Diana Arbenina's tattoo. Tattoos of Russian stars that few have seen

On the back between the shoulder blades of the singer, the sun is full, on the left wrist is the inscription My life is my history (“My life is my history”), on the right is a mysterious inscription, the meaning of which Keti does not reveal to anyone, on the right foot is the phrase What doesn't kill me makes me stronger ("What doesn't kill me makes me stronger") // Photo: Personal archive

1 place. Keti Topuria

What: treble clef and sheet music behind the right ear.

“This is one of my last tattoos, I did it recently when I was in America,” the soloist of the A-Studio group told StarHit. – From friends I learned about the wonderful master Mark Mahoney from the Shamrock Social Club salon, he made tattoos for rapper Tupac Shakur, singers Rihanna and Katy Perry – and also went to him. She came out with sheet music and a treble clef around her neck. That's how I expressed my love for music."

There are already five tattoos on Katie's body, but, according to the singer, she is not going to stop. “This is not just decoration,” admits Keti. “Tattoos mean a lot to me.”

2nd place. Lera Kudryavtseva

What: Latin inscription Et mente et anima on the back.

The TV presenter takes tattoos seriously: she believes that they carry some meaning and energy. Choosing symbols for the first tattoo, the star turned to special books and magazines. And in the end I decided to make an inscription in Latin Et mente et anima, which in translation means "Both soul and body." Later, she liked the words Magna res est amor ("The great thing is love"), and she asked to put them on her wrist. Resting in Miami, Lera decided on a third tattoo, this time on her leg: XIV-IV-MCMXC - the date of birth of her son Jean (04/14/1990) - in Roman numerals. Lera prefers not to show this tattoo publicly.

3rd place. Diana Arbenina

What: the inscription in Latin letters ARTISTRUTH - "Art is the truth" on right hand around the shoulder

The leader of the rock group "Night Snipers" demonstrated a new tattoo in early September at a concert at the Green Theater at VDNKh. Last year, a large inscription in Hebrew appeared on the right hand, from the wrist to the elbow. Diana does not reveal the secret of the inscription, a possible translation is “Everything is still between us.” The singer refuted the talk that this is just a henna drawing: “It is necessary that everything be real. You know
if we fight, then not to paint, but to blood ... "

4th place. Nadezhda Granovskaya

What: in the lower part of the back - a heart entwined with a wreath of thorns, over which a flame curls, and a drop of blood flows down.

“I got a tattoo in 2002,” says the ex-soloist of the VIA Gra group. “I went into the salon, began to look at the samples, saw this heart and realized that the image corresponds to my inner state.” The wreath of thorns goes down the left leg - the second tattoo. But this
all. “I don’t plan any more. Now I prefer naturalness. Some experts believe that Nadezhda's tattoos mean "power over a man."

5th place. Glitch "OZa

What: two tattoos on the hands - a heart and an asterisk.

The singer made them about a year ago as a birthday present for herself. “For a long time I was looking for a pattern that would embody my inner ambitions and would have a certain meaning,” says Natasha to StarHit. I chose a heart and an asterisk. After all, I live with my heart, it guides my actions. And the asterisk is a symbol of a lucky star that illuminates my career.” Natasha's tattoo was drawn by the famous French graffiti artist FUZI UVTPK.

6th place. Konstantin Kinchev

What: on the right shoulder - eight dancing jesters, on the left - one lighting a flame

This is one of the first tattoos of the leader of the rock band "Alisa". The jesters marked the release of the Black Label album in 1994, in which there were just nine songs. "Who is this jester? The one who shows others what they really are, Konstantin tells StarHit. - At school I
they called me "pea jester", it was not insulting: I never thought that the jester sneers at everything. On the contrary, he always passes pain and imperfection of the world through his heart and empathizes. In addition to jesters, Kinchev has tattoos on fairy-tale themes: the hut of Baba Yaga, the Serpent Gorynych, thistles ...

7th place. Leva Bi-2

What: lizard on the left shoulder.

This is one of the three tattoos of the soloist of the rock group "Bi-2" Leva, there is also a Celtic ornament around the right shoulder and wings on the back. “Tattoos should not be done just like that,” the singer tells StarHit. - All the signs and drawings applied to the body are then somehow reflected in the fate of their owner. Here, for example, is my lizard. It means that in any situation, you always need to move forward. I made it on purpose so that it would remind me: sometimes it is necessary to discard the tail. We all make mistakes, but we have to live somehow.”

8th place. Irina Khakamada

What: on the right shoulder is a Chinese character - an ancient symbol of life

Irina got a tattoo in 2004. “It was a difficult time for me,” she admits to StarHit. - The presidential campaign is over, and I left politics. A lot of problems arose, and my daughter Masha was very ill... I was fond of Chinese calligraphy then. I found a hieroglyph with a very deep meaning: life is in overcoming, in growing through barriers. I decided to fill this symbol, I feel it helps me a lot. Now I'm nurturing the idea of ​​​​a tattoo with the image of flowering and non-blooming sakura.

9th place. Valery Gai Germanika

What: on the right forearm - a red heart twined with roses with the word Love.

The girl got this tattoo when she met with Gleb Samoilov (Agatha Christie group). “This heart is the memory of the first love,” says the filmmaker. “Before, I had never experienced such feelings. To no one. Never. I didn’t even think that love could be so powerful.” The girl began to decorate herself with tattoos at the age of 15. First there was a cross on the stomach. Then an intricate hybrid of a cross and a treble clef on the right shoulder. On the left shoulder is the image of Caligula, the girl said that the Roman emperor is her spiritual brother. And she promised: if she receives a prize at the Cannes Film Festival, then right under his profile she will make a tattoo with a palm branch. The left forearm is also covered with tattoos, a vine with a leaf has already “sprouted” on it.

10th place. Nargiz Zakirova

What: on the left hand is a sugar skull.

The finalist of the Voice project Nargiz Zakirova became interested in tattoos in 1995, when she arrived in New York. For a while, she even worked in a tattoo parlor. She made a “sugar skull” on her left hand in honor of her friend who died early. “November 1 and 2 in Spain and Mexico celebrate the Day of the Dead,” the singer told StarHit. – Decorate houses with skulls made of fruits and sweets. And then arrange a colorful procession to the music. The idea of ​​the holiday is that no one should mourn, the souls of the departed want to see us in good health.”

It used to be that tattoos were considered a shameful stigma. Now drawings on the body is a great way to express yourself. Of course, this kind of art is not alien to many celebrities. On the body of world-famous beauties, tattoos look especially charming. Do you want to know which famous women most tattoos?

Angelina Jolie
The actress got her first tattoo when she was a teenager. Then it was the hieroglyph for "death." So, Angelina tried to prove to herself and the world that she was not afraid of death. Then Jolie got a taste, and a large number of intricate drawings appeared on her body: amulets, crosses, a huge tiger on her back, the devilish number "13". By the way, the coordinates of the places where all six of her children were born are marked on the actress's shoulder.

Rihanna got her first tattoo at the age of 18 while on tour in China. From China, the singer returned home with the image of a small fish behind her right ear. Now there are at least 20 intricate drawings on the body of the Barbados beauty. Every time the singer comes out in another revealing outfit, fans are happy to examine her body for a new tattoo.

Nargiz made her first tattoo immediately after emigrating to America. It became for her a kind of symbol of freedom, which she so lacked in her native Uzbekistan. For a long time, the singer worked in the United States as an artist in a tattoo parlor. Most of the drawings on her body appeared during this period: mystical pentagrams, bat, the Phoenix bird… When there were no clients, the masters simply trained on each other. And after participating in the fateful show for the singer "Voice", Nargiz made an inscription on her forearm - Golos.

Megan Fox
The perfect body of beauty Megan Fox adorns more than a dozen tattoos. According to the actress, each drawing carries a deep sacred meaning. That is why Megan recently decided to get rid of the image of Marilyn Monroe, which appeared on the body of the actress in her distant youth. " Marilyn was an unbalanced and negative person who suffered from bipolarity. I would not like to attract such energy into my life.", - explained the actress.

Diana Arbenina
Diana Arbenina always chooses symbolic inscriptions for her tattoos. So, on the right hand of the singer is written in Hebrew " Between us only we". According to Diana, this message is addressed to God. The inscription Artistruth is embossed on the left shoulder, which translates as " Art is truth". And finally, a bright and modest inscription on the left forearm - " I write my own story", that is " I write my own story».

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga is one of the most shocking stars of our time. Numerous tattoos of Gaga have long been part of her stage image. The singer made her first tattoo at the age of 17 illegally, using a fake ID. Under US law, it is forbidden to make a tattoo on your own until you reach the age of majority. In 2015, a commemorative inscription “ Mom of the monsters". That is how Gaga is called by the army of her devoted fans.

Miley Cyrus
There are more than 20 tattoos on the body of the scandalous singer. One of the strangest ones flaunts on her right shoulder. A regular can of Vegemite paste, which is national dish in Australia. Fans speculate that this is a small gift for her lover, Australian actor Liam Hemsworth.

Pink is called the record holder for the number of tattoos among celebrities. In total, fans counted about 30 memorable records and drawings on her body. After the death of her beloved dog, the singer stuffed the inscription on her hand: “ Time to cry. Time to laugh. Time to mourn. Rest in peace my dear, I love you". There are a lot of tattoos on the body of the star dedicated to parents, brother, best friend. And Pink is a big fan of Japanese art, so you can find a lot of hieroglyphs on her body: symbols of good luck, strength, happiness and infinity.

In preparation for Amsterdam Day #stereotypeOFF, we will break the stereotype about tattoos and politics. You probably think that these two concepts are completely incompatible. But we will object to you: they are very compatible! Status not allowed? Stereotype! We live in a time when a person can and should feel free, show his individuality. Do you still not believe? Attention: tattooed politicians!

Sergei Shoigu - member of the team to save the world

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu, is the owner of a very serious tattoo. According to the stories of one of the masters of the leading Moscow tattoo parlor, Sergey Kuzhugetovich and his deputies made the same tattoos for themselves. The basis of the tattoo is the inscription SOS. The letter O is made in the shape of the Earth, and above one of the letters S is the blood type of the owner of the tattoo. On one side of the tattoo is the inscription "EMERCOM of Russia", on the other - "Rescue Service" in English.

Justin Trudeau - the first tattooed prime minister

In general, Justin Trudeau is the person who destroys absolutely all stereotypes regarding the image of the politician we are used to. He wears colored socks, does yoga, snowboarding and bungee jumping. He also has a large tattoo. "My tattoo is the planet Earth inside a haida crow. I got the globe when I was 23, and Robert Davidson's crow for my 40th birthday." Trudeau showed off this tattoo in a charity boxing match.

Vladimir Beketov and his "non-criminal tattoos"

The deputy and chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory, Vladimir Beketov, is not at all shy about his tattoos. On his left hand there is an inscription: "will", and on the right you can see the sun and mountains. Many may mistakenly assume that such tattoos are traces of a criminal past. But one of the masters of the Krasnodar tattoo parlor said that these tattoos could have been made while serving in the army. Usually they are beaten by those who served in Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

Jon Gnarr - Icelandic punk politician

Icelandic comedian, writer, musician and politician, Jon Gnarr, former mayor of Reykjavik, has a large number of tattoos on his body, including the coat of arms of the capital of Iceland, the Jolly Roger flag, the emblem of the British 1970s punk band Crass and the image of the state of Texas .

Evgeny Surnin - scarab brings good luck

Evgeny Surnin is not only a deputy of the city duma of the city of Rezhev, Sverdlovsk region, but also a biker. On the top of his head is a huge scarab with a cross. "This is a talisman of good luck, prosperity, as well as a symbol of reincarnation after death," the people's choice assures.

John Vetterman - you've never seen such a mayor

Since 2005, this man has proudly been the mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, USA. On his left hand you can see the numbers - it's nothing but Braddock's zip code. On his right hand, Fetterman puts dates that record the murders of townspeople during his time in power.

Stylish Irina Khakamada prefers tattoos with meaning

A well-known politician, Irina Khakamada, has a hieroglyph tattooed on her right shoulder. Its meaning stands for "the ability to fight for life." For Irina, this tattoo is a kind of amulet. But Irina Khakamada did not stop at one hieroglyph, and therefore today a tree and birds flaunt on her hand.

Stephanie, Princess of Monaco

The youngest daughter of Prince Rainier III of Monaco and Hollywood actress Grace Kelly, Stefania simply loves to cover her body with tattoos: she has an S-shaped snake on her back, and a bracelet with a sun symbol on her right wrist. The princess has tattoos in the lumbar region, on her ankle and on her stomach - just like that, another stereotype about how princesses look is crumbling right before your eyes.

Mikhail Dobkin "lit up" a tattoo on Epiphany bathing

Ukrainian politician Mikhail Dobkin has a cobra tattoo on his left forearm. In criminal circles, this means "connection with thieves." But we want to move away from stereotypes, and therefore let's dwell on another meaning of this tattoo - "power".

Caroline Kennedy allowed herself a mini tattoo

The US Ambassador to Japan and President Kennedy's daughter, Caroline, got a small butterfly tattoo on her right arm back in the 70s while traveling to Hong Kong.

Iosif Kobzon proudly demonstrates an eagle on his shoulder

State Duma deputy, singer Iosif Kobzon is not shy about showing off his eagle tattoo on his left shoulder. "She's neutral," he says. In his youth, Kobzon had many tattoos: the initials of him and his good friends, a ring on his finger, and the inscription "I will not forget my mother" on his right forearm. When Kobzon became a great artist, all tattoos, except for one, had to be reduced, since morals in those days were harsh. Everything is changing, including the attitude to underwear drawings.

Jesse Jackson Jr. is a politician who loves body painting

Former congressman, politician, member of the US Democratic Party, Jesse Jackson Jr., tries every year to do new tattoo. The politician's hands are already filled with images of members of the Jackson family, the emblem of the university fraternity Omega Psi Phi, in which he was a member, as well as the hero of his childhood - actor Bruce Lee.
All these people break our stereotypes that a tattoo is a political bad manners. A tattoo is the spirit of inner freedom, it is an opportunity to make your appearance more interesting, to emphasize your individuality.

Two months ago, 62-year-old Larisa Dolina posted on her Instagram a photo of how she, a respected mother and grandmother, is getting a cat tattoo on her arm. Many representatives of Russian show business visit not only beauty salons, but also tattoo parlors. Someone puts images on the body that reflect their character traits, someone commemorative signs, but at the same time, you are unlikely to see these tattoos on glamorous photos and red carpets. We invite you to take a look at how the tattoos of Russian stars look like, which they do not show so often.

By the way, Dolina had several tattoos before that, which are easy to hide under clothes: an image of a lotus flower on her lower back, a red rose with pointe shoes on her shoulder, and a sakura on her ankle.

Tina Kandelaki made a tattoo on her arm in order to hide the scars: a Buddhist sign flaunts there. Kandelaki's left thigh is adorned with the Chinese character "mother".
Yulia Volkova. The former member of the Tatu group has an Arabic script between her shoulder blades, meaning "love and peace", and above it is a playful rose. The hieroglyph tattoo on the singer's shoulder means "dragon" in translation.
On an inconspicuous part of Ksenia Borodina's hand is the name of her eldest daughter, "Marusya", written in Latin.
One of her tattoos, the inscription on the back, which reads "Love lives in my heart" ("Love lives in my heart"), Olga Buzova demonstrated during an interview, noting that the image reflects her feelings for her husband, famous football player Dmitry Tarasov . How a girl treats a tattoo after a divorce is unknown.
One tattoo of Vera Brezhneva is quite difficult to notice: the letter V is stuffed between the index and middle fingers.
In addition, Vera has a small star, and an ornament adorns her lower abdomen.
Victoria Daineko chose a place for the tattoo that is easy to cover with hair - the top of the neck. The inscription located there says: “Enjoy every moment”, which translates as “enjoy every moment”.
The star of "House-2" Alena Vodonaeva made a tattoo in honor of her son, putting the name Bogdan on her right hand.
On the right hand of Alexei Vorobyov is the inscription “Glory in the hands of labor”, which translates as “Glory in the hands of labor”. According to the star, the tattoo helps him not to give up.
On the back of Lera Kudryavtseva, there is an inscription: Et mente Et anima, which means "with both mind and heart."
Fyodor Bondarchuk on the left shoulder placed the names of the children and his wife (now the former), and on the right - a girdle pattern-amulet from Mayan mythology. In addition, Bondarchuk has a large Catholic cross on his back.
On the right forearm of Evgeni Plushenko there is a winged cross and a Latin inscription: “Viam supervadet vadens” (“one who walks will master the road”). A scorpion “settled” on the left hand of the skater.
A shark flaunts on Andrei Makarevich's shoulder. So he decided to immortalize his first encounter with an underwater predator.
Katie Topuria herself described her tattoos in this way: “I have a lot of tattoos. The first one, the sun, appeared between the shoulder blades, which means friendship. My childhood friend wears the same one. rappers Tupac, Snoop Dogg and Timati."
Laysan Utyasheva has several miniature tattoos. The inscription “Successful” (“successful”) flaunts on the back of the neck, a panther on the left wrist, and a multi-colored six-pointed star on the right wrist
Agniya Ditkovskite chose a Japanese character for the tattoo, the meaning of which is not disclosed.
A solar symbol is embossed on Anfisa Chekhova’s left shoulder, hieroglyphs are on her ankle, there is also a dragon on her body, symbolizing the slogan “I hate this world!” soul and body."
Sati Spivakova has a tattoo that is completely difficult to notice, since it is made on her chest and is shown only when combined with a deep neckline.
Oskar Kuchera got a tattoo in his youth. The long phrase in Japanese, he says, means "Nothing will lead to anything if nothing is done."
Irina Khakamada made the hieroglyph "the ability to fight for life" on her right shoulder, later a tree and birds joined it.
Singer MakSim talks about her tattoos: “I got my first tattoo, on my shoulder, at the age of 13. My older brother put a small blue dot on his arm. Mom arranged serious conversation on this occasion. The next day after that, I went to the salon and got a tattoo on my shoulder. At first it was just an abstract drawing. And five years later, my friend stuffed a cat's face next to it. There is also a small tattoo with my initials M.M. (Marina Maksimova)".
Sergey Lazarev's legs are decorated with Roman numerals - the dates of birth of his mother and brother. In addition, wings are depicted on the singer’s hands, and the letter N is on the neck.
The winner of the third season of the show "Voice", Alexandra Vorobyova, the owner of three tattoos: eighth notes in the form of a cherry and two inscriptions: "Not one step back, only forward" and "Music is life."
Singer Alsou decided to fill the little cupid on a not very noticeable part of the body.
Singer Yulia Savicheva long hair hides the image of a studio microphone, the wire from which is woven into an infinity sign.
Vladimir Vinokur captured a portrait of his dancing daughter on his shoulder.
The humorist's other shoulder is adorned with a joker.
Marat Safin said in an interview that tattoos have a certain meaning and meaning for him and remind him of a particular event in his life.
Nadya Ruchka decided to decorate the body with an inscription, choosing not the most elegant font for it. The phrase reads: Imperare sibi maximum imperium est, which in Latin means: Power over oneself is the highest power.
The ornament adorns the lower back of Anna Kournikova.
Masha Malinovskaya posted some important phrase, the meaning of which she does not reveal, almost along the entire length of her body.
On the neck of Vlad Topalov there is a tattoo in the form of a peony with the letter K, dedicated to his beloved Xenia. Both also have the same tattoo on their arms in the form of a heart with the inscription "We found love".

Nikita Malinin made a tattoo on his shoulder in the form of a treble clef, which was supposed to symbolize creativity, but in a criminal environment this means non-traditional sexual orientation.

Tatyana Ovsienko's shoulder was decorated with a running wolf, but the singer decided to remove the tattoo

Zemfira's tattoo in the form of the letter "Z" in a circle on the right shoulder is perhaps known to many, the performer previously said that the tattoo protects her and brings good luck.

Valery Nikolaev has only one tattoo - on his left shoulder, which he made while filming in America, he knocked out a threateningly grinning wolf's head.

And this is Natalya Goldenberg's tattoo.

In February Diana Arbenina's twins Artem and Marta turned 9 years old. The soloist of "Night Snipers" does not have a soul in her children, constantly emphasizing that their appearance completely changed her life. In 2018, for such a reverent attitude towards their offspring, the rock star was even awarded the title of Mama Award. By the way, 44-year-old Diana has been thinking about a third child for several years now.

ONLY HERE. Diana Arbenina - about children and tattoos

The children got fired up with this idea even more than I did, - Diana Arbenina admitted to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - We recently went to the Children's World for toys, and there was a volunteer with a basket who asked to buy something for a child from a poor family. We chose a jumpsuit and put it in the basket. I told Marta and Teme: “You see, not everyone is as lucky as you, you came for toys, and someone even has nothing to wear. Many children are unlucky, maybe we can save someone?

Arbenina's children supported their mother's desire and are already ready to babysit their brother or sister.

Marta said that she wants a brother, because she will have someone to play football with, and Artem is still thinking about who he would like. Personally, I don't care if it's a boy or a girl. But if I adopt a child, then a six-month-old baby, I must come, see and understand that this is my child, Diana argues. “I’m even thinking of going into retirement just for the sake of it.

But for now, unfortunately, this is not possible. The Night Snipers group is celebrating its 25th anniversary on stage, and Arbenina's schedule is scheduled for the whole year. Due to constant touring, there is not much time left for Martha and Artem. Although Diana does everything to spend as much time as possible with the children.

The second anniversary year of "Night Snipers" is in full swing.

The only way out is to spend quality time with children, - explains the singer. “That at least makes up for my long absence. The return of mother home for them is a guarantor of protection. They immediately feel like normal, ordinary children. When I'm not around, they miss you very much, they just don't show it, they don't cry. But I see that they are all piling up.

Arbenina has two mobile phones: on the first one there is a photo of Artyom, and on the second one is of Marta. Children call up their mother every day and tell in detail how the day went.

The theme likes to slander audio files, - says Diana. - He says: “Mom, I miss you very much, when will you return? So, are you coming back tomorrow?" He talks to himself, as if calming down. And Martha describes her day, but she does it in great detail: “Mom, today was a good day, I got up at 7 in the morning, I washed, I got dressed, I chose such and such a dress.” And you think, "God, it's only morning." She writes such panels and I get the feeling that I lived with them that day. She generally likes to write: stories, poems, reads from the age of three. Copies me shamelessly.

The Arbenin family spent the New Year holidays in Mexico, where they have a new tradition. Every evening they gathered at a common table and wrote in their notebooks about how their day went, and then read it aloud.

Martha writes in her style: "I woke up, we went to the beach, it was like that on the beach." And Tema writes: “Today I saw a white shark on the beach, it jumped out and ate a man, well, it’s my own fault.” It is clear that there was nothing like that, he invents, but everyone laughs at his ability to compose, so Marta is often offended. And I always write with an ulterior motive: “What a wonderful time summer is: a mother can be with her children.”


"My tattoos remind me of mistakes"

Diana, fans have noticed that you are getting more and more tattoos. Tell us what they mean and why you do them.

All people come out of depression and difficult situations in different ways. Some break glass, others beat each other, others leave their families, and others drink and take drugs. If it gets hard for me, I go to the tattoo parlor and beat the tattoo. This is a way to relieve stress, and most importantly - it is painless for others. My most important tattoo is the last, on my arm, it is the smallest. Every time I catch my eye on her, I remember why I made her. And the horror that I experienced, I will no longer allow myself. By the way, this is a great recipe for people to remember how you behaved so as not to repeat it. Why step on the same rake?