Heat flux transmitted by radiation formula. This is heat flow. B6 Complex heat transfer and heat transfer

The amount of heat passing through a given surface per unit time is called heat flux Q, W .

The amount of heat per unit area per unit time is called density heat flow or specific heat flux and characterizes the intensity of heat transfer.


To express the overall effect of convection, we use Newton's law of cooling: = ℎ 6 3 - 47. Here, the rate of heat transfer is related to the total temperature difference between the wall and the liquid, and the surface area. Radiation Unlike the mechanisms of conduction and convection, when energy is transferred through a material medium, heat can also be transferred to areas where there is a perfect vacuum. In this case, the mechanism is electromagnetic radiation. Radiation can exhibit wavy or corpuscular properties.

Electromagnetic radiation propagating as a result of temperature difference; This is called thermal radiation. Thermodynamic considerations show that an ideal radiator or black body will radiate energy at a rate proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the body. Equation 5 is called the Stefan-Boltzmann law of thermal radiation, and they are applicable only to black bodies. Stable flat wall of conduction. Let's first consider a flat wall where a direct application of Fourier's law can be made.

Heat flux density q, is directed along the normal to the isothermal surface in the direction opposite to the temperature gradient, i.e., in the direction of decreasing temperature.

If the distribution is known q on the surface F, then the total amount of heat Qτ passed through this surface during the time τ , can be found according to the equation:

Figure 3 shows a typical problem and its analog circuit. Rice. 3 One-dimensional heat flow through several cylindrical cuts and their electrical counterpart. Spherical systems can also be considered as one-dimensional when the temperature is only a function of the radius. critical isolation. Steam tube to illustrate the critical radius of the insulation. Let's say you have a steam pipe that you want to insulate to prevent energy loss and protect people from burns. If the steam is not superheated, some steam will condense in the pipe.


and the heat flux:


If the value q is constant over the considered surface, then:


Fourier law

This law sets the amount of heat flow when transferring heat through heat conduction. French scientist J. B. Fourier in 1807 he established that the density of the heat flux through an isothermal surface is proportional to the temperature gradient:

The surface temperature of the pipe-insulation is approximately equal to the saturation temperature of the steam, since the thermal resistance at the pipe wall tends to be small and disappears. Therefore, the temperature drop across the pipe wall will be very small. The following figure shows an electrical analog built for this simplified task. Inner and outer radii of insulation. To determine the critical radius of insulation, we will act as follows. Radial conduction of heat through a hollow sphere Figure 1 Conduction of heat through a hollow sphere Creating an energy balance in a differential volume element to determine the corresponding differential equation.


The minus sign in (9.6) indicates that the heat flux is directed in the opposite direction to the temperature gradient (see Fig. 9.1.).

Heat flux density in an arbitrary direction l represents the projection onto this direction of the heat flux in the direction of the normal:

The above equation is a suitable differential equation for the temperature distribution in a hollow sphere. The two boundary conditions associated with this problem are as follows: since the thicker the insulator, the lower the heat transfer rate, since the wall area is constant, and when it is insulated, it increases thermal resistance without increasing convection resistance. But something different happens with cylinders and spheres when you isolate it. The process of exchanging energy in the form of heat between different bodies or between various parts the same body at different temperatures.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

Coefficient λ , W/(m·K), in the Fourier law equation is numerically equal to the heat flux density when the temperature drops by one Kelvin (degree) per unit length. The thermal conductivity coefficient of various substances depends on their physical properties. For a certain body, the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient depends on the structure of the body, its volumetric weight, humidity, chemical composition, pressure, temperature. In technical calculations, the value λ taken from reference tables, and it is necessary to ensure that the conditions for which the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient is given in the table correspond to the conditions of the calculated problem.

Heat transfer always occurs from more warm body to colder, as a result of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Heat transfer occurs until the bodies and their surroundings reach thermal equilibrium. Heat is transferred by convection, radiation or conduction. Although these three processes may occur simultaneously, it may happen that one mechanism prevails over the other two.

Electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electric and magnetic fields, oscillating and perpendicular to each other, propagating through space, carrying energy from one place to another. Unlike conduction and convection, or other types of waves, such as sound, which require a material medium to propagate, electromagnetic radiation does not depend on matter to propagate; in fact, energy transfer by radiation is more efficient in a vacuum. However, the speed, intensity and direction of the energy flow is affected by the presence of matter.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity depends especially strongly on temperature. For most materials, as experience shows, this dependence can be expressed by a linear formula:


where λ o - coefficient of thermal conductivity at 0 °C;

β - temperature coefficient.

Thus, these waves can pass through interplanetary and interstellar space and reach the Earth from. Volcanism, seismic activity, the phenomena of metamorphism and orogeny are some of the phenomena that are controlled by the transport and release of heat. In fact, the Earth's heat balance controls activity in the lithosphere, in the asthenosphere, and also in the interior of the planet.

The heat that reaches the Earth's surface has two sources: the interior of the planet and the sun. Some of this energy is returned to space. If it is assumed that the sun and the biosphere maintain the average temperature on the surface of the planet with small fluctuations, then the heat emanating from the inside of the planet determines the geological evolution of the planet, that is, it controls plate tectonics, magmatism, the generation of mountain ranges, the evolution of the inner part of the planet, including its magnetic field.

Thermal conductivity coefficient of gases, and in particular vapors strongly depends on pressure. The numerical value of the thermal conductivity coefficient for various substances varies over a very wide range - from 425 W / (m K) for silver, to values ​​of the order of 0.01 W / (m K) for gases. This is explained by the fact that the mechanism of heat transfer by thermal conduction in various physical environments different.

it physical property material and is a measure of a material's ability to "conduct" heat. If we consider the one-dimensional case, then the Fourier law is written. If the heat flux and temperature of the medium do not change with time, the process is considered to be stationary. If there is no heat in the volume of material, we will have. Where ρ is the density of the material. This expression allows you to calculate the temperature at points within the region, subject to the imposition of boundary conditions.

We can apply this equation to try to learn something about the temperature distribution inside the planet, using the flow and temperature known surfaces as boundary conditions. Integrating this equation again gives. This last expression can be used to determine the change in temperature with depth. Consider, therefore, the case of the Earth, assuming that heat is transported mainly by conduction. The temperature-depth curve is called "geothermal". An analysis of the figure shows that at depths greater than 100 km, the mantle must have significant melting, while for depths greater than 150 km, the entire mantle must melt.

Metals have highest value thermal conductivity coefficient. The thermal conductivity of metals decreases with increasing temperature and decreases sharply in the presence of impurities and alloying elements. So, the thermal conductivity of pure copper is 390 W / (m K), and copper with traces of arsenic is 140 W / (m K). The thermal conductivity of pure iron is 70 W / (m K), steel with 0.5% carbon - 50 W / (m K), alloyed steel with 18% chromium and 9% nickel - only 16 W / (m K).

These "predictions" do not agree with the information obtained from the study of seismic wave propagation, so we must conclude that the thermal conductivity model does not correctly predict the temperature profile in the mantle. Even though the driving model is not in predicting the temperature in the upper mantle, it represents significant success when applied to the outer part of the planet, i.e. the earth's crust, where the internal heat is mainly from radioactive decay and transported to the surface, by driving.

The dependence of the thermal conductivity of some metals on temperature is shown in fig. 9.2.

Gases have low thermal conductivity (of the order of 0.01...1 W/(m K)), which increases strongly with increasing temperature.

The thermal conductivity of liquids deteriorates with increasing temperature. The exception is water and glycerol. In general, the thermal conductivity of dropping liquids (water, oil, glycerin) is higher than that of gases, but lower than that of solids and lies in the range from 0.1 to 0.7 W / (m K).

We will return to this problem when studying the heat flow on the continents. Consider a layer of liquid heated at the bottom and cooled at the top. When a liquid is heated, its density decreases due to expansion. In the case under consideration, the upper part of the liquid layer will be colder and, therefore, denser than the lower one. This situation is gravitationally unstable, preventing the liquid liquid from cooling, and the more it heats up, the faster convection currents arise. The movement of a fluid is driven by driving forces.

Consider, therefore, a rectangular fluid element, as shown in the figure. The forces acting on a fluid element are: the forces due to the pressure gradient, the force of gravity, and the force of thrust. For the latter, the density of the liquid must be taken into account. The vertical component of the resulting force will be then.

Rice. 9.2. The effect of temperature on the thermal conductivity of metals


Heat is the total kinetic energy of the molecules of a body, the transition of which from one molecule to another or from one body to another can be carried out through three types of transfer: heat conduction, convection and thermal radiation.

Although radioactive isotopes exist in small amounts in the earth's crust and are also less common in the mantle, its natural decay produces a significant amount of heat, as can be seen from the table on the left. The most important elements of this process are uranium, thorium and potassium; it can be seen that the contribution of uranium and thorium is higher than that of potassium.

The following table presents the concentration of radioactive elements and the thermal generation of some rocks. Granite is the stone that releases more heat due to the decay of radioactive materials as it has the highest concentration of these elements. The measurement of heat generated by the earth's crust at the present time can be used to calculate the heat generated in the past. On the other hand, the concentration of radioactive elements can be used in rock dating.

With thermal conductivity thermal energy moves from warmer parts of the body to colder parts. The intensity of its transfer depends on the temperature gradient, namely on the ratio of the temperature difference, as well as the cross-sectional area and thermal conductivity. In this case, the formula for determining the heat flux q looks like this: q \u003d -kS (∆T / ∆x), where: k is the thermal conductivity of the material; S is the cross-sectional area.

The decay rate of a radioactive isotope is given by the formula. Although the rate of heat generation in the Earth's crust is about two orders of magnitude higher than that of the mantle, the rate of mantle production must be taken into account, since the volume of the mantle is much larger than the volume of the crust. This reaction was carried out in the laboratory at temperatures and pressures on the order of those at the core-mantle boundary.

The figure shows the distribution of heat flow along the Earth. The heat lost through the planet's surface is evenly distributed. The following table shows the main contributions: 73% of heat is lost through the oceans, which make up 60% of the Earth's surface. Most of the heat is lost during the creation and cooling of the oceanic lithosphere, when new material departs from the middle ridges. Plate tectonics is fundamentally related to the cooling of the Earth. On the other hand, it appears that average speed the creation of the ocean floor is determined by the balance between the rate of heat generation and the overall rate of loss of the same high temperature over the entire surface of the planet.

This formula is called Fourier's law of heat conduction, and the minus sign in the formula indicates the direction of the heat flux vector, which is opposite to the temperature gradient. According to this law, a decrease in the heat flux can be achieved by reducing one of its components. For example, you can use a material with a different thermal conductivity, smaller cross-section or temperature difference.

In plate tectonics models, the ascent of mantle materials occurs at ocean ridges. These materials, when cooled, lead to the formation of new oceanic crust. When moving away from the ascending zone, the new crust cools down to great depths, forming a thicker and thicker rigid plate.

The following figure shows the observed values ​​of the heat flux as a function of the age of the oceanic lithosphere, as well as the values ​​calculated from the theoretical model. Considering what was said in the previous paragraph, this plot can be interpreted as representing flux values ​​as a function of distance to the ridge. As can be seen, the heat flux near oceanic ridges has high values, decreasing with distance from the ascending zone of mantle materials. By comparing the observed values ​​with the calculated values, it is verified that the fluxes derived from the models are higher than those observed near the ridge.

Convective heat flow is carried out in gaseous and liquid substances. In this case, they talk about the transfer of thermal energy from the heater to the medium, which depends on a combination of factors: the size and shape of the heating element, the speed of movement of molecules, the density and viscosity of the medium, etc. In this case, Newton's formula is applicable: q \u003d hS (Te - Tav ), where: h is the coefficient of convective transfer, reflecting the properties of the heated medium; S is the surface area of ​​the heating element; Te is the temperature of the heating element; Tav is the temperature environment.

thermal radiation- a method of heat transfer, which is a type of electromagnetic radiation. The magnitude of the heat flow during such heat transfer obeys the Stefan-Boltzmann law: q = σS (Tu ^ 4 - Tav ^ 4), where: σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant; S is the surface area of ​​the radiator; Ti is the temperature of the radiator; Tav is the ambient temperature absorbing radiation.

If the cross section of an object has a complex shape, to calculate its area, it should be divided into sections of simple shapes. After that, it will be possible to calculate the areas of these sections using the appropriate formulas, and then add them up.


Divide the object's cross section into regions shaped like triangles, rectangles, squares, sectors, circles, semicircles, and quarter circles. If the division will result in rhombuses, divide each of them into two triangles, and if parallelograms - into two triangles and one rectangle. Measure the dimensions of each of these areas: sides, radii. Perform all measurements in the same units.

A right triangle can be represented as half a rectangle divided in two diagonally. To calculate the area of ​​such a triangle, multiply the lengths of those sides that adjoin the right angle (they are called legs), then divide the multiplication result by two. If the triangle is not rectangular, to calculate its area, first draw a height in it from any angle. It will be divided into two different triangles, each of which will be rectangular. Measure the lengths of the legs of each of them, and then calculate their areas based on the results of the measurements.

To calculate square rectangle, multiply each other by the lengths of its two adjoining sides. For a square, they are equal, so you can multiply the length of one side by itself, that is, square it.

To determine the area