out once a month. This is the time when the moon is in its waning phase, and its first day is just right for such a ritual. To do this, you need to light an ordinary wax church candle, sit opposite it and, looking at the bright fire, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The wax from the flame melts, it gives light, so my body radiates, dissolving its fat. Let rays fly from the body of my joy into the sky, fat melts with it, it will not come back! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

If there is no certainty that such a conspiracy will work after one time, then you can repeat it a month later, again on the first day of the waning month.

Red candle spell

Based on magical practice, love spells are mainly made on a red candle, since it symbolizes strong, passionate feelings. loving people, as it is an attribute of Red magic. Such candles are used by both girls and men in rituals. For such a ceremony, you need to take a blank sheet of paper on Friday during the growing moon and write on it all the data of your beloved. After that, set fire to a red candle and burn a sheet of paper from its fire. When the paper turns to ashes, you need to go out onto the road and scatter it by saying these words:

“Love me, (name), as I am. My eyes are radiant, my hands are strong, my curls are silk, my step is stately, my face is white, my heart is bold. Do not resist me and your fate. You stand in front of the altar and we will always be together. Ashes, fly, find the heart of your beloved. Key, lock, tongue. Amen"

Candle spell to remove disease

Conspiracies on a candle to remove the disease are recommended during the waning moon at sunset. To do this, you need to take a church candle and light it. After that, drive a burning candle in the chest area, while pronouncing the following words of the conspiracy:

“There is a damp oak in an open field, and an iron man lives in that damp oak. That iron man cannot be fed and drunk with bread, salt, or any vegetables, but only ailments and various ailments. In the bright month I am enlightened, I close the lock, from the amenim amen, so that all the bodily pains of the same iron man are fed, but they don’t come to me, the servant of God / servant of God (name). Not forever, not forever. Enemy Satan, pump out me, a servant of God / servant of God (name), behind three doors, behind four locks and lock all diseases behind three doors, behind four locks. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

You should drive a candle creating an impromptu cross. At the end of reading the words of the conspiracy, you need to put the rest of the charmed candle under the pillow, and in the morning put it for the repose of diseases in the church. This must be done before noon the next day.

Love spell on two twisted church candles

To carry out such a love spell, you need to take a light church candle and speak it with these words: “This candle hid the heart of a servant of God (name).”

“Lord, make our lives and souls one. Let my chosen one pay attention to me and his heart will ignite for me with such strong love as I have for him. May I be alone in his heart every day from morning until midnight. And he, and only he, will always be in mine. Let him in this life have no feelings for another woman, but I will not love another man.

From time immemorial, people during life's turmoil have resorted to prayer for help and support in difficult times. No less miraculous is the power of the purifying sacred fire of a church candle, which, combined with sincere prayer, can help with many problems and suffering.

Healing and church candles

Much is known about the healing and protective properties of a church candle. After all, the wax that is part of it absorbs well and retains the beneficial energy of the temple, and during burning, the candle bestows this energy on the surrounding people and space.

It is not for nothing that one of the most ancient methods of healing is practiced by the people with a candle. At the same time, they tried to use church candles to heal a person, in which the life-giving and cleansing energy of fire is combined with the blessed energy of the temple, spirituality.

Even those who do not need healing from illness, people in a state of mental confusion, a burning candle miraculously helps. This is especially evident if you observe the child's reaction to the candle - he calms down, becomes more affectionate, attentive and obedient. The living flame of a lit candle attracts the eye, promotes detachment from worldly problems, concentration on the spiritual. It calms the restless spirit of a person who is in a state of anxiety or sadness. For the action of the candle to be especially effective, you need to sit in silence, touch it with all your fingers and focus on the flame, mentally calming down, forgiving and repenting. It is useful at such a moment to read a prayer.

For the treatment of physical diseases (for example, trophic ulcers, thrombosis, other vascular diseases, etc.), contact therapy with candle fire is used. With this flame, certain points on the human foot, associated with the organ to be healed, are gently acted upon.

Traditional healers often use a burning candle to diagnose diseases, to find a diseased organ. A lit candle is held in turn over a person. Above the unhealthy organ, the flame of the candle begins to tremble, and the candle itself begins to smoke.

For healing candles, it is better to use consecrated ones, and each candle is used only once. After therapeutic actions (as well as after the rite of purification), the candle cannot be blown out, it must be extinguished with a special cap.

Home cleansing

Driving into new house(it doesn’t matter if it’s your own or rented), or after tragic events, the premises should be cleaned.

Still sometimes people notice that their life circumstances began to suddenly, inexplicably, worsen without any visible prerequisites. The cause of failures, deterioration of health and atmosphere in the family may be hostile energy alien to the house.

A burning candle cleanses not only the body and soul of a person, but also the entire dwelling. If you doubt that you live in a house free from negative energy, with the help of a church candle, prayer and a fairly simple ritual, you can cleanse your home of bad energy on your own.

The apartment is cleaned with consecrated church candles and prayer. The ceremony should be carried out with a pure heart, wishing the inhabitants of the apartment only good and positive. Before him, it is better to fast for several days, cleanse yourself, go to church, confess and take communion.

Before cleaning with a candle, containers (plates, saucers, etc.) with table salt are placed in all corners of the apartment for the period necessary to cleanse the one who will conduct the ceremony. Before cleaning with a candle in the apartment, a general cleaning is carried out, the room is ventilated. The performer of the ceremony takes a shower with salt (you can’t rub salt water, just like wet your hair), which is then washed off with plain water. Clothes are worn comfortable, soft, you can not use jewelry.

They clean step by step the entire apartment, with the exception of the kitchen. At the entrance, a candle is held from the outside from left to right. The peephole on the front door is baptized three times. Moving clockwise, they carry a lit candle from the door throughout the apartment, while reading a strong prayer three times (for example, “Our Father”). You can not read a prayer, but in your thoughts say that you are cleaning your house, always with a good, positive mood. You need to bring a candle to the mirrors (in the corners), above the bed, sofa, armchairs. In the corners they stop and make the sign of the cross with a candle. Open the doors of cabinets or wardrobes and be sure to look in there too carefully so as not to accidentally ignite the contents. Go around the house, leave the candle to burn out.

The second time, also going clockwise, the dwelling is sprinkled with holy water, then fumigated with incense.

It is better to clean the room regularly, once every 2 to 3 months.

In the family to mend the faltering family relationships, to strengthen existing ones, it is sometimes recommended that all members of this family sit around the table and put a lit candle on it. This is how harmony in the family is revived and strengthened, common trust, care and respect for each other.

It is better to use church candles for cleansing and bringing harmony into the house, without dyes and flavors. There should always be church candles in the house, which it is advisable to light, gathering with the family at the healing fire, every Saturday.

When cleaning a person or apartment, a candle may crackle, smoke. This means that the desired effect achieved, and purification was indeed required. At this moment, you should stop and read prayers until the candle “calms down”. When the room or person is already clean, the candle starts to burn evenly again, without crackling and soot.

Easter candles

A special healing power is contained in the Easter candles consecrated during the Easter service. After all, Easter is one of the main Christian holidays, and the candles lit on this night, as it were, absorb the energy of this sacred holiday. At the Easter service, it is necessary to light the candles bought before that so that each one burns at least a little, and then put them near the Easter cake and eggs so that the priest blesses them - this way these candles will receive great healing power.

You can store Easter candles in a closet, but it is better to keep them near the icons.

Watch a video tutorial about cleansing a house with church candles:

Since ancient times, people have known that the element of Fire purifies and burns all negative energies that defile the human aura.

For our Ancestors, fire was one of the Holy Manifestations of Divine Power. In our time, as before, all Vedic Rites take place near the fires and the Holy Fires. If they are held at home, then in the red corner - a candle is lit. Furnace fire, candle fire - is a visible and vivid image of the Great-Ancestors and Gods, manifesting themselves in the flame of fire.

A special, magical effect of a candle flame on the aura (subtle bodies and shells) of a person is that the flame helps to cleanse the body of everything negative that accumulates in us day after day. And if a person living in an urban environment rarely has the opportunity to sit by the fire, then he can always light a candle in front of him.

After sitting near a lit candle for at least 7-10 minutes, watching the fluctuations of the tongue of its flame, we soon begin to notice how the candle throws a small amount of soot into space. As the experience of our Ancestors says, fire burns mental fatigue, irritation and resentment accumulated in a person. The soot is evidence that they have been burned.

The fire of a candle calms the mind, thanks to this, we can drive away negative, negative thoughts and feelings, do not allow the disease to penetrate our physical body. Thus, the pain of the soul, gradually dissipating, prevents the pain of the physical body. Together with the crackling of the candle, she leaves, and in her place peace and peace of mind return again.

I propose to revive the traditions of Our Ancestors and make wax candles on our own, both for daily use and for various ceremonies and rituals. In addition, making candles is a very exciting activity.

Charming wax candle with your own hands.

The easiest type of protective candles to make are wax and herb candles. To make a candle, we need:

  • honeycomb leaf,
  • wick,
  • protective herbs (optional)
  • a brush for applying herbal powder (also optional, you can do it with your hands, but with a brush it turns out faster and more evenly),
  • wick scissors,
  • foundation knife,
  • ruler.

Voshchina can be bought on a specialized website for beekeepers.

Wax, when creating a candle, must be tightly twisted so that there are no voids, otherwise the candle will not burn without residue.

The wick must be cotton. (A 3-centimeter wick is dipped into melted wax in advance so that when the candle is lit, it does not burn, but melts).

Herbs are dried in advance and ground in a coffee grinder to a state of almost dust, so that there are no large pieces, because. when burning, they can flare up and create a strong crack).

Can be used different formulations herbs for making candles. It all depends on the goal you are pursuing. For example, if you are making candles for protective protection, then you can use wormwood, thistle and other non-running herbs, they are especially strong for these purposes. If your candle should bring peace and tranquility to the house, then use St. John's wort and mint.

We cut off the foundation of the size you need, I have it 21.8 cm x 8.5 cm. It is convenient to do this with a knife, but you can also use scissors. We heat it slightly so that it becomes plastic and twists easily. This can be done over the burner or laid out in advance in the Sun.

We cut off the wick of the desired size, for my candle it is 11.5 cm.

We put the wick on the edge of the foundation, slightly pressing it.

We pour the herbs of your choice in an even, not very thick layer.

Twist the foundation tightly so that there are no voids, otherwise the candle will not burn without residue.

Here is the candle and ready!

At the base of the candle, you can make a small notch with a knife to distinguish this candle from a simple (without herbs) wax candle. Since the foundation smells very strongly of honey, it interrupts the smell of dried herbs, so these candles (without a label) are difficult to distinguish externally.

Master class: wax candle in a mold.

  1. We cut the wax into small pieces, put it in a water bath, on a small fire (two or three on the scale of the gas burner valve).
  2. We are waiting for the wax to melt. It is important not to leave it unattended, if you overheat it - the wax may catch fire (in this case, you just need to cover the pan with a lid or cover the fire with soda, and not put it out with water).
  3. When the wax is completely melted to a homogeneous mass ...
  4. Dip the thread into the wax to get the wick. For wax candles, you need to use a thread consisting of many small threads that are poorly twisted together.
  5. With the help of toothpicks, we strengthen the wick in the form. To make a removable candle, you need to grease the walls of the mold with vegetable oil.
  6. You can add ground spices to candles - cinnamon, vanilla, etc., as well as very finely ground (to powder) protective herbs - juniper is good as one of the strongest amulets and purifiers of space from bad entities.
  7. Pour half the wax, add what we want to add to the candle and add the remaining wax.
  8. We are waiting for the candle to harden - the wax hardens from the edges to the center. Next, remove the toothpicks, cut the wick to the desired length. That's all.
  9. Pay attention - on the left is a candle made of ordinary beeswax, and on the right is a candle made of church wax with the addition of juniper.

Dipped wax candles.

Making wax candles is a real mystery! The process itself is fascinating: meditative and relaxing. Such a candle burns - 3 hours. It cleans the space very well, soothes and pacifies. The most important thing is that her flame is completely different, very different from paraffin ones. In addition, paraffin fumes are harmful to health. Dipping is the oldest way to get candles.

You will need:

  • beeswax,
  • cotton threads - others will not burn (you can use ready-made wicks from stores selling goods for creativity),
  • a saucepan containing a jar (a bottle with a wide mouth) - because We will melt the wax in a steam bath.

We put the wax in pieces in a jar, pour water into a saucepan, put the jar in a saucepan, turn on the stove and wait until the wax is completely melted.

When the wax is completely melted, dip the cotton cord into the wax. After excess wax drains back into the jar, we take the cord aside and wait for the wax to cool and harden.

Then, we dip again, again we wait until the wax cools down. You need to dip in one precise movement, without delay in the jar, so that the previous layer of wax does not have time to melt in the hot wax.

The better you cool the candle in the air, the more wax it will capture the next time it is dipped.

When the thickness of the candle suits you, cut off the bottom of the candle and trim the wick.

The candles are ready. A similar candle burns for 2.5-3 hours. It has a very beneficial effect on well-being, clears the space of all unnecessary.

You can make several candles at once (three or four wicks at work at the same time), while you dip some, others cool. The wax cools down quickly.

At the end of the candle making process, the remaining wax can be left in the jar if you plan to make such candles often. Or the wax can be poured into a saucepan, directly onto the water. When the water cools down and the wax hardens completely, you need to remove the wax circle and store it until the next business.

In the same way, wax is cleaned of impurities - they settle between water and wax, after which they can be easily removed with a knife.

It is important to make candles in a good mood. In order for your candles to be magical, it is necessary to repeat mantras, incantations, and praises during their manufacture. You can find mantras and doxology in the article

Method of withdrawal from a loved one

layers of negative fields and programs with the help of a candle.

Cleansing with a wax candle must be carried out in the following cases:

At the first symptoms of a cold,

If you or your loved ones are very nervous,

After serious conflict situations,

After visiting hospitals and seriously ill people,

After a conversation with a person who is unpleasant to you, if after that there was a feeling of heaviness in the body, your mood deteriorated, you felt sick,

Children, if someone scared them or a stranger scolded them strongly and viciously on the street in your absence,

If the child went for a walk healthy and in a good mood, and returned, pale, angry, does not want to talk, does not want to eat and does not want anything at all,

In other similar situations.

To remove from loved one layers of negative fields and programs, ask him to sit on a stool, as the back of the chair blocks the person’s back from the impact of the candle flame, and stand behind him yourself.

You will need a wax candle. Put on it a small circle of white paper with a hole cut out in it, into which the candle will enter. The paper is needed to protect your hands from negative energy, which will be absorbed by the melted wax flowing down the candle - it will flow not onto the hand, but onto the paper.

Light a candle. For a while, forget about all everyday thoughts and repeat to yourself or out loud (according to circumstances, if the person agrees, then out loud is better) the mantra "Aum". The patient must begin to "clean" from the coccyx. At the same time, the hand with the candle should rotate counterclockwise.

The amplitude of this movement is 10-15 centimeters. The time during which you will conduct the ceremony is chosen by you arbitrarily.

If the candle begins to crackle, then you have found a “problem” place - a zone in which a person has serious disturbances in the life of the body. Surely at this moment you will see soot coming out of the flame. Hold the candle near such an area until the candle stops smoking! When the flame is clear again, continue moving up the spine to the top of the head.

We finish cleaning with movements above the head: at a distance of 10-15 centimeters above the head. At this time, it is necessary to read the glorification of the Lada of the Virgin, so that She helps a person to debug his body, soul and spirit, i.e. bring him into alignment with Mother Nature and the Supreme Progenitor, (bring him into harmony with Them).

Glorification to Lada Mother of God: “Oh, you are Lada-Mother! Holy Mother of God! Be glorious and Trislavna! You give us Love and Happiness! Your grace is sent down on us! Bless your son (daughter) (your name) to restore the connection with Rod and Nature! We honor and glorify Thee, Mother Lada, universally, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle, and at all times, as long as the Yarila-Sun shines on us! Taco be, such be, taco be! A-o-o-o-m!

Purification must be carried out 3 times, checking whether the candle burns evenly in the place where it used to smoke.

After the cleansing ceremony, the person you helped needs to burn the paper with the wax dripped on it and scatter the ashes with the words: “As the paper burns and this ashes scatters, so all my ailments and diseases will burn and scatter.”

Good luck in your good deeds.

Aum Tat Sat.

The article is illustrated with a video film:

Comment from crawfu

Possible exploit? If you wait to talk to Gunther Arcanus after killing Lillith Nefara, you can click on the crate to get another candle again, place it on the altar, and fight Lillith again for more XP as long as you are a low enough level to gain XP from her. I don't know if this was just an oversight by Blizzard or if they left it that way on purpose.

Comment from Armed

Not really an exploit, if you fail to kill the ghost then you can get another candle and retry.

The altar is at 66,44

Comment from Luthiel

The altar is on the little island just next to the bigone. Click on it and he "ll summon, kill and get back to him.. 66,44 are coods

Comment from Rillarri

This is for people who don't read the quest text fully (like me) before leaving for the altar first click on the crate of candles next to Gunther and get the Candle of Beckoning

Comment from Mashu13

Don "t rush the horros on the island or you will get killed at lvl 11 liked my mage almost did...
Take them out one at a time...

Comment from Monkeh Sammeh

Ok this one is VERY easy. I did it with my lvl 10 rogue. And im a beginner.
First you collect the candle from the box by his feet, then swim to the smaller island. Kill the 2 undead people, one by one if you must.
Then summon her up by placing the candle on the table. She should appear...
Kill her. Then swim back to the big island.
Very Easy.