An application that counts the number of words. Counting the number of characters and words

Hello pen masters! You probably already know that the work of a copywriter is evaluated by the number of characters? I wrote more, less than in the TK - in the trash. Today I want to tell you how to count the number of characters in a text in 9 ways.

When I was still a beginner, I always measured the length of an article in Word. A good program, but there are other equally interesting tools.

I will share with you one secret. An experienced copywriter does not always write in Worde. Over time, you get acquainted with other online services, programs. Not every one of them will immediately show you the size of the text.

I myself did not notice how I began to check everything on the Internet. I rarely consider Word. I will not bore you with a boring preface, I will immediately show you interesting, useful counters. You will learn how to quickly and easily count the number of letters. Let's not pull the turnip by the greens and get to know the miracle counters closer.


We, the authors, often work with If you have not yet, then everything is ahead. Either check the water, then spam. Well, where without it?

It gives detailed statistics: the length of the article in characters with and without spaces, how many words. The place to check can be found on the home page or in the SEO analysis section. How to find out the size of an article? To do this, you need to insert the desired text into a special field.

It is not necessary to click the "Check for uniqueness" button. The quantity will be displayed at the bottom instantly.


  • full analysis by SEO parameters, uniqueness is possible;
  • the result is saved by registered users.


  • with a detailed check you have to wait;
  • service sometimes slows down.

Text is for everyone. It is used by both prestigious companies and novice copywriters.


And it would not occur to me to call the site a rhyme, but it is. I look at the character counter when I check for nausea at the request of the customer. Why copy the text somewhere else, if everything is at hand.

How to determine the length of an article in Advego? Go to the Advego website, click on the “SEO text analysis” tab.

Paste text into the workspace.

The calculator will immediately show the volume. But if you need more detailed information, click on “Check”. You will receive detailed statistics.

What you might like:

  • works quickly;
  • you can check both spamming and text size at the same time.

I advise you to work with Advego at least once. For me, this is a service that has never let me down.

Word - is it so good

All paths start with Word. There we write, check spelling, learn to count signs. Microsoft has created a great counter. But when I switched to printing in Evernote, Google's services, it became a little inconvenient. Why? The program takes longer to start than the online character counter. I don’t want to waste time when you check the work not at the end, but along the way.

With the 2007 version it's easier. See the "Review" tab at the top? Okay, go there.

There, next to the spelling, there is a statistics button. It shows ABC123.

If you do not want to go over the tabs, I can offer a shorter way. In the status bar at the bottom is the “Number of Words” panel, click.

A window with statistics appears.

Now we know the number:

  • characters without spaces and with them,
  • lines,
  • paragraphs
  • pages.

To find out the number of characters of a particular fragment, copy and also click on the statistics.

You can assign a hotkey combination for verification. Hold down Ctrl, Alt, + at the same time. The menu pops up. There, opposite the keyboard shortcut, select the “Customize” button. Select the desired command, enter, for example, Shift + D.

  • can be used offline;
  • it is convenient if you write there.

Ward has one drawback - the cost. It is difficult to register this word counting program without paying.

If you can't install Word, download OpenOffice. It is simpler, but there will be no errors during operation.

By default, the calculation window appears when you press Ctrl+Shift+G. is an online word counting service. No installations, simple interface. There are useful tricks that will help save the copywriter time.

We get the result.

We managed to find out not only how many words are in the text, but also the number of their uses, uniqueness. Do you think that's it? No. Under the “More” button, there are several useful features for authors.

What can be done with text:

  1. Change uppercase. All words at the beginning of a sentence will be capitalized.
  2. Change to lower case. Capital letters are replaced with small ones.
  3. Full title of the article. Each word starts with upper case.
  4. Translate into Latin letters. The text will be in Russian, only it will be rewritten in English letters.
  5. Clear the work area. It will not take long, tedious to select the entire article in order to delete it. One click is clean.

This is a whole set of useful tools for copywriters and webmasters. It will help you find out the real speed of the Internet, your IP address, edit photos, like in Photoshop, without installing software. But we are interested in another part of the site - a counter of words and letters. You can find it on the main page in the left menu.

Insert or write our article there.

  • find out the length of the text - the button "Calculate",
  • remove duplicate words - the "Delete duplicates" button,
  • delete the entire article - the "Clear" button,
  • check the number of characters without html markup - check the box next to "Cut tags".

When I'm too lazy to type text into Word, I use this service.

VIP content can replace Word and even surpasses it in some ways. In addition to counting letters, the service has many interesting features that a copywriter will need.

The service turns text into an image. I did not know that online services are capable of such miracles. Suddenly, you will need to briefly add work to your portfolio or make an example in an article. Copy the text in the field. Click "Convert to Image". It is downloaded to the folder we need.

As a result, we get such a nice result.

This function may be needed not only by the author, but also by the customer who draws up the TOR. For example, to show a sample article.

Have you already noticed? At the end of the picture is always the logo of the site. Therefore, either remove it (cut it off, cover it up), or live with it.

Checking the number of characters is simple, convenient, informative. Click on "Calculate". In a few seconds, detailed statistics are already in front of your eyes.

The information is enough to send the work to the customer or edit it. They guessed with the number of commas. I wonder how much complex sentences, punctuation marks have already been instructed.

Other useful site features:

  • spell check is weak, don't rely on it;
  • removal of repetitions of words;
  • counting characters without html tags - convenient if you wrote with anchors;
  • cutting out a fragment of text - you will need it when you need to check only a part;
  • form cleanup - save time when deleting text.

Enviable advantages of VIP content:

  • application for Android - do an article, count the volume everywhere;
  • does not slow down;
  • extended functionality.

Text is pasted into the mobile app only from the clipboard. You cannot upload a file for verification.

Would you use an Android program to find out the size of an article?

Don't like the slick interface? Do you want a simple service that will count the characters for you without unnecessary details? Then AdvertSeo-Helper is for you.

When I work online, I don't need other features. Quickly count the characters - the site copes with this task by 5. Open AdvertSeo-Helper. In the input form, insert the text for verification.

There are no buttons, we do not press anything. Statistics immediately appear with right side. A copywriter has every minute scheduled. I love the site for efficiency.

Sign counter analyzes the text, formats it. After checking by the service, you can be sure that you will not send the “raw semi-finished product” to the customer.

As a desperate person, I decided to check the text for the number of keywords, typing speed. Well, I checked the box next to double spaces. What if they are? Here are the statistics that the service gave me.

The site works in several languages: French, Italian, English, Polish, German. You can just have fun or practice - it's up to you.

If customers require Glavred ratings from you, use the function to remove stop words. She, of course, mows everything one size fits all, but the result will be better. To use it, you need to buy a PRO-account.

Why load an already tired laptop with software? Have pity on him, you already knock on the keyboard several thousand times a day. Make life easier for yourself and him by using Seostop.

Don't look for additional features there. After all, we came to count signs, and not to do a deep analysis. There are special services for analysis - Advego, Text. What we need is a simple calculator.

On the site in the “Useful” section we find “Character counter”. How to use it? You type in the text or paste it into the field, the number of characters without spaces and with them is automatically shown.

If this is not enough for you, you want to know, then go to Spelling. There you can make such an edit that the customer will fall in love with your article.

How many letters, symbols, words on one page

The experience of a copywriter is not only a deposit of documents on a computer, positive feedback from customers, but also the development of an eye. So you can immediately say whether 1,000 characters without spaces will fit on a sheet or not? And I have learned.

Want to become a pro but don't know how? I invite you to. In a short time, you will be able to click articles like nuts.

The text occupies the page differently. This is affected by the font size, and the number of paragraphs, lines, tables.

So that you save your precious time, I want to tell you how much text fits on pages, etc. You still can’t do without counting rhymes, but at least you will check at the end, and not constantly look at the counter.

You will learn to appreciate your work. Because it is difficult for beginners to understand 1,000 characters - is it a lot or a little, is it worth 20 rubles. Or is it better to bypass the order.

If you still don't know how much it is - 1,000 characters of text, then get ready to find out the answer. An article with a volume of one kilosign occupies 65% of one sheet of Word.

How many pages does 1500 characters take? This is 80% of 1 A4 page in Word. Font Arial 12. 40–50 letters per line (average).

How many characters are on an A4 page? To fill it completely, you need 1,889 characters written Arial 12.

A brief review or product description takes up 20% of the page.

Now you know what test in 1,500 characters without spaces - not so much. Customers often give small amounts to test you in practice.

Tell us what you use to count characters, what sites you liked. I would be glad to hear your opinion.

Do you want to constantly learn about useful copywriting tips? , we are waiting for you.

One of the most useful tasks for working with text in Excel is to automatically count the number of words or certain words in a line. There are many different ways to solve this problem, but we will consider the simplest one.

Formula for counting the number of words in an Excel cell

How to count the number of words and spaces in Excel cells? In fact, words in a line are separated by a space character. There is 1 space between each word, so spaces in a text string are always one less than words. A simple formula to understand: number of words per line = number of spaces +1. In other words, we need a formula to count the number of spaces in a string and add +1 to the result of its calculation.

To make a formula in Excel for counting the number of words, we need to follow 3 steps:

  1. Determine the length of the original string including spaces.
  2. Determine the length of the original string without spaces.
  3. Subtract from the length of the string with spaces - the string without spaces.

The above formula contains 3 functions. One of them is the SUBSTITUTE function, and then there are two identical DLSTRs.

First, the DLSTR function checks the length of the text wash while in its original form in cell A1.


Putting the SUBSTITUTE function as an argument to the DLSTR function allows us to automatically determine the length of the string without spaces.


Note! At this point, +1 should be added, because the last word in the text does not have a corresponding space.

Practical applications of the above descriptive formulas are most often encountered when analyzing large lists of key phrases.

Formula for counting the number of characters in an Excel cell

  1. Determine the length of the original word "Mississippi" = 9.
  2. We determine the length of the same word, but without the letter "C" - "Miiiipi" = 6.
  3. Subtract from the original word the word without the letter "C": 9-6=3.

As a result, the formula automatically counted the number of letters "C" in all words:

Note. The formula uses the CAPITAL function to capitalize all letters in words because the SUBSTITUTE function is case sensitive. And we are looking for a large letter "C" in every word of the city name.

If earlier, when working with texts, the main unit of measurement was one sheet, now it is one character. Under the sign or symbol understand letters, numbers, punctuation marks, spaces. There are two types of counting - this is the count of the number of characters with spaces and the number of characters without spaces.

How to find out the number of characters in three easy ways

1. Visual method, when the number of characters can be determined "by eye", approximately. It is enough to count the number of characters in one line and lines per sheet. Then you need to multiply these two numbers and get the result.

For reference: on a Microsoft Word page with standard font and indentation settings, there are about 60 characters with spaces and up to 50 lines per line. But this will be an approximate figure.

How to calculate with Word

2. If you work with Microsoft Word, you can use the special character count function that is on the menu. How to do it?

- select or paste the desired fragment;

- find in the bottom line "Number of words", click;

— View the required information in the “Statistics” window that opens.

- select or insert the desired piece of text;

- click "Service" in the top menu bar;

- go to the "Statistics" section;

- get a quantitative analysis of the fragment.

How to count the number of characters in a text online

3. There are many sites on the Internet where you can check the spelling and the number of characters in the text. Such sites are called "counters". For example, to work with texts, you can use:,, All these sites do not require mandatory registration.

- go to one of the proposed sites (I use the site or type in a search engine: “how to count the number of characters in a text”;

- paste the previously copied text in which you need to count the characters;

- analyze the received information.

In order to attract more users, each "counting room" offers its own list of additional services.

So on the site, in addition to the standard character count, there is also a count of commas, spaces and paragraphs. On the site you can do the calculation plus text analysis. And on there is a qualitative check for uniqueness and SEO analysis.

It may seem that the above information is needed by a limited circle of people. But it's not. Counting characters in text is done frequently, starting with school essays and institute term papers ending with the publication of books and newspapers. Also, this method is widely used for working on the Internet. One character is a unit for calculating the cost of a text document. Even a common person in Everyday life faces this challenge by advertising in a newspaper or leaving a comment on a website.

It may happen that in search of the necessary answer to different questions, people simultaneously find themselves on the same Internet resource. And this should not be surprising. Say, one is interested in how to count the number of words in a text? And the other wants to know how to resize a photo?

Both the one and the other will go to the specified service quite naturally, since it is on it that there are a lot of various and often demanded free applications. And many prefer to “stop” on this site, so as not to get confused in the “world wide web”.

This means that there will be a variety of people among the users of the service. For example, those who, using a special application, want to determine the distance between cities or learn how to resize an image or photo. Or those who want to know how to download a youtube video or how to set a zip code to an address?

These and many other useful applications can be found here. They are very easy to use. In addition, there is no need to download files, install and then update. You don't have to pay for them. And no registration on the site is provided.

How the resource helps to work with text

We will not talk about each application now. But let's dwell on the application that helps to count the number of words in the text online. It is clear that this application may not be so often in demand. For example, compared to an application that helps crop a photo.

However, one should not think that those who work with texts and who need an accurate count of words in it are very few. Suffice it to say that this group includes many journalists, writers, copywriters, rewriters, bloggers, translators, optimizers and article commissioners, as well as many others.

And for them, especially those working remotely, their income depends on how much they write. And this means that for the same journalist it is very important to get an honestly earned fee, you need to get accurate statistics for each written word, for each character. Moreover, both with spaces and without them.

But if there is a service, it is not so difficult. You just need to enter the text in the appropriate field, and the count of the number of words in the text will be ready. And instantly.

Sometimes the same journalist writes an article with the specific task of not exceeding the prescribed length in characters. Otherwise, when laying out the newspaper, the article will not fit on the areas of the newspaper page, which were allotted for it in advance. And then you have to shorten the text.

And if you have the right service in service, then this problem can be avoided. After all, the service determines the number of words in the text without the slightest error. And it will not be necessary for the user to poke his fingers into the monitor for this. And even more so to count each word manually.

You don't need to be smart. For those whose work is somehow connected with the preparation of the text, this application on the site will become the most important and necessary tool.

An online tool to count any number of characters in a text. With this tool, you can easily find out how many characters are in the text, how many characters in the text without a space, how many punctuation marks, spaces and paragraphs. You can also remove duplicate lines (if any), remove stop words, remove HTML tags from text, and trim text to the desired number of characters.

Why count and process characters in text?

This tool will be useful for copywriters, rewriters and SEO specialists. You can truncate text and remove stop words for further publication on the customer's website. With the help of the HTML tag removal function, you can copy the source text directly from the site, and then simply remove all HTML tags with one click, resulting in a clean and ready text for further processing.

What can the character count tool do?

Our tool is quite easy to use, but very powerful in functionality. Detailed description See below for all features.

  1. Counting the number of characters (including non-space characters)
  2. Counting the number of words in a text
  3. Counting the number of commas and periods in text
  4. Counting the number of special characters (%$#&* [email protected] etc.)
  5. Counting the number of digits in a text
  6. Counting the number of spaces and paragraphs in text
  7. Support for unlimited characters*
  8. Remove stop words (Russian and English stop words are supported)
  9. Removing duplicate lines (if there are two or more identical lines in the text)
  10. Removing HTML tags from text (, ... ,
    , ... and other HTML tags, including classes and IDs.)
  11. Trimming text to a certain number of characters (for example, there are 5000 characters in the text, enter the value 1500 in the special field and click the trim button, after that the text will have exactly 1500 characters.)

What special characters are counted?

Below are the special characters that may be in your text. When they are found, you will see their number in a special line.

-\§#!$*%+&"−()`⁄:;<=>[email protected] _{|}~№«»€

What are the stop words in the list?

Our list of stop words contains the following words, phrases, letters, etc.:

Russian stop words:
a, big, would, without, more, was, was, were, was, be, in, you, you, after all, all, here, all, all, all, you, along, instead of, outside, down, below, inside, around, always, everyone, say, year, where, yes, for, before, come on, give, even, enough, more, him, her, her, if, there is, still, know, for, here, and, because of, or, them, have, them, from, to, how, which, somehow, who, when, except, whether, either, me, can, mine, my, can, we, on, ours, not, hers, no, but, on, forever, over, it is necessary, ours, him, her, nor, him, them, well, oh, one, oto, one, oh, however, he, she, they, it, from, why, very, by, under, after, because, almost, with, about, with, your, yourself, say, again, with, that, such, only, that, you, so, also , such, there, those, those, that, that, too, that, only, that, here, you, already, although, at, what, what, something, whose, than, what, to, whose, whose , whose, this, this, these, this, this, I
English stop words:
about, above, according, across, actually, ad, adj, ae, af, after, i, he, to, of, and, in, is, it, for, that, if, you, this, be, on, with, not, have, are, or, as, from, can, but, by, at, an, will, no, all, la, last, later, latter, lb, lc, least, less, let, let" s, li, was, do, there, my, one, so, sa, same, sb, sc, sd, se, seem, seemed, seeming, seems, seven, seventy, several, sg, sh, she, she" d, she "ll, she" s, was, wasn, wasn "t, we, we" d, we "ll, we" re, we "ve, web, webpage, website, welcome, well, were, weren, weren "t, wf, what, what" ll, what "s, whatever, when, whence, whenever, where, they, would, any, which, ye, yes, yet, you, you" d, you "ll

The list of stop words is constantly updated. If you want to add any stop words, write to us using the feedback form. We will definitely add new meaningful stop words to our stop list.

* - the limit on the number of insertion and processing of characters at a time is 1000000 characters without spaces.