At what height should you hang a coat rack in the hallway? Hanger in the hallway for furniture, clothes and for decoration Height of hooks in the hallway from the floor

Ecology of consumption. After reading this article, you will draw your own ideal closet with your own hands. And when ordering, you will communicate with the seller in the same language

After reading this article, you will draw your own ideal closet with your own hands. And when ordering, you will communicate with the seller in the same language

The work of planning the interior space of a cabinet is often compared to ordering a kitchen set. Yes, the surveyor will help you with an engineering solution and offer design options. But he will not be able to decide for you whether it is more convenient for you to have two hangers and shelves or to prefer one rod and baskets.

In order for a built-in wardrobe to cause you not sighs, but delights, you need to think carefully about the internal layout: distribute departments and sections, plan shelves and hangers, drawers and organizers. At the same time we will find out how many hats, trousers and boots we have.

What size can you make a closet?

Of course, when making calculations, you will proceed, first of all, from the size of the room or part of the space (say, a corridor or hallway) that you decided to allocate for a built-in closet. However, there are several significant aspects that need to be taken into account.

The standard depth of a wardrobe with hinged doors is 60 cm. This is how much is needed for hangers with clothes to fit freely on a regular longitudinal rod: for a convenient arrangement of outerwear, at least 55 cm is required, for light clothing - 5 cm less. If it is a closet with sliding doors, it is better to add another 10 cm - this is how much the “compartment” design will “eat”.

The minimum width of the closet is not regulated, but there is no point in making it less than 40 cm - otherwise boxes with shoes will not fit. In a cabinet with a depth of less than 50 cm, you will have to replace the longitudinal rod with end rods. Calculate their number correctly: on average, 8 hangers are placed on a 40-centimeter end rod.

Theoretically, the height of the built-in wardrobe can be any. But there are nuances. If you order the most popular wardrobe with a chipboard frame, you will be limited to the maximum slab height - 278 cm. For typical apartments this is usually enough. If you need a higher cabinet, you can simply build a mezzanine above it. The main section of the cabinet and the mezzanine are separated by a horizontal ceiling partition, which serves as a connecting element.

The maximum height of sliding doors is 4 m: this is the length of the profiles in popular designs. But if you want chipboard doors higher than 278 cm, you will have to use decorative partitions. Or choose another, more expensive material.

The length of the cabinet can be any. If it has a planned floor or ceiling, then you need to take into account the limited length (height) of the slab - the same 278 cm for chipboard. This obstacle is easily overcome: the master places a vertical wall and attaches the next slab to it - and so on ad infinitum. In addition, most often a closet can make do with the floor and ceiling of the apartment: in this case, its own structural elements are not used.

The maximum length of the guide for sliding doors is 4-5 m. It is not recommended to join them, since the rollers wear out the most at the joints. The alternative is the same wall-column, which actually splits your closet into two. It will still look like a monolith - what's the difference?

In the case of sliding doors, there are restrictions on the minimum length of the cabinet - 1 m. Doors (and there must be at least two of them) are not made less than 50 cm wide, otherwise they will fall out of the guides.

Door width
But what if, on the contrary, you want a wider door? However, experts do not advise making sliding doors wider than 120 cm - otherwise they will begin to destroy the roller system. The optimal width is considered to be 60-80 cm.

The most harmonious proportions of the height and width of the door are 1:5. Facades of this size are most convenient to use and do not warp.

Another important rule: the width of the door should be matched to the width of the section. No matter how wide you open the doors, “dead zones” still form in the closet that are never open. If there is a drawer in such an area, it simply will not pull out. An exception is a four-door cabinet: you can plan the doors in it so that two sections open at once in the center.

Hinged doors are usually made 60 cm wide. A wider door will be too heavy and the hinges may not support it.

How to plan the interior space of a closet?

Decide what will go on the shelf or in baskets (knitwear) and what will hang (pants, jackets). And how many things do you have in each category?

Decide on the price: the internal filling of the cabinet can vary greatly in cost. Therefore, limit the budget you plan to meet in advance. An amount not exceeding 10% of the cost of the cabinet itself is considered rational. But ultimately, it's up to you to decide.

Longitudinal and end rods
Clothes hanging on hangers will take up the largest compartments. For women's clothing, we plan a box with a height of 150-160 cm. If long men's coats or raincoats will hang in the closet, set a height of 175 cm.

If you have a narrow closet with end rods, allow 60 cm of the width of the compartment on each hanger. They usually make only a few end hangers - 2-3 pieces.

Sometimes it’s worth making separate boxes with a bar for short items: skirts, trousers, shirts and blouses. They require a smaller height - 80-100 cm, which means they save space.
If men's trousers are hung without bending, allow 120 cm in height for them.

If you require a longitudinal rod length of more than 120 cm, provide a vertical support rod in the middle. It is positioned between the upper and lower partitions and is connected to the horizontal rod with a special coupling. This is necessary so that the longitudinal rod does not bend under the weight of things. If heavy things - fur coats, coats - will hang on hangers, the length of the bar without support should not exceed 100 cm.

Another important point: if the wardrobe is not built into a niche, but has side walls, do not plan a compartment with a rod immediately behind the outer wall. Make better ordinary horizontal shelves there. Sliding doors, rolling back and forth, push the side wall, creating an impact load. Horizontal shelves located close to the side plate will connect it with the rest of the supporting structures of the cabinet. One barbell will not provide such a strong connection.

Barbell with lift
A lift is a special device that allows you to lower and raise a barbell (as in the photo). Such designs are quite expensive, but are indispensable in tall cabinets when you have to use space right under the ceiling. The elevator will lower jackets and skirts directly into your hands, and then again remove the bar with things to an unattainable height.

Built-in wardrobes are ordered not only for clothes. On open shelves you can store almost everything (except for what needs to be hung): bed linen and knitwear, books and dishes. For clothes, you can use long shelves (80-120 cm), and for heavy books and dishes, the length of the shelf should not exceed 80 cm. A convenient distance between shelves is at least 40 cm.
If you are making a shelf longer than 80 cm, provide a vertical partition underneath it as additional support. Otherwise, the shelf may bend during use.

On the shelves they mainly store a variety of knitwear - it can stretch out on hangers. In addition, the shelves are suitable for storing neatly folded jeans, bags, jewelry boxes, and hats. So make more shelves - they will all come in handy.

Special shelves
Wide shelves are designed at the top of the closet for blankets, rugs and bed linen. In addition, it would be nice to provide compartments for sports equipment. Think about what exactly you will store there. Four pairs of roller skates? Tennis rocket? Yoga mat? It is better to measure especially large devices in advance. At this moment you understand the advantage of a chess player over a bodybuilder.
In addition, at the very top there is usually a large long shelf for suitcases, bags and travel equipment. Height - 45-50 cm.

How to keep your shelves tidy

Clothes can slide off shallow shelves, but on long shelves they quickly turn into a shapeless heap. To prevent this from happening, make small shelves with a side or divide a long rack into separate square cells: this way, each stack of clothes will have its own cell. Maintaining order will become much easier.
Another way to organize the contents of open shelves is to put everything in boxes.

Roll-out shelves
Roll-out shelves are more convenient than fixed ones - they make it easy to find and get what you need. And the distance between them may be less than between ordinary ones. True, convenience does not come cheap. Roll-out shelves make sense only in a strict space-saving mode.

Drawers are also much more convenient than their stationary counterparts - they allow you to easily view the contents. And besides, they save cabinet space: the height of a standard drawer is 20-25 cm, the shelves are 35-40 cm. The drawers better protect the contents from dust. They have one downside - they are expensive, so it makes sense to use them locally: for all sorts of small things that are inconvenient or impractical to store on shelves: hats, gloves, scarves and other accessories. For stockings, socks and underwear, shallow drawers are used - about 12 cm high.

The most convenient drawer models are those with a transparent front wall. They allow you to see the contents of the drawer without pulling it out.

When designing a drawer and calculating its width, be sure to take into account the width of hinges on swing doors and door joints in wardrobes. If the drawer is made to the full width to the maximum, it may simply not slide out.

Handles inside
Handles for drawers in a cramped wardrobe are a frivolous waste of space. Even the most modest hinge will eat 1-2 cm of the closet that you fought so hard to win from the room. Therefore, it is better to choose drawers with recesses in the front panel.

Drawer dividers and organizers help prevent chaos. They can be built into the box, or they can be sold separately from it. If you hate piled-up laundry, it’s better to invest in this additional option and enjoy putting your socks into bins. Like solitaire.

Wardrobe in a closet
Particularly valuable and delicate items are stored behind additional doors. This design allows you to further protect the contents from dust and other unfavorable factors. Doors, as a rule, are made of glass, but you can also make them solid - it’s even more economical.

How to store shoes?

Special inclined shoe shelves are a very convenient way to store shoes and boots. Alas, such shelves are not very spacious. It is more rational to divide shoes into two parts: the one that is worn now, and the one that needs to be stored - seasonal, elegant, for special occasions. Leave what you need on the shelves, and put the rest in boxes and put them in the far corners of the closet.
Shoe shelves are usually designed at the bottom of the closet. Their standard length is 80-100 cm.

If shoes and bags play an important role in your life, you can allocate each item a separate place in the closet. Of course, such an exhibition would be inappropriate in a living room or dining room, but in a dressing room or hallway it would be completely appropriate.

Fans of order can put their ties in a closet drawer. Beautiful, economical and convenient to choose. But are you sure that you will roll them up and put them in place every time?

How to store jewelry?

Special equipment exists in cabinets for storing jewelry. If your closet is also a dressing table, think about how much and what kind of jewelry you will store here. Boxes with tangled chains are a thing of the past - now jewelry is conveniently hung individually to make it easy to choose what you need. Small pull-out trays with organizers will help you organize rings, earrings and bracelets - conveniently and beautifully, just like on display.


The most popular way to place a mirror in a closet is to make mirrored doors. You can cover the closet with mirrors completely or partially. It is ergonomic: the mirror does not take up additional space, and reflective surfaces add shine, light and volume to the interior.

If you are not a fan of large mirror surfaces in the interior (indeed, they do not add coziness) - mirror the inner surfaces of the doors. True, this method is only suitable for swing structures. Two open doors with mirrors inside will provide the effect of a dressing table: you can see yourself both in front and behind.

The original solution is a retractable mirror. It allows you to see yourself in a different light than what is on the door. Such a mirror is convenient when the closet is in a narrow passage, and there is simply no room to look at yourself in the door.
Another advantage of a retractable mirror is that you won’t have to constantly wipe off fingerprints (especially small ones).


This element of the built-in wardrobe is useful if you have an uneven floor - which means there may be problems with doors mounted to the very bottom. Coupe doors will slide downhill, and you won’t be able to install a guide on bumps. Swinging doors can also warp, in addition, there will be unsightly gaps between the door and the floor. The plinth allows you to level the lower level of the cabinet, eliminating these problems.


Additional lighting of the closet is effective, practical, but not at all necessary. Using lighting, you can make open shelves more interesting and the space behind glass doors more mysterious. After all, illuminated shelves make it easier to find what you need.

Mounting lighting inside sections makes sense if you have open shelves and want a beautiful decorative effect. Lighting hidden inside one shelf will not reach another compartment. If you want to illuminate the contents of the closet so as not to rummage through things in the dark, install lamps in the canopy. Don't forget to leave a gap between the canopy and the top border of the swing doors so they don't get caught. The transformer for built-in lamps is usually installed on the roof of the cabinet.

It is not necessary to hide the contents of the sections behind large monolithic doors. Each section and block can have its own separate doors. In this case, the drawers will become part of the facade. You will get quick access to things, and the front will look more interesting - if, of course, you have planned the design aesthetically. Shelves and drawers hidden behind large doors can be arranged based solely on logic rather than aesthetics. Well, besides, solid facades will cost less.

Closet with a secret

You can arrange a whole secretory behind the doors of the built-in closet. Drawers for papers and letters, shelves for collections of coins and cigars, a pull-out table for a laptop. It’s difficult to find this in standard configurations, but it’s easy to make it to order.

If desired, the built-in wardrobe can have a built-in safe, or maybe a refrigerator for cosmetics or holders for watches with a charging function.

How can you reduce the cost of a built-in wardrobe?

Reducing the price of a cabinet is, of course, a way of compromises, but not all of them will be painful for you.
So what can you give up? If you are planning a wardrobe, replace the expensive aluminum system with a cheap steel one. It is, of course, less reliable, but if you do not look too far ahead, it will do just fine. The service life of an aluminum system is 20 years, for a steel system it is on average 5-7. Well, the steel one is noisier.

Another saving resource is the number and design of doors. If you replace narrow doors with fewer wide ones, it will be cheaper. In some places you can abandon doors altogether - make a combined façade with open shelves or install hinged doors instead of compartment doors.

You can reduce the cost of a cabinet by using the materials used. Instead of the expensive chipboard that goes on the facade, use a thinner white board inside. If you plan the shelves correctly, their load-bearing capacity will not deteriorate.

Full-extension drawers are convenient, but quite expensive. You can replace ball bearing guides with roller guides. Yes, the drawers will not slide as smoothly and they will not be able to be pulled out completely, but this is not always important. Or give up drawers in favor of regular shelves.

You can even save on shelf fastenings. Instead of invisible eccentrics that pull shelves and sides together, use regular corners. In essence, there are no inconveniences from them - on the contrary: if you want, you can rearrange the shelves differently.

The only case when it is impossible to refuse eccentrics is when the shelves serve as stiffening ribs that hold the cabinet structure, for example, in the outer section with an open, non-built-in side panel. published

Just as a theater begins with a coat rack, so an apartment begins with a passerby. It is important to fill the hallway with accessories and objects, thanks to which not a single little thing will be lost, everything will be at hand.

The hallway in the house can be large or very small. Regardless of size, it must have hangers and a shelf for hats.

A hat rack is often part of standard hallway wall hangings. But you can also use a regular hanging shelf. Better - glass or metal with perforation (so that the contents can be seen from below).

Hooks. The raincoat and coat that you wear all the time are not always convenient to keep in your closet. After rain or snow, for example, wet clothes should not be hung in the closet. It’s good if the house has hangers for the hallway. What if there is no room even for them? Hooks will come to the rescue. The optimal height for their location is 1.25 m. But the height of those living in the apartment should be taken into account. If you have children, it is better to place hooks on the wall in two rows: the top one will be for adult things, the bottom one will be for children's jackets. Choose clothes hangers taking into account the weight of a wet coat or fur coat.

Wet clothes can stain the walls, so you need to take care of the wall screen (for example, plastic panels).

A must have in the hallway. Before leaving the house, it is useful to take a look at yourself - is everything okay?

A regular door hook next to the front door seems like a small thing, but how convenient it is to hang your bag while you get dressed. The hook can be used to place the leash and collar of a dog brought back from a walk.

Ottomans for the hallway are convenient to use not only for sitting, but also for storing small items. For example, accessories for caring for things: sponges for shoes, creams and sprays for caring for outerwear. When choosing for the hallway, it is worth remembering that their optimal height corresponds to the height of the sofa.

A closet or shelf for shoes is a mandatory attribute of the hallway. Plastic containers or cardboard boxes with a lid are also useful for storing special shoes: rubber boots in case of rain, sports shoes. They can be used to store slippers (especially spare pairs for guests).

Shelf or wall cabinet for gloves and other small items.

A key holder is also needed in the hallway. This could be a small panel with hooks for key rings. Finding a place for her is quite difficult. It’s better to do it in front of the door, then the keys won’t get lost. But if there are often visitors to the house or friends constantly come to see the child, it is safer to hang the keys in an inconspicuous place: under a shelf for small items, on the inside of the closet door. It is more convenient to use a product with curved hooks - the bunch of keys will not slip off them.

A clothes hanger is not only a unique device, but also a stylish decorative element that can give your hallway some individuality and specialness.

Currently, there is a huge number of different design solutions: from simple classic to the most extraordinary.

Main selection criteria

First of all, when choosing the most optimal option for hangers in the hallway, you should take into account several important details:

  • material of manufacture;
  • stylistic decision;
  • design features;
  • amount of free space;
  • presence of originality and unusualness.

By taking into account all these details, you can choose the most convenient and functional hanger option for your hallway.

Pay attention to the material

Both natural and artificial materials can be used for production. Wood and metal are considered the most popular and time-tested; they are shown in the photo of the hallway hanger.

Let's look at each of the varieties in a little more detail.

Wooden. Wooden hangers in the hallway are an excellent solution for creating numerous styles.

Metal. In this case, preference is given to floor structures with hooks in several rows. In addition, there are also wall hangers for the hallway, the types of which are determined depending on the total number of hooks. This option is also distinguished by a variety of color options.

The laminated chipboard version is no less popular. But, despite the final choice of clothes hanger for the hallway, the main thing is that it is as reliable as possible.

Design choice and main advantages

There are a huge number of model varieties, and designers are not going to stop there.

All varieties have their own individual characteristics and advantages, especially wall-mounted options: compactness and ease of location.

Among the variety of varieties there are:

  • with hooks in one row;
  • with fittings in several rows;
  • with additional storage space;
  • with a crossbar;
  • with the presence of an upper shelf.

Floor hangers in the hallway deserve special attention. Their location can be not only in the corner part, but also along any wall.

The most common type is a crossbar on special racks. This option requires additions in the form of hangers.

The combined version, for example, a hanger with a cabinet, is particularly functional.

If desired, you can install a closet; in this case, the hangers in the hallway are located directly in it, but this option is relatively large and requires a lot of free space.

In the case of using continuous structures (mounted to the wall), it is important to remember that this type involves a large load and is not suitable for those rooms that have suspended or suspended ceilings.

Hanger in the hallway

The most important thing to pay special attention to is the size of the room. If you have a small area, it is better to use compact options for further ease of use.

To save space intelligently, it is better to purchase a corner hanger for the hallway.

Built-in varieties of forged hangers in the hallway are no less popular. Moreover, this model makes it possible not only to install the hanger itself, but also a built-in wardrobe, characterized by increased capacity and excellent fit into any interior solution.

In modern apartments you can find small storage rooms; they are located directly in the hallway. This option is very often used to create a small dressing room, and the standard door can be replaced with a special sliding system or a metal hanger in the hallway.

In houses with large free space and a non-standard layout, you can install a complex structure that includes a mirror, lighting, a cabinet with a hanger in the hallway or a banquette.

As for manufacturing materials, we already mentioned this at the beginning of the article. In this case, it is worth recalling the possibility of combining several varieties.

Also, do not forget that using a ready-made option, for example, from Ikea, a hanger in the hallway in this case can satisfy any customer needs.

You can also create a custom model by preparing a sketch of the model in advance. Wooden hangers for the hallway.

Photo of hangers in the hallway

It would seem that what could be simpler and more inconspicuous than a hanger in the hallway. But an interesting detail can either successfully fit into the concept of the room or even change it. And sometimes the monochrome decoration of the hallway needs some small bright accent, and why not choose such original hangers. In short, there is something to think about.

There is always a place for humor in the interior. Just as they once zealously fought against philistinism, today uniformity and the absence of any individuality in home design are despicable. And how we admire today the owners who know how to be attentive to every little detail in the appearance of their home.

Think about how to make an interesting clothes hanger yourself. The item that will form the basis of the future hanger can be anything. The main thing is to successfully decorate and present it.

Examples of original hangers:

  • Belt with hooks. An old thick leather belt can be made shiny, nailed to the wall, and equipped with coat hooks. Some people even perpetuate a family heirloom – a father’s or army belt.
  • Decorative branch. Find a beautiful branch, paint it the color you want, varnish it, or simply do something to highlight its natural beauty. Attach it to the wall and equip it with special hooks on which you can hang clothes.
  • Wooden fence hanger. You can make a decorative fence by painting it the desired color. Looks nice in a spacious, bright hallway.
  • Hat with hooks. A wooden blank in the form of a hat, with hooks nailed to the bottom, will lift your spirits and be a cute accessory for the hallway.

As you understand, hooks can be nailed to anything - whatever you want to see every day can become the basis of a hanger. Perhaps you don’t want to say goodbye to some item that has already outlived its usefulness; it can be restored and made into a creative hanger. Someone did this even with their first tape recorder, and with the built-in lighting in the evenings you can enjoy the play of lights.

One fashionable idea: how to make a hanger for the hallway with your own hands

A well-finished board will be a suitable base for a hanger. You can even use a piece of clapboard. If you want the hanger to be wide, you can find material of non-standard sizes in a building materials store. Just don’t take birch wood, it’s fragile. But ash and oak, as well as other heavy wood species, are suitable.

In order to make a simple but fashionable hanger, you need:

  • Hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • Blowtorch;
  • A piece of board;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Awl;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hooks.

Determine how long the hanger should be. Accordingly, cut the board to the required size. If you use clapboard, the width of the hanger will be equal to two or three boards. Join the pieces of board together; you can use a jigsaw to make rounded edges and even wavy lines.

After the preparatory work, the edges need to be sanded and sanded. You can burn the boards with a blowtorch. If you don’t have a blowtorch, do it over a gas burner. Just follow all precautions.

You need to install hooks on the surface of the board - in one row with a step of 15 cm. If the board is wide, there may be two rows of hooks on it. Then they are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Shiny gold-look hooks look good with wood.

Instructions: how to hang a hanger in the hallway

A standard scheme was proposed above, which can be changed at your discretion. Paint, decorate the workpiece using decoupage, paint, etc. You can take rough boards and not specifically treat them, but on the contrary, make them deliberately rough. It depends on what kind of interior the hanger is made into.

There are two ways to attach a hanger:

  • Mounted. On the reverse side of the workpiece you attach the so-called ears. These are tin or thin metal strips that are rounded at the top. Holes are drilled in them to secure the hanger with long screws into dowels. A long dowel with a screw will hold the hanger more securely.
  • The "through and through" method. This means you can secure the hanger by drilling holes all the way through the board. Exactly how many holes need to be made depends on the width and length of the base, and also on the expected load. This method is considered more reliable.

By the way, the hanger will be more spacious if triple hooks are used. A treble hook is a hook with one curled hook and two short hooks. These hooks are also more attractive.

How to correctly: at what height to hang a hanger in the hallway

Here the answer couldn’t be simpler - so that both children and adults can comfortably reach the hanger. At the same time, coats should not “sweep” the floor. This means that the optimal height for installing the hanger will be 150-160 cm from the floor.

Sometimes a separate hanger is made especially for children so that they do not pull jackets and coats off the main one by the hem. Naturally, a children's hanger can look more fun than the main one. Or, as an option, a two-story standing hanger. Children will hang their jackets on the bottom one.

Making a hanger for the hallway with your own hands (video)

Even if it’s small, even if it’s not the most noticeable piece of furniture, sometimes a hanger complements the look of the entire hallway. Serves as the finishing touch. So here too you should try and not change your taste.

One of the convenient ways to store clothes is a floor hanger. You can put it at the entrance and leave your outerwear there. Other models are more suitable for bedrooms, dressing rooms, and children's rooms.

Types of floor hangers and their location

Some types of floor hangers are placed in certain rooms. For example, hangers for outerwear are placed in the hallway near the door. This is convenient: you can immediately get rid of clothes. A floor hanger with hangers is more versatile. Such products can be placed in the hallway, in the dressing room, even in the nursery or bedroom. They accommodate a large amount of clothing and can replace a wardrobe.

Standing hangers for suits, shirts and trousers are most often “registered” in bedrooms or children’s rooms (if the child is a schoolchild). This is where we usually dress before leaving the house. Hanging chairs are also placed there. This is, in fact, one of the options for costume hangers. The legs and supports simply took the shape of the seat.

What materials are they made from?

A floor hanger is most often made of metal or wood. Both of these materials are strong, ductile, durable and relatively inexpensive. Some parts - plugs, parts of hooks - can be made of plastic.

Most often you can see floor hangers made of metal and wood

Plastic inserts are more often found on lower cost metal hangers. If the elements of the supporting structure are not made of plastic, this is not bad and you can buy such floor hangers without hesitation. If the elements of the supporting structure are made of plastic, it is better to look for another model.

Metal hangers

The largest selection of metal floor hangers. They are usually made from thin-walled round or square pipes. The metal used most often is black, coated with a protective coating. This can be paint (most often powder coating), nickel plating, chrome plating. In recent years, a new protective coating has appeared - plastic film (PVA). This is also a good option, since the film is impermeable to moisture and air. Such products are easy to care for, since the surface is smooth and without pores.

If the floor hanger will be used to place heavy winter clothes, when choosing, pay attention to the thickness of the metal. The minimum in this case is 1 mm. If the thickness of the pipe wall is not indicated in the product description, most likely the wall is very thin and suitable for light clothing. Indirect signs that will confirm your guesses are the weight of the product and the price.


Wooden hangers can be carved from solid wood, or they can be prefabricated. The first option is much more expensive. Prefabricated ones are 2-3 times cheaper, but do not differ too much in appearance. The presence of joints in products of normal quality is hardly noticeable, so if you have a limited budget, it is quite possible to purchase economy class products.

Wooden floor hangers are well sanded and covered with a protective coating. Usually varnish or oil is used. The varnish creates a protective film on the surface, making it easy to care for such products. Wood oils do not create a protective film, but they protect no worse. When treated with oil, the structure of the wood is clearly visible - all the fibers, the pattern.

Standing clothes hangers in the hallway

Floor hangers for outerwear in the hallway most often consist of a rod on which hooks for clothes of different lengths and shapes are mounted in a circular pattern at different heights. For stability, the structure is equipped with a round (rarely square) weighted base. They can be made of wood or metal.

The height of the floor stand is 150 cm and above, and the base is a circle with a diameter of 35-45 cm. In order for the hanger to be stable, you need to pay attention to the fact that the lower part is weighted. And all the same, such designs require careful attention: clothes must be hung evenly. Otherwise the hanger may fall.

There are floor hangers for outerwear of this type, but made differently. Several pipes or metal strips are bent with a certain radius. In this case, the upper part is smaller than the lower part. This design is more stable, but requires more space, which is not always possible in a small hallway.

Racks for clothes hangers

A hanger rack for clothes on hangers is a convenient thing if there is not enough space in the closets. They consist of a rectangular base, one or two cross-bar pipes, on which hangers with clothes are hung.

Rack hangers are made of metal and wood. There are metal ones made from pipes, and there are forged ones. Some models of metal clothing racks have adjustable heights. For long clothes, their stand can be raised higher. The maximum height is 150 cm. For short clothes, you can place it at a height of 80-90 cm. This is the minimum height, and there are also intermediate positions.

In some cases, a floor hanger on wheels is useful. It is easy to move from place to place without removing the hanging clothes. There are children's models of floor hangers of this type. They differ only in height and more “cheerful” colors. Children's floor hangers can also be made of plastic. Children's clothing does not weigh that much, so the strength of plastic is more than enough. And in terms of price, plastic floor hangers are the most inexpensive.

Folding models - a solution for entertaining guests

For those who receive large numbers of guests, it can be problematic to place their outerwear. For such cases, there is a folding rack for hangers for outerwear. When folded, it takes up very little space and can be stored in the pantry.

Floor hanger for suit

The problem of storing a business suit is easily solved by purchasing a special floor hanger. It is somewhat similar to racks, only with special hangers for a jacket and a crossbar for trousers.

There are suit stands made of wood, metal and plastic. Plastic in this case is not bad: a large load is not expected, so the strength of modern plastics is more than enough.

If we talk about useful options, this is a shelf or a box. It is convenient to store business small items in it: glasses, cufflinks, wallet, car keys, etc.

Floor hangers for suits are usually placed in the bedroom, in the dressing room. It may be convenient to have such a device in your office. There are different models, you can choose them to suit any interior style. And some options look like designer jewelry themselves.

Hanger-chair and hanger-bedside table

There are quite unusual models of hangers. They are combined with pieces of furniture. For example, there is a hanger-chair. The models are different: with a hanger for a suit, just a hanger bar or with a rack for outerwear. For small apartments this is a very good option. It takes up the same amount of space as a regular chair or banquette, and also serves to store clothes.

Floor hanger with chair and bedside table - for full use of the hallway space

Another option: a bedside table with a hanger. The bottom half of this floor rack is much heavier than the top half, so it won't tip over if you hang a couple of coats. The second advantage of such furniture is the optimal use of space. The problem with all floor hangers is that the bottom 50-60 cm remain unused. This is not the case with the bedside table hanger. This is another good way to rationally use space for small hallways.