The most interesting events that you need to go to on the day of Russia. Day of Russia June 12 where the concert will be

This year, the main state holiday turns a quarter of a century old. Large-scale festivities are planned for Russia Day 2017 in Moscow. We will tell you about the best events.

Tverskaya street


On Tverskaya street 12.00 to 22.00(on the section from Pushkinskaya Square to Manezhnaya), as well as on Okhotny Ryad Street, a grandiose holiday will be held - “The Day of the History of Russia”. There will be 17 thematic zones, the best reconstructions and activities for all 12 days of the Times and Epochs. Assembly,” which began at the beginning of the month.

Among the thematic zones are such as "Dyakovskaya culture" (the work of weavers, potters and jewelers), "Russia and neighbors" (an exhibition of the armor of Russian troops), "The era of Peter I" (Moscow street of the XVIII century), a site dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812, "USSR in the 30s" ( board games, songs with a guitar, a parade of athletes and an exhibition of retro cars), "The Great Patriotic War" (courses for machine gunners, nurses, air defense fighters).

The site "Rus and Neighbors" will show an exhibition of armor of the Russian troops of the Russians and the Horde. Here you can also see the falconry and levada with horses, attend folk concerts and master classes. To visit a shoemaker's shop and an icon painter's workshop, take a look at the site dedicated to the 17th century. At the same time, here you can watch everyday life archery field camp, learn how to handle pikes and muskets, and master the art of calligraphy.

The "Era of Peter I" invites you to the promenade along the Moscow street of the XVIII century, then arranged in a new, European manner. Those who wish can look at the dance lessons of the Petrovsky Assembly. A mint, a navigational school and a pharmacy order will also work here.

Do you want to feel like a fearless cavalryman? Then you are on the site dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812. There is a fencing school, a saddler's workshop and a field forge. On this site, you can take the most spectacular photos against the backdrop of the reconstruction of the Russian redoubt and the French camp. Or learn how to open champagne with a saber!

In the "training camp" on the site "First World War”, the soldiers will practice drill and bayonet fighting. Nearby there will be an exhibition of technology from the First World War. For those who wish to take the course of a young fighter - to the Great Patriotic War site. A "recruiting center" will be set up there, where you can sign up for courses for machine gunners, nurses, and air defense fighters.

And that's not all. It will be possible to watch the performances of the Kremlin Riding School, a fire show.

Sokolniki Park"

Sokolnichesky Val, 1.


Sokolniki Park will host a large-scale Russia Day celebration program that will include 4 major festivals:

FROM 12 to 16 hours on Festivalnaya Square, the “Big Training” of the MATCH-TV channel starts, within which one of the most titled Russian moto-extremals- Marat Kankadze. And for real football fans, the main trophy of Russian teams, the RFPL Cup, won by FC Spartak this year for the first time in 16 years, will be on display at the site from 14:00.

FROM 16 to 21 hours on Festivalnaya Square, at the end of the "Big Training", the concert program "Ours in the City" starts, where the best young and bright Russian bands will perform. The headliner of the event will be the cult Russian rock band 7B.

FROM 13 to 21 hours another concert program will be held on the Fountain Square of the park, which will include DJ sets and musical performances. The main event of the site will be the meeting of the guests of the park with the Russian gymnast, 4-time Olympic champion Alexei Nemov.

FROM 11 am to 8 pm The 3rd Moscow Festival of Contemporary Literature will be held on the Rotunda stage. Among the guests of the event is the Russian blogger Nikolai Sobolev, popular among the youth audience of YouTube (more than 3 million subscribers in a record time), who recently published the book "The Way to Success".

Park "Krasnaya Presnya"

Mantulinskaya, 5.


In the park "Krasnaya Presnya" on the Day of Russia 2017 in Moscow with 12 to 20 hours, a number of activities will be held, including master classes in kite flying and aircraft design, a lecture on the history of the Russian flag.

AT 14:00 a concert of Russian radio dedicated to the Day of Russia will begin. The hosts are the hosts of the morning show "Russian Peppers" and Dmitry Olenin. Among the speakers are Sati Kazanova, Yulia Kovalchuk, Alexey Chumakov and many others.

Pushkin Square


On Pushkinskaya Square 12 to 20 hours will host the festival "Multinational Russia", organized by the Federal Agency for Nationalities. At 12.00 the festival town will start working. The tents "Country of cartoons" (cartoons about different peoples and cities), interactive "Country of crafts" (forge with a hammer and anvil), "Country of dolls" (doll workshop) will be presented.

The Country in Details exhibition will open, demonstrating the diversity of all 85 regions of Russia. The culmination of the festival in 14.00 will be a big concert with the participation of national groups and performers. The hosts are actress Yana Poplavskaya and singer Zarif Norov.

Theatrical passage


In Teatralny proezd with 12.00 – 20.00 , a special equestrian program dedicated to the Day of Russia. There will be a performance by the military-applied equestrian sports team of the Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment and the Kremlin Riding School “Equestrian Traditions of Russia”.

Triumfalnaya Square


On Triumfalnaya Square with 14.00 – 22.00 there will be an open festival of arts "Cherry Forest", as well as an exhibition exposition of the Tretyakov Gallery "Art of the XX century".

the Red Square


On Red Square with 19 to 22 hours there will be a Grand gala concert dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Russia. Presenters - Olga Shelest and Nikolai Baskov. The program will be attended by - Polina Gagarina, Timati, Nyusha, Turetsky Choir, Disco Crash and many others. At the end of the concert - festive fireworks.

Garden them. Bauman

st. Old Basmannaya, 16.


Here is the festival of the new drama “Theatre. New Forms". On this day on the main stage of the park: freestyle Workshop with the support of the Hip-Hop Academy with a battle freestyle show Pro theater (15.00) , "#CheStihi" - a musical and poetic performance from the "Julyan Ensemble", graduates of the course of Viktor Ryzhakov at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio (16.00) , street dance and performance studio Russian FarFor (17.00) .

Tagansky park

st. Taganskaya, 15.


Sports day.

The holiday will begin with a flash mob: visitors will be able to create a giant flag of Russia from individual pieces of fabric. Valery Bukreev's jazz band will perform with compositions from the 20s and 30s. AT 17.00 - dancing. Popular jazz compositions will be performed by the Mishanyan Orchestra and Co.

AT 18.00 - screening of the film "Without Borders".

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

st. Brothers Fonchenko, 11.


On Poklonnaya Hill Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War has prepared a special program and will open its doors to everyone free of charge. The Museum of the Great Patriotic War is the first among the federal museums to come up with an initiative - in honor of the Day of Russia, to provide everyone with the opportunity to visit the museum with free tickets. On this day, guests will be able to visit dioramas, visit expositions and exhibitions of the museum, as well as open areas of weapons and military equipment.

The main event will be a patriotic action - a flash mob "Symbols of Russia". Hundreds of students, schoolchildren of Moscow, members of youth and public organizations unfurl the largest State flag Russian Federation and perform the National Anthem of Russia to the accompaniment of a brass band.

On June 12, the museum will host a special exhibition "Symbols of the Russian State", there will be guided tours, master classes and interactive programs. Popular melodies by Russian and Soviet composers will be performed by brass bands.

From June 7 to 12, Moscow hosts the final of the XII festival of musical creativity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shield and Lyre". It is attended by 350 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 54 regions of Russia.

June 12 at 19:00 at Poklonka gala concert of laureates. Popular artists will make up the company for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Alexander Rosenbaum, Zara, Soso Pavliashvili, Alexander Ivanov and the Rondo group, Jasmine, Alexander Buinov, Stas Piekha, EMMA M, the Reflex group, 5'sta Family, Ruslan Alekhno and many others.

Izmailovsky park

People's Ave, 17.


The 20DOM show band will perform on the Central Stage, you can also listen to a brass band, the Poverye folklore ensemble and the Dikovina folk show group.

Fili Park

st. Barclay, 22.


Animators will present flags, balloons and other paraphernalia with Russian symbols to the guests of the park. There will be a quiz for children "My Russia" on knowledge of the history of our country. After that, the children will play ball, take part in relay races and competitions.

AT 14.00 - the program of the scientific show "Children of Einstein", in which young viewers will learn a lot of new things in a playful way.

All day long - football master classes, relay races, mini-matches, as well as tennis ball, tennis master classes.

There will be a show by the Moscow Dreams children's modeling agency.

On stage, a concert with the participation of pop artists.

The holiday will end with a disco and a free film screening in a summer cinema.

Park "Kuzminki"

Kuzminsky park, 1.


Here is a holiday with a scientific bias. "Russian School of Engineering" will introduce robotics: 11.00 to 17.00 on the green lawn there will be a family workshop for parents with children from 3 years old. Programming and building lessons will be held on LEGO Mindstorms and LEGO WeDo.

AT 11.00, 13.00 and 15.00 the bowling alley robot competition starts on the lawn: guests will assemble and program androids, then send them to the “battlefield”. The task is to knock down the pins with the robot in the shortest possible time without leaving the circle of the ring. Here, in 11.30, 13.30 and 15.30- competition for assembling LEGO WeDo androids against the clock. The tournament will be held in 2 stages: for teams aged 3-4 years and 5-6 years. At 11.30, 13.30 and 15.30 a track for races of radio-controlled cars will unfold on the lawn.

AT 12.00 on the playground, the scientific and interactive show "Children of Einstein": safe explosions of hydrogen balloons, creation of a festive hairstyle and soda, salvation from the heat with a vortex generator. In the evening there is a big concert, and at 22.00 - festive fireworks.


AT park "Gardeners" (10.00-22.00 ) - balance bike competitions, bicycle race for children 4-7 years old.

Throughout the day: badminton, frisbee, discgolf. AT 18.00 a brass band will perform on Fountain Square. AT 22.00 - fireworks.

Lilac garden (13.00-17.00). The ensemble "HIT Classic" will perform with "hit" compositions of classical music. Then the Capital Guys, the 20DOM show band and the Heat trio will take the stage. Guests of the park are also waiting for the performance of stilt walkers.

AT Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye (12.00-20.00)- big music festival "Russia".

Hermitage Garden

m. "Chekhovskaya",

12.00 - 21.00.

Free admission.

A huge brass samovar "Tsar-Moscow" 2 meters high will appear in the garden! And the fountain of the Hermitage will turn into an installation of hundreds of samovars of various sizes and shapes.

On June 11, a gastronomic platform will open around the Tsar-Moscow samovar with national cuisines peoples of Russia. Here you can try khinkali, khingalsh, borscht and crumbly pilaf, perepechi and shangi.

On June 12, the musical and theatrical venue will start working. It will be opened by the Dagestan Puppet Theater with productions of Geese-Swans and The Secret of the Peach Pit.

Visitors will be the first to see excerpts from the new musical "The Heart of the Snow Maiden". Pupils of the Yuri Rozum Foundation, headed by the maestro, will present a special musical program. Special guest - the star of the world classical scene Olga Leman-Balashova.

Quests, master classes, an exhibition of national costumes, a fashion show are also prepared for visitors.

On the playground, volunteers, together with young guests, will look for the “lost” parts of Russian proverbs and sayings, make amulets, and paint wooden plates.

The organizers plan to set several records for the Guinness Book of Records at once.

Samovar "Tsar-Moscow" - a contender for the record in the nomination "The highest samovar in Russia". The second record will be set in the nomination "The largest multinational tea party". In the final - a concert with the participation of the groups "Accident", "After 11", the theater "Russian Song" and other stars.

Museon Arts Park

m. "Park of Culture",

Free admission.

Concert of the young composer Ilya Beshevli accompanied by the Imperialis chamber orchestra. The performance will take place on a wooden terrace in front of a dry fountain on Krymskaya Embankment. Bechevli will perform compositions from Night Forest and Wanderer albums.

Vorontsovsky park

m. "New Cheryomushki",

st. Vorontsovsky Park, vlad. 3.

Free admission.

The holiday "Russia - the country of talents" will begin with the distribution of ribbons with the tricolor and the performance of the national anthem. Classical and modern compositions performed by brass bands will sound from the stage.

An informative and entertaining quiz "What do you know about your country" will take place.

In the evening, a disco with DJ sets and a free movie screening.

Park "Northern Tushino"

m. "Planernaya",

st. Freedom, 56.

Free admission.

In the "City of Masters" at creative master classes, adults and children will be offered to learn the basics of painting, woodcarving, folk crafts of the peoples of Russia.

fans active rest will be able to test themselves in orienteering, and animal lovers to look into petting zoo. At 15.00, a mobile planetarium will open, where you can not only watch the exposition, but also listen to lectures.

FROM 16.00 the program "from Moscow to the outskirts": guests of the park will hear vocal and dance melodies of the peoples of Russia and take part in interactive performances.

AT 18.00 a big concert will begin with the participation of popular performers.

Lianozovsky park

m. "Altufievo",

st. Uglichskaya, 13.

Free admission.

Spectators will see the battle of the strongest athletes in extreme power sports among men and will be able to participate in the competition themselves. There will be creative workshops where you can make postcards, bookmarks, souvenirs.

Children are waiting for games with animators and a drawing contest. In the evening - a festive concert and a free screening of the movie "Girls".

Goncharovsky park

m. "Dmitrovskaya".

st. Shota Rustaveli, Vlad. 7.

Free admission.

The holiday program is divided into three areas: sports, music and children. Guests of the park will be able to participate in sports competitions and watch the women's extreme power tournament - STRONG FIT CUP.

In the children's program "Our Home Russia" - outdoor games, contests and a quiz. The evening will end with a concert on the main stage.


Luzhniki, 24

Colorful run - the brightest summer run in Luzhniki - run through 4 colorful zones and get a whole sea of ​​memories and photos!


“If there is Russia, then there will be me”

The Kremlin will host a music and poetry festival "My Yevtushenko".

July 18 Yevgeny Yevtushenko would have turned 85 years old. Alas, the poet did not live to see the anniversary, on April 1 he died. But Yevgeny Alexandrovich bequeathed to hold all the festive events. The musical and poetic performance "If there is Russia, then I will be" is one of them. Evgeny Alexandrovich's poems will be performed by famous theater and film actors. Both legendary and new works created by the poet in last years. On the main stage of the country will go: Iosif Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Alexander Gradsky, Nadezhda Babkina, Dmitry Kharatyan, Igor Nikolaev, Sergey Bezrukov, Valeria, Intars Busulis, Veniamin Smekhov, Sergey Shakurov, Dmitry Pevtsov, art group "Turetsky Choir", Sergey and Tatyana Nikitin, Sergei Volchkov, Dina Garipova, Olga Kormukhina and many others. They will perform songs written in different years to the poetry of the poet.

State Kremlin Palace, metro station "Okhotny Ryad", "Alexander Garden", st. Vozdvizhenka, 1.

Ticket price: 500 - 5500 rubles.


Russia Day 2017 online

On June 12, it will be possible to meet live with popular bloggers and celebrate the holiday in in social networks. Izmailovsky Park will host one of the most massive meetings with bloggers Maryana Ro, Edward Ateva, Milena Chizhova and Christian Kostov

A special program for Russia Day was prepared by 19 parks of the Moscow Department of Culture. Visitors are waiting for poems from Pushkin's robot, tea drinking from a two-meter samovar, master classes in making flags and much more. Ten parks will host free film screenings. For example, in the Hermitage Garden, Krasnaya Presnya Park, Izmailovsky Park and Kuzminki Park, you can watch the film After You (2016) starring Sergei Bezrukov. Visitors to Tagansky Park are waiting for the comedy about love of 2015 "Without Borders". Lianozovsky, Vorontsovsky and Perovsky parks will show "Girls", "Courier" and "Wedding in Malinovka".

Sokolniki: Pushkin the robot and a street music festival

For two days, June 11 and 12, visitors to Sokolniki Park will be able to communicate. The android will be brought from the "Robostation" to VDNKh, he has an outward resemblance to the poet and can read more than 600 of his poems. You can listen to his performance of your favorite excerpts from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" or the novel "Eugene Onegin" from 12:00 to 18:00 next to the Rotunda stage, not far from the main entrance to the park.

Concerts and DJ sets will be held on Fountain Square on the Day of Russia from 13:00 to 21:00. At 4:00 pm, Nashi in the City street music festival starts on Festivalnaya Square with the participation of Russian bands playing mainly in the pop-rock style.

Hermitage Garden: tea drinking from a giant samovar

On Russia Day, the Hermitage Garden will host the 1st All-Russian Festival of Russian Feast and Hospitality Samovarfest. Guests will be treated to tea from a two-meter brass samovar from 12:00 to 21:00. At the same time, 500 people will be able to drink a hot drink from it.

Guests are also waiting for exciting quests, master classes, an exhibition of national costumes and antique exhibits, a fashion show and a concert.

For tea at the festival, it will be possible to buy bagels, baklava, cheesecakes and other sweets. The holiday will end with a gala concert with the participation of the groups "Accident", "After 11" and artists of the theater "Russian Song".

The Hermitage Garden will also host a free screening of the Russian film After You (2016), directed by Anna Mathison and starring Sergei Bezrukov. Start at 21:00.

"Live" flag in Tagansky Park

The Day of Russia in the park will begin with the distribution of a thousand ribbons of the Russian tricolor flowers. Guests will be invited to participate in the creation of a giant flag. Having lined up and raising ribbons of white, blue and red colors above their heads, the flash mob participants will create a “living” flag. The action starts at 15:00. Entrance to the event from Taganskaya street.

On June 12, a group will perform on the stage of the park with a program composed of musical hits of the 1920-1930s.

In the evening there will be a free screening of the Russian comedy melodrama "Without Borders" (2015), consisting of four short stories about love. The session starts at 18:00.

Bauman Garden: Theater Festival

On June 12, from 13:00 to 20:00, the festival of the new drama “Theater. New Forms". Guests are waiting for dancing and freestyle battles. A freestyle show will take place on the main stage of the park at 15:00, followed by a musical and poetic performance.

Kuzminki Park: robot assembly competition

While guests of Sokolniki will be entertained by Pushkin the robot with poems, visitors to Kuzminki Park will also get acquainted with robotics. From 11:00 to 17:00 on June 12, android assembly competitions will be held, as well as races of radio-controlled cars for speed. At 12:00 on the playground there will be a scientific and interactive show "Children of Einstein". Children and parents will be invited to take part in educational workshops, where they will be shown how to create wind using a vortex generator, as well as how to prepare a carbonated drink according to their own recipe.

At 20:00 in the park it will be possible to watch the film "After You" with Sergei Bezrukov in the title role.

Krasnaya Presnya Park: outdoor lectures

On June 12 at 14:00, the holiday will begin with a lecture by historians on Russian state symbols. From 15:00 to 17:00 master classes in aircraft modeling and kite design will be held.

From 17:00, musical groups will perform on the stage of the park. The holiday will end with a film screening at the summer cinema. The broadcast of the film "After You" will begin at 20:00.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora: guard of honor watch

On June 12, the park will host the XII festival of musical creativity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shield and Lyre". A concert of creative teams and performers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Central Concert Orchestra of the Russian Police will take place on Pobediteley Square. From 10:00 to 18:00, in honor of the holiday, a guard of honor will be held at the Eternal Flame.

Lecture hall in Izmailovsky park

A lecture hall will be organized on the Central Square of the park, where they will tell about the history of the holiday, as well as read poems dedicated to Russia. The events will be held from 14:00 to 19:00. The screening of the film "After You" will take place at 21:00.

Balloon launch in Fili Park

On Russia Day, visitors to Fili Park will be entertained with football master classes, relay races and dance programs. In the evening, guests are waiting for a mass launch of balloons into the sky and a show documentary film"Grand Maket Russia" in the summer cinema. Start at 21:00.

Mass bike ride in the park "Sadovniki"

On June 12, a mass bike ride will take place in Sadovniki Park. The sports track will pass through the Fountain Square of the park. Starting at 10:00 am, competitions on balance bikes among the smallest (up to six years old) will begin. From 13:00 to 17:00 there will be a race on bicycles for adults. The main test for the participants will be a dry fountain. Victory awaits those who finish the fastest, and also do not wet their clothes, overcoming a water obstacle. During the day, badminton, frisbee and disc golf games will be organized for park guests.

On the wooden deck park of arts "Museon" from 21:00 to 22:00 there will be a concert by the young composer Ilya Beshevli, accompanied by the Imperialis chamber orchestra.

guests Park "Northern Tushino" waiting for creative master classes in folk crafts and orienteering competitions. There will be a petting zoo for children, and a mobile planetarium with educational lectures from 15:00. The concert will start at 18:00.

Family relay races, creative workshops and a concert await visitors Lianozovsky park. Spectators will be able to watch the battle of the strongest athletes in extreme power sports among men and take part in sports competitions. At 20:45, the film "Girls" will be shown in the park.

In Goncharovsky park guests will be able to take part in sports competitions and watch a power extreme tournament among women. Outdoor games and quizzes are organized for children. The festive evening will end with a concert on the main stage.

Visitors Perovsky park also the whole day will be entertained with musical concerts. In the evening, visitors will have a quiz and a screening of the film "Wedding in Malinovka". Start at 20:00.

AT Vorontsovsky park you can see the photo exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society "Peoples of Russia". At 20:00, the film "Courier" will be shown in the park.

AT Lilac garden from 15:00 to 17:00 guests will be treated to a performance by stilt walkers, an informative lecture and a master class on creating a flag.

AT park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow there will be an open-air disco.

Holiday guests in Babushkinsky park waiting for master classes, a photo exhibition, animation and concert programs, as well as a film screening at 19:00.

On June 12, 2017, the country will traditionally celebrate the most important holiday for the state - the Day of Russia. The organization of the most large-scale events is planned in Moscow, moreover, the date of the celebration is an anniversary. Residents and guests of the city are waiting for vivid impressions, a surge of positive emotions. Literally every corner of the capital will be permeated with a festive atmosphere.

Russia Day 2017 on Red Square

A super large-scale program dedicated to the Independence Day of Russia will be held on the main square of Moscow. Celebrities will visit Red Square to participate in a gala concert. Among them will be:

  1. Christina Orbakaite.
  2. Chaif.
  3. "Degrees".
  4. Valeria.
  5. Sklyar.
  6. Sergei Trofimov.
  7. A-studio.
  8. Garik Sukachev.
  9. "Beasts".
  10. "Chicherina" and other popular artists.

The show promises to be amazing. At the end of the evening at 22.00 a grandiose salute will flash in the sky. By the way, the best engineers of this branch of the Russian Federation are involved in its organization.

Bright program in every corner of Moscow

event title Location in Moscow
“My country is a many-sided Russia” Park "Ethnomir"
Runners competition "Kremlin Mile" (23rd international competition) Olympic Avenue
Power extreme competitions (cup opening among men) Lianozovsky park
Folklore festival "Kolomensky round dance" Kolomenskoye
Concert dedicated to the music of Tchaikovsky Tsaritsyno Park, Grand Palace
Motherland Summer Festival. There will also be fairs, master classes Muzeon Park
"Country of Talents" - a family holiday "Grandma's Park"
Exhibition of photography "Broad is my native land..." Park "Kuzminka"
Events dedicated to the traditions and culture of the Russian people. Flashmob Fili Park

Also, in some parks of the city, a street screening of a film called "Battalion" is planned. The picture is patriotic in nature and will help the younger generation to look at many values ​​in a new way.

Main leisure places

The Day of Russia holiday is an official holiday, so the citizens of the country will have a great opportunity to visit interesting places in Moscow to participate and watch the festive program. We recommend that you consider attending events that will take place in the following attractions of the city:

  1. At VDNH.
  2. Gorky park.
  3. On Poklonnaya Hill, etc.

You can get to the opening of museums, participate in various competitions of drawings, sculptures, embroidery, sewing and other creative areas. At one of the fairs, you can buy excellent souvenirs for yourself and your relatives. To organize leisure activities for your children, you can go to the park, where there will be sports competitions, a show of flying kites, launching balloons, a sledgehammer throwing competition, etc.

In 1990, large-scale rallies were held in Moscow, which gathered up to a million people. They demanded decisive changes in various spheres of the life of the USSR, including political ones.

The peoples of the USSR demanded the right to national self-determination and economic freedom. By the summer of 1990, four union republics - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Azerbaijan - had already adopted their own Declaration of Sovereignty. twenty two autonomous republics, which are part of the RSFSR - from Tatarstan to the Jewish Autonomous Region - fought for equal political rights with the union republics and were also ready to recognize themselves as sovereign states. It is important to note that at that time neither the union nor the autonomous republics planned to secede from the USSR. They only wanted to be able to develop freely, taking into account their national and regional characteristics, as part of a common union state.

On June 12, 1990, the First Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on state sovereignty Russia. This document proclaimed the priority of the Constitution of Russia over federal laws (many of which are long outdated and have become a brake on social development), and also adopted a new name for the state - "Russian Federation". The Declaration proclaimed the equality of all citizens of the Russian Federation, approved the right to use subsoil and resources, to self-government economic sphere. It was also allowed to create independent political parties and public organizations.

A year after the adoption of the Declaration, on June 12, 1991, the first open nationwide presidential elections were held in the history of the Russian Federation. Boris Yeltsin won them.

Public Holiday

Interestingly, June 12 was approved as a public holiday twice. For the first time this happened in 1992 by decree of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, and it was then that this day became a non-working day. In 1994, the decree of President Boris Yeltsin fixed the solemn date as the "Day of the adoption of the declaration on the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation." After some time, for simplicity, they began to call it Independence Day.

But the new holiday did not have wide popularity among Russians for a long time. Many did not understand what its essence was, and considered it just another day off. Some even treated him negatively, considering the reason for the collapse of the USSR (although, according to political scientists, this is an erroneous idea).

In 1998, Boris Yeltsin proposed to celebrate June 12 as the Day of Russia. But officially the new name was adopted only in 2002 - after the release of the updated Labor Code, which regulates the dates of state celebrations.

Russia Day today

Today, Russia Day is becoming more and more popular as a holiday of national unity, patriotism and civil harmony. On this day, national flags are flown throughout the country. In the Kremlin, the President presents state awards and prizes to outstanding scientists, athletes and artists. On the city streets and squares there are festivals, festivities and performances by creative groups.

In 2019, June 12 is a public holiday on Wednesday. The most large-scale holiday will be celebrated in Moscow. On this day, peaceful rallies and processions with state flags will be held in the city. Residents and guests of the capital will be able to visit the exhibition military equipment and see a bright show with the reconstruction of important historical events Russia.

Festival “Day of Russia. Moscow time" invites guests to sports competitions, performances, dances, creative and gastronomic master classes, which will be held throughout the city.

At VDNH, you can taste tea from a samovar and National dishes different peoples Russia, watch the performances of folklore groups, learn folk crafts and take pictures in a haystack.

Large-scale concert with the participation Russian stars the first magnitude will begin on Red Square at 19:00. The show will end at 22:00 with the performance of the Russian anthem and colorful fireworks. This year, fireworks will be launched at 16 venues in different parts of Moscow: on Red Square, near the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge, on Poklonnaya Hill, Sparrow Hills and elsewhere. In total, it is planned to launch 500 fireworks.