The meaning of the tattoo is the key. Tattoo key Key from men's hearts tattoo

Castle tattoo on shoulder

Lock. Drawing tattoos on the body at all times had a semantic meaning. In a similar way, people tried to show affiliation with one of the directions or express important views.

Today, body art is common among both men and women. The images used are the most various items, animals or symbols. Each characterizes a certain side of a person and allows you to reveal the meaning of thoughts or soul.

One of the common objects used as a pattern is a castle. It has great importance how the image is applied, shape, color and lines. Depending on this, it is possible to interpret the concluded meaning in different ways.

Castle tattoo meaning

A lock is an object that has the semantic meaning of opening or hiding something. Castle tattoo literally means protecting yourself from certain events or people. Often there is a lock tattoo paired with a key. Moreover, each item can belong to different people.

The tattoo is more popular among girls. The body sketch is made in a combination of exquisite lines and intricate patterns.

A variant of a declaration of love is the application of a tattoo in the shape of a heart. Similarly, you can tell others about the difficulty of conquering the heart. The keyhole is a signal to others about the stage of searching for a partner.

It is important to understand the integrity of the perception of a paired image of objects. This couple is stuffed with personalities of the same soul and body to reinforce their connection.

One lock can mean storing your own awareness of the world and not being ready to open up to others. A lone key is a sign of holding a memory of a past experience, person, or event.

For men tattoo castle

Men also use this tattoo, but less often. The image is made in memory of Great love or is a symbol of secrecy.

The drawing has clear lines, a pronounced relief and is performed in graphite shades. There is a combination with. This is a sign of a sharp and sensual nature.

Male tattoos are found with the image of a key. It has a large size and texture. Outwardly, the key resembles the one that opened the doors of the royal chambers and has nothing to do with the usual keys used in modern life.

For women

Girls are more likely to resort to using a lock with a key in the theme of body art, telling the opposite sex that they are ready and open to love relationship, you just need to pick up the key.

Paired application of objects is practiced by beloved couples and indicates the integrity of souls. An open lock tattoo means openness to any undertakings, ideas and thoughts.

The castle acts as a guardian of human values, having made a tattoo you can not worry about being misunderstood. A person expresses his individuality the way he wants it.

Tattoo options

The castle in tattoos can have a different shape, color and lines. depends on the meaning being expressed.

The image of a heart in the form of a castle is able to convey the sensuality and tenderness of its owner. In the female version, the tattoo is characterized by the addition of various elements (ribbons, flowers, butterflies) or inscriptions.

The “key” tattoo can open the most secret thoughts and actions, talk about the innocence of the soul and body. Castle tattoo can be done in color or black and gray shades. Color application is used more often by girls.

Successful lock locations on the body

Before applying, you should consider where exactly you want to apply the picture and what it will mean at this place. For girls, the lock is made from the inside and can be part of a paired pattern.

In an open place, the tattoo shows the person's intentions to others.

girls castle can be a symbol of virginity and readiness for love. She is not imposed, but opens herself to the opposite sex.

On the back, tattoos look spectacular and can be a sign of isolation and immersion in oneself. This is an expression of the inner introvert.

On the thigh, a castle tattoo serves as a call for connection with the opposite sex. This is a sign of sexuality, but at the same time, impregnability.

Everyone can interpret the meaning of the image of a tattoo with a lock or key in their own way. By adding certain elements to the standard image, you can betray a new individual meaning, which will be clear only to its owner.

Key tattoo video

The key in a tattoo is often found in different configurations, in different combinations and interpretations. A tattoo depicting a key is today considered one of the most recognized and fashionable. The drawing is in demand both in women's and in male tattoo. A sketch of a key tattoo is made in a fixed and arbitrary manner, on any part of the body.:

  • on shoulders;
  • forearms;
  • shovel;
  • chest area.

In spiritual terms, the meaning of the symbol can be interpreted as a fear of the loss of some quality, for example, the freedom of the individual. A key tattoo can be an expression of the will of its owner - to keep the heart locked.

The lock, to which only one key corresponds, has its own special meaning - marital fidelity. Today, this symbolism is used on paired tattoos, when one of the couple chooses a sketch of the lock, and the second - the key that opens the lock.

The key may represent the power that the doors are subject to, it may contain the meaning of liberation, or vice versa - the binding of the individual.

Tattoo key does not have an unambiguous interpretation. The key image may have a meaning:

  • independence;
  • inner freedom;
  • decisiveness;
  • in some cases, the key tattoo is a sign of a change in the individual's worldview;
  • memory of important events.

Lovers have a key tattoo as a sign that they gave the keys to their hearts to their beloved.

The tattoo is quite recognized when one half of the key is on the guy's arm, and the other is on the girl. When interlacing hands, the key takes on a complete picture.


The key tattoo for the male half mainly includes the meaning of non-subordination and non-susceptibility. Key tattoos are often worn by powerful men who value gravitas.

Men's key tattoos are often depicted to commemorate important events.

If the key on the guy is winged, this means the desire for freedom, as well as a sharp change in life beliefs. The key of the Apostle Peter among the guys has the meaning of spiritual wealth and secret knowledge. The image of an owl with a key on its paws symbolizes wisdom and the desire for knowledge.


A key tattoo for girls can symbolize innocence, purity and modesty, restraint, sometimes isolation and timidity.

He can also say that in order to achieve her trust and location, it is necessary to go through trials.

On the "Zone"

The key symbol is also contained in the prison list of tattoos.
The key on the “zone” has its own special meaning. A symbol in the underworld means a committed crime, about which a prisoner wearing a tattoo must be silent, kept secret. The tattoo is a kind of reminder of the vow of silence that its owner took upon himself.

The tattoo key is distinguished by its uniqueness also by the fact that it can be supplemented over time at the request of the owner.

A sketch of a key tattoo is performed by any technique intended for tattoos, both in one-color and in color. Colored tattoo keys look beautiful on the shoulder blades, shoulders and lower back.

Key in tattoo can be found in a variety of forms. This tattoo is one of the modern and trendy. This is a kind of new direction in the world of tattoos. It has only modern interpretations that are not connected with the world of symbolism, with ancient interpretations.

Symbolism is currently practiced, it is pleasant to endow each tattoo with some interesting meaning, which, according to many experts, can affect the course of a person's life. Very often, young couples make the key meaning of the tattoo often means love and fidelity. Often they make a paired tattoo, thereby presenting each other with the keys to their hearts. Sometimes one person draws for himself key, and second lock, thus it turns out couple tattoo with deep meaning for a couple of hearts in love.

Some draw the tattoo in such a way that the design can only be completed by joining two hands together. In some cases, a broken heart is drawn, which is a symbol of love and a whole bunch of keys. tattoo key meaning which is interesting to many, has a huge variety of interpretation options. It can be adequately combined with other tattoos, with floral patterns, with inscriptions. It can be large or small and placed on the most different parts body.

Sometimes such a tattoo can be found in prison meanings. In this case, it denotes a secret event, most often a crime. Such a key is a vow of silence. She reminds the owner of the tattoo about the secret and the promise that he made.

The key in the form of a tattoo on a girl can mean purity, innocence, modesty. In some cases, the owner of the tattoo has changed his worldview or made a new discovery. Often in key tattoo meaning h invest inner freedom in decision making. For loving couples, the key denotes the fidelity and value of their love.

There is some interpretation in antiquity, often it denoted the keys of the Apostle Paul, that is, a symbol of secret knowledge, wealth. However, in ancient times, the key was used extremely rarely in the art of tattooing.

The lock and key is an incredibly popular plot for a pair of romantic tattoos. Often, instead of a lock, a heart is stuffed, which symbolizes the inaccessibility of the chosen one or devoted male love. The key tattoo in pairs looks great on the wrist. Perhaps this is the most popular place for romantic plots of key tattoos.


If you are an introvert, then you are most likely unconsciously trying to hide from the outside world. In this case, a tattoo with a key on your body may mean a desire to close your inner world from prying eyes. The key itself symbolizes that you are not ready to open your inner world to the first person you meet, but every persistent person has a chance to know your soul.


It is impossible to give an unambiguous assessment of this quality - it all depends on the characteristics of the individual. Excessive closeness can be seen as hypocrisy. Sometimes the key tattoo has such a negative color. However, if you are having difficulty keeping your mouth shut, then a key tattoo can be a reminder talisman for you that silence is golden.


The key can also represent freedom and the unbridled desire for knowledge. The desire to discover new horizons for oneself is one of the motives for applying such tattoos. Often the key is stuffed after serious life realizations or accomplishments as a reminder of something important. Such a tattoo will inspire you to new victories. "I got the key to happiness" - this affirmation most accurately describes the philosophy of this tattoo.

Places and styles

There are two main questions - where to stuff and in what genre? Here you are provided full freedom actions. First you need to decide whether you want a color or monochrome tattoo. One-color keys look especially harmonious. The key is far from the most successful plot for a colored tattoo. But, as elsewhere, there are exceptions here too.

As for styles, the most suitable for such a tattoo are:

  • Minimalism;
  • Blackwork;
  • New school;
  • Trash polka;
  • Ornamental.

The most interesting ideas of locations in our opinion:

  • Wrist;
  • Leg;
  • ribs;
  • Breast;


Some celebrities got tattoo key. Despite the dominance of bad taste, we still managed to find successful tattoo ideas among celebrities. Among them:

  • Ashley Greene with a very small tattoo behind her ear;
  • Portia Freeman with a monochrome key on the inside of the forearm;
  • Gigi Gorges with a multi-colored key in the rib area.