Electricity tariffs will be calculated according to the new norm. relighting

On the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, the following types of tariffs apply:

The indicated tariff plans for Mosenergosbyt electricity are effective from January 1, 2020 in the territory of the city of Moscow and the Moscow Region. (RUB/kWh including VAT)

Electricity tariffs presented in the tables below for the population and equivalent categories of consumers in the city of Moscow and the Moscow Region are indicated in the ratio RUB/kWh and divided into two periods: electricity tariffs from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020 and electricity tariffs from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.

Tariffs for apartments and houses with gas stoves

01.01.2020 30.06.2020

01.07.2020 31.12.2020
night zone T2
daily zone T1
night zone T2
semi-peak zone T3
(10.00-17.00; 21.00-23.00)
peak zone T1
(7.00-10.00; 17.00-21.00)

Tariffs for apartments and houses equipped with electric stoves

01.01.2020 30.06.2020

01.07.2020 31.12.2020

One-rate accounting using a single-rate tariff
Two-tariff accounting using a tariff differentiated by day zones
night zone T2
daily zone T1
Multi-tariff accounting using a tariff differentiated by day zones
night zone T2
semi-peak zone T3
(10.00-17.00; 21.00-23.00)
peak zone T1
(7.00-10.00; 17.00-21.00)

Tariffs for apartments and houses in rural areas

01.01.2020 30.06.2020 01.07.2020 31.12.2020
One-rate accounting using a one-rate tariff 3,83 3,96
Two-tariff accounting using a tariff differentiated by day zones
night zone T2
1,89 2,06
daily zone T1
4,41 4,55
Multi-tariff accounting using a tariff differentiated by day zones
night zone T2
1,89 2,06
semi-peak zone T3
(10.00-17.00; 21.00-23.00)
3,83 3,96
peak zone T1
(7.00-10.00; 17.00-21.00)
4,60 4,75

One-rate accounting using a single-rate tariff for the population and categories of consumers equated to it in the territory of Moscow for 2020

from 01/01/2020 to 06/30/2020 from 07/01/2020 to 12/31/2020
Indicator (groups of consumers with a breakdown by rates and differentiation by day zones) Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh
1. Urban population
around the clock 5,47 5,66
around the clock 4,65 4,87
around the clock 3,83 3,96
around the clock 3,83 3,96

Two-tariff accounting using a tariff differentiated by day zones for the population and categories of consumers equated to it in the territory of Moscow for 2020

from 01/01/2020 to 06/30/2020 from 07/01/2020 to 12/31/2020
Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh
1. Urban population
6,29 6,51
2,13 2,32
2. Population living in houses equipped with stationary electric stoves
Daily zone (peak and semi-peak) T1 07:00 - 23:00 5,35 5,60
Night zone (peak and semi-peak) Т2 23:00 - 07:00 1,50 1,63
3. The population living in rural settlements and equated to them
Daily zone (peak and semi-peak) T1 07:00 - 23:00 4,41 4,55
Night zone (peak and semi-peak) Т2 23:00 - 07:00 1,89 2,06
4. Horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit associations of citizens
Daily zone (peak and semi-peak) T1 07:00 - 23:00 4,79 4,55
Night zone (peak and semi-peak) Т2 23:00 - 07:00 2,13 2,32

Multi-tariff accounting using a tariff differentiated by day zones for the population and categories of consumers equated to it in the territory of Moscow for 2020

from 01/01/2020 to 06/30/2020 from 07/01/2020 to 12/31/2020
Indicator (groups of consumers with a breakdown by rates and differentiation by day zones) Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh
1. Urban population
6,57 6,79
5,47 5,66
Night zone T2 23:00 - 07:00 2,13 2,32
2. Population living in houses equipped with stationary electric stoves
Peak zone T1 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 - 21.00 5,58 5,84
Semi-peak zone T3 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 - 23.00 4,65 4,87
Night zone T2 23:00 - 07:00 1,50 1,63
3. The population living in rural settlements and equated to them
Peak zone T1 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 - 21.00 4,60 4,75
Semi-peak zone T3 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 - 23.00 3,83 3,96
Night zone T2 23:00 - 07:00 1,89 2,06
4. Horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit associations of citizens
Peak zone T1 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 - 21.00 4,97 4,75
Semi-peak zone T3 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 - 23.00 4,12 3,96
Night zone T2 23:00 - 07:00 2,13 2,32

On the official website of Mosenergosbyt, in the tariffs and payment section, three menu items are presented: “Information for the population on payments for electricity, taking into account general house needs (ODN)”, “Methods of payment for electricity” and “Tariffs”, in turn, in the “Tariffs” section are description of electricity tariffs in force in Moscow and the Moscow region, by clicking on the "tariffs" section you can familiarize yourself with them in more detail to calculate your electricity costs.

On the basis of such pricing, Mosenergosbyt provides electricity tariffs broken down by rates and day zones, based on the individual needs of its subscribers. There are one-, two- and multi-tariff payment systems. With a multi-tariff system, not only day and night electricity consumption is taken into account, but also its peak hours.

Electricity for general house needs (ODN) and its calculation.

In the section "Information for the population on payments for electricity, taking into account general house needs (ODN)" you can find a detailed scheme of electricity costs in an apartment building.

The rules for the provision of public services are reflected in Decree No. 354 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 (as amended on 02/27/2017) "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings."

In addition to paying for individual electricity consumption, residents also need to pay for common house needs (ODN). Such amounts are calculated, accrued and allocated in the payment receipt separately from each other.

Payment for general house electricity in an apartment building is mandatory for everyone, does not depend on the availability of individual metering devices (IPU) for consumers and is proportional to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises occupied by them.

If there is a common house meter, the amount of electricity supplied to the ONE, payable, is calculated by subtracting the total volume of individual consumption in all premises of the apartment building from the readings of the common house metering device.

If a common house electric meter is not installed, then the calculation of charges is carried out according to current standards.

The head of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, named the main problem slowing down the Russian economy. In his opinion, these are low gas prices. and electricity - much lower than in Europe. From the words of Chubais, it follows that it is necessary to find an "optimal" price level that can increase the investment attractiveness of the country's energy sector and prevent the growth of debts for raw materials. For citizens, this initiative looks unattractive: in order to bring gas prices in Russia to Central European they need to be increased by about 6 times.

Chubais actually called for a six-fold increase in gas prices

According to Chubais, pricing in the Russian gas and electricity market is a more important topic for the country than the upcoming presidential elections.

Chubais said trying to keep tariffs low makes saving programs pointless because the cost of saved fuel is low. If not correct disproportions, "the Russian power industry will continue to senselessly burn 50-60 billion cubic meters of gas annually."

Indeed, Russia ranks second in the ranking of European countries for the most modest prices for "blue fuel" for the population. In the first half of 2017, a cubic meter of gas cost Russians 5.7 rubles. According to this indicator, we are second only to Kazakhstan, whose residents buy fuel for about 3 rubles. The most expensive gas is purchased by the population of Sweden. There, in terms of the Russian currency, the cost of a cubic meter reaches 75 rubles.

Chubais specified that Russia should not catch up with Europe in terms of prices. It is only required to find the optimal cost of gas. However, it is not clear what indicators will be needed for this. Unlike most European countries, Russia is not only a consumer, but and manufacturer"blue fuel". In Western Europe, gas is produced in significant volumes only in Norway and the Netherlands, where, however, its cost for the population exceeds 50 rubles.

“The government will never agree to catch up with these countries and increase the cost of “blue fuel” by 10 times,” says Sergey Suverov, head of the analytical department of BK-Sberezheniya Management Company. - However, even the average European prices overtake the Russian ones by 6 times. Such a tariff maneuver will certainly lead to an increase in debt for the supply of fuel.”

It should be noted that the overdue debt of Russian consumers for gas from January to July 2017 increased by 11% - up to 179 billion rubles. Two-thirds of the debt falls on the population and heat supply firms. On the contrary, the power industry enterprises mentioned by Chubais observe payment discipline: their debts have been reduced by 6.5 billion to 12.6 billion rubles. An increase in gas prices even by 50%, according to Suverov, will lead to an increase in the volume of debts by 1.5–2 times.

According to former Deputy Minister of Energy and ex-head of the board of directors of RAO "UES" Viktor Kudryavy, when raising the topic of rising gas prices, Chubais indirectly hints at the development of renewable energy sources, which are being developed by the corporation "Rosnano" headed by him. “But we must not forget that the cost of producing wind energy is 7-8 times higher than traditional. Solar energy is 10 times more expensive,” the expert notes.

The President of Russia spoke about the need to increase gas tariffs last year Vladimir Putin. True, purely hypothetical. “Some producing countries have very low prices. This is a completely inverted economy,” the head of state noted. However, he proposed to solve the problem not by increasing fuel prices, but by raising wages. and welfare of people.

The welfare of the people is really a key factor in this whole story. In Russia, an average salary can buy just over 6,000 cubic meters of gas. This is about the same as In Great Britain, where prices exceed 32 rubles, and less than in Luxembourg, whose residents, at a cost of 27 rubles per cubic meter, can afford to buy 7.4 thousand cubic meters with a salary.

In July, tariffs for housing and communal services traditionally increase in Russia. Previously, tariffs had been rising since January, and thus inflation began to accelerate from the beginning of the year.

The government has postponed the increase in the cost of utilities to the summer, when inflation slows down due to seasonal factors, and the increase in tariffs is less painful for the economy. What are the new housing and communal services tariffs from July 1, 2018 in Moscow - what information does the official website of the city administration and utility providers contain.

On average, housing and communal services in Moscow from July 1, 2018 will rise in price by no more than 5.5%. At least, this is the figure contained in the decree of the government of the country, which appeared at the end of 2017. This resolution stipulates the maximum percentage of tariff growth for all regions of Russia.

The relatively low percentage of tariff increases in 2018 against the background of previous growth rates in the cost of housing and communal services can be explained quite simply. Official inflation last year was only 2.5%, this year it is expected at 4%.

Although the budget-funded press portrays the 5.5% increase in tariffs as some kind of achievement of the authorities, in fact this percentage is quite large.

Last year, Prime Minister Medvedev said that utility rates should not rise higher than inflation is growing. In fact, in the same Moscow, housing and communal services from July 1, 2018 will rise in price by a percentage that is twice as high as inflation.

Are there new housing and communal services tariffs on the official website of the Moscow City Hall from July 1, 2018

Unfortunately, the official website of the Moscow Mayor’s Office has not yet published the new housing and communal services tariffs, which will come into effect in the capital from July 1, 2018. Moreover, there is not even information about the corresponding resolution of the Moscow government with the listing of new tariffs.

Thus, to look for information about how much utility services will cost in Moscow starting from the middle of the year, one has to go to the websites of utility providers.

How much will electricity tariffs increase from July 1, 2018 in Moscow

For most residents of Moscow, the cost of one kilowatt-hour of electricity will not change at all from July. We are talking about the inhabitants of the so-called old Moscow, who use gas stoves and pay for electricity at a single-tariff meter without breakdown by time of day. For them, one kilowatt-hour of electricity will cost 5.38 rubles like now.

As for those living in the old, or main, Moscow, who have multi-tariff meters installed, the night tariff will not rise much for them - instead of 1.79 rubles, a nightly kilowatt-hour of energy will cost 1.92 rubles. Peak and semi-peak zones for two- and three-rate meters will cost the same as today, without tariff increase.

But for those residents of the new Moscow who use electric stoves, kilowatt-hour will rise in price to the following values:

  • On a one-rate meter - up to 4.30 rubles (now 4.04).
  • According to the two-tariff meter:
    • for the peak zone - up to 4.95 rubles (now 4.65),
  • According to the three-tariff meter:
    • for the peak zone - up to 5.16 rubles (now 4.85),
    • for the semi-peak zone - up to 4.30 rubles (now 4.04),
    • for the night zone - up to 1.35 rubles (now 1.26).

But for the residents of the so-called new Moscow (Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts of the capital), growth will concern everyone.

For the majority of those living in these districts, electricity will cost the same as for residents of old Moscow, reports Therussiantimes.com. But using multi-tariff meters in the new Moscow will not be as profitable as in the old one - the tariffs for them will be higher.

For residents of Novomoskovsky and Troitsky Autonomous Okrug of Moscow, who live in houses with gas stoves in areas that are not equated to rural areas, the new tariffs are as follows:

  • On a one-rate meter - 5.38 rubles (now 5.24).
  • According to the two-tariff meter:
    • for the peak zone - 6.19 rubles (now 6.03),
  • According to the three-tariff meter:
    • for the peak zone - 6.46 rubles (now 6.29),
    • for the semi-peak zone - 5.38 rubles (now 5.24),
    • for the night zone - 2.41 rubles (now 2.24).

For those who use electric stoves, the new electricity tariffs look like this:

  • On a one-rate meter - 4.30 rubles (now 3.93).
  • According to the two-tariff meter:
    • for the peak zone - 4.47 rubles (now 4.41),
  • According to the three-tariff meter:
    • for the peak zone - 4.93 rubles (now 4.59),
    • for the semi-peak zone - 4.11 rubles (now 3.83),
    • for the night zone - 1.70 rubles (now 1.58).

Finally, for residents of new Moscow who live in an area equated to rural areas, the new tariffs from July 1 are as follows:

  • According to a one-rate meter - 3.77 rubles (now 3.67).
  • According to the two-tariff meter:
    • for the peak zone - 4.34 rubles (now 4.22),
    • for the night zone - 1.70 rubles (now 1.58).
  • According to the three-tariff meter:
    • for the peak zone - 4.52 rubles (now 4.40),
    • for the semi-peak zone - 3.77 rubles (now 3.67),
    • for the night zone - 1.70 rubles (now 1.58).

How much will cold water and sanitation cost in Moscow from July 1, 2018

The official website of Mosvodokanal provides information on new tariffs for cold water and sanitation in Moscow.

Similar to electricity tariffs, the cost of these services also differs for residents of old and new Moscow.

Within old Moscow, the new tariffs for the population, including VAT, are as follows:

  • cold water - 38.06 rubles per cubic meter (now 35.40),
  • water disposal - 27.01 rubles per cubic meter (now 25.12).

For the new Moscow, tariffs depend on specific districts and settlements.

Territories of new Moscow Tariffs (RUB/m3) from July 1, 2018
Cold water Drainage
Shcherbinka urban district 22,59 27,42
Settlements of Moscow, Vnukovskoye, Voskresenskoye, Desenovskoye, Mosrentgen, Sosenskoye, Filimonovskoye 38,06 36,67
Settlements Shchapovskoe, Klenovskoe 29,02 37,36
Settlements Voronovskoe, Krasnopakhorskoe (with the exception of the subsidiary farm settlement Minzag), Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe, Rogovskoe 23,72 38,73
Subsistence farm settlement Minzag of Krasnopakhorskoye settlement 25,16 28,32
Settlement Ryazanovskoe 21,75 28,7
Troitsk city district 24,87 29,72
Settlements Kyiv, Pervomayskoye, Novofedorovskoye, Kokoshkino, Marushkinskoe 34,29 28,57

New tariffs for heating and hot water in Moscow from July 1, 2018

As for heating and hot water, although the tariffs for these services are known, it is much more difficult for an ordinary citizen to calculate the cost of these services. Tariffs represent the cost of Gcal of heat, which are used for heating and water heating to provide hot water services.

Moreover, the tariff depends on whether the consumer is connected before or after the heat point. It is almost impossible for an ordinary Muscovite to understand all this.

Nevertheless, the new tariffs are known, and we will help you navigate them:

  • if now a Gcal of heat costs 1,742.92 rubles for you, then the new tariff is 1,806.89 rubles,
  • if now you pay 2199.24 rubles for Gcal of heat, then the new tariff is 2279.95 rubles.

You can easily check the current tariff in any payment for heating or hot water.

The tariff growth in both cases is 3.67%. It is this percentage that is easiest to navigate in the case of an increase in the tariff for hot water and heat.

Utility rates go up every year. In 2020, changes in the tariff scale of most energy supply companies will traditionally come into force on July 1, while already today you can familiarize yourself with the new prices for electricity on the official websites of resource supplying organizations.

Information about the increase in tariffs is relevant and important today not only for citizens with a minimum income, for whom utility bills are a significant expense item.

In recent years, industrial mining, cryptocurrency trading, and processing random payments through so-called farms have become widespread, so miners are interested in minimizing the costs associated with energy consumption.

In addition to the introduction of new tariffs, in the fall of 2017, the regional authorities determined new social norms for resource consumption. Electricity consumption in excess of the norm involves the use of increased tariffs for calculating payments.

Traditionally, in the capital region, the prices for the services of the resource supplying organization Mosenergosbyt using a single-rate tariff are higher than in other regions. The cost of daily consumption of 1 kWh in Moscow is 5.38 rubles. This figure has not changed since July 2016 and will not change this year either. The increase in tariffs will affect those who use two-tariff and three-tariff individual meters.

Last years representatives of Mosenergosbyt are actively campaigning for residents to install profitable two- and three-tariff meters, informing apartment owners about the expiration of the service life of old devices.

And a couple of years ago, there really was a benefit. In 2016, for apartments with a gas stove at night, 1 kWh was charged at 1.64 (T2) rubles, the semi-peak tariff (T3) was 5.32 rubles, and the peak (T1) - 6.41 rubles.

Those who consumed, for example, 50 kWh (T2), 30 kWh (T3) and 20 kWh (T1), respectively, received receipts in the amount of 369.8 rubles (50 * 1.64 + 30 * 5.32 + 20 * 6.41), while with a single-tariff meter you would have to pay 538 rubles for 100 kWh. Savings of approximately 30%.

Over the past two years, the basic tariff has remained unchanged, while tariffs for resource consumption during peak and night hours have increased:

From 1.07.2016 From 1.07.2017 From 1.07.2018
T1 6,41 6,46 6,46
T2 1,64 1,79 1,92
T3 5,32 5,38 5,38

From the middle of this year, 1 kWh at night (from 23.00 to 07.00) will cost almost 2 rubles, half-peak and daytime tariffs will remain unchanged.

It should be noted that the use of a two-tariff meter is justified only for those who do laundry, run the dishwasher or work on the computer only at night, because. the daily rate is 6.19 rubles/kWh.

The above tariffs apply if the dwelling is not equipped with electric stoves, i.e. a gas stove is used for cooking.
The basic tariff for the urban population living in houses with stationary electric stoves will increase from July 1 of this year from 4.04 rubles. up to 4.30 rubles. The increase in energy fees will also affect those who have installed a multi-tariff meter:

Rate Until 07/01/2018 From 07/01/2018
Two-tariff meters
T1 4,65 4,95
T2 1,26 1,35
Three-tariff meters
T1 4,85 5,16
T2 1,26 1,35
T3 4,04 4,30

In settlements, such as horticultural, horticultural or dacha associations, tariffs will remain unchanged this year. The main tariffs in the Troitsk and Novomoskovsky administrative districts will be equated to Moscow ones from July 1.

The cost of energy resources for consumers in the regions will also change from mid-2019. The rise in price will average about 4%. So in Nizhny Novgorod region customers of the resource supplying organization "TNS energo Nizhny Novgorod" will pay according to the tariffs given in the right part of the table:

Price in rubles per kWh until 07/01/2018 Price in rubles per kWh from 07/01/2018
In houses equipped with gas stoves In houses equipped with electric stoves
Within normal limits Above the norm Within normal limits Above the norm Within normal limits Above the norm Within normal limits Above the norm
One-part tariff 3,45 5,98 2,48 4,31 3,58 6,22 2,58 4,48
Two-tariff meters
Day 3,58 6,88 2,53 4,96 3,72 7,15 2,63 5,15
Night 1,75 3,59 1,24 2,59 1,82 3,73 1,29 2,69
Three-tariff meters
Peak 3,62 7,18 2,55 5,17 3,76 7,46 2,65 5,38
Half Peak 3,45 5,98 2,48 4,31 3,58 6,22 2,58 4,48
Night 1,75 3,59 1,24 2,59 1,82 3,73 1,29 2,69

All tariffs for 2019, taking into account summer price increases in the regions, can be viewed on the website of the energy sales company that provides services to the population in this locality.

The social norm is the minimum amount of energy consumed, which will cost consumers inexpensively (according to the social tariff), and residents of the regions will have to pay an increased tariff for exceeding the established limit. The ability to determine the consumption rate is at the mercy of the regional authorities, so each region has its own limits on resource consumption.

The legislative act, according to which social norms operate, was introduced in the autumn of 2013.

The purpose of such changes in the principles of calculating the amount of payment for electricity is ultimately to preserve nature and maintain a favorable environmental situation in the country by saving natural resources, which are often spent wastefully and thoughtlessly by citizens. The reform, first of all, was supposed to affect those who own huge houses, use the resource to heat floors and water in a private pool, operate electric fireplaces and other luxury items.

The price at which resource supply companies sell electricity is social and involves providing comfortable conditions for citizens in accordance with sanitary standards. Consumption in excess of the norm, according to the developers of the act, should be paid at a different rate.

On the website of the Moscow supply company, you can find information that so far the social norm has not been established and, accordingly, this indicator is not applied when calculating electricity charges. Considering electricity prices in the Moscow region, which are approximately equal to the cost per kWh in the regions at an increased tariff above the norm (for comparison, the tariff in Moscow is 5.38 rubles, the tariff in Nizhny Novgorod is 5.98 rubles, in Rostov-on-Don - 5.19 rubles), there is simply no social tariff in the capital.

Social norms in different regions can differ significantly, for example, initially in the Krasnoyarsk Territory the social norm was set at 75 kWh, and in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the government believes that 50 kWh is enough for 1 person per month. According to the head of the regional service for tariffs of the Nizhny Novgorod region, an ordinary statistical family fits into a certain minimum and does not notice the introduction of norms, i.e. pay utility bills at a reduced rate. However, there are a number of cases that suggest an increase in social norms:

- if 1 person is registered in the room, the social norm is 85 kWh;

In the Rostov region, a multiplying coefficient is used to calculate the social norm for single pensioners. The rate depends on the number of permanent residents in the apartment:

- 1 person - 96 kWh;

- 2 people - 156 kWh;

- 3 people - 196 kWh;

— for each subsequent + 40 kWh.

43 kWh is added to the norm in houses with electric stoves. 90 kWh is added to the minimum for housing in rural areas. In the summer months, there is an increasing coefficient - 1.1, in February, March and April - a decreasing coefficient - 0.9.

The methodology for calculating the payment for electricity is described in the main legislative act regarding the application of the social norm (Government Decree No. 614). Appendix 6 shows all kinds of formulas. If with a single-rate meter the calculation of payments is quite understandable, then for a tariff with several rates, the formula looks more complicated.

In general, the calculation of the amount of payment within the norm is made according to the social tariff, the amount for consumption in excess of the norm is calculated according to the increased tariff.

For example, a family of two in the Rostov region consumes 200 kWh each in the autumn months. The norm is 156 kWh. Payable RUB 808.68 (156*3.72+44*5.19).

If the calculation is made on a multi-tariff meter, the proportional principle is applied to determine the part within the norm for each time zone.

V social. norms (1 zone) = V social. total norms * V required. (1 zone) / Sum V required by.zones

For example, for a month a family of 2 people from the Rostov region consumed 140 kWh. during the day and 60 kWh. at night.

V social. norms during the day \u003d 156 kWh * 140 kWh / (140 kWh + 60 kWh) \u003d 156 * 0.7 \u003d 109.2 kWh.

Accordingly, 109.2 kWh is the volume that is calculated at the Day tariff within the norm -4.28 rubles, the remaining 30.8 (140-109.2) are calculated at the Day tariff in excess of the norm of 5.80 rubles.

V social. norms at night = 156 kWh * 60 kWh / (140 kWh + 60 kWh) = 156 * 0.3 = 46.8 kWh. Accordingly, out of 60 kWh: 46.8 within the norm, 13.2 - above the norm.

All people need comfort, which means the availability of utilities. Water, electricity, gas, heat, timely garbage disposal greatly affect the quality of life of any person. It is clear that all of the above is given to us for a reason, but for amounts determined by the state. The whole question is, are these benefits of civilization (housing and communal services) worth the money that we pay for them? Calculations by government departments have shown that it is not, so next year it is planned to increase tariffs in the housing and communal services sector. What awaits the population of the country and what measures will the government take?

The Ministry of Economic Development made an assumption about the growth of housing and communal services tariffs in 2019 back in August this year. He proceeded from the fact that in connection with the increase in VAT, there will be a need to adjust housing and communal tariffs. Subsequently, the Ministry of Economic Development supported the government's plan to conduct two indexations, although according to the legislation, tariff changes are carried out once a year (from July 1).

In addition, the general economic situation (not only internal, but also external) is pushing for an increase in the cost of housing and communal services.

Opinions of experts as increase will affect consumers and the resource-supplying companies, traditionally were divided. Some believe that the increase, in general, will not greatly affect the cost of rent. Others suggest that the rise in prices will significantly affect the family budget, as well as hit the resource supply companies and cause significant losses.

Changes in housing and communal services tariffs next year

According to TASS, the increase in tariffs for housing and communal services in 2019 has already been approved by the government. Indexing next year will be carried out in two stages:

  • From January 1 - 1.7%.
  • From July 1 - 2.4%.

He was also supported by the Ministry of Energy, with the difference that the second increase should not be 2.4%, but 4%. In any case, according to the government, the rise in prices for housing and communal services should not be more than the inflation index for the country. Recall that inflation forecasted by the country's leadership will be 4.3%.

The size of the tariff rate for housing and communal services will be determined by the regional authorities, taking into account the characteristics of the region. The work of local authorities will be monitored by the Federal Tariff Service, so all changes must be justified.

An increase in housing and communal services tariffs will entail an increase in compensation payments for socially unprotected segments of the population. And given that many regions are subsidized, it is not clear when these compensations will be paid. According to the regional authorities, this will depend on:

  • State of the local budget.
  • State subsidy.

If housing and communal services costs exceed 10% of the family budget, then such a family applies for subsidies.

What is the reason for the rise in prices

The concept of housing and communal services includes:

  1. Housing (maintenance of the house and the adjacent territory, its repair is 30% of the cost of the rent).
  2. Utilities (provision of gas and electricity, as well as water supply and wastewater disposal - 70% of the total payment).

Even within one single city, the size of the rent (with the same footage and the number of people living in the apartment) can vary greatly. It all depends on the condition of the house, the presence of an elevator and a garbage chute.

The increase in the cost of utilities in 2019 is due to a number of reasons:

  • The need for large-scale modernization and reconstruction of the entire infrastructure.
  • Annual renovations.
  • The cost of natural resources.
  • external reasons.

All communications are worn out and require replacement or high-quality repairs. Every year, especially in the autumn-winter period, breakdowns occur, which long time leaves the population without communal resources. In addition, leaks regularly occur, which leads to large losses of resources. Housing and communal services suffer losses, and assistance from the state is insufficient and not timely.

The amount of utility payments directly depends on the cost of resources. It is clear that the more expensive it is for an enterprise to purchase, extract, transport and refine raw materials, the more it will have to pay for its consumption.

As for external factors, due to sanctions, it is impossible to attract investors to the country, and this generally affects the state of the Russian economy.

Gas and heat price forecast

In our country, there is an increase in the cost of gas every year. According to forecasts for the next year, the increase in the price of gas and heat will be insignificant against the background of the growth of tariffs for all other resources. Most experts believe that gas will rise in price by no more than 3%. Although, there are suggestions that this figure will be higher and reach 3.6%.

Water cost forecast

The price of water will increase the most in 2019:

  • Cold water and sanitation by 7.2 - 7.5%.
  • Hot at 10.6%.

Such a rise in prices is necessary for the normal functioning of sewage treatment plants and for the maintenance of pipeline networks. For a long time, these enterprises have become unprofitable and this affects the quality of tap water. If money is not invested in reconstruction and modernization, then water characteristics will decrease every year, and this will lead to a deterioration in the health of the population.

Electricity tariffs

The general condition of all electricity and heating networks in the country is unsatisfactory. State subsidies are required for repairs and reconstruction. In this regard, there will be an increase in electricity tariffs for the population in the coming year.

At the same time, it practically does not matter whether the house is supplied with gas or only electricity. Payments will rise for everyone, even if the house is gasified, since each apartment has big number electrical appliances without which life is simply unthinkable.

According to experts' forecasts, the cost of electricity may increase from 4.3% to 5.7%.

When to expect receipts with new prices

Increased tariffs will not keep you waiting long, as early as January 1 of the new year they should come into force.

Legislatively, new utility payments should be from July 2019. However, due to the increase in VAT in January next year, the government decided to deviate from the rules. Recalculation (indexation) of utility tariffs will be carried out not in one, but in two stages.

The growth of housing and communal services payments will depend on the regional authorities, and it is already known that it will be uneven. For example:

  • 3-3.1% in North Ossetia.
  • 3% in the Belgorod and Kursk regions.
  • 2% in Primorsky Krai.
  • 5% in Kamchatka and Yakutia.
  • 5-6% in Moscow and the region.

Such a difference is determined by the dependence of the location of the region (how far the resource will be transported), the peculiarity of local communal structures and climate.

What do people think

Raising utility prices is an unpopular move for the authorities. But this measure is caused not just by the desire to annoy people, but by economic necessity. According to forecasts, utility tariffs will put an additional burden on the shoulders of many families. People will be forced to save on other goods in order to pay for increased payments.

On the other hand, it is possible that increased tariffs will contribute to better maintenance of heat and power networks, modernization of the entire housing and communal services complex as a whole.

The country's leadership is developing a set of measures in order to reduce the burden on consumers:

  • Subsidies are provided for the poor.
  • Introduced control over the actions of regional authorities.
  • Indexation of wages to the population.
  • Gradual introduction of new rates.
  • Limitation of tariffs within the limits of inflationary processes.
  • Resource cost control.

The fact that housing prices will rise is no longer in doubt. Differences among experts remain, only in forecasts of how much the increase in cost will affect consumers.

Price indexation is caused by a number of reasons, it is a reasonable and necessary measure. This will help to replenish the state budget and will allow a number of measures aimed at improving communal infrastructures to be carried out.