Conditions goes light in wot. How disguise works in World of Tanks

6 years and a month ago Comments: 21

Light in World of Tanks is called enemy detection. This is a very important aspect of game mechanics, which, unfortunately, many simply do not pay attention to. Most players with at least a thousand battles can shoot accurately and “tank” with a strong forehead, but only a few can already give a competent and lasting light that will allow the team to achieve victory.

good light can really decide the outcome of the battle. Often in random battles, you can see how formidable heavy ones, which are very dangerous due to high one-time damage, remain completely defenseless on open maps against opponents who, although they do not have such armor or damage per shot, but have good vision. In many high-level battles, the team wins thanks to a skilled player in a light tank of the fourth or fifth level.

What are the benefits of good lighting?

Competent light in World Of Tanks will not only bring victory to your team, but you will also receive a large amount of experience and silver if, according to your intelligence, the allies made a lot of effective shots. When playing on a light tank, you can not fire a single shot at all, stand in the bushes the whole battle, and as a result get more than a thousand experience points and a significant amount of silver.

Naturally, not everything is so simple. It is not for nothing that a relatively small number of players know how to shine competently, there is a lot to learn here. Light is divided into active and passive:

Active light in World of Tanks

Active illumination is movement across the battlefield on top speed. You need to actively maneuver so that the enemy does not hit you, effectively use obstacles and hills, show only observation devices to enemy tanks, and not substitute the whole body.

Also, don't forget about danger of losing the caterpillar because of another jump on a bump. During a sharp turn at high speed, the tank skids heavily, which leads to a significant loss of speed and, as a result, probable destruction. To make it harder for the enemy to aim, you need to slightly change the direction of movement every about three seconds, and between such wobbles pick up speed and move in a straight line.

Driving at high speed and literally dodging enemy shots is quite fun, especially since it is relatively easy, so most players prefer this kind of light. But just doesn't mean effective. Moreover, it is becoming more and more difficult to actively shine. The introduction of physics into the game in update 0.8.0 dealt a tangible blow here, before that there was no danger of losing a caterpillar due to a bump or hill.

In, one might say, the iconic T-50-2 on the MT-25. Many took this change very painfully: T-50-2 was the fastest firefly in World of Tanks, the game on it was very dynamic and fun, it was possible to rush in front of confused opponents, light up the whole team, shoot self-propelled guns and even hide undamaged. The MT-25 cannot boast of such outstanding speed or maneuverability. In general, you need to shine on it not actively, but passively.

Passive light in World of Tanks

Passive light, at first glance, is easier to master than active light. Indeed, stand in the bushes, what could be difficult here? But this is only at first glance. After all, you need not just to stand in the bushes, but to detect the enemy and go unnoticed yourself.

How to choose a place where the backlight will come from?

Choosing a good bush to hide behind requires a good knowledge of the map and the main vehicle routes. You must see as many enemy tanks as possible, and the allies must be able to shoot at them. In general, it makes sense to highlight the enemy, which the allies cannot hit, only if you need to control the situation and the movement of enemy tanks in this area.

For example, allies and the other left without any protection. It makes sense to shine on such an unprotected direction only so that the allies know when enemy tanks will appear on it and in what quantity. But this is rarely required, in most cases you need to highlight opponents so that allies deal damage to them. Moreover, it is for this that you get silver and experience.

As mentioned above, choose a good place for passive light is quite difficult. It must be some kind of bush that provides effective camouflage. For a passive firefly, the first minute of the battle is extremely important. You need not to waste time and occupy a suitable bush, because of which you can highlight the departing opponents.

What to do if the enemy gets too close?

As soon as an enemy tank approaches you, you need to immediately retreat, because even if you can break through it, you still won’t deal much damage to it, and you will most likely be sent to the hangar with a return shot. Your task is completely different. In most cases, in a position for passive light, you should immediately turn in the direction of the route along which you will retreat in case of danger. If necessary, immediately get up to the enemy astern, he will still pierce you in any projection.

If you are going to passively shine, this does not mean that you should occupy some bush at the beginning of the battle and stand in it until the very end. In most cases, this is ineffective. If you cannot detect the enemy for a while due to one cover, you need to move around and look for another, more suitable one. At the same time, it often makes sense to choose not a direct route, but a roundabout one, in order not to allow the enemy to detect himself.

Tank overview. The choice of equipment for active and passive light.

With passive and active light, the most importance It has an overview of your tank, which can be enlarged with equipment such as a stereo tube and coated optics. The first only works when your tank is stationary (three seconds after stopping) and gives a bonus of 25% of the base vision. The bonus of coated optics is only 10%, but it always works. It is quite obvious that a stereo tube is ideal for passive light, and an active firefly needs to take coated optics. It makes sense to put both types of equipment on some tanks. Vision is also increased by Eagle Eye (by 2%) and Radio Interception (by 3%), which can be learned from the commander and radio operator, respectively.

It is the visibility indicator of your tank that should be the guideline by which you need to choose the distance that separates you from the enemy. Naturally, you need to try to illuminate it at the maximum distance in order to go unnoticed yourself. And that requires a disguise.

Camouflage - plays an important role when playing a firefly

It can be upgraded with a Camouflage Net, which grants a 25% bonus to base value and works only when your tank is stationary, a camouflage that gives a 5% bonus, works on the move and is purchased for silver or gold, as well as a skill of the same name that can be upgraded for the entire crew. If you are going to play the role of a firefly, then disguise should be chosen as the first perk, but this does not apply to the commander, who needs to take sixth sense.

Sixth Sense- an extremely useful skill that will come in handy on many tanks, but the sixth sense is very important for a passive firefly, as it signals that you have been detected. One has only to say that this skill works with three second delay, so it often makes sense not to wait until the light comes on, but to immediately run away. For active light, the sixth sense is not so important, because in this case it is not stealth that serves as protection, but active maneuvers.

Naturally, light tanks are best suited for highlighting opponents, which have an extremely useful bonus relative to all other vehicles: the camouflage of a moving light tank is equal to its camouflage in a stationary state, for all other vehicles it is two times lower. It is also worth mentioning that when fired, the camouflage of any tank is reduced by about six times.

But you can shine on almost any technique, here you need to look at the ratio of size and view. Many medium tanks are characterized by relatively small size and high visibility, which allows them to effectively illuminate the enemy on a par with light tanks. Many "ambush" tank destroyers, which are notable for their small size, can shine passively well if you put a camouflage net and a stereo tube on them.

Every WoT player wants to lead their team to victory. However, based on the fact that this is a team game, he alone can defeat the entire opposing team only in exceptional cases.

It so happened that many players have chosen a "light" path for themselves, in other words - to shine for their team. For example, you have a LT or ST in a non-top configuration in your hangar, which can do little in battle. Such a technique is not able to deal a lot of damage, but with proper use, even it will bring tangible benefits to your allies. In one of the latest patches (0.8.0), Wargaming added additional information to the post-battle statistics window. Since then, a player who shone for his team can see with his own eyes the amount of damage inflicted on enemy vehicles by his light. Agree, such information brings moral satisfaction and a sense of significance to those who, at the beginning of the battle, write to the general chat “what am I doing here?” So this article is about how to properly shine on LT and ST.

First of all, you must clearly understand the performance characteristics (performance characteristics) of the equipment on which you enter the battle. The speed your tank will develop, how it slows down on bumps, slopes and soft ground will directly affect your actions. An important criterion for behavior in battle is the setup of both teams, and the map on which the battle will begin. You must understand whether you can get to a strategic point undetected even before the enemy, and also whether you will interfere with a more maneuverable ally.

The most important tasks:
1. Analyze the map. On any map, be it a city or an open field, there are places that are ideal for light. Any vegetation, be it bushes or the crown of a fallen tree, can completely hide you from the enemy team, and if the battle takes place on the city map, then there are almost always windows, loopholes and embankments that hide almost the entire silhouette of your tank, leaving only a tower with observation devices.
2. Analyze the team grid. Sometimes it can happen that the LT or ST of the enemy team will get to a good spot before you. There are two options here: destroy the enemy firefly yourself (or leave it to the team to be torn to pieces), or find a point on the map from which you can shine the enemy team without fear of being discovered yourself. From this point it becomes clear that the technique that has the best dynamics and mobility is the most preferable for light.
3. Consider the view and disguise of your and enemy equipment. However, keep in mind that LTs have a stealth class bonus (camouflage is the same when moving and at rest). If there is a possibility that you yourself will be exposed, it is better to roll back a little, using houses, covers and terrain folds, let your team deal with any technique that can illuminate you.

The previously described has the term "passive light". However, if your technique has excellent dynamics and speed, do not neglect "active light". This technique is to give your team an idea of ​​the movement of enemy vehicles in tactical directions in the first minutes, and sometimes seconds of the battle. Just do not repeat the mistakes of many players who, after the phrase “candle in the center!” immediately go to the hangar. The initial task is not so much to illuminate the entire opposing team, but to preserve the units of strength and vital components of your equipment: the engine, tracks and observation devices. Maneuver, make sharp unexpected turns and leave after you yourself are lit up (the “light bulb” perk, which we will talk about later, will help you understand this).

If possible, keep enemy tanks in constant light, do not take damage and constantly move, appear where enemy tanks do not expect you at all. Remember the fact that the longer the enemy tank glows, the large quantity your team's trunks will be turned in his direction. Ride on the hillside from your allies, showing your opponents only the tower, so it will be harder to hit you. After a good light, the artillery can thank you very much for the work done.

It is also worth noting why many passive fireflies do not last long: they themselves cause damage to the opponent's vehicles. As you know, shots unmask, so the desire to shoot can sometimes play a cruel joke on you. However, it may happen that the enemy approaches the bushes from which you shine, and no one deals damage to him, and you can quite deal with him. Use the current situation in the most effective way for you: roll back until the bushes from which you were shining cease to be transparent and start your insidious business, shoot down the tracks, remind your team that the enemy still exists and you need to end it!

The fact is that being fifteen meters from the bushes, you are covered by them, as a visual barrier. The enemy is in residual light, and you are invisible, you can deal damage to him with impunity. Also, do not forget about the “X-ray” on city maps: when you drive close to the house, you will light up the enemy standing right behind him, this feature of the game mechanics is very useful on city maps, but be careful, the enemy will also light you up.

The perks of the tank crew will help you in the difficult “light” business. Give the commander a “light bulb”, “eagle eye”, radio operator “radio interception”. Useful will also be the perks "of the last strength", "vindictive", "king of the road", "virtuoso", and in general the whole crew should master the "camouflage" and "combat brotherhood".

The ability to properly tank on your tank is certainly very important and useful. But in order not to receive damage on the battlefield, it is much more profitable to simply not get into the light and into the sight of enemy tanks. To do this, you need to know and understand how disguise works. The topic is very big.

Consider the basic principles of camouflage in the field

The first thing that every player in the world of tanks should know is that the tank sees the same way in all directions. It doesn't matter which way the tower is facing, which way you look. Lighting occurs in a circle with the radius of your view.

Secondly, in order for you to light up, the dimensional points that are located on the hull of your tank and its turret must fall into the light. This explains the fact that sometimes enemy tracks stick out from behind a bush, or you look at the enemy from under the car and see only his tracks, and suddenly he disappears from the light. Why is this? Yes, because at this moment you cannot light up its overall points.

Third, regarding disguise. In World of Tanks, there are only 2 states of a tank: either it is moving or standing still. Rotation of the turret or barrel for tank destroyers is not considered a move. But turning the body even by a centimeter, or moving in first gear - the server considers this to be movement, the masking coefficient decreases. The only exception to this rule is all light tanks. There is no such penalty for them. Both in motion and standing, they have the same detection coefficient (light).

Fourth. The stealth of a tank directly depends on its height. This is considered from the ground to the extreme point of the tower. The higher your tank, the less camouflage it has, the more distance it will be detected by the enemy. Tall tanks don't make much of a difference whether they're moving or standing still. Studies have been carried out with different tanks German branch, they all shone from approximately the same distance equal to 430-440 m. But for tanks with a low profile (T-54, T-62A, leopard prototype), things are a little different. They were illuminated in an open field much later - at a distance of 220-230 meters. And in motion, the light occurred 20-25 meters earlier. From this we can conclude that on tanks with a low profile it is much more profitable to stand in your position to the last.

The work of the camouflage network. On average, the distance of light when it is activated is reduced by 40 meters. Very useful and not a small bonus.

Bushes are the best place to hide World of Tanks

The best way to not take damage if you are a firefly and not only is not to get into the light. Now we will talk in more detail about the most interesting and most accessible masking element on any map - bushes.

Bushes are not completely opaque to light rays, but simply weaken their effect, reduce the distance of light. Moreover, the lower the profile of the tank, the better the bushes hide it.

There is a difference between whether you are standing behind a bush or moving, and a very interesting pattern. The test was carried out on the T-54. When moving behind the bushes, the tank was detected from 150 meters, and in a static position from 120 m. While standing just in a field without bushes, moving back and forth, the tank was detected from 350 meters, and in a static position from 320 m. It turns out that and there and there the difference was 30 meters.

It doesn't make much of a difference to the game whether you're speeding behind a bush, just spinning, or turning just a little, in which case you're moving and lowering your disguise.

How does a camouflage net affect a tank standing in the bushes. With a camouflage net, the T-54 standing in the bushes was illuminated from a distance of 80 meters. And without network masks, the distance was 120m. That is, the gain is approximately equal to 40 meters. Standing in an open field with a net, the light was at 280 m, without a net 320 m. High tanks of the E-100 type from the bushes shone at a distance of about 210-220 meters, that is, 2 times more than low-profile ones. What does it matter what class of equipment it is - tt, st, art or tank destroyer, if you have a high tank, then it will be difficult for you to hide it even behind the bushes. Also, for tall cars there is no significant difference, whether they stand quietly behind a bush or move, the spread in the distance of light will be only 10-20 m.

Shooting through the bushes. What we found out after the tests.

1. The level of illumination from shooting does not depend at all on what type of shells you use: armor-piercing, cumulative, high explosives. Lighting will occur in the same way.

2. There is a rule of 15 meters - when you move away from the bush at a distance of about 15 meters, it becomes opaque again, and you disappear from the light. You need to move a couple of meters away from the bush, because the visibility in your scope comes from the turret, and on the hull there are marker points on the hull that are located much further than the turret and stick out. This rule only works for long distances. On the example of the T-54 and E-50, the distance at which this rule applies was 220 meters. What does this knowledge give us? Firstly, there is no need to move more than 15 meters from the bush, most importantly, you must monitor the distance between you and the enemy. At the same time, take into account the level of visibility of your equipment and the level of visibility of the enemy. By applying this rule wisely, you will be able to get into less light and correctly assess the situation.

If you like to play fireflies, in order to light up the enemy, it’s enough just to bring the distance closer and try to spread him for a shot.

3. It doesn't matter how far the tanks are from the bushes, in case of light, only the distance between the opponents matters. This is very useful knowledge. Even if you are standing in the bushes, surrounded by trees, and the enemy drives past you, the distance becomes critical - the bushes will not save you.

4. The masking effect of two bushes on the same line adds up.

5. One bush and one fallen tree - the disguise effect does not stack.

6. Two fallen trees count as one masking object. The last three points are with info from WoT developers.

7. To enhance your camouflage, use camouflage from the developers.

Coniferous and deciduous trees. What is better for disguise

Previously, once upon a time, trees in World of Tanks had a masking property only while they were intact. As soon as the tree was knocked down, it ceased to mask. You can pretend that it didn't exist. But recently, the server began to define fallen trees as masking ones. However, it should be noted that only one fallen tree is taken into account when calculating visibility. So creating a very strong masking obstacle from a bunch of trees will not work.

But even with one tree, the players had a lot of controversial situations. Many simply did not understand why they were illuminated, it seemed that the tree fell down and hid well, nothing stuck out, but you still glow on the floor of the map. How can this be, what happened - the developers were simply inundated with questions on this topic.

On the official forum, they were asked if there is a difference between coniferous and deciduous trees, do they mask the same? The developers said that there is no difference. The only thing to consider is the size of the crown so that the tank does not stick out due to the foliage. If the crown is small, the tank at certain angles can get into the light and be detected by the enemy.

Comparison of properties of coniferous and deciduous trees.

When testing a coniferous tree, it turned out that the tank was detected from the same distance as the tank was located behind the bushes. That is, we can say that there is no difference between coniferous trees and bushes. Then deciduous trees were tested, and here a little surprise awaited us. Several deciduous trees were tested at different angles, and it turned out that deciduous trees hide worse than bushes and coniferous trees. Standing on a T-54 with an activated camouflage net behind a bush or coniferous tree, the detection distance was 80 meters. Moving, and here and there the detection distance was 150 meters. To be sure of the results, the test was carried out on the second tank. For the E-50, the same data were obtained. Behind a deciduous tree for a stationary T-54, the detection range was 130 meters. This is 50 meters more than behind a bush or a coniferous tree. While moving behind a deciduous tree, the detection distance was 200-210 meters, that is, again, 50-60 meters worse.

From this we can conclude that bushes and conifers camouflage the same way, but deciduous trees have a much worse camouflage effect. Therefore, if you have a choice of which tree to hide behind, behind coniferous or deciduous - without hesitation, choose coniferous!

In World of tanks, each player strives to do everything for the victory of his team. In addition to the right tactics, strategy on the battlefields, for victorious battles, you need to take into account the type and performance characteristics of your combat vehicle. Do not forget that here is a command online game, so all the actions of the players must be well-coordinated and coordinated.

Each type of armored vehicles on the battlefields must perform its tasks and functions. And if you shoot accurately, target the vulnerabilities of enemy armored vehicles, “tank” with well-armored tanks, many players are able to give a competent, long-lasting light, not every tanker succeeds. Therefore, in this review, we decided to talk about how to shine in world of tanks, what you need to know about the light mechanics in WoT.

Tanks on the battlefield

As already noted, each tank in WoT has its own role on the battlefield. Heavy tanks carry out a breakthrough, hold back the defense on the flanks, are the main strength of the team. Medium tanks are support tanks. Artillery, anti-tank self-propelled units- firepower of the team. Well, light tanks play the role of light, being the "eyes" of their team.

Exposing the tanks of the enemy team in World of Tanks is one of the fundamental mechanics of the game. Given the excellent mechanics, speed, maneuverability, large viewing radius, the role of "fireflies" is best performed by light tanks (LT). Of course, it should not be ruled out that this function, with a properly trained crew, a competent choice of installed equipment, can be performed by a class of medium tanks. good overview tank destroyers can also boast. But it is the light class of vehicles that has the most optimal characteristics for detecting enemy vehicles. Playing on LT, the correct actions of the player largely decide the outcome of the battle.

Thanks to the effective illumination of the "fireflies", the main forces of the team inflict a crushing blow on the enemy forces, they can choose the trajectory of movement, taking the most advantageous positions. Competent, prolonged light allows you to detect the direction, location of tanks on the battlefields. By choosing the right tactics, you can get into the enemy base and destroy enemy artillery. Let's take a look at how to properly use your technique when playing light tanks.

Successful Flash

The mechanics of the game in WoT is designed in such a way that until the moment when the tank is in the visibility zone, it remains invisible to the opposing team. You can safely move, take advantageous positions, choose a direction. After detection, when the tank becomes visible to the opposite team, it is worth being extremely careful, and, based on this, plan your further actions.

When performing a spotlight for your team, it is very important that the detected tanks remain within the radius of view of the allies as long as possible. As long as enemy armored vehicles are visible, allies can successfully deal damage, which gives a significant advantage.

By light, tank destroyers work, which most often take up positions for shelling. Detected tanks, being in the field of view, become an easy target for ART-ACS. And well-armored monsters, left without support, especially on open maps, without seeing the location of opponents, cannot fully realize the potential of their vehicle and most often become easy prey for fast CTs or arts. Quite often, in high-level battles, the team wins thanks to a skilled player playing on tanks of 4-5 levels, who competently illuminated enemy armored vehicles throughout the battle.

A well-organized game on "fireflies" brings a large amount of experience, credits, if, according to the transmitted intelligence, the allies were able to make a lot of effective shots. Even if a player has not fired a single shot for the entire battle, but at the same time successfully illuminated, transmitting data on the location of enemy vehicles, you can earn a decent amount of experience and silver. Playing on the LT allows you to increase statistics (efficiency), and for detecting a certain number of enemy tanks, you can get commemorative awards - "Scout", "Sentinel", "Target Designator".

How does light happen

Each type of military equipment in World of Tanks has observation and clearance points, which are responsible for detecting enemy vehicles. Viewpoints, which are located at the base of the gun, at the top of the tower, emit invisible conditional rays that propagate in all directions. After the beams come into contact with the marker points, the tanks become visible to the opposing team. The effectiveness of the beams depends on the distance, the level of masking. That is, a tank located 50-70 meters from a firefly will be detected much faster than, for example, equipment located at a distance of 400-500 m. In addition, each tank has different performance characteristics, a different estimated viewing range. The parameters of a particular vehicle can be found in your hangar.

When carrying out the light while playing on the LT, it is important not only to detect enemy vehicles as quickly as possible, but also to try to keep the enemy tanks in the field of view for as long as possible. Even if the TT and other forces of the team did not take up positions for shelling at the beginning of the battle, the ART-SAU will be able to deliver several accurate strikes. Ideally, the scout tank should live as long as possible, competently highlighting the enemies of the allied team throughout the battle. Given the speed parameters, in the event of a base capture, LT-shki can quickly return to knock down the capture, or vice versa, try to occupy the enemy base.

When going into battle on a LT, it is important to take into account the speed, dynamics, maneuverability, crew level, view factor and camouflage of your tank. For a successful game on the firefly, you need to evaluate the setup of both teams, be good at navigating the maps. Having correctly analyzed the situation at the beginning of the battle, you can choose the optimal tactics of the game. Lighting in WOT can be done in an active or passive way.

active light

Active movement involves the rapid, continuous movement of a light tank across the battlefield. The speed and dynamics allow the LT to quickly change direction, moving from one point on the map to another. Many players, when playing fireflies, prefer this kind of light.

Giving active light, throughout the game, you must always be in the center of events, skillfully maneuver, avoiding targeted hits, and escape enemy fireflies in time. With active light, you need not only rely solely on the speed of your tank, but also correctly use the uneven terrain. At the same time, you need to be careful not to accidentally damage the caterpillar, not to roll over, unsuccessfully flying off a hill or mountain. Which is quite possible with the introduction of new physics into the game. Sharp turns lead to a decrease in speed, which can cause the destruction of the tank. Active highlighting is easiest to do on open maps. If found, you can quickly move to another location.

Passive light

In some ways, passive light is easier to implement. It is enough to take an advantageous position at the beginning of the battle, using bushes, hills, obstacles, and other landscape features. The main thing is to remain invisible to opponents as long as possible. In order not to light up, remaining unnoticed by enemies for a longer time and at the same time transmit intelligence data, it is necessary to install equipment on the tank and have a well-pumped crew. Do not forget that at any moment an enemy "firefly" may appear and give out the position taken. Even with a well-pumped crew and equipment, in order not to get into the field of view, you should not fire from your shelter. After the shot, the chances of being noticed increase.

When choosing where to shine, for effective passive illumination, you need to perfectly orient yourself on the ground, know the possible location, the trajectory of the direction of enemy vehicles on the site, and also take into account the actions of your allies. Even if the enemy armored vehicles are in the light, but the allies cannot hit them, the light will not do any good. If the team does not have an ART SPG, and the team members started a fight on one flank, there is no need to highlight other directions for passive highlighting.

If a tank is found, it is worth changing the location as quickly as possible, choosing another, more reliable position for passive light. Or change tactics, continuing to give light in an active way.

You need to choose the method of illumination based on the performance characteristics of the tank, installed equipment, experience, game style, map. How to properly implement passive and active light can be seen by watching the guide, videos presented by experienced players.

Equipment selection

For effective active or passive light, you need to install on the tank optional equipment, which will increase the view factor or concealment. The viewing range is increased by "Coated Optics" or "Stereo Tube". Enlightenment adds 10% visibility, effective with active backlight. But it may not always work with a poorly pumped crew. "Stereo Tube" - plus 25% to the base radius of view. Suitable for passive illumination, but only works if the tank remains stationary. On some armored vehicles, it is worth installing a stereo tube and optics at the same time.

The parameters of the view of the combat vehicle are a guideline for choosing the distance separating the tank from the opponents. It is necessary to try to detect enemy tanks at the maximum distance, remaining as long as possible unnoticed. This will require disguise, which will be improved by installing the "Camouflage Net". Camouflage will help make the tank less noticeable, which can be purchased for credits for a while or permanently for gold coins.

As for skills, the useful skills of tankers include: "Sixth Sense", "Radio Interception", "Eagle Eye", "Combat Brotherhood", "Disguise". “Improved Ventilation” will help you to upgrade the skills of the crew members faster and increase the parameters of the tank.