Scholarship for excellent students in the year. Types and amount of scholarships for students in Russia

The average scholarship in 2016 is 1340 rubles. This amount is so insignificant that many universities pay extra to students.

Don't sleep, student!

The leadership of Vladimir State University pays students 1,561 rubles a month, while "good students" receive 390 rubles more, and excellent students - 781 rubles more. Students of the Siberian University who pass exams without triples and actively participate in scientific and social work can receive a significant supplement (up to 10,000 rubles) to the main payment.

Scholarships have always been low, so it is not surprising that many girls and boys have to work, even while studying full-time. It is impossible to live on a couple of thousand rubles a month. And even if the planned increase in scholarships in 2016 in Russia takes place, this is unlikely to radically change the situation.

Post-graduate students (2,637 rubles) receive a little more in all specializations, except for technical and natural sciences. Their income is 6330 rubles.

Nominal awards

Ordinary scholarship in the capital Energy Institute is one and a half thousand rubles. It is awarded to all first-year students before the first session. According to the rector Nikolai Rogalev, many students receive government or presidential assistance, and the most successful have the opportunity to pocket up to 40,000 every month.

Payments from the president and the government are accrued to those who receive priority for economic development country of specialty and demonstrates outstanding achievements (Presidential Scholarship 2016)

In many Russian universities personal remuneration is paid. To the traditional list - Solzhenitsyn, Okudzhava, Likhachev, Sobchak, Gaidar, Voznesensky - one more will be added this year. A dozen of the best future economists from Moscow State University and a dozen from MGIMO will be awarded a Primakov scholarship. Its size is 5 thousand rubles.

Social support

The following categories of citizens have the right to receive a social scholarship, which is added to the academic one:

  • orphans;
  • persons under 23 years of age in the absence of trustees;
  • people with disabilities (groups 1 and 2);
  • victims of radiation disasters;
  • disabled people and participants in hostilities in hot spots;
  • children from low-income families.

Orphans receive additional funds for the purchase of textbooks and stationery in the amount of three scholarships.

The educational institution independently determines the amount of the social scholarship, but it cannot be less than the academic one for the university.

In special situations, a lump sum payment is issued. Its size varies from 4 to 10 thousand rubles. Universities help:

  • seriously ill students and their children;
  • students from single-parent families;
  • female students in position;
  • newlyweds.

Travel card and porridge

In the Moscow region, students who make more than 36 trips a month pay only a ruble for each. At the North-Eastern University of Yakutsk, non-resident students are given free travel cards for 48 monthly trips, and those who are in dire need of social cards are credited with 3 thousand every semester. Barnaul students received a 20% discount on travel.

Promotions are regularly held at MPEI. One of them - "Porridge from the rector" - allows you to have breakfast with delicious porridge for free. Other universities feed students with free salads and tea.

Work on mistakes

Since the beginning of the year, four universities have already received reprimands from the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov for their negligent attitude to scholarship payments. The "black list" of those who could not apply for subsidies and scholarships on time included:

  • Pedagogical State University (Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region);
  • Technological State Academy (Kovrov, Vladimir region);
  • State University of Architecture and Construction (Samara);
  • State University (Saratov).

The university authorities took urgent measures to rectify the situation, so serious delays in the payment of scholarships were avoided.

Is the scholarship too big? If people who have 35-40 years of work experience have a pension of 1000 UAH?

Changes in the scholarship system

The new legislative norm states that the size of the minimum scholarship cannot be less than the subsistence level in the country. Regarding the possible cancellation of scholarships, which students were so afraid of, the situation was very ambiguous.
Information has appeared that there will be a massive reduction in state-funded places in universities (this, by the way, happened in the current academic year and, most likely, will continue in the next), and scholarships will be canceled or retained only for the poor.

It was planned that new normal Scholarship payments will apply only to those who have become university entrants in the current academic year. Such a deliberately unpopular measure, to the delight of the students, did not receive due support and was not adopted.

Scholarships have been preserved, but what a real increase undergraduate and graduate students can expect in 2016 needs to be considered in more detail. A resolution was adopted to increase the subsistence minimum, and hence scholarship payments.

Students enrolled in higher education institutions classified in categories 1-2 will receive 112 hryvnia more.

Those who study at universities of 3-4 categories will increase by 95 hryvnias.

Student Scholarships

This payment primarily depends on academic success. Recall that those who pass the session for threes are not motivated by the state and do not receive scholarships.

Students with a GPA of 5.0 in the last session can expect to receive approximately 930 hryvnia. Those who complete Session Challenges with an average score of 4.0-4.99 will receive approx. 830 hryvnia.

The average score is considered for all subjects passed, so you can get a scholarship by blocking the "troika" with an excellent mark in another subject.

It is clear that at the moment these amounts do not reach the level of the subsistence minimum, even taking into account their increase.

Increased Scholarships Boost Academic Excellence

Distinguished students will receive increased scholarships

Students who belong to the category of orphans and children without parental care receive slightly more significant amounts from the state.

Im a great surrender session will bring about 1960 hryvnia reward.

If a student from this category passes the session well, then the scholarship will be approximately 1860 hryvnia. The modern system of student payments involves stimulating the most distinguished students. They are paid special increased scholarships:

presidential, which is 1200 hryvnia;
scholarship from the Cabinet of Ministers, in the amount of 1100 hryvnia;
scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada, the amount of which is estimated at 1200 hryvnia.
So far, no information about the increase in these payments in 2016 has been received.

Postgraduate Scholarships

The amount of scholarship payments received by graduate students daily form education depends on several factors, the main of which is whether the applicant for graduate school has worked before this time or not.

The spread in the amounts for 2016 is quite significant - on average from 1975 before 3225 hryvnia.

This payment depends on the amount of salary that was paid to a full-time graduate student for last place work, but it cannot exceed the limit of 3225 hryvnia. At the same time, the salary received part-time does not affect the amount of the scholarship.

Probably, every student, even the future one, today is concerned and very interested in the issue of the financial allowance in the form of a scholarship, which he should receive while studying at an educational institution after graduation. The scholarship for students of the 2016-2017 academic year is one of the most relevant and very interesting topics, since the size and the issue of its increase is under close control and attention. Currently, the State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering a bill that will initiate an increase in scholarships for both state employees and full-time graduate students, since correspondence department no scholarships are offered. It is worth noting that today this social payment does not meet and does not correspond to the established subsistence level. What does this lead to? Moreover, every day more and more students are forced to look for additional income, which to a greater extent disrupts and interferes with the educational process, affecting the results and quality of education. According to the new bill, an increase in the allowance can already be expected from January 1, 2016.

Who should expect a raise?

According to the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov, all scholarships will be indexed in a mandatory manner, depending on the region and actual inflation rates, although the increase was originally planned at 20%. But due to the economic difficulties that arose, this option was not accepted.

At present, the living wage in the country is at the level of 9,662 rubles, and, therefore, the increase in scholarships should be at an appropriate level so that the student does not even have a thought about finding a part-time job, and he must devote all his time to the educational process.

How much will scholarships increase?

Everyone knows that there are several types of scholarships for students, and each individual group is characterized by its own numbers and features of provision, which you must be aware of.

First, this is a regular scholarship. The amount of such a cash payment in its maximum manifestation may increase to 10,000 rubles. But, do not flatter yourself and rejoice too much, since the size of the scholarship in each region will be different and different from the central one. But, nevertheless, the size of the minimum scholarship will not be less than the subsistence minimum established by regions, so the scholarship directly depends on the characteristics and economic situation region.

  • Secondly, the presidential scholarship. This cash payment marked the group of students whose research work noted at the national level. It is worth noting that for students, the amount of such allowance will be 7,00 rubles. And for graduate students - 14,000 rubles.
  • Thirdly, a presidential scholarship, which can be received by students and graduate students under the age of 35. As a rule, it is appointed in the case of advanced research and development of various industries related to the modernization and development of the country's economy. The amount of such payment will reach 22,800 rubles, that is, increased by 10% compared to the previous one.

  • Scholarship, for many applicants, is the only source Money. This is especially true for those who are more interested in obtaining high-quality vocational education and wants to become a truly highly qualified and knowledgeable specialist. That is why the well-being of students directly depends on the amount of their cash allowance, which must reach the required level in order to meet all the requirements and requests. In the event that the bill is adopted, then scholarships for students will be a good help for excellent studies, where, of course, the first place will be educational process rather than an additional job search.

    Scholarships for Russian students are significantly inferior to similar payments in developed European countries.

    State assistance is all that a university student can count on, otherwise he will be forced to devote less time to study and be torn between pairs and part-time jobs.

    Conditions must be created in the country that allow one to focus on knowledge, so a scholarship is a very burning issue.

    The legislative framework

    The procedure for paying scholarships is regulated by Article 36 federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation».

    A scholarship is a monetary payment awarded to a student in order for him to strive to master the corresponding educational course. Only the student and graduate student who has chosen the full-time department for study can count on receiving.

    If we talk about the timing, then the scholarship should be paid at least once a month.


    Among the main types of scholarships can be distinguished:

    • academic;
    • for graduate students;
    • social.

    Academic directly depends on academic performance and scientific works, but assigned to students in need of social support.

    scholarship fund is a source of payment of scholarships, the distribution of which is made on the basis of the charter of the institution and in the manner established by the council of the supreme educational institution. The approval of the document cannot be carried out without the student union and student representatives.

    In order to be appointed academic scholarship , the head of the educational institution must sign the relevant order submitted by the scholarship commission. Such payment terminates 1 month after the student was issued an order to expel the student (due to poor progress or graduation). The scholarship committee may include a student union member or student representative. A student studying for "excellent", or "good" and "excellent", or only "good" can count on an academic scholarship.

    Graduate student begins to receive a scholarship immediately after the rector signed the enrollment order. Further payments depend on the results of the annual assessment of knowledge (exams).

    If a student or graduate student is very interested in educational and scientific activities and has achieved success in it, then he may be assigned increased scholarships . To do this, he needs to write an application to the dean's office and attach all the necessary documents to it.

    Who is eligible to receive a scholarship?

    The first scholarship is the most enjoyable moment for a student. Anyone who has entered a budgetary place, a full-time department, can count on the usual payment. If a freshman is or, then he should also be paid a social stipend.

    Withdrawal can occur after any failed session.


    At present, scholarships of various kinds (15 titles) are paid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    The amount of this monetary allowance is such that it is unlikely that the student brethren can rejoice at it very much.

    Graduate students, residents, interns and doctoral students receive a little more, but it is still very far from what is necessary. True, if a student or graduate student does not have any other source of income, then he has the opportunity to receive some additional scholarship. The most successful manage to receive about 20 thousand rubles a month.

    Minimum Scholarship a student in a university is 1571 rubles, in a vocational school - 856 rubles. Despite the not very modest amount, a student studying in a higher educational institution without “triples” can receive about 6 thousand rubles. And if the passing of the session showed “excellent” results, then you can think about higher scholarship , the size of which in different educational institutions varies from 5000 to 7000 rubles. A similar payment for a graduate student ranges from 11,000 to 14,000 rubles. True, in order to receive such substantial scholarships, a student or graduate student must not only shine with knowledge, but also show interest in the social and sports life of the university.

    Scholarship increase in 2018-2019

    The Ministry of Education last year raised the issue of increasing scholarships for all students studying in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. During the debates, representatives of the Ministry of Education of Russia planned to increase student payments in 2018 by 4.0% which will remain in effect until the end of 2019.

    During the first half of this year, it is planned to index scholarships by 6.0% (of inflation) for the 2017-2018 academic year. As a result, payments to students will be increased once again.

    Scholarships for 2018-2019 academic years will increase in the following way:

    • for 62 rubles. for university students;
    • for 34 rubles. for students of technical schools;
    • for 34 rubles. for college students.

    Features and amount of social scholarship

    Receive Social scholarship is entitled to:

    In addition, a student who has a certificate in his hands stating that his family's income does not reach the amount established at the place of his registration can apply for a social scholarship. This document needs to be updated annually.

    The social scholarship is stopped if the student has unsatisfactory grades and is restored as soon as he has passed the necessary subjects from the moment the payment was suspended.

    Along with a social scholarship, a student has the right to receive an academic one, on a general basis.

    The procedure for accrual and payment of presidential and government scholarships

    Presidential scholarship can be received by all students who have chosen specialties that are considered a priority for the country's economy. Postgraduate students studying in the Russian Federation can count on receiving only 300 scholarships. The appointment is made annually for a period of 1 to 3 years.

    Students who achieve success and special merit may also receive a presidential supplement. The accrual of such a scholarship requires the development of a list of areas in which the development of students will ultimately turn out to be of significant benefit to the state.

    Primary requirements to receive a presidential supplement:

    • day department;
    • half of the subjects within 2 semesters must be passed on "excellent";
    • active scientific activity, which led to the achievement of success, confirmed by diplomas or certificates;
    • development of innovative inventions or derivation of theories, information about which was published in any Russian publication.

    A student who has earned a presidential scholarship has the right to do an internship in Germany, France or Sweden.

    A student of a state educational institution of higher and secondary education can also count on receiving government scholarship. To do this, the teacher's council of the institution must nominate several candidates (full-time department, budgetary basis), who are studying in the 2nd year (for the vocational school) and the 3rd year (for the university). A postgraduate student can be admitted to the competition not earlier than from the 2nd year.

    The nominated candidate must meet the following requirements:

    • high level of achievement;
    • publication in a scientific journal;
    • participation or victory in any competition, festival or conference held at the All-Russian and international level;
    • participation in a grant, all-Russian and regional scientific exhibition;
    • the presence of a patent attesting to the authorship of a scientific discovery.

    Other student aids

    The occurrence of certain circumstances may result in payment to a student or graduate student lump sum, for example, if it has . To do this, the head of the educational institution must receive an application from the student, and the group in which he studies, and the student trade union organization must approve it.

    A postgraduate student annually receives an allowance equal to 2 scholarships for the purchase of textbooks. An orphan student or one left without parental care receives an annual allowance for the same needs in the amount of 3 scholarships.

    In addition, students are given various compensation:

    • for successful full-time education at the expense of budgetary funds;
    • academic leave in accordance with medical indications.

    Changes for 2018-2019

    What categories of students are eligible for scholarshipsScholarship per year
    2017-2018 2018-2019
    Minimum scholarship (academic)
    college students856 890
    College students856 890
    University students1571 1633
    Social scholarships
    college students856 890
    College students856 890
    University students2358 2452
    Scholarship, which is paid to residents, assistant trainees, graduate students3000 3120
    Scholarship, which is paid to graduate students working in the natural sciences and in technical areas7400 7696

    For another type of scholarship for distinguished students, see the following video:

    The scholarship has traditionally been a very modest source of livelihood, but these little money students always waited with impatience and anxiety. And today a ray of hope flashed - the State Duma received a bill according to which the “stipukha” can be tied to the subsistence minimum, amounting to 80 to 100% of this amount. Should high achievers expect 10,000 scholarships?

    The average scholarship in the regions rarely exceeds 1300-2000 rubles. Living on this money is completely unrealistic. Therefore, the minimum amount of the scholarship should not be less than the subsistence level for the region. In Moscow - this is about 10 thousand rubles - so he thinks Oleg NILOV, member of the State Duma Committee on Transport, one of the authors of the bill:

    - Today, the scholarship is a meager payment, handouts. In the USSR, for a scholarship of 40-60 rubles, one could at least eat in a canteen or buffet, allow any trips around the city, and even go to the cinema or theater. When I studied, I received 60 rubles - and it was a normal, not an increased scholarship! Increased in the 70s reached 75 rubles, despite the fact that 3-5 kopecks cost a ride in a tram / metro, 16 kopecks cost a loaf of bread - you could live. Yes, we worked part-time, but practically without harm to study. Today, multibillion-dollar investments in higher education against the background of the fact that students, due to meager scholarships, are forced to work, skipping classes.

    Oleg Smolin, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, agrees that monthly payments to students should be brought up to the Soviet standard:

    — Ordinary academic scholarship in humanitarian university The USSR was 80% of the subsistence minimum, and in technical universities - exceeded it! If earlier a student studied and worked part-time, now he works and ... learns.

    We need to return the old system of calculating the scholarship fund and payments!

    There are about 8 million students in universities and colleges in Russia. This is a huge “army” (although the students themselves will shudder at such a comparison…) Where to get money for ten thousandth scholarships, if officials are already talking about even canceling the indexation of pensions… The deputies who proposed raising the “stipukhs” to the subsistence level have a well-known argument for this — a progressive tax scale for the rich, the return of the state monopoly in such areas as the fishing industry, forestry, alcohol, tobacco — all these industries are either given to foreign companies, or they bring money to the budget that does not correspond to their scale ...

    However, the rectors of some universities believe that the problem is not so urgent. True, universities that have reason to think so are mostly metropolitan.

    - We have a social scholarship of 6,000 rubles - says Rector RSSU Natalia Pochinok.- If we compare this amount with the needs that could be realized for a scholarship in the USSR, then it turns out to be quite comparable. Accommodation in a hostel costs 510 rubles, lunch for 100-150 rubles in a student canteen - 4,500 rubles, plus travel benefits. And successful students receive from us 9,800 rubles a month at all - this is just about the 10,000 rubles that are discussed in the draft law on promotion!

    Along the way, the question arises - why in one university the scholarship is 6000-10000 rubles, and in the other - the basic 1300 rubles? Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education Nadezhda Shaidenko explains this by the fact that the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education and Science do not have a single methodology for calculating the amount that each university receives on scholarships. The system is confusing, which makes the scholarship provision in different universities different.

    The students themselves, although they support the initiative on "ten thousandth scholarships", do not particularly count on linking them to the subsistence level.

    “We want at least 25% indexation,” student ombudsman Artem Khromov modestly adds. - And now they have launched a large-scale campaign to collect signatures for this in all universities of the country. At the end of last year, the scholarship fund was cut by 10% for no reason. There are problems everywhere with student transport benefits and other examples of “tightening the screws” - with this 25% we want to at least return to the recent level, we are not even talking about a noticeable increase!

    In fact, alas, so far, neither a scholarship the size of a living wage, nor even a 25 percent indexation shines for students. As the same deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, Nadezhda Shaidenko, said, the draft law submitted to the Committee on Education on June 10 at the next meeting will be returned to the authors for revision, since such significant expenses require the Government's conclusion. Accordingly, there is no need to wait for any news on “ten thousandth scholarships”. Yes, and 25 percent indexation so far also exists only in the dreams of the Russian Student Union, which collects signatures for it. The only real figure announced to date is a 5.5% increase since September of this year. And this, at the rate of 1300 (the size of the average scholarship in the Russian Federation) - only 71 rubles 50 kopecks.