Why is the fish in dominoes called a fish. Domino Rules: Goat

Previously, neighbors often spent their evenings in the yards playing dominoes. Today this game simple rules became less popular. For a long time, gambling cries from the yard have not been heard, and many do not even know what dominoes look like. However, in clubs of interest, you can still find avid players who bang their knuckles on the table, arranging entire tournaments.

History of dominoes

The board game called "Domino" originated in China, which happened around the second century AD. Earlier, a game of dice came to this country from India, which became the prototype of dominoes.

Interesting! If we translate the name of the game from French, it means the priest's winter clothes, which were white on the inside and black on the front.

The domino tile looks like a rectangle. Its length is equal to its width multiplied by two. The domino chip is divided into two parts, each of which has dots from one to six. However, there are no such marks on the halves of some rectangles.

Earlier bones for dominoes were made of ordinary or ivory, stone. However, these materials are quite expensive. To make the game accessible to the poorer segments of the population, dice began to be made from plastic, metal or wood.

A standard domino set contains 28 dice. Some hold 32 tiles, including doubles (dominoes with the same value on both halves).

Classic Domino Rules

You can play with two, three or four people. Domino game rules classic version involve the delivery of 7 knuckles per hand for two or 5 for three or four players.

The first move rightfully belongs to the one who will have a double 6-6. Other players must attach to this bone other "stones" that have values ​​6. In the case when no one has a double 6-6, the game starts with other bones with values ​​5-5, 4-4 and others. If none of the players has duplicates, the tile with the highest value starts its turn.

AT in general terms The principle of the game is to place tiles with the same value next to each other. If there are no such “stones” on hand, you need to get them from the remaining bones or skip the move.

The game of dominoes ends when one of the players runs out of dice. After that, each participant counts the points on the "stones" remaining in their hands. The winner receives the sum of all points. If one of the players has a 0-0 double, it is equal to 25 points.

On a note! Another way to complete a game of dominoes is to make a "fish". This is a situation where the bones are in the hands of each of the players, but there is nothing to make a move. In this case, the winner is the one with the fewest points. He receives the score difference of the other players.

Playing dominoes according to the classic rules is quite simple and interesting. The overall winner of the tournament is the player who scores 100 points in the sum of all rounds.

Not only adults, but also children can play dominoes. And the rules remain unchanged. There is a special children's domino, on the knuckles of which, instead of dots, various colored pictures are depicted. It can be animals, letters, numbers and all kinds of objects.


"Goat" is the most famous domino game, which also features simple rules. Often they try to play it with four (in pairs), but two and three players are also allowed. Each participant is given 7 bones in their hands. If less than 4 people take part in the game, the remaining tiles form a "bazaar". When doubles fall out in the amount of five or more per player, a re-deal occurs.

The player with the lowest value domino starts to play (double 1-1 and so on). During the game of dominoes, the same rules apply as in the classical version - dominoes are applied with the same values ​​to each other.

If the player does not have a dice that can continue the game, he will have to "go to the market". There, bones are randomly chosen, turned upside down, until the right one is found. When one of the players runs out of tiles, the round of the game is considered completed.

After that, points are calculated. You can open an account only when you have a total of 13 points or more in your hands. The participant who scores 101 points in all rounds will be considered the loser. It is he who receives the title of "Goat".

In the process of playing "Goat" "two by two", according to the rules, the points of both losing players are summed up.

On a note! If one participant has a large number of points left in his hands, but his partner was the first to get rid of all the dominoes, these values ​​are not taken into account and burn out. This player is also considered the winner in this case.

Do not forget that according to the rules of the game in the "Goat" "fish" is also allowed. The player who makes it must pay attention to the number of bones his partner has. After the fish, points are calculated for all participants. The winners are the couple with the least points total.

Video: how to play dominoes correctly?

Thus, playing dominoes is exciting and interesting. In addition to playing the "Goat" and according to the classical rules, there are other varieties of it. For example, "Donkey", "General" and others. True, they are less well-known. Each company has the right to independently decide by what rules to play dominoes. They can even be invented by the participants themselves. The main thing is that the evening was fun and interesting.

On a note! Before proceeding directly to the process of playing dominoes, it is advisable to first discuss the rules, as well as fix them on paper.

Today, it is possible to play dominoes over the Internet with virtual or real participants. Regardless of the way the game takes place, it will be possible to have a good time with friends or just acquaintances.

To better familiarize yourself with the rules and understand how to play dominoes correctly and win, videos are presented.

No, we can no longer hear joyful cries from our yards: "Double! Fish!" Bones do not knock on the table, and the "goats" are no longer the same. But, surprisingly, dominoes still live, only its habitat is a computer. How to play dominoes with him? Yes, pretty much the same as before...

Domino. Definition

This is a logic game where they build a sequential chain of knuckles ("bones", "stones") that touch each other in halves with the same number of dots (points).


A domino is a rectangular tile with the correct geometry - its length is equal to the width multiplied by two. That is, these are two connected squares, on each of which dots (points) are drawn: from zero to six. It's a kind of flat reincarnation

There are twenty-eight stones in a typical set of dominoes. It is made up of combinations with repetitions of two to seven numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). But there are special sets in which there are points up to nine or more on the knuckles. In general, the number of dice in a set is calculated as (n+1) x (n+2) : 2, where n is the highest number of points. That is, for a common set, the formula looks like this: (6 + 1) x (6 + 2) : 2 = 28.

They make bones from simple or ivory (hence the name), metal, plastic, wood.

History of dominoes

From India and China in the eighteenth century, the game was brought to Italy. It changed a little and took root very firmly in the monasteries, where it was forbidden to play card games, so the monk Domino invented this game (legend).

There is another option because of the white dots on a black background, the game began to be called dominoes, as

From lyrical reasoning, let's move on to practice and figure out how to play dominoes.

General rules

Two, three or four people can play. The rules of playing dominoes for two differ in that each player receives seven dice in his hands, if there are more players - five.

The remaining bones (points down) are laid aside - this is the "reserve" or "bazaar". They turn to him when there is no necessary element for the move on hand.

The player who has the smallest double (tile with the same points 0-0, 1-1, 2-2, etc.) starts the game. If no one has it, then they look for the bone with the smallest value, for example, 0-1 or 1-2.

They walk in clockwise order. The player does not have the right to skip a move or go to the "bazaar" if he has a stone corresponding to the layout in his hands. Only one dice can be placed per move. They pass the move, "knock" if the stones of the "bazaar" are over, but there is no one needed.

The end of the game round comes when one player runs out of all the dice - he leaves. The rest count the points from the remaining stones in their hands.

"Fish" - a situation in which everyone still has stones, but there are no more moves - blocking the game. It happens when all combinations of combinations of one number are laid out, for example 5, that is, the bones 5-4, 5-0, 3-5, 5-2, 5-5 are already on the table, and one end of the chain ends with a stone 5-1, and on the second player put a stone 6-5. In such a situation, the person who placed the last bone, "fish" (6-5), is called "fisherman". All points of the participants in the game are recorded on the account of the "fisherman". He starts the next round. They play up to the number of points agreed at the beginning one hundred, one hundred one, one hundred twenty five, two hundred.

These are general rules domino games. It is very flexible, so there are many varieties. And by and large, each company that lays bones on the table creates its own individual game, with its own private rules. But there are also individual modifications that have firmly taken root in our country, for example, the "goat".

How to play dominoes in Goat

Since the main points remain unchanged (the number of players, tiles, the beginning of the move, etc.), we list only the distinctive ones:

  • the last stone from the "bazaar" is not taken away;
  • the next round is started by the player who entered this round, or "fisherman";
  • you can start recording points for yourself only with twenty-five scored at a time;
  • if after the "fish" the players have the same number of points in their hands - "eggs", these points will be added to the loser in the next round;
  • loses the one who scored one hundred and twenty-five points or more, he is a "goat".

"Sea goat"

This is a more complex, active, but very popular variety of the game. If there are four players, then they play in pairs (team) diagonally.

Let's clarify how to play Sea Goat dominoes:

  • the winner in any round writes down all the points of the losers;
  • if a player has doubles for both dice placement rounds, he can place them in one move;
  • the one who first began to write down points for himself can start any round with a double of six or six, and if he himself wins this round - "by a hundred", then he will win the whole game, and if he loses with twenty-five points or more, he will lose;
  • ending the con with a double zero-zero - the winner, such a draw is called a "bald goat";
  • if the last double is six or six, then the player is also considered the winner, provided that at least one loser has twenty-five points or more left in his hands, if not, then his next “one hundred” bet is mandatory;
  • if only zero-zero bone is left on the hands - this is twenty-five points, only six-six - this is fifty points, only zero-zero and six-six - seventy-five points;
  • if the “fisherman” has fewer stones than twenty-five points, and the opponent has more, then in this round the “fisherman” wins, and his next draw is “one hundred”;
  • if after three attempts the "eggs" were not played, that is, they did not start the next round with doubles from one-one to three-three, these "eggs" were "rotten";
  • if in a doubles game one comes out victorious against a pair of opponents, he is a "general".

As you may have noticed, the differences in the rules of the games are very subtle, and you can choose how to play dominoes yourself. There are also "sports dominoes", FSC, "donkey", "telephone", "muggins", "general", "sausage" and many, many others... By and large, each assembled company decides how to play dominoes. The rules are very detailed and detailed. Sometimes they are even recorded before the game.

Playing dominoes with computer

Now, basically, they play dominoes with a computer (for two), over a network, over the Internet. If you decide to play "Goat" online, then any option is possible in terms of the number of players, these can be simulated people or real netizens.

Each developer puts their own movement and scoring patterns into the game's version, so be on the lookout.

It is convenient to play with the computer, because the distribution of the dice and, most importantly, the scoring takes place automatically, you do not need to puzzle over who gets how much due to such castling. But you must understand the principle of the program from the rules, which are usually described in detail in a special section, so as not to get into a mess.

Winning Rules

How to play dominoes to win? In any version of the game, there are tactics, combinations, sequences of actions in which the win will be more achievable and real. Consider some of them for varieties of "Goats":

  • always carefully observe and remember the moves of opponents, who put what dice where, this will give you an idea of ​​the set of dice and make your opponents more predictable for you;
  • if you play in pairs (online), decide who is the leader and who is the follower, and stick to this alignment of forces throughout the game;
  • you have found a "fish" place, if opponents often skip moves or with the same number of dice they play with the same denomination, for example, only large ones, it is worth the risk.

Dominoes are very popular now, especially on the web. Many resources offer you to play for free and even without registering on their website. This exciting game develops logic and attention, take the time to practice it and...

Preparing for the game

The game set includes 28 unique bones:

0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 0-6
1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6
3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6
4-4, 4-5, 4-6
5-5, 5-6

Tiles with the same value on both halves (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5 and 6-6) are called doubles.

The game is played by two to four people.

The game of "Goat" is divided into rounds.

At the start of each round, players randomly pick up seven dice.

If a player has five or more doubles or six or more dice with a repeated value in his hand, the dice are re-dealt.

If less than four people take part in the game, then the extra dice remaining after the surrender are closed are moved to the edge of the table. These bones are called "bazaar".

The first move in the first round belongs to the player who has a 1-1 double in his hand. It is from this double that the participant must enter. If no one has such a double in their hands, then one of the participants who has a double 2-2 in his hands goes. And so on until bone 6-6. If none of the participants has a dice 6-6, then the first move from a double is 0-0. If there are no duplicates at all, then the move from the bone is 5-6, and so on in descending order of the values ​​of the bones.

The turn is passed clockwise. Each next player must place a dice, the value of which is equal to the value of the dice already placed on the table on the side of contact.

If the player does not have suitable dice, then he “goes to the market”, that is, he blindly draws one of the extra dice deposited on the edge of the table. This continues until the player finds a bone with the required value. If there is no "bazaar" or it has ended, and not a single bone has come up, the player "knocks", that is, he skips the move. All the bones taken at the “bazaar” remain in his hands.

A player does not have the right to skip a move if he has a bone in his hand that can be played.

A player can only place one bone per move.

The round ends when one of the players has no bones left in their hands, that is, the player “left”, or when the player bets “fish”. The first move in the next round is made by the "left" player, or "fisherman", that is, the one who put the "fish". He can walk from any bone.

"Fish" refers to a situation in which all players have bones in their hands, but are unable to walk. A similar situation is possible when all six (not counting the double) bones with the same value are laid out on the table and both ends of the chain close the bones with the same value.

For example, dice 1-2, 2-6, 0-2, 2-3 are already laid out on the table. The chain ends with a 2-4 bone on one side and a 5-2 bone on the other. This is a fish".

If the 2-2 double was not played as shown in the picture, but was in the “bazaar” or in the hands of one of the players, it would still be a “fish”.

If the round ends not with a fish, but simply with the “exit” of one of the participants who got rid of all his bones, then the remaining players open their bones and count the sum of the points of these bones.


If at the end of the round the player has one single 0-0 bone left in his hands, then it is considered as 10 points. All other dice are considered at face value.

If the sum of the player's bones does not exceed 12 points, then this number is "remembered" for the next round after the player. If in the next round the player again scores an amount of 12 or less points, then the new amount is added to the old "memorized" amount and goes into the "remembered" amount for the next round. If the player "left", then all his "remembered" points are reset.

If a player scored more than 12 points in a round, then he opened his account in the game. If the player had "remembered" points at the time of opening the account, then they are added to the accumulated amount. From the moment the account is opened, the points are not "remembered" and any, even the smallest, number of points scored in the round will immediately be added to the player's account.

All points scored or "remembered" by players are displayed on the screen next to the login. "Memorized" points are displayed in yellow. Before the sum of points there is a "+" sign

An open account is displayed in red, without the "+" sign

Consider the scoring system using the example when one of the players " released»

The top number in the table is the points scored in the previous rounds.
The number in the middle (above the line) is the amount scored in the current round.
The number below the line is the total score.

In the example we are considering, the player Masha "left" because she scored 0 points. Prior to this round, she had 19 "memorized" points. Since the player is “out”, his memorized points are reset to zero and the total amount is zero.

Player Alex did not have any points at the beginning of the round, but in the current round he scored 3 points. Since 3 points is less than 12 and the player did not open an account, he received +3 “remembered” points as a result.

Player Olya at the beginning of the round had +7 "remembered" points. In the current round, she scored 13 points and thus opened the scoring. As a result, she received 13 + 7 = 20 points.

Player Serg had +4 "remembered" points at the beginning of the round. He scored 5 points in the round. Thus, he did not open an account, but the "remembered" points were summed up. He now has +9 "remembered" points.

If the round ends with a "fish", then there are several options for the rules by which the scoring is performed. When creating a request for a game, you can set one of these options by changing the corresponding parameter. Now let's look at each of them with an example.

Let's call the first version of the rules " fish for everyone". In this variation, scoring is no different from the normal scoring mechanism. The only difference is that each player in this round has scored points, as there is no "out" player.

Let's take a look at the table. In the middle line of the table, the icons of "fish" are drawn. They tell us that the round ended with a fish.

Let's call the second option fish for one". In this variant, not only the points of each player are calculated, but also the sum of the points of all the bones remaining in the hands of the players. As a result of scoring, the player who scored the most points in this round is found. It is to him that the sum of the points of all the bones remaining in the hands of the players is added. Let's look at an example:

In this round, the player with the nickname Masha scored 2 points, Alex - 3 points, Olya - 13 points and Serg - 5 points. So the total points scored by the players is 23.

Olya scored the most points in the round, she has 13. So, it is she who receives the total amount of points scored by all players. This is 23 points. In addition, she had "remembered" 7 points, which are added to the amount when opening an account. As a result, Olya gets 30 points. Let's pay attention to the fact that the memorized points of other players have been reset.

Another situation is also possible, when several players score the same maximum number of points. For example:

Players Alex and Olya scored the most points. Each of the bottom 14. In this case, the round is considered to be played "draw". The entire amount of fish (35 points) goes to the next round.

This situation is also displayed on the screen. In this case, a fish icon appears under the timer. It displays the number +35, that is, the amount that has passed over the fish from the last round.

In this case, in the next round, regardless of its outcome (whether it ends with a regular exit or a “fish”), the player who scored the maximum number of points will receive, in addition to his account, the entire amount transferred from the last round.

If the round again ends with a “fish” and the situation with the same maximum number of points repeats again, then the results of the new round will be added to the memorized amount and the total memorized amount for two rounds will go to the next one.

This will continue until there is one player who has scored the maximum number of points.

Game results

The game is considered over as soon as one of the players scores 101 or more points. A player who scores 101 or more points in total according to the results of the rounds is considered a loser, that is, he becomes a “goat”.

Calculation of the rating for the game "Goat"

(100 − [sum of player points]) / 10

For example:
Masha scored 25 points.
We substitute the value in the formula, we consider: (100 - 25) / 10 = 7.5.
Round up = 8.
Thus, according to the results of the game, Masha's rating will increase by 8 points.

If the game is interrupted by a timeout, then the player who left the game by timeout does not receive rating points.

All other players in this case receive points to the rating. The rating is calculated according to the following formula:

([points of the player who was eliminated by timeout] - [the sum of the points scored by the player]) / 10
with rounding according to the rules of mathematics, but with the condition that the result cannot be less than 1 point.

For example:
Alex scored 32 points and was eliminated by timeout. He does not receive rating points.

Masha scored 30 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault.
We substitute the value in the formula, we consider: (32 - 30) / 10 = 0.2
Round = 0.
But we remember that the result cannot be less than 1 point. Thus, the rating of the player Masha will increase by one.

Olya scored 13 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault.
We substitute the value in the formula, we consider: (32 - 13) / 10 = 1.9
Round up = 2 points.
Thus, according to the results of the game, Olya's rating will increase by 2 points.

Goat domino rules

Learning how to play classic goat domino is not as difficult as it might seem. All you need to do is to read in detail the rules of the game for beginners that are written here. The instructions with the rules are illustrated with photo examples, so the rules are much easier to understand. After reading this article, you will not have a question "How to play table domino

How many bones should be in a set of dominoes

The number of bones in one set of dominoes must be 28 pieces. There are more bones in Chinese dominoes, and in a classic domino there are exactly 28 pieces in a box. By the way, many mistakenly ask how many chips, dominoes are in the set, correctly call bones, stones or just dominoes.

Doubles in dominoes are paired bones with the same number of dots on both sides, in a set of 28 doubles bones there should be 7 pieces: 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, 3–3, 4–4, 5–5, 6–6. How many doubles in dominoes - 7 pieces.

How to play domino goat

We figured out what doubles are in dominoes and how many bones should be in total to play Goat (28 pieces). We proceed directly to how to play domino goat.

1 Shuffle the bones
We pour the bones on the table so that the points (points) on the bones are not visible. We mix the bones well, now this pile of stones is called the "Bazaar".

How many dominoes to distribute per player?
Depends on how many people will play, a maximum of 4 players is possible.

  • 2 players - take 7 dice each;
  • 3–4 players - take 5 dice each;
  • The bazaar is the closed extra dominoes that are left after all the players have picked up the dominoes. When there is nothing to walk with, players from the Bazaar get dominoes.

    After everyone has picked up the dominoes, the game begins.

    3 First move
    The first stone is placed in the center of the table by the player who has the double with the lowest score in hand, 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, and so on. If no one has doubles, a simple die with a lower score is played, such as 0-1, 0-2, and so on. In the example, for two players, the smallest bone behind the number of points turned out to be 2-2.

    4 Second move
    After the first player, the others place their dice in turn. If the player has several domino options for walking, for example, 2-6 and 2-3, he decides which dice to place. In the example, the second player looked like a stone 2-6.

    5 What to do when there is nothing to walk?
    It's your turn to put the dice on the table, and you don't have the right domino in your hand. Then the player looks for suitable dominoes in the Bazaar. Each open stone from the "Bazaar" the player takes into his hand.

    5 End game
    The game ends when one of the players runs out of dice or when a "Fish" is obtained. All other players with dice in their hands begin to count points.


    Before the start of the game, the players agree on how many points they will play dominoes, for example, 300 points. This means that the one who scores the first 300 points wins. After each game played, the winner gets points from the stones that were left in the hands of the losing players.

    Which bone gives how many points?

    • Empty or empty-empty (0–0) - count as 25 points;
    • Bone 6–6 - count as 50 points;
    • All other stones give how many points, how many points on them. For example, a dice 1-4 is 5 points, a dice 6-4 is 10 points, a dice 3-5 is 8 points, and so on.
    • What does the domino fish mean?

      Sometimes in dominoes there is such a situation that none of the players has a stone in their hands that can be placed to continue the game and the Bazaar has run out of bones for selection, this situation is called Domino Fish.

      What is empty and empty is empty in dominoes?

      Zero, empty, empty, bald, naked, this is the name of the 0-0 stone, this is a bone on which there are no points (points).

      If you have reached this part of the article, then you have read all the rules of how to play table dominoes. To consolidate and understand everything that is written in this article, try to play dominoes that are below. And remember never say chips, bones, stones or dominoes will be correct 🙂

      Domino rules

      Domino - board game, during which a chain of knuckles (“bones”, “stones”) is built, touching halves with the same number of points. Name Dominoes came from a combination of white and black. "Domino" is a French word; so the Christian priests called the winter robe, which was black on the outside and white on the inside. "Domino" is also a type of mask representing a black and white motif.

      The history of dominoes goes back to around the 2nd century BC. Dominoes, although quite common in the West, are actually a Chinese invention. It originated from dice that were brought to China from India in the distant, distant past. Each domino was originally the result of throwing two dice. One half of the domino represents the result of throwing one die, the other half represents the result of throwing another.

      Dominoes originated from the well-known dice (cubes). The number of bones in dominoes is calculated by the formula: [(n+1)*(n+2)]/2, where n is the maximum value of one half of the domino (number of dots). For example, a standard set of dominoes includes [(6+1)*(6+2)]/2 = 28 tiles.

      A domino is a rectangular tile, the front side of which is divided by a line into two square parts. Each part contains from zero to six dots (variants with 9 and 12 dots are also found). The reverse side of the knuckle is usually flat. Dominoes are made of bone (plain or ivory), plastic, metal or wood.

      How to play dominoes - game rules

      traditional domino

      Played by two to four people. For two, seven stones are handed over, for three or four - five. The rest are placed in a closed reserve (“bazaar”). The player who has a “double six” (6-6) in his hand starts. The next players place stones with the corresponding points (6-1; 6-2; 6-3...). If there are no suitable stones, then you have to get from the reserve. If neither player has a 6-6 double in hand, you can start the game with a 5-5 double. If there is not a single double in hand, they don’t go to the “bazaar” for doubles, but start with the stone that has the largest number (for example, 6-5). The game ends when one of the players places the last stone. It is possible to end the game with a "fish" - this is the name of blocking the calculation, when there are still stones in the hands, but there is nothing to report. The winner is credited with the sum of the points of all the stones in the hands of the losers. When blocking (“fish”), the winner belongs to the one who has the fewest points in his hand. The difference in points is recorded as a win for him. The game continues up to a predetermined amount - for example, up to 100 or 150 points.

      Varieties of the domino game

      More than 40 are known in the East various games using dominoes. There are dominoes with colored bones, where the color denotes dignity. In Russia, several varieties of the game have become widespread, differing from each other in the ways of scoring points, victory conditions, etc.

      The most popular type of game.

      The game is played by 2-4 players. Each player receives 7 tiles. The player with the lowest double starts the game. The next draw is started by the player who won the previous round or announced the fish. The losers in each draw record on their account the amount of points on their remaining bones. To start recording, you need to score at least 13 points.

      The player who first scores 101 points is declared the "goat" - the loser.

      If the type of goat is double goat when 4 players play in pairs. In this case, players sitting opposite each other play in the same team.

      sea ​​goat

      Dynamic game, often more difficult than a goat. The game is played by 2-4 players. 4 players usually play in pairs.

      The game differs from the goat in the following ways:
      The player who wins the draw records the sum of the points of the losers.
      The minimum number of points you can start recording is 25.
      Only one player can score points. Thus, if another player scores more than 25 points, all points are "written off" - all players have 0 points.
      The player who scores 125 points is declared the winner.
      If a player has the ability to set up a double on each side, then he can set up two doubles at the same time.
      Finishing a rally on 0-0, 6-6 or both doubles at once (see previous rule) automatically wins the game
      If at the end of the rally the player only has a 0-0 double, it counts as 25 points; only 6-6 counts as 50 points; Only 0-0 and 6-6 - 75 points
      The player who started the "record" has the right to start the rally from 6-6. Such a move is called "one hundred". If the player who reaches 100 finishes first, he automatically wins the game, otherwise the points are deducted.

      Dynamic domino game for 2-4 people. Outwardly, it may resemble the Phone mentioned below, but the rules of the game are closer to the Goat.

      The game differs from the Goat in the following ways:
      To the first exposed double, you can attach knuckles from four sides.
      Even if the player is a fool he has the ability to set up a double on each side (2, 3 or 4 doubles), then he can set them all at the same time.
      The player placing the double has the right to “close” it (the knuckle is turned face down). At the same time, further exposure of the knuckles from this side is prohibited. When placing several doubles at the same time, the player has the right to close or open any number of doubles.
      If the first move was not a double and until at least one double was placed, the next player has the right to close two doubles at the same time. The draw ends here and the usual scoring takes place.

      Scoring is the same as in Kozle - a game up to 101, you need to score 13 to record, everything less than 13 is “remembered” and reset only if nothing is recorded and remembered for this player in the next draw.

      Phone (Houses, Five)

      A game that is very different from other varieties of dominoes in the way it scores points.

      The game is played by 2-4 players. Each player receives 7 tiles. The first double placed on the board is declared "home". Bones can be attached to it from 4 sides.

      Points are awarded as follows:
      Each time when the sum of points at the ends of the chips put on the board is a multiple of 5, the player is recorded the number of points divided by 5. The double is considered as the sum of his points. For example:
      on the field stands 6 at one end and 3 at the other end, house 4-4.
      The first player sets up a double 6-6. He writes down 3 points for himself (6 + 6 + 3 = 15; 15:5 = 3).
      The second player puts up 4-5 to the house. He writes himself 4 points (6 + 6 + 3 + 5 = 20; 20:5 = 4)

      Further, a double 5-5 can be set with a record of 5 points.
      The player who wins the draw writes down the sum of the points of the other players divided by 5 and rounded up.
      Variant of the rules: it is allowed to set up to four doubles at the same time (one on each side) in 1 move.

      Domino rules

      Domino game has gained popularity and is popular throughout the country. former USSR. Classical domino tournaments were held in almost every yard. There were also regional, city competitions held at the official level. Many people loved to play dominoes, and the game itself survived all the hardships, getting us in an unchanged state.

      Today, classic dominoes are sold with almost unchanged rules. Playing it is always interesting and fun, especially with friends. The game has not lost its relevance over these several generations and still calls for stormy delight and a genuine sense of excitement.

      Despite the fact that the rules of dominoes are quite simple and have not changed over the past 50 years, not many people know how to play this classic board game correctly.

      Classic domino includes 28 tiles with two sides and 7 doubles from 0-0 to 6-6 The knuckles are turned face down and kneaded on the table. After that, each player picks up 7 tiles for himself if they play together and 5 tiles if they play with three or four players. The game starts with the lowest double (0-0, 1-1), etc.

      If none of the players have doubles on hand, then the older knuckles 5-6 play, etc. The second player must place a tile with numbers that match the numbers on one of the sides of the placed tile. For example, 2 to 2, 6 to 6, etc. The turn is passed clockwise. If a player does not have such a bone, then he goes “to the market” and collects bones until he has a bone with the desired number.

      The bazaar is all the knuckles left over from the first deal. From the bazaar, the player gets the bones if he has nothing to walk on his hand. If there are no bones left in the bazaar, and the player has nothing to go with, he skips a turn. You cannot skip a move if there is a suitable knuckle on your hand.

      The player who got rid of all the tiles first is declared "out". In this round, he did not earn any penalty points. All other players who have knuckles left in their hands count the number of penalty points. In this case, the 0-0 double counts as 10 points. The rest of the tiles are counted by face value. Each player records the number of points in a special table. The game is played up to 100 or 150 points. The player with the fewest penalty points after the end of the game wins.

      As you can see, the rules of the game of dominoes are quite simple and can be explained in 5 minutes.

      How to play dominoes correctly? How to play dominoes with a computer? Domino rules

      No, joyful cries are no longer heard from our yards: “Double! A fish!" Bones do not knock on the table, and the “goats” are no longer the same. But, surprisingly, dominoes still live, only its habitat is a computer. How to play dominoes with him? Yes, practically the same as before.

      Domino. Definition

      This is a logic game where they build a sequential chain of knuckles (“bones”, “stones”) that touch each other in halves with the same number of dots (points).

      A domino is a rectangular tile with the correct geometry - its length is equal to the width multiplied by two. That is, these are two connected squares, on each of which dots (points) are drawn: from zero to six. This is a kind of flat reincarnation of a dice.

      There are twenty-eight stones in a typical set of dominoes. It is made up of combinations with repetitions of two to seven numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). But there are special sets in which there are points up to nine or more on the knuckles. In general, the number of dice in a set is calculated as (n+1) x (n+2) : 2, where n is the highest number of points. That is, for a common set, the formula looks like this: (6 + 1) x (6 + 2) : 2 = 28.

      They make bones from simple or ivory (hence the name), metal, plastic, wood.

      History of dominoes

      From India and China in the eighteenth century, the game was brought to Italy. It changed a little and took root very firmly in the monasteries, where it was forbidden to play card games, so the monk Domino invented this game (legend).

      There is another option because of the white dots on a black background, the game began to be called dominoes, like the costume of Dominican monks.

      From lyrical reasoning, let's move on to practice and figure out how to play dominoes.

      General rules

      Two, three or four people can play. The rules of the game of dominoes for two differ in that each player receives seven dice in his hands, if there are more players - five.

      The remaining bones (points down) are set aside - this is the "reserve" or "bazaar". They turn to him when there is no necessary element for the move on hand.

      The player who has the smallest double (tile with the same points 0-0, 1-1, 2-2, etc.) starts the game. If no one has it, then they look for the bone with the smallest value, for example, 0-1 or 1-2.

      They walk in clockwise order. The player does not have the right to skip a move or go to the “bazaar” if he has a stone corresponding to the layout in his hands. Only one dice can be placed per move. They pass the move, “knock” if the stones of the “bazaar” run out, but there is no one needed.

      The end of the game round comes when one player runs out of all the dice - he leaves. The rest count the points from the remaining stones in their hands.

      "Fish" - a situation in which everyone still has stones, but there are no more moves - blocking the game. It happens when all combinations of combinations of one number are laid out, for example 5, that is, the bones 5-4, 5-0, 3-5, 5-2, 5-5 are already on the table, and one end of the chain ends with a stone 5-1, and on the second player put a stone 6-5. In such a situation, the person who placed the last bone, "fish" (6-5), is called "fisherman". All points of the participants in the game are recorded on the account of the "fisherman". He starts the next round. They play up to the number of points agreed at the beginning one hundred, one hundred one, one hundred twenty five, two hundred.

      These are the general rules of the game of dominoes. It is very flexible, so there are many varieties. And by and large, each company that lays bones on the table creates its own individual game, with its own private rules. But there are also individual modifications that have taken root in our country, for example, the "goat".

      How to play dominoes in Goat

      Since the main points remain unchanged (number of players, bones, start of the move, etc.), we list only the distinctive goat rules:

    • the last stone from the “bazaar” is not taken away;
    • the next round is started by the player who entered this round, or the “fisherman”;
    • you can start recording points for yourself only with twenty-five scored at a time;
    • if after the "fish" the players have the same number of points in their hands - "eggs", these points will be added to the loser in the next round;
    • the one who scored one hundred and twenty-five points or more loses, he is a “goat”.
    • "Sea goat"

      This is a more complex, active, but very popular variety of the game. If there are four players, then they play in pairs (team) diagonally.

      Let's clarify how to play dominoes in Sea Goat:

      Dominoes are very popular now, especially on the web. Many resources offer you to play for free and even without registering on their website. This exciting game develops logic and attention, take the time to practice it and.

Doctor of Technical Sciences V. ILYICHEV.

Games in which all information about the position of the opponents is known are called games with complete information, such as chess. Steinitz, Capablanca, Nimzowitsch and other masters developed general positional chess principles, which proved to be very effective in practical play. Majority card games- games with incomplete information, such as preference (see "Science and Life" No. 7, 1992). Among them is dominoes, in which initially, and even later, the exact location of the bones on the opponents' hands is unknown.

A child comes to school with a huge number of questions to life, to the world. And they begin to give him many answers, but to questions that he did not ask.
A. G. Asmolov

From a combinatorial point of view, dominoes are much more complicated than preference. Indeed, according to the rules in preference, the game goes "suit for suit", therefore all suits (spade, club, diamond, heart) are sufficiently isolated. On the contrary, almost every domino (two cells) is a kind of "adapter" from one suit (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) to another, so here they are closely related.

If, according to the rules of dominoes, all twenty-eight bones are connected in a straight line, then the same suit will always be at the ends of the table. This is due to the fact that each suit is present in an even number (8) of cells. It turns out that in a practical game one can also find useful heuristic patterns that are not absolutely true, but only with a certain (but sufficiently high) probability. Let us consider a number of such tactical and strategic principles.

Recall that dominoes are played by two rival pairs (Red + Yellow versus Blue + Green). We will assume that the players move clockwise, as a result of which a chain ("table") of knuckles appears on the table, new stones are attached to the edges of which.

(Illustration 1)

If the player does not have the opportunity to put a stone to any of the edges of the "table", he skips the move (the player "rolled"). A pair wins when one of its members is the first to expose all of their bones. Of course, the more often a particular player gets "rolled", the less chance he has to be the first to expose all his stones. When searching effective ways games, it is advisable to single out two simple (pure) strategies - defensive and offensive.

In the first, the player moves in such a way that the remaining dice in his possession have the greatest variety of suits. The defending player believes that this strategy allows minimizing the likelihood of him getting "rolled" in the future.

In the second, the player acts "monotonously", namely, he exposes stones with the same suit. A set of three or more player tiles containing the same suit n, let's call n-pressure .

Let the player Red produce, for example, 1-pressure. As a result of the struggle of rival pairs, exactly six dice of suit 1 turned out to be laid out on the table, and the last stone of this suit is in Red's hands. Therefore, on one of the edges of the "table" there is a stone of suit 1, which is inviolable for other players. Here we will say that Red took " end stone". Now he is insured against "rolling" at least for the next move.

Here is a natural way to "measure" the force of pressure. So, let's evaluate the hollow at 0.5 points, and the remaining (simple) stones of this suit - at 1 point. Then the pressure force is equal to the sum of the points of the stones of the suit n. If the pressure force is more than 3.5 points, then it is "self-sufficient". Namely: it cannot be completely blocked by the remaining stones of this suit, so you can independently get to the end stone. Let us discuss the features of "non-self-sufficient" pressures:

1. Two simple stones + hollow turn out to be weak pressure (force = 2.5). This pressure is more defensive than offensive. It limits the ability of opponents to put their strong pressure. So, in the position below, Red should play not with the hollow 2|2, but with a simple stone 1|2.

(Illustration 2)

This move simultaneously weakens the opponent's 2-pressure and demonstrates his own 1-pressure. Note that when other players push two stones of suit 1, this pressure becomes strong. Red now has a chance to get an End Stone.

2. Three simple stones or three simple stones + hollow turn out to be average pressures (force = 3 and force = 3.5, respectively). If the partners (voluntarily or involuntarily) support this pressure at least once, then it will immediately become strong.

Note that according to the domino rules, six or seven stones of the same suit are re-dealt. Therefore, very strong pressures are not allowed. There can be several pressures on the hands of one player at the same time.

At the beginning of the game, each suit occurs on average on two cells. Therefore, in the presence of pressure - a large number cells of the same suit - the variety of cells with other suits is reduced. Now some suits will be found on no more than one stone.

The implementation of pressure is reminiscent of personnel policy, when they place their people everywhere, who are friends with each other and are at enmity with others. The attacking player hopes that sooner or later the opponent "bled" by his pressure will be "rolled".

Practice has shown that an attacking strategy is usually more productive than a defensive one. A real effective strategy is a synthesis of both pure strategies, in which offensive tactics play a dominant role. Let's consider some typical game situations.

Episode 1. Let, as a result of his strong, for example, 1-pressure, Red take one end stone. And after some time, his opponents forced him to part with this stone of suit 1. It is somewhat surprising that after that the other players can calculate one of the remaining red knuckles:

Principle 1. Suppose that in episode 1 the exposed end bone of Red looked like 1|n, then he still has a stone of suit n.

(Illustration 3)

Practice has shown that this rule is implemented in more than 50% of cases. Here are two reasons that support principle 1.

Reason 1 . Since each suit (in particular, the suit n) occurs twice on average, then at the beginning of the game, along with the stone 1|n, Red also has a knuckle m|n. Further during the game, the following options for placing these stones as Red are possible:

1. There was a suit on one of the edges of the table n. Then Red, developing his 1-pressure, would definitely place a stone 1| n.

2. There was a suit on one of the edges of the table m. Here Red may (but does not have to) place a stone n|m. Therefore, in more than half of the cases stone 1| n exposed before the knuckle m|n. Because stone 1| n stayed with Red, then knuckle m|n and even more so is with him. This implies the validity of principle 1.

Reason 2 . Let, for example, stones 1|n, 1|a, 1|b, 1|c constitute a strong 1-pressure of Red. Let's name the suit from the set ( n, a, b, c) is scarce if it is presented in one copy among the initial seven stones of Red. In the presence of strong 1-pressure, such a scarce suit (at least one) is sure to be found. Let, for example, it will be suits a, b and c. Because the n not a deficient suit, then Red also has a stone of the form m|n.

Further, it is very likely that scarce suits turn out to be the same pressure for other players. Therefore, dice with suits a, b, c they will exhibit more often and stones 1| a, 1|b, 1|c leave Red in the first place. Then the terminal will be the "late-placed" domino 1| n, and Red will have a knuckle in his hands m|n .

Of course, there are other reasons that support this principle (the search for them is left to the reader).

Episode 2 If the defensive resources of the Blue-Green pair are small, then as a result of 1-pressure, Red manages to capture two single ends at once.

(Illustration 4)

Then there will be 1 on both edges of the table, and two more knuckles of suit 1 will be in Red's hands. Let, for definiteness, the stones in the hands of Red are 1| n, 1|a, n|b. If there are no other ("higher") considerations, then in his move, Red should take care to preserve the maximum variety of suits on the remaining stones. Therefore, the logical move is 1| n. Hence follows

principle 2. Suppose that in episode 2 the first exposed end bone had the form 1|n, then Red still had a stone of suit n.

These principles, together with information about the known stones of the table, make it possible to accurately determine the remaining knuckle of suit n for Red. Let this "computed" stone have the form n|k and is the last of the Red. Then Yellow should organize n-pressure or k- pressure so that his partner (Red) can finish the game. A more complicated option is when the opponents are forced to put up the required stones. Of course, for this it is necessary to somehow calculate the bones of the Blue-Green pair (for example, based on the same principles 1 and 2!).

In fairness, here is the initial set of stones on Red's hands when the principles 1 and 2 discussed above cannot be fulfilled. Here is one of the absolutely "unprincipled" layouts:

(Illustration 5)

Episode 3 Let Red apply 1-pressure and grab the end stone on the left. In this situation, he has a wide choice of moves. The question arises: which of the bones to put on the right? No matter how Red plays, it's likely that opponents will soon force him to give up endstone 1|2. Therefore, now it is logical to place a knuckle 2|5. So, little by little, Red prepares 2-pressure.

(Illustration 6)

Therefore, there is

Principle 3. Let in episode 3, Red has an end stone 1|n on the left, then he should put tiles of suit n on the right.

It is implicitly meant here that the suit n is not rival pressure. The rest of the players should keep in mind that with this strategy of Red, principle 1 may be violated.

Episode 4 Let's discuss a frequently encountered problem: when is it profitable for Red to make "fish"? Recall that here the pair Red + Yellow wins if the sum of points on its stones is less than the corresponding sum of the other pair. Let's bring healthy recipe good decision. Namely: you need to mentally make a "fish" and calculate the total number of points on the table ( S) and in his arms ( R). fair

Principle 4. At R< 42 - S/4 делайте "рыбу".

Indeed, the sum of points of all domino stones is 168. If there is S points, then (168 - S)/4 - their average number per player. With this inequality, Red's score is below average, so his pair has a good chance of winning the fish.

Of course, before the final decision on "making fish" Red should pay attention to the number of stones in Yellow, and also remember what suit the partner's pressure was.

Episode 5 Suppose that at some point in time Red faced the following choice problem. On one move, he gets his own endstone on one side of the table, but then this allows Blue to take his endstone on the other side as well. And with a different course, none of them have end bones.

(Illustration 7)

The first option is worse for Red if he has additional stones in his hands. Indeed, as a result of the consistent formation of the terminal bones, Red will have to part with his terminal knuckle. Therefore, if the pressures are successfully realized, then

Principle 5. 2-pressure is stronger than 1-pressure.

For the successful implementation of pressure, it is important for players to start it in a timely manner.

Episode 6 For the player making the first move (intruder), it is not at all necessary to immediately set his pressure. This can be done on the second move as well. So, let him have the following stones at the beginning of the game:

(Illustration 8)

Then the "soft" move 0|0 turns out to be good. Here knuckles 0|0, 5|5 and 5|6 do not take part in any pressure, therefore they represent a "ballast" that is difficult to set. It is advisable to drop part of it immediately, and then set the stone ("adapter") 0|1 - the transition to the main 1-pressure.

Principle 6. If there is an adapter stone, make a soft entry.

Episode 7 After the first three or four rounds of the game, the main suit-pressures of the players are revealed (for example, 1 for Red, 2 for Blue, 3 for Yellow and 4 for Green). Now the pair of players who can continue their pressure (or even get the end stone) will have a positional advantage.

On the other hand, some suits are still completely in the hands of the players, and it is natural to call them "fresh" (for example, 0 and 6). Exhibiting fresh suits is dangerous. So, if Red plays a stone with a fresh suit of 0, then it is very likely that Blue will put a bone 0|2. Thus, the Blue-Green pair will continue to develop its 2-pressure. Therefore observe

Principle 7. Do not expose fresh suits.

Principle 7 has exceptions. For example, let's say Red has three (or more) stones with a fresh suit of 0. In this case, the formation of an endstone by Blue is not so dangerous, since it will most likely not withstand prolonged 0-pressure from Red.

Episode 8 Episode 7 preventive measures can be supplemented. So, when there is no way to set your own pressure, then the "healthy way of playing" is to block the opponent's pressure. For example, let Blue 2-pressure and have 2| m and 2| n. Now it is dangerous for players Red and Yellow to expose tiles with suits m and n. Often, blocking the pressure of the enemy sends him "for hire" faster than deploying his own pressure. Therefore, a useful rule

Principle 8. Don't let your opponent continue his pressure.

Episode 9 In the notation of episode 7, consider the following situation. Let Green put a fresh suit 0 on the left, and Red does not have suitable stone 0|1 to continue its 1-pressure.

Then it is correct to put Red on the right also with fresh pressure (0 or 6). Now if Blue “attaches” its 2-pressure to the fresh suit 0 (sets stone 0|2), then in response Yellow symmetrically “attaches” its 3-pressure to fresh suit 6 (sets stone 6|3). Because "2-pressure is stronger than 1-pressure", the Red-Yellow pair gets the upper hand.

Principle 9. Maintain fresh suits on both sides.

(Illustration 9)

If all participants adhere to this principle, in the middle of the game there are moments of a kind of "giveaway game". Players begin to expose only fresh suits (pressure with fresh suits), "politely" suggesting that the opponent be the first to get the end stone. A pair that cannot support fresh suits on both sides usually loses.

Of course, the listed "principles" are far from exhausting all the tactical and strategic methods of playing dominoes, but, undoubtedly, they will bring certain benefits to the players.

For a long time our yards have not been filled with loud cries: “Fish! Double! There are no fierce disputes between two neighbors, playing already the sixth game, dominoes do not knock on a wooden table. Too bad it's sorely lacking. But such a picture remained in the days of the USSR. This does not mean at all that dominoes have gone out of fashion. In clubs of interest, on vacation, in the family circle, on the Internet, this game flourishes and does not slow down at all.

History of dominoes

The country that gave life to dominoes is China and it happened around the second century BC. Its prototype was a dice game, which was brought to China from India much earlier.

“Domino” is a French word that refers to the winter clothes of a priest. It was white on the inside and black on the outside. "Domino" is also a kind of masks that represent a dark and light motif.

The domino itself is a rectangle of absolutely regular geometric shape, in which one length is equal to the width multiplied by two. The rectangle itself is divided into two parts by a horizontal strip and each half shows points 1,2,3…6. The usual set for the game consists of 28 tiles, and in certain games they take a set of 32 tiles.

Types of bones for dominoes

  • In its original form, the domino game was made from ordinary bone or ivory, as well as from stone, but after millennia this game became more accessible to ordinary people and for this it began to be made of plastic, wood or various metals. Sometimes a deck of cards is used to play dominoes.
  • Dots are not always depicted on modern dominoes. It happens that dominoes with animals, children's cartoon characters and other pictures are created for children. For example, at the time Soviet Union very often they sold a domino game with the image of berries, while playing it, young children not only learned to think logically and memorize, but also learned the name of berry crops.

How to play traditional dominoes

  • 2-4 people play.
  • For two people, 7 bones are distributed, for three or four - 5 each. The rest are put aside in the "bazaar", from where the players will get their bones during the game.
  • The player who got the “double six” starts, or another double in descending order, if the six remained in the “bazaar” (if not a single double was caught during the distribution in the game, then they don’t go to the “bazaar”, but start with that the tile with the highest total score, e.g. 6-5).
  • The rest of the players take turns placing dice with appropriate values ​​(6-1 ; 6-2; ...). If none of the players has a suitable bone, then he needs to take one bone from the “bazaar” until the right one appears.
  • The game will end in two cases, if one of the players lays out the last stone (in this case, the winner gets the points of all other players in total) or "fish". This means that there are still stones left in the hands, but there is nothing more to report to the current layout.
  • The winner belongs to the one who has the fewest points left in his hand, the difference between the total points and his own is recorded to him. The game can be continued up to any predetermined amount, for example, 100 points.

Varieties of the game of dominoes

In eastern countries, there are more than fifty varieties of dominoes. They differ in the bones, and the number of players, and the method of scoring.


In Russia, the game under the popular name Goat has gained the greatest popularity. Basically, the rules of this game do not differ from the traditional ones (rules for the beginning of a turn, distribution by the number of players, distribution of tiles, etc.). Therefore, below we will call distinctive features this particular game:

  • the last bone remains in the “bazaar”, it is never taken away;
  • a new round is started by the player who came out the winner in this one, or the one who made the “fish”;
  • points begin to be recorded only when twenty-five or more are scored at a time;
  • when several players have the same number of points after the “fish”, then these points, or “eggs”, will be added to the one who loses in the next round;
  • the one who scored one hundred and twenty-five points or more loses, he is a “goat”.

sea ​​goat

This game is the most popular in Russia, it is active and complex, compared to other varieties of dominoes. You can play two or four (then you can play a pair on a pair diagonally). So, below are the rules of the game in "Sea Goat":

  • the points of all the losers are recorded by the only one, the first player who came out;
  • if the player has come across doubles that can be substituted in one move to different ends of the placed bones, then according to the rules of this game, this is possible;
  • the player who was the first to start recording his points, at any moment, if a double six came to him, can start the round first, and if he can win this round, he automatically wins the whole game, but if he loses with twenty-five points or more, then automatically loses the entire game;
  • if one of the players was able to finish the round with a “0-0” double, then he is the winner, this is called the “bald goat”. If the last double put by the player is “6-6”, he is also considered the winner, but only if at least one of the losers left more than 25 points in his hands;
  • when the player has only the "0-0" bone left, he totals twenty-five points, if only "6-6" - fifty points, if "0-0" and "6-6" - immediately seventy-five.

As you have noticed, the differences in the rules of the game for these varieties are very subtle, and you can choose the ways of playing dominoes yourself. There is also “Donkey”, FWW, “General”, “Sports Lotto” and many others. Each company can decide for itself how they want to play dominoes. Before the game, you can discuss the rules and write them down on paper.

Recently, domino games through a computer in the Internet space are gaining more and more popularity. You can play with a computer, or you can play with real people through the network. The choice is yours!

In any case, take the time and get acquainted with this wonderful game, because it develops attention, memory, logic. And it's just very nice to spend time playing with your friends. Good luck in the game!