DIY toilet soap recipes. The toilet will be chronically clean, and the smell will be fresh! All that is required is...

The problem of unpleasant smell in the restroom has always been acute among housewives. Not only do you need to choose an effective product that would not only remove that very odor, but also additionally fight plaque - lime, rust. And if you handle this task correctly, the regularity of maintenance will be significantly reduced, and instead of scrubbing the toilet and toilet cistern, you can spend this time on more pleasant things. In this article we will talk about how to make aroma bombs for the toilet with your own hands, without spending a lot of time, effort and money on implementation.

DIY toilet cleaner

Nowadays, the variety of household chemicals is simply surprising. Store shelves are overflowing with so many different air fresheners, cleaners and other cleaning products. But how can you find a truly good and inexpensive remedy that, in addition, will not pose a threat to the health of your loved ones and you?

Important! Almost every instruction says “beware of contact with eyes”, “keep away from children and animals” and other equally unpleasant warnings. This is no accident. Such products actually contain very aggressive chemicals, when handling which you must be extremely careful.

Few people know, but from available materials you can make a toilet cleaner with your own hands, without being afraid that it will harm you. Let's consider options for preparing such cleaners, as well as their advantages over store-bought ones.

Advantages of homemade products:

  1. They are made from natural ingredients that do not harm human health.
  2. They have antiseptic properties - they destroy harmful microorganisms.
  3. They have a pleasant smell and fill the entire room with it.
  4. Absorbs unpleasant odors inherent in the restroom.
  5. Prevents mineral deposits on the walls of the toilet.
  6. Whiten the surface.

Cooking recipes

There are many different tips on how to make your own toilet bowl cleaner. All of them can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. Disposable balls.
  2. Reusable - which are placed in a pre-purchased container, or a self-made holder.

Let's look at the most popular “recipes”.

Recipe No. 1

This reusable product is prepared from the following available materials:

  • Gelatin 20 grams.
  • Water.
  • Vinegar
  • Essential oils
  • Food coloring (optional if desired).

After you have prepared everything you need, perform the following steps:

  1. Pour the gelatin into a glass of water until it dissolves until smooth.
  2. At the same time, mix 2 tbsp. l. salt and the same amount of soda in another container.

Important! If you took food coloring, add it at this step as well. It is not necessary to do this, but the finished cleaner, if it is painted, will have not only a pleasant smell, but also an attractive appearance.

  1. Mix the resulting mixtures in one container.
  2. Add vinegar (no more than 3 tbsp.)
  3. After mixing everything above, add about 40 drops of your chosen essential oil to the product. This will be the source of the smell.
  4. Now place the mixture in a suitable mold and place it in the refrigerator to set. This will take approximately 6 hours.

Important! A container for freezing ice would be a suitable shape. The pieces will come out the right size and shape.

  1. After the time has passed, remove the frozen mixture from the refrigerator and cut into suitable pieces.
  2. Place them in a block purchased in a store, or on a holder you made yourself and place them in the toilet.

Important! Store additional pieces in the refrigerator wrapped in cling film or cellophane. This will help prevent the scent from the essential oil from fading away.

Recipe No. 2

We will need:

  • Vinegar.
  • Salt.
  • Essential oil or several options.
  • Starch.
  • Water.
  • Food coloring.

For preparation:

  1. You need to mix 30 grams of starch with 25 grams of salt.
  2. Add 100 ml of water to the mixture and stir.

Important! At this stage, food coloring, if used, is added to the water.

  1. Next, put the contents of the vessel on the fire and stir thoroughly until it boils and thickens.
  2. After cooking, let our product cool a little, then add vinegar about 3 tbsp. spoons
  3. Next, add 5 drops of essential oils.

Important! The most commonly used flavoring oils are lemon, pine, spruce, mint, eucalyptus, thyme, tea tree, grapefruit, citronella, lavender or clove oils. They eliminate unpleasant odors most efficiently.

Recipe No. 3

For preparation you will need:

  • Vinegar.
  • Baby soap.
  • Flavoring.
  • Soda.
  • Glycerin and water.

To make your own toilet cleaner using this recipe, you need to do the following:

  1. Grind the soap onto a fine grater, or even better, melt it until smooth, let it cool a little, but not so much that it hardens again.
  2. Add 2 tbsp to the soap. l. soda, tbsp. glycerin, the same amount of vinegar.
  3. Add flavoring.
  4. Dilute the resulting mixture with water to form a dough-like mass.
  5. Mix the ingredients and pour into an empty toilet container.
  6. Attach the container.

DIY toilet bombs

Previous recipes were about products that are then used for a couple of weeks. After the prepared mixture is finished, it must be put back into the container. Getting it out of the toilet is easy, but not very pleasant. This problem is solved by preparing disposable so-called bombs. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Recipe No. 1

In order to make toilet balls with your own hands, we will need:

  • Soda - 1 glass.
  • Citric acid - half a glass.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Essential oils - 90 drops.
  • Molds.
  • Spray.

The procedure for preparing toilet balls is as follows:

  1. In a clean and dry bowl, mix citric acid and soda.
  2. Mix water and essential oils in a spray bottle.
  3. Next, moisten the mixture of citric acid and soda from the spray bottle. This should be done gradually and as carefully as possible so as not to provoke a reaction between soda and acid.
  4. We moisten until the mixture, compressed in a fist, remains in the form of a lump.
  5. Fill the molds with the mixture.
  6. After a couple of hours, our ball bombs are ready for use.

Important! This product should be stored in a dry, closed place.

Recipe No. 2


  • Soda.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Vinegar.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Aroma oils.

The preparation of this remedy differs little from the previous one:

  1. Mix a glass of soda and half a glass of citric acid.
  2. Gently moisten the previous mixture with a mixture of a teaspoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Add aromatic oils.
  4. Arrange into forms.

After a few hours the mixture is ready for use.

Recipe No. 3

You can also make your own toilet bombs from:

  • Soda.
  • Citric acid.
  • Corn starch.
  • Aromatic oils.

To do this you need:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients together in a ratio of 2:1:4 cups - soda, citric acid and starch, respectively.
  2. As in previous cases, moisten the resulting mixture and then flavor it.
  3. Place the bonded mixture into molds and allow to harden.

Important! All these products are based on soda and have not only aromatic, but also antiseptic properties, and when acetic or citric acid is added, they become like “exploding” bombs.

Air fresheners at home

In addition to toilet products, there are many different recipes that involve freshening the air of the entire room without placing them directly inside it. Many of these mixtures not only freshen the air, but also have an antimicrobial effect, since they contain components such as soda, vinegar, etc.

Let's talk about the most popular air fresheners made at home.

The simplest air freshener

This recipe is suitable for those who need to quickly prepare a freshener. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Take a small bowl and add 3 tbsp. l. soda
  2. Drop a little essential oil with a lasting scent into it. For example mint, lavender, lemon or eucalyptus.
  3. Pour the mixture into a jar and cover it with foil.
  4. Make small holes in the original lid.

The freshener is ready for use.

Odor absorber for allergy sufferers

People who are allergic to the scents from essential oils can use this recipe. Its advantages are that:

  1. The product has an antiseptic effect.
  2. You can spray it directly into the toilet.
  3. In this article, we figured out how to get rid of an unpleasant odor in the toilet, how to quickly make toilet bombs with your own hands, and looked at options for cleaning and antiseptic agents made from improvised ingredients. Follow our instructions and your washroom will not only be sparkling clean and fresh, but will also be the safest place in your home.

Bombs not only disinfect and clean, but also eliminate bad odors in the toilet. It’s easy to make your own toilet bombs at home using simple recipes.

Benefits of use

These bombs are very helpful in cleaning the toilet. In addition, production takes little time, it is cheap and easy.

  • Smell. Essential oils will fill the toilet room with a pleasant aroma.
  • Natural composition. The composition includes natural ingredients that are safe for health.
  • Reliable protection against bacteria. The soda and citric acid contained in the composition kill germs and bacteria. After dissolving in water, citric acid begins to react with soda and foam forms.
  • Saving the family budget. Low cost and availability of materials.

Making bombs with your own hands

Almost all the ingredients for cooking can be taken from the kitchen; the process itself does not take much time.

Prepare the molds in which we will make bombs. Suitable molds for baking muffins, or silicone molds for candy or ice cream, ice, etc.

Recipe 1


  • 1 glass of soda;
  • ½ cup vinegar;
  • ¼ cup citric acid.
  • Pour baking soda and citric acid into a deep, dry bowl.
  • Mix thoroughly and break up any lumps.

Gently add vinegar drop by drop until a thick mass forms.

  • Using a spoon or wearing protective gloves, form into balls or press into prepared pans.
  • Place on a flat surface covered with film or parchment paper.
  • Leave for 4-6 hours, allow to dry.

Store in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.

Recipe 2

Various essential oils are used to make aroma bombs. Give preference to citrus oils (orange, lemon, grapefruit).

  • Add 10-15 drops of essential oil and 1 tbsp to the products as in the first recipe. a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide (combine them in a separate bowl).
  • Add the solution drop by drop into the finished mixture, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Place on parchment or ice tray.
  • After the water has evaporated (about 6 hours), place the balls in a barrel or toilet. To enhance the effect, leave it overnight without rinsing.
Important! To ensure that the grains stick together well, spray a little water onto the mixture from a spray bottle. A large amount of liquid will cause the balls to begin to dissolve.

Recipe 3

  • 1/2 cup liquid soap;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soda;
  • 8-10 drops of any essential oil.
  • Combine the above products.
  • Press into prepared forms.
  • Then lower it into the toilet for 30 minutes.

Impeccable cleanliness and aroma in the toilet room are guaranteed. Make small bombs from the resulting consistency.

  • After 5-6 hours, use as directed.
  • Can be stored in a small container with the lid open. It will serve as an excellent alternative to an air freshener.

    Video instructions to help

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    It is no secret to any housewife that maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the toilet is one of the most difficult tasks in the household. The solution to the problem can be very easy. In this material we will look at three methods or recipes for making special bombs that will help not only disinfect, but also aromatize the toilet space.

    Let's start with the easiest recipe.

    In order to make toilet bombs according to this recipe, we will need:
    1. one and a third cup of soda;
    2. half a glass of citric acid;
    3. 30 drops of lavender oil;
    4. 30 drops of mint oil;
    5. 30 drops of lemon oil.

    In general, you can choose oils of any scent, but it is important to pay attention to the fact that the scents of the oils are stable and have antibacterial properties. Let's begin.

    First of all, take citric acid, which we mix with soda. Add essential oils while stirring. Once all the ingredients are mixed, you need to add moisture to the mixture to get a consistency ready to sculpt. Add the liquid very carefully and in small portions so that the mixture does not become too wet. It is also necessary to moisten in small doses so that the soda and citric acid in the mixture do not enter into a chemical reaction.

    When the mixture is ready, make small lumps, which we place in ice molds, tamping well. The mixture should dry in the molds for 6 hours. That is, for greater effect, you can prepare everything in the evening and leave it to dry overnight. When the lumps are dry, you can put them in a glass container, transfer them to the toilet and use them for your health. At the same time, you can use effervescent bombs in different ways: you can simply throw them into the toilet, or you can place them in the flush tank, wait a minute and drain the water.

    Let's move on to the second recipe., which differs from the previous one in composition, which includes:
    1. soda – one glass;
    2. citric acid – a quarter cup;
    3. apple cider vinegar – half a teaspoon;
    4. hydrogen peroxide – one tablespoon;
    5. essential oils – approximately 20 drops.

    First of all, we need to mix citric acid and soda. We take a small container in which we mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Add the second mixture to the first, doing this gradually and mixing thoroughly as you add. You should also add essential oils to the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly.

    We take a teaspoon, with which we take small parts of the mixture and place them on the parchment. We leave the resulting lumps to dry overnight, after which we use it.

    Let's look at the third recipe, which also differs from the previous ones in its composition. To make bombs according to this recipe, we will need:
    1. soda – one and three-quarters glasses;
    2. citric acid – one glass;
    3. corn starch - two glasses;
    4. food coloring;
    5. four types of essential oils – 10 drops each.

    First, we take soda, starch, citric acid and food coloring, which we mix thoroughly. After this, add essential oils to the resulting mixture and continue to thoroughly mix all components. Add a little water to the resulting mixture to moisten it, place in small portions into molds and leave to dry overnight.

    That's all the recipes for making homemade toilet bombs. These bombs can be an original gift for friends or parents. Also, if desired, you can leave the jar of bombs open, filling the toilet room with a pleasant and fresh aroma.

    A good housewife can do everything, even create something new and very useful from an ordinary set of products. The pleasant smell from the toilet creates the impression of comfort, so the problem of every housewife is maintaining cleanliness and order in it. Today I will teach you how to make your own scent bombs for the toilet.

    And here is the recipe itself (borrowed from Maria Sself). We will need:

    1. 1 and 1/3 cups baking soda

    2. 1/2 cup citric acid

    3. 30 drops lavender essential oil

    4. 30 drops of peppermint essential oil

    5. 30 drops lemon essential oil

    To create such wonderful bombs, you first need to make a base:

    1. Gently mix soda and citric acid. Then we add essential oils.

    2. Mix thoroughly

    3. Add water to the mixture, it is advisable to use a spray bottle, then you can control the humidity of the mixture. It should be easy to mold, with a consistency reminiscent of wet sand.

    4. Take cupcake or ice molds and compact our mixture into it, then leave it to dry for 6 hours.

    5. When the bombs are dry, they need to be put in a glass jar and can be used.

    It's very easy to use. You take a bomb, throw it in the toilet and that’s it, due to the alkaline components it will eat away the plaque, and the essential oils will create a delicious aura. As a result, you are provided with a clean toilet and fragrant air in the toilet room!

    We tend to spend a lot of personal time in the kitchen. So why not make our stay there more enjoyable and comfortable? We found it on Aliexpress useful things for the kitchen, which will definitely be of interest to everyone. And all of them cost no more than 200 rubles, so in addition it will not be expensive for your budget.

    Judging by the state of the toilet room in any house, you can immediately get an idea of ​​the degree of cleanliness of the owners of this house. So, the toilet should always be kept clean! And not in order to make a good impression on the guests, but, first of all, for reasons of hygiene. And, sometimes solving the problem of cleanliness in the toilet can be very difficult. For example, if you haven’t spent enough time cleaning your toilet, the inside is often covered with stone, which can be difficult to remove. Although, of course, there are effective methods, including folk ones, for this (this is the method). Another problem for the toilet is the unpleasant odor that appears there for natural reasons, and with which you have to constantly fight. Which, in fact, is what we will do. And, we will remove this smell with the help of homemade bombs, which we will make from simple ingredients.

    How to make fragrant and effervescent toilet bombs?

    Of course, there are similar preparations on sale that also solve the odor problem quite well and freshen the toilet. But, if you don’t like them, or you want to go your own way and make such bombs yourself, then, I think, from these 3 recipes you will choose the simplest one. Or, in general, try all 3 options, to which I can add more Read.

    Option #1

    This recipe is the simplest, it only requires baking soda (1 cup + another 1/3 of a glass), citric acid (a little more - half a glass) and essential oils. You need to choose oils that have a fairly stable odor, plus a sufficient antibacterial effect. As an example, I can recommend you 3 oils with the following characteristics: tea tree, lemon and lavender. If you don’t have your own option, then you can take them. We will need 30 grams of all 3 oils.

    First, mix soda with citric acid, and drop 3 oils into this mixture at once. After mixing the mixture, it will need to be slightly moistened so that we can make bombs from it. When adding water, you need to be careful not to over-wet the mixture. To do this, water must be added using a spray bottle. Sprinkle a little water, mix and try to see if the mixture sticks together. The main thing is not to pour too much water, otherwise you will spoil the mixture, and the soda will react with citric acid ahead of time.

    When the mixture is molded, compact it into molds (suitable, for example, for ice) and into the refrigerator for about 6 hours. During this time, the bombs will dry out and take their final shape. You can put them in a glass jar (don’t forget to close it with a lid) and put them on the shelf in the toilet.

    There are two options for using these bombs: throwing them directly into the toilet, or placing them in the tank. It seems to me that the 2nd option is better. After all, with a single rinse, not all of the aromatic substance will immediately come out of the tank, which means that such a bomb will be enough for you for several rinses.

    Option No. 2

    This recipe is similar in principle to the previous one, only it contains additional components. We will add vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to the mixture, which will allow us to enhance the cleansing and disinfecting effect of our fragrant balls.

    So, again mix citric acid (4th part of a glass) with soda (you will need a whole glass). Next, take another container (very small), and in it mix vinegar (half a teaspoon is enough) with hydrogen peroxide (a tablespoon). Next, slowly, in small drops, add this mixture to the base itself. At the same time, carefully drop it over the entire volume of the main mixture and mix it immediately. Then, add drops of 15-20 essential oils, and after mixing, place the resulting mass on a sheet of parchment paper. You can do this with a teaspoon. Our bombs will dry out in about 4 hours, after which they are completely ready for use.

    Option #3

    Here, everything is almost the same, except for the cornstarch. We will use this component to better hold together all the components of the recipe.

    First, mix the main components, that is, soda (a full glass and another ¾ of it), corn starch (add 2 glasses), any food coloring (whichever you like), plus citric acid (1 glass will be enough). Next, add essential oils here. You can take 3-4 types of such oils, and add 5-10 drops of each type. Now, add water to moisten this almost dry mass. Again, we use a spray bottle for this. This composition should dry in molds for 2 hours.

    All of these recipes work great not only when flushing the toilet. You can always keep a couple of these bombs somewhere in the toilet (on a shelf, for example) so that your toilet is always filled with a pleasant aroma. And, if you have a dacha, and there is a toilet on the street, then you can remove the unpleasant smell in such a toilet very simply. Here

    Oh, here's a video version of one of these toilet bomb scent bomb recipes. Let's see.

    And one more video recipe. Here the technology for preparing the product is a little more complicated. Look too.

    P.S. If the article was useful to you, please share it with your friends on social networks. I will be very grateful to you for this.