How Zamioculcas reproduces from leaves. Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas is a popular ornamental plant for the home, prized by flower lovers for its elegance and dark green foliage. It cannot be called capricious, but the flower reproduces quite difficultly. Seeds of such a plant are very difficult to obtain, so many people use the vegetative propagation method (all parts of the flower are used for this).

Features of cultivation

Every year, an increasing number of plant varieties appear in Russian flower shops. Zamioculcas with attractive dark leaves on straight branches is no longer considered a rarity. The homeland of this plant is East Africa and the island of Madagascar.

Zamioculcas has the appearance of a rosette, from which long glossy dark green leaves originate, with pointed ends. If Zamioculcas is provided with care and reproduction, then it is likely that it will even bloom. The plant attracts more as an ornamental leaf, it blooms very rarely with interesting flowers of an unusual shape: a combination of a greenish stipule and a cream bud.

In addition to decorative qualities, the plant has an attractive sign associated with it: according to it, the flower brings prosperity to the house and increases the financial condition of the owner. Therefore, another name for Zamioculcas is dollar tree. But another sign is less attractive - she calls him a tree of celibacy and a husband. It is believed that this sign is associated with the flower of the plant, which, according to the description of many, has a phallic shape.

The plant can be propagated in several ways:

  • division;
  • dividing the tuber;
  • cuttings;
  • leaf.

Division of an adult flower

You can plant a plant by simply dividing it into separate parts with a growing point to get new specimens. It is recommended to propagate zamiokulkas in this way if you are planning a plant transplant.

To plant a bush, you need to use a container filled with light soil, for example, universal soil with the addition of a small amount of vermiculite, which gives the substrate more friability. For three days after planting, the plant must be kept dry, then you can start spraying it with settled water from a spray bottle.

Propagation by tubers

Zamioculcas propagation at home is also carried out using tubers. This method is suitable if the plant is already mature and has large tubers. The tuber should be carefully divided into parts so that each individual piece has at least one growth point. Before the planting process, the tubers are dried for several hours, and the cuts themselves are sprinkled with charcoal. The parts need to be planted in a special soil mixture, not too deep.

Among the available methods of reproduction Zamioculcas - cuttings. Shoots that are collected from an adult plant are taken as planting material. Propagation by cuttings using leaves does not allow preparing a large number of cuttings, since in this case a cutting with only one adult leaf from the mother flower is used.

The crop should not be propagated by cuttings with young leaves, since they have not yet developed a full-fledged leaf blade; the chances of success in this case are very low.

Cuttings occur as follows:

Leaf propagation

You can get new zamioculcas shrubs at home using individual leaves. Leaves collected for rooting should be placed in the open air for several hours so that the cut area can dry well. The lower area of ​​the leaf must be treated with special means that will stimulate the active formation of the root system, for example, Zircon, Heteroauxin or Kornevin, adding a little crushed activated or charcoal to them, which disinfects the cut.

For rooting, the lower part of the leaf must be placed in moist soil made from a mixture of peat and sand. Glass is placed on top of the container, which creates a greenhouse effect. The container with the plant must be ventilated periodically.

If the plant is propagated without a greenhouse, then you need to use universal soil or soil for succulents. 2-3 days after planting, the leaves and soil should be sprayed with a sprayer.

After a month, small tubers begin to appear on the cut leaf, they grow quickly, and white roots form from them.

The size of the propagation leaf affects how long it will take for the new plant's leaves to develop. Therefore, experts recommend using large specimens. A plant grown from small leaves forms its leaves only a year after planting.

Zamioculcas can also be propagated by leaves by rooting in water. The leaf cut is treated with root-forming preparations and growth stimulants, and the leaf is placed in water.

Of all the ways to get new copies Zamioculcas propagation by cuttings and division of an adult bush are the simplest, fastest and most successful methods. However, in any case, you will have to be patient, since this slow-growing plant will produce its first leaves in at least six months.

Problems in growing

Zamioculcas is a very hardy flower. Perhaps the only danger which can threaten young plants, is rotten. It usually appears due to overwatering. If the room is quite cold, then there is a high chance of developing a pathogenic fungus.

Young flowers need regular inspection. Alarming symptoms are black-brown, weeping and rapidly spreading spots on tubers, petioles and stems. The culture can be saved only at an early stage of the disease. If the damaged parts of the plant are easily separated, and the soil is covered with mold and has acquired an unpleasant and rotten smell, there is no longer a chance to save the plant. Such a zamioculcas can only be thrown away. However, if the disease has not yet affected the upper part of the plant, then you can try to restore it by cuttings or propagation by leaves.

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More recently, gardeners have become aware of the indoor plant Zamioculcas. Zamioculcas, whose leaf propagation is more preferable, is often planted by division. This process is a mystery to many. Its distribution began in the late 90s of the 20th century. In a short period of time, the flower won the hearts of both amateurs and professionals. What is this exotic plant with an unpronounceable name? Its homeland is tropical Africa, most often found in Mozambique, some specimens are found in Madagascar.

The appearance of the exotic is both simple and fascinating. This flower is an evergreen, unpretentious plant. It does not require complex care and adapts well to our conditions. Zamioculcas has no branches, dark green leaves, swollen at the base, grow directly from the ground. Their length can reach 1 m or even more. The leaves are complex-pinnate: on the sides of the central part of the leaf plate (it is also called rachis, just like in ferns), there are small glossy fleshy leaves with a wax coating. They have pointed tips and are located opposite each other. The rhizome of Zamioculcas looks like a tuber.

This evergreen plant is quite unpretentious. It easily tolerates low air humidity and shading of residential and office premises, although during drought it can shed its leaves. The flower does not tolerate excessive humidity and stagnant water at all, so the soil for it must be loose, breathable, and moisture-absorbing. Optimal conditions for its maintenance: a warm and bright place, no direct rays of the sun and moderate watering (excess liquid from the pan must be removed). In Russian conditions, the Zamioculcas plant rarely blooms, and the inflorescence is devoid of any special decorative effect. This is a small creamy spadix on a thick peduncle, surrounded by a greenish veil, blends in with the foliage, and the flower is not very noticeable. According to legend, Zamioculcas (popularly called the dollar tree) brings financial stability and prosperity to its owners. Some believe that the popular name is due to the high price of the plant. Having learned more about this flower, about its “character”, propagation methods, and how long it takes to grow an adult specimen, the question of price is often removed.

At home, the plant rarely blooms, and if this happens, the seeds do not ripen. Therefore, there is no question of sowing seeds; propagation of zamioculcas at home occurs exclusively by the vegetative method, but it is possible to use various parts of the flower.

There are several options for propagating this wonderful exotic:

  • division of an adult flower (possible if the plant is already large enough),
  • cuttings (the most common and reliable method),
  • leaf plates (used only in cases where there is no other planting material).

What are the features of each technique? Knowing these subtleties, you can choose the best way for yourself to propagate zamioculcas.

Division of an adult flower

The question of how to plant a flower arises quite rarely. Zamioculcas grows slowly, so this method is not used often, only when the mother flower has reached a large size and can be divided into several copies. Like other plants, exotic plants should be planted on fine spring days. 2 options are possible:

  • divide the old bush, carefully freeing the intertwined rhizomes;
  • cut the tuber into 2 or more parts, the number of sections depends on the presence of dormant buds, each part must have at least 1 embryo.

If the second option is used, then the sections must be dried and sprinkled with crushed coal.

Plant the prepared material in low small pots. It is very important to provide a large layer of drainage; expanded clay, gravel, and sometimes foam are most often used. It should occupy at least 25% of the volume (remember that the flower cannot withstand stagnant water). It will be possible to water not earlier than in 3-4 days with a small amount of water, you can even just spray the soil with water from a spray bottle (this will be quite enough).

The soil for planting needs to be light, suitable for succulents. It is important to choose the right size of the pot: if the flower is planted in too large a container, the growth of twigs will be delayed. They will begin to grow only when the roots completely fill the volume of the container. When transplanting, it is important not to deepen the roots, they should slightly protrude above the soil surface.

Using cuttings

The next method is cuttings. In this case, the plant is injured much less, this is the most common, most effective method. A fairly large amount of planting material will be obtained, at the same time, plants develop much faster than when planting with leaves.

For propagation, they take a middle-aged stem, very young ones are not suitable, they have not yet accumulated the required amount of nutrients that help the cuttings develop into full-fledged plants.

It is necessary to cut off the stem-rachis with a sharp knife just above ground level and divide it into parts. Each should have buds, as a rule, a few leaves are left on the top piece. It has been noticed that the higher the cutting, the more successfully rooting takes place, the faster a new plant begins to develop. Cuttings taken from the top of the rachis are often left with 5-7 leaves. This allows you to get a large plant much faster. Before planting, the cuttings must simply lie down in the air, the cut will dry out a little. During this time, the smallest vessels will close, a thin cork layer will form, which will prevent the plant from rotting. As an additional procedure, it is possible to advise the treatment of the lower part of the cutting with any growth stimulant (heterouxin, root, etc.), which will contribute to the faster formation of the root system.

In a pot provided for new plants, you must not forget to lay a drainage layer, check the drain hole. It is very important that the water does not stagnate. Cuttings are buried in a light substrate, professionals advise adding perlite to it. Planted plants must be covered with a jar (or a transparent bag, a plastic container), create greenhouse conditions for them, providing the necessary care. In this case, rooting is more successful and faster. Periodically, the plants are ventilated and sprayed with water. Often such spraying replaces watering, since very little water is needed to avoid decay.

The cuttings take root quite well, and many gardeners do not create a greenhouse effect and do not cover the young plants with a jar. Root tubers appear within 1-2 months, and new leaves within six months. By the way, there is a successful experience of rooting in sphagnum moss or clean, damp sand.

If you want to immediately get a larger plant, you can root a branch of zamioculcas without dividing it into cuttings.

Reproduction by individual leaves

The largest amount of planting material is obtained by propagation by individual leaves. Leaf propagation is the longest process. However, thanks to this method, you can grow several expensive plants yourself. As in the previous method, first a large compound-pinnate leaf is cut from the zamioculcas. Small leaves with a small piece of rachis (stem) are carefully separated from it with a sterile instrument. They are dried for several hours and treated with a biostimulant. The planting material is ready. After this, it is placed in a prepared substrate (home-made mixture or ready-made soil for succulents). The planting technology is the same as for propagation by cuttings.

The subtlety lies in the fact that the leaves are buried in the ground with a slight slope, the third part of the leaf should be in the soil. Usually, for such propagation, plastic cups or small pots are used (maximum 0.5 liters, even smaller ones are better). Since there is a lot of planting material, it is very convenient to use seedling cassettes. This saves a lot of space. Root tubers appear within 1-2 months, at first they are very small (only about the size of a pea), and then gradually grow, increase in size, and elastic white roots appear on them.

An important point: the smaller the planting material during vegetative propagation, the longer it takes for new shoots to appear. Zamioculcas sometimes has to wait for many months for fresh leaves.

If there is no soil, you can root zamioculcas simply in water without soil. The cutting (or even a leaf) is placed in a container of water (glass, jar) and wait for roots to appear. It is imperative to add growth stimulants and some kind of fungicide to the liquid for disinfection. The water needs to be changed periodically or at least topped up with fresh water. Knowing that the plant is prone to rotting when exposed to excess moisture, experienced gardeners still advise using soil to root this exotic plant.

The most important thing when breeding exotic zamioculcas is to be patient and take your time. The answer to the question of how this flower reproduces is one word - slowly! The development of the root system lasts several months. First, the flower grows a tuber, and then the green mass begins to increase. Each subsequent branch grows only after the root tuber increases.

Zamioculcas is an unpretentious plant, propagating it will not be difficult, care is minimal, only patience and endurance are required. To obtain the desired result, you must adhere to some rules that promote better rooting:

  • observe the temperature regime, the desired temperature is +25ºС,
  • sufficient lighting is necessary,
  • The decisive point is the optimal watering regime; the soil should not dry out too much, but waterlogging should not be allowed.

As a conclusion

When propagating, remember that the entire plant is poisonous, especially the tubers. It is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions: be sure to use rubber gloves. When the juice gets on the skin and mucous membranes, a strong burning sensation occurs. In this case, you should immediately rinse the affected area with a stream of water. It is necessary to carefully ensure that the flower is out of the reach of small children and pets.

The development of the dollar tree (like any other plant) is associated with the lunar phases. There is a sign that it is better to replant zamioculcas on the waxing moon; this not only promotes better development of the flower, but also significantly enhances the magical properties of the plant, including improving the financial condition of the inhabitants of the house. If transplantation and propagation are carried out on a waning moon, then this attracts problems into the house, the plant is more capricious, reacts worse to care, may get sick or be attacked by pests. According to legends, the flower really appreciates attentive attention, feels caring care and thanks its owners with financial well-being.

Due to the difficulty of remembering and pronouncing the correct name, Zamioculcas has many common names: Pearl of Mozambique, Eternal Tree, etc. The flower is very popular among the Chinese, where it is called the Golden Tree. In Russia, the plant often has contradictory names: “women’s happiness” and the flower of celibacy. Zamioculcas is best known as the dollar tree.

The dollar tree is undemanding in care and is decorative. Zamioculcas propagation at home is carried out in several ways and takes 2-6 months. Succulents should be propagated correctly, following basic agrotechnical recommendations.

How does Zamioculcas reproduce at home?

The culture is somewhat different in structure from other indoor plants. A leaf is a whole shoot emerging from an underground tuber. The latter is considered the stem. You can propagate an indoor flower in several ways, so in any circumstances it is easy to choose the most suitable one. It is recommended to combine the procedure with pruning or replanting, so as not to further injure the plant. The optimal time for the operation is spring, the beginning of active vegetation. It is recommended to protect your hands with gloves, since the succulent juice is poisonous and causes redness, burning and itching.

When growing a crop at home, Zamioculcas propagation is carried out:

  • cuttings;
  • planting an adult plant;
  • rooting of the leaf plate;
  • dividing the tuber;
  • sowing seeds.


This method is the simplest and does not require special skills. It is recommended to combine cuttings with pruning. To do this, cut the leaf at the base, divide it into several cuttings so that on each there remains a pair of leaf-shaped plates and small stumps on top and bottom. Dry the cut areas slightly in the open air.

It is advisable not to root in water; it is better to use growing in a substrate. Succulents rot when exposed to excess liquid.

Dividing the bush

The method is used in the spring, when it is time to replant an indoor flower. The plant is carefully removed from the pot, but if the usual transplantation procedure is carried out using the transshipment method, then in this case it is necessary to clear the roots from the soil. Seating should be done immediately in individual containers.

To do this, take a shoot from a dollar tree, carefully separating the intertwined roots. The tubers must remain intact - the less damage is caused, the easier it is for the young bushes to take root in a new place. Plant according to the usual rules in a loose nutrient substrate.

Growing from a leaf

This refers to the plates that are part of the main shoot-like leaf. The advantage of this method is that you can get a lot of planting material from one petiole. When Zamioculcas propagates by leaf, a tuber is first formed, then roots.

Dry the cut parts a little in the open air, treat them with a root formation stimulator, and only then place them for rooting in a damp mixture of peat and river sand. Propagation of a dollar tree with leaves can be carried out throughout the active growing season, but spring is a more acceptable time.


This method of propagating indoor zamioculcas is one of the most undesirable, since dividing the tuber can provoke its death. It is important that the plant is mature, well developed, with a height of 0.5 m. The optimal time for the operation is from mid-April to the end of September.

The dollar tree is freed from the pot and soil, the roots are cleared of the soil substrate. Take a sharp knife and cut it in a thin place so that the growth bud and root system remain on both parts. The cut areas should be immediately covered with crushed charcoal and left in the open air for a day. Next, plant in individual containers.

Seed method

Zamioculcas is rarely propagated by seeds, since planting material is difficult to find on sale, and when grown at home, the indoor flower does not always bloom. In addition, self-pollination is impossible, so the plant must be helped with a brush. When the seed pod ripens, collect the seeds and use them for their intended purpose.

To disinfect, rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate, then dry slightly, mix with river sand. Sow in a damp mixture of sand and peat. Build a mini-greenhouse on top, constantly maintain heat, avoid sudden temperature changes and drafts. Good lighting is required.

Water as needed, spraying the substrate with settled warm water from a spray bottle. Ventilate the greenhouse occasionally to remove accumulated condensation.

Shoots may appear only after a couple of months, after which it is necessary to thin out, leaving the shoots at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. After the formation of the first 2 leaves (after the cotyledons), it is allowed to transplant into individual cups.

Features of cuttings

A suitable shoot can be cut from a healthy plant aged 5-6 years. The branch should have a woody base. Growth stimulants and chemicals reduce the likelihood of rooting to zero, so a dollar tree recently purchased at a garden store will not work.

Step-by-step instructions for propagating Zamioculcas with a branch:

  1. Cut the stem with a sharp, disinfected knife into cuttings with 2 leaf blades. It is recommended to make lower cuts at a slight angle.
  2. Leave in the open air for several hours to dry. Treat the windward area with a root formation stimulator, which helps to root the cuttings faster.
  3. Fill general or individual containers with a drainage layer of 2-3 cm, then place special soil for cacti and succulents mixed with river sand. It is advisable to leave 3-4 cm free to the edges of the flower pot.
  4. Bury the prepared cuttings so that the place where the petiole joins the stem and part of the leaf blade are underground.
  5. Gently water with settled water at room temperature, being careful not to wash away the soil.
  6. Leave for rooting at a temperature of +22-25 °C, if possible, equip with bottom heating.
  7. Watering for the first time is allowed after 3-4 days, then periodically moisten, preventing the soil from completely drying out.
  8. After 7-8 weeks, a tuber should form. After this, the seedling should be transplanted to a permanent place of cultivation and provided with appropriate care.

How to grow Zamioculcas from a leaf

The only drawback of this method is the very slow development of the plant; only 2-3 leaves are formed per year. It is advisable to choose healthy planting material, without signs of infection, lack of nutrition or moisture. This is evidenced by the uniform coloring and healthy shine of the leaf.

A large leaf blade promotes rapid rooting and development of a new plant.

Step-by-step cultivation of Zamioculcas using this method:

  1. Obtain planting material during pruning or simply cut it from the shoot at an angle of 45° with a sharp, disinfected tool. It is advisable to leave a short petiole.
  2. Leave to dry for 2-3 hours in the open air.
  3. Sprinkle the cut area with crushed activated carbon. It can be replaced with a mixture of crushed chalk and biostimulant.
  4. Deepening to ⅓, plant in moist soil consisting of peat and sand (proportion 1:1). Be sure to add a drainage layer to the bottom of the container.
  5. You can create greenhouse conditions and maintain the temperature within +22-24 °C.
  6. Periodically moisten the soil and ventilate the greenhouse.
  7. Zamioculcas takes root from a leaf within 2-3 months. During this time, the leaf plate will dry out, but the formed tuber with roots will form new shoots.
  8. Transplant the grown seedling into an individual container and provide it with appropriate care.

Subtleties of bush division

The next time you plant zamioculcas in a new soil substrate, you can divide the bush into several parts. To propagate a dollar tree using this method, a mature, overgrown plant is required. The crop tolerates the procedure quite well if the root system is not damaged, especially the tuber.

Carefully remove the bush from the previous container and free the roots from the earthen lump. Take a shoot of zamioculcas (there may be several of them, depending on the age of the indoor flower). It is not necessary for the plant to have mature branches; one growth point on each detachable part is sufficient.

Leave in the air for a while. If it was not possible to carefully separate, cover the damaged areas with crushed charcoal. Next, plant the shoots in the usual way. The container must accommodate the root system, soil substrate and drainage layer. In this case, it is recommended to leave 2-3 cm to the edge so that overgrown roots do not push the soil out.

Purchase the soil mixture at a specialized gardening store or collect it from turf, leaf soil, coarse sand and peat. Water the planted zamioculcas and at first protect it from direct sunlight, drafts, and sudden temperature changes.

Growing from a tuber

This method of propagating a dollar tree is the most undesirable, since severe damage can destroy the plant before it has time to take root again. It is recommended to use only old, large bushes that have begun to lose their decorative properties. If the zamioculcas has only one tuber, it can be cut so that each part has roots and at least 1 growing point.

Only a correctly performed operation will ensure the receipt of 2 new copies, and not the death of the old one. The cutting area should be as small as possible. It must be covered with a thick layer of charcoal. It is also necessary to leave it in the open air for a day so that the tissue heals and the tubers do not rot.

Next, the bushes should be planted in the usual way. Avoid excessively wet substrate and exposure to unfavorable factors - drafts, sudden temperature changes, direct sunlight. The greatest danger is the threat of rotting due to constant waterlogging of the soil.

Caring for young plants

After the leaf plate or cutting has given roots, the seedling must be transplanted into a permanent container. A growing plant requires the creation of a favorable microclimate and proper care. Growing zamioculcas at home is quite simple, but some features should be taken into account. For example, after transplantation you cannot feed for 1-2 months.

Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature and only after the soil mixture has almost completely dried out, since the dollar tree is a succulent. Replanting is allowed no earlier than a year later, since after this procedure the crop requires acclimatization. A plant grown at home can produce only 2-3 leaves annually; their formation slows down during the flowering period.

It is allowed to feed zamioculcas no more than once a month with special fertilizers for cacti and succulents. In autumn and winter, fertilizing is prohibited, since at this time the dollar tree needs to be provided with a wintering period.

Pruning is not necessary; you only need to remove the peduncle after flowering, as well as shoots affected by infections or pests. Sometimes, to rejuvenate a bush, complete removal of the leaves is required.

Zamioculcas propagation at home is most often carried out vegetatively. Regardless of which part of the plant is used, planting material should be rooted in soil substrate, not water. Subsequent care for seedlings is similar to adult specimens.

This plant is unusual, very beautiful, has dark green leaves. It began to be grown in our country not so long ago, but this flower has already gained great popularity due to the fact that it is unpretentious and undemanding to care, and feels good in a dimly lit room. Zamioculcas is loved by both professional designers and many flower growers. Since the flower is beautiful and not capricious, many people ask: how to propagate zamioculcas at home? This can be done in different ways; this article will discuss the main ones.

Propagation by dividing rhizomes

The Zamioculcas flower can be propagated quite easily and quickly by tubers. How does Zamioculcas reproduce at home using tubers? The rhizome must be very carefully divided into 2-3 parts, more is possible, the main condition is that each part has its own growing point. The damaged area needs to be dried a little; to do this, just put the tuber in a shaded place in the air, you can sprinkle it with charcoal, and only after a couple of hours you need to plant the tubers in different containers.

Important! Under no circumstances should the tuber be cut into several parts with a knife, as the zamioculcas will die in this case.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by tubers- this is not the best way to propagate this flower, because you will need to wait a long time for the bush to grow.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaf

Reproduction of zamioculcas at home with leaves is a fairly simple and easy process. Leaves from the plant for propagation must be cut off with a disinfected, sharp instrument. It is advisable to cut off the leaves from the stem. How to grow Zamioculcas from a leaf? Some gardeners first place the leaves in water, while others immediately plant them in sterilized soil. Most often, propagation using a leaf takes approximately 2 to 6 months; you need to wait until a small tuber appears at the base of the leaf.
After cutting, the leaves should be left to air dry for a couple of hours, then the cut area should be sprinkled with a special preparation that will stimulate root growth; Zircon or Kornevin are perfect for this, and some gardeners use regular activated carbon. After planting the sheets, the container must be covered with either glass or cellophane film to create a greenhouse effect. The film should be removed once or twice a day to air the sheets. It is advisable to use large leaves as planting material, which take root much faster than young leaves.
Zamioculcas takes root much faster with a branch or stem with leaves. Propagation by leaf and stem is a fairly quick way to obtain an adult plant. With this method of propagation, the flower must be watered periodically, but it is advisable to do this not with a watering can, but with a spray bottle. A sprayer is needed for both soil and leaves; this method of watering will not allow you to flood the plant so that it does not die.
How to plant zamioculcas when it is grown from leaves? You need to take small containers, on the bottom of which you need to lay a layer of drainage; foam granules or expanded clay are suitable for this. A nutrient layer of substrate is poured on top of it, which must first be moistened, and the leaves and stems must be planted in this soil.

Propagation of Zamioculcas by cuttings

Cuttings are best carried out in spring and summer, when the flower is actively growing and developing. The cutting must be cut from a healthy, mature plant. It is better not to cut branches from a bush that was recently purchased in a store; such cuttings will take root very poorly when planted due to the fact that the flower in the store is often treated with all kinds of growth stimulants. After purchasing zamioculcas in a store, you can propagate it using cuttings only after one year.

It is best to take cuttings from a bush when the plant is dormant. Before planting branches in the ground, it is advisable to keep them in a container of water. Propagating zamioculcas with a branch in water is a very quick way to get a new plant. It is advisable to add one tablet of activated carbon to the water, thanks to which the water will be clear. It also doesn’t hurt to dissolve the drug in water to speed up root formation. When roots appear on a cutting or a cut stem in water, it can be planted in the ground.
Small pots with a layer of drainage at the bottom are suitable for planting cuttings. Some prefer to buy the substrate in the store, and some mix several components, namely: turf, leaf soil, river sand and peat. It is advisable to insert the cuttings deeper into the substrate. Zamioculcas reproduces using cuttings much faster in conditions of high humidity, especially at first, when the rooted stems have not yet taken root. It is advisable to place pots with cuttings on a shaded windowsill. Once every three to four weeks, you can feed young plants with mineral fertilizers.

Best conditions for rooting

In order for Zamioculcas to take root as quickly as possible when grown from leaves, tubers, stems or cuttings, it must be planted in special soil. A suitable substrate can be purchased at a flower shop; soil for cacti or violets would be a good option. Some gardeners mix the purchased substrate with river sand in equal quantities, or you can plant young zamioculcas in clean sand. River sand is good because it allows air and moisture to pass through perfectly. In order for cuttings, stems or leaves to take root faster, they must be treated with a root stimulator, for example, Kornevin.
It is very convenient to plant cuttings or leaves in ordinary disposable cups, which for quick propagation should be placed in a warm room where the air temperature is about 22 degrees. For rooting to be successful, diffused light must fall on the zamioculcas; direct rays of the sun should not be allowed. Disposable cups are good because the roots can be seen through them. When the first roots are visible, soil moisture must be increased.

In order for Zamioculcas to grow quickly and be healthy, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is better to use a substrate for a flower bought in a store; either universal soil or soil for succulents, which contains perlite and vermiculite, is suitable; these components loosen the soil and serve as a good source of nutrition;
  • without a drainage layer, the root system can rot, causing young plants to die;
  • It is advisable to replant young bushes once a year without disturbing the root system; replanting should be carried out by transferring the bush with a lump of earth into a large pot; after replanting, watering is carried out only after 3 days;
  • Both young and adult bushes do not like excessive watering; it is better to moisten the soil less than too much, so that the tubers do not rot. It is necessary to water only when the top layer of the substrate is dry;
  • zamioculcas does not tolerate direct rays of the sun, as well as a dark room; when exposed to sunlight, burns appear on the leaves, and in a dark room the plant loses its decorative properties;
  • You need to feed the flower with fertilizers twice a month; you can also spray the leaves with fertilizers, due to which they will acquire an intense green color;
  • the plant sometimes needs a shower with warm water, while the soil must be covered with film; thanks to water procedures, the leaves will be attractive and smooth.

Zamioculcas is a popular indoor flower that is valued by many gardeners for its beautiful decorative leaves. Moreover, he is not capricious and absolutely not demanding in care. But propagating zamioculcas at home can take not only a lot of time, but also effort. To avoid this, it’s worth learning a few subtleties about growing this amazing plant.

Description and characteristics of the flower

Zamioculcas, or, as they say, dollar tree, is a member of the aroid family native to the distant African tropics. The shrub has massive foliage and powerful rhizomes. In an apartment, such a tropical tree does not grow higher than one meter, so it is considered an ideal flower for home cultivation.

Since the plant is a succulent, it tolerates long-term drought well. The fact is that the bush accumulates moisture in its fleshy tissues for a long time and, in the absence of watering, uses its reserves. That is why the dollar tree has a number of peculiarities in growing, for example, it does not like frequent and abundant watering. And also the flower is absolutely indifferent to light and develops and grows well even in the darkest apartment.

It should immediately be noted that the plant is considered poisonous, so it is recommended to put it away, especially if there are small children or pets in the house. And experts recommend that breeders of such plants wear rubber gloves when watering, pruning or other caring procedures, and wash their hands with an antibacterial agent after contact with the flower.

Basic methods of reproduction

There are several options for growing a new young plant; each gardener chooses a more convenient and reliable method for himself. So, the dollar flower can be propagated in the following ways:

  • The vegetative method involves propagation using leaves, cuttings or young shoots.
  • The generative method is the propagation of a flower using seeds.

Any of these options has its pros and cons and requires certain knowledge, without which successful propagation and obtaining a new flower may not be possible. It should be noted right away that it is better for inexperienced flower growers or amateurs to use vegetative propagation, since this option is the simplest and most reliable.

The seed method is used infrequently, as this is perhaps the most time-consuming and unreliable propagation procedure. The fact is that most often a dollar flower obtained by seed grows inconspicuous, even outwardly somewhat reminiscent of an ear of corn. In addition, if Zamioculcas begins to bloom, this may indicate its imminent death.

Rooting in aqueous solution

One of the most commonly used methods of propagation of zamioculcas is a branch in water. It is this option that allows you to constantly monitor how the roots of the plant develop. Such reproduction can be carried out as follows:

After this method of propagation, you cannot water the plant abundantly; this is due to the fact that the sprout developed in water and has already absorbed all the moisture necessary for development. And excess water can lead to rot and further death of the young shoot.

Growing from a leaf

This reproduction option is suitable even for beginners, since this method differs from others in its accessibility and simplicity. In order to propagate a zamioculcas flower with a leaf, it is necessary to select a healthy and young leaf without any cracks, spots or other defects.

The substrate for planting the leaf should be light and loose; for this, you can add a small amount of sand to the total mass. You can also use commercial soil designed for succulent plants, or purchase a vermiculite composition. To plant, you need to pick a young leaf and leave it in the open air for about two hours, this is done so that the torn leaf dries a little at the base.

Then the cut site must be treated with activated carbon powder and the leaves must be planted in cups with the prepared substrate to a depth of 8-10 centimeters. If several leaves are planted in a cup at once, then there should be a distance of a phalanx of a finger between them.

An important condition for getting a good sprout is limiting watering., it is not recommended to water it in the first seven days after planting. If the earthen ball is too dry, then spraying is allowed.

This method of cutting Zamioculcas, in addition to obvious advantages in the form of convenience and simplicity, also has its significant disadvantages. The fact is that you won’t be able to get a new flower quickly, since propagation by leaves is a rather lengthy procedure, and such a plant will begin to bloom only after three years.

Tuber division

Zamioculcas can reproduce by the tuberous method, and this option allows you to get a strong, strong and healthy flower, which in a short period of time will look like an adult independent dollar tree.

To carry out the procedure, you only need an adult and healthy zamioculcas bush; dividing the tuber must be done with extreme caution, since any awkward movement can damage both the donor and the new planting material, and they can die.

So, to divide zamioculcas at home, you need to follow these steps. At the very beginning, you need to carefully remove the flower along with the root from the flowerpot, while trying not to damage it. After this, you need to thoroughly rinse the roots of the flower with regular running water, dry them and try to untangle the roots.

Now it is necessary to divide the tuber, but in such a way that the new part has its own roots. Then you need to dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate, treat the roots with it and give them two days to dry on their own. After this, all that remains is to plant the new tuber in a separate container.

For this option, it is important not only to propagate the flower correctly, but also to root it in ideal soil, which should consist of the following components:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sand.

In addition to a quality substrate, Don’t forget about the drainage layer, this will prevent water from stagnating in the flower pot, which means it will not be able to harm the roots. Another important rule for any trimming and dividing a tuber using an auxiliary tool in the form of a knife or scissors is its disinfection. This is done in order to avoid infection of the flower and the development of any diseases.

Using cuttings

This option involves cutting a small branch from the main tree, which should have several leaves. To propagate Zamioculcas by cuttings, you need to take a strong, intact cutting that does not have any stains, cuts or cracks, and perform the following steps:

Such a mini-greenhouse must be kept away from direct sunlight, as this can cause rotting of the cuttings. The best place for a greenhouse would be a window sill, where there is no bright sunlight, but not too dark. Such propagation is mainly carried out in spring or late autumn, when the flower begins its growing season.

Possible difficulties

People planning to breed and propagate dollar bush may encounter a number of problems. Basically, typical mistakes are associated with the use of unsterile instruments, and since this flower is a succulent and all its tissues are filled with moisture, it is simply a paradise for the development of all sorts of pathogenic microbes.

This is why it is extremely important to use only clean and sterile knives and planting containers. And also after pruning you need to treat the cut areas.

Especially often, when dividing a tuber, a mistake is made such as injuring the flower, since many amateur gardeners, in order not to spend a lot of time untangling the roots, simply cut them with scissors, thereby damaging the root system of the zamioculcas flower. This is strictly forbidden.