What is the light in the refrigerator for? Are LED lamps harmful to health? Reviews from experts

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

In the modern world, the vision of every person is under increased strain: computer monitors, TV screens and all kinds of gadgets are constantly in front of our eyes, at work and at home. Therefore, many people who seek to compensate for damage to vision, at least where possible, are concerned about which light is better. In addition, the color of lighting affects the perception of the interior of the room; it can emphasize it favorably or, on the contrary, unpleasantly distort the colors. It follows from this that even such a trifle as choosing a light bulb must be treated with attention.

Expert opinion

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

An all-rounder, I have been renovating and finishing premises since 2003, with more than 100 completed projects. I value quality more than quantity!

Hello, friends!

Let me clarify right away: the color temperature of lighting has nothing to do with the air temperature in degrees Celsius. It does not affect the heating of the lamp or luminaire. Temperature, which is measured in Kelvin, refers only to the characteristics of light, or rather, to the visible part of the radiation.

Values ​​" warm and cold light they are called that only because of how we see them, and have a purely psycho-emotional meaning.

It has been experimentally proven that in a room with lamps of about 6,000 Kelvin, people FEEL like the temperature in the room is a couple of degrees lower. The thermometers showed the same temperature in degrees Celsius.

The influence of lighting color on humans and vision?

There is no need to worry about the relationship between the color of lighting fixtures and eye health: it does not affect vision.

However, the shade of lighting still has a certain effect on a person: to some extent, our psycho-emotional state and mood depend on it. Warm light promotes relaxation, cold light invigorates and keeps you in good shape, so each of them is good in its place and at its time. Let's figure out which artificial light is better and healthier for the eyes - warm or cool white?

No matter how hard companies developing artificial lighting devices try to create a light bulb that fully corresponds in all respects to natural sunlight, to date these attempts have been unsuccessful.

Source color temperature

To find out what the light will be like from an energy-saving or LED lamp, you need to pay attention to the color temperature value indicated on the packaging. The unit of measurement is Kelvin (K).

The lower this value, the more yellow the glow will be. Light from a light bulb with a high color temperature has a bluish tint. Most often there are three main lighting colors:

  1. Warm white – 2700–3500 K.
  2. Neutral or natural white – 3500–5000 K.
  3. Cool white – from 5000 K and above.

Warm light

Warm white lighting with a familiar yellowish tint is comfortable and pleasant to the human eye, its glow is the same as that of yellow sunlight in the early morning or towards sunset. It can be provided by both conventional incandescent and halogen lamps. You can also find fluorescent and LED devices with warm spectrum radiation on sale. Where is the best place to use this light?

  • In the living room. It is recommended to organize warm lighting in rooms where you want to create a relaxed and cozy atmosphere. For example, in a room where the family gathers in the evenings to have dinner and chat.

It is best to install a diffuser chandelier in the living room.

  • In the kitchen. Warm lighting is perfect for the area above the dining table: dishes will look more appetizing and beautiful.
  • In the bathroom. Soft, warm light in the bathing area will help you relax.
  • In the bedroom. It is in this room that it is especially important to create a feeling of calm and comfort so that the eyes can rest.

Warm spectrum lamps are used by designers to increase the color saturation of interior items in soft tones. Cool shades, on the contrary, will become less noticeable.
Blue and green colors will be distorted: this is due to the fact that the light from such a lamp does not contain rays of the corresponding spectrum.

Under such lighting, cool tones change as follows:

  • blue may appear greenish;
  • blue will become faded;
  • dark blue will turn to black;
  • purple can be confused with red.

That is why you need to think through all the details in advance, before purchasing a lamp, so that the illuminated room does not acquire an undesirable or even unpleasant appearance.

Natural white light

Halogen, LED and some fluorescent lamps provide lighting that is as close to natural white light as possible, so colors are practically not distorted. It is advisable to install them:

  • in children's rooms, but not cheap fluorescent lamps, they flicker and can cause headaches;
  • in the hall;
  • in the kitchen work area;
  • in a place intended for reading, such as near a chair or in the bedroom above the bed;
  • next to mirrors, as they accurately convey skin tone.

It must be remembered that it is important to correctly position the light source relative to mirrors and reflective surfaces so as not to blind the person looking at them.

Cold light

Light with a cool color spectrum resembles the white winter sun. It is often used in office spaces, as well as anywhere where it is necessary to create a working mood. Neutral and cool shades are suitable for those places where there is supposed to be both natural and artificial lighting, as these tones will help improve concentration.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Heated towel rails in the bathroom interior (photo)

Cold light flux is perceived by the human eye as brighter and more intense.

In apartments, lamps with such radiation are most often used:

  • In the kitchen where accent lighting is required for food preparation.
  • In the office, because such radiation balances and increases performance.
  • In the bathroom, in the wash area, cool bluish lighting will help you invigorate and wake up completely.

Colors in this lighting are also distorted, but the changes affect only warmish shades. Red, orange and yellow colors will appear purple, brown and greenish respectively. But blue and green tones, on the contrary, will look rich and rich.

What color temperature lamps do you prefer?

Do you know how much it affects a person? lighting? For example, scientists claim that winter depression, which a significant number of people experience, is caused by a lack of light. Thanks to the right lighting in your apartment, you can not only more easily adapt to the cold season, but also set yourself up for work, give evening gatherings with friends or family a cozy atmosphere, and fill the nursery with the maximum amount of light, correctly combining natural and artificial lighting.

Organization lighting in the apartment is implemented by choosing lamps, their location, as well as lamps - direct light sources. In this article you will learn how to choose the right color temperature of lamps, in other words, the shade of light.

Most often there are three shades: . So we will give you some advice on which lamps with which shade of light are best suited to a particular area.


The bedroom is a place where a calm, relaxed atmosphere should reign, because this is where you relax and gain strength for the next day. Therefore, the lighting in this room should be soft, uniform and subdued. Best suited for this warm light lamps. If you like to read or work before bed, then in addition to the central lighting, you should use an additional sconce with a lamp of a cooler shade. To avoid strong contrast with the central light, designers recommend white light for these purposes.


If you have a children's room, you probably know that a child needs a lot of light. Of course, it is best for as much sunlight as possible to enter the room, but in the dark or cloudy weather you will have to compensate for the lack of light with artificial lighting.

For central lighting of a nursery it is better to use white lamps. But accent lighting depends on the age of your child. For example, for preschool children, it is recommended to turn on a warm light lamp before bedtime, which will allow the child’s body to adjust to sleep. If your child is a schoolchild, he needs a workplace to do his homework, and, therefore, a table lamp in a cool shade, which will quickly help him get into a working mood.


The hallway creates the first impression of the apartment, so it is very important to choose the right lighting. If the light is dim, there is a chance that this part of the apartment will be lost, and if the light is too bright, it can blind the person entering. Therefore, it is best to choose a neutral white shade of light. And remember that it is important to position the mirror's light source correctly, otherwise you may blind the viewer.


Most often, the size and layout of apartments do not allow separating the kitchen and dining room, so it is necessary to separate the working and dining areas. Lighting will help a lot with this.

Cooking requires bright accent lighting. A cool shade is best for this. But, unlike the kitchen work area, the dining table does not require bright light - it’s all about your taste and preferences. If you like to linger in the evenings with friends or family, then warm, dim lighting will create a cozy atmosphere at your table. And if the kitchen for you is just a place to satisfy your hunger, then it is better to use white lamps.

Living room

The lighting in the living room depends on how you spend your time here. If you prefer to drink tea in the evening or look through magazines in a calm atmosphere, then warm light lamps are suitable for this. If this is a place where you gather with friends or family to relax and have fun together, the living room should be illuminated with neutral white lamps. For those who prefer to work or read here, the best solution would be cold light.


We often spend a considerable amount of time in the office, and this is where our eyes are most susceptible to fatigue. If you want to make your office as comfortable as possible, make sure that there are no strong differences in light and shadow in the room. The entire space should be well lit with cold light lamps, - they are the most favorable for work.
The shade of light can also be selected depending on your interior. For classic, warm colors will go, which will create an atmosphere of comfort, and for modern, it is better to choose a neutral white shade of light, which can best recreate natural light. If you have a spacious interior, then you can safely use lamps with a cool shade, as they will fill your apartment with bright light.

The tips given are quite general, however, taking them into account, you can not only beautifully, but also correctly illuminate all areas of your home. Remember that important factors such as performance, mood and health depend on the lighting you choose.

The invention is intended for use in refrigeration technology, in particular in a home refrigerator. The latter contains an edge illumination panel made of almost transparent material. At least one of the opposite surfaces of the panel is located inside the refrigerator. A matrix of points is applied to it to obtain a counting effect for the internal volume of the refrigerator. The invention provides improved lighting of the internal volume of the refrigerator while reducing power consumption. 9 salary f-ly, 10 ill.

The invention relates to a lighting system, in particular to a system for use in a home refrigerator. Conventional home refrigerators are illuminated inside by a single light source, usually an ordinary incandescent light bulb, located inside a transparent or translucent shell and located on one of the inner walls of the refrigerator. The light source is activated when the refrigerator door is opened by means of a suitable electromechanical switching device. Such light sources provide poor illumination due to their location inside the refrigerator or the low power consumption of the light bulb. Improving illumination by increasing the number of light sources reduces the capacity and increases the cost of the refrigerator. Additionally, this increase in the number of light sources inside the refrigerator also increases the overall amount of heat dissipated. This increase in heat dissipation causes an undesirable increase in the temperature inside the refrigerator, which must be compensated for by the increased cooling effect. The same is true when using a more powerful single light source, consuming more power, instead of increasing the number of light sources. Additionally, continuous lighting of home refrigerators, such as when the refrigerator has a transparent door through which the contents can be seen, is also undesirable when heat is dissipated from multiple light sources or from a single, more powerful light source. The state of the art in illuminated edge-illuminated display systems used in vertically mounted signs is reflected in European Patent Application Laid-Open 549679. This application describes a solution to the problem of uneven illumination of an edge-illuminated system by applying a matrix of dots on two opposing surfaces of a transparent sheet that is edge illumination sheet. In effect, the dots "bend" light away from the transparent sheet, and the matrix is ​​adjusted so that the density of the dots varies across the surface of the sheet to even out the illumination. Surprisingly, it has now been discovered that the interior lighting of a home refrigerator can be greatly improved by using an edge illumination panel of transparent or translucent material on which an array of dots is arranged to provide a light guide effect. The lighting provided by the edge light panel is more evenly distributed throughout the refrigerator. Therefore, the refrigerator can be illuminated by a light source having reduced power consumption compared to conventional light sources used to illuminate the refrigerator. Therefore, an additional advantage of the present invention is the ability to provide continuous illumination without significantly increasing the amount of heat dissipated. Thus, the first embodiment of the present invention provides a refrigerator capable of internal illumination, in which the illumination is provided by an edge illumination panel made of a substantially transparent material having two opposing surfaces, at least one of which is located inside the refrigerator and on which a matrix of dots is applied. to obtain a light-guide effect inside the refrigerator. One or more edge lighting panels may be used. Although the edge illumination panel may be a side panel of the refrigerator, including the back and top, it is preferable that the edge illumination panel be in the form of a shelf, on one or preferably both opposite surfaces of which an array of dots is applied. Preferably, the edge illumination panel is formed from an acrylic sheet, such as that sold under the trade name Perapex by Imperial Chemical Industries plc. Preferably, such a sheet includes an optical brightness enhancer, such as that sold by the English company Ciba Specialty Chemical Ltd under the trade name Ovitex OB, to improve the light transmittance of the sheet. Typically, the thickness of the edge illumination panel is less than 15 mm and preferably in the range of 6-8 mm. Preferably, a protective transparent or translucent layer is attached to the surface of the edge illumination panel carrying the dot matrix. In particular, it is preferable that the transparent or translucent layer is attached directly to the surface supporting the dot array. Preferably, a light diffuser is attached to the surface carrying the dot matrix. In particular, it is preferable that such a light diffuser also functions as the aforementioned protective layer. Typically the light diffuser is formed from a sheet of suitable material, such as is used for an edge light panel, for example an acrylic sheet, and preferably the sheet has a thickness of up to 3 mm. Preferably, the edge illumination panel is a side panel of the refrigerator, and a reflective layer is attached to a surface opposite to the dot array bearing surface. Typically such a layer is formed from a sheet of suitable material, such as white or painted acrylic sheet, and preferably the sheet has a thickness of up to 3 mm. Particularly in the preferred form, when the edge illumination panel is a side panel, it is part of a lighting assembly that includes both a light diffuser and a reflective layer. In the proposed device, the matrix of dots serves to provide the usual light scattering effect, as described in known devices. To ensure uniform distribution of light from the edge illumination panel, it is preferable that the portion of the surface covered by dots increases with increasing distance from the light source. Typically, the portion of the surface covered by dots is between 0.05 parts close to the light source and 0.15 to 0.55 parts, such as 0.16, at the furthest distance from the light source. Although this increase can be achieved by increasing the number of dots per unit area, it is further preferred that the increase is achieved by increasing the diameter of the dots and therefore the dot array provides dots of smaller diameter near the light source and larger diameters further away from the light source. Typically, the diameter of the point near the light source is about 0.3 mm and at the greatest distance from the light source it is 0.7 mm. In particular, a point matrix in which the distance between the centers of adjacent points is the same is preferred. Usually the dots are white. However, dots of a different color may be used to achieve the desired aesthetic effect. The proposed device can use one light source. However, in particular, in the case where the distance exceeds the distance over which the light is to spread within the panel, hereinafter referred to as the propagation distance, two or more light sources may be used. Preferably, in the case of a long propagation distance, two or more light sources are located at opposite edges of the edge illumination panel. Typically two opposing light sources are used when the propagation distance is between 900-1200mm. The invention is further illustrated with reference to the following drawings, in which: Fig. 1 - part of a matrix of points on an edge illumination panel; fig. 2 is a partial cross-sectional view of a lighting assembly that includes an edge illumination panel; fig. 3 - a conventional refrigerator, which indicates alternative positions for the edge illumination panel; fig. 4 is a conventional refrigerator showing additional alternative positions for the edge illumination panel; Fig.5 - location of the light source along the edge of the edge illumination panel; fig. 6 is a perspective view of the section along line AA of FIG. 5, FIG. 7 is a sectional view of a conventional refrigerator indicating possible positions for the edge illumination panel and the light source; fig. 8 is a photograph of a conventional refrigerator, which is illuminated using a conventional lighting system; fig. 9 is a photograph of a conventional refrigerator, which is illuminated using an edge illumination panel arranged in the form of a shelf;
FIG. 10 is a photograph of a conventional refrigerator that is illuminated using an edge illumination panel arranged as a rear panel. In fig. 1 shows an edge light panel 11 having a dot matrix 12 printed on one surface. FIG. 2 shows an edge light panel 21 similar to that shown in FIG. 1 and suitable for use as a side panel in a lighting assembly including a light diffuser 22 and reflective layer 23. Figure 3 shows a conventional refrigerator 31 having three possible positions for placing the edge illumination panel. The edge light panel may be positioned as a top panel 32 and/or a door panel 33, with these positions preferably using a lighting assembly similar to that shown in FIG. 2. The edge light panel may also be arranged as a shelf 34, wherein it is preferred that the edge light panel has an array of dots printed on both surfaces. Figure 4 shows a conventional refrigerator 41 having two possible positions for placing the edge light panel. An edge light panel may be located in place of the rear panel 42 and/or side panel 43. In FIG. 5 shows an edge light panel 51 with a light source housing 52 located along the edge and electrically connected via a cable to a power source and control device 54. FIG. 6 is a sectional view taken along line AA of FIG. 5, showing that the light source 61 is pressed tightly against the edge of the edge illumination panel 62. FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view of a conventional refrigerator 71 to illustrate a possible position of the edge light panel 72 and light source 73. The light source 73 may be located on the exterior surface 74 of the refrigerator, and the edge light panel may extend from the exterior surface 74 through the refrigerator foam insulation 75 into the interior of the refrigerator. In fig. Figure 8 shows a conventional refrigerator illuminated using a conventional incandescent light bulb. As you can see, the lighting effect is localized to the area near the light bulb, and the rest of the inside of the refrigerator is relatively dark. Figure 9 shows a conventional refrigerator illuminated using an edge lighting panel that is located in place of the shelf. The light source had the same light intensity as the light bulb used in the refrigerator shown in FIG. 8. As you can see, the lighting is more evenly distributed inside the refrigerator. In fig. 10 shows a conventional refrigerator illuminated using an edge lighting panel that is located in place of the rear panel. The light source had the same light intensity as the light bulb used in the refrigerator shown in FIG. 8. As can be seen, the illumination effect is that the illumination inside the refrigerator is more evenly distributed, even compared to the edge illumination panel used as shown in FIG. 9.


1. A refrigerator illuminated from the inside, in which the lighting is provided by an edge illumination panel made of a practically transparent material, having two opposite surfaces, at least one of which is located inside the refrigerator and on which a matrix of dots is applied to obtain a light-guide effect inside the refrigerator. 2. The refrigerator according to claim 1, in which the edge illumination panel is a side panel of the refrigerator. 3. The refrigerator according to claim 2, in which the edge illumination panel is part of a lighting assembly, which includes both a light diffuser, which is applied to the surface carrying the dot matrix, and a reflective layer, which is also applied to the surface opposite to the surface carrying the dot matrix . 4. The refrigerator according to claim 1, in which the edge illumination panel is a shelf. 5. The refrigerator according to claim 4, in which the edge illumination panel has a matrix of dots applied to both opposite surfaces. 6. Refrigerator according to any one of paragraphs. 1-5, in which the edge illumination panel is made of acrylic sheet. 7. The refrigerator according to claim 6, wherein the acrylic sheet includes a brightness enhancing device. 8. Refrigerator according to any one of paragraphs. 1-7, in which, on the surface of an edge-illuminated panel that carries an array of dots, the proportion of the surface covered by dots increases with increasing distance from the light source. 9. The refrigerator according to claim 8, in which the proportion of the surface covered with dots is from 0.05 near the light source and is in the range from 0.15 to 0.55 at the farthest distance from the light source. 10. The refrigerator according to claim 9, in which an increase in the proportion of the surface covered with dots is achieved by increasing the diameter of the dots.

Honestly, in our time, when humanity is addressing a number of fundamental issues, asking yourself, and especially others, why there is light in the refrigerator is somehow even immodest. But, since I have never been known for modesty, let me draw attention to this point.

Usually, of course, only children ask such simple, but therefore complex questions to adults. Children's questions are simple curiosity, an attempt to learn as much as possible about the world. Believe me, only children's questions can baffle any adult, even one who is sure that he knows a lot. An inquisitive child's mind seeks out and pulls out of the pantry of curiosity such questions as: why is the grass green, why does the sun shine, and what will happen if you stop time... Many adults cannot find decent answers to these seemingly simple children's questions. Modern adults are much more interested in questions about how to lose weight, where to make money and how else to spend time so that they will be remembered for a long time and then will not be ashamed of it.

Against the backdrop of routine daily adult questions, my question about the light in the refrigerator may even seem ridiculous. But I insist that it is interesting, because when I ask a question, I know exactly the answer to it... My answer. And therefore I bore you a little with abstract conversations, giving you the opportunity to think about the answer yourself.

Even children don’t need to be told about the benefits of a refrigerator. By tradition, all models are equipped with everything necessary for storing a wide variety of products. And, as you yourself understand, there is not a single manufacturing company that would save on a small light bulb inside. And now, coming to the heart of the matter, I suggest you think about when you personally look into the refrigerator. Most likely, this is the morning when you are going to have breakfast and the evening when you come home from work and plan to have dinner. Well, on weekends at any time. At the same time, if it is dark outside, you turn on the light in the kitchen, which means you can actually see everything that is inside your refrigerator. It turns out that the light inside it is not needed at all. So why is this light bulb needed there? Are those who design refrigerators really sure that you are not aware of what you put in your refrigerator? Or are there objects that are so small that light is required to examine them?

I don’t know what thoughts my question prompted you to think, but for me the answer is obvious! The light in the refrigerator is needed in order to quietly look for something tasty at night while the rest of the family is sleeping. You can even see a picture right before your eyes, like another losing weight lady who is torturing herself with exhausting diets, in which everything is impossible, puts her husband to bed and with the very first notes of his peaceful snoring goes to the kitchen. She does not turn on the overhead light, so as not to be detected even by accidentally awake neighbors from the house opposite. With a stealthy and quiet gait, she heads to the refrigerator, where her low-fat yoghurts are stored, the already hated apples, which have formed the main part of her diet for more than a month, lie and... where even the unheated human food, albeit harmful for the figure, smells delicious, which she prepared for husband who is not on a diet. She opens the refrigerator and pots and trays with all sorts of goodies appear in the rays of the light bulb. It’s a pity that some kind of appropriate music is not played, which would be played in films at those moments when the main character finds the treasure.

And here this woman is trying to allow herself to resist temptation, but... who is she deceiving? She walked to the refrigerator with the sole purpose of taking that same cutlet that had tempted her this afternoon. The hand quietly reaches for the cutlet... without closing the refrigerator, which illuminates almost half of the kitchen, the woman opens the bread bin, takes a slice of the loaf and makes herself a sandwich. Smart modern refrigerators that squeak when the door is open for a long time force a woman to do everything quickly and close the refrigerator even before the telltale squeak is heard.

And then the door slammed shut. A satisfied woman in a nightgown stands in a dark kitchen with a sandwich in her hand. He approaches the windowsill, maybe even leans on it with one hand, somehow philosophically peers at the view from the window... He takes a bite of a sandwich with a cold cutlet and... probably thinks how good it is that there is light in the refrigerator...

Having finished the last piece, she wipes her hands on a kitchen towel (she won’t turn on the water, because it might wake her husband) and goes to bed satisfied. And again, all day long she won’t care whether there is light in the refrigerator. The main thing is that he is there when she wants to remain unnoticed... for her husband...

And she doesn’t care that the diet doesn’t give the desired effect and the scales treacherously show the same numbers... She doesn’t care that her husband proves every day that he loves her just the way she is... And even more so, she doesn’t care that she has to eat boring apples and drink low-fat kefir all day ... The main thing is that there is a light in the refrigerator and she can always look there at night, remaining unnoticed... And let her husband sympathize and think about how great she is and how persistently, and most importantly, she carefully follows the next newfangled diet.

The more I think, the more I come to the conclusion that my refrigerator doesn’t need a light at all. And, if I ever decide to eat something like that at night, I can always ask my husband to bring it. And he definitely won’t bother and will simply turn on the light in the kitchen and take out what he needs from the refrigerator.

The next time you go to the kitchen, don’t forget to think about why you personally need a light in the refrigerator?

MOSCOW, September 15 - RIA Novosti. Scientists from Moscow State University and Japan have learned to almost instantly change the polarization of light and reduce its speed tenfold, which will help create light computers, ultra-fast displays and new computer networks, according to an article published in the journal Physical Review Applied.

“We have been working together with Professor Inoue for a long time, and over these fifteen years we have learned a lot about these amazing nanostructures. In our experiments with real crystals, we have achieved that the light comes out of them about ten times later than if it were just in the air ", says Tatyana Dolgova from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Physicists have achieved for the first time the infinite phase speed of light inside a chipScientists from Harvard have created an unusual metamaterial with zero refractive index, due to which one of the components of light waves will move in chips made from this material at infinitely high speed.

Dolgova, her colleagues at Moscow State University and physicists from Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan) achieved a similar effect thanks to so-called magnetophotonic crystals - special structures that interact with light in a special way, changing its polarization, speed of movement and a number of other parameters.

The idea of ​​creating such a crystal, which is a set of optical resonators that “slow down” the movement of light through the crystal in a special way, was first proposed in 1998 by Japanese physicist Mitsuteru Inoue, one of the authors of the article. Such “slowing down” of light, as Dolgova explains, is necessary to create holographic light memory, three-dimensional screens, and magnetic field sensors.

These crystals and related phenomena remained the subject of theoretical speculation for a long time until Dolgova, Inoue and their colleagues realized that such effects could be achieved using not ordinary optical resonators, but an effect discovered back in the 19th century by the British physicist Michael Faraday.

Physicists have discovered the slowest process in the UniverseA group of scientists working in the EXO project, at a conference in Munich, published the results of measurements of the half-life of one of the xenon isotopes - xenon-136 - according to the type of two-neutrino double beta decay. As it turns out, this process takes 2.11*10^21 years.

He discovered, by observing light through a special prism that transmitted only rays of one polarization, that the light disappeared or dimmed if the lamp rays passed through a magnet. In physics terms, Faraday discovered that the plane of polarization of light rotates as it passes through a magnetized substance.

Using this effect, physicists from Moscow State University and Japan have achieved that the plane of polarization of “slow” light rotates so quickly that changes can be seen even with ultrashort laser pulses of 200 femtoseconds in length. (a femtosecond is one millionth of a nanosecond).

As scientists admit, this effect cannot yet be used to create supercomputers due to its low strength, but these limitations are not fundamental. Thus, Russian physicists have shown that ultrafast modulation of light in magnetophotonic crystals is possible and has more than good prospects.