Zamioculcas from a leaf step by step in a year. Reproduction of Zamioculcas at home: a detailed master class with photos

The dollar tree is undemanding in care and is decorative. Zamioculcas propagation at home is carried out in several ways and takes 2-6 months. Succulents should be propagated correctly, following basic agrotechnical recommendations.

How does Zamioculcas reproduce at home?

The culture is somewhat different in structure from other indoor plants. A leaf is a whole shoot emerging from an underground tuber. The latter is considered the stem. You can propagate an indoor flower in several ways, so in any circumstances it is easy to choose the most suitable one. It is recommended to combine the procedure with pruning or replanting, so as not to further injure the plant. The optimal time for the operation is spring, the beginning of active vegetation. It is recommended to protect your hands with gloves, since the succulent juice is poisonous and causes redness, burning and itching.

When growing a crop at home, Zamioculcas propagation is carried out:

  • cuttings;
  • planting an adult plant;
  • rooting of the leaf plate;
  • dividing the tuber;
  • sowing seeds.


This method is the simplest and does not require special skills. It is recommended to combine cuttings with pruning. To do this, cut the leaf at the base, divide it into several cuttings so that on each there remains a pair of leaf-shaped plates and small stumps on top and bottom. Dry the cut areas slightly in the open air.

It is advisable not to root in water; it is better to use growing in a substrate. Succulents rot when exposed to excess liquid.

Dividing the bush

The method is used in the spring, when it is time to replant an indoor flower. The plant is carefully removed from the pot, but if the usual transplantation procedure is carried out using the transshipment method, then in this case it is necessary to clear the roots from the soil. Seating should be done immediately in individual containers.

To do this, take a shoot from a dollar tree, carefully separating the intertwined roots. The tubers must remain intact - the less damage is caused, the easier it is for the young bushes to take root in a new place. Plant according to the usual rules in a loose nutrient substrate.

Growing from a leaf

This refers to the plates that are part of the main shoot-like leaf. The advantage of this method is that you can get a lot of planting material from one petiole. When Zamioculcas propagates by leaf, a tuber is first formed, then roots.

Dry the cut parts a little in the open air, treat them with a root formation stimulator, and only then place them for rooting in a damp mixture of peat and river sand. Propagation of a dollar tree with leaves can be carried out throughout the active growing season, but spring is a more acceptable time.


This method of propagating indoor zamioculcas is one of the most undesirable, since dividing the tuber can provoke its death. It is important that the plant is mature, well developed, with a height of 0.5 m. The optimal time for the operation is from mid-April to the end of September.

The dollar tree is freed from the pot and soil, the roots are cleared of the soil substrate. Take a sharp knife and cut it in a thin place so that the growth bud and root system remain on both parts. The cut areas should be immediately covered with crushed charcoal and left in the open air for a day. Next, plant in individual containers.

Seed method

Zamioculcas is rarely propagated by seeds, since planting material is difficult to find on sale, and when grown at home, the indoor flower does not always bloom. In addition, self-pollination is impossible, so the plant must be helped with a brush. When the seed pod ripens, collect the seeds and use them for their intended purpose.

To disinfect, rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate, then dry slightly, mix with river sand. Sow in a damp mixture of sand and peat. Build a mini-greenhouse on top, constantly maintain heat, avoid sudden temperature changes and drafts. Good lighting is required.

Water as needed, spraying the substrate with settled warm water from a spray bottle. Ventilate the greenhouse occasionally to remove accumulated condensation.

Shoots may appear only after a couple of months, after which it is necessary to thin out, leaving the shoots at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. After the formation of the first 2 leaves (after the cotyledons), it is allowed to transplant into individual cups.

Features of cuttings

A suitable shoot can be cut from a healthy plant aged 5-6 years. The branch should have a woody base. Growth stimulants and chemicals reduce the likelihood of rooting to zero, so a dollar tree recently purchased at a garden store will not work.

Step-by-step instructions for propagating Zamioculcas with a branch:

  1. Cut the stem with a sharp, disinfected knife into cuttings with 2 leaf blades. It is recommended to make lower cuts at a slight angle.
  2. Leave in the open air for several hours to dry. Treat the windward area with a root formation stimulator, which helps to root the cuttings faster.
  3. Fill general or individual containers with a drainage layer of 2-3 cm, then place special soil for cacti and succulents mixed with river sand. It is advisable to leave 3-4 cm free to the edges of the flower pot.
  4. Bury the prepared cuttings so that the place where the petiole joins the stem and part of the leaf blade are underground.
  5. Gently water with settled water at room temperature, being careful not to wash away the soil.
  6. Leave for rooting at a temperature of +22-25 °C, if possible, equip with bottom heating.
  7. Watering for the first time is allowed after 3-4 days, then periodically moisten, preventing the soil from completely drying out.
  8. After 7-8 weeks, a tuber should form. After this, the seedling should be transplanted to a permanent place of cultivation and provided with appropriate care.

How to grow Zamioculcas from a leaf

The only drawback of this method is the very slow development of the plant; only 2-3 leaves are formed per year. It is advisable to choose healthy planting material, without signs of infection, lack of nutrition or moisture. This is evidenced by the uniform coloring and healthy shine of the leaf.

A large leaf blade promotes rapid rooting and development of a new plant.

Step-by-step cultivation of Zamioculcas using this method:

  1. Obtain planting material during pruning or simply cut it from the shoot at an angle of 45° with a sharp, disinfected tool. It is advisable to leave a short petiole.
  2. Leave to dry for 2-3 hours in the open air.
  3. Sprinkle the cut area with crushed activated carbon. It can be replaced with a mixture of crushed chalk and biostimulant.
  4. Deepening to ⅓, plant in moist soil consisting of peat and sand (proportion 1:1). Be sure to add a drainage layer to the bottom of the container.
  5. You can create greenhouse conditions and maintain the temperature within +22-24 °C.
  6. Periodically moisten the soil and ventilate the greenhouse.
  7. Zamioculcas takes root from a leaf within 2-3 months. During this time, the leaf plate will dry out, but the formed tuber with roots will form new shoots.
  8. Transplant the grown seedling into an individual container and provide it with appropriate care.

Subtleties of bush division

The next time you plant zamioculcas in a new soil substrate, you can divide the bush into several parts. To propagate a dollar tree using this method, a mature, overgrown plant is required. The crop tolerates the procedure quite well if the root system is not damaged, especially the tuber.

Carefully remove the bush from the previous container and free the roots from the earthen lump. Take a shoot of zamioculcas (there may be several of them, depending on the age of the indoor flower). It is not necessary for the plant to have mature branches; one growth point on each detachable part is sufficient.

Leave in the air for a while. If it was not possible to carefully separate, cover the damaged areas with crushed charcoal. Next, plant the shoots in the usual way. The container must accommodate the root system, soil substrate and drainage layer. In this case, it is recommended to leave 2-3 cm to the edge so that overgrown roots do not push the soil out.

Purchase the soil mixture at a specialized gardening store or collect it from turf, leaf soil, coarse sand and peat. Water the planted zamioculcas and at first protect it from direct sunlight, drafts, and sudden temperature changes.

Growing from a tuber

This method of propagating a dollar tree is the most undesirable, since severe damage can destroy the plant before it has time to take root again. It is recommended to use only old, large bushes that have begun to lose their decorative properties. If the zamioculcas has only one tuber, it can be cut so that each part has roots and at least 1 growing point.

Only a correctly performed operation will ensure the receipt of 2 new copies, and not the death of the old one. The cutting area should be as small as possible. It must be covered with a thick layer of charcoal. It is also necessary to leave it in the open air for a day so that the tissue heals and the tubers do not rot.

Next, the bushes should be planted in the usual way. Avoid excessively wet substrate and exposure to unfavorable factors - drafts, sudden temperature changes, direct sunlight. The greatest danger is the threat of rotting due to constant waterlogging of the soil.

Caring for young plants

After the leaf plate or cutting has given roots, the seedling must be transplanted into a permanent container. A growing plant requires the creation of a favorable microclimate and proper care. Growing zamioculcas at home is quite simple, but some features should be taken into account. For example, after transplantation you cannot feed for 1-2 months.

Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature and only after the soil mixture has almost completely dried out, since the dollar tree is a succulent. Replanting is allowed no earlier than a year later, since after this procedure the crop requires acclimatization. A plant grown at home can produce only 2-3 leaves annually; their formation slows down during the flowering period.

It is allowed to feed zamioculcas no more than once a month with special fertilizers for cacti and succulents. In autumn and winter, fertilizing is prohibited, since at this time the dollar tree needs to be provided with a wintering period.

Pruning is not necessary; you only need to remove the peduncle after flowering, as well as shoots affected by infections or pests. Sometimes, to rejuvenate a bush, complete removal of the leaves is required.

Zamioculcas propagation at home is most often carried out vegetatively. Regardless of which part of the plant is used, planting material should be rooted in soil substrate, not water. Subsequent care for seedlings is similar to adult specimens.

It has long become familiar to every office and business center. The plant is planted, succumbing to the general assertion that it attracts foreign money, promises success in all financial matters and profit in serious projects. No matter what door you open to the institution, zamioculcas flaunts everywhere. The propagation of the succulent and its spread throughout all offices is observed at a rate of geometric progression.

And many people want to add a plant with a shining emerald crown to their home. To do this, it is not at all necessary to spend money to buy a ready-made flower in the store; you can root a small leaf by pinching off from a large adult flower, and grow the same miracle in your apartment. The main thing is to understand all the nuances of reproduction, choose a method that suits your own capabilities and... be patient, because rooting does not happen too quickly.

How does Zamioculcas reproduce at home?

A dollar tree can theoretically be grown from seeds, but in practice it turns out to be incredibly difficult, almost impossible, to obtain them. In indoor conditions, the plant rarely blooms and does not set seeds, unless you are lucky enough to purchase plants from foreign suppliers. Consequently, the vegetative method is the only way to obtain new zamioculcas plants.

Dollar tree from a leaf

Growing zamioculcas from a small leaf blade is a painstaking and time-consuming method, but it is good because planting material can be obtained most easily. It is enough to use a sharp blade or scalpel to cut off one or several lobes from the pinnate leaf along with the petiole - this is where the growth point is located. The cuttings are left to dry the cut for a couple of days, and then rooted in water or in a substrate.

If rooting occurs in water, add a powdered tablet of activated carbon to it to disinfect the liquid. The leaf blade is immersed a third or a quarter in water or placed on gauze spread on the bottom of a vessel with water. This method has its pros and cons:

  • on the one hand, you can see how the rooting process is going and whether rot has appeared at the cut site;
  • on the other hand, it is constantly necessary to add water, and if you miss the moment when it completely evaporates, you can lose the cutting.

Rooting zamioculcas in a substrate is better because it does not require constant monitoring of the presence of liquid in the vessel with the cuttings, but the process of root formation and their condition are not visible - in case of rotting, there is nothing to help the plant.

The leaf, dried for two days, is buried 1/3 in a container with a peat-sand mixture in a slightly inclined position and watered a little. Cover the top with glass or plastic film, periodically lift it to ventilate the cuttings and moisten them with a spray bottle. You can add a few drops of fertilizers or root formation stimulants to the irrigation liquid.

Growing zamioculcas from a leaf is a very long process and takes from 2 to 6–7 months. The stalk first forms a small swelling like a pea, whose external outline already resembles a miniature nodule, then it grows roots, and only then produces a tiny arrow with a curled leaf.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by a branch

Growing a succulent from a feathery branch is very similar to propagation by leaf, but it takes a much shorter period - one and a half to two months.

A healthy leaf is selected as a shoot and cut off with a sharp knife or blade. The cut on the remaining stump and the cut off part are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. A twig with small leaves can be rooted as a whole, but a fragment of it with one or two pairs of segments can also take root. The larger the shoot, the easier it takes root.

For rooting, the feathery branch is placed in water or buried directly in the peat-sand mixture. Activated carbon is added to the water and care is taken that the liquid in the vessel does not evaporate, leaving less than a quarter of the leafless part of the cutting immersed. The plant is planted in the ground only after a nodule and 2-3 roots at least 5 cm long have formed. Handle it very carefully, because the formed roots are fragile and easily break off.

If a branch is rooted in a peat-sand mixture, then cover it on top with cellophane or a glass jar, periodically ventilate and water it. The mini-greenhouse is removed when a barely noticeable arrow appears below at the base of the shoot with a new leaf wrapped in a reddish film. A new plant is replanted when the leaf has fully expanded, but is used as a fertile substrate for adult specimens.

Dividing the bush during transplantation

The fastest and least hassle method for obtaining a new dollar tree is to divide the bush into several parts during replanting.
On the eve of transplantation, the plant is well watered to make it easier to remove the succulent from the pot. Carefully release the roots from the ground and calmly untangle them, in no case tearing or cutting them. It is undesirable to cause unnecessary wounds to the root system. Then they determine where the bush can be separated so that 1–2 zamioculcas tubers and several feathery leaves remain on each division.

The sections are immediately treated with charcoal powder and left to dry for several hours so that after planting in a new substrate they do not become infected.

Some sources indicate the possibility of propagating zamioculcas by cutting the tuber. However, experienced gardeners do not advise taking risks, since very often both sections die - the cut tuber simply rots, leaving no chance for the above-ground part. It is better to wait until the plant forms several tubers and then divide the bush.

Growing from seeds

If you are lucky enough to get viable zamioculcas seeds, you can try this method of propagating a succulent. The seeds are laid out on the surface of a moist but not wet substrate for cacti or violets at a distance of 1.5-2.5 cm from each other. Lightly sprinkle soil on top.
Cover with film or glass and ventilate daily. Regularly moisten with a spray bottle, avoiding either overflowing or drying out the substrate.

Shoots appear in 2–3 months. When they form 2–4 true leaves, transplant them into separate flower containers.

Caring for rooting cuttings and seedlings

Bowls with rooting cuttings or crops are kept in a well-lit place with sunshine with a temperature of 20–22 degrees Celsius, at least 18 degrees above zero.

Very moderate is required, the plant is too susceptible to rotting of the tuber and root system, and young, barely formed roots and pea-shaped nodules are doubly vulnerable.

It is better to moisten the soil by spraying with a spray bottle. If watering is carried out in the usual way, it is advisable to water the shoots so that the stream of water is directed not at the plant, but closer to the walls of the vessel along their perimeter.

It is not necessary to spray the shoots, and many gardeners use fertilizers and rooting stimulants to help the cuttings and support the rooting process.

Possible problems during Zamioculcas breeding

The biggest nuisance encountered by the grower during the propagation of zamioculcas is the rotting of cuttings and barely formed roots and tubers, which occurs in conditions of high soil moisture.
Lack of lighting will affect the rooting process - the cuttings will “sit” in the substrate for a long time and without results, showing no signs of any dynamics.

Very often, flower growers are concerned with the question - why are Zamioculcas buried in rooting bowls? Such yellowing is a natural and inevitable process, because at first the leaf releases nutrients for the formation of a pea-nodule. Over time, the leaf stalk will turn completely yellow, then turn brown, dry out, and die completely. The same fate awaits the whole feathery branch that was used for rooting.

Zamiocúlkas can be purchased at almost any flower shop. Its price is quite high these days, so you can grow the flower at home yourself.

Watering is done after the top layer of soil has dried by spraying with settled water.

Mature leaf without roots

How to plant Zamioculcas without roots? The adult leaf is cut off, the lower leaves are removed from the stem, the base of the leaf is dried 2-3 hours, the cut sheet is sprinkled with activated carbon.

IMPORTANT! If planting material is planted without roots, the cuttings must be sprinkled with activated carbon in order to disinfect the plant.

The shoot is placed in soil (soil for succulents mixed with sand) on 1/3 from the base, the soil is pressed tightly against the base of the leaf.

In the case of planting Zamioculcas with an adult leaf, the process of emergence of tubers with roots (except for the option with a root already grown in water) is longer than in the case of planting with shoots (cuttings). Nodules appear through 2-3 months, new shoots within 6 months.


The answer to the question of how to plant Zamioculcas with leaves is presented below: Zamioculcas can be planted not only with an adult leaf, but also with leaves.

Leaves are cut diagonally from the plant leaf, dry the base, sprinkle the sections with activated carbon.

The planting material is ready. The leaves are planted in disposable cups or in a container for growing seedlings.

If the leaves are planted in soil mixed with sand, place them at the bottom of the container. drainage.

If planting is done in a sand-peat mixture, drainage is not needed. The leaves are immersed in the ground approximately 1/3 , at an angle to each other and tightly press the soil to the base.

The leaves can be placed under a glass jar to create a greenhouse effect; from time to time the jar should raise and ventilate the soil so as not to create excessive humidity, which the dollar tree does not like so much.

The container with the leaves is placed in a warm place no drafts. Watering is done after the soil has completely dried by spraying.

After a month, small nodules with roots form at the base of the leaves. After another 2 weeks, the leaves can be transplanted into a pot; they can be planted several pieces at once, this will allow you to grow a more lush plant.

The appearance of new leaves should be expected only after a year. The smaller the size of Zamioculcas planting material, the longer it takes for new leaves to appear.

Main - observe all necessary conditions. It is also necessary to remember that this plant is toxic and all procedures for planting and must be carried out with gloves.

Useful video

You can visually get an idea of ​​planting Zamioculcas leaves with nodules in the video:

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Zamioculcas is an ornamental plant, when grown, there will always be prosperity in the house. The flower is popularly called the dollar tree. Plant propagation occurs in various ways. The main thing is not to rush, as it will take more than one month for the roots to develop.

First, the dollar tree gains a tuber, and then grows green mass. Each branch grows from a tuber that increases in size.

Under what conditions does Zamioculcas reproduce?

For successful reproduction it is necessary to create suitable conditions. Let's consider each of the factors in more detail.


It is better to hold such events in the spring. This is the most suitable time of year for replanting and dividing indoor flowers.


Zamioculcas is a drought-resistant plant, so an apartment with central heating is suitable for its reproduction. Air humidity is 30-60%.


The plant is thermophilic. Its reproduction normally occurs at temperatures from +18 to +26°C.

Make sure they do not fall below +15°C. The dollar tree tolerates hot climates well. It is enough to simply spray the leaves with water, extend daylight hours and provide watering.

Soil for indoor flowers

The soil composition for indoor flowers can be prepared at home. Mix the following components in equal quantities:

  • leaf and turf lands;
  • peat;
  • sand.

There is a ready-made substrate for growing cacti or succulents on sale. It is also suitable for Zamioculcas. The soil composition should be loose, breathable and have a neutral pH. Provide drainage, the thickness of which is 1⁄4 of the pot.


Ceramic and plastic pots are suitable. The roots of the flower are developed, so the container should be spacious, but not very deep. Make holes in the bottom to prevent water from stagnating.

How to propagate a dollar tree

There are several methods of reproduction. Let's look at each in more detail.

How to propagate by leaf?

Reproduction occurs with a leaf taken from an adult crop. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Cut off the leaf and leave it for several hours to dry.
  2. Dip the cut area into the root formation stimulator - Kornevin.
  3. Transplant the planting material into the prepared soil mixture.
  4. After 3 days, water the soil and spray the leaves with water.
  5. All that remains is to wait for the roots to begin to form on the tuber. It takes 2-3 months.

Important! Zamioculcas is characterized by slow growth. New leaves can be seen after 6-7 months.

Reproduction in water

The essence of the method is to place a leaf or twig of an adult flower in water.

This is where the formation of a new root system will take place.

Dip the lower part of the planting material into the stimulator. Suitable for this:

  • Kornevin;
  • Zircon;
  • Heteroauxin.

Propagation by cuttings

This is the most popular breeding option for Zamioculcas. The shoots of an adult flower are used. Young leaves, due to their not fully formed leaf plate, are not suitable for propagation. In addition, they do not contain enough nutritional components, without which it will not be possible to grow a full-fledged crop from cuttings.

Important! Accepting the fact that cuttings do not always give positive results, you can transplant Zamioculcas cuttings directly into plastic containers without transferring them to a greenhouse.

Cuttings occur as follows:

  1. A branch of an adult flower with a well-developed plate is used.
  2. We separate the selected specimen into separate segments so that each has 2 opposite leaves.
  3. A cutting taken from the top of a leaf may have three leaves. After cutting, keep the planting material in the air for 2-3 hours. There is no need to rush to immediately send it into the ground. Due to increased humidity, cuttings may die.
  4. Dip the tips of the branches into a root formation stimulator - Zircon or Kornevin. This treatment protects against diseases.
  5. Prepare a universal substrate for replanting. It must contain vermiculite. This substance makes the soil loose. To quickly root the planting material, the pot can be transferred to a microgreenhouse, the top of which can be covered with polyethylene.
  6. Perform the first irrigation after 2-3 days. A sprayer is used for this. After 1-2 months, large tubers with roots form on the branches. After 5-6 months, the first leaves appear.

Step-by-step photos of planting cuttings

Dividing a bush or tuber

This propagation option is suitable for planned crop transplantation. Divide the plant into separate segments and form new bushes.

Dividing the tuber is the easiest way to propagate a dollar tree. You just need to separate it into separate parts.

But maximum accuracy will not hurt here, since It is important not to damage the root tuber. When the plant has been divided, leave all its parts in the air for 2-3 hours. Sprinkle the sections with activated carbon. The first moisturizing should be done only after 3 days. Moisten not only the soil, but also the leaves.

Propagation by small leaves

For propagation, it is necessary to prepare small leaves obtained from a large leaf of the crop.

Before the procedure, place the planting material in the air.

Leave for 2-3 hours to allow the cut area to dry. Place the cut leaf in the solution to stimulate root formation.

These include Zircon, Kornevin, activated carbon. You can get a universal composition if you take modern products and add coal to them.

The rooting process is carried out as follows:

  1. Place the lower part of the planting material in a moist substrate made from sand and peat.
  2. Cover the container with film on top to obtain a greenhouse effect.
  3. Before the first shoots form, remove the covering material every day for ventilation.

Breeding Zamioculcas can occur without a greenhouse:

  1. To root planting material, a universal soil mixture is suitable, which can be purchased at a specialty store. You need to choose a composition suitable for growing succulents.
  2. 2-3 days after planting, water the leaves and soil using the spraying method.
  3. After 30 days, small tubers form at the cut site. They will begin to grow actively and white roots will form.

Possible mistakes

  • The most common mistake that leads to plant damage and death is excessive irrigation.
  • The dollar tree also lacks sunlight.
  • Planting a culture by dividing a tuber should only be done by a person with certain experience. If all the work is done incorrectly, you can ruin the mother plant and not get new shoots.

Caring for sprouts at home

Growing young zamioculcas sprouts is not difficult. To do this, provide irrigation, fertilize and fight pests and diseases.


When moisturizing, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Excess moisture for sprouts growing in partial shade can cause their death. The tuber of the money tree begins to rot, making it impossible to save the crop.
  2. At the stage of active growth of an ornamental crop, watering should be done as the top layer of soil dries. There should be no water in the pan. In winter, irrigate plants only after the soil has completely dried out.
  3. Periodically spray the green part of the leaf.
  4. With prolonged drought, the leaves of the plant begin to actively fall off. But the tuber remains, so it is still possible to bring the dollar tree back to life. Just water the soil generously, and after a while the flower will sprout new shoots.
  5. Wipe the leaves of Zamioculcas periodically with a damp cloth. This is not only excellent hygiene, but also an opportunity to improve the appearance of ornamental crops.


Apply fertilizer only during the growing season. In spring and summer, use fertilizer 2 times a month. Preparations intended for cacti or succulents are suitable.

Diseases and pests

Zamioculcas is extremely rarely affected by diseases and pests.

This occurs mainly due to improper care, or more precisely, due to heavy watering. This causes the roots to rot.

The plant must be separated from the rotten root system, and the cooled part must be sprinkled with coal powder.

When yellow leaves appear, this indicates the presence of a disease. Remove affected parts of the plant until green ones begin to grow back. The following reasons can affect the yellowing of leaves:

  • sudden temperature changes;
  • drafts;
  • inadequate watering;
  • pest damage.

The following pests can affect Zamioculcas:

Zamioculcas is a popular indoor plant that can decorate any interior. Its propagation can be carried out in different ways, and each of them has its own characteristics. Despite its unpretentiousness, the plant needs full care, otherwise it will not be possible to get a real money tree from the sprout.

Useful video

Find out more about Zamioculcas reproduction from the video below:

In contact with

This plant was given to me by a banker friend back in the distant pre-crisis times, when she found out that I was saving for an apartment. In her opinion, Zamioculcas (aka dollar tree) was supposed to help in this difficult matter.

And this had to happen - after this miracle turned green on my windowsill, I finally got my own home (with a mortgage, but still). Having learned about this, many girlfriends and even friends began to ask for at least a child of this talisman plant to be planted for them.

Zamioculcas did not grow children, but I have perfectly mastered other methods of propagating the dollar tree, and now, “at the request of the workers,” I plant it at least three times a year.

  • Zamioculcas is one of the beautiful, but dangerous pets: its juice is poisonous. It is better to carry out all work with the plant with gloves (I take pharmacy gloves, they fit tightly to the fingers and do not interfere with the feel of the plant).
  • Do not hurry. Zamioculcas first begins to grow a new tuber, and only when it gets stronger does it “trample” the branches. The whole process will take at least a month. But this is on a planted tuber or twig. The leaf will grow roots for at least 2, maximum 6 months.
  • If you sprout a leaf/twig in water, change it from time to time so that it does not turn sour. Don't have time to fool around? You can make it simpler: drop a little fungicide into the water or add activated carbon. These substances will prevent the cuttings from rotting.
  • The twig/leaf that you are germinating will die and dry out by the time the new plant emerges. That's how it should be.
  • Use sterile soil (it can be poured with boiling water or fried in the oven). You should not use a substrate with humus. Alternatively, the cutting can be “revived” in damp sphagnum or sand (if you take it from nature, rinse it well).
  • Ideal soil for a castle: peat + sand + deciduous soil + turf (taken in equal proportions). This soil should be flavored with a small amount of humus. A handful of expanded clay will make it more airy. Don’t forget about drainage at the bottom of the pot; it needs at least ¼ of the container’s volume.
  • Pot: shallow. As the plant grows, it first fills the pot with roots (that is, tubers), and only after that will it grow upward. So if you want to quickly grow a new dollar tree, you can even take the pot close to the tuber. When the roots of the plant begin to burst out of their “house”, it can be cut and the zamioculcas can be replanted.

Reproduction by leaf method

  1. The leaf needs to be cut off with a small piece of the stem. With him he will take root.
  2. The sheet is deepened into the substrate (water) by 1/3, at a slight slope.
  3. If you have a lot of time and patience, put it in wet sand and forget it in a warm place. It will be better if there are holes in the bottom of the pot, because you will water the leaf from time to time, and you do not want water to accumulate at its base.
  4. Want to speed up the process? Cover the pot with the leaf with a bag (or an inverted jar) so that no air gets under the greenhouse. Water the plant rarely, trying to direct the water along the walls of the pot. But ventilate the leaf often so that fresh air gets inside. If condensation collects on the walls of the greenhouse, wipe it off mercilessly.
  5. You need to remove the bag/jar when you see that the leaf has taken root. How to understand this? Zamioculcas will grow a root and then begin to grow new leaves.

You can see this reproduction here:

Propagation by cuttings

This method is very similar to the previous one.

  1. Cut the cutting with the growth buds (the larger it is, the more chances you have of rooting it). It is better to use a sterile instrument (for example, I wipe a knife with pharmaceutical alcohol).
  2. This branch can be rooted both in water and in any substrate described above (including under a greenhouse).
  3. Is the branch high? It’s worth coming up with a support for it so that it doesn’t fall.

You can see how the plant is propagated by cuttings and hear sensible comments here:

By the way! What we here call the method of propagation by a twig, in the language of biologists will be propagation by leaves. Because this stalk with green semicircular leaf blades is actually a leaf on the castle. But that's the theory...

Tuber division: almost potato...

Zamik, like other indoor plants, requires “refreshing” transplants. They are held in the spring. At the same time, it is very convenient to plant it by separating one root and planting it in a separate pot with drainage at the bottom. The tip of the root sticking out above the ground is covered (with something light - bark, sphagnum) until greenery begins to grow.

If there are few tubers, or you want to make a lot of new bushes, the tubers can be cut. This is done like this:

  1. The tubers are washed, cleared of soil, and then disassembled into separate segments, unraveling the roots.
  2. Each tuber must be inspected. You need to find buds on them.
  3. Using a clean knife (don't forget to wear gloves), cut the tubers so that at least one dormant bud remains on each new piece.
  4. All sections are disinfected with crushed charcoal (charcoal or activated) and dried. Drying will take up to 2 hours.
  5. Plant each piece in a pot (small, do not use a wide “trough”). You can water such a tuber only 3 days after planting, and add little water.

Of course, it’s scary to dig up the root of your favorite plant for the first time and start cutting it into pieces... Maybe this video will give you courage? Moreover, it was filmed in detail, with step-by-step “commands”: