Checkers rules for beginners. Learning to play checkers: useful materials and tips Tell me the rules of checkers

Olga Puzyreva
Advice for parents "How to teach a child to play checkers"

Advice for parents

"How "

It is unlikely that anyone doubts that one of the good ways to develop a child is his passion for intellectual games, the most famous and popular of which, of course, are chess and checkers.

Checkers for children is excellent tool development in the child of important qualities and, first of all, memory and logical thinking. Besides checkers game for a child, it is also intuition, determination, the ability to make the right decisions and other qualities useful for life. Therefore those parents who understand the benefits of their child's activities checkers have already found for themselves the answer to the question of why to teach children checkers. Be sure to try to get to know child playing chess. Start off play can be already in 3 - 4 years. It is very important for kids to show and train for this game such important qualities as concentration and attention. That's what will be needed to kid when he goes to school, which once again proves the usefulness of checkers in preschool age. This a game recommended even if your the child is restless, does not withstand long sessions, etc. Very often it is playing checkers develops in a child these necessary qualities and helps to better success in school. In many general education schools circles of checkers are open and recommended.

The following occurs question: How teach a child to play checkers. At first glance, this process does not imply difficulties. After all, the rules of checkers are so simple that even Small child. However, there are common important points, without which one cannot succeed in introducing children to checkers and other useful developing games.

most important and effective way captivate the child checkers is to get carried away with him! That is, do not tell the child about how it will be interesting and useful for him. play checkers and show and share this interest with the child.

A few tips to help keep you entertained child with checkers:

1. Master the literature on checkers, as well as various checkers sites. This is necessary in order to study the work of famous drafts players, independently study the techniques of the game, be able to solve and explain chess tasks for a child, to study interesting and beautiful drafts positions and games.

2. Seek Opportunity play checkers with a person or at least with a computer, if there is no other possibility. To do this, it is enough to install a simple free checkers program or, for greater effect, one that is capable of saving and analyzing the played game, and also that can point out mistakes made.

3. Tell different stories about checkers for the child.

4. Show to kid simple fun game elements checkers

5. Spare praise for child for the successes achieved in the game, do not scold him in case of failure. Say that you are proud of his success in checkers brag about them in front of other people. Interest child rather than force it. The main thing is that the process should be interesting and unobtrusive.


Acquaintance and teaching a preschooler to play in Checkers happens in stages. Carefully consider the chips (shape, color, board, highlighting white and black fields, material, surface. Give to kid the opportunity to examine the chips with your hands, to make sure of the features of the appearance of the inverted checkers(future lady). Give to kid two chips of different colors and explain that checkers on the field(regardless of their color) stand and move only on black cells. This is necessary in order to checkers rivals met in the game. Suggest to kid independently place your chips anywhere on the board, while making sure that they are placed correctly on the black fields. Suggest to kid arrange correctly checkers on the playing field, explaining that before the start of the game, chips of different colors are on their halves of the playing field. At the same time, the center of the field is free in order to be able to make moves. Place checkers follows in three rows from the edge of the playing field closest to itself and only on black cells. To consolidate the information received, offer to kid take 12 checkers of the same color and place them on the field. Usually this does not cause problems.

Let's move on to learning moves diagonally forward to a free adjacent black field. It is better to reduce the number of checkers from 12 (24) up to 4 (8) . This will give to kid opportunity to do more exercise. To prevent eye strain and fatigue, work out important moments of the game (moves, opponent's fight, kings) also better with fewer checkers.

explain to kid the meaning of the game is to destroy checkers opponent when moving his checkers forward. Simple checker does not go back. The loser is the one, who has no checkers left on the playing field or is unable to make moves.

Play a practice game with a limited number of checkers on the field. Making moves, child sooner or later will face a situation where checkers opponents will meet and will be located on adjacent fields diagonally, and the field behind opponent's checker freely. The adult shows that the one of the players whose turn it is to make a move must take (hit, "eat") checker opponent and remove it from the field. Simple a checker can beat a checker opponent and move back. Tell to kid that in any battle, including checkers, there are heroes. It's simple checkers, which, having reached the last row of the opponent's field, become shock checkers– queens and continue the fight. The queen can walk along any diagonals of the playing field, destroying opponent's checkers. It is an inverted checker. You can insert a circle of a different bright color into the queen. So to kid it will be easier not only to distinguish your kings from simple checkers, but also to single out the opponent's kings and watch them especially closely.

starts by itself a game. An adult asks child who should go first and explains what the game is checkers always white starts. He also demonstrates how you can draw lots by hiding different colored checkers in the left and right hands. A game requires full concentration, attention, review of the entire field. Usually, child so focused on his strategy, the movement of checkers, that he cannot evaluate the picture on the board as a whole, they do not notice the moves of the opponent and the dynamics of the change in the situation. The task of an adult teach children the rule: before making a move, it is necessary to assess the situation on the board, follow all checkers on the playing field and predict the development of the situation.


simple - ordinary checker(not lady).

Airborne checkers - checkers occupying the side fields of the checkerboard.

Damochnye fields - fields located in the last horizontal rows of the checkerboard.

Lady - checker, reaching the lady's fields.

Move - movement checkers from one field to another.

Quiet move, or pace - simple movement checkers.

Striking move, strike, or fight - a move accompanied by a capture checkers or opponent's checkers.

Submission - deliberate staging checkers under attack.

Exchange - giving under the blow of one or more of your checkers and taking the same number of checkers of the opponent.

checkpoint checker - checker, which is provided with passage to the dams.

Breakthrough - a strategic technique that allows you to break into the kings.

Tetanus is a confrontation of kings, in which the turn of the move leads to defeat.

Sieve - the arrangement of the checkers, in which there are free fields between them.

Locking - a position in which one or more checkers of one side are closed checkers enemy and cannot move.


(competition rules)

Each player has 12 checkers, which are placed on black fields on a board of 64 cells. (8) . The board must be placed so that the corner black box is to the left of playing. Checkers move only along the black squares diagonally forward to a free adjacent square. White starts the game. Moves are made in turn. You can't do multiple moves in a row. Simple checkers don't move back. If white and black checkers met and are located on adjacent fields diagonally, and the field behind opponent's checker freely, the one from playing, whose turn it is, must take (beat) and remove it from the board. Take (beat) checker the opponent can move forward and backward if there is a free field behind it.

Such a situation may arise on the board that several enemy checkers will be under attack at once, then they are taken (hit using "bridge", stepping over each checker to the open field behind her. You cannot step over two free fields, just as you cannot walk over two free fields. checkers.

If simple checker, moving along the board, has reached the last row, it turns into a queen. The queen can walk along all four diagonals for the entire length forward and backward if they are free from checkers. If for saber the enemy has several free fields in a row, then the queen, taking the enemy checker, has the right to stop at any of the free fields. Can take several checkers at once, if there is at least one free field behind each of them. After taking opponent's checkers, the king can change the direction of the next strike.

If you touch your checker, then they must go. And after they moved it to another field and took it away from checkers hand, it is considered that the move is made.

In case of mutual impossibility to make a move, the one whose move loses.

Checkers is perhaps the second most popular board game in the world, second only to its older brothers, backgammon.

The history of their origin dates back several centuries, and the first games like checkers existed in ancient Egypt in 1600 BC.

Over the course of the subsequent time, checkers gained popularity all over the world - archaeological excavations have proven that flat figurines made of amber or simpler versions made of stone were used for mental entertainment as far back as Kievan Rus.

In the 12th century, they appeared on the territory of France, and two centuries later - in England, where they were actively used not only for recreation, but also for working out the tactics of knightly battles.

Interesting fact! Peter the Great, a well-known reformer and innovator of his time, who from a young age showed interest in developing sciences, paid special attention to checkers. There was even a special room in the palace set aside for the game, in which the emperor liked to spend his free time.

And today it is a board game loved by many, which has become one of the most accessible and popular types of sports.

Checkers sport is developing all over the world:

  • Tournaments of various sizes are held annually, from regional competitions to continental world championships.
  • Clubs of amateurs - drafts players are formed.
  • Schools for beginners are functioning and developing, where real professionals share their experience with young athletes.

If you are fascinated by the magic of the game and you want to not only learn how to walk correctly, but also hone your logical abilities, or dream of teaching your child to spend time away from the computer in an interesting and useful way, we will show you how to play checkers correctly to win.

So, let's analyze the rules of the game in Russian checkers:

  1. The competition involves two players, each of which has its own set of 12 white or black figures.
  2. The game is played on standard chessboard 8 x 8, rotated so that letters are horizontal and numbers are vertical.
  3. Checkers are placed only on black cells in such a way as to fill three horizontal rows from their side. Thus, there are two free lanes between the opponent's pieces.
  4. The steps are performed one by one, with the player with the white pieces making the first move.
  5. Walking is allowed only on the black squares of the board.
  6. If there is an empty black cell behind the checker, then it must be "killed" - the first player transfers his piece to a free square, and the opponent's piece is removed from the board.
  7. In one move, as many pieces as can be crossed are beaten, without limitation in number.
  8. There is a zafuk rule, according to which a player who did not notice the opportunity to “eat” an opponent’s checker must return back to his cell and repeat the move correctly. This provision replaced the outdated fuka rule, in which a piece that made an incorrect step was considered “killed” and removed from the table, but the move was not repeated.
  9. If, as a result of the game, a simple checker reaches the last horizontal line on the opponent’s side, it turns upside down and gets the name “king” with increased opportunities for capturing the opponent’s pieces. The king can move along the entire length of the diagonal row, “eating” all enemy chips in its path.
  10. Both a simple checker and a king can "hit" pieces in any direction - back and forth. But, unlike how the king moves, a simple checker cannot make a move back if it is not shocked.
  11. One of the tactics of the game is to "surrender" one or more of your own pieces for the opportunity to make a move or for other advantages in the game.
  12. The game ends with the victory of one of the players if he "beat" all the opponent's checkers, or a draw if the pieces are arranged on the board in such a way that further moves are impossible on both sides.
  13. If there is not a single simple piece left on the board, but only kings, it is allowed to make 15 moves, after which either the winner is determined or a draw is recognized.

Note! In other varieties of the game, there may be some differences in the rules. So, for example, Canadian checkers is played on a 12×12 board, and in English version Black makes the first move.

Time control

In order to indicate the time frame, it is customary to use several classifications of the duration of the game in international competitions:

  • Classical checkers - 1 hour per game.
  • Rapid (quick play) - 15 minutes per game.
  • Blitz (lightning game) - 3 minutes per game.

If necessary, the referee may add a certain amount of time for each move made until the end of the game.

Note! Like a chess tournament, players also keep a notation, that is, they make a record of their maneuvers, in which they indicate the characteristic of a move or a tactic for short.

Glossary of terms

As in any sports, checkers has its own terminology, with the help of which experienced players indicate their action, the period of the game or the position of the pieces on the board.

For beginners, it will not be superfluous to understand the special expressions used by checkers players in order to learn all the subtleties and secrets of this intellectual sport.

Term Explanation
Attack The attack of one of the parties
Blockade A situation in which it is impossible to move a checker in any direction
Majority (majority rule) A rule adopted in some varieties of the game, in which the player is obliged from any options of his move, choose exactly the one at which his checker hits largest number enemy pieces
Fork A position in which one king remains on the board against two simple checkers of the opponent
Gambit Sacrifice your piece at the very beginning of the game to gain initiative in the game
King The strongest piece on the board, has the ability to attack in any direction, and take any number of opponent's checkers
Victim Intentionally losing one's piece in order to gain further benefits
Trap A position in which opponents try to draw each other in to establish a winning position
Draw The result of the game, in which neither the winner nor the loser is determined
Giveaways (reverse checkers) A variation of the game, the end result of which is not the capture of all the opponent's pieces, but the surrender of one's own
Position Arrangement of pieces on the board
hack Remove the opponent's checker, which is under attack, and put your own in its place
Quiet running A simple checker move, without capturing an opponent's piece
shock stroke A move in which one or more opponent's pieces are "eaten up"
Wing One side of the checkerboard
Zugzwang A position in which any move only leads to a deterioration of one's own position
Endgame The final phase of the game

In our article, we tried to briefly and easily talk about the most common rules used to play checkers. But only those who take lessons from an experienced checkers player who will gradually reveal all levels of skill can play really well.

Chess is a great way early development children. You can play them from a very young age to old age. A set of pieces and a board are easy to get at any sporting goods store or educational games department.

The cost of such a product is available to everyone, and the benefits brought by this intellectual game, and the pleasure of winning, can keep mental abilities in good shape for a long time and add positive to our everyday life.

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A person who discovers for himself the fascination and wisdom of the checkers game, most often understands that in order to further master this interesting game and achievements in checkers any results need additional checkers training. But is it possible to learn how to play checkers on your own, and how can a novice amateur organize his own chess learning, to achieve the desired results?

It should be noted that you can learn to play checkers at any age. We hope that on this page of the site those who wish to learn play chess correctly and well find answers to their questions related to learning to play chess. And in the final part of this article - a funny video about one checkers game.

Various methods of playing checkers and ways to win, for now, let's look at an example.

So what does it take to play chess correctly?

Let's start from the beginning:

  • Learn the rules of checkers.

To many, this may seem boring and uninteresting. But there are many types of checkers game, and a game without knowledge of the rules or a game in which opponents play different rules, doesn't make sense. In fact, the rules of checkers are simple enough to understand and remember. They can be found in any beginner's book or on the Internet.

  • After mastering the rules, you need to start learning the various tricks and secrets of the game.

There is also a lot of information about this in the checkers literature. For beginners, we recommend: simple tips on how. Tips are useful, but to achieve real results, you need to move on to learning specific game techniques.

  • One of the most important methods of playing checkers is the checker combination.

Combination stroke, carried out during the game, allows you to immediately achieve the desired result, a very pleasant moment for any player is to win the game with the help of a combination.

You can verify this here:. It may seem difficult for beginners to find and conduct checker combinations, but this can and should be learned, get acquainted with.

  • It is very important to learn other tricks of the game, here are just a few of them:

  1. techniques for destroying the opponent's checkers: and ,
  2. how to get into the kings:,
  3. how to lock the opponent's checkers: , .
  • When learning to play checkers, you need to study the various stages of the game (beginning, middle and end).

We also recommend excellent drafts manuals: “” and “Russian checkers. Party endings.

The site "Checkers for All" for beginners will continue to cover various tricks and secrets of the game for Russian checkers, and educational materials for are also planned. About new information for checkers learning You can find out in a timely manner from the site's newsletter.

Many novice players may have questions: have you learned the rules, mastered the simplest tricks of the game, learned some secrets and that's it? Is the training over? And what's next?

1. Study the theory of checkers and be sure to combine it with a practical game. Try to apply your theoretical knowledge in a practical game. If it is not possible to often play with strong opponents, use checkers programs, but only good and proven ones! One of these programs has long had a good reputation among professionals, the possibilities of this program will greatly help your checkers learning.

The games that have already been played must be saved (written or entered into the database of games using drafts programs), and then it is imperative to analyze, look for errors, and draw conclusions.

2. In order for the practical game to help your learning checkers, do not allow frivolous games, always play at full strength. A frivolous and thoughtless game is just a waste of time.

3. Do not be very upset by defeats, learn look for the reasons for the unsuccessful game and draw conclusions. If you want to improve the quality of your game of checkers and have the right attitude towards failures and their causes, losing games will be more useful in checkers than won.

4. Checkers training must necessarily contain the study of the most important tactical methods of the game, and first of all -. It is necessary to study and solve combinations from checkers books, as well as learn to look for and conduct combinations in a practical game. There are quite a lot of publications devoted to the combination game in checkers at different times, among them you can always choose a manual suitable for learning.

A lot of useful information for self-study checkers can be found in.

5. Independent study of checkers impossible without studying drafts literature. Books and magazines on the subject of checkers are devoted to various stages and techniques of the game of checkers, they contain the richest experience top players and coaches. Very important learn to play chess according to books step by step, choosing the right drafts literature in accordance with their level of play, a beginner is unlikely to be able to understand everything and learn a lot at once from books intended for highly qualified checkers players.

Interesting checkers books can be found in the sections of the site “ ” and “ ”.

In addition to checkers literature on the site “Checkers for Everyone”, there is also another interesting way to learn checkers on your own - the solution. It's easy, fun and useful!

6. If you want learn to play chess, and in your locality there is a drafts section, a drafts club or even a sports school with qualified coaches - you are just lucky! Be sure to take the opportunity to learn checkers from experienced mentors and athletes.

Don't forget that teaching children chess should take place in the most playful way, taking into account the age and psychology of the child.

Learning to play checkers- the process is not easy, but with the right approach, you can quickly achieve high results.

Well, since any training most often requires considerable effort and concentration, short breaks in classes will not interfere. We offer to fill one of the necessary breaks for rest and entertainment with an interesting video: watch a funny sketch on a checkers theme performed by excellent actors!

After reviewing the rules of the game of checkers, which are described in detail on this page, you can safely play classic Russian checkers and giveaways. The rules of checkers are very simple, once you read them, you will learn how to play them for life.

Game board and checkers

Checkers is played on the same board as chess, it is not difficult to buy it; it is sold in souvenir or sports shops. By the way, the board and checkers can be made independently at home. The board can be drawn on paper, cardboard or thin plywood, and figures (checkers) can be cut from thick cardboard, rubber, plywood, or coins can be used. Just use your imagination :)

How many squares and rows are on the checkers board?

Russian and English checkers are played on a board with 64 squares (8x8 rows), exactly both black and white squares. On the left side of the board opposite the cells there is a digital marking from 1 to 8, and below the cells there is an alphabetic marking A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, all these numbers and letters are needed to record moves in checkers and chess.

How many checkers are in checkers?

To play Russian checkers, a set must have exactly 24 checkers, 12 white and 12 dark.

Before starting the game, you need to correctly place the board on the table. It should lie in such a way that the corner field at the bottom left of the player's side is dark. Checkers are placed on the three nearest rows with dark fields.

Who goes first in chess?

The white pieces move first. To determine who plays which checkers, one of the players takes one checker, white and dark, in each hand, shuffles them behind his back and extends his hands with checkers clenched in his fists to the second player, who must choose a hand with a checker. Which color of the checkers will get those and plays.

How checkers move and hit

The checkers move one cell per turn and only along the black cells that are adjacent diagonally and the checkers move only forward, the checkers do not go back. The image below shows that the white checker has two options for where to go.

In Russian checkers, checkers can hit both forward and backward.

The checker can hit back and forth

In one move, a checker can beat as many enemy pieces as possible. For example, the image below shows how a checker hits two enemy pieces at once in one move.

Is it necessary to hit checkers?

Yes, it is obligatory to hit an enemy checker, if there are several options for capturing enemy checkers, the player himself determines which checker to hit. It happens that the player did not see that he needs to hit, then the opponent must show him where he should hit.

How does a queen move and beat in checkers?

The king is the strongest piece in checkers, to get it a simple checker must reach the last black cell on the opponent's side, then the checker is turned over to designate it as a king. When a simple checker becomes a king, it continues to move according to the rules of the king. A player can have 12 kings. Their number depends on how many simple checkers the player can bring to the last row of the opponent.

The queen walks and hits diagonally for any distance. Below is an example of how the queen beats two opponent's pieces at once.

What to do if there is nowhere to go in checkers?

The player who can't walk has lost. Often there are situations when there are more checkers on the board, but they cannot move or beat, as they are blocked by the opponent's checkers, in such situations the one who cannot make his move loses.

How to play Giveaway?

Giveaways are Russian drafts only in reverse, which means that the rules in giveaways are like in Russian checkers, only the one who first surrenders his checkers to the opponent or blocks them wins here. Giveaways are interesting to play for their simplicity and fast games, they are very popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

You have mastered the theory, now apply your knowledge of the rules of checkers in the game against real people, weakly!!

Checkers is a variation of the ancient game alkerk. They were very popular in medieval Europe. As in, you can play checkers today with a computer. But for this it is necessary at least to teach the child the rules of this board game. Pictures will help you learn the rules of the game of checkers. There are different versions of this game. They differ in moves, pieces, the number of fields on the board.

Number of players: 2

What you need to play: board 8 by 8 squares and 12 checkers for each player

The pieces on the board must be arranged so that the lower right corner is white and empty.

  1. The game starts with the white pieces. The checker moves diagonally to the nearest free field.

  1. To eat an opponent's piece, you need to jump over it to a free field. If there is an opportunity to eat a figure, it must be done.

  1. In one move, you can eat several checkers.

  1. If the player has brought his piece to the opposite edge of the board, he flips the checker (a). She becomes a king and can move diagonally forward or backward (b).

  1. Any checker can eat the queen.

There are two checkers rules that are generally followed, although they are unofficial. 1. The player is obliged to capture the opponent's checker, if he has such an opportunity. If he does not, his checker is removed from the board. 2. The queen can be moved to any number of fields. But, having eaten the opponent's checker, the king must occupy the square behind the captured piece.

Eastern Europe

Number of players: 2

What you need to play: board 8 by 8 squares and 16 checkers for each player

  1. Players take turns moving checkers forward or sideways. You can't walk backwards or diagonally.

  1. When a checker hits the opposite edge of the board, it becomes a king.

  1. To distinguish the king outwardly, a checker of the same color is placed on it. The king can move forward, backward, or sideways any number of squares.

  1. To capture an opponent's piece, one must jump over a checker to a free field behind it. In one move, you can eat several pieces. Regular pieces do not need to eat the opponent's pieces, but the king must eat as many pieces as it can.

  1. The player who removes all the opponent's checkers from the board wins.

Belgian drafts (giveaway)

France and England

The rules are the same as in English checkers, with one important difference: the one who loses all his checkers first wins!

Italian checkers

Italy, late 16th century

The rules are the same as in English checkers, but with one difference: the queen can only be eaten by another king. The winner is the one who eats all other people's pieces.

If a player is faced with a choice between two moves, he must choose the one that will allow him to capture as many opponent's checkers as possible. If the number of checkers is the same, then the player must eat the most valuable pieces.