Where to throw away an energy-saving light bulb. Disposal of fluorescent lamps: where to dispose of used devices

The data set provides information about organizations engaged in the collection of waste energy-saving lamps, indicating the administrative district, district, address of the collection site, work schedule and coordinates.
Based on the order of the Moscow Government dated May 19, 2010. No. 949-RP “On the organization of work on the centralized collection, transportation and processing of waste mercury-containing fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps”, a centralized system for the collection, transportation, neutralization and recycling of waste mercury-containing fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps has been created in the city of Moscow.
The centralized system is financed from the budget of the city of Moscow.
The collection, transportation, neutralization and recycling of used mercury-containing lamps is carried out by a specialized organization that has the appropriate licenses for the management of hazard class 1 waste on the basis of a government contract concluded following an open auction in electronic form.
The accumulation of used mercury-containing lamps, including their acceptance from the population, is carried out by management companies: State Budgetary Institution Housing Development Districts, housing cooperatives, homeowners' associations, LLCs, etc. GU IS districts do not accumulate waste mercury-containing lamps within the framework of a centralized system.
The list of Management Companies included in the above centralized system is determined annually on the basis of applications from the prefectures of the administrative districts of Moscow. Management companies that are not included in the centralized system manage hazardous waste at their own expense.
Under the terms of the state contract, the Contractor provides the Management Companies with special containers (containers) for the accumulation of used mercury-containing lamps and demercurization kits in case of damage to used mercury-containing lamps.
Control over the Contractor is exercised by the State Customer GKU "Mosekoprom" (a specialized government agency), as well as structural divisions of Rospotrebnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor within their competence. Control over the Management Companies is exercised by territorial executive authorities, as well as structural divisions of Rospotrebnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor within their competence.
As part of the state contract, a specialized organization transports, neutralizes and processes waste mercury-containing lamps accumulated by Management Companies.
Do you know what? Currently, 907 collection points for waste mercury-containing lamps have been established in Moscow. Information about collection points for waste mercury-containing fluorescent lamps is also presented on the websites of management companies.

For several years now, incandescent lamps have given way to modern fluorescent and energy-saving types. This is because they significantly save energy and last longer than usual. Disposing of energy-saving lamps is as important as ever. However, the approach to this process has changed. It is necessary to carry out liquidation according to all the rules, because new devices contain mercury.

Danger of waste

According to hazard classes, used mercury-containing and fluorescent lamps are classified as very hazardous waste. Therefore, there is no way to get rid of used appliances along with household waste: new-style lamps contain heavy metals. Only those companies that have a license to do so can carry out activities for their disposal and transportation.

Energy-saving lamps ending up in a landfill along with ordinary garbage leads to catastrophic changes in the environment. Toxic vapors released from broken lamps enter the soil, water, atmosphere and biosphere. Mercury is particularly hazardous to the environment.

Damaged lamps can contaminate vast areas of soil. The caustic substance penetrates wastewater and groundwater, after which it ends up in water bodies.

In addition to poisoning nature and water, significant doses of mercury end up in food. Seafood and fish that are caught from polluted waters can be especially dangerous for humans. Mercury can accumulate in the body. At the same time, it almost does not come out of it. Thus, the substance forms prohibitive concentrations.

Organs and systems that are most affected for mercury poisoning:

  • The immune system.
  • Nervous system.
  • Kidneys.
  • Digestive system.
  • Lungs.
  • Female reproductive system.

Type of lamps

The dangerous substance is contained in all energy-saving fluorescent fluorescent lamps. They are filled with an inert gas, often nitrogen. They can contain up to 70 mg of liquid metal. Light sources for household use contain on average 3 to 5 mg of mercury. The inside surface of the device is coated with phosphor.

Scientists conducted an experiment by breaking an energy-saving lamp in an isolated room. They found that the content of harmful substances in the atmosphere greatly exceeds the norm by more than 150 times.

Types of lamps that contain liquid metal:

  • Neon.
  • Xenon.
  • Bactericidal.

Manufacturers can use different materials and fillers depending on the purpose of the products. But mercury remains an unchanged component for the manufacture of such lamps.

LED lamps are considered the safest for the environment. This is because they do not contain mercury. The base of the products has a stabilizer and other electronic components that can be used as secondary raw materials. The legislation does not impose special requirements for the disposal of LED products. It is recommended that such products be disposed of as hazardous waste.

The production of lamps with LEDs for garlands and car headlights is often reduced in cost. For this, lead and other hazardous substances are used.

Halogen and incandescent

Due to their low efficiency, incandescent lamps are gradually being replaced from the market by more efficient lighting products. Despite being uneconomical and quickly burning out, they have one advantage. A damaged product does not pose any danger to the environment. The device works thanks to a tungsten filament. It is she who serves as the source of light. The lamp cavity contains inert gases.

A special type of product with a tungsten filament is a halogen lamp. It can be filled with halogens or their derivatives. Such fillers were able to extend the life of the product and increase its efficiency by up to 15%. Used incandescent lamps are not dangerous. There are also no special requirements for their disposal. Products can be reused in production.

Elimination methods

Used and damaged lamps must not be thrown away with household waste or poured down the drain. Broken products must be packed in a cardboard box and handed over to special collection points for energy-saving lamps.

Measures to be taken if a mercury lighting device breaks:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Carefully assemble large parts of the product.
  3. Small fragments should be collected with the sticky side of tape, a towel or napkins. Do not use a vacuum cleaner for this purpose.
  4. Wash the floor and wipe off dust using chlorine-containing products.

In every city there are special collection points for energy-saving light bulbs.

Organizations or individual entrepreneurs that dispose of such waste are required to enter into agreements only with licensed companies. If this rule is violated, a fine is imposed, the amount of which can reach up to 250 thousand rubles.

  1. Specially designated containers at the DEZ, REU or management company. Acceptance of dangerous products from the public is free of charge.
  2. Reception points on the basis of specialized organizations that have a license for the disposal and transportation of hazardous waste.
  3. Large stores that sell such devices. For example, IKEA or “220 volts”. Such collection points may provide discounts on the purchase of new light bulbs.

Recycling of energy-saving lamps in Moscow and other large cities of the country can be implemented under the Ecomobiles environmental program. It is carried out by local authorities. It consists of placing mobile vehicles around the city with containers for handing over light bulbs.

They can also accept old car batteries and waste batteries. Hazardous waste collection is carried out at a specific time and route. The price for liquidating mercury devices varies from 15 to 30 rubles per unit. The cost of recycling other light sources, for example, LEDs, is almost the same.

Reception points in the regions

A large number of containers and waste collection points are located in large cities. But what should people living in remote towns and villages do? In such populated areas there are no designated places for receiving mercury products. But some organizations can help residents get rid of hazardous waste.

List of companies where you can donate light bulbs:

  1. Construction and hardware stores.
  2. Electrical networks.
  3. Management Company.
  4. Village administration.

Owners of stores that sell light bulbs containing mercury are required to enter into an agreement with organizations that dispose of them.

Therefore, you can take used lighting products to the store. Often, unscrupulous entrepreneurs try to refuse admission to citizens, because for him these are the costs of transportation and liquidation.

Every settlement has a power line. This means that there are organizations that are engaged in its maintenance. Most often, one company is responsible for hundreds of settlements. The chief power engineer must work there. It is he who is responsible for controlling the disposal of dangerous light sources. In some organizations, this issue may be handled by an ecologist or other employee.

The person responsible for the liquidation has a connection with special companies, where there will be no difficulty. Often no one wants to deal with this issue for free. Therefore, the cost of scrap is borne by citizens.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations can also help resolve this issue. Of course, it does not deal with waste disposal. But they must provide contact information for companies involved in this, and even help in transporting the product.

In urban settlements, the management company or the repair and maintenance department may be responsible for getting rid of mercury lamps. They have an agreement with a recycling organization. All you have to do is bring them used products. All other manipulations are the responsibility of the company. By law they must accept the lamps. Otherwise, you need to contact Rosprirodnadzor or the prosecutor's office.

As for the local administration, it must inform residents when and where special transport arrives. If you refuse assistance with disposal, you can safely contact higher authorities.

Transportation and disposal rules

Special measures are not necessary. It is recommended to wrap each product in thick cloth or place it in a cardboard box. Next, the devices are placed in such a way that they do not fall during transportation to the recycling point. On the way, you should not accelerate sharply and avoid heavy braking.

Such requirements apply only to individuals. There are completely different rules for licensed businesses. They are allowed to transport hazardous waste only in special containers that do not allow caustic fumes to escape.

In addition, organizations must have:

  1. Special warehouses for storing waste.
  2. Equipment and professional installations.
  3. Transport with the necessary equipment.
  4. Certified employee.

It is customary to distinguish 4 technologies for recycling mercury light sources: thermal, hydrometallurgical, thermal vacuum and vibro-pneumatic. The first method is to calcinate the waste using a plant. It helps to remove all mercury vapor from the light bulb. The second method, hydrometallurgical, neutralizes them by washing the products with a special solution.

Thermal vacuum technology heats the fragments in a vacuum. In this case, mercury is collected in a compartment where it is frozen with nitrogen. The vibro-pneumatic method involves separating products into glass, base, and phosphor. Mercury is neutralized thermally.

After recycling lamps receive raw materials for recycling:

  • Phosphor.
  • Glass wallpaper.
  • Socles.

These raw materials are used to produce metals and building materials. Whole product flasks can be used to produce new lamps.

Energy-saving products have many advantages. When using them, do not forget about environmental safety. Such lamps must be disposed of according to the hazard class. The correct approach to the elimination of hazardous waste will help preserve nature, the health and life of all living things on the planet.

Ordinary lamps will probably soon disappear from people's lives, since they have long been replaced by energy-saving ones. They are more in demand because they save electricity and also provide more light. And they last for a longer period. But the lamps have the only drawback - they use materials in their manufacture that must be properly disposed of. It is advisable to hand them over to special points.


Considered a modern convenience. There are several types of products, each of which has its own characteristics of efficiency and light output. The most common are LEDs, as they are economical and durable, but also expensive.

Energy-saving lamps are called fluorescent lamps. They are easily used in classic bases. The consumption of such lamps is much less, since they are usually used in homes. Now in Russia almost only these products are produced, and conventional lighting is becoming less popular. The lamps provide soft and stable light.


Their cost is higher, but the payback is greater, since the service life is much longer. The products should not be used in homes where people who are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation live. There is mercury inside, and if there is damage, the vapors will escape into the atmosphere. When the expiration date has expired, it is necessary to dispose of energy-saving lamps, because they cannot be thrown into general trash.

Disposal rules

There is mercury inside the flask - a dangerous component. Not all manufacturers and buyers take this fact into account. But this can result in serious consequences. Now all organizations that use such lighting must have an agreement with suppliers. The document specifies the rules for handing over devices after the expiration date.

Not everyone properly disposes of energy-saving lamps, which leads to different consequences. This applies to organizations and consumers. Moreover, not every city has factories that perform this procedure.

Where are used products disposed of?

Unfortunately, there are no special collection points for such products in many even large cities. But there are enterprises that transport mercury and other substances. Of course, the services of such companies are paid. is also performed in a similar way, since they are harmful to health and the environment. In order not to cause serious consequences to nature, you need to follow a few simple tips.

The rules for disposal are as follows:

  • it is necessary to sort the garbage: you should not throw away energy-saving light bulbs along with other unnecessary things, it is better to put them in sealed bags;
  • It is also advisable to install special containers near the house where residents could put such unnecessary things: regularly, products should be taken to a collection point for energy-saving lamps;
  • if you don’t know where such an organization is located, then you can ask it through social networks, forums, and also inquire in stores;
  • According to the law, light bulbs and fragments from them must be accepted by institutions for the operation of premises, as well as repair and maintenance departments;
  • The IKEA store service center has a light bulb collection point.

Disposal involves sending products to factories, where they are disassembled and separated from the base and mercury. The phosphor is treated with special substances. And then they are covered with cement and sealed in a container. There is little mercury in such products, but if a lot of it accumulates in one area, this leads to air pollution.

Previously, Krypton-85 was used to make light bulbs, but it is more dangerous than mercury, which is why it was replaced. According to new developments, scientists propose using not mercury, but its alloys or amalgam. But you will still need to recycle energy-saving lamps.

If a light bulb breaks, what should you do?

Please note that mercury must be handled with care. If the light bulb is broken, you need to:

  • ventilate the room for a long time;
  • put on rubber gloves;
  • do not touch mercury with your hands;
  • carefully remove the fragments;
  • do not use a brush, broom or vacuum cleaner;
  • you need to use cardboard;
  • the fragments must be placed in a sealed bag;
  • it is necessary to wipe the place where the light bulb was broken;
  • the used rag should be thrown away;
  • The fragments must be taken to a collection point.

Disposal of mercury-containing lamps is a mandatory procedure, since the safety of people and nature depends on it.

Reception points

Disposal of energy-saving lamps in Moscow is carried out at the regional DEZ or REC, where there are special containers for this. This service is free. Organizations must submit them to other institutions. For example, you can contact NPP Ecotrom. The company is located at Varshavskoye Shosse, 93.

Since energy-saving lamps must be recycled, St. Petersburg also has collection points. Individuals and organizations should contact the State Unitary Enterprise "Ekostroy" at Volkhonskoye Shosse, 116/3.

Rules for storing light bulbs

Of course, it will not be possible to take every light bulb to a collection point for such products. It is best to build a place for this where energy-saving light sources will be stored. According to requirements, storage should be based on the following recommendations.

Each bulb must be in a cardboard container, and the bulbs are sorted by size. The room where the products are located must be ventilated. This place should not be accessible to people. If these rules are followed, then storage is considered correct. Responsibility is provided for non-compliance with these rules.

Since the storage and handling of such waste is enshrined in law, penalties are provided for violations. This is an administrative offense. For it, citizens have to pay 1 - 2 thousand rubles. Legal entities are subject to a fine of 100 - 250 thousand rubles. Officials are required to pay a fine of 10-30 thousand rubles. Other measures may be taken against entrepreneurs: deprivation of the right to engage in one or another activity. This is ordered only by the court, and no other organizations can accept the restriction of any rights.

Compliance with disposal rules ensures the safety of people and nature. Such lamps last much longer than conventional ones, which is why they are chosen by most organizations and home owners. The rules for use are simple, but do not forget that light bulbs contain mercury. Constant compliance with the rules will avoid many troubles.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/03/2010. No. 681 all electric lighting lamps must be disposed of by companies that have all the necessary permits for this purpose

Real concern for the environment: recycling and removal of lamps from the company "Crystal of Purity"

One of the most important areas of the Crystal Purity company is the removal and recycling of used lamps of various types. Disposing of them yourself can be dangerous to your health and cause great harm to the entire ecosystem as a whole. This process must be carried out using special devices and with strict adherence to technology in order to avoid any unpleasant consequences.

Who is this service useful for?

waste lamp collection points;

car dealerships;

large companies that accumulate a lot of old lamps;

clinics, hospitals, dental and cosmetology offices;

solariums and beauty salons.

Disposal of fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps are among the most dangerous because they contain mercury. Even their accidental damage can cause severe poisoning in all nearby people. And further purification from mercury vapor is a very complex and lengthy procedure.

Specialists from the company “Crystal of Purity” transport such lamps in special containers that prevent them from being damaged. Proven technology for recycling waste lamps allows us to completely eliminate the release of any harmful substances into the environment.

Disposal of energy-saving lamps

Energy-saving lamps also contain mercury vapor, although in a smaller volume than fluorescent lamps. This means that special requirements are imposed on their disposal. In addition, given their popularity, the total harm from their independent disposal or simple release is even higher than that of luminescent ones.

The company "Crystal of Purity" is engaged in the collection, removal and disposal of energy-saving lamps. Our services have long been used not only by large companies, but also by individuals.

Recycling solarium lamps

Solarium lamps can hardly be called safe - they also contain a certain amount of mercury. It varies depending on the power, but is no less than 3 mg. Accidental damage to such lamps leads to contamination of several rooms at once, which corresponds to the first hazard class. Therefore, all establishments using solariums are required by law to properly dispose of used lamps. Otherwise, they will face very large fines and even loss of license.

Disposal of germicidal lamps

Germicidal lamps are widely used for disinfecting premises in medicine, cosmetology and many types of production. But they have a significant drawback - a large amount of mercury vapor. In normal condition, they are contained in a special tube made of uviol glass. However, if it is damaged, one lamp can pollute a room with a volume of 5000 cubic meters. Can you imagine if there are several such lamps?

The company "Crystal of Purity" carries out centralized collection, transportation and safe recycling of lamps in accordance with all standards and requirements of sanitary and epidemiological inspection. Therefore, if you do not want to upset the ecological balance and harm your own health, be sure to pay attention to our services. You will be pleasantly surprised by our prices.

Lamp recycling cost

Recycling of fluorescent lamps (direct), one-time supply volume per one payment document:

Price list for recycling lamps of other types

Price list for recycling of gas-lit neon tubes

Cost of goods and services

Transport services

Almost every family has modern energy-saving light bulbs. However, few people think about the need to properly dispose of used fluorescent lamps. However, according to studies, these industrial wastes can be harmful to the human body, so after using them you should not throw them in the trash.

Why are energy-saving light bulbs harmful?

Energy-saving light bulbs are very practical, so they are widely used almost everywhere. But few people think that these seemingly harmless devices can pose a serious danger. It's all about ultraviolet radiation, which comes from this type of light bulb in a dose that can be dangerous for skin cells. Over time, there is a risk of developing serious diseases, including melanoma, one of the most dangerous types of cancer.

Despite the fact that product manufacturers claim that the dose of emitted ultraviolet radiation is negligible, you should not take their word for it. Recent studies have confirmed that long-term use of light bulbs develops microcracks on the surface of light bulbs, which can allow radiation to pass through, thereby causing harm to people nearby.

In addition, improper use of light bulbs can lead to hormonal changes, cause cardiovascular diseases, and also lead to the development of diabetes. And it's not just about dangerous ultraviolet radiation. These devices have a high percentage of mercury, which also does not bode well. This is one of the main reasons why it is forbidden to simply throw away a used energy-saving light bulb, since if it breaks, mercury fumes can cause a lot of trouble.

What to do? Stop using energy-saving lamps altogether? No, you can use them. You just need to always remember the rules of personal safety, change burnt-out devices in a timely manner and never throw them in the trash bin or bins. Where should we put them?

Where to take burnt out light bulbs?

We’ve already figured out why you shouldn’t throw away burnt-out energy-saving light bulbs. But a completely logical question arises: how to properly dispose of industrial waste so as not to harm your health? There are several options.

So what should your actions be?

  1. Carefully pack burnt-out devices so that they cannot break during transportation. For these purposes, you can use a cardboard box, which must first be filled with soft material, such as fabric or cotton wool. You can also wrap each bulb in newsprint.
  2. With this box you should go to the nearest collection point for such industrial waste, where you need to hand over all the light bulbs.

However, keep in mind that not all enterprises may agree to take away used light bulbs from individuals, since some exist solely to accept large quantities of industrial waste from firms, shopping centers, etc. under special agreements. Where then should you donate the light bulbs?

In each city, industrial waste is usually collected at regional disinfection centers, as well as at regional economic authorities. For this purpose, special tanks are usually installed on the territory of enterprises, where it is necessary to throw away used fluorescent light bulbs. If you do not find such a container, you should contact the administration or maintenance staff for help; they will show you where to take the waste.

The city's environmental services are also required to dispose of not only energy-saving light bulbs, but also broken mercury thermometers and other waste that can harm human health.

In addition, you can return used fluorescent devices to the IKEA network. This option can be used by residents of large cities where this store is located. Since 2014, they have again begun to recycle batteries, as well as light bulbs containing mercury. It is necessary to collect all burnt-out devices in a box, carefully pack them and hand them over to service personnel.

In recent years, the problem of handing over and accepting mercury lamps, batteries and other hazardous waste has become so acute that employees of the prosecutor's office of many cities asked the court to install special containers with the help of HOA forces, where people could hand over used devices. Therefore, ask your HOA branch to see if there are already such tanks near your home.

What to do if an energy-saving light bulb breaks?

We have already looked at how dangerous energy-saving light bulbs can be and why you need to use them wisely. But what to do if the light bulb was accidentally broken, and how to avoid the spread of mercury fumes? The main thing is not to panic, collect your thoughts and act in the same way as in the case of thermometers.

  1. Close the room in which the incident occurred, do not allow a draft to occur, as this will contribute to the spread of mercury throughout the room.
  2. Open the window and ventilate the room throughout the day.
  3. Take a jar, fill it with cold water, you can add a little potassium permanganate to it.
  4. Protect your hands by wearing rubber gloves.
  5. Collect all visible remains of the broken light bulb, including the base, in a prepared container of water.
  6. Small pieces are collected with a damp cloth. After this, you should take off your gloves and put them in the jar along with the rag you used to remove the remains of the broken lamp.
  7. Close the container tightly and take it to an industrial waste collection point, where you need to hand over the can along with all the equipment that was used during the cleaning process.

When using fluorescent lamps, be extremely careful. They are convenient and practical, but can cause serious harm to your body if used incorrectly. Therefore, always remember not to throw away used devices in regular trash bins.

All burnt out light bulbs must be disposed of promptly; to do this, they must be properly packaged and handed over. At the same time, be careful that the devices do not break, otherwise mercury fumes can harm your health and those around you. It is advisable to inquire in advance where you can donate light bulbs nearby.